• Published 25th Sep 2015
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Spiders and Magic IV: The Fall of Spider-Mane - Maximus_Reborn

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Two Spiders, One Web, Part I

Chapter Eleven"Two Spiders, One Web, Part I"

Fresh upon the eve of the Rite by Combat duel, Peter was made to be attended to within the walls of the Treebrary. Zecora stood behind the stallion, stirring several herbs together in a bowl while Mayday tinkered with his web-shooters. While most of the scars had vanished thanks to his accelerated healing, the same could not be said about the bruising and internal injuries. Peter rested on the sofa with his limbs stretched out, the stallion never averting his gaze from the filly.

"That's good. Just put one capsule into each mount and slide the rest into that band," Peter softly declared, smiling after Mayday completed the task without any difficulty. He patted the filly's head affectionately and proudly. "Thanks, sweetie. That'll save Daddy some trouble later on."

Mayday eyed the device with a starry gaze. "This is so cool! A self-reloading mechanism with a countermeasure shell casing, and it comes in a compact size! Now I see why everypony thinks you can make your own webbing! Your web-shooters practically blend in with your costume!" She closed the device in a small box before sliding it under the sofa at her father's request. Mayday leaned over the couch until their faces were inches apart. "You've got to teach me how to make a pair of web-shooters!"

Peter arched a brow. "Why? I made those because I can't fly, and it's useful for stopping the bad guys. It's part of my theme song. He spins a web any size and catches thieves just like flies? The webbing is thematic, really." The stallion shrugged. "Besides, you're a pegasus, and you'll be flying soon enough."

"Scientific curiosity," Mayday simply stated in a matter-of-fact tone.

Peter smirked at the filly's bluntness. "I guess I can show you the schematics. Just promise not to use them in the house or on anypony who doesn't have it coming. Your mother would throw a fit."

Mayday squeaked, bopping her nose against Peter's. "Thanks, Daddy!"

Zecora managed a smile, placing her bowl down on the table before standing in front of the stallion. "It took some time, but I have a remedy ready. Now, could you please sit up and hold your body steady?" The mare offered Peter a hoof, which he lightly took. The stallion grimaced as his body's muscles protested against his own movements. Slowly but surely, Peter pulled himself into an upright sitting position. He instinctively clutched at his side as a sharp bolt of pain coursed through his midsection. Zecora eased behind the stallion before resting her hooves gingerly against his back, massaging his muscles. "After your duel, I promised to heal you. Please relax as I attempt the best I can do."

Trixie walked into the room at the sound of the zebra's voice. "It's a wonder that you're still in one piece after that beating you took. I don't know whether I should be impressed or terrified." She shook her head, eyeing the stallion with a look of concern. "Let's do an injury count, shall we? The doctors yesterday said you had four broken ribs, a compound fracture in your skull, internal bleeding, several gashes, and a concussion. I forgot how many pints of blood you lost…"

"Five and a half," Mayday muttered nonchalantly. "It's why Daddy was so lightheaded last night."

Peter's eyes widened. "Whoa. That's like... over half of my blood. How am I not dead right now?"

Trixie rolled her eyes. "You're just now asking this?"

Mayday shook her head. "No, that's not quite half, Daddy." She stretched out a hoof. "The average stallion has twelve pints of blood in their bodies. Seeing that you're smaller than most stallions, we can say you probably have... ten, eleven, maybe? So, from a technical standpoint, five pints is close to half of your blood amount." Mayday brought a hoof to her chin, glancing off to the side momentarily. "So yeah. You technically did lose over half of your blood."

Peter blinked. "Wait, really? Our little bodies hold that much?"

Trixie groaned with a facehoof. "You almost bleed to death, and you're more curious about the statistics than how you're even still breathing? Honestly, you continuously prove to me just how much of an idiot you really are." The mare let out an exasperated sigh, shooting the stallion a look of genuine concern. "You only have one life to live, be it eternal or not. Your body isn't indestructible, Peter."

Zecora chuckled at the three. "Trixie is correct, as what she says is true. Even with my herbs, I cannot mend the body as good as new."

Peter sighed contentedly, easing into the mare's touch as Zecora continued to massage his aching body. "Hello, nurse."

