• Published 25th Sep 2015
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Spiders and Magic IV: The Fall of Spider-Mane - Maximus_Reborn

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Breaking the Ice

Chapter Five "Breaking the Ice"

Peter stirred from his slumber, releasing a low yawn from his mouth before pulling himself into an upright position. Rays of light entered the room through openings in the curtains. The stallion shielded his sensitive eyes with a hoof, groaning. Peter glanced off to the side, furrowing his brow at a pair of unusual sights. The clock on the nightstand read ten minutes after noon, which was stunning in itself. Twilight was one to never sleep in past eight, let alone noon, and she wouldn't allow anypony in the house to try such a thing, especially her husband who tried it at every conceivable opportunity.

There were times where Twilight made an exception, but they were usually for specific circumstances. Peter moaned. She wasn't completely cruel, after all. This brought the stallion back to the second unusual sight, or lack thereof, at his bedside. Twilight was nowhere to be seen, and as Peter brushed a hoof over her cold place in the bed, it seemed she had been gone for a few hours now. Before the stallion could ponder about his wife's whereabouts, he caught sight of a small note out of the corner of his eye resting on the nightstand under the lamp.

Peter rolled from the plush comforts of the bed before retrieving the letter.Honey, I have to go to Rarity's to have my dress fitted for the Grand Galloping Gala this weekend. Don't worry about the children. They're with me. Mayday and Ben need their outfits fitted too. You know how much Mayday hates dressing for formal events. I thought it would be a good idea to take Mayday out for ice cream as a peace offering as well as help forget what happened yesterday. You should get as much rest as possible before your appointment. I'll have Rarity fix your suit up as well. We'll be back this evening. Love you.

Peter held a disheartened smirk. "Darn that mare. I wanted to take Mayday out for ice cream." The stallion shrugged, folding the letter before placing it back under the lamp. "That's what I get for sleeping in." Peter's eyes widened, and his complexion paled at a thought. "Oh, God. I hope Rarity and Twilight don't play dress up with my son. The last time… if they put hoof polish on him again..."

After organizing the bedroom to the best of his ability, Peter walked downstairs into the living room. He could hear his own thoughts, which was a feat in and of itself, considering how lively the Treebrary's inhabitants could get. Spike was gone, presumably with Twilight to see Rarity. The stallion reached Trixie's room, only to learn that the reclusive mare had left as well in the form of a small note stuck to the door simply labeled 'Out. Be back later tonight'.

Aunt May's room was empty as well, causing the stallion to let out a low sigh. She had moved into the Treebrary after its renovation a few years ago. With his beloved Aunt May still on her trip to Baltimare until tomorrow, Peter had been left completely alone. The stallion arched a brow, staring blankly at Twilight's pet owl as he slept perched in his usual position near the ceiling. He was as close to alone as one could get.

"My first real day off in a long time, and I have no idea how to spend it," Peter groaned, falling back onto the sofa with a bemused expression before raising his gaze to the ceiling. "I can't bother Luna right now. She's asleep." With a shrug, the stallion huffed. "For a prince and knight, you're really living the good life, Parker. If I told myself back on Earth that life would be this good, I would've laughed, snorted, and guffawed to my face. I'd also say I was crazy. It's a little boring sometimes, but that's not a bad thing." Peter's ears perked at a soft set of knocks at the door, and the stallion quickly made his way towards it with a grin. "I may have spoken too soon… again."

The stallion opened the door to be greeted by a tall and slender sight. She bore the physique of an alicorn, having wings and a horn, but her hairless, black carapace proved that was quite the contrary. There were grey spots decorated across her body that were previously holes in her chitin. Her silky, blue-green mane matched that of her tail, holding a luxurious shine. Peter's hazel eyes held a gaze with his visitor's emerald slitted irises before he gave a warm smile. She was once an enemy, but now the changeling queen was a close friend.

"Hey, Chrysalis!" Peter lightly greeted, extending a hoof to the mare. "You're looking great!"

