• Published 2nd Sep 2015
  • 15,412 Views, 2,073 Comments

Ponies and Dragons (Just Have Fun) - Alex Warlorn

A peek at various times of the Mane Six, Spike, and friends, all play Dungeons and Dragons/Ogres and Oubliettes, Paranoia, Call of Ponythulu, Toon, an adaption of themselves, and just about every other role playing game under Celestia's sun.

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Session 49

Session 49.0 Alex Warlorn

"Now you see here, Crystals and Rainbows isn't my favorite game, but it means a lot to my friends! So you guys better fess up and fix up that stupid teddy bear invasion you hacked into the beta!"

"That's not what I meant by 'asking them' Rainbow Dash," Sunset said.

Sour Sweet returned back the death glare human-Rainbow Dash was giving her.

"No! We did not hack your stupid game!" Then her snarling face turned pretty and happy. "Though it would be cool if they added pillow fights as a sleep over minigame."

"Yeah that was suggested on the forum a bit by- Wait a minute! You're- Candy Lemon?!"

"You better not tell our classmates!" Soursweet hissed, then added dourly, "They think anyone who attended the friendship games are 'plague carriers' and the teachers are keeping a close eye on us in case we 'infect' the rest of the student body."

"Infect the rest of the school? With what?" Rainbow asked.


"Why am I surprised?"

"Hold on... Born Winner, Beta Tester No. 10, Princess Crystal, 0M3@ P0N1! That's Indigo Zap, Surgar Coat, Sunny Flare and Lemon Zest isn't it?"

"The stupid Gun Gals servers are down, so we had some extra time! Zest meant to type 'omega pony' but forgot the g. They said we could beta test Crystals and Rainbows, or take the suspension for exploring closed off areas."


Princess Luna was playing what could be called an 'art' game of sorts. She'd figured out the idea was that you were an AI in a simulated world getting past various puzzles to ascend a tower. Along the way you were greeted by a omnipresent entity that claimed to have created the simulation and everything in it. There was also another program that belittled her and tore apart her views no matter what worldview she expressed to have. However, when she passed through the doors at the end as requested by the disembodied voice, being promised enlightenment, what she got was a message:

"Free will testing failure." which brought the player to the start of the game. The only way to progress was to defy the voice ... because apparently not having faith in others and being an ubermensch was the only way to prove that you achieved freedom of will and be allowed to be downloaded into a robot body in the 'real world'.

"HEATHENS!" Princess Luna snarled. "Do they not know that choosing to have faith in another is as much a choice as choosing not to!? Pipsqueak does not lack freedom of will for choosing to have faith in me! This scum will face our royal wrath!"

"Lulu!" Celestia said quickly. "You promised not to give nightmares to game designers who offended you anymore!"

"A violation of our sovereignty as goddess of the night!"

"Then I'm free to prank you in your sleep as much as I want as goddess of the day?"

Princess Luna shuddered. "Then we shall call forth our legions! They shall show their loyalty to us once again, long have they waited, but now their hour commeth!"


Gizmo looked out the wind blinds. "Hey guys, Luna's Witnesses are sitting on our front lawn. And they don't look too happy."

"Just once I'd like to release a game without getting a deity or somepony with overpriced lawyers angry at us." Gaffer lamented.

Session 49.1 Kendell2

"Are the new security protocols finished, Ganglia?" the human Chrysalis asked, looking over the shoulder of a slightly older woman with the same skin color as her, but with a purple mane, eyes, and clothing. She was also wearing glasses.

"Almost there...and done," said Ganglia, adjusting her glasses. "That should handle it."

"Thanks, sis," the Vice President said, giving a sigh. Her elder sister (one of several) was a computer expert (particularly in the realm of hacking, which she used to help companies find vulnerabilities in their security) and was often called in to find vulnerabilities in their systems and firewalls. "Thank goodness this was just the beta, this could have been a lot of trouble."

"Well, whoever did it knew what they're doing. That bug dug pretty deep into the system..." Ganglia replied, standing up. "Not as good as I could do, but close...Anyway, I'd best be going."

Chrysalis nodded, giving a wave as her sister left. "See you at the family reunion."

She gave a sigh. Her sisters had contacted her about possibly having roles in further expansions if they made a Changeling player race (including her sister Cicada, a rockstar who saved most of her energy for the stage), which she admitted their ideas gave a lot of room for different classes among the same race, but she wasn't sure.

She rubbed her head, going to Discord's office. "So, get everything back to normal?"

Discord sighed. "Yes...Still not telling WHO did this," he said, then got a devilish grin. "But I DID find a good way to get revenge!"

"And what is that?"

"I'm going to take their little hacking and make it into a throw away game we can sell for ten bucks! We shall make money off of their revenge scheme with me barely having to lift a finger! HAHAHAHA!" he laughed as lightning flashed.

"...I knew we shouldn't have let you near special effects..." Chrysalis said flatly. "But what if they sue us for stealing their coding?"

"Then they'd be morons for revealing who they are to us," Discord commented. "And we can sue THEM for hacking!"

"...That's surprisingly intelligent of you."

Session 49.2 Mtangalion

Chrysalis groaned, pinching the bridge of her nose. "Three more hacking incidents in the last three days." She glared at Discord across the conference table. "Stop playing around and do something about it already!"

Discord was chuckling at the tablet in his hands. "Why? Let the hacker keep feeding us profitable mobile game ideas, I say. Why, yesterday, a whole army of deer marched out of nowhere and claimed Butterfly Island in the name of the ‘glorious' Hooviet Empire."

"Because even the World of Horsecraft players are starting to doubt our ability to keep their accounts secure! Besides..." Chrysalis smiled cruelly. "I heard your intern fixed that hack before you could."

Discord's good mood vanished. "I was in the middle of my second morning cider and raspberry jam break!" He folded his arms and spun his chair around huffily. "Little Miss Gabriella might be ridiculously good at everything, but I'm still the star talent here!"

"Oh, yes, you're so right! That must be why Radiant wants to move Gabby to Creative Design and brainstorm quests for Griffonia with her."

President Sombra rapped his knuckles on the conference table. "That's enough, both of you. It cost a lot of bits, but our hacking problem will soon be over! I've hired an expert in securing virtual worlds against cyber-attack. When he's done, it'll be like our little hacker intrusion never even happened..."

Gabby leaned around a cubicle divider and oohed at a young man that she'd never seen at the CrystalSoft offices before. He had pale skin with a stark white beard and a shaggy mane of white hair, but his shirt, slacks, coat, and tie were all black. Gabby hopped into view and grinned from ear to ear, holding her hand out. "Hi there, mister..."

The young man turned from his fancy laptop and lowered his shades, giving Gabby a glimpse of intense golden eyes peering directly at her. "Snow. You are Gabriella the intern, hired a week ago." He nodded to himself. "You have clearance to be in this building. Good." Ignoring the offer to shake her hand, he gave the laptop his full attention again, touch-typing quickly and efficiently.

"Call me Gabby." She blinked. "Wow! How did you know all that, Mr. Snow?"

Mr. Snow smiled faintly. "It's my business to know who belongs and who doesn't." His rapid keystrokes paused. "There..." He tapped the touchpad, scrolling. "Someone has logged into the main server, and they're tampering with the File Allocation Table Extensions!"

Gabby peered over his shoulder. "The FATE?"

"Just so, Miss Gabby, and now the intruder is attempting to insert a virus!" He typed another command and stabbed the enter key dramatically. "Begone, infection!! You have no place here!"

