• Published 2nd Sep 2015
  • 15,395 Views, 2,073 Comments

Ponies and Dragons (Just Have Fun) - Alex Warlorn

A peek at various times of the Mane Six, Spike, and friends, all play Dungeons and Dragons/Ogres and Oubliettes, Paranoia, Call of Ponythulu, Toon, an adaption of themselves, and just about every other role playing game under Celestia's sun.

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Session 67 (movie spoilers)

Session 67.0 QuartzScale

*Spoilers for MLP Movie- Read at your own Risk*

Tirek looked over his office while Little Pip made herself busy working on filing away all the contracts. It was almost time for his four o’clock. It was one thing to give this bozo an expansion but it was even better when he got to wring money out of the old skinflint. Mr. ‘Storm King’ as he liked to be called really needed to rejoin reality.

“Ms. Pip. I’ll be having an important meeting. Would you like to stay? Remember it’s going to be intense especially with who it is.” Tirek softly spoke his strangely dulcet tones whenever he was hiding that sharpened blade that was his tongue.

“If you don’t mind sir… I’ll stay just in case.” Lil Pip answered immediately squeaking timidly in fear.

“Hm… perhaps you can hack it in this business. No matter. Just don’t answer any question of his. If he asks why you don’t speak tell him that it’s not your place to speak in important matters. Trust me… he’ll bleed you dry if he gets the hook in you.” Tirek solemnly answered with a resolute grimace.

“U-understood sir.” Lil Pip saluted as she fixed off her casual work wear… somehow she had earned the chance to be more casual. Though she wasn’t
sure that it was because of her work ethic or because she made the boss look better for PR.

Tartarus and Co had become one of the largest law firms in all of Canterlot County making things legally safer for the entire populace… at least she hoped that they did. It was hard to actually shake the feelings of shadiness when he had seen a strange woman decked out in black clothing and wearing chains whenever she was brought over to speak with Tirek for a tea session. It was a testament to how well he played the system within the rules of the law. Today was no different. She had been witness to the constant rules lawyering he had to do just to make sure this… ‘Storm King’ played along and kept his word. Speak of the devil…

“Welcome Storm King. I take it you enjoyed your trip over.” Tirek snidely hid his grimace keeping his hands on the desk so as to not immediately try and throttle the snarky landshark in front of him.

“How could I refuse an old friend of mine.” Storm King answered in kind… his eyes piercing through Tirek in abject anger at the corruptible law holder.

“Sit… We need to discuss some things… And prepare for our other guest as well.” Tirek motioned to the chair in front of him as Lil Pip stood resolute and frozen so as to appear to be a fixture.

“Fine… I take it that this is more than about the contract I signed.” Storm King sneered as he sat down.

“Yes. Much more. First, how well do you know the gaming industry right now?” Tirek slowly brought up his topic.

“It’s fine. A few too many cutesy games for my taste but I understand that Sombra is pleasing his new wife. Kid grew up and finally has a spine this time. Also with a kid on the way. Now that’s surprising.” Storm King took out a cigarette, lighting it and smoking the ash away.

“Yeah. It’s no problem since I have the solution to our problems of too many cutesy games in the market. But perhaps I should give the stand over to my… employer in this matter.” Tirek cruelly smiled as the door to the office opened.

It was at that moment the room seemed to get thirty degrees colder though all three knew it was only their imaginations. Two cops had opened the door wearing their swat gear as a familiar woman walked into the room. Tirek instantly looked at Lil Pip who immediately rushed to get her the most comfortable chair in the office before she could say anything and placing it in the same place it was always meant to be at.

“Welcome Rabia. Always a pleasure.” Tirek solemnly answered. Storm King gave a polite nod. They were friends… in a sense but even he knew never to show weakness around her.

“Thank you old friend. Anymore backs to stab or have we come to… Ah… my other old friend. There you are. It’s been a while. I suppose Tirek wants me to ‘convince’ you to join us in a little side venture.” Rabia chuckled as the two cops glared at her before stepping outside the room ready to charge in for any reason.

No one knew how he did it but Rabia had been on her best behavior for some reason ever since Sombra forcefully took over the reins of the family in a sense. There had been less guards gored and she had become the model inmate… for some reason that was beyond their idea of control.

“I’m here to join Rabia. Of course I’ll help you out.” Storm King answered earnestly. The last time he went against Rabia nearly saw the loss of his entire loan company. Never again after that point.

“That’s good sweetie.” Rabia placed a hand on his cheek… it was colder than ice and still possibly more real that her own heart. “So you know how my… lovely son and hiswife have taken it upon themselves to make such wonderful titles that make Crystal Soft so much better nowadays.”

“Yes mam.” Tirek and Storm both answered nervously. Rabia unnerved them immensely.

“Well my sweet daughter Ira wants to follow in my footsteps so to say and thanks to the contract Tirek made Sombra sign we do have access to Equestria assets and so I propose a game to be released through her side company. Completely legal and free of any shady dealings.” Rabia answered solemnly making sure to slam her fist on the desk to punctuate her point. It left a large imprint.

“Sounds promising. So why do you need me then?” Storm King asked cautiously.

“Capital. A venture like this needs money. Work on this project with Tirek for me… Since you do owe me… traitor.” Rabia sneered as she picked Storm King off of the chair holding him by his neck. “I know how you gave Sombra my account information Storm. Be smart or don’t. What’s a few more years to me.”

“Y-yes. I-I-I’ll do it.” Storm screamed as Rabia placed him back on the chair.

“That’s a good boy.” Rabia politely rubbed his cheek… as if the last five minutes didn’t happen. “Do you have the programmers you need?”

“Yes. Introducing Zappityhoof, Goldcap, Decepticolt and Kabuto. The last one is on loan from Blackthorn Industries.” Tirek placed a set of photos on the desk for the two to see.

Lil Pip didn’t say a word. Since no one noticed her she remained quiet as she could thanking her mother that she was little enough to escape their scrutiny. Storm King had frightened her when he stepped into the room. Rabia utterly terrified her since she had easily picked Storm King off the ground with one hand because of her time in prison. She wanted to hyperventilate but held it together in hopes of not dragging their attention.

“Sounds good. Ira will get together my concept of a wasteland of cute ponies. Time to show the world what true entertainment is.” Rabia smirked as the cops came in ready to take her back. She made no fight and willingly walked with them. Her good mood was their salvation.

“I’ll write up the contracts later Storm. Here…” He gave Storm a bottle of cognac which Storm earnestly took to steady his nerves. While both never said it out loud they both shared the sentiment. Rabia scared them more than anything else in life.

Session 67.1 Alex Warlorn

There was a knock on the castle door... at least Spike was fairly sure it wouldn't be the equalist cult movement or Luna's Witnesses this time.

Spike answered the door. He didn't recognize the blue earth pony with a blond mane ... He looked nervous. "And you are?"