"Greetings, Peter. I appreciate the compliment, but..." she trailed off, holding a stern expression. "I wish I could've visited under better circumstances, but one of my hives has detected a disturbance approaching it. I'd hate to impose, but it requires your immediate attention." Her eyes softened. "May I ask for your assistance, dear friend?"

Peter furrowed his brow. "What happened?" The stallion shook his head, turning sharply on his hoof before the mare could respond. "Never mind. The fact that you're physically here asking me for help means that this must be really urgent. You can just explain on the way."

Chrysalis smiled. "Thank you for understanding."

Peter simply nodded, grabbing his knapsack nearby before stepping outside and closing the door. "You don't even have to say please. Sit tight for a second." Reaching into his bag, the stallion found the button on the remote before pressing it. The cellar door opened, allowing the Spider Glider to take flight. It circled around the Treebrary a few times before eventually zoning in on Peter's position. The stallion hopped on top of the mechanism as it passed, and Chrysalis took flight after the pony once he picked up speed. They shared a glance and nod, prompting the changeling queen to fly ahead of the stallion. Peter tightened the straps on the knapsack around his shoulders. "Lead the way, Chrysi!"


Deep within the foothills of Canterlot Mountain, Sonata traveled through the shade of an ancient grove, her gaze fixed on the ground. Although the snow had been removed from the land just a few hours ago, the dew in the grass was still ice cold under her hooves. However, spring had finally surfaced, with the clear blue sky and plants retaking their vibrant forms. Sonata stopped by a rosebush, staring longingly at its crimson petals before shifting her gaze to the surrounding trees.

"It's as beautiful as I remember. The garden's gone, but the roses are still here. I wonder what happened to this place? It looks like it's been abandoned for a long time now," Sonata whispered to herself, smiling as a butterfly settled on a nearby rose.

The tiny, dew-covered creature stretched its wings, allowing the mare to admire its beauty as it shimmered in the sunlight. Sonata's eyes softened once her mind drifted, recollecting memories from the past and present. This place held significance, even now, and the breaths of nostalgia filled her heart with glee and regret. She glanced off to the side, frowning as memories of the dissension between herself and her two friends resurfaced. A sharp twinge pulled at her heart, prompting the mare to place a hoof over her chest before sighing.

"I hope Adagio and Aria are okay," Sonata exhaled, releasing a breath of air she could actually see. Her brow furrowed before a chill brushed against her fur, causing the mare to shiver involuntarily. "What? How'd it get so cold all of a sudden?"

As if winter had suddenly returned, the surrounding temperature dropped drastically, allowing the mare to visibly see her warm breaths in the now frigid air. The dew on the rose bush in front of her froze instantly, covering every petal in ice. The butterfly perched upon the floral plant suffered the same fate, stiffening before falling to the ground and shattering like a piece of glass. Sonata watched the spectacle in horror as the remainder of the dewy grove quickly froze over in a blanket of frost.

A sudden realization dawned on the mare as a chill that rivaled the invading frost crept down her spine. Small tremors began coursing through the ground, growing with each approaching step, heralding the arrival of a past nightmare she had long forgotten. Once the source came within Sonata's line of sight, it bared its razor sharp fangs that protruded from its lower jaw. The creature stood upright at nearly four times the height of the mare, comprised of pure magically-enhanced might. The winds ceased momentarily as the furry white beast locked eyes with Sonata's, causing hers to widen at the sight of the yeti.

"Glacius..." Sonata murmured, her mouth falling agape as she instinctively took a step back.

Memories from the past resurfaced of a fateful day, long before her banishment by Starswirl. All hints of sadness dissipated, giving way to an emotion Sonata had long since escaped. The yeti eyed the cowering potential prey, lowly growling as if weighing effort versus gain for energy consumption and expenditure. Glacius was almost ready for hibernation, evident by the large bags formed under its eyes.

