• Published 3rd May 2015
  • 22,592 Views, 2,644 Comments

The Merc With the Moth - Tatsurou

  • ...

QC: A Rather Silly Place

Author's Note:

A bit of explanation.
This story serves two purposes for me.

One is to create an adorable story with a heart warming plotline, with a good amount of humor.

The other is to have fun writing to an extent I can't in other stories.

Every so often in a story, I'll come up with something that could happen that is hilarious in my head, but would derail the story if I actually used it. Sometimes I make it Omake chapters. Sometimes I use it to end the story on a crazy high note.

Deadpool, however, means I can actually use such ideas throughout the story. He could actually pull them off. However, some of those ideas are still a tad...out there.

As such, those ideas will be marked in the chapter as QC...Questionable Canon. In essence, these chapters are Big Lipped Alligator Moments...things that happen, will in all likelihood never be referenced again, and you can pretend they didn't happen if you choose.

(As an added not, you have no idea how many times I typed "Canterlot" at first, instead of Camelot.)

Deadpool and Chrysalis sat back in the apartment. Today was a new day, and Deadpool had prepared a special treat for Chrysalis. He had decided it was time to introduce her to one of the mainstays of comedy that everyone needed to know about: Monty Python.

As such, Holy Grail was in the DVD player, and they were sitting back to enjoy some of the most classic British humor skits ever made, ones everyone knew even if they'd never seen them. While Deadpool enjoyed watching the skits like always, his real joy was watching Chrysalis enjoy them. She seemed to especially enjoy the Camelot song, dancing along with it.

When that scene ended, Chrysalis turned eagerly to him. "Can we go to Camelot, Daddy?" she asked eagerly. "I wanna see the silly place!"

Deadpool chuckled. "Oh, I think we can manage that," he said, pausing the movie. Kneeling, he scooped her up. "Hold on tight now, Chryssi!" Turning, he prepared to make the jump, but paused. "Hang on, we need something first." Setting her back down, he raced into the bathroom and grabbed a pool inflatable. Rushing back, he laid it on the floor and began rapidly pumping it full of air. Before long, the inflatable shark was ready, lunging to one side with its jaws wide. He then scooped Chrysalis again. "Now we're ready!" he proclaimed, leaping over the shark and towards the TV as they vanished.

Unfortunately, his aim was a little off.

Deadpool landed on the Round Table, King Arthur and his knights sitting around it. However, something was not how it should have been. The animation style was different, almost but not quite Disney. Also, the roof was shattered, injured knights lay everywhere, and half of Arthur's throne was bitten off.

"Wow. What did we miss?" Deadpool asked in confusion.

"Merlin, is this part of your enchantment to retrieve Excalibur?" Arthur demanded of the aging wizard.

Merlin stared at Deadpool and Chrysalis for a while. "...sure, we'll go with that," he said.

"Wait, really?" Chrysalis asked in confusion.

"I think Merlin might be high!"

"If he is, I want some," Deadpool said quickly, hopping off the Table. "So whazzup, magic man?"

"Baron Ruber's griffon has stolen Excalibur," Merlin explained calmly. "However, I have seen to it that it has fallen in the Dark Forest, where it will be safe from him until it is retrieved."

Deadpool stared at him for a time, then groaned. "Oh, lordy...it's that Camelot! It's Warner Bros! ...I love those guys!"

Chrysalis blinked. "Wait...does that mean we're in competition with the annoying two headed dragon, the blind dude, and the girl who thinks this era allows for female knights?"

"No wonder you prefer me," Deadpool told Merlin. "Let me just take care of a few things real quick..." Reaching into the ether, he pulled out a sheaf of papers and a red marker. "Uh huh...uh huh..." He made a few marks before scribbling out the rest of it. "And there we go! Now, Merlin, all you have to do is send us to the near edge of the Dark Forest a few days from now, and I'll take care of everything!"

Merlin promptly zapped Deadpool and Chrysalis with lightning, making them vanish. Reaching into his sleeve, he pulled out a dogend and took a drag. "Like I'd share my stash with him," he grumbled.