"Oh! I'm... I'm Star Tracker!" He held up a O&O book. "And I heard that Twilight Sparkles likes playing Ogres and-" Spike slammed the door in his face.

"Spike, what was that?"

"Meh, just another fanboy. I thought the fad with the journals finally calmed down."

"Fanboy? What a minute..." Twilight opened the door. "Star Tracker?"

The stallion stopped rubbing his sore nose. "Uh... Hi?... I... I heard you kinda have an open door policy with your subjects... so I just... thought..."

Twilight say the game book and took in a deep breath. "Star Tracker... you're a nice guy. You really are. But looking up a girl's personal hobbies, and taking them up just to impress her isn't going to do you any favors."

"Uh, I actually already played the game. I own the first addition rule books."

"Oh! Well, I kinda have a full table already... but I wouldn't mind going over some pointers for you-" Twilight turned around to lead him in.

An orange blur went by while Twilight's back was turned. When she looked behind Star Tracker was gone.

"Spike... what happened?"


"And I know you were just doing your job Flash Sentry, but I promise Star Tracker isn't a stalker, if I felt he was getting too uncomfortable, I would tell him myself."

"Yes Princess." Flash Sentry said, still giving glares at the meek Earth Pony as he left.


In the Human World

Starlight Glimmer had got her hands on one of the Augmented Reality Eye Patches, and was in Canterlot Park, where another boss had appeared, this time Nightmare Moon, along with large 'Nightmareified' unicorn mares as sub-bosses. And while Starlight had been forbidden from sharing her geopolitical views on WoH (which she felt was incredibly unfair), there was no limit in this game... The responses she'd gotten were... Not nice.

"Damn socialist, just fascist with a different name!"

"Go back to Russia!"

"Castro just called, he wants his b***** back!"

"Go back in time, and sit underneath the Berlin Wall as they knock it down!"

And those had been the nicer ones.

Starlight had chosen Somnambula as her champion. Since they'd patched Mage Meadowlark as a Earth Pony Alchemist instead of the Unicorn Spellcrafter she was before the retcon. Starlight herself had submitted an idea for an extra 'legendary item' of hers she'd found alluded to in the patch notes, she didn't care if they paid her or not, but they turned down a staff that could strip a character of its Special Abilities as a balancing force against abusive players.

This was supposed to be a group game. She'd only been able to get her hands on one. Not that she... she had anyone to group with at first.

There was something familiar about that player she'd teamed up with that one space empire game though...

She was shocked at how quickly Starlight and her guild recognized her from WoH...

She thought Rainbow Dash, as part of the guild would care to join her, so she could write up a full article on how socially toxic this kind of game was to people... but it seemed the damaged had already been done.

"Somnambula huh? They should have made it a thief class for this game... after she stole the name of one of my greatest role models."

Starlight turned, and saw the yellow skinned young woman with orange hair that was bigger than the rest of her body mass it looked like. The VR set made her look like one of those side quest bosses... oh right.

"Adagio Dazzle?"

"Know my face? I guess that's the price we pay for fandom in a silly game industry."

"What do you mean? 'She stole the name?'"

"Somnambula was a great enchantress," Adagio said, her voice uncharacteristically full of praise. "She could turn ponies into brainwashed little lemmings, come right to her door, and create idealistic illusion fantasy worlds for them, while she sucked their life-force dry until they were lifeless mummies! ... Her name was known throughout Equestria's history... Until that bucking nag STOLE IT! She took a name that inspired dark desire and fear and turned it into a name for a stupid hero! It's a disgrace! ... Oh!" Adagio calmed herself down. "Excuse me. Got a little too in character there. I mean that I submitted the idea, and the game designers completely bastardized my idea. It gets under my skin, you understand."

Adagio felt like she'd seen this human somewhere before... or at least her color pattern... when all those stupid unicorns were fighting with light sabers over who was star-butt's apprentice or something? Who cared?

"I... I understand. That isn't fair, and must be frustrating." Starlight said sincerely.

"Thank you, oh, and look behind you."

Starlight turned, only to remember the game didn't have a pause button, as she was virtually run through by a fabulous looking nightmare unicorn with a beautiful long mane. Knocking her character's HP to Zero, and knocking her out of the game until she could reset. Ironically the game offered a small boast when that happened as a 'bonus' but that didn't quite feel fair to Starlight to use.

Adagio just walked away, munching on popcorn a park bench, he her sisters were going to milk all the negative for all it was worth before Adagio did her master performance. It was already planned for a full moon at midnight at Canterlot high, now they just needed to select the date.

Shadow Tempest meanwhile, continued to ruthlessly cut down the nightmareified unicorn mares... even if there was an option to 'save' them, no one used it, not willing to share experience with stupid NPCs. Which made the act more real than if there was no option but to knock their HP down to zero. Shadow Tempest clutched her artificial hand, connected to the surviving nerve ending in her elbow. ... Thinking of a little doll that was crushed that had belonged to a friend... the friends who abandoned her, seeing the two girls shocked and scared as the doll's pieces fell to the ground, and then running away from. And the next day playing with another girl like nothing had happened. Shadow Tempest growled and fought harder.

"Excuse me, but I don't think this game is healthy for you. You don't look well. You should really take a break." Starlight said, completely meaning it. The blue skinned girl looked sick.

"As if Trixie needs the high and mighty advice of a video game phobic!"

"Actually, I'm not against video games that encourage social grown and intelligent thinking, this however is... is just... poisonous."

At that time, Trixie two band mates, and what could preciously be referred to as her friends, Lavender Lace, and Fuchsia Blush, stormed up to the silver haired girl.

"Trixie! You LIED to us about where the event boss was!" Lavender snarled.

"Quite your whining! Trixie is doing fine on her own!"

"I thought this was supposed to be a team game!" Starlight exasperated.

"No one asked you!" All three hissed.

Session 67.2 Alex Warlorn*MOVIE SPOILERS*

The unicorn sprang back when her door was knocked down, she saw the two yetis in black armor and blasted them with her horn... and their armor just absorbed the magic. She gasped when they parted to make way for a dark furred unicorn in black armor, with a broken horn. Sparks dangerously crackled. The unicorn's face remained still and no-nonsense as she steadily trotted into the apartment room.

"F-fizzypop... is that you?"

"My name is Tempest Shadow. Fizzypop died. Remember? You left her to die."

The gifted unicorn began trotting backwards. "Fizzy... please... we were just foals... we were scared."

The unicorn backed up into her wall.

"What scared you first? The monster's roar? Or my cries for help?... So imagine how scared a little filly was, actually having to face it... all alone. Just... imagine... how terrifying... that is." Tempest lowered her broken horn.


A minute later, there was still only one unicorn in the room with a maimed horn. The other was curled up in a ball on the floor, shivering and scared out of her mind.

Still cool calm and collected, Tempest turned around and trotted out, she looked at the two Storm Troopers. "Get her bridled and put with the other slaves."

Grubber paced along side her. "Yo, for a second there, I thought you were gonna... ya know."

