• Published 2nd Sep 2015
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Ponies and Dragons (Just Have Fun) - Alex Warlorn

A peek at various times of the Mane Six, Spike, and friends, all play Dungeons and Dragons/Ogres and Oubliettes, Paranoia, Call of Ponythulu, Toon, an adaption of themselves, and just about every other role playing game under Celestia's sun.

  • ...

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Session 70 (movie spoilers?)

Session 70.0 ardashir MtangaLion Alex Warlorn (continued from Session 69.2 )

"But Twilight, you SHOULD have your own Guard Ponies by now!" Starlight exasperated.

"I'm sorry!" Princess Twilight said politely but firmly showing the guards out. "I just don't have a big enough my Princess Allowance to pay for all of you! I wish Cadence would get the message, she keeps sending me all those young healthy stallion guards my way that the rest of Equestria could clearly use more instead! I couldn't even afford to keep the quadruplets who serve as my honor guard for my coronation!"

"Trixie thinks you need a bigger allowance."

Session 70.1 ardashir MtangaLion Alex Warlorn (continued from Session 69.3 )

"We won't have long to wait." Luna said looking at the puppy terror, "We're good we now... until Fenris comes looking for us."

Discord popped back in... wearing a Tropical Island Pony shirt with garlands with sunglasses, and Fluttershy next to him wearing a vacation hat. "Don't worry about it. Fenrir's father is the god of mischief. Guess who?"

The sky tore open as a wolf that dwarfed the previous beast with eyes like flame covered in chains that it dwarfed Skoll/Hati. The chains looked like they had been tied, broken, retied, and broken again more than once.

"Dad! Why did you zap your own grandsons like that? We thought you wanted to see someone eat Celestia and Luna! Or have things changed in the thousand years or so since we last met?"

Luna pulled up her hoof to find the two headed up chewing on her hoof utterly futilely but relentlessly.

"We raised him on dwarf stars and micromoons." Fenris explained.

"We are fairy sure that micromoons are a date and time, not a heavenly body." Luna said.


Fluttershy looked at Fenris to Skoll/Hati in aghast. "Discord! I thought we had something special!"

Fenris looked at Fluttershy and licked his fangs. "Ooh, a snack! Thanks, Dad, I knew you were still cool -- "

His muzzle zipped shut.

Discord said firmly, "Boy, don't even think about it. And well, Fluttershy, a few centuries before I was imprisoned in stone I met this shapeshifting she-demon named Angrboda, and, well, after a few drinks... Don't worry, my other two kids are much better behaved than Fenris here."

A personal portal to Tartarus materized out of thin air, and a mare came out who appeared to be half undead like the ponies of Sunny Twon. Pony!Hela said, "So you finally remembered us? Feh, life still sucks and I'm half dead."

The great Jormungandr extending back to the horizon, lowered his head down at the bizarre meeting, "Does this mean we can visit? You have 1500 years of unsent birthday gifts to make up for!"

The newly returned royal guard had its hooves full preventing a panic at the family union.

Fluttershy looked sternly at Discord, "... Are you going to be this neglecting when we have children?"

"What? Oh, no! I'm much better now! I'd never allow any of my good, I mean, new children to be shackled in a haunted forest or be flung into the Underworld or hurled into the sea where they grow so long they circle the globe and bite their own tail... I'm not helping, am I?"


Discord shrank at all the angry eyes baring down at him. "Well... this is awkward. WHOSE FOR A GAME OF OGRES AND OUBLIETTES?!"

Session 70.2 Kendll2 movie spoilers?

Grubber clinched the controller, sitting with the foals watching as Button did indeed keep his word and force the Hedgehog to play Phantoms 'n Ghouls as part of his punishment. And intended to make him finish it.

And he had...for the last few hours and several hundred continues later. And filled up half the swear jar Maternity had put in place.

"Ponies play this for FUN?!" he asked as his knight was once again reduced to a pile of bones.

"No, they play it to see if it's really as hard as everypony says," Scootaloo replied with a smirk. "And ponies say Dark Spirits is hard..."

"I play it for fun..." said Button.

"Yeah, but you're YOU. You're the only pony I've ever seen beat it in an hour," Scootaloo replied. It normally took 6 hours on average to beat. "Which makes it awesome to watch you play."

Soon enough, Grubber FINALLY managed to kill the final boss. "THERE! FINALLY!" the Hedgehog yelled in frustration. He then blinked. "...Wait, what?"

MAKE RAPID PROGRES!" the screen said...then put him right back on LEVEL ONE.

"WHAT?!" asked the hedgehog, eyes wide.

"Yeah, now you have to beat the whole game a second time on a higher difficulty to beat the game," said Button Mash, causing Grubber's eye to start twitching.

The foals quickly put in ear plugs as Grubber reacted naturally to this revelation. And filled up the rest of the swear jar.

Session 70.3 sonicandmario826 Alex Warlorn movie spoilers? (continued from Session 69.14 ?)

In Tartarus the Storm King remarked, "I don't see the problem, my writing team really did their research! they got it from this one Minotaur!"

"Iron Will hopes you find their information satisfactory for makin' yer movie about a big badass warrior who conquers Equestria... it is going to be a minotaur right?"

The Yetis looked at each other, then nodded.

"Good good! So... Can Iron Will have his wife and kid back... or is there where you ironically 'reunite' me with them?"

The Yeti in the business suit (still wearing a tribal mask though) shook his head. "Oh no no. The Storm King doesn't believe in wasting resources. It's cheaper to just kidnap them again some time than go to the trouble of finding another tour guide."


"'And all they have for the catering is Storm King Cola, Storm King brand health food, and my trailer is way too small?'" Twilight finished. She looked at Tempest, "Is there anything he DIDN'T brand somehow?"

Tempest decided NOT to mention some of the ones that made her blush. Instead she held up an action figure of herself in a miniature air skiff with lightning bolt action.

"... Did they ever actually..." Rainbow Dash asked carefully.

"I asked the same question. Sadly no. The skiffs kept exploding. I didn't even get a prototype version as my personal fighter."

Session 70.4 Ardashir (with two lines added by me)

The girls were trying to get into the mood for a night of gaming, so they decided to watch a few DVDs of horror movies Sunset had sent over to Twilight from her world to get in the mood for some monster-fighting.

Instead, they were getting confused.

"So, they have a holiday in the human world that's like Nightmare Night?" Starlight asked, tilting her head to the side. On the screen Twilight and Spike normally used for the few educational films the old tree library had, a gigantic hairy spider closed in on a herd of panicked horses in a corral. "But... instead of Nightmare Moon, it has giant spiders?"

"Come on," Tempest snorted in disgust at the horses on the screen. They whinnied in panic as the hideous monster lowered its fangs towards them. "Fight! Run away! Do something! Why aren't the unicorns casting spells? Do they want to get eaten?" Behind her, Grubber hid in panic like during the first film with the human version of Frankenstag's Monster.

"I've told you, Tempest," Twilight came back into the room, carrying both a bowl of treats and a message from Sunset that had arrived along with the films in her magic. "The horses of that world aren't intelligent and can't use magic. In fact, except for a few animals affected by leaking Equestrian magic, only the humans are sapient."

"Oh, yes. I remember." Tempest rolled her eyes dramatically. "No magic and only one sapient species. I bet next you'll tell me they don't have Princesses to raise the Sun and Moon."

