• Published 25th Sep 2015
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Spiders and Magic IV: The Fall of Spider-Mane - Maximus_Reborn

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Bipedal Madness

Chapter Twenty-Nine "Bipedal Madness"

Ben whined, raising his arms defiantly. Twilight smiled at the sight, brushing her fingers through the violet patch in her son's dark brown hair. "Are you hungry, little man? Don't worry. Mommy has you~," she whispered in a singsong voice before lowering a small milk bottle to the baby. As Ben accepted the meal, suckling at its tip, Twilight lowered her upper body into the crib until she could kiss her son's fair skin. The princess stood, sharing a glance with the young man sitting at the edge of the bed. "Ben looks just like you now."

"Is that a bad thing? I mean, he's always favored me a little," Peter replied, altering his gaze between Twilight and Mayday across the room. "Although, he's always looked more like you as a pony, and I'm grateful for that. He has your eyes. It means he'll be quite the catch when he gets older."

Twilight smiled, pausing to fold her arms. "Thank you, but that's not what I was getting at. I mean that it's strange. Ben looks more like me as a pony, but as a human, he looks more like you." The woman furrowed her brow at their daughter nearby who seemed to struggle to grasp the iPod in her hands, let alone operate it with her newly acquired fingers. "It's the exact opposite for Mayday. She used to look just like you as pony, but now she resembles me, skin tone and all. But her eyes are a phenomenon in their own right."

Peter nodded, slumping until he rested his elbows over his knees. "Genetics are weird like that, especially if you add magic and sudden transformations into the mix. Recessive and dominant genes tend to show up at odd points. Not to mention, there's always something that distinguishes something from a child and their parents. I guess in this case, it's Mayday's yellow eyes. I think they fit her pretty well."

Twilight blinked as a frown formed in her features. "I agree with you, but I guess I'm just worried. I don't want anyone to judge her."

Peter shifted his gaze in their daughter's direction as well, grinning. "Our daughter's special. We conceived her as humans, transformed, and gave birth as ponies. She's the best of both worlds and is perfectly healthy. As far as I know, there's nothing strange about our daughter. She's our unique surprise miracle. Nothing's changed."

Twilight's eyes softened as she inhaled deeply before sighing. "That sounds like something you would say: simple, yet effective. You're absolutely right." She stepped away from the crib, planting a soft kiss on Peter's cheek before taking a seat next to him on the edge of the bed. "I'm just so happy that we're back together. You spent nearly a week fighting and another in a coma. You know that I worry about you."

Peter offered the princess his arm that bore the cast. "I've had company, but heaven knows that I've missed you, too. We're both still alive and back together. That's all that matters." As if satisfied with his response, Twilight took hold of Peter's arm before guiding the tip of her glowing finger through the cast like a laser. Eventually, the hardened material broke into two pieces and fell to the floor, revealing the young man's healed arm. Peter clenched his fist several times, pausing before sharing a glance with his wife. "So, how are the others holding up?"

Twilight's brow lowered in thought while she rubbed her chin. "Everypony— I mean, everyone— has already adjusted fairly well. Princess Luna seems to get along with Julia just fine. Sonata keeps talking to Sunset like they know each other. I haven't figured that one out yet. Zecora's just meditating until she transforms. Trixie really wants to change, and she's growing more anxious by the day. Gwen and Patricia are right at home. Eris is on a "business errand," no doubt making sure Discord isn't onto us." The princess trailed off, exhaling harshly as she shrugged suddenly. "Oh, and Felicia snuck off a couple of days ago. I try not to imagine what agenda she's running."

Yelping involuntarily, Mayday juggled her iPod about, attempting to grasp it before the device bounced off the floor. She released a frustrated growl. "I wish I could've gone with Miss Felicia. I'm about to go crazy being cooped up in this house!" Mayday planted her hands and feet on the floor, awkwardly shifting her weight until she took an upright standing position. She found a way to the window, pointing at the scenery outside. "We have a world out there, waiting to be explored. Why can't we go outside of the forest?"