She back hoofed in him the gut.

"THAT is for ever thinking I'd ever do this to someone else." Tempest's horn crackled madly.

"S-sorry, Tempest." Grubber grunted as he followed behind her holding his bruised stomach. "Wasn't thinking."

Session 67.3 Kendell2*MOVIE SPOILERS*

*Spoilers for MLP Movie- Read at your own Risk*

Tempest Shadow gave another once over of the city, looking for any stragglers. She wasn't afraid to be alone, like any of the ponies in this town could stand a chance. The Storm King's enforcer paused, feeling something not right.

Out of nowhere, a white blur rushed out of the shadows and aimed a punch right at her head, forcing her to block. She retaliated with several blows of her own, which where likewise blocked. The two exchanged blows for a few moments before they finally locked each other and she could see who attacked her. "...Prince Shining Armor...and here I thought you'd run away."

Shining Armor said nothing, he merely continued trying to punch the mare's face in. And to his credit, Tempest was actually being pushed.

"No words for the one who turned your wife to stone?" asked the mare, shoulder tossing the Prince, only for him to catch himself, jump off a wall and come back with a flying kick she had to dodge.

"...Why?" Shining asked, the two continuing to fight.

Tempest lowered her head and fired off her unstable magic burst. Shining's legendary shields held, stopping it. "The Storm King is going to make me whole for this."

Shining's eyes focused on her horn. "...I'm sorry about your horn...but I'm not sorry about what I'm going to do."

"Because I'm the bad guy?" asked Tempest, almost mockingly as the two continued to exchange blows. 'He's actually good...Guess that's what I should expect from the Captain of the Royal Guard...'

"No...because my family and country are at stake!" Shining growled, the two continuing to exchange blows.

Tempest smirked as she and Shining caught one another's blows. "...Maybe I'll hurt her WORSE if you don't give up."

"...You wouldn't."

Tempest gave a cold look. "Try me."

Shining...stopped and held his head down.

"And this is what attachment gets you..." Tempest said, walking over and preparing to put a horn seal on him...only for him to suddenly punch her in the stomach with a front hoof, doubling her over.

"Nice try...but I've been listening in and watching, you CAN'T touch Cadence even if you really are that heartless," Shining replied, taking advantage and punching the mare in the face, hard. "And even if I didn't, Cadence wouldn't WANT me to..." Shining stopped himself and continued to press his advantage, raining blows on Tempest and finally throwing her harshly into the wall.

Tempest groaned, opening her eyes to find Shining Armor's horn to her face, glowing with power in preparation for a spell at point blank. "Dirty move..."

"A wise pony once said that in a real battle 'seek victory not fairness'," Shining replied, preparing his most powerful stun spell and blocking Tempest's attempt to hit him in the horn to stop it. He didn't mention said 'wise pony' was an anthropomorphic rat on a radio drama about mutant ninja turtles.

...At which point he heard paw steps coming.

Tempest was blinded by a flash bang spell at point blank. When her eyes cleared, Shining Armor was gone.

"Tempest, you okay?" asked Grubber, seeming concerned.

Tempest growled, getting back to her hooves. "Find him!"


"Shining Armor! Find him!"

"That was risky..." said 8-Bit, hoofing Shining Flurry Heart back.

Shining hugged his daughter. "Not as risky as letting her get closer until we were ready..." he replied. "Please tell me we're ready..."

"We got every teleport capable unicorn we could find who hadn't been captured and they're ready..." Gaffer said. "...Shining, are you SURE you don't want to try and get Cadence?"

Shining looked down sadly. "...I want to...you know how much I do..." He nuzzled his daughter, who was crying. "...But Cadence would want Flurry Heart out of here...besides, if they catch her, they'll have all the ponies they'll need for their ritual, and I don't care what it is, we can't allow that to happen. For not just her sake, but EQUESTRIA'S."

His friends nodded. The group walked over to the circle of unicorns already preparing their spell. "Alright, let's get out of there." He joined in in the spell, holding his crying daughter and trying to comfort her. 'Cadence...hold on, I know Twiley will stop them...somehow...'

In a flash, the group had vanished without a trace.

OOC: I felt it needed explained where Shining and Flurry are, and clearly Flurry Heart DIDN'T get captured or they wouldn't NEED Twilight.

And I thought if ANYONE could match or overpower Tempest, it'd be Shining, the Captain of the Royal Guard.

Session 67.4 Mtangalion

Movie spoilers....

In the midst of the trek through the oppressively hot desert south of the Badlands, Rarity Belle looked at her face in a mirror compact and shrieked. “Twilight Sparkle, you cancel this ‘protective spell’ of yours this instant! Just look at these awful bags under my eyes! It was bad enough when I was merely dehydrated, but now I look like I’ve been working without sleep for days!”

“But it’s important to protect everypony from gorgon venom!” protested Twilight. She took the empty dark green casing that she’d carried in her magic all this way, and discarded it, having learned all she could. “I guess I could tweak the anti-venom matrix a little bit.”

“A little bit!” exclaimed Spike. “You even made me sick, and this desert isn’t even hot to me.”

“But Spike, this is important research! Even aside from the obvious practical applications, it’s fascinating that someone actually managed to weaponize…”

Rainbow Dash clenched a hoof. “Do we have to talk about this now? Ugh, I still can’t believe we let a bunch of bullies sail up in a few airships and walk all over us. Where was the Guard? Besides your brother, I mean. What do we even have a Guard for?!”

Twilight grimaced. “I’m not much of a princess, but I know I didn’t mess that up. I ordered extra security, not no security at all! When I find out where they’ve been…”

Meanwhile, in the Realm of Chaos, Day Guards in red tabards shouted out a cheerful battle cry, which was loudly and energetically answered by hovering Night Guards in blue. They charged across gingerbread bridges that spanned tapioca pudding rivers, hacking and slashing with big foam rubber weapons that made cartoonish honks and boops and whistles when they landed a blow.

The new Day Guard commander, hoof-picked by the departing Shining Armor, looked up at the tie-dyed sky with a pleading expression. “Sir Discord, if you can hear this… No offense, the lads are all appreciative and we’ve had a marvelous good time with this new battle training but… it’s been days! Can we please go home now?”

Session 67.5 Alex Warlorn*MOVIE SPOILERS*

'Ninety-nine bottles of sunshine on the wall, Ninety-nine bottles of sunshine.' Celestia thought to herself as she was petrified like a trophy with her sister and niece. She owed an apology to Discord when this was over. She should have provided him with some read material.

Her heart leapt when she saw Philomena sneak in, the fire bird landing on her owner and looking ready to tear up.

'That's it Philomena! Good girl! Good girl! I'll give you an extra large bird bath when this is-' One of the guards caught her and put her in a fireproof cage. 'Drat.'

'And we'll name our second foal Skyla if it's a girl, and maybe Blizzard Heart if it's a boy.' Cadence thought. '... I really hope I hallucinated Chrysalis sneaking in here just so she could wag her flank at me.'

