• Published 8th Oct 2014
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The Chronicles of Summer Rain, Vol. 8 -- Dark Melvain - shysage

The 'Phantom Alicorn' helped Princess Twilight and Equestria face a number of 'bad guys' to varying degrees. But a bully from the past would exact a far greater price...

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Ch.56, Heart's Warming Eve

Well, today was certainly a Twins day. We were all awake and hugging our Twins, and it was still pretty early.

Princess Twilight stopped us long enough to mention two things. First, she was having her staff prepare some breakfast for this group, and it would be ready in a little while. Well, there were 21 of us in the Library!

The other thing she mentioned, was that soon after the Sun was nicely up, Air Coaches would begin ferrying this whole group to Canterlot. It would take two trips. Evidently, Princess Celestia had something planned, and that was all Princess said.

For the next hour maybe, most of us Twins Soul Linked, and were quiet. That is how we catch up on each other's lives. Well, it's kind of like hugging too, I don't know. It is just very peaceful. And my Twin and I stayed right next to Shysage.

We had a nice breakfast together, and Shysage seemed to be walking much better today. Still, we stayed with him.

After breakfast, it was time to head outside. Both Filias and both Fionas made quick work of helping everypony get their coats on, and we were all soon standing outside in the grass near the Castle.

Somepony started what we often say, and our amazing Princess added her part. We all just hugged together after that. Maybe some of us cried too.

Four Air Coaches soon landed, and were quickly filled with ponies, then just as quickly headed off, back to Canterlot.

Still, it would be 2 hours or so before the Air Coaches returned empty.

It was a cold day, but between the Sun and these amazing coats, nopony was shivering.

Well, both Raritys had something in mind during this time. With Princess' permission, my Twin, Shysage, both Raritys and both Fionas headed to the Boutique.

Once we were all inside the Boutique, both Raritys used their magic to carefully remove my beautiful Tan coat (uhm, the warm coat Rarity had made for me, not my pony coat!), then they asked me to change into a Blue pony.

This didn't take long; I threw myself back, turned into a people, then changed back into a Blue pony as I fell back forward. I guess I have had a lot of practice at this.

Both Raritys quickly set about making me an amazingly beautiful Blue coat, that matched my pony coat when I'm Blue. The coat was just the same as my Tan coat, but it didn't have my Cutie Mark on it, since my Cutie Mark doesn't show when I'm Blue.

And I had never watched Rare actually make something; it was really breathtaking, and with both Rares working effortlessly together, as Twins, with their magic... They quickly made me the most amazing coat...

And they didn't stop there, they made a matching Blue coat for Shysage too!

I thanked both Raritys, and we all hugged and cried together a little while... Rare is such a gem... well, both of them are!

We all walked back to the Castle together.

Half an hour later maybe, the rest of us were in Air Coaches on our way to Canterlot. It was cold with the wind blowing by, but we managed ok. We were quickly in the Audience Hall in Canterlot, and it was nice and warm in there.

At one point I told Shysage he looked nice in Blue, and he just said quietly he felt the same way.

It was probably around noon, and everypony was in the Audience Hall now.

A Unicorn mare used her magic to quickly help each of us take our coats off, then she carefully placed each of our coats on a peg up on the inside of the front wall of the Audience Hall. I had not noticed these pegs before; there were a lot of them, and they went most of the way up the wall to the very high ceiling.

Cel and Lu (Princess Celestia and Princess Luna) and their Twins worked their way around the group hugging everypony. I am really not sure when the Principal sisters had come through the Portal, or how they were in Canterlot already.

When Cel was done doing this, Mildred quickly brought over a stack of papers. Cel smiled and gave Princess Twilight the stack. These were the scripts for the Hearth's Warming Eve play.

Princess Twilight and her girls had already done this play once. Everypony got their same parts, and their Twins went along to help practice and get everything ready. Princess Twilight and the five pony girls would do the play, but this was still Twin fun! Cel quickly sent Princess Twilight and the rest of her girls off into Princess quarters to practice and get ready.

There were already a sea of tables set up in the lower level of the Audience Hall; evidently there would be many ponies here later. Each table was being filled with 'light snacking' items for the audience during the play. And it looked like some worker ponies were putting finishing touches on the stage and background up on the raised 'Princess platform'. Shysage said quietly the show was probably tonight.