Shining Armor, logged into his Unicornia Friendship Guard character, watched as the gold-plated hovertanks surrounding the palace vanished, one after another. "I keep thinking there's something familiar about all this."

Session 49.3 General Lemarc

"Discord!!!" yelled President Sombra, in a voice that sounded like it belonged to some sort of evil overlord. "Get in here!"

"Oh boy!" Squealed Gabby the Intern. "My first company crisis! Is it a hostile takeover? An evil hacker group? All out corporate warfare?!?!?"

"None of those things, though hacking was involved," Said President Sombra, who didn't remember asking the new intern to run into his office and start shouting disaster suggestions, but currently had better things to do than yell at her. "Some hacker seems to have gained control over three girls' accounts from some public-access computers, and has been spending (he paused to double check the figures on his screen) a ludicrous amount of money on the new cutie mark change and customization features.

"Wait," Gabby said, pausing mid-gush. "Can I see those account names? I might know them."

"Well I don't kno-you're looking anyway, so whatever."

"Its not a hack. They're just that crazy."

"Well then. Discord. Prepare the Angry-Letter-Device for when their parents find out."

"Ooh! Is that some sort of machine that automatically reads letters and logs the complaints in order to improve games?!"

"Why yes it is little one," Discord said, while ushering Gabby back towards Gilda, ignoring her frantic motions to send her anywhere else, "and it is in no way a device that simultaneously shreds and sets fire to letters that won't cause us legal or financial trouble. And speaking of financial trouble, I'd try to stop your friends from spending all their money on my new cutie mark feature. Or at least record their faces when they see how much they spent."

Meanwhile, in the CHS library...

"Aw c'mon!" Sweetie Bell moaned. "That one isn't right either."

"Um Sweetie?" Applebloom asked nervously "Have you seen how many bits we've been spending on this?"

"No, but it can't be that... many... oh boy."

"Welp," Scootaloo said, "we're grounded forever anyway, so LadyBelle, AppleArchitect, and Shootaloo might as well go on one more adventures!"


"Ah'm fine with that."

And thus did the human CMC enjoy their last hour of ungrounded freedom, while trying to ignore the still-not-quite-right cutie marks on their character's flanks.

Session 49.4 Kendell2

Chrysalis sighed as Sombra called the lot of them into his office AGAIN. "What is it THIS time?"

"Our worst fears have been realized," Sombra said grimly. "World of Horsecraft has been hacked."

He pressed a button, turning on a screen and showing what looked like an ALICORN player character with red fur, a black, blue, and orange mane, dressed in golden armor that didn't even EXIST in the game in it's present form, and a massive sword with more reach than anything they'd included, who was presently going on a player killing rampage.

Discord growled. "Hey! They have an overpowered PC! Only WE'RE supposed to have overpowered PCs!"

"And they're going to get our players to rage quit..." Chrysalis muttered. "Discord! Get in your office and drop the ban hammer on them!"

"I do not believe that is a wise choice of action."

The group turned as Snow and Ganglia both walked in.

"Sombra told me to stick around for a few days to make sure this wouldn't get worse," Snow explained, walking up and looking at it. "And it has."

"So why SHOULDN'T we ban them?" Chrysalis asked.

"Because so long as they're hacked into our system like THIS, I can trace their connection back to their PC," Ganglia explained with a smirk.

"Good! We can finally end this!" Sombra said with a smirk.

"The only problem is we need to distract them so they don't notice Ganglia's counter hack," Snow pointed out.

"...That is an issue..."

Discord tapped his chin. "That's the issue, keeping them busy without making them rage quit..."

"Ugh! Again?!" Rainbow Dash asked, growing as their party got wiped by the hacker. AGAIN.

"I don't think we can kill that guy," Sunset said, rubbing her head.

"But that's GOT to be the hacker!" Rainbow Dash replied. "This might be our only chance to give them a piece of our mind!"

"Yeah, but all we're doing is giving them some fun at this point..." Sunset muttered.

Sci Twi had recorded the fight (her brother liked to do videos) and was watching it. "...Let's go again..."

Sunset blinked. "What?" she asked. Sci Twi was more logical minded, she wouldn't ask that if she didn't have a reason.

"Trust me, I think I might have figured something out..."

*One defeat later*

Before their party got wiped, Twilight managed to hit a Damage Over Time move on the Hacker...

"GOT IT!" the human Twilight exclaimed. "Watch this!"

She replayed the footage...and her damage over time move made the hacker's health bar GO DOWN, though it quickly refilled.

"So?" Rainbow Dash asked.

"So, they have an incredibly high defense and passive healing, NOT invulnerability!" the purple girl said, giving a smirk. "Which means..."

Sunset blinked. Then smiled. "They CAN be hurt!"

"...And if it can lose HP, it can die," Applejack said, cracking her fingers.

"But how are we going to inflict THAT much damage?" Rainbow Dash asked.

Sunset put a finger to her chin...then smirked. "The same way we beat ALL our enemies..."

"Um...Sombra?" Discord asked. "You might want to see this..."

Sombra and Chrysalis came over, looking over his shoulder. "...That should probably distract them..." Chrysalis said, eyes going wide.

=One Piece Epic Battle Theme - One Piece=

Marching together as one massive party, the Humane Seven, the Equestrian Luna, both Spikes, the human Big Mac, the Equestrian Discord, Starlight Glimmer, Trixie, and Thorax, Shining Armor and his friends, the CMC (including Applebloom's cousin Babs), Diamond Tiara, Silver Spoon, human Alisa, and Gilda arrived before the hacker.

Applejack looked to Big Mac. "Uh...yah do know yah can have Stallions now, right?"

Big Mac glared. "Ah'm plenty secure in mah masculinity. Besides, Ah LIKE Orchard Blossom just the way she is! Ah spent a lot of time makin' her."

"...Can't argue with that."

The Hacker did a taunting pose. 'Ready to respawn, noobs?'

"You're the one respawning this time, you jerk!" Rainbow Dash said, glaring intensely.

"Ready every one?" Sunset asked through her headset.

"Ready!" announced everyone.

"Remember! Damage Over Time, Poison, and any other constant damage effect you can think of!" Sci Twi announced. "If you don't have that, either focus on healing or dealing as much normal damage as possible! Don't give them ANY time to breathe!"

The group started with the tanks charging in and taking a few of the Hacker's overpowered attacks to distract him before falling back to get healed, then their mages all firing every damage over time spell they had, managing to make a chip in the Alicorn's health bar before having to shield or dodge their equally overpowered counter spells.

Trixie's Rogue took the distraction to get in and poison them, the other characters with poison based powers all doing it at the same time, managing to stack it as high as it would go before several of them needed REVIVED by the group's healers.

The CMC rushed in and delivered several more damage over time attacks before nearly getting wiped by the return fire...when Diamond Tiara and Silver used their shielding abilities to save them.

"Ugh! We're not doing enough damage!" Sunset exclaimed, stacking a Burn debuff on the Hacker as high as she could. Sooner or later they'd not be able to revive any more or miss out. Yes, they could keep coming back, but they'd lose time they needed to wear them down! In fact that ALMOST happened to Rising_Sun that very moment.

The human Sweetie Belle tapped her chin. While technically the CMC were grounded, Rarity had asked their parents to let them help her with a 'special project' (on the condition the three of them do nothing but this). "Cover me!"

The others jumped and quickly shielded her. "Sweetie, what are yah doin'?!" Applebloom asked.

"Calling in the big guns!"

Discord's eyes went wide as the Hacker began charging up a spell. "Oh no, they've got access to the BANNED spells!"