'This little horsie went to Timbucktu, this little horsie went to Prance.' Luna sang to herself.

Session 67.6 Kendell2*MOVIE SPOILERS*

"So...how exactly do you play this again?" asked Capper as the group hid in his house. Twilight was busy looking through one of his books and it was still awhile before Verko was supposed to show up.

"You have an O&O game here and never played it?" asked Rainbow Dash, looking it over and blowing a thick layer of dust off it.

Capper shrugged. "Don't have anyone to play it with. Just...found it..." he said. 'In someone's suitcase I snagged and couldn't find anyone to buy it...'

"You? You seem like the life of a party, the way you handled that crowd out there," the cyan pegasus. Sure, the six of them probably could've handled those thugs if they had to (a bunch of street thugs didn't have anything on the Changeling army and the Storm King's invasion force after all), but it was better for staying low to NOT get involved in a huge brawl.

"Eh, that was just me knowing how to work the crowd," the feline replied. "And have you SEEN those guys? Think I'd be caught dead hanging out with half of 'em?" 'That and it's easier to play them for suckers if they DON'T know me.'

"Well sit down, we've got some time while we figure stuff out, we can always play later when this whole mess is over with," Rainbow replied.

Capper's eyes went wide. "Wait...you WANT to play a game with me? Why?"

"Because you're our friend, it's kinda what they do..." the cyan pegasus replied. "Or at least what WE do. You'd be far from the weirdest sight on game night..."

"...Do you bet in O&O?"

Rainbow raised an eyebrow. "No...you raid dungeons and beat up evil bosses, sometimes save a princess or two."

The feline for a second looked perplexed before regaining his composure. "I...Sure, sounds great..."

"Cool...now you strike me as a Rogue...or maybe a Bard. High charisma score is a MUST for a guy like you."

OOC: Capper explicitly says 20 minutes. And that ALSO required the guy to TELL Verko to meet him in 20 minutes. The screentime that passed wasn't that amount of time, so something else must have happened in the meantime, right?

Session 67.7 Alex Warlorn*MOVIE SPOILERS*


As Rara and Sapphire Shores hung in bird (song bird?) cages next to each other, Sapphire Shore dared desturb the silence.

"There's one thing I don't get."

"Where they got those creepy black and green orbs that turned our goddesses to stone?" Rara asked.

"No. You're number one, for now." Sapphire made clear that Rara's sudden and complete change in music styles had been a golden opportunity for her rival. It wasn't hateful or underhanded, it was just competition between two artists. "I'm number two, for now. While Songbird Serenade is number three in Equestria's charts... how did SHE get to sing at Equestria's Friendship Festival and not us?"

"Maybe because we are popular? Maybe she wanted to give a lesser known singer a break?"

Sapphire thought about it for a moment. "... Yeah, I'll buy that."


The Mane Six and Spike... on board the airship, the Madam Harpy, were facing being thrown overboard, when the crew had stopped to break for lunch. It was clear that serving as a cargo ship for the Storm King's shoddy Chineighs merchandise wasn't their idea of a happy life.

RD had bought so much Wonderbolts junk, (now with her face on some of it) that she recognized the style that they weren't selling products, they were selling a brand. RD would have given it no mind, but Spike spotted something that DID get his attention, and pulled it out of one of the crates.

"YOU'RE KIDDING!" Spike said, holding up the box set. "The Storm King has his own Ogres and Oubliettes expansion?!" Spike read the back. "'Now you too can enjoy the awesomeness of conquering Equestria just like your coolest evil Overlord The Storm King.' You've GOT to be kidding!!!"

Spike and Twilight looked at each other, like something they loved dearly had just been tainted beyond repair. Twilight and Spike BOTH wondered if they could ever look at their O&O books the same again.

Captain Celaeno said, not getting up and not trying to stop him. "Hey, be careful with those, we were supposed to deliver those already, but we got a three day order to just sit on them."

None of the mane six needed to ask why that was. It made Twilight shiver, so they planned to have her by then?"

"Real problem for us." The eye patched pirate parrot said. "We've got a LOT of pre-orders for that stuff! And when people pay for stuff in advance, they really don't like delays. And we're stuck explaining to the retailers. Why can't we just deliver them to the retailers and tell THEM to hold onto it? Seems really screwy if you ask me."

Rarity's eyes for detail spotted a series of gift baskets, all addressed to the Storm King, filled with compensation of various types.

The first one caught Rarity's attention.

It was a photo of Queen Chrysalis holding a bundle of roses with an open mouth smile and playfully winking with x's and o's at the bottom. Rarity dared read what was written on the photo. "Hugs and kisses from your bestest best friend ally soon to be diplomatically recognized queen of the true changelings. Be sure not to break the pink Alicorn after petrifying her and harvesting her magic.'" The ponies looked each other.

"'I have feelings for her-'" Rarity continued. The ponies looked at each other bewildered, sick, and blushing.

"-'that can only be expressed through her being petrified with a sledge hammer.'"

The ponies cringed, "Okay, THAT sounds like the queen meanie we know." Pinkie Pie admitted.

"We have an official Storm King sledge hammer she ordered." Grin the eye-patch wearing pirate held up a large sledge hammer with the Storm King's logo on the side with a pretty blue bow wrapped on it.

"And we have a delivery to make to Tartarus, or a drop off that leads to Tartarus," Captain Celaeno explained.

There was another photo of Tirek in his scrawny form with his hood, two thumbs up, grinning.

"'Knock them dead kiddo, literally!'"

"I see he knows that any good business requires good connections." Rarity commented in spite of herself.

Spike meanwhile was reading through the expansion's rule book. "Geeze, these Obsidian Orbs are really overpowered. How did he even make them?! OH! Sorry Twilight!" Spike slammed the book closed seeing the look on Twilight's face, being reminded of seeing her Sister In Law, along with her Aunts In Laws (and one being like a second mother) turned into black stone statues before her eyes, eating through magic barriers that even Sombra had had trouble with. Spike was kinda confused, Twilight HAD been okay before, researching the gorgon grenades... oh right.

With his tail Spike hide four black stone mini-figurines of the four princesses behind him.

Session 67.8 Grogar-the-oneser (WITH EDITS)*MOVIE SPOILERS*

Twilight cringed abit at the sight of four toys, seeing Luna, Cadence, Celestia and herself, but instead of herself, she saw Derpy. The pegasus was one who took the grenade hit for her. 'Hope they didn't do anything bad to her in that state.'

"Err, shouldn't we have broken that statue of the pegasus that mess with our plans?" A Storm Trooper question in there own tongue.

"Nah, there no profit in destroying someone who's probably suffering infinite boredom and possible itchy limbs," a second Storm Trooper stated.


"I'm surprise you found one relatively intact," Celaeno stated, "They're made to be durable on the inside and fragile on the outside."