"Actually? To go by what little I read there, they have a 'solar system' centered around their Sun, and their 'Equs' revolves around it." Not for the first time, Twilight found herself confronting over half a dozen amused and disbelieving equine faces. She decided to drop it. "And their holiday isn't about giant spiders, it's about scaring away evil spirits in anticipation of celebrating all things sacred the next day. They even do parades about it. Sunset says the Dazzlings helped last year." Twilight frowned when she said that. "And in a nearby part of the world, they happily celebrate their departed loved ones."

"What's the matter, darling?" Rarity asked, glad of an excuse to turn way from the gigantic arachnid onscreen. Beside her Fluttershy watched avidly, shaking her head in dismay.

"Um, someone should have told these people that you don't test a venom by tasting it," she said with a frown. Applejack and Rainbow Dash beside her looked vaguely disgusted as she added, "Especially spider venom, it's more like an acid than a poison. It would have dissolved that human stallion's hand..."

"I'm not sure," Twilight said with a frown as she sat down next to Rarity. "Sunset told me that the Dazzlings were working with the company that makes the 'World of Ponycraft' game, and they seemed to be leaving their bad old ways behind them. But now the company came out with this new game, a MOBA-something or other, a few days ago, and it's like everypony there is fighting over it."

"Oooh!" Pinkie spoke up from where she watched the action on the screen. "Does she need out help? Is it time for another crossover?"

"Crossover?" Tempest looked around in confusion at the party pony's words.

Everypony else there had just two words. "It's Pinkie."

"Not really," Twilight said. "Sunset just said everypony's feeling a little touchy right now, but she thinks it'll be okay." As she spoke the movie ended with the spider roasted by napalm before it could eat an entire town. The mares whickered amusement at how fake it all looked. When you have faced real giant monsters, cinematic ones were unimpressive. "Okay, girls, ready yet?"

"No," Tempest shook her head. She pointed at the DVD in disgust. "Those horses -- ugh! Even if they were just animals," she shuddered at the thought, "they should have known enough to run away from something the size of an airship! I need to see something else to take my mind off horses being eaten."

"Sure ya don't just wanna see another o' Twi's fancy movies?" Applejack asked with a grin. Tempest blushed, slightly.

Twilight rolled her eyes skywards but set one more DVD on. "Okay. Just one more. This one must be foreign," she looked at the cover which displayed horses and a restaurant. "International Cuisine -- 'Viande de Cheval*'?"

"Sounds like it's from Prance," Rarity said. "Might as well see what it's like. These films aren't really scary, you know."

"They sure aren't," Twilight agreed as she started the film.

Ten minutes later the DVD was trampled underhoof, Fluttershy was in a faint, Dash looked to be in shock, Applejack was trying to revive Rarity (who sprang away screaming to wash her mouth out), Tempest and Starlight had both turned green and raced off to find a bucket to puke into, Pinkie's eyes were swirling as she moaned something about 'that lousy fanfic again', and Twilight was busily writing a note to Sunset.

"...And once again, Sunset, before sending us these things, make sure you read the title!"

* -- 'Viande de Cheval', French for 'horse meat'.

Session 70.5 Kendell2

Finale Spoilers

Celestia sat across from her mentor, playing chess. She'd never been able to beat him when she was young... "Checkmate..."

Star Swirl gave a chuckle. "...Finally beat me, Celestia."

The Dayarch smiled, looking at his expression. "Thanks...I know that smile, it is the same one I had when Twilight beat me for the first time..."

"Yes...And in all honesty...I know now for a fact I WAS wrong in my first impressions of her..." said the archmage, looking across the throne room at the stained glass windows lining the walls. "I looked down on her...doubted her and her friends...but I think they're our betters..."

Celestia nodded understanding. "Indeed...You six could not save Stygian from himself, I could not save Luna from herself...But they always save each other from themselves...That is what I love about those six: they've succeeded were every previous set of Bearers, or proto Bearers, failed. They save each other and others from themselves. When one of them is at their worst, the rest are at their best..."

"...Don't sell yourself short, Celestia," Star Swirl admitted. "You were better than us. We gave up completely on Stygian, you never gave up on Luna from the sound of it. You exceeded me and she exceeded you...isn't that what every mentor should desire from their students?"

"You are correct...Thank you, Star Swirl..."

"You're welcome...I hope I get to live long enough to see how much better the generation of heroes they give rise to."

"If they continue the trend, they will be amazing."

Session 70.6 Ardashir

This wasn't to say that changes in attitudes didn't cause some friction... like the Mane Six having stop Rockhoof from carting Grubber outside and lopping his head off for his invading Equestria...

"Rockhoof! What th' hay are ya doing with Grubber?"

"Oh, nothing, friend Applejack! I have just learned he aided in an invasion of our homeland, so I will be chopping his head off."

"Ya cain't do that!"

"What?" He looked down at the carpeted floor. "Oh, how silly of me! Of course! I will take him outside and chop his head off there! Less mess that way."

Grubber screamed, "AHHHH! Get me outta here! Ponies are supposed ta be gentle and forgiving!"

Rockhoof said simply, "When you are dead, all is forgiven."

Applejack said calmly but firmly putting herself between Rockhoof and Grubber, "Rockhoof, we need to have a loooooong talk about how some stuff has changed in the last thousand years."

Session 70.7 Alex Warlorn

Whacking a stick against a chalk board showing a map of populations and cultures of Equestria, Princess Luna shouted in the Royal Canterlot voice,
"AND THAT! Is how we, with our combined legendary status and influence, as living legends returned from the dead, from myths to reality, shall restore the true and traditional values of Equestria from this depraved and decadent age our royal self has now had to endure for seven years!" A slightly demented grin spread on Princess Luna's face as she bent the stick into an upside down 'u' shape.

The heroes of Equestria's past looking at each other unsure.

"Lulu," Celly shouted happily and jovially, "What I told you about using our teacher and returned friends as kick-staring a social reverse-revolution?"

"Uhhh... Don't do it?"

"Good little sister."

Session 70.8 Ardashir

The day after the Jigoku movie, Grubber had been dragooned after a sleepless night (every time he closed his eyes, he found himself and Tempest being cooked in a giant pot with the Storm King providing the fuel, and devils that looked like three little fillies kept jabbing him with pitchforks) into playing 'hide-and-seek' with the CMC in preparation for Nightmare Night.

So it was that he walked down one lonely passage in the Friendship Palace, sniffing to see all the decorations hanging around him. He'd helped hang them in preparation for the big party on Nightmare Night.

"And I haveta keep an eye on those brats," he muttered. "This is getting tired. Maybe I'd be better off if I was in Tartarus with the boss..."

As he spoke he turned the corner and ran into -- "Frankenstag?"

"Yes." The hulking green unicorn glowered down at him. Beside him a pile of the purple bookhorse's books lay on the floor, where he'd been reading them. Grubber winced to realize he'd probably have to clean that up too. "I. Am. Frankenstag's Monster. Why. Are. You. Here?"

"Because the universe hates me, that's why I'm here," Grubber snapped. The last thing he needed right now was someone getting ready early for Nightmare Night. "Yeesh, who are you? Some goof coltfriend of Blondie's? You sound about as dumb as her." He waved one paw dismissively as Frankenstag's eyes began to harden. "Look, pal, I have some very important things ta do, so I don't have the time... to.. mess with some..."

Grubber's eyes widened as he took in more and more of the pony before him. Gigantic, bigger even than Blondie's big brother. Covered with stitching like he'd been sewed together. Bolts in his neck and what looked like a flip-top head.

And a savage scowl on his face.


Grubber obeyed his best instinct, turned and ran for his life.



About fifteen minutes later in the main hall, Twilight made her explanations to Tempest, a terrified Grubber, and the irate Monster.