The beast growled, wanting its last meal to be a filling one for the long year ahead. Several long moments passed as the pair stared at one another. Before long, Sonata snarled, gritting her teeth to the core. All initial shock and fear vanished from the mare as she took in seethed breaths, never averting her now venomous glare from the snow-white creature.

Sonata's hooves trembled. "Do you remember me? Better yet, do you remember my friend?!" receiving no reaction from the yeti which only furthered the mare's building rage. "Did she mean so little that you don't even remember? I know something in there understands me. It has to!" Letting out a small grunt, the beast turned its back, resuming its travels. Sonata's eye twitched. "I'm… not worth the trouble?"

The mare shook her head madly, pacing in place before screaming at the top of her lungs. A shockwave erupted around the vicinity, shattering the frozen bark on many of the surrounding trees. Glacius merely scoffed a response, continuing to march on with his back turned. A burst of energy raced from her mouth, striking Glacius in the back with enough force to generate a small shockwave and knock the creature off balance. Snow fell from the trees, and the yeti staggered before settling back into position, turning and snarling at its attacker. The surrounding blizzard intensified, a whirlwind of snow spiraling around the pair.

"I've got your attention now?! Good!" Sonata cried out, pointing a hoof at the beast and standing firm even as ice spread near her hooves. "I was powerless to stop you then, but I am much stronger now! I will make you pay for taking away my little sister, and every other siren you devoured that day, you monster!"

Glacius stomped toward the pony, throwing a slow swipe with its paw once it was within range. Sonata unleashed a melody, generating a magical barrier. The energies vibrated before erupting, creating a bright light. Glacius' glowing eyes widened before instinctively shielding them, unable to react as Sonata jumped from the ground and screamed at the top of her lungs. A grating wail echoed throughout the forest, and a tunnel of force tore through everything in its path behind the yeti. Glacius roared in irritation as it tuned out the loud ringing going through its ears. Nodding, as if recognising the true nature of the mare's attacks, it glared intently at its ancient prey.

The yeti threw a punch into the ground, sending out a fissure before a frozen stalagmite erupted from underneath Sonata. The mare was launched high into the air, and her body was assaulted by the blizzard's wind. Sonata managed to hum a melody, causing a bubble shield to materialize around her body, the magical barrier warming her as she landed on the ground. Glacius took the opportunity to rip a tree from the ground with its claws, pausing until it was frozen completely solid before swinging it like a club at the mare.

Before she could be struck, Sonata shrieked at the top of her lungs, generating a shockwave potent enough to shatter the tree. The mare hummed as broken shards of frozen wood and ice fell from the sky, disappearing in a blur. Glacius tossed the remnants of the tree to the side with a disgruntled grunt, growling upon spotting a trail of energy dashing around the vicinity. Faster than it could react, Sonata threw a punch into its gut and followed with a kick to the back, repeating the process as she circled around the creature with blinding speed.

Withstanding the attack with the resistance of a stone wall, Glacius unleashed a deep roar of furious irritation. The surrounding winds intensified further within the vortex. Sonata continued to hum her melody as she ran, but the volume of her voice decreased significantly, drowned out by the howling gale all around her. The air grew thinner and colder, making the simple act of breathing difficult to perform and singing impossible. Try as she might, Sonata struggled to hold even a faint pitch until it withered into silence.

The mare slowed to a halt, shivering violently as ice began to spread across her body. Sonata's inability to move nor sing now served as a fatal reminder of why even the most powerful of her kind feared the great white beast. Once Glacius walked over to her position, Sonata forced herself to a standing position in spite of her muscles' failing strength. The yeti threw a wild swipe, sending the mare spiraling across the air. She eventually landed, bouncing off the ground several times before the back of her cranium struck a block of ice. Glacius stood still, holding its gaze on the mare's limp form, but after a few seconds passed, the yeti growled contently.