"Umm... shouldn't it be both ways?" Fluttershy said.

"Nope, outside is for quick release and the inside is cause gorgon venom eats away at anything, especially if it's magic, the stronger the magic, the quicker it eats it away," Mullet stated.

"Oh... so that's why Tempest only had four," Twilight said (not knowing about the one done to Discord, five). "They're hard to manufacture!"

Session 67.9 Kendell2*MOVIE SPOILERS*

Spike blinked as Rainbow Dash got the pirates back in their swashbuckling mood. "Huh...That's interesting..."

Twilight looked over. "What?"

"Listen to this: 'Be careful of fire, your Yeti minions are surprisingly flammable and will take three times fire damage from any fire based attack'," Spike read from the rule book. "Maybe next time we run into those things I'll try breathing fire on them."

Twilight rolled her eyes. "Spike, do you really think the Storm King is stupid enough to publish his army's weaknesses in a board game?"

"But what if that's what he WANTS us to think so we WON'T try that?" Spike asked.

"I don't think he's THAT smart either."

"Why did I do that?" asked the Storm King, still on his way to Equestria to one of his minions. "Glad you asked! You see, those games won't be released until I've already become a god," he explained. "Now, you're probably thinking 'So?' And here's why. Right now, fire and Yetis obviously don't mix..." he said, grabbing a torch and holding it towards the Yeti.

The Yeti screamed and started trying to flee from it.

"Yes yes, I know 'Fire bad!' That's why I got that fire protection amulet, unfortunately I only had one, and my life is infinitely more important than yours," the King replied, not seeming to care about his minion being deathly afraid of the fire. "But once I'm a god, they try to use fire against us? BOOM!" He poured a glass of water on the torch, putting it away. "I just conjure up a rain storm! Or a blizzard! A flash flood! And then their fire is useless...And that's if I don't just smite them with lighting, I'm honestly looking forwards to be able to smite people."

The Storm King looked back to the minion. "You see, that's the glorious part about this: yes, the game WILL reveal weaknesses...after they're ALREADY useless! If anyone tries to use them on us, they're just setting themselves up to fail! Good way to flush out any rebellion And if Tempest fails in her mission? Just cancel the game, no skin off my nose. The only possible way this could backfire is if someone just happened to find the game before I arrive, and the only known copies are in the middle of the sky right now waiting to be delivered on my say so. And anyone who looks at them right now, before I've won causing them to become increasingly desperate to find my weaknesses, would probably just assume I'm too smart to include my weaknesses in a board game so they WON'T try to exploit them..." he explained. "That cover it?"

The minion nodded.

"Good, now leave me be while I practice my triumphant victory speech."

Session 67.10 QuartzScale *MOVIE SPOILERS*

King Blackthorn, the new Deer king, stood on the outskirts of the Everfree Forest watching as the Storm King’s forces stood around the Friendship Castle. There were too many to deal with and their take down of the Changeling Kingdom headed by King Thorax and the defeat of Discord made them think twice about fully attacking.

“Do you think we can take care of them one by one to get the foals out of there?” Cheerilee asked quietly.
Blackthorn thought over his position as Aspen stood by with many of his warriors ready to enter the fray as well. Aspen nodded and sent the troops out with their specialty alchemical potions.

“This will be touch and go, but do not worry for it won’t be so. These specialty potions of mine, will quiet them before they whine.” Zecora answer as she handed out a few more potions for everyone to use.

“Cheerilee was it? I hate to ask this but we’re going to need to play a game for this to get the foals out."

“A game at this time. Really?” Cheerilee scowled but she knew that it wasn’t going to be fun.

“We need a pony to act as bait. Then we’ll capture the forces when they try to capture you. We can only do it so much but we can extend the time so long as the deer remain hidden. I’m sorry to ask this but if it is for the foals then we must do this as best as we can. While we handle this aspect Zecora shall get the children out. Did you finish your camouflage potion?” Blackthorn looked towards the Zebra Shaman.

“Yes things are ready, I must remain steady. This potion is still experimental but if I am seen I won’t go gentle.” Zecora smirked as she pulled out a small light blue potion.

“Then we have a plan I suppose. We can’t only do this as best as we can.” Blackthorn grimaced as everyone took their place for the plan.


“Yoo hoo~! Over here.” Cheerilee called out to several of the guards milling about Ponyville. “I know where Twilight Sparkle is!”
The guards immediately took after the small pony that knew where the last princess was. Cheerilee raced into the forest dodging and weaving around the tree roots and underbrush.

“C’mon boys! Follow the pony!” Cheerilee stopped and stuck her tongue at the soldiers as they fumbled around the small paths of the forest.

Before they could catch her the lead guard noticed something was off. He looked behind him only to find nothing but air. All the guards that had followed him were gone. Before he could cry out for backup several vines shot out from the forest wrapping themselves around the soldier crushing it in its embrace. The guard was rendered unconscious and stored with the rest of the soldiers. One guard was conscious and in sudden fear as a deer stood over him. A white deer that was larger than any of the others.

“Hello there. I left you conscious so you would tell me where the foals are. If you yell then the vines will find a new place to burrow into.” Aspen muttered under his breath to the conscious guard as the vines seemed to follow his will and scrape along the guard’s head. “Tell me where the foals are or we finally make a new rafflesia, otherwise know as a corpse flower. I’ve been dying to see one bloom again.”

The guard whimpered as the vines released his mouth and the guard spilled the beans on where the foals could be found. Then the guard passed out from fear.

“Were you really going to do that?” Cheerilee warily asked.

“No. But he needed to think that. I’ve needed to change a lot over these past few months and while I am still working on it, that edge doesn’t disappear. Especially when children are on the line.” Aspen answered evenly as he stared off into the distance.


Zecora made her way to the pens where the children were kept and remained hidden in the brush outside of it. There were less guards for certain but that still didn’t mean that it was less dangerous. Drinking the potion Zecora turned invisible and used that time to sneak over towards the pens vaulting over the walls into the area. Strangely none of the guards were inside though it was obvious from the exhausted look on all the children’s faces that they were considered useless at this time. The CMC, Silver, Diamond, and a few others dressed up in frilly show pony costumes for their size.

“Applebloom please wake up, this is not the time to stop.” Zecora found the small filly sleeping off to the side.

“Zecora… issat you?” Applebloom groggily muttered as she opened her eyes to nozebra around.

“I’m invisible to everyone’s sight. Allow me to show my might.” Zecora spin kicked the lock off the cage allowing Applebloom to rouse the others from their slumber. It took some effort to make certain everyone kept quiet since there were still guards around.

“Ok everypony let’s get ready for our escape. Zecora do you know which way we can go?” Applebloom asked the thin air for the general location Zecora was in confusing everypony until she spoke again.

“Follow me and remain close. We’ll remain hidden just like ghosts.” Zecora started to pull a part of one of the back panels in the pen. Cautiously she looked out and noticed several deer in the shadows of the trees across from her. The guards were milling about as one of them tapped his hoof against a tree with a three count.