"That's...not good..." Chrysalis admitted.

The Hacker began charging an AOE move.

"Everyone! Take cover!" Sunset yelled over the headset as everyone either shielded or got BEHIND someone with a shield.

The attack flew out and nearly killed them THROUGH the barrier spells and tanks! In fact a few tanks were in need to resurrection spells. In fact several players had been killed outright and needed to make their way back upon respawn, leaving them a few hands down until they returned!

"We need more players!" Rainbow Dash called.

As the Hacker charged up again, several stun based spells hit them and canceled it.

'Having trouble with this noob?'

Sci Twi blinked and brought the Shadowbolts into the call upon recognizing the five PCs that just arrived. "Sugarcoat?"

"We decided to help kick this loser's tail," Indigo Zapp said.

"It's not like we wanted to help you or anything!" Sour Sweet said.

"...I did..." Sugarcoat said simply.

Sci Twi gave a small smile. "Plan is pound him with damage over time and status debuffs!"

As the grand battle continued, a massive fire ball spell hit the Hacker, inflicting a rather bad burn. A max level Earth Pony player decked out in the highest tier armor presently available entered the fray.

'This looks like a fun boss! Thanks for inviting me!'

"Thanks for coming Button!"

"You're welcome, Sweetie Belle!" Button Mash said, playing at his computer. He then noticed something. "Hey! You said this is an Alicorn! He's not!"

"Huh? What do you mean?" asked Sweetie Belle.

"My enemy scan spell isn't showing any Earth Pony in them!"

Sunset blinked and did one of her own. "He's right! They're just Pegasus and Unicorn! No Earth Pony! The idiot must have thought Alicorns where just Winged Unicorns!"

The pony Twilight glared. "I think I know who the hacker, or should I say HACKERS are now..."

"Haha! This is like shooting fish in a barrel!" Decepticolt said with a smirk, looming over the computer in the trio's lair.

"My turn!" Zappityhoof exclaimed, taking over.

"How much longer before they ban us?" Goldcap asked.

"Who cares? We'll just hack 'em again," Decepticolt replied. Little Pip hadn't had the guts to take any revenge...or at least SOME bit of morals. These three, however? Not a bit.

"Wait! If they've got no Earth Pony, that means they don't have any of the higher tier defensive and healing abilities that race has!" Sci-Twi said, smiling. "That means they can't buff themselves any FURTHER in those stats effectively!"

"...Defense down spells, now!"

While they couldn't lower it THAT much, the defense down spells proved their hypothesis: they didn't have the effective counter spells to rebuff themselves back up and their health started decreasing as more damage racked up, but not enough.

"Twilight, I just called in some insanely destructive friends," said Dragon Spike.

Twilight blinked. "Who?"


"...That'll help!"

"Decepticolt, our health is going down!" Zappityhoof exclaimed. "Why did our health go down?!"

"I don't know! this wasn't supposed to happen!"


"DURING this? Do you have any idea how long it took to MAKE this PC?!"

The Hackers' PC began to spam everything it had, making a dent even in it's vastly overpowered mana reserves, but with as many players as they had, the group managed to endure with defensive spells, healing, and revival spells, and kept pounding, and beating away at their HP.

"We need to finish them off or they'll just log out and buff this guy up!" Rainbow Dash said, nothing they were panicking.

Twilight gave a thought, remembering how they'd beaten them in Equestria. "...Girls, stop the defense debuffs! Hit our attackers with every attack buff spell we've got! We're going to finish!"


After several more minutes of chipping away at their health, nearly getting killed, and struggle, they'd finally maxed out the attack buff on their heavy hitters.

"NOW!" Sunset yelled, the group continuing to rain everything they had on the Hacked PC...then stopping right as their attackers rushed forwards and chained together several heavy hits.

"This is for messing with my friends' good time, you jerk!" Rainbow Dash yelled, her character landing one last blow with the most powerful lightning spell she had, causing the hacked PC's HP to drop to zero.

The united raid party cheered as the overpowered, player killing boss of a PC fell to the ground and vanished as all deceased players did.

"NOOOOOOOOOOOOO!" Gold Cap yelled, shaking with rage.

"We...we lost..." Decepticolt said, eyes going wide.

"But...but we were invincible...this...this..." muttered Zappityhoof, saring in disbelief.

"We got 'em!" Applejack cheered, high fiving Rainbow.

"Wait for it..." said Rainbow Dash...

'Ultimate_Princess has left the game.'

"And there's the rage quit!" Rainbow Dash said with a smirk as cheering resumed.

"They did it!" Discord exclaimed, smirking as the office cheered.

"Discord, make those players some event capes," Sombra ordered.

"Yes sir!"

"Yeah, but did we have enough time?" Chrysalis asked Ganglia and Snow.

Ganglia merely gave a smirk. She then pressed the enter key on her computer.

"IT DOESN'T MATTER!" Goldcap roared, punching the wall while Zappityhoof practically threw a temper tantrum. "We'll hack them again and there's nothing they can do about it!

Decepticolt prepared to set that up...when their computer suddenly crashed and began sparking. "...They...they just hacked us! Our computer's fried!"

"HOW COULD THIS GET ANY WORSE?!" Goldcap screamed.

The trio then blinked as their was a knock on the door.

"What now?!" Decepticolt asked, heading to answer it...and finding several police officers at the door.

"Goldcap, Decepticolt, and Zappityhoof, you are under arrest for hacking Crystalsoft. We tracked the hack right back to your location," the officer said, showing his badge.

Zappityhoof looked to Goldcap. "...You had to say it, didn't you?"

Session 49.5 General Lemarc

OOC: This takes place during the events of the Second Great Muffin Trial, when Doctor Whooves was absent.

The Doctor technically hadn't been lying when he said he'd be out of town for Derpy's next meet-up. Because, at this point in time, Ponyville hadn't been founded yet. And it would never be, unless he could convince the cyber-ponies that there were better fuel sources than zap-apples, and also could they please not abduct the (surprisingly adorable) young Annie Smith?

"Why zap apples? Why not fusion or infinite improbability or friendship? They're all self-sustaining!"

"Zap-apples-contain-energy-of-a-much-greater-quality-than-any-other-fuel-sources. Also, data-not-found-on-subject: friendship."

"Why am I not surprised?"

"Now hold on fer just a durn second!" Annie rasped in a voice that seemed to belong to a pony a century older, before coughing so hard she nearly escaped the cyber-pony that was holding her. "Gol durn robot fumes," she said, now sounding like a normal young mare again. "If'n yer so big on 'deletin' all life, then why're ya gonna run yerselves off fruit? Ya'd have to grow zap-apple trees, and even if'n ya had some sort of fancy robot magic to avoid that, ya'd still be growin' and creatin' living things to power yerselves. That's so ridiculous its downright hilarious!" And she began laughing long and loud, while the cyber-ponies looked to one another.

"Does-not-compute," the unit that lead them said, "does-not-compute-does-not-computedoesnotcomputedoesnotcomputedoes." the cyber-pony exploded, followed quickly by its minions.

"So that's where that came from," The Doctor mumbled, while pointing his sonic screwdriver at a deactivated cyber-pony head. "Ms. Smith, would you mind repeating that to our cyber-pony friends in space?"

One paradox-ing later, and history had been secured.

"Thank ya kindly, Doc!" Annie said, putting a hoof around his shoulders. "Iff'n there's anything I can do to repay ya, just say the word."

"Actually, there is," said the Doctor. He quickly trotted over to his TARDIS, and returned with a small package balanced on his back.