The beast stomped over to its prey, reaching down to claim its prize. However, a stallion burst through the howling vortex at breakneck speed and dove out, driving a fierce kick directly into the yeti's jaw. The force of the blow knocked Glacius back a few yards, forcing the beast to slam its feet into the ground to halt its unwanted momentum. Glacius snarled at its attacker, holding a widened gaze upon Peter as Chrysalis materialized next to Sonata.

"Ice to see you, Coldilocks!" the stallion chimed, lowering into a defensive stance. Glacius slammed its fists together, howling with enough force to send tremors coursing through every object within a few yards. Peter groaned, reaching into his knapsack before swiftly sliding the Twilight Arms over his hooves. "Dude! It's spring! Why aren't you hibernating?! I fed you already! You can't just go out for a snack all willy-nilly!" Glacius responded with a second howl, slamming its fist into the ground several times. Peter rolled his eyes, sharing a glance with Chrysalis. "Alright. This won't take long. Watch over our new friend there, Chrysi."

Chrysalis arched a brow, alternating her emerald gaze between the yeti and stallion. "You're going to approach it as a foe?"

Peter shrugged, chuckling. "Nah. I'm just out of ice cubes."

Exhaling, the changeling queen held a blank stare as the stallion sped towards the yeti. "At times, I earnestly regret our alliance."

Glacius dug its claws deep into the ground, snarling as it managed to lift a chunk of land over its head. Ice spread across the rock before the yeti tossed it at the stallion. Peter continued to sprint towards the projectile on his hind legs, rearing his hoof back as Twilight Arms emitted a bright blue light before delivering a straight punch. In a collision, both objects stopped, but a crack quickly spread through the ice before the entire stone shattered into thousands of pieces. Glacius leaped through the still scattering ice and took a wild swing at the stallion, but Peter ducked underneath the attack, countering with a three-punch combination to the gut.

Glacius hunched over, growling in pain, and Peter sighed, shaking his head. "Come on, Frosty. It's past your bedtime, and you're growing weaker because of it. Whatever you were looking for isn't worth the trouble this time." The stallion smiled, raising his hoof triumphantly. "I'll come feed you. I promise."

The stallion and yeti shared a staredown, neither faltering, but Glacius growled under its breath before forcing itself to a standing position. It walked past Peter without looking back. The stallion reached into his knapsack and swiftly tossed a small spider emblem which stuck to the back of the yeti's shoulder before it disappeared into the horizon. With the yeti's leave, the residual effects of the snowstorm dissolved as quickly as they came, causing all forms of ice to melt. Spring had returned, as it was meant to.

Chrysalis smiled. "Excellent work, Peter."

Peter removed his gauntlets, nodding. "Thanks. I'm glad we managed to stop Glacius before it could reach your hive or make a meal out of her." His eyes softened. "Is she okay?"

Chrysalis nodded. "She's suffered a blow to the head, but it doesn't seem severe."

"That's good to hear," the stallion whispered before glancing in the direction that the yeti walked with a furrowed brow. "There's no question that Glacius went out for a last minute snack before his hibernation. If the Spider Tracer stays active, I'll drop by his hideout later and leave a few goodies. Hopefully, that'll keep him happy until winter."

Chrysalis smirked. "You're as sympathetic as ever, but that's part of your allure." Sobering, the changeling queen glanced at the unconscious mare under her hooves. "There's something... unusual about this one. She possesses a strong magical signature."

Peter tilted his head to the side. "Really? But she's an earth pony. How does that work?"

"Something about this one just doesn't feel right. Not to mention it seems that she gave Glacius a bit of trouble before our arrival," Chrysalis declared as she analyzed her devastated environment. Eventually, she returned her gaze to the stallion. "Perhaps you should take her in for questioning? You seem to hold a gift for communication with others."

Peter too surveyed the surrounding damage before he grinned, lifting the unconscious mare into his hooves bridal style. "That's probably not a bad idea. You should go check on your hive and make sure everypony's okay. I'll head home with our friend here. Maybe she's got some secrets to share?"