Twilight furrowed her brow and sternly stared at the young girl. "It's because we're not here on a luxury. There are a lot of important things we have to do before we can even think about going outside."

"That's your mother's way of saying that you still have to learn the basics of how the human body works first," Peter lightly declared, standing before walking towards his daughter.

Once they were a couple of feet apart, the young man placed two fingers against the child's forehead and nudged her slightly. However, this small action seemed to have completely discombobulated Mayday's balance. She flailed her arms about desperately, unable to recover before gravity eventually prevailed over the child's efforts. Mayday readied to fall face-first to the hardwood floor, but Peter captured her tiny frame with one arm, managing to ease her back into a proper upright stance.

Peter held a knowing smile, chuckling. "See what I mean? That's not mentioning your finger troubles, sweetie. You still have a ways to go before you get it right. Remember the advice that I gave you?"

Mayday nodded. "Um, don't think? Just do? Just follow my body's instincts, and it'll come naturally."

"That's right. If you force yourself, you'll come off as stiff and unnatural," Peter softly declared, earning a softened gaze from his daughter. He knelt down until their gazes were inches away from each other before placing a hand over her shoulder, squeezing it reassuringly. "Don't worry about it. Your mother also had a difficult time when she first transformed into a human. So, cut her some slack. If anyone knows what you're going through right now, it's your mom."

Mayday frowned, letting out a defeated sigh before glancing off to the side. "Okay, Daddy. I'll listen to Mom." She poked her lips out in a pout, earning a smile from Peter. Unknowingly, the young girl was a true spitting image of her mother. "It still sucks that we can't go anywhere right now. The only thing around here is that sunflower field behind the backyard, and we can't even go checkthatout."

Peter grinned. "You're as beautiful as your mother." He placed his hand on top of the girl's head, mussing her hair. "How about a deal? If you learn some of the proper speech patterns and can stand upright without falling on your face, we'll take a tour through New York in a couple of weeks. The city's not far from here, and I'm sure everyone will love the tour. As a bonus, we'll walk through the sunflower field in a few hours together with your mother and brother."

With immense glee, Mayday squeaked and clapped her hands together. "That would be awesome!" Her smile widened as a glint twinkled in her bright, yellow irises. She wrapped her arms around Peter's neck, embracing her father soundly. "You're the best Daddy ever!"

"I'm glad somebody notices that," Peter chuckled, turning Mayday around before playfully tapping her butt and shoving her forward. The young girl began to walk awkwardly with her arms stretched out to the side, but her posture straightened after she took a deep breath. Twilight reached her husband's side, holding a smile. Peter nudged the woman's shoulder with his elbow. "You two should spend some quality time together."

Twilight frowned before folding her arms. "I'd love that, but I swear that girl just doesn't like me sometimes."

"Don't forget that she'sourdaughter. Mayday's a touch thick at times, but she does listen very well. Try to get back on her good side while we have time to relax," Peter huffed, sliding a finger across the back of the woman's shoulders. "Anyway... it looks like you're used to this again. Do you miss your wings or the molting?"

Twilight shook her head. "A little, but I was able to adjust. Princess Luna and I can make them sprout back with magic. However, I found a more practical solution for flight."

The princess held out her hands, pausing to take in deep breaths as pure energy emitted from them. The light pink aura spread, enveloping her entire body. Suddenly, her frame levitated from the ground, continuing until she was inches from the ceiling. However, the energies shorted out, causing Twilight to plummet for the floor, but Peter's reaction was swift, with the young man immediately catching the woman in his arms.

A disgruntled groan escaped from Twilight's mouth as she eyed her hands sternly. "I can simply use my magic for direct flight. At least that way, there's nothing extra for the bad guys to grab. That's what you always told me. Rather, Iwoulddo that if I was back at full strength."

Peter smirked, continuing to hold his wife bridal style. "That's why I love you. You're a great listener." He sobered, shaking his head. "Anyway, don't rush it. The Plunder Vines really did a number on you. We both should just focus on rehabbing for now."

