• Published 25th Sep 2015
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Spiders and Magic IV: The Fall of Spider-Mane - Maximus_Reborn

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Order and Balance

Chapter Forty-Seven "Order and Balance"

"Where could it have gone?" Mayday whispered as she searched through every inch of her backpack. The filly remained in the back of the hut, away from her peers, knowing how delicate the situation was. However, the further the search progressed, the more irritated she felt. Mayday released a growl, tossing the backpack to the back of the room. "I don'tbelievethis! I know I put that stupid crystal ball in here! Where else could it be?! Unless… " Blinking, the filly paused and held a widened gaze. "Someone found it."

A long silence filled the area as Mayday sank in her thoughts, contemplating the possibilities on who could've discovered her secret. However, she cast those thoughts to the side before stealing a glance within the main room of the hut. Everypony appeared occupied, with some awaiting a response from Chrysalis while others continued to catch up on past and present matters. Her own parents had yet to return, giving the filly a rare opportunity of a conversation without interruption.

Mayday shifted her hazel gaze to Princess Celestia, pausing before letting out a low sigh. The information she had was taboo, hidden from the world for reasons worth comprehending. The filly knew well that her mother would not appreciate the idea of her daughter interrogating her former mentor. Yet, this was something Mayday needed to see through, not just for the sake of her curiosity, but for that of the world's natural progression. Princess Celestia had much to answer for.

With a low sigh, Mayday cast all doubts to the side and walked towards Princess Celestia. "With what's about to happen, I may not get a second chance with this." Slowly but surely, the filly quietly made her way through the hut while paying those around her no mind. Princess Celestia sat with Luna, discussing countermeasures for the developing scenario. Once mere hoof-lengths apart, Mayday slowed to a halt and raised her gaze to meet that of the alicorn's. "Princess Celestia. May I ask you something?"

Celestia's eyes widened at the filly's question, but her demeanor lightened, evident by her small smile. "Of course, Mayday. What is it?"

"Well, I mean… uh…" Mayday inhaled deeply before sighing, as if contemplating her words carefully, but her mind raced, recollecting Celestia's history of disregardment. The filly's eyes narrowed into a glare upon realizing that subtlety was not fit for the current situation. "Why did youreallyhave the previous academy erased from history?"

Blinking, Celestia stared at the filly for what felt like minutes, but she forced a chuckle. "That's a silly idea, Mayday. Tirek may be imposing his will on the world, but my school for gifted unicorns is very much still intact."

"I was talking about the schoolbeforethat one," Mayday blurted out, frowning. "Celestia's Magna School for the Gifted. It should be hard to forget that one."

Celestia inhaled sharply at the statement as her eyes widened. "H-how, how do you know about that?"

Luna alternated her gaze between Celestia and Mayday with a furrowed brow. "Sister. What is she talking about?"

Mayday scoffed at Celestia's silence and shook her head. "Only one of the greatest schools in history. It held the world's highest accumulated grade point average, and there were over three dozen academic breakthroughs in the school's twenty-year span. Each of those individuals had created significant advancements in science and magic, and would've propelled the world forward." Mayday paused, closing her eyes. "However, Princess Celestia felt that the world was not ready for such advancements. She had each scholar cancel their projects and surrender their notes, compensating each for their compliance."

Trixie turned her attention to the raised voice, pulled her mask back as she approached the filly. "What are you talking about, Mayday?"

Mayday held her ground, standing firm with her gaze locked on Celestia. "It gets better. That wasn't the first time you did something like that. Every few hundred years, you would have a school made for the intellectually gifted to attend, but the second they started makingtoogreat of advancements, you would have all information of the studies confiscated. The schools would disband, with all records erased from the history books. Once enough of the ponies forgot about the school, a new one would be built in its place, under a new name. The cycle repeats, again and again."

"That's preposterous," Trixie muttered, shifting her gaze to the alicorn. However, Celestia offered no response, staring bleakly at the filly with a grim expression. Trixie blinked, alternating her bewildered gaze between the filly and princess. "Wait… so then it'strue? What would doing such a thing hope to accomplish?"

"That's whatIwant to know!" Mayday harshly declared, earning the collective gazes of everypony in the room. The filly pushed forward, pointing a hoof at Celestia as she closed the gap between them. "I've seen what technological advancements can do for a world during our time on Earth. Equestria has that same potential, but we'll nevergrowas long asyoukeep preventing everypony from advancing. Why would you even halt the natural progress of growth in the first place? Do yourealizehow heavily you're disrupting the natural order?"