"...So after he thawed out, we couldn't put him back in that book. We decided to keep him here." Twilight shrugged. "He loves books and the fillies and colts think he's 'cool', Sweetie and the CMC named him 'Stitches', so now he works in my library and earns some bits on the side tutoring the foals. He's really very well educated and intelligent..."

"Are you nuts!" Grubber yelled from where he hid behind Tempest. "He's Frankenstag! He's gonna go wild and strangle everypony in their sleep!"

"Why does everyone think that?" Frankenstag's Monster said with a huff. Forelegs folded across his chest, he said, "That was in the book. Or those silly movies. I'm not like that guy at all!"

"Hey, Twilight," Spike strolled in, puffing out green flame as he did. "I just got done sending the invites for Nightmare Night off to Shiny and Cadance, Celly and Luna. Anypony else?"

The Frankenstag Monster took one look at the flames and howled in panic. He snatched Spike and with a shriek hurled him at Grubber.

"AHHH! Fire! Bad!"

The next moment he stood shamefaced in front of an angry Twilight and Tempest.

"Stitches," Twilight said with an exasperated sigh. "What did we say about maiming Spike?"

"Uhh," the embarassed Monster said. "Fire, not bad?"

(OOC: We never did see what happened with the Frankenstag Monster at the end of the Shadowlock arc.)

Session 70.9 Mtangalion

Rarity Belle trotted up her front walk, repressing an unladylike yawn. "My word, saving the world certainly does take it out of a pony. I simply cannot wait to curl up with a good Dusklight novel and rest my weary hooves." She hesitated, right as she was about to unlock the door. "Although... I can't help but think I've forgotten something. I hope I didn't leave the water running." She opened the door and flipped the lights on with her magic. "Sweetie, are you..." She froze, gasping in shock.

Shelves and ponikins lay overturned, left and right. There were muddy pawprints all over the floor, and right in front of her, two big fluffy diamond wolf pups were growling and playing tug-of-war with a bolt of expensive fabric. "What do you think you're doing?!" she shrieked.

The pups froze, then bolted, scampering up the stairs towards Sweetie's bedroom and the portal back to Icehome. "Yip, yip yip yip!"

"Oh, no you don't!" declared Rarity, slamming Sweetie's door closed with her magic. She cornered them at the top of the stairs, exasperated. "Nowolf is leaving until you little ruffians clean up this mess!"

Little ears and tails drooped. "Sorry, Rarity-pony, we'll be good pups now," said one of them... Katya, if she remembered correctly.

Rarity sighed, forcing herself to remain calm. They were just children, after all. "Honestly, dears... Is this how wolves are taught to behave when they're guests in someone's home? Were you raised in a barn?!"

Elena lifted a paw. "Pups were raised in cave!" she said brightly.

Rarity twitched. "Of course. I'll get the mop..." She opened the bedroom room a crack. "Alisa! Get your mangy hide out here! I want this portal locked down properly. Don't make me come in there after you!" She hesitated, counting the pups. "Aren't there usually five of you? Where's Pavel? Where is my sister, for that matter?"

"Are you sure you want to do this?" asked Sweetie, for the third time.

Pavel nodded firmly. "Sviti played good tricks, keeping wolves guessing whether she's a wolf or a pony." He grinned sharply. "I want to have fun too!"

Sweetie giggled. "Well, remember everything I said, and don't smile like that. The costume doesn't hide your fangs!"

With that, Sweetie Belle trotted up the ramp and into the Cutie Mark Crusaders official clubhouse. Scootaloo, Apple Bloom, Diamond Tiara, and Silver Spoon looked up from an O&O game as she entered. "Hey, girls! This is Cold Nose, a pony I made friends with while I was travelling with my sister up north."

Pavel followed her in, hooves clopping a bit unsteadily. The magic costume made him look like a young grey and black colt with a red star for a cutie mark. His ears pricked up, seeing the O&O miniatures, and he grinned and rushed right up to the table. "We'll be joining your game!" he demanded.

Sweetie cleared her throat pointedly and whispered in his ear.

‘Cold Nose' winced. "We would like to play *the* game. May we join?" Sweetie poked him again. "Puh... please?"

Apple Bloom shared puzzled glances with the others. "Heh, sure thing. We're not at the enemy castle yet."

Diamond Tiara gave him a "Seriously, who do you think you're fooling?" smirk, but instead of giving him away, she said, "Cold Nose, huh? Okay, let's get you a character sheet."

Session 70.10 Alex Warlorn Mtangalion Grogar-the-oneser

"Of course we had Nightmare Night in Own Town, everyone just had the same costume and gave out the same candy! That way no one could be jealous of or look down on any pony else!"

Pinkie Pie said, "But, the only sweets in the village were those baked bads... urp!"

"I never said any of the candy was good, I just said it was the same. That one foal who always got nothing but rocks for Nightmare Night was grateful, and that his ghost costume full of holes was finally no worse than anypony else's. And that other foal's parents were grateful we got him to get over that nonsense about the Great Squash."

Session 70.11 Mtangalion

(It's a little late for Nightmare Night, but I had to write something. :-) )

Ponyville's Nightmare Night was in full swing, and a small horde of youngsters was making its way through the main streets, candy buckets grasped in magic, mouths, hoofs, paws, or claws.

"You know," said Diamond Tiara, "you don't have to keep pretending that you're ponies in wolf costumes. We all know you're real diamond wolves."

Scootaloo grinned. "We've all seen Alisa and her tricks."

Apple Bloom grinned brightly as she knocked on Time Turner's door. "And to be perfectly honest, nopony talks like you folks do."

Time Turner opened his door, wearing a patchwork multicolored coat that only Discord could love. "Candy? You want... You want some candy!? Oh, very well. Care for some jelly babies?"

Pavel snarled, the big pup getting all grumpy for a moment. "Talking like ponies is too hard. Only Alisa's smart enough to do it!"

Diamond raised an eyebrow. "Not hard to talk different ways. Pups just needing practice!" Pavel, Elena, and even Sweetie Belle blinked, ooohing. "My dad's smart too! He says, talk like customers. Happy customers spend more bits!"

A small, scaly figure peeked out from behind the corner of a house. "I changed my mind! I'm not going out there. This is the last straw... no form could possibly be more humiliating than this!"

Spike stepped out into plain view, dragging someone behind him and rolling his eyes. "Come on, Garble. Don't be such a baby."

"But we are babies!" whined Garble. Twilight had caught the two drakes trying to get into a teen-rated movie and zapped *both* of them into baby dragons, the same as Spike's actual age. "How could this possibly get any worse?"

Lightning flashed and thunder boomed, making both baby dragons jump and cower, grabbing onto each other, before they realized what they doing and shoved each other away.

A dark fog rolled in and formed into Nightmare Moon, who reared up with an evil cackle. "Beware, beware colts and fillies, for I... what?"

All the diamond wolves were bowing down, both the pups and the adults that Prince Erik had sent to Ponyville on pup-watching duty. "Command us, goddess Luna!" said Iosef, tail wagging.

"We find that we're enjoying this holiday more and more," said Nightmare Moon, in Luna's bemused voice.

Session 70.12 Grogar-the-oneser

"A message from Garble Your Majesty," a dragon said.

"AGAIN!? I thought he stop complaining when we turn him back to normal, after he found that pegasus that bested dad's shield," Ember said annoyed.

"He says he's grateful about that madam, but now he wants a cure for a de-age spell," the messenger stated.

Ember slapped her forehead annoyed.