Peter paused, arching a brow at Twilight's choice of attire. It was a light red dress patterned with a design of flowers. It was fairly simplistic, a choice that perfectly showed Twilight's tastes. She even wore sandals, allowing her feet to breathe. She truly held a motherly air to her, and Peter could feel the princess take his breath away with her beauty alone. Despite having been together for a little over a decade, the effects she had were everlasting and as vibrant as they were at the start of their relationship, if not actually considerably stronger.

Peter's face burned, evident by the pink tint perched over his warm smile. "Human or pony… You're the most beautiful girl I know."

Twilight grinned sheepishly, unable to hide her own blush. "And you're the sweetest pony and man that I know." After Peter placed her down gently, she reached up and brushed her hand against his cheek affectionately. While her husband stood taller, their height differences weren't nearly as drastic as the first time, determined only by a couple of inches in contrast to a whole foot. Twilight pursed her lips and furrowed her brow in thought. "There's something else I've been wanting to talk to you about. Something feels different about my body this time. I can't explain it."

"What do you mean?" Peter questioned, arching a brow.

Twilight was slow to respond, bouncing in place slightly before leaning her upper body backwards and forward. "I don't know. I feel a little… off balance." The woman eventually ceased her movement, yet a bewildered expression remained on her face. She edged closer to Peter until her mouth was inches away from his ear. "I'll tell you about it later when the children are away or asleep. You might be able to explain it for me. I'm sure it's something you've noticed too."

Peter stammered about, studying his wife's fidgety body language. After a brief duration, he tugged at the corner of her dress. "Is that why you're wearing this?" Once the princess hesitantly nodded, Peter's lips curled into a coy smile. "It suits you perfectly and gives you a motherly vibe. You should really pull your hair back into a ponytail again soon."

All confusion seemed to have left Twilight's psyche, evident by her warm smile. Peter easily found himself lost in her beauty once more. Her chocolate skin was perfectly smooth, holding a natural shine in spite of the lack of oils used. As usual, the woman's long hair was groomed to perfection, combed straight without a single split end in sight. Twilight never averted her violet gaze from Peter's hazel irises, holding a knowing smile in the process. She knew that he was entranced with her, infatuated beyond measure, and that was fine on both of their parts. Ten years of marriage and they constantly found new ways to love each other. Peter could only grin triumphantly. It was good to be back.

"I'll think about it," Twilight said sweetly, playfully tapping a finger against her husband's nose. However, before the couple could revel in the moment further, a high-pitched scream echoed throughout the entire two-story house. That following moment, a second terrified scream blared out, both having come from downstairs. Twilight's eyes widened. "That sounded like Trixie."

"Yeah. That was definitely Trixie. I'd know that egotistical voice anywhere," Peter deadpanned, arching a brow as a belated thought entered his mind. "If I didn't know any better, I'd say that second voice was Zecora's."

Twilight sternly stared at the door briefly before taking Peter's hand and leading him out of the room. "Mayday, look after Ben until we get back."

The trip downstairs was instantaneous thanks to a quick teleportation spell. Twilight relinquished her hold on Peter's hand, rushing down the nearest hallway. The others scattered, each attempting to locate the source of either scream. The sound of rummaging escaped from the closed door behind Peter, followed by incoherent grunts and another scream. The young man followed his heroic instincts and burst into the room, only to immediately skid to a halt before shielding his eyes with a hand.

A woman with pale skin lay across the floor with no clothing on whatsoever. She attempted to stand but could only crash back onto her stomach. Her large violet eyes were filled with exasperation and terror. She awkwardly brushed her long blue hair from her face with a forearm, glancing about wildly until she centered her gaze on the young man.

"Don't just stand there like that a dolt, Parker!Help me!" Trixie barked, reaching out.