"This package contains a dormant dragon egg. I'm trying to keep it safe for... a friend of mine, but as you can see, my line of work doesn't lend itself to safety. And (as ridiculous as this statement will be in a century, he mumbled) your new town here seems like a safe, calm place. I only ask that you keep this egg safe in a warm, dry place until I return. Trust me when I say that all Equestria will thank you."

"Welp, I can't hardly say this is weirder than them robots," Annie Smith replied. "Ya can count on me and the Apple family to keep it safe fer ya."

"Thank you very much, Ms. Smith." Goodbyes were exchanged, and the Doctor was off once again. He wiped sweat from his brow after setting his next set of coordinates, and let out a relieved sigh. All he needed to do now was lead the Daleks on a wild goose-chase through a few different centuries-foal's play now that the egg was safe. Then he'd just get it back once they were off his tail, deliver it back to Celestia's School before Twilight's exam, and history would be fine. Though dragons tended to pick up information while still in the egg, he was sure the alterations would be minimal. After all, it wasn't like the Apple Family had some sort of lingering magic on them or anything.

over eight decades later, YOH 100x

"...and Rainbow takes 13 points of damage, leaving her at 12 hit points." Spike had just finished reading off damage calculations for the girls' latest campaign, which wasn't all that odd. What was odd was that he'd done it perfectly not only without stopping to count on his claws or think for a second, but he'd been scribbling down a new recipe for gem cake while doing the math, and had apparently not been paying much, if any, attention to the calculations.

"Spike dear, have you always been this...efficient at math"? Asked Rarity, voicing the mild confusion of the entire group.

"Eeyup," replied Spike, finishing up his recipe and preparing for the next turn. "Ah don't know what yer on about."

Session 49.6 Quartzscale

Decepticolt, Zappityhoof, and Gold Cap sat within a detention cell after being raided. The charges were pretty steep and would cost a lot of bits to fight against. What made it worse was that Sombra had sent him to deal with it. Rabia liked him but these three knew first hand just how terrifying this man could be. Rumor had it that he found a new protege to teach and raise for the firm he was part of and it left them unsettled.

"So what do think Colt? We gonna be able to fight this... sticky situation?" Gold Cap asked more for her own safety rather than theirs.

"Depends on how he's feeling." He looked towards the ground thinking up any counters he could possibly grasp at. He had nothing most of his bits had gone to the computing giant which was now a smoldering piles of circuitry from the counter hack.

Then he stepped through the door tall and imposing as always. Tirek had entered the building and stared the three down. A few more steps signaled that another person was with him. She looked familiar.

"Little Pip!" The three called out.

"Oh so you guys really did do it? Jeez I was sad that I got fired but I know it was for a good reason. You three are pathetic. " She rolled her eyes before stiffening back into her new professional demeanor.

"Now Miss Pip don't be too harsh on them. They know that Rabia enjoys a good prank such as this." Tirek smiled but it was devoid of happiness. Rabia had heard what happened and how much money it had cost to fix the problems. She was not happy. When one of the guards was delivering her to her psychiatric evaluations she broke one of his legs and was put in solitary arguing something about money being wasted and the something about cauterizing something so they would never breed again. He had tuned it out during one of their delightful get togethers.

"So what happens to us then Tirek?" Decepticolt was the only one out of the three to have the spine to talk to him. Albeit it wasn't that strong as his voice cracked the entire way through.

"Well... I was thinking about some new help I needed with a game I once thought up and I was willing to hire you before you did something like this. Now you gotta prove yourself for it." He lied. Rabia had asked him for a favor. With Little Pip's idea they would get in contact with Ira and have her develop something to that caliber and while that meant hiring the girl to act as his protege it was well worth it for the details that the three were in for. The contracts would be iron clad and highly demoralizing but all too amusing. All they needed to do was play a little game.

"Here's the deal. They want you away bad. You nearly compromised a lot of assets and pissed off a lot of people. I've done a deal where you'll only have to serve a year but you have to sign some contracts right now. Don't worry it's not like slavery. I'm sure once you're reading it you'll agree to the terms." Tirek smiled as he motioned Little Pip over to hand Decepticolt a copy.

As he read his eyes widened and looked a little shocked. The terms were unfair and slightly damning to the three but when he saw the alternative would be twenty years in jail and no set bail for the three of them separately he just shook his head. Gold Cap looked mortified when she read and Zappityhoof sighed in exasperation.

"Fine we'll bite. What's the catch." Decepticolt asked only stopping to mutter the word 'monster' under his breath. A word that was caught very fast.

"Now now my dear boy," Tirek placed his hand on Colt's shoulder squeezing hard enough to show just how much stronger he was. Little Pip quickly looked away not wanting to jeopardize another job opportunity like last time. "I'm no monster. In fact I dare say this is the fairest deal you'll be getting with the lightest sentence ever. None of you deserve it but someone decided you are worth every cent."

They weren't. Rabia made it very clear that they would pay back every cent they wasted while hacking her company. It might not be in her name anymore but it was one she created and ‘gave' to her son. She didn't but to this day she didn't understand what had truly happened.

"So what's the game?" Decpticolt gulped paling moment by moment for suddenly being heard,

"Simple. Survive one year of prison and then you'll be set ‘free'. Then you'll be working on something for me and if you succeed at it we won't talk about this incident again." Tirek smiled while Little Pip kept her smirk from showing. While the boss' antics were entertaining to watch she knew that he was absolutely livid right now. Every second he would clench his fist behind his back. In his hand was a stress ball which he had crushed into a fine dust somehow. She then noticed that it wasn't a ball but a very smooth rock. She winced and looked away while the three seemed to notice her flinch.

"Where will we be serving our sentence?" The three called out.

"Happy Sunshine Penitentiary." Tirek answered.

The three blanched before fainting. Luckily the three had signed before passing out. Tirek walked out followed by Little Pip. She looked confused.

"Uh boss... I know I'm the new blood and all and you're wasting your time on me and everything but um... why is that place so bad?" She looked on waiting for an answer.

"Do you know Rabia?"


"When she was sent there she nearly got the place to follow her every command hence why they moved her to Crystal State Lockdown. That place is now a hellhole filled with the most vile thing possible. Cutesy things that could melt your eyes. They were placed there to counteract what Rabia did to that place. Now anyone that goes there had a chance of following some weird following known as Accord which makes you helpful to society. For those without morals it is one of the scariest places on this planet," Tirek explained.

"W-w-why isn't Rabia there anymore?"

"She was the one who helped start it in the first place. For fun."

Little Pip stopped talking and knew that she would never visit Rabia with her boss no matter what happened, a fact he was fine with. Needless to say the two walked out and went back to the firm while the three in their cells contemplated just where their lives went so wrong.

Session 49.7 Alex Warlorn

"What doeth this mean, the servers are all down? Just help the servants back up again!"

"They're not that kind of servers Luna." Twilight admitted. "It seems that after what those hackers did, they had to take down the servers to debug them and reinforce security. . ." Twilight slipped and clapped her hooves. "On the plus side!" She took out her Ogres and Oubliettes books. "That means every pony can get back to basics!"


"The Gun Gal servers are down too?!" Indigo Zap explained.

"Looks like we're gonna be playing with Oubliette Overseer Sunny Flare." Lemon Zest admitted.


"It was so nice you agreed to game with me again Cadence." Chrysalis said.

