• Published 8th Oct 2014
  • 540 Views, 8 Comments

The Chronicles of Summer Rain, Vol. 8 -- Dark Melvain - shysage

The 'Phantom Alicorn' helped Princess Twilight and Equestria face a number of 'bad guys' to varying degrees. But a bully from the past would exact a far greater price...

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Ch.35, By The Moonlight

After dinner, Cel (Princess Celestia) wanted Fluttershy, Summer and I in her room for a while. Well, Cel wanted us all to hug together some more. We did that, and the girls were soon weeping softly as we hugged. Cel just wanted us to be together...

I... I was pretty sure our looming departure was beginning to become more real to our girl... It wouldn't matter how many days we stayed, this would have to happen at some point.

But it hurt me... I could do the math... Cel still had around a thousand years to rule Equestria alone before our family would be back together again. Cel didn't know that, and I hurt for her...

In the Present, I cried on her shoulder, and told her I would have gladly stayed with her through that time if I could... I still felt that way... But that probably would change the Future...

But I felt like such a heel... In a few days, I would leave, skip 1000 years back to the Present, and hug her again... She had to stay here, and endure...

Why on Earth couldn't I cry any more? I should be bawling like a baby...

Well, I had been thinking about that all day too, and could come up with nothing...

When Summer died, I died inside too. I had too, in order to survive... Now, I still felt that way.

In the Equestria Girls world, it is said that it only takes two weeks to change a habit... I had been shoving back an avalanche of searing pain for longer than that, and I was really afraid now...

Realizing Summer was still alive had restored my hope, and I fumbled through 'bringing her back', and rescuing Cel, and this was all amazing.

But a big part of me felt so broken, even though I had her back... Like I told her, I couldn't even cry now...

The four of us hugged for maybe two hours, and that still didn't seem like enough.

At that point, we split up, and Cel hugged me as Fluttershy and her sister hugged and cried together.

Then Summer and I left, and headed for 'our room'.

Once we were inside, and the door was closed... I didn't even wait for my amazing mare to ask. I just said softly

"Summer, I hope you have some ideas, because I have none... You are the most important pony in my life, and you are miraculously back, and I shouldn't feel like this" I said slowly. Then I just sat down and stared off into the distance.

Summer sat next to me and just hugged me for the longest time. That was very calming. I love her so much...

After a while, she asked me to turn into a people and rub her back. I didn't have any problems giving, and quickly did that. I said I would keep it up as long as I could, and she said that was fine. I also rubbed her coat under her wings a bunch too. My Mare sighed a lot...

After both my arms were almost numb, I just laid down on the floor, and propped my head up on a pillow thing, and Summer changed into a people, laid on her side next to me, and we hugged.

I just held her close. Something was blocking me from feeling pain, but I would never NOT love her deeply.

She was soon weeping softly. Maybe it was because she had missed me, or more likely it was because she 'felt' the ocean of blinding pain her death had caused me... Either way, I could never leave this Mare...

It was quite late, but Summer wanted to go for a short walk. Summer got up, and changed back into a Blue pony. I told her right away, she really was absolutely beautiful no matter which color her coat, mane and tail were. I honestly felt that way.

As we headed out into the Audience Hall, I asked about getting permission first. Summer said our walk would be short, and we headed out the Audience Hall door.

Well, it really was short...

We were immediately intercepted by two guards, who instantly recognized the 'Blue apple thief'...

One quickly said to the other "Wow... We escort a shipment to Filly Delphia, and they let every prisonser loose while we are gone..."

Then the other guard said loudly "Blue mare, you are under arrest. Again... Don't run, you are coming with us. It's back to the dungeon where you belong..."

Well, we couldn't argue with spear points.

Still, I said with a hint of defiance "We are married, so if you lock her up, I am coming too..."

"That's up to you pal, she's going back to her jail cell" one of the guards retorted.

Well, Summer and I both knew the way, so we walked there while two confused guards followed us.

"Sorry, Summer, it looks like one more night in jail for us..." I said quietly.

My Mare said back softly "I heard one of the Equestria Girls say 'for old time's sake' once, does that fit here?"

I just chuckled.

And they put us back in the same jail cell too...

As they locked us inside our cell and walked off, I think the guards were bewildered that we weren't upset about getting thrown in jail.

Well, I was with my Mare, and she remembered. Not much else mattered to me at the moment. I really didn't care where we spent the night as long as we were together. I think Summer felt the same way.

Summer wandered a little, then laid on her belly in the middle of the jail cell. I quickly laid on my belly next to her. I was on the side closest to the window to try and shield her from the cool wind occasionally blowing in the window.

She again used her pony nose to push me over on my side, then she climbed up under my front legs, and I hugged her close. Summer was in her place of solace, where she belonged. She sighed a lot, and I really missed that. If only I could cry...

Then Summer said quietly "Stallion, I will wait as long as it takes to help you work through this. I'm not leaving. Just so you know."

"Summer, you are amazing... I know I need you so deeply, even if I can't feel..." I said this, then drifted off to sleep.


A few hours later, I awoke with start.

For a minute, I reverted to the horror of life in Ponyville before I found out Summer was alive. I used to jolt awake a lot...

Then I remembered she was alive, but I realized that she was no longer near me like she was when we went to sleep.

Then I heard my Mare softly call my name...


I had to roll over to look where her voice was coming from...

...and was immediately blinded by the the light of the moon flooding the room through the window, and I could see nothing at first.


As my eyes adjusted...

My Mare, as a 'people', was standing up in front of the window...


Bathed all over... softly aglow by the moonlight of a full 'Harvest Moon'...

She slowly turned to look at me and then she smiled...

She is my Mare, and I won't tell you exactly what I saw. You shouldn't want to know. But she didn't move for the longest time, and I will never forget...


Her priceless smile...

Summer quickly ripped me inside out...

I couldn't NOT cry...

I burst into tears, and was quickly 'crying buckets' myself... Loud, gut-wrenching... I think I cried for a long time...

Summer changed back into a Blue pony right away, and curled herself up around my head, and just cried with me.

I was too broke right now for 'desires' or anything like that. But I needed healing, and that's what my Mare was doing; she was drawing all that pain out.

Well, she could now. She had rescued me. She was my 'Shila'...


I think the guards realized something was very wrong.

I vaguely remember both Cel and Fluttershy coming into our jail cell in the middle of the night, and the three girls somehow helped me walk back to 'our room' in the Princess' quarters.

We all cried together the rest of the night...

The spectre of losing my Mare had absolutely decimated me...

I couldn't stop crying out the augering anguish I felt...

But I didn't have to stop now...

My Mare was crying with me...


As the morning Sun began to brighten the small window in 'our room', something distinctly changed.

Almost terrified, I reached out until I found my Mare, and then I pulled her close, and hugged her tightly...

We were soon sitting facing each other, hugging tightly, crying...

I absolutely had to have her near me... I couldn't let her go...

Fluttershy and Cel just joined our hug, and cried with us...

We cried like that the rest of the day...


I agree with Summer. I love my family...

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