"Perhaps," Chrysalis muttered, glancing off to the side. The usually firm queen seemed flustered, slamming her eyes shut as her face grew hot. "I just wanted to say thank you. This could've been a potential disaster for my people."

Oblivious, Peter simply grinned. "What are friends for, right? I promised you that I'd look after everypony. You're my friend, Chrysi. You need anything? Just ask."

Chrysalis held an earnest smile, chuckling as the stallion took his leave. "I'll do just that… my dear friend."

Sonata's eyes fluttered open as she stirred, quickly rising to a sitting position, sending a jolt of pain coursing through her cranium. Sonata groaned in response, placing a hoof over her forehead. The mare paused, glancing at her surroundings before realizing she was on a sofa in somepony's house. The wooden interior was simplistic, and everything was organized to perfection, with nothing appearing out of place.

With the many bookshelves spread across the walls, it resembled a library more than anything else. Just as her mind drifted, a stallion walked into the room with a cloth in his grasp. Before Sonata could have even spoken, the unicorn placed the warm cloth over her forehead. As her core temperature increased, the stranger took a seat on the available space at the edge of the sofa.

"Welcome back," the stallion lightly declared, smiling. "You took a shot to the head, but you're doing just fine now."

Sonata arched a brow, rubbing the back of her head with a hoof. "Where am I?" Her eyes widened at a realization. "Wait. What happened to Glacius?"

Peter waved a hoof dismissively. "Don't worry about Frosty. He's gone to sleep for the winter." The stallion held his hooves out to the side, grinning. "I managed to get to you before he could turn you into a pony popsicle. I brought you back to Ponyville. This is my home. Name's Peter."

Sonata blinked, staring wildly at the stallion for what seemed like an eternity before shaking her head and holding out a hoof. "Hold on. You saved me?" Neglecting her migraine, the mare bounced to her hooves and stood over the stallion. Peter glanced off to the side several times as Sonata seemingly dressed him down with their faces being only inches apart. The mare giggled after her inspection was complete. "Oh, gosh! You're Peter Parker! The Spider-Mane!"

"It's just Spider-Mane. There's no 'the,'" Peter replied, letting out a relieved sigh once the mare stepped away. With a shrug, he added, "You can call me Peter. I'd actually prefer that."

Sonata placed her hoof over the top of the stallion's head. "Okay! Peter it is! It's funny. I'd thought you'd be a lot taller."

Peter shot the mare a mock-bemused expression. "Hey! I'm sensitive about my height, okay?"

Sonata nodded, smiling brightly. "Thanks for saving me! I'm Sonata. You're pretty tough if you could beat Glacius!"

Sobering, Peter folded his hooves and gave the mare a stern expression. "Speaking of that, there's something I wanted to ask you. From what I gathered from the damage to the area, you were able to hold your own against Glacius. How is it that an earth pony has such powerful magic?"

"That's because I'm a siren, duh!" Sonata cheered without a moment's hesitation, raising both hooves over her head victoriously. "I was born with powerful magic!" As Peter stared at her, slack-jawed, Sonata blinked obliviously. "What? Did that not answer your question?"

Peter was slow to respond, hesitantly nodding after a brief duration. "That... sure would explain it, but now I'm a little confused. I've been hearing a lot about sirens lately. Are they supposed to be kind of rare or what? I don't know anything about sirens besides the fact that they channel their magic through their voices."

Sonata shook her head, smiling. "There are lots of sirens in the world. The only reason you don't see one very often is because they tend to stay close to water, preferably the sea."

Peter tilted his head to the side, arching a brow. "Really? You look like a normal earth pony to me. I thought sirens would have more… scales?" The latter of his statement was whispered as he poked the mare's furry hoof.

Sonata giggled. "Well, I thought spiders were supposed to have eight limbs instead of four."

