• Published 8th Oct 2014
  • 540 Views, 8 Comments

The Chronicles of Summer Rain, Vol. 8 -- Dark Melvain - shysage

The 'Phantom Alicorn' helped Princess Twilight and Equestria face a number of 'bad guys' to varying degrees. But a bully from the past would exact a far greater price...

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Ch.10, Canterlot Recording / Cutie Mark Tag

My Stallion and I hugged and cried together, at the top of the Castle, until early afternoon. I think we were both 'decompressing' from our trip to the Past...

Afterwards, we changed back into ponies, went down the stairs, and hugged and thanked Princess Twilight, who was in the Library with Filia and Fiona, in the middle of magic lessons. We also gave both girls a hug for letting the four of us use their room last night.

Then we headed to the Canterlot Recorder's home. Going inside was very strange; we had not been in our home for maybe a week or so.

Well, we quickly noticed the nice, new and thick rug now covering the floor in our room. It was like the rug in front of the Portal, but smaller; it fit the size of the room perfectly. The rug was light Tan, and had my Cutie Mark on it. Few would ever see it, but it really was beautiful.

My Stallion said it was beautiful because I was beautiful, and this made me cry.

But he was soon laying on his side, on our new rug, and I was quickly up under his front legs, tucked up against his chest and neck. This was peace and solace, for both of us. And we could lay like this as long as we wanted right now. And the new rug made it a lot more comfortable.

We were both exhausted, and fell asleep

We woke up at midnight maybe. We had slept most of the day, and were not very tired now. We just sighed together for a while. Then we got up, and decided to go for a walk.

Well, we changed to people, and walked while hugging. We have to walk slowly and in step to do that, but we both enjoy it a lot. We probably looked very different being people in Ponyville though, and in the middle of the night, too...

We walked to the Castle first, then took the long route around Ponyville, on a path that took us to the meadow in the East. Princess Twilight, well all of Ponyville must have been asleep, we encountered nopony.

Once in the meadow, we changed back into ponies, and wandered slowly together to the far side of the lake. We had the light of a half Moon, and it was not very bright. It didn't matter. Our eyes adjusted enough that we could see each other, and that was all that mattered right now.

My Stallion and I laid on our bellies in the meadow, facing each other and with our wings stretched out, and draped across the grass. We rubbed noses, and occasionally licked each other's nose. My Stallion, well, he made me feel like a princess, and I guess I returned the favor. We both clearly needed this time together. I don't ever want to leave my Stallion...

We cried softly together in the water on the edge of the lake for a while, then sat together, hugging and crying softly while we dried off. I don't think my Stallion ever wants to leave me either... We were soon back in our room, with me tucked back up under his front legs again. We cried for a while more, then fell asleep again.

We both woke up early, and rubbed noses some more. We got up, then ate in the meadow, and were soon flying together high above Ponyville.

I think my sister has an alarm for when we fly now; she quickly joined us.

Well, Princess Twilight joined us soon too, even though it was pretty early. The Sun was just now coming up.

We didn't talk much; we just enjoyed the calmness and quiet of the morning together.

Rainbow Dash joined us a little later, and maybe an hour more and we were all hugging tightly in front of the Castle. This included Filia and Fiona, and also Dawn and Camille. Camille seems more grown-up each time I see her.

We all said together what we usually say. Well, after Princess said her part, we all bowed to her. We all love our Princess.

Amazing ponies wandered off to start their day.

My Stallion said that during the next three days, he wanted to get 'monsters in the Grass' done. We would be heading back to the Equestria Girls world at the end of those three days, which would be weekend there.

Anyway, he suggested Fluttershy and I spend the day together. The three of us hugged, then Sis and I headed off to her Cottage. Our morning together was so fun...

My Stallion came to the Cottage during lunch, and Sis just got him some food too.

But he sheepishly admitted that I really needed to 'do' some of the remaining chapters for 'monsters in the Grass'...

I looked at Fluttershy, and we both smiled at each other. This would be amazing sister fun! So that's what we did...

Well, almost. On the way to the Canterlot Recorder's home, my Stallion asked about having Princess Twilight help with some of this, since the Filia and Fiona Twins 'meeting' happened when we came back to Equestria that weekend.

I said we would go get her for that. I knew it would be hard for her. Well, I thought she would cry a lot.

Once we got home, my Stallion was quickly sitting in front of the Compy as a people. Sis and I stayed ponies, and just talked stuff through. It really was amazing fun. And, for the record, Fluttershy contributed a LOT!

