• Published 8th Oct 2014
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The Chronicles of Summer Rain, Vol. 8 -- Dark Melvain - shysage

The 'Phantom Alicorn' helped Princess Twilight and Equestria face a number of 'bad guys' to varying degrees. But a bully from the past would exact a far greater price...

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Ch.36, Fall Banquet

After crying with my Mare, well, with my family, for the better part of a full day, I think I might have been 'caught up'. Although I quickly found out that tears were still not far from the surface.

My Mare hugged me tightly, and assured me that was fine.

Well, she also mentioned to me quietly that crying with me did scare her; our Equestria Present friends probably hurt a lot too...

I just sighed, and tried to not cry. I knew this was true. But I didn't even know what we would find when we returned.

But Cel said that, as Princess of Equestria, she had no intention of allowing us to leave tonight, even though that was our original plan.

I told her I didn't mind, and that I would obey the ruler of the Realm.

Cel smiled, and just hugged me tightly, and I think I may have cried some more...

The four of us had a nice dinner together. The food was really good, and there was plenty of it. And I think for the first time, we all relaxed and took our time, and just enjoyed being together.

It was at dinner though, that Cel told us she was planning a big meal for all her 'court' tomorrow evening, and that we were 'required' to come as well. Her high ranking guards and her other staff and advisors would all be in attendence.

Cel said there was no special occasion; she just wanted to thank them for their faithful service. While shedding a few tears, she mentioned that she and Lu used to do this every Fall. Cel realized that she needed to start doing that again. She really appreciated her staff, and everypony else who helped her care for Equestria.

I doubted that the delay in our return to Equestria Present would make any difference. I suspected that the Portal would take care of that anyway.

And I knew that the extra time we spent together here would be treasured by everypony.

After dinner, we spent the evening in Cel's bedroom, talking, hugging and weeping softly. I had to apologize, I think I cried the most.

Having my Mare back... And watching Fluttershy and Cel... I realized I had a lot to be thankful for... The last few weeks had been excruciating, but Pinkie Pie was right, and everything worked out after all.

Late in the evening, we all got coats on, and went for a nice walk. It was cold, but there was no wind. And it was very calm. I hoped Equestria stayed that way for a long time.

And, my Mare was Tan, and so hopefully the guards...

After our walk, Summer hugged her sister as Cel and I hugged for a while outside the door to 'our room'. I may have cried some more, I don't know. I really love my girls...

Then Cel and Fluttershy headed off together, as Summer and I headed into 'our room'.

Summer started by apologizing for last night, well the night we ended up in a jail cell... well, the most recent time... I am not sure exactly how long ago that was...

Summer mentioned that she knew what she needed to do, and had planned on all that happening in here, in this room.

Our walk with her being Blue just happened... And when we ended up in that jail cell again, Summer realized it would work better there, except she was very cold, until she changed back into a pony. She laughed and said she was glad I was a light sleeper, and that I quickly realized she was gone.

I cried on Summer's shoulders for a little while... I don't ever want to lose this Mare... Not again...

But... My amazing mare said she still needed to get her 'people' clothes back on. If I had been observant at all, the other night, I would have recognized them on the floor where she quickly threw them.

Summer turned back into a people and got dressed. She really is beautiful. I mentioned softly that we were together and alone, and I asked her if that was safe. She answered quickly "Probably not..."

Still, I asked her if it was ok that I wait to 'take care of her' again until after we knew how our Equestria Present friends were doing...

Well, I got that much out and just cried a lot. Summer cried with me. We were both very concerned about this.

It was late, and we were both beat.

I was laying on my side on the rug, with Summer tucked up against my chest. Summer sighed, and I cried. I think this was a good sign.

We were both soon asleep.

Summer and I woke up the next morning, to Cel and Fluttershy laying on their bellies in our room near us, talking quietly.

Summer was still tucked up under my front legs, and she sighed a few times as she woke up.

This wasn't a problem at all. It wasn't suggestive by any means, and we were with family. I think Cel and Lu both later came to appreciate the sacrifices we had quietly made while raising them, and they were honestly happy to see mom and dad hugging like this when we could.

Still, when Summer was awake, she rolled out, and we were soon laying on our bellies facing Fluttershy and Cel.