Celestia's poise remained firm in spite of the filly's assault of questions and allegations. She closed her eyes and let out a low sigh. "You're still just a child Mayday, unable to fully grasp the situation. I understand why you're frustrated with my decisions. Sometimes, the negative aspects of a positive outweigh everything, and a choice must be made to ensure that the world's safety is guaranteed in the long run."

Mayday blinked at the statement, shaking her head after a duration. "Some of those magical spells could've been used for military tactics to protect us, and then there's the numerous scientific advancements that could've went into making so many improvements to the quality of life!" She paced back and forth in place before the alicorn, huffing before turning to her sharply. "Just becauseyou'rescared of whatcouldhave happened, you're willing to halt the advancement ofeverythingto a standstill? That'snotforyouto decide, Celestia!"

"Mayday!" Twilight cried out, causing the filly's heart to practically stop. She turned to find both her mother and father standing at the door. Twilight marched towards the filly until they were inches apart with a stern glare. "What on earth has come over you?"

The filly held her ground still, pointing a hoof at Princess Celestia while holding eye contact with her mother. "She's been bending the rules this whole time, just to keep the world in the image thatshesees fit! Equestria willneverhave a true sense of order withhercalling the shots! It's just like Discord said!"

"Just like Discord said-what?!" Inhaling sharply, Twilight's eyes shot open before she turned Mayday to face her via magic. "Have you beentalkingto him?! For how long?! Sincewhen?!"

Peter placed a hoof over Twilight's shoulder, gently easing the mare back. "Give her time to answer." He narrowed his gaze on the filly, sharing his wife's concern. "Mayday. Answer your mother."

Mayday glanced off to the side, pursing her lips as the entire hut focused on her. "I've been talking to Discord for a while. It was a few days before we went to Earth. He even gave me a crystal ball that had a great deal of Equestria's history logged into it."

"You had the crystal ball during our time on Earth?" Luna questioned, her eyes widening at a realization. Once Mayday nodded, the alicorn's expression darkened. "I also take it that he communicated with you the second you activated it?"

Mayday's ears and gaze lowered shamefully. "Y-yeah."

"Ah, crap," Gwen whispered, cursing under her breath. "That explains how Discord found us as fast as he did. He had to have used a tracking spell or whatever."

Patricia blinked as her ears perked. "Hold on a second. Where's the crystal ballnow? That creep is probably still keeping tabs on us if Mayday held onto it."

Mayday shook her head, shrugging. "I don't have it anymore. Really, I don't know where it is. I could've sworn that I put it in my backpack before we came here." The filly straightened her posture upon receiving a glare from her mother, raising her hooves defensively. "Iswear."

"If no one here is in possession of it, I believe Eris may have discovered the crystal ball," Julia coolly interjected, brushing a hoof through her crimson mane. "It might explain why she was so enthusiastic for us to leave this morning."

Twilight took in a deep breath before exhaling, shaking her head in dismay. "I… I can't believe that this is happening…"

Peter edged closer to the filly with a stern yet gentle expression. "Your mother's just worried about you. Weallare. You should've told us what was happening, May."

Rainbow Dash folded her hooves and huffed. "Don't sweat it, kid. Discord's duped most of us before. It's what he does."

Applejack nodded, tilting her hat back. "Exactly, sugarcube. He manipulates and pulls strings just to get what he wants. Just forget about it and let us handle it from here."

Instead of losing frustration, everypony's words and actions only fueled it further. Mayday growled under her breath and lashed a hoof out to the side. "No! You'rewrong! Discord has always been telling thetruthabout this! It's just that nopony is willing tolistento him because of how much Princess Celestia has twisted the rules over the years!" She faced the alicorn with a steady glare. "I'm not buying whatever it is that you're selling!"

Peter slowly reached out to the filly. "Mayday, you have to understand-"

Mayday sharply stepped back before her father's hoof could come into contact with her. "Understandwhat?! That you've gone along with Princess Celestia's crap and held back on your experiments?! Don't act like you don't know what I'm talking about! I'veseenit! There've beencountlesstimes where you wanted to push something farther, to make something better."