Session 70.13 Alex Warlorn, Mtangalion (please enjoy remembering the classic Session 36.17)


The Human World

"Closing ceremony? What do you mean, CrystalCon is over!? I can't have been wrong... can I?" Indeed, Crystal Con had introduced the new games, and the MOBA was up and running. After all, schools, parks, businesses, any location of importance had been made a hot spawn point.

Why did it seem the whole world was against her sometimes? Starlight Glimmer just wanted to start her own little social experiment community (IT WAS NOT A CULT!) with no social standing or status or prestige that people could lord over others. At least the she was started to get some donation with crowd funding on that. She already had this nice little spot in the desert picked out for it, far away from the corruptive influence of civilization and its sexist, racist, and consumerist, paths of least resistance.

People mistook 'GlimGlam99's' blog post about the MOBA for a creepy pasta. And those GlimGlam99 told online personally thought GlimGlam99 needed to 'calm down' and GlimGlam99 was lucky she didn't get in trouble for calling FBI.

At least Readinginthesun seemed to be interested in what 'GlimGlam99' was saying at least. She still remembered the many incredibly fun games they had with Cosmosis... including that insane one where all the end game scenarios happened at once in spite of it being against the game's rules, she blamed hackers and their selfish desires for attention that society convinced them had to have.

Session 70.14 Grogar the Oneser

"Look I admit, it sounds crazy and I admit without further proof it does sound crazy. But I am telling you there something sinister about this game.

"Hmm, do you mind if I show this to someone."

"Wait you believe me?" Starlight typed surprise.

"Well your story is farfetched but I have noticed some people acting way more aggressive, far more than usual, I just want to see their opinion first with your research note, do you mind."

"NOT AT ALL!" Starlight typed, happy to have some progress at last.


"Huh I have a message from someone in the guild." Twilight said checking her phone. "Oh i know this guy, we had a lengthy discussion about time crystal..." Twilight stopped talking as she began reading his message. "Oh dear..."

"What?" Sunset asked.

"We have to find dash fast." Twilight said re-reading the message (Full of starlight note) to see if she read it correctly.

"Why whats wrong?"

"You know how you guys fought 3 siren, well we might be dealing more than 3 if we don't find her soon."

"WHAT!?" everyone shouted.

Session 70.15 Alex Warlorn

"We're gonna be in the top!"

"Just they wait!"

"They'll see!"

"Not if we get there first losers!"

The human CMC vs. Diamond Tiara, Silver Spoon and Babs Seed as they battle for the top position in the Heroes of the Crystal MOBA.


"So they're all gonna turn into sirens?" Sonata asked, "With fish scales and everything?"

Adagio said, "... Yes and no... you know how we're humans in this world, regardless of what species we are in Equus' reality? It's kinda the same. They'll be sirens on the inside, but will technically still be humans here... but it won't stop them from 'Sirening Up' when they power up. There might be a few brief moment as the change sets in, but they'll still be able pass themselves off as humans as easily as we can."

"How are they going to feed without a jewel?" Aria asked. "I mean, we've been struggling not to starve to death after our necklaces were destroyed most of the time. What about them?"

"Once the transformation is complete, they'll manifest their own. Until then, they'll start developing their new feeding habits."


Rainbow Dash didn't know why, but she found herself ENJOYING watching the political debates for some reason. And her parents' endless praise actually felt delicious somehow.

Session 70.16 Grogar-the-oneser

"So your telling me you think this... guildie whose a friend of another guildie found out about all this stuff that makes you believe that the sirens are starting new plans that revolve around a way to make siren-like beings!?" Rarity gasped.

"If i'm reading this girls notes correctly, then yeah pretty much," Twilight said.

"I should've known, Adagio been FAR too quiet lately," Sunset stated as she read the notes.

"But how did she and the other two got their power back, their amulet are destroyed, how are they causing people to experiencing hatred, and more importantly, are we positive they're going to turn to sirens or is it a pony up thing." Applejack said.

"I don't know about the first one, but maybe they found something infected with leaked magic, you know how equestrian magic reacts to certain things in our world," Fluttershy suggested.

"Whatever the case we have to stop this now." Sunset asked.

Session 70.17 Alex Warlorn

"Whoa... " Vice President Chrysalis said looking at the numbers. "We're really raking it in with this new MOBA those girls came up with. No such thing as bad publicity is right."


"And that is our evil plan, and send-OW!" Adagio swatted Sonata's hand away from the keyboard and deleted the blog text while it was still offline.

"Sonata, what I told you about posting our plans online?"

"Don't do it?"


Session 70.18 Mtangalion

Starlight Glimmer trudged into the World of Horsecraft-themed concession area. She didn't need a "hayburger" or an apple pie or an apple fritter or any other kind of apple snack, but she did need to sit and bang her head against a table.

Her head jerked up from the table when her phone started buzzing. "Yes! One of those agencies must have called me back!"

The incoming text read: (You're not what I expected.) The sender name was blank, and the icon was a grass burr or something, a circle with eight spines pointing outward.

"Huh?" Starlight typed, (Who are you? Are you with the FBI?)

Her phone buzzed again. (Why haven't you gone to your "friends" with this? You've tried just about everyone else. Kind of pathetic, don't you think?)

Starlight frowned, and started texting rapid-fire. (I don't have friends. Just people that I'm useful to, and people who are useful to me. We're all the same that way. Friends are only good for promising they'll always be there, then getting every question right on a gifted and talented evaluation and moving away and never seeing you again!)

Starlight hesitated, shaking herself out of her rant. "Why am I telling you all this?" She texted again: (Are you with the company who made this game? Have you been spying on us?!)

Another buzz. (Congratulations on understanding how the world really works. You should tell that boy over there exactly how you feel.)

Starlight glanced up and was mildly surprised to see Gilda again. She was at another table, having a rather animated argument with some guy Starlight didn't know over a double-order of fish sticks, and... wait, did Gilda have feathers for hair before?

Buzz. (Not them. Over to the right. Second table from the back.)

Starlight felt a chill down her spine. She turned in her seat, looking all around, but lots of folks were playing with their phones. It could have been anyone. "Okay... I'll play your game for now, but when I..." She froze.

There was a young man sitting alone at that table in the back, orange-skinned with fiery-red hair and a goatee. He wore a blue coat, and his big round glasses had white masking-tape on the bridge. As she watched, he scanned the crowd awkwardly, then sighed, slumping in his seat.

Starlight jumped to her feet and took a shaky step forward, and then another and another, until she was practically running when she startled the heck out of him by slapping her hands down on his table. "Sunburst, I am SO glad to see you! You're just the genius I need."

Session Alex Warlorn 70.19

Sunset said, "Now I call Princess Twilight!" She writes in the magic journal and-

'This is a pre-written message: sorry Sunset, can't come to the journal right now. The hippogriffs and Hippocampi have declared war. Apparently a hippogriff said 'pleeeease don't sing Shoo-Be-Doo', and this insult of their national anthem was taken as a grave insult. As Princess of Friendship. I'm away trying to defuse the situation. Sorry.'

And we would have back by now if SOMEPONY had stupidly called their treasured and beloved folk song 'creepy' and nearly triggered a second war! ... No no no Spike don't write that last part!

Session Alex Warlorn 70.20

"Waaaaaaiiiiiit," Starlight said, sounding confused. "She's already met her Sunburst? That fast? Without any parallels of what happened to me? I mean, I simply can't believe that last part! Meeting again Sunburst should have been the most important moment of her life up until that point, and yet she just rushes through it. It's like time is being rushed forward or something, that he was dropped into her life, and she barely reacts to it besides 'hi, happy to see you, let's go stop the bad guys?!' Some of those messages you got sent contradict each other!"