“When I count to three you must all flee. Head for the forest of deer, for we cannot stay here.” Zecora showed all the colts and fillies who while shaky nodded in affirmative as they saw the deer.

“One… two… three.” Zecora shuddered.

All the foals ran for the forest as the guard immediately noticed them. As they got close several vines shot out from the ground slamming them into the floor knocking them out. Zecora remained at the back using her own fighting style to knock any guards that got too close and managed to get out of the vines.

As the foals cleared the tree line Cheerilee led them deeper into the forest with their own manticore guard force courtesy of the deer kingdom. Aspen remained at the forefront using his magic to aid Zecora as she ran into the forest. With a little luck they evaded the guards that still chased after them who were unfamiliar with the forest layout.

Session 67.11 Alex Warlorn (With bits by Ardashir) MOVIE SPOILERS! READ AT YOUR OWN RISK!

When the invasion had begun, Dinky had of course been at Canterlot with her family, no way was she going to miss the friendship festival with so much ice cream!

Then her mother had taken the gorgon grenade meant for Princess Twilight Sparkle.

"MOOOOOOOOOOMAAAAAA!" Dinky had cried at the top of her lungs, racing towards the black statue of her mother, thinking she could use her magic or something to help her.

"Dinky we have to go!" Amethyst Star shouted, grappling her little sister, then giving up and dragging her away with her magic.

"No! We have to help mooomaaa!"

"We can't help her right now!" Amethyst Star snapped.

'Muffins! RUN!' Derpy thought knowing her babies couldn't hear her.

Amethyst Star fled, Dinky crying rivers, still reaching out for her mother. Amethyst Star ran into Doctor Whooves and shoved her into the hooves of the crazy scientist. "Take her and go!" Amethyst Star said in a tone that left no room for Whooves' regular arguing.

The Doctor nodded and ran.

The Storm Troopers very much stormed after them. Amethyst Star wasn't about to let that happen. "Oh you who! Look at me! Look at me!" Amethyst Star said waving her arms like a chicken with its head cut off. Then tried to blast them with her magic, with their armor harmlessly absorbed.

Amethyst Star was bruised and beaten by the time she was shackled and bridled, along with the other Gifted Unicorns. She also had a perfect view of her mother's 'statue' where it was moved.


'ALL WORK AND NO PLAY MAKES LUNA A DULL MARE. ALL WORK AND NO PLAY MAKES LUNA A DULL MARE. ALL WORK AND NO PLAY MAKES LUNA A DULL MARE. ALL WORK AND NO PLAY MAKES LUNA A DULL MARE. ALL WORK AND NO PLAY MAKES LUNA A DULL MARE. ALL WORK AND NO PLAY MAKES LUNA A DULL MARE... Okay, enough of that. I need to stop watching those horror movies everypony keeps asking me to see. Now I believe I was on page page 37, paragraph 3, line 2 of the Equestrian tax code... ' Luna though to herself as she continued to revise the Equestria tax code as she discovered her magic was completely sealed in this state. It made her time banished to the moon seem like paradise. 'And I'm fairly certain we can do WITHOUT a department for the proper treatment of squirrels.'

'And Investigator Sundial noticed that while widow Widdle Pine insisted she loved her husband, the wealthy mare's wedding band was unpolished, and unkept.' Celestia thought mentally writing that mystery novel she'd always wanted to but never had the time. She'd gotten some written while sealed in the sun, but she'd also had no paper to write that time too.

'I do NOT feel insecure for not being able to stop that petrification bomb stain-glass Twilight!' Cadence said, having a heated conversation with the stain-glass depiction of her sister-in-law that she had a view of from where she was kept.

'I'm just saying that everypony wishes they could do more when bad stuff happens. There's nothing ashamed of feeling that way. You nearly killed yourself from exhaustion keeping the Crystal Empire safe from Sombra, and a new weapon you've never seen before trounces it like nothing? It's okay to feel down.'

'Remember you tried your best, and that's what matters!' Said stained-glass Pinkie Pie.

'At least you make a lovely statue darling, but I'd have picked a better pose,' Added stained-glass Rarity.

'At least they haven't found Flurry Heart or Twilight yet, or they would have brought them here too.' Stain glass Fluttershy offered.

'Tell me more about your second life as Shining Harmer!' Stain-glass Rainbow Dash said.

'I like pin-cones!' said stain-glass Trixie (put in after Chrysalis' defeat).

Another voice said, 'You know... I think that while Celestia and Luna have experience with being sealed, you do not, which is causing you to begin to crack mentally.'

'SHUT UP GHOST OF SOMBRA!' Cadence mentally shouted.


In the Human World.

"That fake Somnambula is lucky she never met me," Adagio grinned like a shark. "Ever heard of Grogar the pony paladin? No? That's because I left him a brain-damaged drooling mess for the rest of his life!"

Meanwhile the human Starlight Glimmer had no idea whose bright idea it was to introduce a 'bounty' system in this game, or why her character seemed to be the only one targeted, leaving her character able to be player-killed! Over, and over, and over by greedy players looking for those extra gems and experience points and Dive Mode meter boasts. Didn't this go against the spirit of what was supposed to be a TEAM game? This was all so unfair!


Back On Equus.

"Wait wait wait, back up," Princess Skystar said, waving her fins about. "You've met REAL seaponies?"

"Yep! This isn't the first time we've gotten gills and flippers," Rainbow Dash explained, doing a loop-de-loop in the water.

"Well I guess that doesn't explain why you weren't more freaked out by me, or becoming seaponies."

"Technically darling seaponies have a curling tail, it's mere ponies that have a flat tail," Rarity explained.

"I'm sure you'd love to keep King Leo!" Flutterhy said.

'Now I know why Twilight just did the air bubble with me that time,' Spike thought, remembering that time, and fuming at his humiliating puff-fish form. First a dog, and now this? Why was it, whenever he got transformed, it was the short end of the stick?

"So where did ya get that sweet pearl anyway?" Rainbow Dash asked. "Could we just find another one?"

"Oh it was made by our ancestors," Skystar said quoting her history lessons. "Hippogriffs, being of both pony and griffin descent, back when a lot of griffins still wanted to see ponies as meat, and tensions were still high, we hippogriffs got together and with our best magic users we created the pearl to, 'fix' ourselves. To make us 'normal.' To make us pure griffins or pure ponies. But Princess Celestia however told us that we were perfect the way we are, and that we were already beautiful."

"So what did ya end up usin' it for?" AJ asked.

"Well, a troll once came to us, asking to be made something pretty so ponies wouldn't be afraid of him anymore. But we told him that he was already beautiful. It didn't feel right to change someone's appearance just because they'd turned good, I mean, it's what's on the inside after all. So mostly we use it for LARPing... when you can be anything, you can role-play as anything."

"But if you can ARE something, are you really roleplaying as it?" Pinkie Pie wondered tapping her hoof.