Peter snorted involuntarily before chuckling. "Okay, yeah, fair point, but that's a scary thought now that you mention it." The stallion held a confident grin. "The upside is that I would be the undisputed pattycake champion of the world."

Sonata couldn't contain her laughter, pausing to catch her breath. "You're pretty funny." She lowered her gaze, humming a light tune until a ruby gem materialized into existence. She tapped a hoof against the jewel around her neck before it faded from sight. "I look like a pony because of this. It changes my appearance and form. Good thing, too. I'd barely be able to fit in this room in my normal form."

Peter stared intently at the gem. "Where have I seen that before?" Shaking the thought from his head, the stallion furrowed his brow. "So, why were you trying to fight Glacius? Everypony and their dog knows to avoid Frosty whenever he pops up."

Sonata's fractured thoughts trailed off as the wind picked up some strength outside, landing faint blows against the window. The mare paced around the living room restlessly, stealing glances at the stallion occasionally. Peter watched Sonata, holding his silence. Trails of nostalgia resurfaced, giving birth to a feral urge dwelling deep inside of her being. The inside of her chest hurt, something begging to be released, and Sonata no longer wanted to keep this tale to herself, desperate to free her train of thought.

Reasons flew through her mind, pondering why she should share this with somepony that was supposed to be her enemy. Sonata pursed her lips before striking the floor with a hoof, flustered. The prospect alone was irritating, but her own reasoning was worse, declaring him an enemy despite saving her life. Sonata leaned against the front door, her gaze falling shamefully on the ground.

She had nopony to talk to, considering that both of her friends weren't on speaking terms at the moment. This lowly stallion was the only one willing to listen to her plight, and right now, that was worth more than anything to the mare. The past few hours had stirred old memories and emotions that she could no longer keep bottled up. Sonata turned and managed a smile upon realizing how patient Peter was being, evident by his silence. She would not waste this opportunity. This pony had saved her life. As far as Sonata cared, she considered Peter a friend.

"I was trying to avenge my friends and family," Sonata finally replied, brushing a hoof uneasily against her foreleg.

Peter's eyes widened. "What do you mean?"

Sonata forced a laugh, shaking her head. "It was a long time ago, back when Starswirl was still alive. My little sister, Forte, and I were out exploring. On that day, snow fell nonstop near Canterlot. It was so pretty. Forte kept telling me that we should go back home, but I didn't want to. I was having so much fun. I was always leading us into trouble. So… I didn't listen. I really wish I did."

Peter tilted his head to the side. "What happened?"

Sonata's ears lowered into her mane shamefully. "We were caught in a blizzard. Rather, it was Glacius. You may not know this, but that monster has eaten so many of my kind. It likes to prey on sirens because of how large we are and how easily he can defeat us with his magic. Forte and I tried to fight against it, but Glacius was too strong. An attack left us separated in the blizzard. It was only for a minute maybe, but by the time I reached Forte, it was too late. Glacius had... already begun to devour her."

Peter's eyes softened. "Oh, wow. I'm really sorry to hear that."

Sonata inhaled deeply before sighing. "I guess that's why I never lead anything anymore. My reckless decision and poor judgement got my sister killed. Nowadays, no matter what my friends say, I always just go with it. Because at the end of the day, whatever decisions they made, it'll always be better than what I would've done. The fact that we're all still alive speaks volumes to that."

Peter looked surprised as he stood from the sofa. "You can't beat yourself up over that. You made a mistake. It happens. It's not a matter of if we fall. It's if we get back up." The stallion closed the distance between himself and the mare, placing a hoof over her shoulder. "I've been knocked down a ton, but I'm able to keep getting up because I have the support of my friends, family, and wife. Lord knows I've made some bad mistakes too."

"That must be why you're so strong," Sonata whispered, smiling.

Peter chuckled sheepishly, blushing. "Heh. I'm not sure about that. Maybe. I have a fantastic support system from my friends and family. That and the radioactive blood helps."