Peter shifted his gaze, stealing glances at the nude woman while attempting to salvage some of his dignity. "I, uh, really can't…" He trailed off, exhaling as the temperature in his face rose dramatically. With a blush on his face, the young man let out a defeated sigh. "Here's another awkward moment in my life. I mean, how often does a guy have to help a completely naked woman? A hot one at that." He stepped behind Trixie, skeptically sliding his hands under her armpits before lifting the woman to an upright stance. She stumbled back, causing her nude form to completely rest against Peter's chest. The young man's lips quivered and arms shivered, his face as red as a tomato at this point. "So…"

Trixie's expression was stoic, held by a blank stare. However, a pink glow burned in her cheeks. "Not. A. Word."

Before long, Patricia and Gwen stepped into the room, both women holding unsure expressions at the sight awaiting them. Twilight quickly followed, blinking as Peter continued to hold a nude Trixie in her arms while standing behind her suggestively with his hands coming dangerously close to unwarranted territory. As usual, luck was against him, and the entire world saw him at the most inconvenient time. The tension was thick enough to cut with a knife. The entire world paused, as if waiting for a response of some sort.

Eventually, Peter sheepishly chuckled. "In my defense, Trixie was like this when I found her."

Nearly an hour had passed since the final transformations took place. Trixie sat in a large shirt with little to nothing else on, while Zecora did the same. Peter, Twilight, Eris, and Julia stayed in the room with both women, allowing the others to carry on about normally. Twilight, with a pen and paper in hand, sketched as many notes as possible while alternating her gaze between Trixie and Zecora. Eris simply watched the conversation unfold from a place in mid air near the ceiling, biting into her golden apple.

Peter scratched the back of his head. "So, how does everything feel, ladies?"

Trixie frowned, holding an arm out in front of her face. "Cold. I must say that the lack of fur leaves a lot to be desired." She spread her legs while in a sitting position before brushing a hand over her smooth thigh. The corner of her lips curled into a smirk. "Then again, I can tell that my skin is lavishingly soft. I trust that's a good thing, Parker?" No response came, causing the woman to glance at Peter with a furrowed brow. They sat directly from each other, a few feet apart, but the young man kept his gaze fixed to the side sheepishly, unable to hide the blush burning in his cheeks. Trixie blinked obliviously. "Peter?"

Peter slammed his eyes shut and pointed a finger in Trixie's direction. "Fur usually covers everything. Until you find some pants or underwear, keep your legs shut. I doubt you'd want me to take a trip to Wide Canyon."

Trixie did as she was instructed and attempted to fold her legs, only to fail and resort to simply pulling her shirt down until it covered her lower regions. She glanced off to the side with a flustered expression. "That certainly explains the draft."

Julia straightened the shades over her face with a finger. "It's quite fine, Trixie. Twilight will take your measurements tonight. When Gwen and Patricia head to the clothing store tomorrow, they'll be able to find something your size."

Trixie nodded, smiling appreciatively before glaring at the large shirt covering her slender frame. "That sounds fair. I only hope that they find something fitting of my grace." She raised an overly sleeved hand and huffed. "While my shape has changed, my taste and dignity havenot."

"I guess that I was hoping for too much then- Ah!" Peter sarcastically murmured, hissing involuntarily as Trixie slammed a bare foot directly over his eyes.

"The day that I put up with your flippant tongue is when I lose all sanity!" Trixie growled, using one hand to keep herself balanced on the nearest chair. She pushed her foot with enough force to tilt Peter backwards until he rolled off of the sofa and landed on his shoulder. Exhaling, Trixie calmly shared a gaze with Twilight. "There are questions that I have. May we speak in private?"

Twilight stared intently at Trixie with a furrowed brow for what seemed like ages before nodding, as if freeing herself from a self-induced trance. "Yeah. There was something that I wanted to ask you, too." Trixie awkwardly made her exit first, leaning against the wall for support. Once Peter pulled himself from the ground, Twilight knelt by his side momentarily. "I'll see you in our bedroom in about thirty minutes."