It seemed like nopony was in a hurry, so we just talked together for the longest time. It felt really good...

It was maybe an hour later that Cel mentioned that, since today was the Fall Banquet for her staff and commanders, Cel had the rest of the day free, as her cooking staff took care of the details.

Cel laughed, and said that, in the past, she and Lu had tried to stay 'involved', but usually either got in the way or fouled things up. Letting their staff do what they do best, usually worked out much better.

I just cried a little, hearing Cel laugh...

It was unseasonably warm that day, so we all took a long walk. We stayed up on the 'top deck' of Canterlot, but the walk really was amazing. And I think I was 'cleared up' enough to enjoy it.

The girls wouldn't let me walk in back though. I had to be next to Summer, which was fine. I gave her 'Sue hugs' as often as I could.

Summer was next to Cel, with Fluttershy on Cel's other side.

We walked slowly, and enjoyed both the Sun and the sights.

And again, we stopped and sat in the middle of the Commons area, looking out over Equestria, stretching away for miles...

Well, I started crying. We all ended up hugging tightly together, weeping softly.

I was so relieved that Cel didn't have to worry about facing Dark Melvin alone any more. Hopefully, Cel wouldn't have to face him for a LONG time... Maybe never, if he learned his lesson...

I couldn't say anything about it, but I was also crying for our Equestria Present friends...

After we calmed down, Cel (Princess Celestia of Equestria) gave us some careful 'orders' about what we were to tell other ponies about ourselves. This was important, because protocol required that Princess Celestia welcome all visitors personally at the door to the Audience Hall. Further, Cel fully intended that the three of us be with her for that, and for the rest of this banquet.

Cel indicated that we could use our 'common names' only. We could also say that we were 'close family friends', but nothing more. And we needed to emphasize that we were on a short visit from a distant land, and were unfamiliar with this part of Equestria.

Cel hoped this would protect us all from difficult questions. Then Cel added quietly "But I know there are some questions even I can't ask you three."

We all just hugged tightly together, and cried a little more.

It was soon 'time', and Cel led us back to the Audience Hall, to the big doors that are the main entrance.

On the way, I realized that these three mares I was with; they looked absolutely amazing, all the time.

But I quietly asked my Mare if I looked ok. Summer smiled, and said honestly that I always look amazing to her, and so I shouldn't worry. She also added that she didn't want me dancing with anypony else, though. I am not sure where that even came from, or if there would be anything like that here.

Soon after we got to the doors, Mildred joined us, and Princess Celestia lined us up in a line, then she stood at the front. It was Cel, Fluttershy, Summer, me then Mildred. I didn't mind being near the end, and was just happy to be next to my Mare.

A constant train of the ponies of Equestria quickly began flowing by.

Summer just as quickly had us change places. I was her Stallion, and she wanted me to meet everypony first. She also appreciated it that I introduced both of us, and she didn't have to do many introductions. Summer didn't mind talking to other ponies, mares especially. But she wanted 'her Stallion' (me) clarified early on. And Summer smiled so beautifully every time I mentioned she was my Mare... I love her so...

And there actually was 'dancing' there, and I have no idea how to even describe what it was, or how it was 'supposed' to be done..

By decree of Princess Celestia, I HAD to dance twice, once with her, and once with Summer. And Summer wanted me to dance once with Fluttershy too, just so her sister didn't feel left out.

I have a hard time even describing what I did, and I doubt it was even right -- I was mostly crying fiercely all three times... I deeply loved every mare I danced with that afternoon.

I think some of the ponies there were tempted to laugh out loud, a LOT, at whatever it was that I did, and I couldn't blame them. I'm not sure I even cared. But three dances, that was enough for me.

And I almost think everypony else felt sorry for Cel, Summer and Fluttershy, that they actually had to dance with me, and so nopony else asked them to dance again. I was pretty sure these three girls were glad about that!

And it was only after the end of the 'dancing', that the historian in me realized that there was some pretty good music happening, and I really should have done a little investigation into that. Documenting how ponies made such nice music one thousand years ago, would be amazing. But I was too late; the musicians were nowhere to be found.

As the Sun started to set, Cel asked everypony to spread around the outside of the large, lower level of the Audience Hall, so the dinner tables could be set up. Cel's dinner staff did an amazing job.