"Uh, of course Chryssy." 'Cadence' grinned. Chrysalis had ordered her minions to shape shift into Shining Armor, Flash Sentry, Cadence, and Gaffer. And to play the table top board game that had been taboo under her rule. And none of them felt like arguing with their queen right now.


"Do you think they'll finally have another session of those teenagers from outer space again?" Scootaloo asked as the girls looked through their binoculars into the cutie mark map being used as as a game table.

"Ah hope so, those were super fun just to watch as much as it was fer them to play." Apple Bloom admitted.


Spike screamed, "AH! I had this horrible nightmare where I had Applejack's accident... not that there's anything WRONG with Applejack's accent mind you... Now let's see here, Cheerilee's Edutainment time travel enchanted comic... the enchanted comic where Humdrum and Radiance's children from the future to help stop a villain, I don't care what the publishers say it's still canon to me... here we go, O&O basic! The classic! No hand holding here! PCs are expected to die on a daily basis, and you live and die by your dice! Wait till they get a load of this!"

Session 49.8 Kendell2

"So, what's this game about?" Rainbow Dash asked as they looked at the game, which showed several Alicorns, Draconequi, Great Griffons, Ryujin, and Changeling Emperor/Empresses, among other things. All looking powerful and regal.

"It's called 'Age of the Gods'," Spike explained. "It's...okay, you know how in O&O, your player characters can serve gods?"

The others nodded.

"Well this is kinda the opposite," the little drake explained. "Instead of playing the PC following a god, you play the god and manage your followers and role in the game world. Well, you still have PC followers, but I'll get to that."

"So we make a deity and then play as them and their role in the universe, like Celestia and Luna running Equestria and controlling the Sun and Moon," Twilight explained. "Celestia, Luna, and a few other deities decided it might give mortals a good look at what it's like to be a deity."

"Sounds awesome!...Wait, where's the catch?" Gilda asked, looking suspicious. "There has to be one, no way you'd just let us be all powerful gods. We need prayer or we die or something?"

"No, but that's part of the point," the Princess of Friendship explained. "Serving the needs of mortals doesn't actually DIRECTLY benefit you in any way, you have no OBLIGATION to do so, but having mortal followers DOES help you spread your values and ideals, since they'll do things in your name...mostly...sometimes they do things in YOUR name, but not things you WANT, and you have to choose how to react to that."

"Let me guess, we're secretly evil then?" Gilda asked, having played enough NRPGs.

"No...well, you CAN be," Spike said, looking at the rules. "There's nothing STOPPING you from being evil, but it's kinda not recommended."


Spike raised up the rules, which showed a picture of Discord being turned to stone by the Elements. "Because the Elements and other artifacts to keep evil gods are a thing. That, and the other gods can and are encouraged to help defeat you."


"Speaking of which..." Spike said, putting four character figures on the table. One looked like a Neighponese student, another looked like a scantly clad witch with long hair, the third looked like hulking six front legged stallion, and the fourth looked like an INSANELY angry white furred stallion with red markings on him and a pair of wicked looking swords. "One of these is the main villain. They seek to wipe out all gods to 'free' ponykind from them, not realizing the consequences of that or that they're not right about ALL of them."

Rainbow Dash raised an eyebrow. "Those characters look pretty dang familiar..."

"Yeah, they're supposed to," Spike said with a chuckle. "The villains are based off 'god killing' protagonists as an injoke. All in good fun. Anyway, you'll need your follower's and ally's help to stop them, since in this universe, if a god dies, what they embody doesn't work right anymore...like 'perpetual drought' if the deity of the sun dies."

Rainbow Dash cringed. "Got it...Wonder if real gods have to deal with this..."

"PREPARE TO DIE, OPPRESSIVE DEITY!" shouted a black armored knight as he charged Tiamat's castle.

Tiamat growled. "Ugh! There's another one! Bahamut, can you get this one? I got the last one!"

Bahamut nodded. "Yes, dear," he said, the gave a roar, causing a lightning bolt to crash down from the sky.


Tiamat blinked. "...You didn't kill him."

"That would just prove his point, dear," Bahamut replied.

"And here's the last thing," Spike said, smirking. "Your mortal PCs? They CAN'T be following your deity, except your chief priest. You have to be following EACH OTHER'S deity while they do the normal dungeon crawling stuff.."

The group blinked, looking to each other. "...Guess that's fair."

"You can guide your followers, give them help, but the MORE you help obviously, the more their 'Dependency' stat goes up and the harder it will be fore them to do things for themselves," Twilight explained. "But if you don't do ANYTHING, they won't get help when they need it. So the best way to do it is to is to help in subtle ways unless needed."

"Alright, time to make your gods," Spike said. "Uses the same morality system of O&O."

Session 49.9 Mtangalion

Following Ken's part...

"First!" squawked Gilda, raising a talon.

Spike smirked. "I can see why Twilight said you need a timeout from those human world forums."

"What?" Gilda folded her forelimbs indignantly. "Early griffon gets the shiny."

Rarity chuckled. "So, you do have a character in mind, darling? You weren't shouting ‘first' merely for the sake of being first?"

"Pfft, how lame would that be? My character is Bellaria, the celestial griffon goddess of tasty desserts." Gilda grinned triumphantly. "No way I can screw that up. Oh, right... she's chaotic good, cause nothing matters but how good the snacks taste."

Pinkie's mane deflated slightly. "Aw, I wanted to be the goddess of snacks."

Gilda waved her talons dismissively. "Sorry, Pinkie. You can be the goddess of parties or something."

Pinkie gasped! "Ooh! I want that too!" She bounced in her seat, unleashing a small blizzard of confetti. "Make way for Ludicrissia, Alicorn Goddess of Parties! She's awful neutral."

Applejack twitched an eyebrow. "Say what, now?"

Twilight raised a hoof. "I think you mean 'lawful neutral.'"

Pinkie laughed, rubbing her forehooves together maniacally. "Right, awful neutral! Followers of Ludicrissia will have three parties per day, no more and no less. That's the rule!"

Session 49.10 Quartzscale

Adding on to Ken's part after Mtanga's

"Oh boy... Anyways my character is Demetria the Guardian Deer of the Harvest and Family. And she's Neutral Good. Gotta respect the family o'course." Applejack piped in after brushing away some of the confetti.

"Really Applejack?" Twilight asked. It was the first time she had chosen a druid like character.

"Yeah. Issat a problem?" Applejack quirked her eyebrow uncertain of the tone she was getting.

"No. None at all." Twilight quickly clammed up. Regardless of what she wanted to say she didn't like Applejack's stubborness to cover her decision making.

Rarity was still fumbling through the character choices with multiple stops on an Empress or an Alicorn. While the beauty was something she really wanted part of her wanted the ability to change clothes whenever she wanted. Fluttershy was also looking through the books but was still undecided. Rainbow Dash finally spoke up figuring out her character.

"Ooh I got one that's really awesome. Presenting Accelerator the draconequus of speed! A chaotic neutral force of speed and the need to feel the sheer force behind a tornado. Fast paced and air based!" Rainbow Dash promptly did a few shadow boxing moves while grinning widely.

Somewhere far away Discord smiled as he had some tea with Celestia and Luna. It was a calm meeting but still the sister's knew that at least chaotic him was totally in control of his desires unlike the harmony based being he once was.

Session 49.11 SomeRandomMinion

Supplement to MtangaLion's bit

The dark-armored knight twitched on the ground. "FOUL BEAST--owchie!--YOU SHALL PAY FOR THE THE GRIFFON CITY YOUR UNHOLY BACKSIDE DESTROYED!"