Pinkie Pie said, "Hey, it's not Earth and Equus were NATURALLY connected eons ago, and deviation between them on a grand scale would DAMAGE reality opposed to Equus and Mirror Equus where it was the opposite or something."

Both Twilight's Crystal Friendship Palace and the Crystal Gaming Palace in the Equestria Girls' home began to shake at the same time as white cracks appeared in the sky.

"Or maybe it will?" Pinkie Pie asked dimly.

Starlight Glimmer of Equus quickly put a pair of glasses on Princess Twilight... the shaking stopped, and the white cracks healed up.

"Now don't take those glasses off or it'll destroy the universe! TWO OF THEM!" Starlight said seriously.

"Can I wear contacts instead?" Twilight pleaded.



Sunset leaned her head against the book. "I miss the days when Princess Twilight had to deal with her friends being nuts at the table top and me dealing with my friends being nuts in World of Horsecraft."

Session 70.21 Grogar-the-oneser and Alex Warlorn

"At last soon our plans will come to fruition, we will make the real somnambula proud." Adagio cackled

"Okay, I can't take it anymore." Aria stated, "Will you stop bringing up real somnambula/pony somnambula, or at least reveal the main reason you don't like the pony one so much!"

"I don't know what your-"

"PONY SOMNAMBULA IS THE REASON WERE STUCK ON THIS ROCK FOR EONS! We all decided to follow her and likes dupes follow her straight to the portal to the human world!"

"W-What." Adagio laughed unconvincingly. "That totally preposterous. we got stuck here cause we fell for Starswirl music contest and the mirror thing thus landing here in modern time. Not cause of an annoying pegasus and her friends tricking us." she finish with her eye twitching.

"Denile, it not just a name of a river. Its the name of the stupidest fake origin story that not even Sonata would buy." Aria muttered.

Adagio gave Aria that look. "You're kidding right? You actually factually think I can't have MORE THAN ONE reason for wishing I could have strangled someone in their sleep?"

"No, there are a million reason to hate someone," Aria explained, "I just feel if you're going to bring someone up so much you should state more than one reason."

"Oh yeah, cause saying that we were trick by a jerkass who dare sully the name of an evil witch and play a role in how we ended up here won't make us sound crazy," Adagio stated "Furthermore she dead, so I don't see the point of explaining that part of the story."

(Meanwhile in Equestria)

"ACHOO!" Somnambula sneezed during Luna class of some of the new wonders of the modern day.

Session Alex Warlorn 70.22

"Can I take these glasses off now?" Princess Twilight asked irritated.

"Not until we're certain that discrepancies in the dimensional fabric aren't going to cause everything to be eaten by dimensional moths," Pinkie Pie said sagely.

Twilight groaned. "So what's next? Reality being in danger by finding out CMC stands for something else in the human world? Which by sheer LOGIC it has to since they don't have cutie marks there?"

"Well, as long as they're club centers around self-actualization and discovering your purpose in life, it shouldn't matter what 'CMC' stands for. Let's just use our little computer hooked up to the networks in the human world, and look up their website-"

"The human CMC have a website... I'm amazed it doesn't cause computer to explode and isn't stuffed with more malware than... than... UGH! I'm sure human me would have a perfect analogy!"

"Well let's see here... Canterlot-Movie-Club? But... but... but that has NOTHING TO DO with self discovery, figuring out what you want to do with your life, or developing a sense of self, or even deciding on a career path!" Pinkie Pie exclaimed.

"Pinkie Pie it's not the end of the world!"


"SHOO! SHOO!" With a giant fly folding fan, and a big can of bug spray, Discord battered away a horde of the most boring and unextraordinary looking white moths in existence, for not for their gigantic size... "Dearest Fluttershy! The Stare would be most appreciated!"

"What are they Discord?"

"Just Dimensional Moths, they're normally attracted to discrepancies in the dimensional fabric."

"You're not doing this as an excuse so you don't have to play Monopoly with your family is it?"

"Would I do something like that?"


"Well it isn't! Would I ever make moths this BORING looking?"

"I supposed you have a point. Oh dear!" Fluttershy moved to help as the moths tried to carry away the Smooze.


"Ha!" Aria sneered. "Too bad Adagio! With that victory I have enough loot to win! No way you're getting back to the stairs before me!"

Adagio smirked, "You forget... I'm playing an elf, which means I can go through the secret doors... which means... "

Adagio moved her piece to the 'starting chamber' on the dungeon board. "I win."

Aria growled.

Sonata said, "Isn't it great even with our scheme to turn humans into more of our kind, we've still found time to play some good old fun board games?"

Personally, Adagio always felt Sirens were underpowered in the Ogres and Oubliettes game here in the human world.


Session All-Overboard 70.23

"Where is Princess Ember in all this?" Luna looked up from her Crystal and Rainbows scorecard.

"She said she needed to check on Spike before joining us. You know the whole pride thing on using your flames to burn things alive." Celestia whispered to Luna while also trying to peek at Luna's scorecard. Luna snarled slightly and hid her card better.

"Will she be joining us?" Luna growled out as she gave more crystal berries over to Thunderhooves garnering a deal between them.

"Eventually." Celestia huffed as she was struck with less friendship points for spying.

Session Ardashir 70.24

While the Mane Six dealt with delicate diplomatic situations, Garble and Spike were left in the Friendship Palace to keep an eye on the still-on-parole Tempest and Grubber. With little for them to do, Spike decided some games and a few chores would keep everyone out of trouble until Twilight came back.

It didn't work.

"You win. Again." Garble sniffed and folded his arms. A smug Tempest reared in mock victory over the Monopony board. "Ah, whoever made this game is biased."

"Why?" Tempest smiled. She began setting the pieces back into the box. "Because you keep losing?"

"Psst, yeah," Garble puffed out some fire. "Any game that doesn't allow for a 'burn everything down, dragons win automatically' finish has problems." He smirked. "But it was made by some puny pathetic pony, so what can ya expect? They always rig things so they win." When Tempest ignored him, he added in a poisonously polite tone, "Even one without a working horn."

Tempest froze. Sparks slowly worked along her damaged horn as she turned and gave Garble one of her best intimidating glares.

"Stop. Right. There." Tempest didn't raise her voice, but the chill in it would have sent most of her troops running for cover. "Kid, you don't want to push your luck."

"Or what?" Garble smirked and began piling up some gems and other nonessentials in the middle of the floor. "Ya gonna try beating me up? Yeah, I heard how you handled that crazy featherduster Gilda in the invasion." He stomped over to sneer into Tempest's eyes. "I ain't impressed. We dragons would have kicked the Storm King's hairy flank if he tried anything with us. And we wouldn't have needed some weirdo hippogriffs or birds and cats to do it, either."

"We, I can see you're as full of yourself as Twilight warned," Tempest watched Garble strut up on top of the piled wealth, mostly kept around to cover emergency palace repairs. "What's this? A nest?"

"This? This is a dragon game. It's called," Garble stomped, digging his claws into the gems and gold before roaring at the top of his lungs, "KING OF THE HOARD! You'd never beat me at this, half-horn!"

Tempest just looked up at Garble and smiled very sweetly.

A few moments later Spike came racing into the room, upon hearing the sound of Garble's howls and Tempest's gleeful voice. He froze at what he saw.

Garble lay on his belly atop a pile of treasure, while Tempest stood on his back. Her horn still sparked, but it looked like she'd beaten Garble with sheer skill and strength. He looked dazed and his tail had a few extra kinks in it. Tempest dropped it, showing Spike how he'd gotten them.

"What exactly are you going to be calling me from now on, lizard?" Tempest innocently asked the half-conscious Garble.

