• Published 2nd Sep 2015
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Ponies and Dragons (Just Have Fun) - Alex Warlorn

A peek at various times of the Mane Six, Spike, and friends, all play Dungeons and Dragons/Ogres and Oubliettes, Paranoia, Call of Ponythulu, Toon, an adaption of themselves, and just about every other role playing game under Celestia's sun.

  • ...

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Session 61


"So Cinch FINALLY got fired?" asked the human Rainbow Dash, doing another race in Rainbows and Crystals.

Sci-Twi nodded, changing up her character's look. "Sort of, and Cadence is the Principal now."

"...Was it because of...you know," said Sunset, showing her magic a bit, wings and all. She'd concealed her wings when she'd went to Equestria, since the average pony there would freak out seeing a random new Alicorn out of nowhere, but she had no problem showing it around her friends.

Sci-Twi shook her head. "No. Shining and Cadence threatened to tell the school board about her blackmailing me and knowing I was being bullied and doing nothing about it, and told her to just gracefully step down rather than get fired in disgrace and damage Crystal Prep's reputation."

"Huh...well, ding dong the witch is dead I guess," Sunset replied. "Maybe now Crystal Prep will get the emotional learning they need to go with their academic learning...wonder what Cinch is doing now though..."

"Hopefully she doesn't show up as a magic crazed supervillain..." said Pinkie Pie.

Adagio looked over at the new woman in the office, who was mainly acting as Company President Sombra's secretary now. "...Hey, aren't you a the principal of that Crystal Prep place?" she asked.

Cinch gave a growl. "I WAS...now I'm lucky Sombra remembered me well enough to give me a job..." Cinch had a bit of a...reputation. While Crystal Prep WAS successful, the students that came out of it often had certain...psychological issues.

"...Six kids with weird magic, pony ears, and long tails, one of which looks like she has bacon hair?" Adagio questioned.

"...Yes...Though there were seven..."

"...I know your pain..."

OOC: Going off the new EG specials. For the record, I SINCERELY don't buy Sunset not being an Alicorn. Fanon Discontinuity.

Session 61.1 Alex Warlorn

"PINKIE PIE asked us to play Crazy Teacher?" Rarity exclaimed.

"In multiplayer mode," Sunset explained.

"I didn't know it had one."

"She must'ta modded it," Rainbow said.

"Hopefully not with magic," Sunset said.

"Now darlings, Pinkie Pie is... often with her head in the clouds... but there's no way she'd be that foolish, I hope."

"Ah think she's just tryin' to make up for makin' us watch that stupid movie."

"You really shouldn't call it that Applejack, it IS her favorite." Fluttershy said.

"Ah'm just being honest! The book was better. The writing was bungled. And the jokes weren't even that funny! And entire thing was crazy! Apple Bloom would think it was nuts!"

"But it's HER favorite movie, and you should be considerate of her feelings."

"Ah'm not gonna tell her somethin' Ah don't feel and make her think we love it and make us watch over and over and over again!"

"... But it can be said more politely dear..." Rarity said, "People can react badly to having their escapes ... browbeaten..."

The girls logged into the shared server... finding themselves in cliche Japanese school unicorns... and in seconds Pinkamena, straight hair and all, came wailing at them with a giant wooden mallet. "WHAT DID YOU SAY ABOUT 'SIDE OF PUDDING?!'"

Session 61.2 Alex Warlorn

"Juniper darling, what did you do what was left with the mirror?" Rarity asked.

"Oh! These three girls said they really liked the frame, so I sold it to them for five dollars."

"... Three ... girls?!" Rainbow freaked.

"There's nothing to worry about," Starlight said, "The mirror only worked for her right?"

"... When she was the legitimate owner!" Sunset said with wide eyes!

"Let's not panic dears! Yet! There was only little sliver of the mirror left after all."

"What's going on?" Juniper asked confused.


"And just use this lens to expand it a bit and... ta-da!"

Aria snorted, "Adagio what a waste of money, there's not enough magic left in that thing to restore our pendants."