Shysage, my Twin and I spent most of that afternoon keeping track of the Shyna, Filia and Fiona Twins. This was not very difficult. On both sides of the Portal, Filia, Fiona and Shyna were very close; the six of them enjoyed being together, and just talked most of the afternoon. These six girls stayed close to us too.

Shysage took another nap in one of the back corners of the Audience Hall while my Twin and I visited. Us Summers didn't Soul Link (althought that would have been nice), because we needed to keep an eye on the Shynas and four Red-heads. Still, another relaxing afternoon was very welcome.

Later in the afternoon, Mildred came by. I don't think she had seen both Shynas recently, and took some extended time hugging both, and the three of them wept together for a little while. Well, she had some difficulty telling which was which, but it didn't matter. You can't love one Twin and not the other anyway.

Before Mildred headed quickly off, she pointed out the three tables in the back corner near us that were for the 'Ponyville bunch' she said. We laughed at that. Still, Mildred mentioned our tables were roped off so nopony else sat there, and that we should just pull the ropes away when we were ready to use the tables.

Cel and Lu and their Twins soon walked over, and we quickly all hugged. Shysage was awake now, and we got a little family time, which was nice.

Lu pointed out the wall of pegs, and said quietly "Mom, dad, you will never know how much of a hassle dealing with coats has been. As long as Cel and I can remember, there has been no way to avoid a huge pile of coats, and the nightmare of sorting everything out when ponies were ready to leave. Fights even broke out on occasion...

"Cel and I dreaded this, and we tried a lot of different things. But Mildred figured out how to solve the problem, and then found a Unicorn gifted with a good enough memory to make it work. This is amazing..."

"Master of details..." Cel said quietly. "That's Mildred. Lu and I are so glad to have her back."

Cel mentioned that ponies would soon be arriving, and that the Principal sisters would join Cel and Lu in welcoming everypony. Meeting Cel and Lu's Twins would be an interesting experience for the ponies that attended this event.

Cel said that all the rest of us needed to do, was to relax right where we were, and sit at our tables when we felt like it, and enjoy the play. Cel also mentioned that those in the play along with their Twins would not come back to our tables until the play was over.

This play is an important part of the tradition in Equestria for this time of the year, and has been for ages. The Audience Hall filled up very quickly with ponies from all over the kingdom. There were hundreds of ponies in this hall.

Each of the tables were set up for 8 ponies, but the nine of us just un-roped one of the Ponyville tables and relaxed. Shysage and I could share snacking if we needed to.

Well, what happened was that, when the Fluttershy, Twilight and Rarity Twins came to the tables after the play, the Shynas, Filias and Fionas moved to sit next to their new sisters, and we all spread across three tables anyway.

When everything was ready, the lights in the hall were dimmed, and other lights illuminated the stage nicely.

Cel walked up to the stage, welcomed everypony, and made a few introductory remarks. Then she walked back down the stairs, and the play started.

The play actually chronicles the point in Equestrian history where the three branches of the pony race were forced to change from bickering with each other and refusing to work together, to where they realized that the very existance of all three branches absolutely required that they all work together.

The play seeks to show the growing bonds of friendship that resulted, as representatives from the three branches of the pony race put their differences aside for the sake of their mutual survival.

Princess Twilight and her girls did a very good job as they acted out the play, and spoke their lines. Watching my sister Fluttershy play her part was especially moving for me. I love my sister, but I obviously had different priorities the first time she had been a part of this. I absolutely should have been here then, but was elated to be able to watch her do it this time.

The room full of ponies seemed awed by the performance, and when it was over, loudly voiced approval for the show. And Mildred sent Princess Twilight and her girls out again to bow, more than once, until the ponies in the hall settled down.

The stage lights stayed bright, but the lights in the hall were brought back up as well. Cel (Princess Celestia) headed back up the steps to the stage, but with her own stack of papers this time. Evidently the Princess of Equestria would talk briefly as the actresses in the play changed and headed to their seats in the audience.

Princess Celestia of Equestria began...