Peter simply nodded. "Sounds good. See you in a few." Twilight soon left after Trixie, leaving her husband alone with the other three women in the room. Unfortunately, before he could react, Zecora swiftly removed her shirt and tossed it to the side. Peter was left to take inallof the ebony beauty at once, from her short, shaggy hairstyle, large blue eyes, smooth skin, andveryvoluptuous figure. Eventually, his dignity surfaced before he slammed a hand over his eyes. "Oh, come on! You heard what I told Trixie! You need clothes to cover the naughty bits, Zecora!"

Eris playfully smiled, loosening her tie before unbuttoning her vest. "Since everyone else is doing it… I wonder what you would think ofmyfigure, handsome?"

Julia exhaled, reaching out and slapping the woman's hand before anything could be removed. "Keep it classy, Eris."

Zecora calmly huffed, brushing a hand over her body. "I am not fond of such constrictive wear. It's almost more than I can hope to bear. I've spent my entire life naked, as it's my natural cause. To wear something that might hinder my movements, gives me reason to pause. If I am to train you, I need to be at my best. We will improve your skills and put you to the ultimate test."

Julia's brow lowered. "You just changed. Surely, you'll need time to adjust?"

Zecora balanced herself to an upright position, pausing to stretch without any trouble. "It is mind over matter. Any physical hurdles are mental. We can start training first thing in the morning, and our locale shall be elemental."

"You read my mind, good friend," Julia stoically replied, shifting her stern expression towards Peter. "We will start at dawn. I trust there are no objections? Zecora, I leave Peter in your hands."

Peter peeked out of the corner of his eyes, noticing the woman nonchalantly standing in the nude still. "Fine. Just promise me that you'll wearsomething. Do what Shanna does in the Savage Land and wear a couple of cloths. It's not that you're ugly. It's quite the opposite. You're gorgeous." His face continued to burn, causing beads of sweat to pour from his forehead. He waved his hand dismissively before slamming his eyes back shut. "You're the jungle woman. A pair of cloths will do you wonders. Plus, I won't be able to concentrate on the training if you're there in the nude. Then again, you've always been a 'nature over everything' kind of girl, so I guess this isn't all that surprising."

Zecora frowned, glancing off to the side as a cherry tint filled her cheeks. Letting out a defeated sigh, she simply nodded while approaching the window. "We are here to help you improve, so your request is fair. I will venture out to find proper attire, so that you will not stare." She opened the window and perched herself on the edge, glancing back at the young man. Peter opened an eye again, only to yelp upon seeing the beauty practically and inadvertently mooning him. Zecora paid his reaction no mind and leapt from the second story, flipping several times before landing gracefully on the ground. She waved to Peter. "We will start at dawn. Be sure to get enough sleep so that you may not yawn."

Peter blinked, his blush almost permanent as he watched Zecora disappear into the reaches of the forest. Eventually, he turned to face both women still in the room with him. "Okay.Thathappened. Why does it feel like I'm in an anime?" He sighed. "Do you think she'll be fine out there on her own in nothing but her birthday suit?"

Julia nodded. "Zecora's in better touch with nature than everyone here put together. Besides, she'll be clothed before you know it. I'm not worried, because Zecora's spent the entire time scouting the area while you were comatose. She'sveryaware of her surroundings."

Eris raised a finger as energy sparkled from it. "As a contingency, I shielded our presence within the span of ten miles. Even if someone were to stumble in on our getaway, I would be alerted of their presence and can simply whisk our intruder to a location of my choosing." As if satisfied with their answers, Peter nodded and slowly made for the exit. Eris slyly grinned before seductively loosening one of the buttons over her cleavage. "You've seen two ladies in their natural state. Care to make it three?"

Faster than anyone could react, Peter rushed out of the room and closed the door behind him. In spite of his swiftness, he could not hide the crimson blush on his face. Eris grinned triumphantly, as if that reaction was just the one she was seeking. Julia could only frown and shake her head in disbelief. A being that could literally bend reality to her will was nothing more than a playful flirt at points, and the fate of everything was practically on her shoulders, as well as Peter's and the others'. To say the assembled lot they gathered was unconventional would've been an understatement.