"Uhh...." He groaned, his eyes rolling in his sockets. "Miss Half-Horn?"

"That'll do," Head held high and neck arched, Tempest lightly stepped down the pile, putting her hoof on Garble's snout as she did.

Spike just shook his head.

"I'm not even gonna ask. But yeesh do we need Twilight back soon."

Session Mtangalion 70.25

On the next school day after CrystalCon, several friends found themselves gathering near the Wondercolts statue in front of Canterlot High, nearly half an hour before the first bell of the day.

"So, that was some weekend, huh?" said Pinkie Pie. "What a party!" But either the slight drizzle of rain was deflating her bouncy curls, or she wasn't quite feeling it.

Sunset glanced at Twilight, frowning thoughtfully. "I can't help but notice we're missing someone."

"So, um..." Fluttershy paused, gathering her courage. "Has anyone heard from Rainbow Dash?"

"Can't say Ah have," said Applejack, shaking her head.

Rarity shrugged. "Not a peep."

"Hmph, figures," said an unexpected visitor, stepping around the corner of the statue to join them, wearing a leather jacket with a hood. "If she's even been avoiding me..."

"Gilda!" exclaimed Pinkie. "Hey, wait a minute! Shouldn't you be at Griffonstone High?"

Gilda smirked. "Um, no? Because I graduated already, genius." She coughed. "Look, you know I take care of my own problems, right? I don't go running for help for every little thing, but... I need help. Dash was supposed to meet me at the skate park yesterday, and she totally blew me off. Said she can't afford to ‘fall behind' in that MOBA game."

"That... really doesn't sound like her at all," said AJ.

Gilda rolled her eyes. "Thank you, Miss Obvious."

AJ smirked. "And on that note..." She pointed at Gilda. "Shouldn't you be at your job at CrystalSoft? Or did ya get the day off to come talk to us, when ya could have just sent a text?"

Gilda covered her mouth and let off an exaggerated fake cough. "Yeah, I might have called in, told them I've got that bird flu that's been going around." Then she lowered her hood, revealing that she had a headful of feathers instead of hair.

"Oh my gosh," gasped Fluttershy, reaching towards her.

"Don't pull on them!" said Gilda quickly, sending menacing glares left and right. "Yes, they're attached. I already found that out the hard way."

Fluttershy brushed a feather with her fingertips instead. "I've never seen eagle feathers this color before."

Sunset sighed. "That's because they're griffon feathers. When did this happen?"

Gilda threw her hands up. "Near the end of the con, when we were messing around with that stupid game... and they're not going away! Can you fix this?"

Twilight reached into her jacket and pulled out her geode, closing her fist around it. "You're just bursting with Equestrian magic, even more than the rest of us. I can feel it from here." She chewed her lip. "I suppose I could build another magic-draining device..."

"NO!" shouted Gilda... and everyone else all at once.

Rarity grinned cattily. "So, Gilda... Despite the predicament you're in, you were still concerned first and foremost about helping Rainbow Dash? Aren't you the loyal one?"

"Sh- shut up!" said Gilda, getting flustered. "I just want Dash to act like Dash again, not some no-life gaming nerd."

A large commotion broke out just then, distracting them all. It looked like Soarin' and Fleetfoot were arguing at the top of their lungs, with the whole Wondercolts soccer team lined up in two camps behind them.

Applejack glared at the brawling soccer players, adjusting the tilt of her hat. "Ah hate to tell ya this, sugarcube, but Rainbow might be turning into something a whole lot worse than that. Let's split up and search for her."

Session Kendell2 70.26

"...No..." said Discord, floating in the throne room of the castle.

"Please?" asked Fluttershy, giving him puppy dog eyes.

"...Ugh, I guess, but WHY?" asked the Draconequus.

"Because we ran into a very stressful and dramatic situation with the Storm King and want to unwind," Rarity replied.

"...Fine, I can see why..." said Discord, snapping his fingers and suddenly turning the room into a rather familiar version of Ponyville, each of the Mane Six turning into their Crystals and Rainbows selves.

Rarity actually gave a giggle, letting her inner child out. "Race to Triple Treat's place for ice cream!" she called, the six running off to do that, just letting themselves relax.

Discord walked over to a 'wall' and leaned next to Tempest Shadow.

The group watched the Mane Six having fun in the innocent, fun little game. Racing, playing games, and so on.





Seconds later, Fizzy Pop and a Pegasus named Willy Nilly ran in to join the games.

Session Mtangalion 70.27

Garble had just taken a shower in the same bathroom that Spike often used, the one where the magically-heated water could go up to near-boiling temperatures. "Yes!" the teenage drake hissed, flexing in front of the mirror. "Look out, all you losers and dorks and puny pansy ponies. Garble is back!"

Then Garble noticed Spike reflected in the mirror too, lounging with a towel over his shoulder and tapping one foot. "What are you looking at, shorty? Jealous?"

Spike shrugged. "Eh, I can wait."

Garble grinned as he finished buffing his scales with his own towel. "You might be waiting years before you're as big and tough as me." He flapped his wings lazily, just to rub that in too. "Decades, even!"

Spike smirked. "I might be waiting years to get some hot water again, after how long you were in the shower."

"If you'd stayed older," Garble teased, "I bet that Rarity mare would be all over you..."

Spike winced, hard. "Pfft, it's no big deal! I can..." He sighed and banged his head on the wall. "You're right, waiting sucks."

Garble laughed uproariously, only to choke when a bright flash filled the crystal hallway with a green vapor which coalesced into a hulking green dragon. "What's all the commotion, Sparky?" asked Discord. "Is all this marvellous mirth just for the two of you, or can anydragon join in?"

Garble's face twitched. "Uh... real dragons don't say ‘anydragon.'"

Discord glowed and shrank down, transforming back into his usual form. "Is that true? I suppose I'll have to ask Spike if I want to know for sure!" He grinned darkly, kneading his claws. "I just remembered that I forgot to remember to change everyone back after Guys Night, so it's back to Garbie the griffon hatchling for you."

Garble yelped and backed into a wall, gouging it with his claws as if he might dig an escape tunnel. "No! You can't..." Suddenly, he gasped at something behind Discord, pointing. "Hey, what's that?!"

"Hmm?" Discord slowly turned to look over his shoulder like a big dope, but when Garble breathed an inferno at him, it somehow became a tiny puff of flame which lit the long-stemmed pipe that Discord held out. He blew a few smoke rings. "Cute. Like you're about to be..."

"Hold it," said Spike stepping between them. "I think he's had enough."

Discord hovered back, blinking. "He has?"

"I have?" echoed Garble.

Spike nodded. "Yeah, you know... Sometimes, you have to take a step back and give a new friend a chance! Even if sometimes they can be rude." A bowstring twanged, and a suction-cup arrow hit Discord's chest and stuck there. "And obnoxious." Two more arrows joined the first. "And make a mess of everything."

"Yes, yes, I get your point," said Discord, popping two dozen arrows loose and lobbing them over his shoulder. "Well, if you should happen to change your mind, I already made a whole list of other fun things to turn Sparky into. Ta ta!" He vanished in a flash.

Garble snorted. "I suppose now I'm supposed to say ‘Oh, Spikey-wikey, you're my very best friend!'" He batted his eyelashes and pirouetted on one foot, hands clasped. "‘Let's go on friendship adventures together, and get magic friendship bracelets that shoot magic rainbow friendship beams!'"

Spike smirked. "Or, you could just say ‘Thanks.'"

Garble blinked. "Thanks?"