All five of Tiamat's heads scoffed. "THAT'S what made you try to kill me, mortal?! I've crushed kingdoms for a diplomatic slight, devoured armies FOR FUN, and wiped nations from the map for slaying my children, when THEY were the ones who attacked first...and some pithy tale of me SITTING on a city--by ACCIDENT--that my mate gave me as a gift is what ignites your stupid crusade?!"

The knight blinked behind his helmet's visor. "Huh...when you put it THAT way, it WAS pretty stupid. Talk about not having my priorities straight..."

Session 49.12 BrutalityInc

(Side-drabble to Kendell2's idea)

Meanwhile, in Canterlot, the Princesses were also planning a 'Age of the Gods' game session of their own, this time playing with their fellow deities. There are debates over which ones to invite, and certain issues that needed to be addressed.

"For the last time, no, Luna! We're not inviting Emperor Blackthorn to the game table, even out of courtesy!" Princess Celestia snapped, writing letters to invite the Zebra pantheon.

"Why, Tia? We're inviting Blackrose and some of her children to the game." Luna asked, baffled, "If she is there, she could keep him reined in - !"

"She would, but that would just upset her more than anything." Princess Celestia, shooting down Luna's suggestion, "And you know how he would act. He'll secretly play every god and immortal on the table against each other over the session until it boils over, and use the ensuring chaos and infighting to derail the campaign and seize supremacy in-game! And even if he does follow the campaign, he'll use the whole session as a means to get up-to-date assessment of other gods' capabilities and use that information to further more of his schemes!"

"Well... you have a point, but knowing him, he'll just show up anyway uninvited, probably disguised as one of the other gods." Luna conceded with a sigh. "If so, we better invite Tiamat and Bahumet then. Many gods like us had countered Blackthorn's schemes before, but only old Bahumet had consistently match and even out-gambit the Prince of Deceit."

Princess Celestia found herself nodding in agreement. The ages-long game of intrigue between the two archenemies are legendary among the deities and immortals of the world. Both regarded each other as worthy opponents - Bahumet to Blackthorn as the only one being who managed to decisively foil his plans every time with his grand age and experience, and Blackthorn to Bahumet as the only 'upstart' among the deities who ever matched him through sheer skills.

"And speaking of old gods, should we also invite Boreas and Astra?" Luna suggested, "They haven't been involved with the affairs of their followers and other gods for ages. We should know how they are doing and vice versa..."

"Maybe we should invite the rest of the Griffon pantheon as well? Remember Boreas and Astra are not the only deities of their people." Celestia added, "Should we also extend an invitation to the Orosian Pantheon as well? They haven't been among the mortals and gods for a long time as well."

This time, it was Luna's turn to sneer, "Ilios is still trying to hit on me and every other goddess he could get close to. Bellamos are still trying to start wars everywhere. Thalasson would bicker with King Leo over control of the seas. Anato, Floga, Pyrka and Kafsios are still smarting over losing their status as 'Sun-raisers' to the unicorns after losing their chariot, and then to you. And that winged Minotaur they have for a king, Ouratheros, is still a bullheaded, domineering flank-hole who still thinks he's the best of all the gods. So no, they're not exactly withdrawn, and I don't think we should invite them over..."

"Now, now, Lulu, Ouratheros can be reasonable and honorable, when not clouded by his own pride and insecurities." Celestia reminded. Though she had recalled he had entertained the thought of frying the game company that made that game based on them with thunderbolts for 'not giving them proper homage'. "I think Tachos would be alright - the messenger god is quite a bit of fun; he'll get along with the other trickster deities. And Santor and Thelgossa are fair among their kin."

"Alright then. Let's invite those three." Luna concurred. "Now, the next big questions: What should our godly-characters be, and what do we do if Discord crashes the session...?"

Session 49.13 Kendell2

"Um..." Fluttershy said, blushing a bit. The thought of being a god made her blush. "My goddess is Aceso, the Alicorn of Healing. She's Neutral Good...Is that alright?"

Spike nodded. "Yeah, you're fine, Fluttershy," he said with a smile.

"Well, at first I was kind of uncertain about playing a god, for obvious reasons," Starlight explained. "But then I remembered that a god encourages their followers to follow their philosophy and spread it, so I changed my mind. My deity is Aequitas, the Draconequus of Equality and Fairness. She is Chaotic Good."

"Draconequus?" Twilight asked.

"Made up of all the different species of the world and holding no preference for any race," Twilight's student explained.

"Oh. Well, my goddess is Minerva, the Alicorn Goddess of Knowledge, Learning, and Books! She's Lawful Good," Twilight explained, looking adorkable.

Spike gave a smile. "Sounds fine."

All eyes fell on the still indecisive Rarity.

Session 49.14 Ardashir

"My goddess is Lucia," Rarity said, her horn glowing as she created an illusion of a snowy-coated, amethyst maned and tailed, magnificently lovely Alicorn. "She's beautiful, isn't she?"

"Sure is," Spike looked dreamy. "Could you, ah, make her move a little? Lift her forehof and pose, stuff like that?"

Rarity smiled and obliged, showing Lucia in several poses, the alicorn moving with infinite grace. Spike watched, and the other ponies wondered if they saw little hearts appearing in his eyes.

It dragged on for several moments before Twilight finally coughed. "A-hem! So, Rarity, what is Lucia the goddess of? Distracting young dragons?"

"What? Oh, yes! Hah," Rarity grinned and blushed as she made the illusion vanish. "She's the goddess of beauty, crafting, and art." She sighed dramatically. "Whenever somepony creates a lovely piece of jewelry, or a magnificent dress, or even a first rate song, Lucia is pleased."

"She reached for that idea, didn't she?" Dash whispered to Applejack.

Session 49.15 Quartzscale

The night was young as three ponies sat around a worn coffee table. Finally after all that secrecy Doctor Whooves was back in town enjoying muffins with Derpy and Bon Bon. Vinyl and Octavia were on their way with Lyra after they had attempted a little musical get together. Derpy had baked special muffins now that everypony was on their way. Still her curiosity was blazing forth at this point. The muffin button was hidden behind her back ready for her to press it when it got to the last muffin at this point. It was something she had been planning for a bit if only to see what the Doc turned into. Bon Bon had always worn a blue suit and red tie combo. Lyra wore the red suit with the cravat tie. Octavia went all fancy and managed to have a whip as well which kind of terrified and interested Derpy all the same.

"Who would like the last muffin?" Derpy asked.

"Me." Doc said.

Bon Bon was hesitant but also answered as well. "Me."

They both stared at each other and before Doc could give the muffin over Derpy pressed the button and the court came to life leaving her as the judge once again. Bon Bon was over on her left dressed exactly as last time only this time she was staring at the Doc almost mesmerized by the sight. Derpy was confused until she saw why.

Standing on her right Doc's hair turned pure white as a strange visor appeared over his eyes. The thing slits glowed a bright red as it shined over Bon Bon's eyes. He wore a striped green shirt covered by a brown vest and in his hoof sat a cup of still hot coffee. He slowly sniffed at the beverage and smiled at the two. Then Derpy's wings shot up luckily hidden by the desk she sat behind.

"O-o-opening St-statements please..." Derpy actually had both eyes focused on the Doc.

"Of course... Um... I deserve the first muffin probably cause Derpy has more in the oven ready for everypony once they get here."


The doc slammed his coffee on the table shocking the two mares and bringing them back to their senses.

"I couldn't agree more. It is impossible to predict what the future has in store for any of us. This is precisely why ponies feel the need to judge the past. And we of the kitchen have been charged with the solemn duty of passing such judgment."