The next chapter in line had to do with the afternoon we were waiting to head back through the Portal, after we had been in the Equestria Girls world for maybe two weeks. Everypony was so excited, we would all see our Twins soon.

Pinkie Pie walked over to the Portal to check for 'Air Mail', some note from Equestria. She was amazingly able to Twin Link with her Twin though, and Pinkie ran quickly back. We all realized that the Portal was in Princess Twilight's Castle now. This just made us all cry. It really did make Equestria seem a lot closer.

The chapter ended with Equestria Girls Twilight Sparkle realizing that Equestria Pony Filia and Fiona were waiting, and so she ran away quickly, to get their Twins.

This all set up beautifully for the next chapter, which was really a Twin chapter.

Fluttershy went to get Princess Twilight as my Stallion and I proofed the chapter we had just completed.

Maybe ten minutes later, Princess showed up with Rarity and Filia and Fiona. We knew there would be a lot of tears, good tears though.

First, I read the chapter we had just done. At the end of that chapter, Princess Twilight started crying. Well, everypony else was crying too, except my Stallion. We were trying to put words to what happened. That afternoon really was amazing...

I started this next 'Twin' chapter based on what I knew -- Twilight Sparkle was intent on honoring our Princess as the Filia and Fiona Twins met, and the events that unfolded so clearly showed that.

Princess Twilight didn't even have a clue about Equestria Girls Filia and Fiona, until we were ALL bowing, and the Filia and Fiona Twins were transfixed, each staring in wonder at their Twin. Twilight Sparkle then turned our Princess around... There was a lot of crying after that.

There was a lot of crying as we tried to put words to all this, too. I wanted to get the text to reflect what actually happened. This included my sister and my Twin hearing us talk to Equestria Girls Filia and Fiona on the other side of the Portal, so they quietly helped two 'new ponies' up and moved them out of the way.

Getting the text for this chapter put together went very slowly. My Stallion can type pretty fast, but that wasn't the problem. The two hours or so covered by these events were just very moving emotionally. We all love our Princess. And watching Twins meet the first time always brings tears...

And I realized that this was one of the things I really enjoy about being the Canterlot Recorder's assistant. Putting together a record of what happened, allowed us so often to again 'live through' these events. Well, the good ones, anyway.

When we got to the end of the events of that day, Princess, Rarity and Filia and Fiona were just hugging, crying together. The special love they had; that made the rest of us cry too.

My Stallion and I tried to proof the chapter. I am not sure I was much help, not any more.

Still, my Stallion felt we needed to add a section to this Twins chapter showing how the events in Equestria pony Filia and Fiona's lives had unfolded in parallel with their Equestria Girls Twins. It really did work out that way.

I told my Stallion I was pretty much useless for the rest of the day. He understood, and hugged me tightly for a minute or so. Still, he explained what information he needed, to Princess Twilight. This small group was really optimum for the questions needing answers. Princess and Rarity were here for Filia and Fiona. And there really are no secrets in this group.

Carefully and sensitively, the Canterlot Recorder asked all the right questions, and this section of the chapter took shape quickly, and really balanced out the whole chapter.

As the Canterlot Recorder tried to point out... The Filia and Fiona Twins meeting was amazing. But the fact that parallel developments on BOTH sides of the Portal were setting the stage for their meeting... That made everyone cry, even the Canterlot Recorder.

Friendship really is magic, on both sides of the Portal!

My Stallion read the chapter through one more time. We were all crying. We were all done for the day too; it was almost dinner time.

Princess Twilight decreed dinner at the Castle, and asked my Stallion and I and Fluttershy to gather everypony else. We flew together to everyponies' house; it didn't take long.

At dinner, the rest of us were still trying to calm down, when Rainbow Dash asked why we were weeping. Princess tried to explain, then we were all crying again for a while. The Filia and Fiona Twins meeting really was a good day.

And 'just because', we all decided to spend the night in the Library.

We spent most of the evening just talking together. Princess Twilight talked quite a bit about her first few days in the Equestria Girls world, ultimately facing Sunset Shimmer (well, the first time). I don't know if this group knew much about this.

But hearing that again was just strange. Princess had tried to tell me all this before I thought I would ever even go there, but I just couldn't make any sense out of it. But I soon had to learn everything there myself. I just hugged Fluttershy for most of this time. I don't know how I ever would have survived without her Twin, Equestria Girls Fluttershy. I think Sis knew that.