Mayday nodded, sharing a warm gaze with Zecora. "Well, I'll let Nurse Stripes do her thing." The filly leaned closer to the stallion. "May I go to the cellar, Daddy?"

"Sure. Just be careful while you're down there," Peter whispered, smiling and blushing as Mayday pecked him on his cheek.

Once the filly had exited the Treebrary, Zecora dabbed her hooves into the mixture of herbs before massaging the savory substance into the stallion's back and sides. His muscles tingled as a burning sensation took root, simmering before a chill traveled through his body. Peter let out a pleased shudder as the aches and pains of yesterday's battle became a distant memory.

A relaxed smile formed on his face. "You know, this takes me back to when we first met. You took care of me after I was poisoned by that hydra. Poisons don't usually work on me, but my powers were really inconsistent at that point." Peter forced a chuckle. "Like it matters. Even in my prime, you're still my personal doctor. I guess old habits die hard, huh?"

Trixie let out a defeated sigh. "Perhaps. Just try not to be so careless from now on. You were able to brute force your way through yesterday's situation, but will that always be enough? You're an intelligent pony. Try using that head of yours more often and not just to headbutt whatever's giving you grief. Speaking of which, we heard you break Blueblood's jaw with that." Lowering her guard, Trixie leaned closer and brushed the side of her head against Peter's before taking a step back. "I may not always show it, but I do care for you immensely, you know. So for my sake, and Twilight's, at least try to practice some caution."

Peter smiled. "I'll try my best, but I can't make any promises."

Trixie shrugged. "Good enough, I suppose. That's probably the best we'll get out of you anyway." Satisfied that the stallion at least got the message, the mare set out to take her leave. "Do us all a favor and try to get a little rest when she's finished, would you?"

Zecora watched the mare leave with a grin before nodding to Peter. "While it is in your heroic nature to be very daring, you mustn't let your responsibilities to the world become overbearing." The mare ceased her actions once all of the herbs had been used, and she made her way to her saddlebag, sliding a strap over her shoulders. "Do not forget what you have lost. Without your sixth sense, you will pay the heaviest of costs."

Peter's eyes widened. "How do you know about what's going on with my spider sense?" The stallion paused, forcing a chuckle while waving a hoof dismissively. "Oh, that's right. Venom doesn't trigger my spider sense anyway. So, I think you're worrying over—" His words were cut short as Zecora's saddlebag flew into his chest. Peter wheezed, gasping for breath before his mind came to a belated realization. "Wait. Why didn't I sense that one coming?"

Zecora walked up to the stallion, gently reclaiming her saddlebag with a stern glare in her blue eyes. "You have been losing connection to the Web of Life for the past few days. Do not feign ignorance, for you will be the one that pays. I can help train and hone your body and mind to make up as compensation, and you must start tonight by seeing to an unnerving complication." Opening the door to the Treebrary, Zecora turned and gave Peter a firm stare. "By the eve of midnight, a voice will call and guide you. For deep in your heart, you will recognize these two. Stay vigilant, for I shall be waiting for you. It will surely give you something to look forward to."

Peter watched the mare walk off with a furrowed brow, exhaling once she was gone. "Geez, was Dr. Seuss her mentor? She has a rhyme for everything!" Scratching the back of his head, the stallion returned to his previous position and stretched across the sofa on his back. Peter's eyes softened as he held out a hoof in front of his face. "Training, huh? That's not a bad idea. Zecora knows her stuff, and it can hold at least until my spider sense can make up its mind."

Twilight quietly entered the room, sharing a smile with the stallion as she exited Ben's room. "Oh? Is Zecora done already?" Peter simply nodded before the mare took a seat at one end of the sofa, allowing him to rest his head against her lap. Twilight eased into her furniture, gently rubbing her hooves through her husband's unkempt mane. "How are you feeling?"

"Pretty good. I'm still a little sore, but I can actually move around a bit more freely now," Peter replied, pausing as Twilight wrapped her hooves affectionately around his head. Her warmth spread over his body, and the sweet scent of lavender filled his senses. Peter only wanted to stay like this. "You don't have to worry about me, honey. I'm perfectly fine."