Eris smiled, never averting her crimson gaze from the direction Peter went as she sobered. "He'll fit the role perfectly, Julia. I can already taste it."

"I certainly hope so," Julia whispered, inhaling deeply before sighing. "Only time will tell, and Peter has a long road ahead of him." She pursed her lips. "We'll do our best to guide him for the time being."


After a short journey, Peter stepped in front of his bedroom door before releasing a low sigh. "It should be a crime that I'm the only guy surrounded by so many beautiful women. I mean, I'm okay with this, but I'm not okay being okay with this." He cleared his throat and shook his head violently, as if attempting to rid the lewd images and thoughts from his mind. "Get it together, Parker. You're a happily married man with a bombshell of a wife, who happens to be as powerful as a demigod. If Twilight eventhinksyou're enjoying yourself, she'll murderize you to the moon or sun. Whichever hurts more."

Peter shrugged, sighing before stepping into the room. However, the young man stopped in his tracks and arched a brow at a peculiar sight. Twilight sat on the edge of their bed in nothing but a pair of lace, black panties. That alone wasn't odd, considering that this was his loving wife, and their shared (and very intimate) history was well documented at this point, resulting in two children (thus far). Twilight narrowed her gaze as she held measuring tape around her upper body, specifically over her breasts. The woman huffed a flustered groan before biting down on the pencil in her mouth.

"Do Iwantto know what's going on here? Well, of course I do. I mean, how often does this happen? Never mind. Don't answer that, Parker," Peter lightly murmured, freeing the princess from her stern trance. After he locked the door behind him, Twilight motioned her head and murmured an indecipherable response. Peter simply sighed before walking behind his wife and taking hold of the measuring tape. He held it in place, rolling his eyes as the woman eyed the numbers on the tape before nodding contently. Peter arched a brow while rolling the tape shut. "Are you taking your own measurements?"

"Yes." Twilight simply stated, retrieved a piece of paper before sketching notes onto it. "That's actually what I wanted to talk to you about."

"Why?" Peter deadpanned, finding the woman's dress before retrieving and offering it.

Twilight traced a finger against the paper, eyeing the numbers carefully while ignoring the dress. "My measurements are… different. I've noticed that my breasts are considerably bigger than the last time we were on Earth. I compared the notes I made the last time with the new ones, and there's a big difference."

Peter blinked, slow to respond. "Hold on. You actually saved notes on your breast size from last time?" Upon receiving an oblivious nod from the princess, Peter only shrugged dismissively. "Never mind.Of courseyou did. Well, this istechnicallya different Earth. Perhaps that has something to do with it?"

Twilight shook her head, pulling up a second set of notes from the nearest dresser top. "I don't think that's it. I made other notes and saved them. From what I analyzed, you, Felicia, and Sunset Shimmer are exactly the same from the last time. Outside of the age differences, everything's the same for the most part. You and I have put on more muscle, but that's really the only difference I could find right off."

Peter scratched the back of his head, pausing for a moment. "No matter what we're doing, you're always taking notes, but then again that's who you are. Anything else would be weird coming from you." He rubbed the underside of his chin. "Oh. Youdidhave two children over time. Heck, youjustgave birth to Ben a year ago."

Raising an eyebrow, Twilight turned her attention to Peter. "What does having children have to do with it?"

Peter brought a hand to his mouth, coughing lightly. "Well, when human women give birth, their breasts grow in size in late stages of their pregnancy. This is due to the need of breastfeeding. The lingering effects often tend to remain thereafter. It's perfectly normal."

"That certainly is inconvenient," Twilight stated, frowning as she cupped the underside of her breasts and lifted them with an unsatisfied expression. "They're really restricting like this."