We talked about a bunch of other stuff too.

Well, we talked for a while about rescuing Equestria with the Equestria Girls, but that was only because Princess Twilight's girls had all met their Twins for the first time after each of the Equestria ponies was rescued.

Those memories still gave me the shivers, but I really cried a bunch that night. I could sense this growing love between these 5 Twins even before we had to come back; The five Equestria Girls really wanted their 'oh, so awesome counterparts', I think Rainbow said. Watching them each 'find' their Twin still makes me cry. And the five Equestria Girls sharing my pony friend's pain...

We were all tired, and were soon asleep. My Stallion stayed with the rest of us; we could do that as ponies, it just wasn't a problem, maybe not any more. I slept with him on one side of me, and Sis on the other. That was just amazing.

Spike accused us all of 'sleeping in' the next morning, and we just laughed. Before even getting up, we said what we normally say. Then, as a group, we headed to the meadow behind the Castle, and had some breakfast.

After we were mostly done eating, my amazing Stallion changed the morning for all of us.

He asked me if I knew how to play 'Tag', and I said of course. He promptly 'tagged' me by touching my Cutie Mark with his nose, then he ran off.

I ran after him, of course. He knows I am faster than he is, and I quickly caught up with him. He just stopped and quickly turned to face me. He moves pretty quick, and I couldn't tag his Cutie Mark back.

Princess Twilight laughed, called for a 'Time Out' and asked what we were doing. I explained quickly, then tagged Princess Twilight's Cutie Mark with my nose, and ran off. She tagged Filia (where her Cutie Mark someday will be), than she ran quickly away, too. 'Cutie Mark Tag' was born.

My Stallion shouted that the outer edge of the meadow was the 'boundary', and that you could not tag the person who tagged you. Then he quickly excused himself from the game. He told me later that he was a stallion, and he was not comfortable tagging another mare's Cutie Mark besides mine. Still, 'us girls' chased each other around playing this game together for most of the morning.

My Stallion just sat on the edge of the meadow near the Castle in the warm Sun, and Spike soon joined him. My Stallion explained the game to Spike, but Spike didn't seem very interested. They both watched and laughed. Spike soon headed back into the Castle for a nap.

My Stallion waited there in the meadow until we all dragged ourselves back because we were too exhausted to run anymore. Still, it was a LOT of fun.

More importantly, we could ALL do this together. No flying or magic was allowed; we were all on 'equal footing' my Stallion said. It was amazing fun, and good exercise too. "The games ponies play..." I said this out loud, then laughed.

My Stallion suggested we try this with the Twins here. Indeed.

I walked up to my Stallion, sweaty and out of breath, and hugged him. I quietly challenged him to a 'duel', just us. He smiled, then said softly and quietly that there were other ways he would rather spend our time together. I just hugged him again.

And 'Rare' had us all over to her Boutique, and we were soon 'freshened up' and beautiful (my Stallion said so) by lunch time.

My Stallion again sent me home with Fluttershy. Everypony else had already dove into the rest of their day. The Canterlot Recorder was going to work some more on 'monsters in the Grass".

Fluttershy and I spent the afternoon talking and hugging, surrounded by animal friends. It was amazing, of course.

My Stallion managed to get two chapters done. The next chapter focused on another amazing Magical Sonic Rainboom in Equestria Girls Rainbow Dash's honor. Well, she asked if they could do that.

The following chapter had to cover a lot; it was our first weekend back in Equestria after almost two weeks away. Well, the Filia and Fiona Twins and everypony else's Twins came too. And everypony knew that School would start back up for the Equestria Girls when they returned to their world.

It was clear that my Twin and my Stallion's Twin had a very difficult time here, and my Stallion and I could easily relate. Our time in the Equestria Girls world was difficult for us too.

There were a lot of other things going on as well, though.

My Stallion came to Fluttershy's Cottage at dinner time, and we all enjoyed a relaxing meal together.

I hugged my sister, then my Stallion and I walked slowly back home.

We proof read the two chapters he had done; this didn't take too long. My Stallion did a good job.

We walked slowly out to the small hill in the meadow to the East, and just lay next to each other a while. We both talked to our true friend some. It seems he is always there 'behind the scenes' for us.

We were soon in our room, on our new rug... hugging... weeping... We were soon asleep.

We must have been caught up on our sleep; we woke up pretty early the next morning.