Twilight leaned forward, resting her cheek against the stallion's crown. "It was scary. I really felt powerless, watching you get… brutalized like that. It reminded me too much of the time when you died." She inhaled deeply, biting down on her lip before letting out a somber sigh. "You always have to make me worry."

Peter forced a chuckle. "Hey, I'm not going anywhere. I promised you that. We have an eternity to live, and I'm going to be there with you the entire way. I just like to keep you guessing."

Twilight playfully tightened her hold, relenting once a small groan of pain escaped from the stallion. She began to caress his body, subconsciously apologizing for her roughness. "For my sake, please try to be safe and predictable a bit more often." She sobered, peeking down as Peter raised his head, their gazes only inches from each other. "What happened yesterday? There was a point when you just… snapped. Where did that strength come from all of a sudden?"

Peter was slow to respond, droning momentarily as an image of future Trixie and Pinkamena flashed across his mind. "It's hazy, but all I could remember thinking about was you." Shifting his weight, the stallion pulled himself back into a sitting position before he turned to face the mare. Peter took hold of her hoof with both of his own. "I didn't want to leave you alone again, and I wanted to make sure our children grow up with both of their parents. After that..." Peter furrowed his brow as he trailed off, deep in thought. "I don't know, really. The next thing I remember clearly was your voice calling to me that the fight was over."

Twilight smiled sweetly at her husband's words. "Well, I'm glad that it happened. You're still here with us because of it." She brushed her lips against his briefly yet affectionately. "I love you," she whispered, earning a warm smile for her efforts.

Before anypony could settle, Twilight's ears perked as a faint sound from the other room reached them. Peter recognized the sound of his son's cooing as well, something that had become irreplaceable at this point. Peter readied himself to go to Ben's room, standing from the sofa, but Twilight placed a hoof over his shoulder, shaking her head before trotting out. She peeked her head inside, giggling as she used her telekinesis to levitate Ben from his cradle and gently lower him next to Peter.

"Is everypony hungry~?" Twilight hummed.

As Ben squeaked a response, Peter nodded. "You know we're always hungry. Did you wanna go out?"

Twilight smiled but shook her head as she laid across from Ben. "I would love to, but you shouldn't leave the house in your condition. I can order us some takeout."

"Did somepony say takeout? I'm starving!" Mayday cheered, entering the Treebrary with an apple in hoof. She opened her mouth, ready to take a bite out of her sweet treat, but magical energy enveloped the fruit, levitating it away from the filly's grasp. Taken aback, Mayday attempted to reclaim her food, only for the elusive red treat to sway out of her reach and hover even higher from the ground. The filly shot a glare at Twilight. "Mom! Knock it off!"

With a widened gaze, Twilight shook her head innocently. "It's not me! Really!"

Once Mayday turned to her father, Peter merely shrugged his shoulders. "Don't look at me, you know I can't use magic."

An awkward silence filled the room as everypony lowered their stunned collective gazes at the culprit while Ben cooed playfully, levitating the apple with his glowing horn. Peter's eyes grew as wide as saucers while he could only stare at the baby colt, slack-jawed. Twilight's expression matched that of the stallion's briefly, only for a proud smile to take its place. However, Mayday cared not for her little brother's feat, pursuing the apple with a furrowed glare. Her wings flapped eagerly to aid in the task, but the fruit managed to sway out of the flying filly's range, much to the delight of the baby colt.

"Ben!" Mayday whined, her hunger evident by her growling stomach.

"He's already learning magic!" Twilight beamed, clapping her hooves together with fervent enthusiasm. "Mommy's so proud of you!"

Peter's demeanor darkened as he seemed disheartened, alternating his gaze between Mayday and Ben. Before long, the stallion threw his hooves up in defeated fashion. "I don't believe it! I just don't believe it! My daughter can fly! My son can use magic! My wife can do both, but I can't do either!" Nopony heard his plight, with Twilight giggling obliviously while Ben continued to hover the apple away from Mayday. Peter could only lower his head shamefully. "That's the Parker luck, Chuck…"


In the vast reaches of the night, everypony slept soundly under the innumerable stars scattered across the dark sky. Peter drifted aimlessly in blissful wonder, lost in a deep slumber. He stirred, finding his limbs bound by strands of a sticky black substance as his body retook his human shape. A being materialized into existence, taking the shape of a bipedal female before her image cleared. Peter's eyes widened at the snow-white spider emblem over the center of her black dress.