Sonata glanced off to the side. "I wish I was that lucky. My best friend hates me right now. I'm a complete screwup."

Peter paused, humming as thoughts began to connect. "Your best friend... she wouldn't happen to be a light violet mare named Aria, would she?"

Sonata's eyes brightened, and she leaned closer, causing the stallion to back away until he bumped into the wall. "You've met Aria!?" She blurted out, resting her forehooves on the stallion's shoulders. "When? Where is she? Is she alright?"

Peter straightened his posture, managing a chuckle. "Don't worry, she's fine. Aria told me that she hurt her best friend really badly yesterday. Now, she wants to apologize, so I guess she went back home."

Sonata's entire disposition changed dramatically, as if her depression had completely vanished. The mare's smile couldn't grow any wider. "Really?! I have to leave right now!" Peter opened the door and stepped outside, allowing his guest to run off, but before she could venture too far, Sonata turned around, embracing the stallion briefly yet warmly. They soon parted, sharing a smile with each other. "Thanks, Peter."

"No… problem?" Peter weakly replied, watching with a befuddled expression as Sonata ran off with surprising speed. However, the stallion simply shrugged before grinning. "A siren, huh? I can't wait to tell Twilight about this when she gets back."

Deep within the pits of Tartarus, Aria sat on a stone with a concerned gaze. Equestria was large in scale, and attempting to find Sonata proved a fruitless endeavor, forcing the mare to wait at what they now called home. She had not reunited with Adagio yet, wanting to make amends with Sonata first. Aria's stoic demeanor brightened upon spotting a light blue figure approaching from the distance.

Sonata reached Aria before hunching over, trying to catch her breath. Both mares stood in an awkward silence, waiting for the other to speak first. However, as Aria opened her mouth to say something, Sonata simply shook her head before embracing the mare. There was nothing to say. They were friends, and nothing would change that. Aria yielded to her emotions momentarily, returning Sonata's embrace with a small smile.

Adagio walked in from around the corner, shooting the pair a bemused glare. Aria pulled away, clearing her throat before Sonata pulled both mares into an impromptu group hug. Adagio and Aria shared a glance, both flustered by their close proximity and Sonata's obliviousness to the awkwardness of their situation. However, Aria simply shrugged while Adagio attempted to free herself, protesting to no avail. There was no point in apologizing, not when they had already forgiven each other.

After an awkward amount of time, Adagio parted from the pair and brushed her shoulder off. "Come on. We have a lot to talk about."

Aria shrugged, following the orange-maned mare. "Whatever."

Sonata nodded, giggling uncontrollably. "Yeah! I got to talk with Peter Parker!"

Adagio's hooves stopped instantly, nearly tangling up in the process. "What?!" she blurted out, spinning until she faced Sonata. "Why were you hanging out with him?!"

Sonata, blissfully unaware of the weight of the situation, grinned. "He saved my life from Glacius and took me to his home. We hung out and talked. He's actually a pretty cool guy!"

"He saved your life?" Aria whispered, barely above the hint of a whisper. Clearing her throat, the mare scoffed. "Geez. You're so stupid, Sonata. You can't just talk casually with our enemy."

Sonata wrapped a hoof around the violet mare's shoulder, smiling. "I came back because he told me that you two talked about me the day before."

Aria's eyes widened and her face paled as a realization struck her mind with the force of lightning to a rod. "Wait. You mean to tell me that was…?"

That same instance, Adagio's hoof struck the back of both their heads, and the mare was irate, exhaling. "I don't believe this! How did you not know it was him?! His cutie mark is a spider! We've studied his pictures! He's in magazines! Everypony in Equestria knows who he is!"

Aria's face flushed as she glanced off to the side, seemingly dismissive. "I… never really paid that stuff any attention."

Sonata grinned, nodding. "Well, I knew it was him. He's super nice, right?"

Aria shared a glance with Sonata as her eyes softened. "I guess that's what took me off guard. He's so… unassuming. I actually think he's pretty tolerable."