Baron Ruber laughed madly as he poured the 'Acme' vial over his hand, fusing himself with the sword. "Behold!" he proclaimed as he swung his new sword arm about. "With Excalibur one with me, none can stop me!"

"I'd like to test that!" Deadpool proclaimed as he and Chrysalis appeared in a bolt of lightning. "Let's see what you can do against the mighty...red-and-black Knight!" He struck a dramatic pose.

Ruber sneered. "You really think you stand a chance against me?" he demanded. "You pathetic weakling!"

"I would say I'm rubber and you're glue," Deadpool replied, "but that doesn't really apply here, Trojan! Have at you!"

Roaring in rage, Ruber swung his sword arm...only for the blade to bounce off. "Eh?"

"One!" Deadpool proclaimed. "Care to try again?"

In a frenzy, Ruber continued to swing the blade, only for it to bounce off every time, follows by Deadpool shouting 'One!' Ruber stamped his feet in rage. "How is this possible?" he demanded angrily. "How can you resist the might of Excalibur?"

"You might want to double check that," Deadpool said, pointing to the writing on the blade. "I made a few tweaks to the story."

Ruber examined the blade. "What of it?" he demanded.

Deadpool stared. "Wow. Can't read, huh?" He turned to Chrysalis. "See, Chrysi, this is why you stay in school! ...as soon as I find one I can enroll you in. Read it for him!"

Nodding, Chrysalis approached the blade. "E-X-C-A-L-I-P-O-R!" she spelled proudly. Then she blinked. "That doesn't spell Excalibur!" she pointed out.

"Nope! It's not! It's a rather useless fake!" Deadpool posed dramatically once again. "For the true sword of kings, look no further than I! The Knight out of Time!" Reaching into the ether, he drew forth a perfectly balanced blade that glittered with a golden light. "Behold the true form of..." He drew a deep breath. "Ex~cali-bur!" he proclaimed dramatically.

The blade flared in light, and transformed into the ugliest creature Deadpool had ever seen.

Deadpool stared as the creature began to sip tea. "That...is not what I was expecting."

"Is it tasty?" Chrysalis asked.

"Fool!" the creature proclaimed. "Know you not that you are in the presence of the ultimate Weapon, Ex~cali-bur? Mind your place!"

Chrysalis bridled. "Don't talk to me like that! I'ma queen!"

"And I am a sword of Kings!" Excalibur proclaimed. "The first rule you must obey to wield Excalibur-"

The creature's words were cut off as Deadpool put a gun to his nose. "No, not your rules. Mine. Here's the three rules of being wielded by Deadpool. Rule one, you do what I say, when I say it, without question or argument, or I pierce your nose with a bullet! Two, if you ever call my Chrysi a 'fool' again, I'll shoot off one of your testicles! Rule three, your power is always either mine or Chrysi's to command at full force, whoever's holding your hilt. Understand?"

The creature stared up the length of the barrel at Deadpool for a time...then proceeded to dance. "Huzzah and good fortune! At long last I have found a Meister who won't put up with my regulations! One who properly demands my obedience to his will! At long last I have found Arthur's proper successor! I am yours to command, oh King in Red and Black!" The creature flashed with light and reappeared in Deadpool's hand as the blade.

Deadpool blinked. "Wow. Didn't see that coming." He then grinned at Ruber. "I hope you're ready for this!"

Ruber screamed in fear and then agony as Deadpool wielded the sword in a teleporting frenzy of destruction. Chrysalis clapped happily, applauding and encouraging an encore.

Hours later, Deadpool stared out at the smoking wasteland that was once the Warner Brothers depiction of Medieval England. "...think I went too far?" he asked.

"Most assuredly," Stuffy scolded.

Chrysalis, Excalibur, and Crazy had a different opinion. "Nope!" they said together.

"Didn't think so!" Deadpool proclaimed proudly. "Now let's see if we can get the right Camelot this time!" Turning, Deadpool used the sword to teleport them to the sea so he could ride a shark into the next movie.

Deadpool, Chrysalis, and the knights of the Round Table enjoyed a tap dance routine to work off the weight of all the shark meat they ate. Afterwards, Deadpool leapt over the bones to home. ...and they never spoke of it again.