The symbiote fused with the woman's dress, slithering wildly before settling into place. Luna brushed a hand through her long, sky-blue hair as her teeth sharpened into fangs. The surrounding area distorted, morphing into an empty, dark void, but their footing remained firm, with both individuals standing in place. Luna bore a fanged smile, standing over Peter's ensnared form as the Venom symbiote hissed on her body.

"Your tenacity is truly divine," Luna whispered, waving her glowing hand. The tendrils holding Peter in place dissolved, trailing through the ground before sinking into the symbiote dress. "You managed to survive. Quite commendable. However, do you truly think you can hold out on brute force alone? Your body will break. I can give you great strength. You don't have to do this alone."

Her voice was sultry, driven by lust as the woman knelt down before Peter and caressed his cheek with her soft hand. Peter's eyes glazed over, and Luna's smile widened, prompting her to lean forward. Tendrils from the symbiote stretched out, latching onto Peter's body. Just as their lips were inches apart, ready to be sealed together, Venom's eyes shot open before rays of light tore through the surrounding darkness. The light proceeded to lay waste to the void, replacing it in its entirety with a warm glow that enveloped Peter's mind. Venom's figure snarled, releasing Peter as it evaporated under the radiance. Strands of webbing quickly spread across the vicinity.

'Spider-Man,' a second female's voice called out, causing the area to distort out of proportion before Peter stumbled into a living room surrounded by strands of webbing.

Peter shook his head, freeing himself from his self-induced trance. "What just happened?"

'You were having a nightmare. Your nights have been filled with them lately,' the voice gently declared as images began to form within each individual strand of the surrounding web. Peter alternated his gaze about, attempting to locate the source of the voice. After he failed to do so, the voice grinned. 'Hello, Spider-Man. It's been a long time.'

Peter arched a brow, staring intently at his hands before tilting his gaze skyward. "Okay. I don't think I'm dreaming anymore. Is that you, Madame Web? You're the only one who usually enters my head unannounced." He shook his head. "You sound different."

A being materialized into existence behind Peter just as he turned around, causing the young man to babble incoherently. Before him stood a young woman garbed in a long, leather crimson jacket with matching gloves and boots. Her straight, red hair resembled a quiet blaze, and her skin was fair. She silently stood with a stern expression and cup of coffee in her right hand, her eyes hidden behind a pair of ruby shades. Peter blinked dumbly at the sight with a widened gaze, remaining motionless as she closed the gap between them before resting her free hand on the nearest thread of gossamer.

"You're not Madame Web," Peter said simply, folding his arms. "She wasn't nearly as hot as you. Or as young." The latter of his statement was barely audible, matching the hint of a whisper. Peter cleared his throat. "Who are you, really?"

The corner of the woman's mouth curled into a smile. "That's an understandable reaction. So much has happened while you've been away. For you, it's been over ten years since we've seen each other. I'm actually breaking a few rules just to talk to you." She removed her shades, revealing a pair of milky irises. Her smile never faded. "You helped me save my daughter, Rachel, from Death Web. I used to be Arachne. You even ripped off my costume design when you started wearing the black suit."

Elated, Peter's eyes widened. "No way. Julia Carpenter?! You're Madame Web now?!"

Julia gave an affirming nod. "It's only been two years since this happened to me. I'm still getting used to it. It's almost disorienting dealing with precognition and seeing every spider in the Web of Life, but it does have its perks. I may have lost my sight, but the telepathy makes up for it." The woman sobered, wrapping her arms around Pete's neck in a warm embrace. "I never had a chance to thank you for helping me save my daughter."

Peter weakly chuckled, returning the hug with earnest. "It's nothing. Don't worry about it." The pair eventually parted, prompting Julia to slide her shades back over her eyes while Peter scratched the back of his head. "So… Arachne is Madame Web now? Talk about breaking the status quo. How did that happen? Did M-Dubs decide to retire?"