Adagio shook her head. "Don't get too attached. He's our enemy. If we're going back, we have to go through him." The mare's eyes opened. "I still can't believe this, but at least you idiots did manage to fool him." Adagio paused before a twisted grin crept up her face. "Actually... maybe we could salvage this after all. He clearly didn't suspect either of you." Walking off, Adagio motioned a hoof, and both mares followed, sharing hesitance. "Come on. We need to make some plans."

Zecora sat in the dark confines of her home, lost in meditation. She floated aimlessly in a distant void, her mind as light as a leaf being carried by a soft breeze. Images flashed across her line of sight, alternating between the Web of Life and many of its strands. While it had expanded considerably due to Peter's influence as a royal figure, hero, husband, and family pony, those at the epicenter remained the same after the near decade with new strands beginning to take shape among them. Twilight was at the center, her strand holding two smaller threads of gossamer holding Mayday and Ben's images.

Connecting outside of the inner wall, many more strands expanded to create the Web of Life itself. Those closer to the center held significant importance in Peter's life while those along the outer walls could be considered associates at best. A spider bearing Luna's cutie mark of a moon insignia stood over the webbing, acting as its guardian. Zecora glanced at her own strand, noting it held a place among the inner walls. However, the entire gossamer faded in color, growing brittle before everything diminished into darkness momentarily.

Zecora inhaled sharply as she awoke, shifting her gaze about wildly before leveling her shallow breathing. "What is going on? I don't understand. There is something severing the strand." The mare slammed her eyes shut, placing a hoof over her forehead. "Is Peter connected to this? What is drawing him into the abyss?"

"You sense a disturbance in the Web of Life as well," a female's voice whispered deep into the mare's thoughts. "Dark days are coming."

Zecora was slow to respond, as if registering the female's words. She eventually nodded before resuming her meditation. "Peter is losing connection to the Web of Life. It is as if somepony is cutting through it with a knife." In the deepest reaches of her mind, Zecora reached out to the one calling to her. Her vision blurred as she neared the source, spotting a bipedal figure garbed in crimson before the image dissipated. Zecora's eyes shot open. "You are…!"

"Introductions will have to wait for another day, but I can confirm your suspicions are mostly accurate," the voice declared, earning a bewildered expression from the mare. "The reason Peter Parker's connection to the Web of Life is growing weaker is because he's losing his Spider Sense, his link. He will lose it. That can't be avoided, but you can help him adapt to his loss. Peter will need guidance for what is to come… from you and another. He will need the aid of someone from his past to prepare for his greatest demon." An image flashed across Zecora's mind, and the voice continued after the mare's mouth fell agape. "Come. We must prepare for her in the next few days."


In the dead of night, Glacius sat in the confines of a large cave, its entrance sealed by a barrier of ice. The yeti's ears perked at a distinct sound, the sound of knocking. Glacius quickly hopped to its feet, stomping to the sealed door before driving its fist through. The ice shattered, and the yeti quickly ran into the source, that being a familiar intruder. Peter managed a smile, even as the surrounding temperature began to drop. Glacius growled, glaring intently at the pony, but the stallion reached into the knapsack with his hooves, retrieving a large pineapple.

The yeti stopped in its tracks, eyeing the treat suspiciously. Before it could react, Peter closed the gap between himself and the beast, offering the pineapple. Glacius growled a second time, albeit more quietly before accepting the treat. Peter turned around as the yeti ate, lifting the knapsack and emptying its contents at the creature's feet. There was a large collection of fruits, from apples, to peaches, to oranges. Glacius wasted no time diving into the gathered feast. Peter gave a contented nod before turning, departing. Glacius watched the stallion with a hardened gaze before its eyes softened slightly. Once the intruder was a fair distance away, the yeti resealed the entrance.

Peter hopped onto his waiting glider, smiling as the surrounding temperature seemed to have risen a little before taking flight.

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