"You're welcome!" Spike tossed his towel at a rack and strolled away down the hall. "I'll get a shower later. Let's go lava surfing in the new enchanted comic I wrote with Twilight." He glanced back at Garble before disappearing around a corner. "Heh, maybe I'll even go easy on you, Sparky."

"What..." Garble shook a clawed fist and flew after him. "Don't call me that! Ugh, don't you dare give me some stupid nickname!"

Session Kendell2 70.28

"...So...you sometimes allow people to make games based off you..." said Grubber, looking at the game box.

"Yeah...and sometimes people do it against our will, we're public figures after all..." said Twilight. "But this time we were consulted and added our say into it."

"...I'm surprised they asked me..." Fizzlepop admitted.

"...Why didn't they ask me?!" asked Grubber, grumbling.

The game in question...was a cart racing game.

"...I still find it weird they wanted to make a video game were we're racing with our archenemies..." said Twilight, rubbing her head.

"...At least I finally got a use for that flying thunder car design the Storm King came up and some of those other toy designs he copyrighted," Fizzlepop replied.

"At least we got to have input on our vehicles..." Twilight replied and got her 'adorkable look'. "My cart has perfectly replicated constellations!"

Session Ardashir 70.29

Rarity looked at the game. "Oh, dear! Did they have to use the go-cart I tried to, ahem, help my little sister with?" She checked it out more closely. "Hmm, given that half of these villains are dead and the rest are on the run, how do they pay them? If they even do?"

"I don't know," Twilight shrugged. "Does it matter? Chrysalis wouldn't dare send any more legal threats to the designers any more."

Many miles away in Manehattan.

"Hey, Mom, look!"

A mare out shopping froze as her pudgy colt showed a box of the very same game to her. He gave her a look intended to be pleading but that came off as just plain greedy instead. "Can I have --"

"NO!" The mare flinched, smiled nervously at the frowning ponies all around her, and left with her son. She hissed as they left, "Not now, Vordul!"

Vordul pouted. It wasn't any fun hiding out here in Manehattan. Then he brightened as he remembered something else.

"Well, can we eat the cake you were baking to celebrate the Storm King's victory, then? The rest of it, anyway?"

"What?!?" Ex-Queen Chrysalis rounded on her child. "I told you I didn't want to see you eat that!"

"I know," Vordul said. "I just waited until you were out. You couldn't possibly see me eat some of it then!"

Session Ardashir 70.30

"So," Starlight said, watching as Dash and Pinkie played through a new game. "This is legal?"

On the screen, two mares, a blue-coated one named Teacup and one that looked like her called Mugmare, were sending spellbolts from their horns at a goofy-looking Queen Chrysalis.

"Hah!" Dash called as the Chrysalis lookalike ended up zapped with a giant can of bug spray, her eyes X'd out. "Take that, Cheeselegs! I dunno why some ponies are down on 'Teacup and Mugmare'. This game's great!"

"For one thing," Starlight scowled as she spoke, "those two characters look a LOT like Trixie and me. Except they made her a grandstanding, foolish egotist who ignores everything Mugmare tells her to make a bet with Tirek in a casino run by some two-headed pony named 'Skim and Skam'? Didn't Applejack have some trouble with them?"

"Yeah," Pinkie Pie said, grinning. "But they own a casino in Los Pegasus now, and they invested money into this game. If they can laugh at themselves, they can't be all bad."

"Themselves and everypony else!" Starlight pointed at the screen. Two new bosses, resembling Nightmare Moon and Daybreaker, were fighting the heroines. "They didn't make copies of Twilight and her friends, did they?"

"Did somepony mention me?" Applejack trotted into the room. "Dash tole me she wanted ta show me this fancy new game she an' Pinkie were playing." Her eyes went wide as she saw the screen. The game had reached the point where Teacup and Mugmare were getting ready to fight Skim and Skam. They sang their song: "He's Skim, I'm Skam! We're the Pony Devil's right-hoof man! Time ta roll the dice (roll the dice!) and see just how they land!"

"Hah!" Applejack laughed. "Okay, now that's funny. Anypony that has some fun with those two swindlers..."

Her eyes went wide again before she snorted in rage. The first boss came up -- a gap-toothed, sway-backed, doltish-looking palomino Earth pony mare. She wore a wreath of flowers that read LAST PLACE.

"Ah'm Horse-Race Harriet, gals!" She said in an accent so atrocious and affectated the ponies thought they felt the Friendship Palace shudder. "You won't be th' first suckers Ah've taken for a ride!"

The next moment Starlight and Pinkie had wrestled the furious Applejack to the floor.

"Lemme go!" Applejack snorted. "Ah'll gallop all th' way ta Los Pegasus just ta break their low-down necks!"

"Applejack, they did that to all of us!" Starlight said, trying to calm her. "And they're giving some of the profits to charity!... Probably just for a tax write-off, but still!"

"They didn't do it ta ALL of us," Dash said with a laugh. She was still playing the game and quickly defeated Horse-Race Harriet. "I mean, they didn't do anything with me, right?"

Applejack suddenly grinned and pointed at the screen. Dash looked and froze. On it in a background shot a rainbow-maned blue-coated mare was dressed as a showpony. She seemed to look Dash right in the eye, wink, and outrageously wiggled her rump at the viewer.

A moment later and Applejack was helping to hold a furious Dash down.

Session Ardashir 70.31

"OW! OW! OW!" Garble complained and tried to dig his clawed feet in as he was dragged down into what some ponies called the 'Friendship Dungeon'. "Yeesh! Come on, they invaded your country and were gonna hunt me down and make a suitcase outta me! What's the problem?" He smirked. "Besides, she was asking questions about that Ogres and Oubliettes game, and I told her she could find out about it down here."

"Garble," Twilight said, her voice cold. Her horn glowed as she dragged him along. "I know you had -- a disagreement, with Tempest, after she beat you up..."

"She cheated!" Garble tried to say more, but his jaws were clamped shut.

"Enough!" Twilight snapped. Garble frantically tried to escape as she dragged him to a heavy fortified iron door. "Even you should have known better than to send them here!"

The sounds of battle came from within. Enraged whinnies from Tempest, panicked shrieks from Grubber, and a hideous voice that cackled with mad glee.

"Yes! Yes! My unholy pets! Consume their minds and wear their bodies like suits! Then I shall escape this miserable pit and wreak my unholy vengeance --"

Twilight flung the door open.

Inside, Tempest, her eyes blazing and sparks flying from her horn, snorted and stomped her hooves in fury at the half-dozen cat-size monsters all around her and the cowering Grubber. They looked like brains with four clawed legs, crouched as though ready to pounce on the unicorn and hedgehog. Behind them hovered a pony skull, with gemstones set in its empty eyesockets and replacing several of its teeth.

It wheeled on Twilight with a cold fury lighting its eyes.

"Wretched interloper! How dare you --"

Twilight simply gave it a dirty look. It immediately quieted down. The brain-monsters all hurried off to a cage in the corner, the last to enter slamming the door shut behind them. The skull began to explain. "Oh, um, Mistress Twilight. We were, ah, just playing a game, you see, and..." She just pointed to a table beside the cage. The skull sheepishly floated back to it and settled down.

Tempest turned and saw Garble. "YOU! You backstabbing lizard! You sent me and Grubber down here to be eaten by those, those, WHATEVER THEY ARES!" She began to stomp forward. Garble somehow crouched down even more behind Twilight as Tempest said, "'It'll teach you about Ogres and Oubliettes', he said. 'It'll be like nothing you ever saw before, so take your runty friend', he said." Her voice rose to a shriek. "You forgot to say, 'IT'LL BE THE LAST THING YOU EVER SEE!'"