Everypony was soon sitting and eating, the food was very good. Dinner took a while, and nopony was in a hurry, and there was a lot of quiet talking in the Hall.

Cel (Princess Celestia), Fluttershy, Mildred, the three highest ranking guards, and Summer and I were at one table.

These Guard Commanders all kept looking at Summer, Fluttershy and I funny. I was pretty sure they absolutely could not believe that the three of us were any help at all, confronting Dark Melvain...

And I noticed, with a smile, that the dinner staff had a few of their own tables, and they were eating with us too. They had earned this.

After dinner, and a tasty dessert, Cel nodded, and some sort of loud 'gong' thing sounded. It was instantly quiet in the Audience Hall.

'Princess Celestia of Equestria' addressed the audience, composed mainly of the ponies (and their spouses) most closely involved with the daily administration and protection of Equestria.

"Citizens of Equestria...

"Let me start with an apology. Princess Luna and I used to do this every Fall, and our times together have always been a time of great celebration.

"But as you all know, almost surely because of Dark Melvain, I was forced to ban--... my own sis--..."

Cel broke down and cried here. This was still tough, and probably yet a fresh wound. After a minute, Cel continued.

"And I know that these last months have been very difficult for all of us. But I decided that we should keep doing this. We need to keep getting together, and celebrating what we have been able to accomplish. Princess Luna would want us to continue this.

"Also, I feel the need again to explain my motives here. I get questions every year after our Fall Banquet. I hope you all understand that, for this banquet, I invite those ponies that have made contributions towards the protection and administration of our ponies, of Equestria.

"There are always those who feel left out, if they do not receive an invitation. But as a wise man once taught me, a good servant makes the best leader, and true greatness is rooted in humility. This is the basis upon which I send invitations out for this particular banquet."

Cel paused here a minute, and I think she may have changed her plans before continuing.

"You have all met these close friends of my family that have traveled here from a distant land. I have already mentioned that these three amazing ponies helped me face Dark Melvain.

"Before I continue with my words, I want to give each of them the opportunity to share something briefly."


The Princess of Equestria looked over at me first, then said "Shysage, please begin."

I could tell Cel was feeling much better; she was actually putting the rest of us on the spot! And I didn't want to go to jail again for refusing the Princess of Equestria...

And I think Summer, Fluttershy and I were immediately concerned that we not 'mess with' the Future.

Still, I realized that I had the opportunity to say things nopony else could ever say... That's what I did... Well, I actually got up, and moved to a spot in the middle of the tables, so everypony could easily hear. I could get a way with this now...

"I just want everypony present to know how amazing your Princess really is. She will never say this, and few others even know...

"Princess Celestia actually set off to face Dark Melvain at his Bastion, by herself..."

EVERYPONY gasped at this... I expected this, paused, then continued.

"Before your Princess left, we were still trying to figure out how to actually deal with Dark Melvain. We asked Princess Celestia for more time...

"Your Princess answered immediately. She said that if she didn't go face that monster, he would start killing her ponies; it was either your Princess or Equestria's ponies.

"I want you all to hear this. There is NO PONY in Equestria that your Princess would not lay her life down for. There is NOPONY in Equestria, that your Princess feels is LESS important than she is."

I intentially paused here so this could sink in. Then I finished with this.

"If you think for a minute that you can find a better Princess, you probably need to clean out your watering trough..."

Some laughed, but most were weeping softly already. I hoped they got the point.

I headed back to my 'spot', and Cel and I cried together a minute maybe.


It was Summer's turn next, and I knew Cel almost said 'Mom'...

"Summer, please..." Cel said.

I immediately placed the tone of Summer's voice as she began to speak. It matched the day she addressed the entire student body at Canterlot High School, and talked about true friendship...

Summer was careful, but spoke freely and slowly.

"Life sometimes presents situations that allow us to actually look back, and see what has made the difference.

"The four of us have recently come through a very difficult time like that, and the answer is so clear to me...

"It has been true friends who have made the difference, in my life, in our lives...

"I know that being a true friend is a lot of work. And going out of your way to help other ponies just doesn't seem very popular. But when times get difficult, that is the kind of friend we all need."