"I think adding these few words is a fitting conclusion to tonight's performance. And those of you who may remember these words from last year, and the year before, and I guess, the year before that, please bare with me."

A few in the audience laughed. Princess Celestia continued.

"This play covers a crucial time in the birth of Equestria. While the three branches of the Pony Race had difficulty getting along, the forces of darkness all but forced the three to decide for survival over death, and that survival required cooperation among all three types of ponies.

"In fact, their survival required the mutual friendship that has become the hallmark of Equestria. From that point forward, the three branches of the pony race were..."

Cel stopped monentarily right there, and was clearly reading ahead. Well, I know my girl; she was not real happy with the words that were about to come out of her mouth, so she just stopped reading. She found another spot, and tried again to continue.

"From that day forward, all ponies put their differences aside..."

Cel stopped again. It was quiet for a minute maybe, as Cel was deep in thought.

The Princess of Equestria said "No", then dropped the stack of papers to the floor, and the pages scattered randomly on the stage. Then she walked forward to the edge of the platform and sat down. Without a script she addressed the ponies present, some of the most important and influential ponies in Equestria.

"I have been ruling Equestria for many years, well, many centuries. Over these many years, my memories have stacked up, one on the other, and it is inevitable that memories from the distant past be obscured and forgotten.

"Events that have taken place in maybe the last year have helped me to dredge up a lot of memories from the infant days of Equestria. What I am about to say is the result of me remembering what actually happened. I was there.

"The Kingdom of Equestria was founded..." Cel was clearly wanting help. She knew this was a long time ago, but she wanted the exact number.

Shysage didn't leave her waiting, and said quickly "1,350 years ago"

Cel said quietly "Thank you, Canterlot Recorder." Then Cel continued. She spoke slowly and deliberately.

"The Kingdom of Equestria was founded 1,350 years ago, the day Princess Luna and I were crowned as the rulers of the realm.

"The events depicted in this play took place approximately 13 years earlier, from what I was told at the time by my father, King Thars, the first king of the three tribes. The events of that night certainly were a turning point for our nation.

"But old thinking dies hard, and my father, though a brilliant miltary strategist, was probably prematurely aged by ponies that still refused to trust each other, and worked behind each other's backs to try to gain supremacy for their tribe of ponies. On the outside we were one, but that sentiment didn't run very deep.

"The capitol city of the kingdom was in the valley below us at that time, and the remains of that city are still visible. But we could come up with no better name for that city than 'Capitol'; nopony would agree on any other name. And nopony could agree on any name for our nation, so everypony gave up even trying. This was just a mere hint at the deep rifts that lay just below the surface in our kingdom.

"An attacking horde and a fulfilled prophecy changed all that in one day.

"Earlier writings predicted the arrival of a deliverer, the 'Shila', a beautiful Pegasus mare with great magical power. Nopony knew when she would come, but a number of predictions aligned that discussed her immanent appearance.

"The attacking horde was a massive band of vicious Cougars, our natural predators, bent only on our complete destruction. They had attacked us once, met little opposition, and easily escaped with my mother and..."

Cel paused here. This was hard, but this topic was not really neccessary right now. Cel pulled herself together and continued.

"The Cougars were advancing again, with a much larger force that day. As they closed in, our nation, the three pony tribes, were far too busy fighting with each other. We only learned about the attack when they were almost to the gates of our capitol. Left to ourselves, our race would have been quickly destroyed, and our hope as a nation forever extinguished.

"The Shila appeared on that very day. Heading out to face the attacking horde, the Shila repeatedly shouted this(1). I will never forget these words...

Earth ponies...
Pegasus ponies...
Unicorn ponies...
Fight for...

"In the face of certain death, the Shila used these word to brush quickly past all of our petty disagreements, preconceived ideas, old habits, deep distrusts and dumb customs...

"The Shila's words gave us our name, and forged all our ponies into one. The unfolding of the ensuing battle simply revealed the depth to which all the ponies of Equestria freely embraced each other from that point on.

"The Shila used her great magical power to blunt the incoming attack. From then on, at my father's direction, the Pony Nation, now working together as one, quickly waded into the battle and took over. Earth ponies, Pegasus ponies, Unicorn ponies, we all used our distinctive gifts together to rout wave after wave of incoming attackers. The result was quick and decisive for the Pony Nation.