"Not voluntarily," Julia whispered, all humor having left her voice as she straightened her posture. "Cassandra was slain by a member of the Kravinoff family. With her dying breath, she passed her powers to me as well as all knowledge of the Watcher of the Web. It is how I found you."

Peter's eyes softened as he glanced to the side. "I'm sorry about what happened."

Julia inhaled deeply before sighing. "As am I, but it was fate." The woman raised her hand, silencing Peter before he could mutter a word. "Pleasantries will have to wait for another time. I have come to offer you guidance as your darkest hour looms on the horizon. Shades of your past will consume your future, and those which you seek to protect will cause you the greatest pain. To help prepare for the war ahead, I have called for the aid of one close to your heart from a different reflection to help you find the answer deep within."

Peter gave the woman a bewildered expression before shaking his head in dismay. "You're here for only a few seconds, and I already have a headache just listening to you. Can you try that again without the cryptic metaphors?"

"You will find your answers in Manehattan," Madame Web bluntly responded, extending her hand before snapping her fingers. "Now go."

Peter yelped involuntarily as his eyes shot open. He rose from the plush comfort of the bed, pausing to glance at his own hoof. "I'm losing my mind," the stallion droned mid-yawn, staring blankly at the wall of his bedroom. He rubbed a hoof over his eyes. "Everytime I turn around…"

His eyes widened at a realization, narrowing on the sleeping mare next to him. A sense of dread began to stir. He contemplated on sneaking off without his wife's consent, but that idea was quickly scrapped by what little sanity the stallion had left. Peter certainly didn't have the heart to deal with a month-long sentence of the silent treatment again. He gently nudged Twilight until she stirred, knowing the truth couldn't have hurt nearly as much as a lie would.

"Honey? Do you have a second?" he whispered, poking the back of her neck.

"What…?" Twilight groaned, mild agitation evident in her voice. She rolled over to her side, never opening her eyes. Peter poked the mare again as she slowly drifted back into a slumber, continuing until the alicorn pried one eye open. Although Twilight's narrowed glare centered on the clock behind his position, Peter knew any malicious intent she had at the moment was aimed at him. The mare pulled herself to a sitting position with an exasperated groan. "It's almost midnight, Peter. What could you possibly want?"

Peter almost laughed at the irony of Twilight's irritated response. It seemed she hated being woken up early almost as much as he did. Perhaps he was rubbing off on her finally. Sobering, Peter hesitantly cleared his throat. "Something's come up. I need to head to Manehattan."

Twilight sprang to life, all sense of drowsiness having evaporated instantaneously. "Absolutely not!" she sternly declared, glaring at the stallion. "You are in no shape to be going anywhere! What could be so important that you have to risk aggravating your injuries and stress?"

Peter simply shrugged, holding his ground. "I don't know. That's what's bothering me." The mare's brow lowered at the statement, and the stallion could only let out distant sigh. "Whatever it is, Zecora and Madame Web want me to go check it out without explaining why."

This seemed to have quelled some of Twilight's frustration, evident by her bewildered gaze. "We haven't heard anything from Madame Web since we returned from Earth. Why now. And… how, even? Time moves much faster there than here. If it's been ten years for us, how many decades has it been for them?" Twilight's mouth almost moved faster than her brain could follow. She paused, edging closer to Peter without averting her gaze from his. "How is Zecora involved? What's going on?"

"I don't know, and I really wish I did," Peter groaned, rolling out of the bed. The stallion opened the closet and retrieved his signature tights. Over the years, and after so many mishaps, Rarity made a spare, and considering his costume from yesterday was in ribbons, it was probably for the best. Peter gingerly slid his body into his costume, wincing in pain afterwards. Exhaling, the stallion nodded. "It's important. We know that much. That's why I had to tell you."

Twilight frowned, holding her silence as if she were contemplating protesting further, but she simply clicked her tongue before rushing into the closet. "I suppose there's no point in arguing," she huffed, closing her eyes as a bright light emitted from her body. Her heroic attire materialized into existence over her frame, and the alicorn sternly glared at the stallion. "Whatever is happening, I'm going with you. You're not medically cleared to do anything reckless. If there's any trouble, I'll take care of it." The mare punctuated her message by poking a hoof into the stallion's chest.