Scratching the back of his head, Peter weakly glanced to the side. "Sweetie…"

Holding a faltering glare, Mayday pointed a hoof angrily at her father. "I'm sostupid! I should've known there was something wrong all this time. All of those 'mistakes' that you made during our projects? They were just deliberate, so you could delay its completion! Why?! Just because Princess Celestia thought the world wasn'treadyfor it?!" The filly's eyes steadily swelled as tears surfaced on her face. "How many of our experiments have wescrappedbecause of her, Daddy? Howmany!?"

Peter's expression softened, but he stood firm. "I know you're upset, Mayday, but this isn't the way to confront it. I'm sorry that you had to find out the truth like this. However, I want you think about this." He alternated his gaze between Celestia and Mayday before raising a hoof objectively. "You're accusing Princess Celestia of looking at the scenario solely on their negative variables. But you don't realize that you're actually doing the same, just with the positive side. You have to look atbothsides and try to understand their perspective."

"Iamlooking at both sides!" Mayday whined as her voice cracked. "The world can't advance if she's stopping everything!"

"Just because wecando something doesn't mean that weshould. We have to moderate and slowly work into a groove that's best suited for everypony," Peter whispered before letting out a low sigh. "If bad things happen, it'll be because of us, and we have to live with that. I always tell you the same thing, honey: with great power comes great responsibility. The world isn't black and white. Sometimes, the answer isn't as easy to find as you think it is. I went along with Princess Celestia because I understand where she's coming from… to an extent."

All hints of frustration faded from within the filly as her anger took its place. "You know something? You're notalwaysright," Mayday harshly declared, glaring at her father. Her tone was distant, lacking the usual affection. Peter reached out, but Mayday coldly turned her back, walking to the other side of the room. "I thought you were my dad. Turns out…" she paused, shaking her head, "...you're just astrangerpretending to be him."

The entire world around Peter froze as his daughter's words cut deeper than any blade could. Twilight readied to step in, but Mayday stepped away in a huff, trotting out of the room before anypony could reach her. The filly found solace in the back of the hut away from everypony's prying eyes. She quietly sat, facing the wall with her legs pulled to her chest. Peter could only stare at Mayday for what felt like eons, but his ears perked at a faint sound, prompting the stallion to glance to the side at his earpiece.

Pressing the button, Peter inhaled deeply before sighing. "How long have you been listening, Chrysalis?"

Static cleared before the mare's voice on the other line stammered, recovering itself. "I didn't mean to eavesdrop. My apologies, Peter."

The stallion glanced off to the side and chuckled weakly. "Don't worry about it. How's everything on your end?"

A content sigh escaped from the changeling queen's mouth. "We are most fortunate. The entire hive went underground at my capture and your disappearance. All of my eggs are also safe." Sobering, Chrysalis cleared her throat. "I've relayed the situation to everyling here and sent scouts to survey the areas we talked about. It seems that Tirek and the entirety of his forces are gathering as we speak. They're heading south through the plains to mount a concentrated attack on Ponyville."

Princess Celestia's eyes widened. "With their numbers and firepower, they'll level the entire village. We have to meet them head on before they reach the populace. Otherwise, innocents will get caught in the crossfire."

Twilight furrowed her brow. "They're gathering as we speak. How long do we have before they head out?"

"It should take a couple of hours for all of the thestrals to gather, and their plan is to move at dawn," Chrysalis declared, her voice stern. "We have only twelve to fourteen hours. The routes to your destinations are clear. I suggest that you all hurry. My changelings and I will reunite with you all in the morning by Ponyville. May the stars watch over you."

As Peter turned off the communications, Shining Armor frowned. "At dawn? That hardly gives us any time at all."

"Some time is better than none," Trixie coolly interjected, folding her hooves while leaning against a wall in an upright stance. "Besides, I watched Peter engage the Sinister Six in battle. He caught them off-guard and dealt significant damage to some. I imagine that they need the hours to heal and gather their thoughts. We have Peter's diversion to thank for this respite."

"There's still something Ah don't get," Applejack mused, tapping her hoof impatiently against the ground. "Why Ponyville of all places?"

Rarity's eyes widened at a realization. "Goodness! It's because they know that most of us stilllivein Ponyville!"

Rainbow Dash scoffed. "Thosepunks! They're trying to lure us out! They know Ponyville won't stand a chance!"