"Well, I have the regular books and dice too," Skystar said, showing them a tiny library.

It was a series of O&O books, all made water proof. Spike would have drooled if he could. First edition books?! ... Yeah, the 'Tyrant Sun' campaign module, definitely one of first modules written by princess Luna a super long time ago.

"I just haven't made many interested in playing other than my two friends," she held up her two clam puppets.

"Just one question," Applejack asked. "How do ya roll dice underwater?"


Capper gasped as he swam upward. "Anyone else alive?"

"It'll take more than that to kill these pirates," Captain Celeano stated as she and her crew popped up one and another. "Though what used to be my ship is now sunk."

"We're lucky that unicorn thought the fall was going to kill us," Mullet stated. "Doubly so that those ponies escaped when they did since she probably have just killed us all and took the ship back to the Storm King Armada."

"Maybe so, but if I see those goons again, I'm going to make sure there going to be missing limbs." Celeano growled.

"Hey captain... doesn't that Abyssinian look familiar?" Lix asked.

"Hmm... Oh the stowaway!" Celeano said.

"What?" Capper questioned.

"You know, you took off with one of our ship and manage to escape with the Misfortune Malachite," Celeano said.

"... Oh you're the pirates," Capper said eyes widening.

"Yeah glad to see you're okay kid... though what happen to your buddy?" Mullet questioned.

"We had a falling out and I rather not discuss that topic any further," Capper replied.

"Very well, I can tell when something is a berserk button. Though I wonder about your connection to the ponies," Celeano said.

"Hmm, its weird... the were supposed to be a way to repay my debt, but they made me feel-"

"Like taking a risk?" Celeano questioned. "Yeah me too... Wonder if they're the ones who will finally defeat that jerk."

Session 67.13 QuartzScale *MOVIE SPOILERS*

Discord was perturbed. It took a lot to make him this perturbed. Once again he was in stone. A regular hat trick at this point though not as enjoyable. Still he knew how to pass the time like always only this time he was prepared. Something he built with Luna’s help and permission of course but still worked even though he was stone.

“Now let’s see if this works right…” Discord snapped his astral projected talons opening a door to a special mindscape of his that allowed him to test his creativity. He wasn’t as powerful but he did have freedom of movement that wouldn’t let his muscles atrophy either. “Was anypony else turned to stone…?”

Tensing his finely tuned senses towards the flow of magic he could feel four ponies all turned to stone and incapable of movement. It would take all his magic and focus but far be it from him to leave anypony to suffer being in stone for any longer than they should be. He would know personally.


“And if the squirrels ask for a pay raise we can finish them off with nuts… though then we would need to pass legislation for nut surpluses.” Luna pondered the problem.

“If it helps I could conjure up a few more fields in Chaosville.” Discord’s voice rang out as a mental door opened for Luna.
Without waiting for any prompt she jumped at Discord and hugged him tight for getting her out of her boredom. Discord needed a mental chiropractor before he would go for Celestia.


“I know who did it. It was-” Celestia pointed her hoof outward… only to be pointed at Luna. “Oh no my own sister did it… this cannot be!”

Luna smacked Celestia lightly making her realize that there was a way to stay sane other than write a mystery novel. She jumped through the doorway where Discord was being worked over by another Discord cracking his spine back into place.

“Was this one of your projects sister?” Celestia intoned to the large white room that the three immortals were in.

“Sort of. We need to get the other two ponies trapped in stone. Too long would drive anypony mad.” Luna lectured before using her magic alongside Discord summoning up his.


“I did nothing wrong. I did as I was taught… but no I wasn’t good enough.” Cadance growled at the spirit of Sombra who may or may not actually be real but she wasn’t sure in the first place.

’You are losing it…’ Sombra spoke.

“Shut up!” Cadance screamed out flaring her mental wings in anger.

“Dear Cadance please calm thyself and follow us.” Luna called out snapping the pink alicorn out of her stupor.

“Aunties! Discord?” Cadance saw the draconequus lounging in a hot tub filled with chocolate syrup for some reason.

“Here to make sure you don’t go completely insane. Did you find your inner crazy already?” Discord poked at Cadance who was still a bit flustered from the white room and how things were being created for them through their mind.

“How?” Cadance started only for Discord to shush her.

“Not yet. I still have one more pony to find.” Discord summoned his spell again with Celestia donating some of her magic to open this last astral door.


“Oh Celestia… Please someone scratch my nose!!” Muffins cried out when a door opened up to an old friend. Who immediately touched her nose and scratched it for her relieving all the strain she felt.

“Don’t worry about a thing my dear. For the receiver of the Muffin Button how could I not come to help.” Discord eloquently appeared.

“Oh thanks. I thought I would go MAD!” Muffins eyes locked onto Discord’s straightening out to stare into his.

“Would you care to join us in here?” Discord motioned to the White Room which Muffins flew straight into joining the other princesses who were seated around a table.

“Ah welcome my little pony. Would you care to join us for a session of Ogres and Oubliettes. It should help stave off the boredom until Twilight deals with this problem. Hurry Discord… I mean Sir Wuz it’s time to fight off a bandit horde.

Muffins queued up her character sheet as Discord looked over his handiwork. Luckily he made it in time before everypony went irrevocably mad from the isolation and stress.

Session 67.14 ArcanaMaverick7

"Okay, what's for game night today," Twilight asked as she adjusted her glasses.
Rainbow Dash smiled as she reached under the table to reveal the game she got. "This! The new 'SAFR' RPG that got released! I helped back it online and I got my copy earlier today!"

"Isn't that the internet show with the strange weapons," Applejack asked as she eyed the game cover. The box showcased numerous characters that had unique weapons and costumes.

"Those outfits are simply amazing! Can we actually create characters that could fit in the series," Rarity asked as she saw some of the more elaborate designs of the characters.

"That's the point," Rainbow Dash said as she started to open the box. Twilight and Sunset started to look over the rule book as Rainbow Dash kept talking. "We can have superpowers, slay Grimm, and use all these awesome weapons as we fight bad guys!"

"This is going to be so much fun," Pinkie said as she was randomly dressed as a character from the 'SAFR' series, complete with a folding hammer that doubled as a grenade launcher. "What do you guys think?"

"This is actually a lot for just the character creation," Sunset noted as she and Twilight checked out one chapter. "Apparently, it's following the lore of the show and our character names have to follow the same 'Color Naming Rule'."

"Well, I'm sure that limits a few choices for names that we had," Applejack said as she turned to Fluttershy.

Twilight took another look at the page in the rule book that made mention of the 'Color Naming Rule'. "It says here, 'Characters must have a first, middle, or last name that either is a color, sounds like a color, means a color, or reminds you of a color.' It can probably be in any language as long it fits any of those criteria."

"Oh, so you could use animals, flowers, or gems for name ideas," Fluttershy asked as she looked at some of the figurines that came with the game.