Both mares seemed to stare at Doc. A little intimidated and kind of surprised by the confidence. Derpy's wings shot up for the second time and she quickly snuffed them out before Bon Bon could notice.

Before Bon Bon could answer Derpy quickly pressed the muffin button gave Bon Bon the muffin and shoved her out the door with said muffin.
Stunned she tried to get back inside only to see a sign on the door.


The other ponies of the group finally came to the house only to frown at the mare sitting outside the house bitterly eating the muffin.

"What happened?" Octavia asked letting both Lyra and Vinyl nodding their head in the affirmative.

"Muffin button and making Doc desirable for a few seconds..." She mumbled the last few words enough to make certain that none of them actually heard. The muffin button took their attention making Octavia and Lyra immediately understand before anything else could be said.


"Oh Doc~ I want to have a word with you~!" Derpy walked back to the kitchen. Her wings were flared just in case of the chase.

Session 49.16 Mtangalion

Spike sighed dreamily. "You know what? I'm feeling inspired! Why don't I create a character too?" He tapped his claws on the crystal table, thinking. "How about... Indomitus, guardian of beauty? He's a fierce wolf god, and he's whatever alignment Lucia... is?"

The little dragon trailed off, realizing that everypony was staring at him. AJ and Rainbow Dash looked deeply suspicious, and Fluttershy seemed to be cowering in her own throne. "Uh, guys?"

Applejack frowned, adjusting her hat. "Wolf god, ya say?" She pointed a hoof dramatically. "Rutabaga flowers are better than apples!"

Nothing happened. "Alisa's safeword?" deadpanned Spike. "Seriously? Just because I mentioned wolves?"

Fluttershy almost seemed to wilt with relief. "Sorry, Spike. I have to admit, I do feel safer, knowing that Alisa isn't sneaking up on us right now to play a scary prank."

"If that even works any more," said Rainbow. "Yeah, she probably got rid of that safeword months ago."

Fluttershy eeped and curled up in fright again.

Twilight rolled her eyes. "All of you are being ridiculous. Alisa isn't anywhere near Ponyville right now."

"Yeah, and how could *I* possibly be Alisa?" protested Spike. "There's no way she'd fit in a baby dragon costume!"

"That's probably true," mused Rarity.

Spike's eyes bulged. "Probably?!"

"Alisa does have strange powers that we know little about, Spikey-Wikey. Why, she once casually claimed that she could grow bigger than the Apple family barn."

"And you believed that?" said Twilight, exasperated.

"Why not?" countered Rainbow Dash. "If you could make me and Gilda giant, then Alisa could shrink and put on a Spike suit. Let's check him for buttons and zippers!"

"What? No!" Spike giggled, batting away blue hooves and feathers. "Cut that out! That tickles!"

Twilight groaned. "Ugh, are you even listening to yourselves!? You all sound as bad as when we first met Zecora."

"Now, that's being a mite unfair, Twi," said Applejack. "Zecora didn't really do anything to deserve us treating her like that. Alisa ain't so innocent."

Rainbow hovered next to AJ, forelimbs folded. "If Paranoia was a draconequus, she'd be Alisa, in a wolf suit!"

Pinkie Pie got a twisty tail twitch and bounced out of her throne unexpectedly, stalking towards a mostly forgotten snack tray. "Maybe... Spike's just a diversion, so Alisa can sneak up and grab the last slice of Zap Apple Pie!" She whipped out a miniature party cannon and fired, which somehow stripped away an invisibility spell to reveal...

Starlight Glimmer, levitating the pie in question with an amused and only slightly guilty expression. "Um... this is exactly what it looks like." She floated the last piece of pie to her muzzle and took a big bite.

Twilight twitched. "Heeey, Starlight? Want to play ‘Age of the Gods'?"

Far away to the north, in the Diamond Wolf city of Icehome, Alisa lounged on a comfy sofa that she'd imported all the way from Ponyville. She read a manega held in her forepaws, tail wagging, then chuckled and turned a page left to right. "Is your move, young mistress."

Sweetie Belle, wearing a nice warm scarf looped twice around her neck, was balancing with only one hoof on the floor of the frost-rimmed cavern, supported by the pale green glow of her magic. "Sorry, Alisa! Um... pawn to prince five!"

Sweetie was levitating a heavy rock at the same time, and two small gemstones which she kept orbiting around the room in lazy arcs. The heavy rock wobbled when Sweetie magically moved her piece on the game board, but only a little. An empty Diamond Wolf Pup suit hung on a peg nearby, and the door to Alisa's cave was magically sealed and warded.

Sweetie cleared her throat. "Alisa... I really want to apologize again. You know, for the way my parents just dropped me off here for more magic lessons without asking, while they're staying at the new Crystal Empire Ice Skating Resort. I'm sure dad won't really turn you into a rug if anything bad happens to me."

"Hrrrmph!" Reluctantly, Alisa put the manega aside and picked up a ledger for "Rarity's Fine Jewelry Designs," double-checking her sums. "Alisa has been having very odd feeling lately. Not sure what is it."

Sweetie Belle grinned. "Maybe you're feeling guilty about driving your pony friends crazy all the time, and you want to go back to Ponyville and apologize?"

Alisa smirked. "Of course not, young mistress! Probably just bad mushroom!" Her thoughtful mood remained, though. "Sweetie Belle is a good apprentice. Listens well, learns quick, keeps Alisa's secrets. This is magic learning time... keep thoughts on magic."

Alisa lifted a fluffy forepaw, and her claw tips seemed to drink in the light of the cavern's glow crystals. Black smoke billowed, forming a clawed hand that moved one of Alisa's game pieces for her. "Princess to knight three, check."

Session 49.17 Kendell2

"Alright, so now time for your mortal character," Spike explained. "And remember, you can't follow your own deity."

"Mine is a Bard named Sweet Song!" Pinkie Pie explained. "She's Chaotic Good and a follower of Bellaria! Seeking to try all kinds of tasty treats and then write songs about them!"

Gilda chuckled. "Well...then my mortal is named Goldina, she's a Chaotic Good Fighter who follows Accelerator. She loves going fast and fighting hard. When she heard about the fight with the godslayer, she decided to come kick some flank!"

"Alright, that's two. Next?" Spike asked, recording as stats and starting load out were handled.

"Um...My mortal is named Tulip. She's a Neutral Good Druid who follows Demetria," Fluttershy explained. "She prayed to Demetria for her family's harvests and wanted to help protect her in return."

OOC: I admit, my knowledge of D&D is very basic.

Session 49.18 Kendell2

OOC: Not sure if anyone actually will USE this, I just want to do it because we've never actually DONE IT. Did the rolls via a dice simulator. No one else HAS to do it, I just WANTED to. I also admit this is based purely off my basic knowledge I VERY RECENTLY gained.

Pinkie Pie did her ability attribute rolls and plugged them in (they were playing with random rolls, four dice dropping the lowest number, but plugging them in however they wanted).

Strength: 8
Dexterity: 15
Constitution: 15
Intelligence: 6
Wisdom: 12
Charisma: 15

"Wow, pretty lucky that time!" Pinkie Pie said, giving a wide smile.

Gilda took her turn and did her plugging in.

Strength: 16
Dexterity: 10
Constitution: 12
Intelligence: 11
Wisdom: 11
Charisma: 8

"Eh, not bad," the Griffon said. At least she got a pretty good strength score. "Alright shy, your turn."

Fluttershy jumped a little. "Oh...Okay..."