Princess Celestia stepped forward, earning everypony's collective gaze in the room. "Do not worry, Rainbow Dash. We will not let them get that far. Luna, the wielders of the Elements of Harmony, and I shall head to Canterlot immediately. We shall make the proper preparations and gather any remaining knights together. We'll leave Canterlot in the morning."

"Just a moment, Your Majesty!" Shining Armor politely interjected, raising a hoof. "With your permission, I believe that we'll be able to attack Tirek from multiple angles."

Rainbow Dash leaned over the stallion's shoulder with an arched brow. "What do you meanattackhim?"

"Like this. Watch," Shining replied, using his hoof to draw a set of lines and a circle into the dirt. "Tirek's forces are headed straight for Ponyville through the plains. With our current routes, we can flank them and attack from all sides at once, if we move first."

Princess Cadance stepped next to her husband and used her magic to trace a line in the dirt on the left side of the circle. "The Crystal Empire lies to the east of their position. Shining, I, and what's left of our knightly forces can strike at this side."

Julia gently approached the center of the room. "That leaves the south to us. Those that remain here will act as the frontline between Tirek's forces and Ponyville."

Sunset Shimmer nodded. "Chrysalis and the changelings will help add to our numbers from the north of their position." The mare paused, furrowing her brow as she rubbed her chin with a hoof. "But that still leaves them with the west open…"

"Uh…" Sonata murmured, throwing a hoof over her mouth immediately afterward. The siren shrank as everypony's collective gazes centered on her. However, after what felt like an eternity, Sonata managed to clear her throat and recollect her nerve. "I-I think I can attack from the west."

Trixie frowned, folding her hooves. "You?By yourself? Don't be ridiculous. You havenothingto prove. So drop the bravado."

Sonata held her ground and straightened her posture. "I'm not trying to do thisalone! There's a lake to the west.Aria'slake! Iknowthat's where she is. I know her. It's the first place she would go," She paused, holding a hoof over her chest. "Eris told us that Aria left Tirek's group. If I can talk with her, she can help us! Shewillhelp us!"

Shining Armor furrowed his brow, frowning as he analyzed their makeshift map. "I'm not sure about this. It's a big risk going under the assumption that she'll help us. Weneedthis flank covered."

Peter placed a hoof over Sonata's shoulder before nodding firmly. "Trust her, Shining. Aria's one of the good ones, and she's willing to listen to reason with the right motivation. If she sees that Sonata is still alive, I'm sure that Aria will listen toanything." The stallion paused, sharing a glance with the siren before retrieving a syringe from a nearby case. "Besides, I have a promise to keep."

"Then, it's settled," Luna declared, narrowing her gaze on the drawing in the dirt. "We shall strike at every angle and liberate Equestria together." She shared a glance with her sister, nodding before turning to face the wielders of the Elements of Harmony. "Come, everypony. We should leave at once." As her horn emitted magic, she stole a glance at Peter. "We'll synchronize our attacks with the headsets."

Before the group could teleport away, Twilight walked to Zecora, pausing to kiss Ben's forehead. "Please take care of our children, Zecora," she pleaded, earning a firm nod in response from the mare. Twilight glanced across the room at her daughter, but Mayday refused to lift her head, sniffling. Inhaling deeply before sighing, the princess met her husband's gaze once he approached her side. After a brief silence, she managed a smile. "We'll both be on the frontlines, but I expect you to be there by my side at some point."

"I'm your knight. It's my job," Peter chuckled, brushing his lips against Twilight's briefly yet affectionately. Once they parted, the stallion sobered and nodded. "Stay safe, hun."

Twilight readied to part, but she edged closer to the stallion until her mouth was inches away from his ear. "Don't let Mayday's words get to you. You're her father, and she loves you very much. Just give her time, and she'll come around."

The couple shared a final glance before Twilight joined back with the group. Luna's horn held a magical glow, and the energies enveloped everypony in the vicinity. Suddenly, both princess and the wielders of the Elements of Harmony vanished in a burst of light.

Shining Armor approached Peter soon afterward. "Time's not on our side. We'd better head out, too. Plus…" he trailed off as his eyes softened. "We're really worried about Diamond."

Peter nodded, placing a hoof over Shining's shoulder. "Go check on your son. We'll see you in the morning."

"Likewise," Shining muttered, bumping his hoof against Peter's own before joining back with Cadance.

The couple faded from sight in a burst of light, leaving the remaining group to share a collective glance. Sonata walked to Peter with a concerned gaze. "Hey. Uh, when should we go after Aria?"