Peter offered the woman her dress once more, nodding once she accepted it finally. "That's why you need the support of a bra. When you go to the store with Patricia and Gwen, buy a few. It'll keep your puppies stationary and out of the way. Oh, and buy a sports bra, too. That'll help you more than the lace when you start working out soon. Oh, and buy some in black. That'd be totally hot."

"You say that it's normal. Does it bother you that they're bigger?" Twilight questioned, sliding the dress over her head and body easily.

Peter snorted, grinning sheepishly as a crimson blush filled his features. "Of course not. I love them. Your added sensitivity is a plus for many reasons."

Twilight folded her arms, glancing off to the side while her cheeks bloomed. "That explains your… fondling as of late. I'll enjoy them while we're here on Earth." Her eyes widened as a belated realization came into mind. "That's another question that I have to ask. You say it's normal for a woman's breasts to grow due to giving birth. What about those that don't? I mean, have you noticed how… busty everyone is in this house?"

"No," Peter blurted out, as if a self-defense mechanism had activated.

Twilight shook her head in disbelief, taking hold of a set of notes. "You should really pay attention. It's pretty obvious. Have you seen Zecora's?"

"You'd better believe I did," Peter whispered, clearing his throat once Twilight arched a brow in his direction. He spun around upon feeling the temperature in his face rise further. Peter waved his hand dismissively. "Genetics are different for everyone. Felicia's been busty since the day I met her. Julia's coat is hiding quite a bit. It's as simple as this. Boobs come in many different sizes. It's a fact of life."

Twilight tilted her head to the side. "So, there's nothing wrong if there's almost nothing on a woman's chest? It doesn't mean that they're sick?"

Peter furrowed his brow. "No. It just means that they're not as endowed as other women. Nothing wrong with that. I mean, look at Sonata. She's shorter than you were the last time, but her breast size is perfect for her size: small and compact."

Twilight let out a relieved sigh, wiping a hand across her brow. "Oh, that's good to hear. I was worried for a second there about Trixie. I figured that Mayday hasn't struck the age yet that she'll start developing. Barring Sonata and Mayday, Trixie is lacking when compared to the others. It just seemed really odd. I thought something was wrong with either us or her."

Peter chuckled. "Trust me. It's totally not a big deal. Knowing Trixie, she'll just be grateful that those things won't get in the way."

"Yeah, you're right," Twilight grinned, brushing the wrinkles out of her dress with a hand. She peeked outside, giving her husband a warm smile. "We still have plenty of time. Did you still want to take the children to the sunflower field?"

Peter nodded, placing an arm over Twilight's shoulder. "Yeah! It sounds like all of us could stretch our legs. Let's go before it gets too late."

The couple shared a brief hug and kiss before nodding to one another. They quietly exited, retrieving both of their children as they headed for their destination. Minutes passed before Trixie walked into the room with a disturbed expression on her face. The blue-haired woman found Twilight's notes, specifically those holding everyone's numbers.

Glancing about, Trixie removed her shirt and took hold of the measuring tape. Twilight's measurements had been marked and saved, making a comparison relatively easy to complete. She wrapped the tape around her upper body, attempting to cup her breasts together, but the task proved nearly impossible to perform. The tape dropped from the woman's shoulder, hanging limply as a foundation had yet to be grasped.

Exhaling, Trixie grabbed both ends of the tape and held them together, arching a brow. Sadly, there was no comparison. Twilight had well over five times of length to work with while Trixie couldn't even reach double digits. A dissatisfied frown graced her features, deepening. She raised the tape a second time, as if desperate for a change, but the results were the same, leaving much to be desired. Upon closer inspection, it seemed as if she was on par with Mayday, and that only added to Trixie's disbelief and exasperation.

Trixie tossed the tape to the side, exhaling. "I don't see why Twilight assumed this is a big deal. I'm perfect without such lewd decorations. I'm not so shallow as to care about that." Sliding her oversized shirt back on, she walked away in a huff. "They would just get in the way. I'm certain of that. I'll ask that idiot Parker what he thinks later."

To be continued...

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