• Published 3rd May 2015
  • 22,594 Views, 2,644 Comments

The Merc With the Moth - Tatsurou

  • ...

Das Boot!

"So...we're going to go salvage Sentinel parts?" Chrysalis asked.

"Yup!" Deadpool agreed.

"And...there's two of them?"


"So...wouldn't this be the perfect situation for competitive play by having us each go after a different one?"

Deadpool thought about that for a time. "Well...it would be...if I could bear being apart from you that long without going crazy with worry about you."

Smiling widely, Chrysalis hugged Deadpool tightly, and the pair then went off after the first Sentinel part.

Partway to the first Sentinel part, Deadpool grinned widely. "Hey Chrys, check your points!" Waving his hands, he pulled out his double sledgehammers. "Look what I just unlocked!"

Grinning, Chrysalis held out her forelegs. Her hooves then grew wider, with hollow bases. "What kind of weapon is this?" she asked in confusion.

"Punch someone and find out!" Crazy suggested.

Shrugging, Chrysalis punched the first cloned mook to approach. A small explosion erupted from her hoof, blasting a chunk off the mook and sending the rest of him flying.

"Bomb hooves," Stuffalis explained. "Every physical strike releases a shaped charge, pointed in the direction of the hoof. Penetrates shields."

"Oh! I wanna see how this works!" Deadpool said eagerly. Stepping behind Chrysalis, he triggered the combination attack. Swinging one hammer up over his shoulder, he shouted, "Fore!" before bringing the hammer down and sending Chrysalis flying into the air.

Chrysalis flipped end over end until she came to a halt over the enemies, pointing all four hooves down. A massive sphere of explosive energy launched down, blasting the mooks to smithereens and damaging the scenery a bit.

"Destruction Rains from the Heavens," Stuffalis stated.

"Huh?" Cray-Chry asked.

"Each combination attack has a name. This one is called Destruction Rains from the Heavens."

"Again!" Deadpool and Chrysalis called out excitedly.

"Wait, how do you know all this about how the gameplay works when we don't?" Stuffy demanded.

"Because I'm reading the manual, Father," Stuffalis replied.

"Manual? Heresy!" Deadpool proclaimed. "...let me see that combination attack list."

Deadpool and Chrysalis looked over the list.

Katana + Blade = Javelin Through!
Katana + Body Spikes = Here! Catch!
Katana + Bomb Hoof = Bombs Away!
Sai + Blade = Swing Better Batter!
Sai + Body Spikes = Stick it to You!
Sai + Bomb Hoof = This is my Boom Chrys!

"Oh I love that last one!" Crazy piped up.

Hammer + Blade = Chrysi Missile!
Hammer + Body Spikes = Pinball Wizard!
Hammer + Bomb Hoof = Destruction Rains from the Heavens

"How come the last one doesn't have an exclamation point?" Cray-Chry asked.

"Because it's too awesome for it," Deadpool replied. "...I wanna see this Pinball Wizard! one. Says it works best on large groups of weak enemies without shields."

"I'll save up my Magic!" Chrysalis replied happily. "I only get one set of Magic bars across all my weapons."

Shortly after acquiring the first Sentinel part, an opportunity presented itself. Grinning, Chrysalis prepared her body spikes and went into a spin.

"Chimichanga!" Deadpool shouted as he struck her like a golf ball.

She shot off, ricocheting between the mooks and tearing them apart as she bounced, looking not unlike a deadly game of pinball. After the bouncing ended, a message appeared over her head reading, "High Score 5!"

"The game keeps a record of how many points we earn using that combination attack," Stuffalis explained. "We get a level end bonus if we top the charts."

"We're gonna make it there soon!" Deadpool promised.

When they reached the Sentinel boot again, they held out the part. "Yo Claptrap!" Deadpool called. "Got the first part."

"Wonderful!" Claptrap replied in a high pitched voice. "The ultimate weapon for my revenge against Handsome Jack will be complete! Oh, and you'll be able to go flying in a giant shoe!"

Chrysalis stared at the robot. "Is it okay I have no idea what he's talking about?"

"Probably better if you don't question it," Deadpool agreed.

"Next part is...to the North!" Claptrap proclaimed, pointing the way they'd just come.

"...that's South," Chrysalis corrected.

"I knew that!" Claptrap proclaimed, turning around to point the other way. "I was just...testing you! It's not like the one who designed my internal compass was named Hibiki or anything."

Deadpool's eyes widened. "Chrys...when we're finished with this game remake, we're heading to China. There's something I want to see if I can find."

"Okay!" Chrysalis agreed happily.

As they headed for the second Sentinel Part, Deadpool looked over the manual. "Hey, Chrys...we've only seen your first solo Magic attack. What do the others look like?"

Chrysalis paused. "Well...I've only unlocked the second..."

"Show us! Show us!"

Grinning, Chrysalis leaned forward. A bolt of green lightning lashed forward from her horn, incinerating all enemies in a straight line ahead of her in line of sight.

"How come she gets all the really cool stuff?" Stuffy asked.

"So...awesome!" Deadpool marveled.

After a time, they brought the second Sentinel part back to Claptrap. "Here ya go!" Deadpool said happily, tossing the robot the part.

"Huzzah!" Claptrap replied as he installed the part. "Soon, the CL4P-TP production line will rise again, or my name isn't Fragtrap!"

Chrysalis blinked. "But...it's not."

"It was once, and it shall be again!" Claptrap proclaimed. "Now have fun on your wondrous adventure through the skies involving massive gunfights, blackjack, hookers, and surely not a massive fiery ball of death at the end!"

"Up, up, and away!" Deadpool proclaimed, picking Chrysalis up and leaping into the boot.

"Wrong franchise, buddy," Stuffy pointed out as the boot launched.

The boot propelled them across the island in several leaps. At the end of each leap, Chrysalis and Deadpool used the mounted cannons to blast away at the mooks that tried to shoot at them. During the leaps, they had fun being silly.

During one particular leap, Deadpool lay back in an actual hot tub with a blow up doll and the imaginary fan girl from the original storyline. To his surprise, however, Chrysalis was attempting to snuggle up to a pony stallion with a yellow coat, orange and yellow mane and tail, green eyes, and wearing a vest and cowboy hat. "Hey baby," Chrysalis purred seductively. "What's your sign?"

The stallion whinnied in fear. "Exit!" he cried. "Stage left!" He promptly leapt out of the boot-tub.

Chrysalis face contorted in rage. "YOGGY!" she shouted.

At that moment, the boot slammed into Rogue in an epic explosion, leaving the three of them hanging from it as it sat upside down in the roof of a building.