Strength: 11
Dexterity: 12
Constitution: 13
Intelligence: 12
Wisdom: 15
Charisma: 10

"Oh...that's not too bad...okay, what are you other girls going to be?" Fluttershy asked, looking to her friends.

Session 49.19 Alex Warlorn

(Friends Forever # 36 joke.)

"I DID NOT GIVE Yakyakstian the Equine flu! You have to believe me!" Shining Armor defended.

"Guards say you travel all the way up hill in cold! Pony likely catch cold and give it Yaks and make it cross species barrier! Yaks demand reparations for costs of medicine!"

"You've been isolated for centuries, I wasn't the only creature there! It's natural your species' immune system will have degraded in such an isolated environment!"

"Dear, why are the Yak bombing us with tissues? And can we blame this on Chrysalis somehow?"

"I'm trying but I can't think of anything."

"I miss the days when the Crystal Empire was boring."

Session 49.20 Mtangalion

Sweetie Belle trotted... no, *padded* through the rough stone tunnels of Icehome, looking all around in wonder at all the big wolves going about their daily tasks.

The costume that made her look just like a snowy white Diamond Wolf pup with a fluffy purple mane and tail was a magical marvel, so light and comfortable that Sweetie might have begun to doubt that she actually was a pony, if Alisa hadn't showed her several times how to take it off and put it on again. She could wag her tail just like Apple Bloom's dog Winona, and snarl and bark, and even curl her paws and wiggle her wolfy toes... but that made no sense. Whatever the suit looked like, she was a *pony* with *hooves* underneath... wasn't she?

Sweetie realized that she was starting to panic and made herself take deep breaths. "I guess shouldn't think too hard about that!"

Alisa had slyly evaded every question of how the costume actually worked, or why she possessed a wolf suit sized for a filly in the first place. Even being Alisa's student in magic didn't entitle Sweetie to simple explanations of anything, it seemed.

Sweetie padded past two young Diamond Wolves in funny red coveralls. They were standing up on their hind paws to reach a worn out glow crystal, and arguing about which way the new crystal was supposed to go back in the socket. Past them, the tunnel twisted left and right, coming to one of the largest caverns that she'd seen yet, some kind of marketplace... and right away she nearly bumped into an elderly male wolf with bluish-gray fur, wearing the moonstone collar of a Luna's Witness.

"Have you honored Luna today, cub?" he asked in a friendly growl. "Wolves howl to moon. Good pups know she's the best goddess for wolves!"

"No, Great and Powerful Anasi is best!" insisted a female wolf with glossy youthful golden-orange fur, pointing to some kind of shrine that depicted an especially large wolf, grinning with fangs bared and wearing a hat and cape.

Sweetie made a convincing puppy-whine without meaning to. "Um... why not both? They both seem... uh, deserving of worship, right?"

The Luna's Witness frowned, and started pawing through a tattered old book. "Huh. Luna didn't say to serve *only* Luna. Maybe it's okay."

Anasi's advocate grinned toothily. "All good! Supremely Clever and Benevolent Anasi will generously accept Luna as her subordinate."

"What's that you say!?" snarled the Luna's Witness. When they lunged and started brawling, thankfully without drawing blood, Sweetie backed away slowly.

"New pup smells like Alisa," said a female voice behind Sweetie, startling her. "You think she played a trick on them?"

Sweetie turned around and gasped. No fewer than five wolf pups the same age as her were gathered together, watching her closely, their tails flicking with curiosity.

A black and grey-furred pup, the biggest of the group, padded forward, giving her a sniff, then squinting at her thoughtfully. "Maybe, Elena!" He grinned broadly. "She'd better not play sneaky tricks on us, though!" He mentioned to one side. "I'm Pavel! We need another for our game. You, new pup, come play with us!" He drew himself up taller, looking at her expectantly.

Sweetie stared at him, confused, until she remembered what Alisa had said. Follow the leader! Everything was follow the leader with Diamond Wolves, so maybe Pavel was the leader of this... puppy pack? She held back a giggle and curtsied like Rarity had taught her. "Okay! I'm Sweetie."

"Svity?" spoke Pavel, puzzled by the foreign name. The pup shrugged it off. "Heh, whatever. Come!"

Pavel dashed away, and the others loped after him, with Sweetie scrambling to catch up. The pups ran a few extra laps through the marketplace, just for the joy of running apparently, and nearly tripping a lot of the grownup wolves as a bonus. He lead the way to a gap between two vendor's stalls, like a secret cub-sized den, and they all crowded inside, tails all wagging at their mutual cleverness.

"So, what game are we playing?" asked Sweetie, a little winded by the run.

Elena nudged Sweetie, grinning hugely. "Is really fun game!" she growled, putting a surprisingly familiar game box on their makeshift table, then nosing it towards the rest of them. "We play Ponies and Princesses."

Sweetie gaped at them until she found herself wondering if wolves could see her flat pony teeth. She closed her mouth quickly. "R- Really?"

Pavel laughed. "Surprised we have cool game like this, huh?" He laid out character sheets and pawed one towards Sweetie. "You play Rarity pony, who acts like she only cares about jewelry and looking nice, but supports pack like a good wolf when there's danger!"

Sweetie felt her wolf ears droop. "I... Hehe... I guess I can do that!" To herself, she mumbled, "I guess I'll have something to write a friendship letter about after all."

"My turn next!" declared Elena. "Bridge is out, but character sheet says Rainbow Dash is a super flying pony, so she flies over the broken bridge, with her wings!"

Pavel chuckled darkly. "Rainbow is on other side alone! Roll dice to see if she falls for sneaky tricks!"

Author's Note:

This is a group-story/addventure/chain-story/round robin, fanfic 'story' of the Mane Six Plus Spike playing Dungeons and Dragons/Oubliettes and Ogres, with occasional guest players (like Trixie or Gilda), with Spike and Twilight rotating as Dungeon Master. It's intended to be an IN-CHARACTER comedy.

Each post should be more self contained, if say (in game) Twilight is fire balled by a Mimic in one post in a desert pyramid, the next post can have them sailing a ship encountering seaponies siren expies, each one containing a short joke, or an extension of a previous scene if that's what the poster wants. Time skips, flash backs, the ponies rotating different characters and campaigns, are all allowed (and ENCOURAGED) as long as the ponies stay in character (such as Pinkie Pie NOT fireballing a cabbage sales stallion and saying she thought he was a demon, thank you very much).

Pinkie Pie, "And pretty please do not take anything personally! It's just a game!"

Rainbow Dash, "What did you say!?

What's you post in the comments, it's then copy and pasted into the fic above, have fun.


Trope Page: (update already)

Session 49.0 Alex Warlorn
Session 49.1 Kendell2
Session 49.2 Mtangalion
Session 49.3 General Lemarc
Session 49.4 Kendell2
Session 49.5 General Lemarc
Session 49.6 Quartzscale
Session 49.7 Alex Warlorn
Session 49.8 Kendell2
Session 49.9 Mtangalion
Session 49.10 Quartzscale
Session 49.11 SomeRandomMinion
Session 49.12 BrutalityInc
Session 49.13 Kendell2
Session 49.14 Ardashir
Session 49.15 Quartzscale
Session 49.16 Mtangalion
Session 49.17 Kendell2
Session 49.18 Kendell2
Session 49.19 Alex Warlorn
Session 49.20 Mtangalion

MLPFiM Copyright Hasbro

Cover art by Jowybean http://jowybean.deviantart.com/art/Squid-Army-incoming-631940953

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