"Hopefully, it won't come to that. Let Trixie and Aunt May know that we're heading out before we go to Zecora's. I'll wait for you outside," Peter whispered, leaving his mask behind after Twilight straightened her hood and cape. Sharing a nod with the mare, the stallion hurried downstairs and stepped outside, blurting out a few choice words upon nearly colliding with Zecora as she quietly sat on their doorstep in a meditative position with a bamboo staff resting across her lap. Peter held a hoof over his racing heart as he stared wildly at the unnerved mare. "Just how long have you been sitting there?!"

Zecora calmly stood. "I came here minutes before you woke. When I said by the eve of midnight, I did not mean it as a joke."

Peter's mouth fell agape. He readied himself to scream, but the stallion simply threw his hooves up in a defeated fashion. "It's either too hot or too cold. She goes from being cryptic straight to direct at the flip of a switch." Twilight made her way downstairs, alternating her confused gaze between the two. Peter waved his hoof dismissively. "Don't even ask. Let's just hurry to Manehattan. Zecora will lead us to where we need to go." He paused, sharing a glance with the zebra. "By the way, is it okay if Twilight comes along?"

Zecora nodded. "It is imperative that Twilight joins us for this. Now, we must hurry, before you sink into the abyss."

Peter facehoofed with an exasperated groan, inhaling before screaming finally. However, Twilight gave a hesitant nod, her horn glowing briefly before the entire trio vanished in a flash of light that same second. The energy dissipated, and Peter's screams echoed throughout the quiet night of Manehattan city. He stopped, blinking upon spotting the surrounding skyscrapers. Twilight's hoof soared, striking the back of the stallion's head without restraint.

"Are you trying to wake everypony in the city?!" Twilight snapped, shooting the stallion a firm glare. "You had just better hope that you didn't wake the kids with that before we left." The mare's expression eased as she quietly followed after Zecora once the zebra started to trot away from the pair.

Peter let out a low sigh, shaking his head before following both mares in a huff. "Once. Just once, I'd like a win."


The trio traveled through the quiet streets of Manehattan, following Zecora's lead. Peter paused to occasionally analyze his surroundings, while Twilight did the same at her own leisure. Most of the city's inhabitants had already retreated for the night, allowing the group to freely roam without interruption.

"What are we looking for, exactly? This city's huge. We're almost looking for a needle in a haystack," Peter muttered, staring blankly down an empty alleyway. "Maybe we can cover more ground if we split up? I can web-swing, and Twilight could fly. All you have to do is give us a hint to who or what we're looking for."

Zecora shook her head, glancing off to the side. "That will not be necessary. We are very close. Listen to your surroundings. Our guest is coming to blows."

Twilight tilted her head to the side. "What do you mean-?" A sound in the distance reached their ears, of glass shattering before several loud bangs echoed throughout the vicinity. They caught sight of a warehouse a few streets down, specifically of a pony flipping to the outside until he landed face-first on the ground. The sound of fighting became clearer to distinguish as they slowly approached the source. Twilight darted ahead, pausing to glance at her compatriots before rushing to the warehouse. "Come on!"

Before long, the entire trio reached the opened door to the destination, and they quickly bore witness to a spectacle. A group of stallions surrounded a lone mare with green fur, many charging in with malice while swinging weapons. She wore a costume, the lower half black with green highlights over her hooves. The upper half was white, holding a red and blue webbed design patterned over the sleeves.

The costume came with a hood, but it was pulled back, revealing the mare's face. She had short, blonde hair, neatly held in place by a black band behind her ears. Her eyes were blue, matching the bright sky, but there was ferocity within them as she glared at her attackers while holding a snarl. Faster than anypony could react, the mare shot several strands of webbing out of her hooves.

Twilight's eyes widened as she shared a glance with her husband. "Is she a fan of yours?"

Peter narrowed his gaze. "Not that I'm aware of."