"Tempest!" Twilight got between mare and dragon. "Don't! I'm sorry you weren't warned before about Poncererak and the Intellect Devourers."

"Where did you even get those freaky things?" Grubber said, backing away in horror from the cage and table.

"Oh, Discord summoned them from some alternate universe as a joke for game night a couple of years ago." Twilight said with a shrug.

"Ri-iiiight," Tempest said. "Somehow that news doesn't startle me any more." She looked past Twilight at Garble. Her eyes burned as more sparks flew from her horn, snapping and cracking. "But as for you, lizard...."

She stopped as Twilight held up one hoof. "Tempest, I know how you feel, believe me -- but I have a better idea."

Garble slumped in relief, only to shudder in horror as the purple alicorn gave him the sweetest, most evil smile he'd ever seen.


"This sucks!" Garble spluttered, spitting cold water as he got back on his chair. "All this because of one little prank --" Another hurled ball struck the target, dumping him back into the water. All around, ponies at the annual 'Lets Get Ready For Hearth's Warming Party' cheered. Twilight, currently operating the ducking game, raked in another bagful of bits as Tempest got ready to hurl more of the balls.

"Didn't I say this would be more fun?" Twilight said to Tempest. Tempest just smiled back at her before she tossed three balls into the air, jumped up, and with a kick sent all three into the target, sending Garble back into the frigid water of the tank.

Session Mtangalion 70.32

Two griffons went screeching by overhead, swooping so fast and low that Twilight had to magically grab at all their picnic supplies to keep them from blowing away.

"Hah, I win again!" shouted Gerold, his voice carrying clear across the park.

"Only by like half a second, jerk!" retorted Gilda.

"That still counts, slowpoke!" Gerold bristled up, getting right in her face.

Gilda didn't back down for an instant. "There was a microburst in my way, featherhead! I totally should have won!"

"What microburst, you harpy? You were probably just slowing down to oogle my wingspan."

"What?! It's not as if your big-flank wings are super hot or anything."

"It's not as if you're much to look at either, sweet cheeks."

"What did you call me?!"

Applejack sat grinding her teeth. "If Ah didn't know that was all a pack of lies, Ah'd think they hated each other's guts. Why can't they say what they mean!?"

Rarity smiled, magically fanning herself with her hat. "Applejack, darling, that's just not how these things are done. You should try reading a romance novel, or perhaps a manega or two."

Fluttershy looked up from the Dusklight fan manega she was drawing. It'd taken a great deal of courage for her to bring it to the park, where anypony might see it. "Well, you do have to admit... even by those standards, griffon romance does seem a little intense."

A near miss overturned a lemonade stand, leaving the owner shouting and shaking a hoof at the squabbling griffons and their midair brawl.

Tempest Shadow scoffed, putting extra hot sauce on her sandwich as Pinkie Pie passed the food around. "I'm starting to see why griffons wrecked their own city before the Storm King even got there."

Twilight Sparkle pulled an old manuscript out of a saddlebag and opened it carefully. "Fortunately for Ponyville, I've found something that just might help."

Pinkie leaned close. "Ooh, is that a griffon book?" She grinned slyly, seeming far away for a moment. "I knew I should have brought some of Grover's journals home with me."

Applejack squinted at the writing on the dusty old pages. "No offense to chickens, but that literally looks like chicken-scratching." She grinned. "Heck, that looks worse than the time Rainbow showed me her Daring Do fanfic."

"Hey!" protested Rainbow, who was scribbling with pencil on paper in between bites of her sandwich. "I've gotten better since then!"

"Really?" asked Twilight, suddenly interested. "Writing what?"

Rainbow had a moment of panic, and quickly stuffed their latest Amazing Hackwork comic back in Pinkie's hair. "Uh, nothing! Nevermind!"

Twilight rolled her eyes and turned the pages of her book back to the front. "Ahem... This is a book about how griffons date and stuff, as if you could possibly understand it, cause you're obviously not a griffon, you stupid dweeb, or you'd just know and you wouldn't need this book."

Rarity blinked. "I beg your pardon?"

"Huh? Oh!" Twilight blushed. "Sorry, that's the title of the book. Anyway, I've been reading here about the valuable role played by friends of the courting griffons, and how they can facilitate matters and smooth things along." She trotted over to Gilda and Gerold, who were now claw-wrestling like they had serious money on the line. "Here goes... HEY! Shut up and make out already!"

Gilda glanced briefly at Twilight, smirking. "Too soon, Sparkle."

Author's Note:

This is a group-story/addventure/chain-story/round robin, fanfic 'story' of the Mane Six Plus Spike playing Dungeons and Dragons/Oubliettes and Ogres, with occasional guest players (like Trixie or Gilda), with Spike and Twilight rotating as Dungeon Master. It's intended to be an IN-CHARACTER comedy.

Each post should be more self contained, if say (in game) Twilight is fire balled by a Mimic in one post in a desert pyramid, the next post can have them sailing a ship encountering seaponies siren expies, each one containing a short joke, or an extension of a previous scene if that's what the poster wants. Time skips, flash backs, the ponies rotating different characters and campaigns, are all allowed (and ENCOURAGED) as long as the ponies stay in character (such as Pinkie Pie NOT fireballing a cabbage sales stallion and saying she thought he was a demon, thank you very much).

P.S. Addendum. No adding entire new fanon countries and/or fanon species.

Pinkie Pie, "And pretty please do not take anything personally! It's just a game!"

Rainbow Dash, "What did you say!?

What's you post in the comments, it's then copy and pasted into the fic above, have fun.


Trope Page: (PLEASE update already!)

Session 70.0 ardashir MtangaLion Alex Warlorn (continued from Session 69.3 )
Session 70.1 ardashir MtangaLion Alex Warlorn
Session 70.2 Kendll2 movie spoilers?
Session 70.3 sonicandmario826 Alex Warlorn movie spoilers?
Session 70.4 Ardashir (with two lines added by me)
Session 70.5 Kendell2 season 7 finale spoilers
Session 70.6 Ardashir
Session 70.7 Alex Warlorn
Session 70.8 Ardashir
Session 70.9 Mtangalion
Session 70.10 Alex Warlorn Mtangalion Grogar-the-oneser
Session 70.11 Mtangalion
Session 70.12 Grogar-the-oneser
Session 70.13 Alex Warlorn, Mtangalion (please enjoy remembering the classic Session 36.17)

Session 70.14 Grogar the Oneser

Session 70.15 Alex Warlorn

Session 70.16 Grogar-the-oneser

Session 70.17 Alex Warlorn

Session 70.18 Mtangalion

Session Alex Warlorn 70.19

Session Alex Warlorn 70.20

Session 70.21 Grogar-the-oneser and Alex Warlorn
Session Alex Warlorn 70.22
Session All-Overboard 70.23
Session Ardashir 70.24
Session Mtangalion 70.25
Session Kendell2 70.26
Session Mtangalion 70.27
Session Kendell2 70.28
Session Ardashir 70.29
Session Ardashir 70.30
Session Ardashir 70.31
Session Mtangalion 70.32


MLPFiM Copyright Hasbro

Also remember, this is not the pony pov verse, has never been the pony pov verse, will never be the pony pov verse, so please avoid using pony pov verse cosmology and characters please.

Basic grammar:
-Periods go at the end of sentences. (.)
-People and place's names are capitalized.
-Questions end in Questions Marks. (?)
-The word 'I' is capitalized.
-"When characters start or stop talking, use quotations."
-'There' is a place, 'their' is someone's property or trait, 'they're' is short for 'they are.'

Picture by punzil504, used with permission.


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