"Victory was ours, and the nation Equestria was born.

Cel stopped here, and had to fight back tears. Well, I did too. A bunch of other ponies did too.

I understood my role in all of this, but I continue to be just so deeply humbled for the part I could play. And I agree with the way Cel explained it. I think what I said that day was far more important than what I did as the Phantom Alicorn.


Cel worked on continuing, but was clearly on the verge of tears.

"I... Princess Luna and I were made the two Princesses of Equestria, that day, after our victory. And through the centuries since that time, my magical ability has grown substantially. And I know that someponies think I cannot be vanquished, my magic is so strong.

"But that is just not true... I know better... I...

"The Shila has had to rescue me... She has helped to rescue Equestria repeatedly... even recently... And most ponies will never know how close..."

Cel clearly couldn't go on here, and I knew why. I knew for a fact that she took her role as the Protector of Equestria, the first line if defense for all of Equestria's ponies... This was her calling. But she was painfully aware she couldn't always do that alone.

The Princess of Equestria cried...


Lu, well Princess Luna walked up and sat right next to her sister, who was still crying softly. Lu addressed the audience quietly.

"Princess Celestia and I have discussed actually revoking all titles of property."

Yes, there were a LOT of gasps here. Lu evidently expected this, ignored it, then continued.

"What should we do when one single pony, or a small group of ponies intervene on behalf of Equestria, and rescue Equestria from oblivion? Our nation hangs in the balance between what we have now, what we think we own, and being utterly snuffed out. After the Shila intervenes, or Princess Twilight and her friends, and Equestria is rescued, what do any titles of property actually mean?

"It certainly seems so terribly ungrateful for us to just go on like nothing ever happened, and call anything that we had before 'mine' once again, even after some among us have risked their lives, to stand in the gap for the rest of us."

Lu wasn't crying, but she stopped talking. It was completely quiet in the hall for a minute or two.


Sitting there in the silence, I had a fleeting thought. It was not possible for me to even act upon it, since I knew I was the Shila, and I didn't want to even appear to draw attention to myself. The thought didn't stay in my head very long at all, as a result...

...but that didn't stop my Twin...

Equestria Girls Summer Rain can't really yell either, but she said this loudly, with maybe the slightest hint of defiance, just as that same thought had entered my head. Well, she is my Twin, she saw it too.

She stood up quickly, head slightly up, she closed her eyes and said, easily loud enough for everypony to hear "I don't care what it costs me, I'm standing with and for Equestria."

Most of the ponies in the audience turned quickly to see who this lone pony was who would say such a thing. They saw my Twin, standing motionless, for Equestria.

Almost as one, the rest of us at the three Ponyville Tables rose to a standing position immediately. Shysage and I stood with them of course, but this amazing group of ponies had already demonstrated this deep committment to Equestria on numerous occasions.

Most of the audience saw the Ponyville group stand almost immediately too.

Slowly at first, more ponies joined us, and stood up.

My Twin surprised even me, and said again, eyes still closed "This isn't a popularity contest, and Equestria doesn't simply need more nodding heads. Don't stand unless you really mean it, and are making a committment you actually intend to act upon."

It was quiet for a few minutes. Over the course of that time, most of the ponies in the audience were standing. And I don't think anypony really even cared about those who were still sitting.

Princess Celestia had noted this unfold, and, herself, was standing with her eyes closed, and her head slightly up, just like my Twin. Lu was to. I supposed I shouldn't have been looking, but I was Canterlot Recording, I don't know.

Without opening her eyes, Princess Celestia of Equestria said quietly "I can't see who is standing for Equestria and who is not. But for those standing, please know that Equestria needs each and every one of you, and we simply don't know when one of the brave ponies standing now, will end up tipping the balance in Equestria's favor in the future."

Trying not to cry, Cel added this. "Equestria's Princesses know with each passing day that we can't protect Equestria by ourselves. We need everypony's help. We are all in this together."

Cel left everypony right where they were, in silence for a few minutes, then she said quietly "Everypony please be seated."

Then Cel spoke briefly.