Peter was slow to respond, furrowing his brow in thought. "I think the morning would be good, probably an hour before everypony heads out. I'll need an hour to prepare Aria's vaccination right now. Speaking of which, you're due for another shot."

"Really? Do I have to take itnow? That stuff always makes me sleepy," Sonata whined, grimacing once Peter retrieved a syringe from the metallic case.

Julia huffed, nodding. "It's best for you to take your medicine now so that you may rest. It sounds like you and Peter will be up and about at four in the morning, while the rest of us start moving out at five."

Gwen narrowed her gaze on the floor. "If we're protecting the town, we all better get some rest." The mare found a place on the floor, stretching out before letting out a low yawn. "It's going to be a war tomorrow, and we're on the frontlines."

"Draw a line in the sand and make a stand," Patricia murmured, forcing a chuckle. "Do us all a favor, Peter. Don't take too long helping Sonata's friend. I've really grown to where I hate fighting without you."

Peter didn't respond immediately, sticking the syringe's needle into Sonata's shoulder before injecting the serum. "It shouldn't take too long. Aria's open-minded. I'll give her the antidote, and we'll come charging in like the cavalry."

Felicia sighed, sliding her back against the wall before closing her eyes. "Reconnaissance and extraction are my specialities. I'll make sure Celestia pays me a pretty penny for this."

Upon finishing the treatment, Peter placed a small bandage over Sonata's shoulder. The siren's eyes already felt heavy as she quietly gazed at the stallion. The others shared brief exchanges before finding a respective place to rest within the hut. A flurry of thoughts raced across Sonata's mind, blending together memories of all of her friends. A sense of anxiety settled within her, in spite of her growing sleepiness.

"Hey, Peter?" Sonata whispered, causing the stallion to shift his gaze towards her. "Do you think Aria's okay?"

Peter's eyes widened at the question, as if taken aback by its suddenness. However, the stallion nodded and managed a smile. "She'll be just fine." He placed a hoof over Sonata's forehead and grinned. "Get some sleep. We're gonna need it."

Sonata weakly nodded, returning the stallion's smile with one of her own before she drifted into a slumber. Peter quietly walked through the hut, careful not to disturb any of his cohorts. He eventually made his way to the back room, where his daughter had retreated to, but the stallion froze in his tracks upon spotting the filly lost in a slumber of her own. In spite of Mayday's tender age of nine, her words' effect could still be felt. Peter glanced off to the side, recoiling at the sting left in his daughter's wake.

Throughout his entire life, Peter only wanted to keep his girl happy and guide her along the way. That in itself was challenging, due to Mayday's headstrong and calculating nature, traits shared with her mother. Fortunately, it was ultimately fruitful thanks to the filly's warm demeanor, something else she earned from Twilight. Like any child, Mayday did not always listen. However, she usually saw the errors of her ways after reflection.

Yet, this felt different. Peter's eyes softened as he somberly stared at his daughter. He could almost feel Mayday's pain and spite in her words, as if they were weighed down by the very essence of betrayal. Mayday washurt, and it washisfault. He did only what he felt was right, but now the world grew grey, as if black and white fused together. A voice lingered in the back of his mind, projecting all blame on his very being.

"You should talk to her," Julia whispered, freeing the stallion from his self-induced trance. Her tone was soft, lacking its usual firmness. "Considering how high the stakes are, you may not get another chance to talk with her."

The stallion paused to alternate his gaze between Mayday and Julia before shaking his head with a chuckle. "That's not a good idea. May getsreallycrabby if you wake her up early. Add in that she's already peeved with me, and she'll probably bite my head off." He shifted his gaze to the filly once more before quietly exiting the room, passing Julia. "I'll talk with May when this is all over. Tell her that I love her… Okay?"

Julia watched the stallion with a softened gaze, shaking her head in a defeated manner. Once he was out of hearing range, the mare inhaled deeply and sighed. "Your strand in the Web of Life continues to darken. I cannot foresee your future, but Idoknow this." She shifted her head skyward before closing her eyes. "Nothing will ever be the same after tomorrow."

Adagio sat along the bank of the lake with a glare fixed on the surrounding forest. "Come, Peter Parker. Iknowthat you will come looking for her…" she trailed off, looking back to the lake as a dark expression formed on her face, "but you haveno ideawhat's waiting here for you..."

To be continued...

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