Summer was done, and weeping softly. I just hugged her, and we wept softly together. I was pretty sure Cel wanted to join us...


"Fluttershy, please..."

Fluttershy paused and blushed, then proceeded to say something so amazingly profound, that, of course, only Fluttershy could say. She knew her voice was quiet, so she moved to the same spot I stood at, so the other ponies could hear more easily. She tried to raise her voice too...

"I think we all hear a lot as we go through our day, as the ponies around us talk to us, and to other ponies.

"I think it is important to learn how to actually listen to what other ponies are saying. This certainly takes discipline, because we need to stop thinking about what we want to say, before we can really listen.

"But more than anything else, I think we really need to try and feel what other ponies are feeling as they talk to us. Doing this is really the only way we can truly understand what they are trying to say to us."

That was all Fluttershy said. Well, it was all she needed to say.

Fluttershy bowed, then returned to our table. It was pretty quiet in the Audience Hall for a minute maybe.


Cel promptly gathered the three of us up together, and we cried and hugged a minute again.

When she could, Princess Celestia continued.

"As I thought through some things I could say to you all this evening, I had settled on a few words of encouragement.

"But after hearing the gems my amazing friends shared, I think I would be hard-pressed to do much better.

"But I just want to say to these three amazing ponies... Thank you... I honestly could not have done it withou--"

Cel couldn't talk for a few minutes again, and we all hugged and cried with her. Then she wrapped up her comments with these words.

"As I look around this room, it is clear that everyone here has been an important part of the Kingdom of Equestria surviving the last two years, since our last Fall Banquet.

"Let me just leave you all with this. I need you... I need your help, and your labors, and your sacrifices. But, more importantly, Equestria needs you...

"This is not about me, by any means. Equestria is not 'mine'... It is really the other way around. I belong to Equestria, and everything I do and say needs to line up with that responsibility. And I can't do that alone...

"If we are able to have a Fall Banquet next Fall, it will not just be because of what I have done. It will be because of what we all have done together...

"I thank you all..."

Princess Celestia of Equestria was crying again...

The adoring crowd immediately erupted... Ponies shouted "Long live Princess Celestia of Equestria" over and over...

Again, Summer, Fluttershy and I cried with Cel for a few minutes, then Cel led us back to the big doors, and lined us up as everypony was getting ready to leave.

Cel hugged a LOT of those that came, and most hugged the rest of us too. Well, there was just a lot more hugging and crying now.

A few stallions complimented my Mare's beauty, to me of course.

And the few of Fluttershy's 'Kindred Spirits' in the group hugged her tightly.

And nopony said anything about my horrible dancing...

After all the guests were gone, the dinner staff began cleaning everything up.

Cel talked with Mildred quietly, then sent her off. Then she spoke to us.

"I want you three to help me with sort of a tradition Lu and I started. The dinner staff doesn't like it, either, but I am their Princess, so I can command that it be so."

Cel paused briefly, then said quietly

"We will be helping wash the dinner dishes."

That's what we all did, and Mildred helped too.

True friends...

And we all had lot of fun helping in so basic a way.

It reminded me of helping at the Cake's diner in the Equestria Girls world. But thinking of this made me have to work hard to not cry...

I ended up washing, and Summer was right next to me, rinsing the dishes off. I think my Mare got me pretty wet on purpose. She just smiled. I knew what she was thinking.

Mildred and Fluttershy dried, and the Princess of Equestria used her magic to put the dishes away for us.

We all had to stand up on our back legs to do this, but aside from using hooves, the process was similar.

But I just had to smile again at 'the leader of the Realm', being eager to get involved in so menial a task.

And as I washed maybe a thousand large bowls, I thought to myself about what is often called 'Turkey Day' in the world I am from. I think the goal of that celebration was initially very similar to this amazing Fall Banquet. But I think my home world seems to have lost something along the way...

After the dishes were clean and put away, the Princess of Equestria had the entire dinner staff line up in the Audience Hall, and the five of us hugged every one, and thanked them for a job well done.

At the end of the evening, Mildred was crying, and hugged Summer, Fluttershy and I. Cel was right there, but Mildred said openly, and while crying "Thank you all for giving us our Princess back..."

Than Cel and Mildred hugged and cried together, and we soon joined them.

We all hugged and cried together for a while...

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