Breakfast, flying with Fluttershy... Is this 'normal' for us? It felt very nice anyway.

My Stallion said what I suspected. He was feeling 'pushed' to get three more chapters done before we headed back to the Equestria Girls world. He just didn't think it would happen.

He also pointed out that the next chapter dealt with the afternoon we went back to the Equestria Girls world after the first day of School... ...Only to find out that Filia and Fiona's mom had 'freaked out' over what her daughters had told her about their weekend in Equestria.

Well, I pointed out that Princess Twilight would love to help with this chapter, so we landed at the Castle.

Half an hour later, Princess AND her five 'girls' and Filia and Fiona were crowded into the Canterlot Recorder's home...

My Stallion typed, talking everything through from his perspective, and we ALL helped, and this amazing chapter about that amazing afternoon put itself together in around two hours.

And nopony cried until after I read it back so my Stallion could check for errors. Then we all cried.

Well ok, this group wanted to keep working on this together.

My Stallion said the next chapter should probably deal with the days here in Ponyville for me (Summer) while he worked on 'Faded Memories'. He suggested he and I do this one alone, and didn't elaborate.

But he also said that the last day of that week, this same group helped finish that account, and we also went back to the Equestria Girls world to watch Pinkie Pie and the Pie family give an amazing Mustang to their parents.

The group quickly dove into that. I did the words with everyponies' input, and my Stallion typed. It took two more hours, but it was a LOT of fun. And it was Fluttershy who suggested the 'Rescuing' title when we had everything roughed in. We all liked her idea, so I changed it from what we had, which I can't even remember.

Still, we had made good progress, with everyponies' help. The Canterlot Recorder crew thanked everypony for their valuable input.

Princess Twilight reminded us all what most had probably forgotten. We were heading back to the Equestria Girls world tonight. This meant dinner at the Castle together, then some napping, then we would head to the Equestria Girls world via the Portal after midnight.

It was still the middle of the day. We all hugged and cried together some, then everypony else wandered off.

When it was just my Stallion and I, he asked me if I wanted to try and tackle the remaining chapter for 'monsters in the Grass'. He was busy with 'Faded Memories' for most of that week, so he felt it should be from my perspective; I probably would remember more.

I thought a minute. I didn't think it would take very long. It only covered maybe five days time.

The Canterlot Recorder typed, and he helped me with words and stuff. Still, it went very slowly...

Most of that week I spent together with my sister, and that was so amazing. One day, Fluttershy and I actually visited my parents. I cried a lot just recording that visit...

Sis and I spent a bunch of time with the rest of Princess Twilight's girls; the entire week was absolutely amazing.

I also realized why my Stallion had indicated we would do this chapter by ourselves. I remembered that night. My Stallion is amazing... Still, if Cel left the section in...

It took the rest of the afternoon to get the chapter done. I was just so involved in these events... I cried a lot. And I think we are still trying to find out what 'normal' is for my Stallion and I... But finally this volume was done.

My Stallion saved our work, then gave me a big hug. He said we should probably do a 'final pass' through all of 'monsters in the Grass', then we could take it to the Library and leave it for Cel.

We were both tempted to take it like it was, but we both agreed that one more read-through would be a good idea. My Stallion said that 'attention to detail' is one of the things this work requires. We both value that.

We were both people. My Stallion turned everything off, then we hugged on the couch for an hour maybe. Well, my back was up against the back of the couch. We didn't move, and said little. We just needed to be together and close like this.

Near dusk, we got up and changed back to being ponies. We rubbed noses a minute, then were on our way to the Castle for dinner.

On the way, my Stallion wondered when we should start on the account of our most recent trip to the past. I said what he was thinking. "Probably next week", and we both knew this was right. Anyway, these events were still pretty fresh in our minds.

Without explaining, my Stallion suggested that these chapters should probably be done from my perspective. I didn't ask him why, but knew someponies weren't real fond of his writing. I couldn't see why...

Still, we hadn't seen any material for Volume 5 of Princess Celestia's Commentaries yet, which was strange. Well, both Canterlot Recorders still had plenty to do...

Dinner with eight other excited ponies -- it was amazing. I didn't think anypony would sleep between now and when we left, though. I was right. We all just talked quietly together. I tried to listen a lot. Each of Princess Twilight's girls really are amazing.

Maybe an hour after midnight, Princess Twilight started sending ponies through the Portal. My sister went, then my Stallion and I came though together, and last.

We were all soon in the Equestria Girls world.

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