"It is absolutely imperative for all of us to remember where we have been, how we got to where we are. And even in the last five years, we have come harrowingly close to oblivion as a nation, on a number of occasions.

"So, if you think you own anything, try to share with those in need. The day may come where you really do lose it, and it will do nopony any good at that point.

"And remember, true friendship is still the only thing that truly makes a difference in Equestria. Putting aside petty differences, choosing to accept each other for the sake of survival, this is just as crucial now as it ever has been. This is what Hearth's Warming Eve is all about."

Princess Celestia concluded quietly.

"I would like the actresses and their helpers to move to the back wall for the customary greeting by the audience. And on behalf of the Princesses of Equestria, we do thank each and every one of you for coming. Once Princess Luna and I make our way back to the door, you are all dismissed."

After it was over, I just wept softly as Shysage and my Twin hugged me. What happened tonight was really sobering, but I was also scared Cel would single me out. I knew she had wanted to in the past.

It took a while for everypony to slowly work their way past the eight sets of Twins along the back wall, and more at the door. The audience really did appreciate the play.

And Mildred's Unicorn mare helper did make quick and easy work of getting everypony back into their coats, and there were no fights.

After maybe half of the ponies had left, Shysage was hugging me quietly at our table.

From behind me, I heard some stallion at the door say this loudly "Wow, the Shila is still around, can I meet this beautiful mare?"

Shysage immediately said quietly to me "No."

Next I heard Cel answer quietly "Sir, she is married."

The stallion quickly said "awww..." and headed out into the night.

Shysage must have heard that too; he hugged me tight, and said softly "Summer, you are my Shila."

Of course, I picked up the double meaning. Still, I just sighed, smiled, and replied softly "Yes... Yes, I am."


Once everypony else was gone, the Ponyville bunch was quick to group-hug. Well, we were in a circle, and Cel and Lu and their Twins were with us. Including Shysage, there were 25 of us all together.

Cel took that opportunity to thank us all for being a part of the events of the evening.

My Twin said sort of apologetically "I hope I wasn't out of line, Princess..."

Cel broke from the circle, and was quickly hugging my Twin. Trying not to cry, Cel said quietly "You Equestria Girls have made such a huge difference here in Equestria. We appreciate it more than you will ever know. And that goes for all of you."

Lu was nearby and she added softly "Summer, you said what really needed to be said, thank you."

We all just hugged together some more.


Well, the plan was that we would spend the night together inside the large room outside Cel and Lu's bedrooms. I have called this big room Princess quarters in the past. And my Twin said that a huge slumber party with this many amazing girls, this just had to be amazing. It was.

Well, Shysage was there, but that was ok too. I didn't want to be away from him just yet.

Still, as we all filed down the hall and into that big room, Mildred pulled Shysage and I aside.

Mildred looked stunned, and clearly was having trouble talking.

"Summer, you are.. the Phantom Alicorn... I just realized that tonight..." I don't think she could say any more, though.

I hugged Mildred, and said quietly "Well, actually I am Shysage's Mare, and the Canterlot Recorder's Assistant most of the time. But when Equestria needs me, yes, I do what I need to do. But this needs to be kept secret however."

It was quiet for a minute, and Mildred just said quietly "Of course. I just feel a lot safer knowing you are near. I think Princess Celestia and Princess Luna feel the same way, so thank you."

I answered quietly back "Mildred, I think I need Equestria's Princesses just as much as they need me. We are all in this together."

I hugged Mildred again, and the master of details was quickly off.

Shysage fell asleep in a quiet corner. I think his body still has a lot of healing to do.

The rest of the evening was amazing. I tried to spend time hugging with everypony else, and usually ended up crying. I really do love every one of these girls. And it is so clear, we all really are in this together.

Pretty late, the Summers, the Fluttershys and the Shynas all Soul Linked together for a little while, and that was amazing. Then I flopped down next to Shysage, and my Twin did the same next to me, then laughed. Cel, Lu, their Twins, the Flyttershys and Shynas were all nearby too, and we all fell asleep.

Author's Note:

1. The Chronicles of Summer Rain, Vol. 3, Follow the Equestrium, chapter 12, Pony Nation

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