• Published 3rd May 2015
  • 22,593 Views, 2,644 Comments

The Merc With the Moth - Tatsurou

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As Deadpool returned to the town to pick up Chrysalis, the first thing he noticed was the giant smoking crater everyone seemed to be ignoring. "Is this sort of thing really that normal here?" Deadpool demanded in shock.

"Maybe we should move here!" Crazy suggested excitedly.

"No dead bodies," Stuffy pointed out.

"We can fix that!"


As he went further into town, he discovered quite a bit of evidence regarding the events of the day. It was apparently a rather exciting one. He found a whole army of mole men stuffed into trees with only their rear ends sticking out, groaning. The apparent king was in the most discomfort, considering his crown had been stuck in a...most uncomfortable location.

Next to the Town Hall, a Mr. Freeze wannabe hung from a giant icicle by his underpants. He was shivering as several pieces of armor - presumably what let him handle the cold normally - were placed on several other icicles just out of reach of his flailing limbs all around him.

Passing through the air, a rather fat cat was screaming in fear as he did a very passable imitation of a bird by flapping his arms hard enough to generate lift as he fled. A rather harried looking butler followed after the cat on a bicycle.

A clown nearby was looking not quite as crazed as he obviously normally did. Deadpool wasn't sure if it was because he had been tied into a pretzel, or if it was because of all the toys attacking him with glowing green eyes.

Not too far away from there, a rather fat kid in white and far too much gold jewelry was running on a treadmill, struggling to reach a book that was hanging just out of reach of his hands. The book was titled The Secret to Winning Susan Test's Heart, and the green glow in the kid's eyes indicated he wasn't aware he was on a treadmill...or that the book - which was filled with page after page of troll faces and played "Never Gonna Give You Up" when opened - was hanging from a line attached to a band around his head.

Not far from there, a green Darth Vader wannabe was being...attacked...by plunder vines.

"Guess Death gave Chrysi the talk," Deadpool muttered as he backed away slowly.

"How was she able to command the vines to do that?"

"I'd rather know where she got the plunder seeds!"

At long last, Deadpool caught sight of Chrysalis. She was standing on top of the T-Rex - who had somehow been armed with massive weapons of one sort or another and now more closely resembled a bio-metallic weapons platform - and staring down a pair of redheaded twins who were staring up at her in fear. "What have we learned?" Chrysalis asked carefully.

"The rights of the individual outweigh the pursuit of science!" the one on the left - indistinguishable from the other save hairstyle, glasses shape, and the fact she was wearing a star hairpin - replied quickly.

"What else?" Chrysi asked gently.

"That it's not nice to snatch someone up for science when they're having fun?" the one on the right, wearing a moon hairpin, offered worriedly.

The weapons primed. "And. What. Else?" Chrysalis demanded intently.

"Needles are bad, okay?" both girls shouted out in fear.

The weapons shut down. "Very good!" Chrysalis replied with a beatific smile on her face. "Class dismissed!"

The pair fled, screaming.

Turning, Chrysalis spotted Deadpool. "Hi Daddy!" she called happily, flying into his arms.

Deadpool, for his part, quickly embraced her. "So...other than everything I've seen so far, how was your first day of school?"

"It was great!" Chrysalis replied eagerly. "I did great in my classes, I made a couple new friends, and I learned that the teacher has no defenses against mental manipulation whatsoever!" She giggled. "Metalshop is now my favorite class." She pointed to the modified T-Rex to elucidate her point.

Deadpool stared up at the heavily armed and armored reptile. "So...what'd you name him?"

"Sparky-Sparky-Boom-Boom-Dino!" Chrysalis proclaimed happily. "Sparky for short!"

Deadpool chuckled. "That's just too adorable," he said happily. When he saw Chrysalis easily stuff Sparky into her saddlebag, he shook his head in amazement. "I think you'll be ready to remake the game for you soon!" he promised eagerly.

Chrysalis clapped happily. "Yay! I can't wait!" She then nuzzled up against Deadpool's chest. "And I...met somebody..." An adorable blush touched her cheeks.

"This won't end well..."

"Shut up!" Cray-Chry complained petulantly.

Deadpool gasped. "Ohmygosh...your first crush?" He squealed happily.

"This is so wonderful!"

"...they grow up so fast..."

"So..." Deadpool began, "who is it? What is he/she like?"

Chrysalis smiled dreamily. "He's nice. So gentle. A bit quiet. A bit dumb. But he's so strong...and powerful...and so pretty..."

Deadpool shrugged. He wasn't at all surprised that Chrysalis' first crush was based entirely in physical attraction. That was normal after all. "Why don't you lead me to him?" he asked. "I'd like to meet the guy who's caught my little girl's eye."

Chrysalis smiled eagerly. "He's this way!" she said happily, buzzing off in flight.

Deadpool quickly took after her, and was led to a rather large track. Out on the track, he spotted a young man with tanned skin, blond hair, and blue eyes, his hair blowing in the breeze. "Him?" Deadpool asked.

"He's gorgeous..." Chrysalis replied dreamily.

"Huh," Deadpool replied. "Didn't think you liked blondes."

"What?' Chrysalis demanded. "Not the dumb ape man! The one carrying him!"

Blinking, Deadpool's eyes lowered to the reddish horse the boy was riding, his black mane waving in the breeze as his white fetlocks seemed to defy the dirt to cling to him, racing around the track. "...the horse?"

"His name's Thunder," Chrysalis explained. "Isn't he dreamy?" She sighed happily, little hearts in her eyes and floating off her head.

Deadpool looked closely at the horse in question...and instantly spotted something that would not go over well. He didn't want to hurt Chrysi, but he couldn't bring himself to keep something like this from her. He sighed, knowing it was better for her to hear it sooner rather than later. "He's also a gelding," he pointed out.

The tinkle of broken glass accompanied the vanishing of the hearts surrounding Chrysalis. "W..what?"

"You mean...he has no use for mares...ever?"

Stuffaliss sighed. "I tried to tell you..."

Chrysalis began to sniffle...and then she broke into tears.

Deadpool quickly scooped her into his arms. "Come on," he said softly. "I'll go buy you an ice cream shop, and you can go swimming in the cartons."

Chrysalis looked up. "Y...you brought that much money?"

"Money schmunny," Deadpool derided. "I was gonna pay in bullets!"

Chrysalis giggled, snuggling into Deadpool as she wiped her face on his costume.