One wad of gossamer spread upon coming into contact with a stallion's head, and he screamed frantically, unable to free the sticky substance from his hooves and mane. Another spread over an attacker's mouth before the mare wrapped his body in a cocoon of webbing. One stallion finally approached within hoof-lengths of the green mare with a hoof-worn crossbow, but she snatched the weapon away with a strand of webbing, latching a second onto his chest. In one fluid motion, the mare took the thread with a hoof and her teeth, yanking her attacker closer to her position before throwing a fierce kick into his jaw.

Twilight blinked, shaking her head. "We should help."

Peter watched as the stallions flew helplessly from the mare's clubbing blows, with those fortunate enough to not be rendered unconscious retreating hastily. "Help who?"

Eventually, the room was cleared, leaving the mare to stand over her attackers' slumped forms. She turned her back to the trio of spectators, oblivious to their presence. "What is going on?! Talking horses start attacking me, and then I turn into a horse! Why did I agree to this!? Madame Web said nothing about talking horses, or turning into one! This whole thing is a stupid, sick joke, and I'm the idiot that fell for it!" She nearly stumbled over her own hooves in the midst of her tirade, causing the mare to release an exasperated groan. "Stupid! Stupid! Stupid! This whole thing is stupid!" The mare paused, acknowledging the trio watching from the corner of her eye. She swiftly lowered into a defensive stance. "Oh, great! More of them!"

'Calm down, Spider-Woman. You have merely undergone a temporary metamorphosis. The magical energies of Equestria have given you a form suitable for this world. There's nothing stupid about it,' Madame Web calmly interjected, her voice echoing through the minds of the mare, Twilight, Zecora, and Peter. The mare's brow twitched in response, earning a stoic chuckle from Julia. 'Yes, I knew this would happen, but it was something you would have to experience on your own merit. Spider-Man has experienced the same thing as you have. He can offer you guidance over time.'

The mare couldn't free her eyes from her hooves. "I'm a horse."

'For only two weeks. I wouldn't have requested for you to travel to Equestria if it wasn't important,' Madame Web firmly declared, earning a defeated sigh from the costumed mare. 'Spider-Man. Please come forward.'

Peter blinked, sharing a brief glance with Twilight and Zecora before doing as he was told. Once the stallion was mere hoof-lengths from the newly-introduced mare, the environment distorted, morphing into a living room with strands of webbing scattered about.

The mare shot the stallion a bemused glare. "Spider-Man, huh? Sounds like you've been here a while. What brings you to the land of horses?"

Peter chuckled sheepishly. "It's a long story. I came from Earth before moving here ten years ago. It's not as bad as you think." The stallion blinked, scratching the side of his muzzle. "We're actually ponies, by the way."

Julia materialized into existence between the pair before their conversation could continue. "Troubling times lie ahead. You two are reflections of one another, results of a different outcome from a fateful day, but your destinies are tied together still, linked by tragedy."

The immediate area dissipated, retaking the form of the warehouse. Julia's image slowly faded from sight. "Come to terms with your grief, reestablish your faith, and grow stronger by influencing each other, Peter Parker and Gwen Stacy."

Her words, though calmly delivered, carried insurmountable weight and shook everypony's very core with the exception of Zecora, who merely gave an affirming nod. Gwen's large blue eyes grew as wide as saucers while Peter felt his heart sink. Twilight held a hoof over her agape mouth in disbelief, but the longer she stared at Gwen, her complexion paled. Soon, her disbelief turned to horror, and the alicorn's racing heart echoed her trepidation.

Madame Web folded her arms before completely vanishing. 'I shall watch your progress. I wish you luck for what lies ahead.'

Before long after Julia's departure, Gwen yielded to her emotions and embraced Peter. The mare sobbed uncontrollably, burying her face into the stallion's shoulder. Peter's mind devolved into a flurry of thoughts as he subconsciously returned Gwen's embrace while she shivered involuntarily. There were many things he wanted to say, but his mind grew fuzzy, worsening as tears streamed down his cheeks. For all intents and purposes, this shouldn't have been real, and the Gwen Stacy in his hooves wasn't the one he knew. However, Peter cared not for that at the moment, choosing only to rest the side of his head against Gwen's.

For many years, the night Gwen Stacy died was the worst moment in Peter's life. Now, for this moment, he would forever revel in the night that Gwen Stacy returned.

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