"If that's the case, I'm sure that I have a spectacular idea for my character," Rarity stated as she grabbed a character sheet and started writing.

"You know, the teams in the show are made of four characters each," Sunset reminded. Everyone looked at her before she continued. "We're going to need another player."

Session 67.15 Alex Warlorn


"'And Sundial said, 'Oh, didn't you know, there was a second witness on the balcony.' 'What?' Replied Miss Pine. 'Oh yes,' Sundial lied with a straight face.'"

"Celly what are you doing?" Luna asked as they were in the mental white room meant to keep them sane while they were petrified.

"Lulu, this is the only time I have to write my mystery novel. I can play Ogres and Oubliettes in a blue moon with the tabloid photographers aren't watching, but actually having the peace and quiet to write my novel? I honestly thought it would take Twilight and her friends a year to free me from being sealed in the sun."

Session 67.16 Ardashir *MOVIE SPOILERS!*

While the Storm King ran amok in Equestria and Tempest searched for Twilight Sparkle, down below the waves her quarry watched her friends go into a large chamber with the sea ponies.

"Okay," she whispered. "Now they'll keep Queen Novo's people busy, and I can get what I need to," she looked at the pearl and swallowed, feeling a sudden and quite unreasonable wave of guilt, "to save Equestria."

For some reason she remembered one of her earliest O&O session with her brother.

"But the artifact would really help us!" She gave her big brother a dirty look. "Besides, they're not using it! How can it possibly be immaterial for me to take it?"

"'Immoral', not 'immaterial'," her brother said, looking down at the tiny filly from behind the Overseer screen. "It means you're doing something wrong."

"So I can't?" Twilight pouted.

"Of course you can," Shiny said. As she smiled in sudden joy -- she'd never been told she could do something wrong before -- her smile faded as he sternly added, "But just remember: actions have consequences, good and bad alike."

Shaking her head, Twilight swam towards the shining gem...

Meanwhile in the next room, as the older ponies danced or at least swam to the music, Spike, currently a Pufferfish, sulked a little.

"Spike, dear, what's wrong?" Rarity swam over. She smiled and reached out one fin to stroke him, stopping at the last moment. "You look even more unhappy than I would have thought."

"It's just," Spike sighed. "Rarity, you remember when Twilight told you all about our trip to the human world? How I was a little upset I was a talking dog?" She nodded. "Well, then I at least had hands. Now?" He held up a fin. "This is even more humiliating! I feel like I'm a floating head. All I need is some eyestalks and I'd be an Eye of the Deep!"

"They have those on the surface?" One little sea pony foal asked. Behind her was several more, watching Spike avidly. When Rarity and Spike shook their heads no, she swam a little closer and asked, "Mister Spike, would you play with us? We don't get to play a lot down here like we used to on the surface." She looked wistful and sad. "There was this one game in particular..."

"Huh? Sure!" Spike swam into the middle of the little sea pony school. "What game? O&O? That one Trixie loves with the crazy computer?"

The little sea ponies smiled, and Spike felt a stab of fear.

"Not quite..."

Moments later Rarity watched, trying and failing to hide her smile, as Spike sailed back and forth between two groups of little sea ponies. The foals laughed and swam in circles. They didn't touch Spike; they used the water whipped up by their tails to make a focused small current and send Spike rolling head over tailfin between each group.

"It's fun to play dodgeball again!" One of the foals cried.

Spike yelled just one thing.


Fluttershy noticed what was happening with Spike and the little sea ponies and began to swim over to them. "Oh, dear! Be careful, little ones!"

She stopped as a male sea pony swam in front of her.

"Why? What's going on?" He looked and, to her shock, seemed utterly unaffected. "Oh, that? They won't hurt him ---"

"You got a lousy definition of hurt, buddy!" Spike yelled as he rolled head over tail.

"...And we're immune to pufferfish venom," the sea pony finished. As Fluttershy sighed in relief, he added, his voice hardening slightly, "We learned our lesson earlier. We wouldn't make him anything dangerous, like how we wouldn't leave the Pearl unguarded. Say, where's your purple friend, anyway?"

Author's Note:

This is a group-story/addventure/chain-story/round robin, fanfic 'story' of the Mane Six Plus Spike playing Dungeons and Dragons/Oubliettes and Ogres, with occasional guest players (like Trixie or Gilda), with Spike and Twilight rotating as Dungeon Master. It's intended to be an IN-CHARACTER comedy.

Each post should be more self contained, if say (in game) Twilight is fire balled by a Mimic in one post in a desert pyramid, the next post can have them sailing a ship encountering seaponies siren expies, each one containing a short joke, or an extension of a previous scene if that's what the poster wants. Time skips, flash backs, the ponies rotating different characters and campaigns, are all allowed (and ENCOURAGED) as long as the ponies stay in character (such as Pinkie Pie NOT fireballing a cabbage sales stallion and saying she thought he was a demon, thank you very much).

P.S. Addendum. No adding entire new fanon countries and/or fanon species.

Pinkie Pie, "And pretty please do not take anything personally! It's just a game!"

Rainbow Dash, "What did you say!?

What's you post in the comments, it's then copy and pasted into the fic above, have fun.


Trope Page: (PLEASE update already!)

Session 67.0 QuartzScale *MOVIE SPOILERS*
Session 67.1 Alex Warlorn
Session 67.2 Alex Warlorn*MOVIE SPOILERS*
Session 67.3 Kendell2*MOVIE SPOILERS*
Session 67.4 Mtangalion *MOVIE SPOILERS*
Session 67.5 Alex Warlorn*MOVIE SPOILERS*
Session 67.6 Kendell2*MOVIE SPOILERS*
Session 67.7 Alex Warlorn*MOVIE SPOILERS*
Session 67.8 Grogar-the-oneser (WITH EDITS)*MOVIE SPOILERS*
Session 67.9 Kendell2*MOVIE SPOILERS*
Session 67.10 QuartzScale *MOVIE SPOILERS*
Session 67.11 Alex Warlorn (With bits by Ardashir) MOVIE SPOILERS! READ AT YOUR OWN RISK!
Session 67.12 Zaku789 (with edits!) MOVIE SPOILERS!
Session 67.13 QuartzScale *MOVIE SPOILERS*
Session 67.14 ArcanaMaverick7
Session 67.15 Alex Warlorn *MOVIE SPOILERS*
Session 67.16 Ardashir *MOVIE SPOILERS!*

MLPFiM Copyright Hasbro

Also remember, this is not the pony pov verse, has never been the pony pov verse, will never be the pony pov verse, so please avoid using pony pov verse cosmology and characters please.

Basic grammar:
-Periods go at the end of sentences. (.)
-People and place's names are capitalized.
-Questions end in Questions Marks. (?)
-The word 'I' is capitalized.
-"When characters start or stop talking, use quotations."
-'There' is a place, 'their' is someone's property or trait, 'they're' is short for 'they are.'

Picture by HeartlyRosalie, used with permission.


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