"Maybe not, ... yet... but it's still useful."

Adagio looked in the mirror, seeing her ideal self, she grinned.

"Excuse me, could I please pay you back the five..." Coming up behind Adagio, Juniper saw how Adagio saw herself idealized, Juniper went as white a sheet, pointed at the reflection, screamed in terror, goes rigid, and fainted like a fallen over statue at the THING in the mirror.


"I thought you said that thing showed someone's IDEAL self, not their TRUE self."

"It does!"


Adagio had brought the mirror to work, but Vice President Chrysalis had to rush into work early that day, and ordered Adagio to give her the mirror to fix her hair.

"Fine but only for a second!" Adagio said, momentarily transferring ownership of the mirror to Chrysalis for a few seconds.

"Gee, this is a sure confidence boast!" Vice President Chrysalis sniggered at the self she always wanted to be. She cackled at the strange sight. "This some kinda psychological profile reading thing?"

"Hey boss I have lunch and..." Coming up behind, Gabby saw Vice Company President Chrysalis' ideal self in the mirror. 'I'm gonna lose my lunch!' She dropped off the food and ran for the bathroom, cheeks bulging.

Session 61.3 QuartzScale

Sombra sat at his desk overlooking the new IP they were creating. Crystals and Rainbows was going to be the centerpiece of the entire presentation at Crystal Con. There was of course the trailer that half the art department worked on for the next expansion of World of Horsecraft. Ascension had become one of the hottest topics according to both studies ran by Discord and Accord. They really needed to get him checked out eventually. Either way it was time to get ready... the only problem was the small stipulation created from their agreement with Tirek. At their best they decided to make a phone app to keep him satisfied.

"Looks like this is going to be a very eventful Crystal Con. What do you think Hope?"

"I'm going to be so happy. I'm gonna be able to announce my idea right?"

"Of course dear. I'll be there just to support you."

"Hopefully this little one will wait until after the Con to come out."

"So now we have to create that new threat for Horsecraft as well. We probably won't be releasing the information of the new characters until after the con is over unless Discord finishes up everything before then. How much does he have to finish anyways?"

"He's figured out how to attach the new characters and has also made sure to create some specialty classes for these new characters."

"How are the beta testers enjoying Crystals and Rainbows?"

"Everything is going well and we're pushing through with the family castle very soon. Very soon indeed."

She rested her head on Sombra as the two looked over the numbers and eventually settled on the showpiece. Crystal Con would be memorable.

"Screwball dear have you seen the new models for both Horsecraft and C&R?"

"Here you go daddy. I worked on the animations for you."

"My dear you have truly gone above and beyond what I expected. Have you managed to clean up Accord's 'contributions'?"

"Well, I managed to fix the weird boss 'you' made for the new game."

Discord rubbed his head. He really needed to get that Accord fixed somehow. For too long the personality had come out at random to mess with his chaotic world view. It was annoying but he ignored it the best he could.

On his flash drive were the new characters being added and the extras for Crystals and Rainbows. He still needed to get Chrysalis to agree to the changes before he could let them be put into game.

Chrysalis looked over her workload for Crystal Con and made sure to get through the changeling logs. While she was mortified by how Chrysalis was taken out she did manage to get a special stipulation for her own expansion that wouldn't require Sombra to be around. It wasn't the best but at least she would eventually get her own expansion.

"What is it Discord?"

"You know what I'm here for. We gotta come to an agreement on this otherwise we won't have anything to show for this expansion."

Chrysalis snarled. She hated the idea but... it would give her better things to work with when the next expansion came out. As well as include her sisters in the fun eventually. While she was unwilling to fully agree to it she decided to have Thorax be the representative.

"Fine but only if Thorax does a good job. If he doesn't I'm gonna tan his hide. DO YOU HEAR ME THORAX!!"


Discord smirked before slinking off to speak details with Thorax. Chrysalis was still fuming but this was probably the best way to handle things while still being herself. No one would ever call her soft while doing things this way.

Session 61.4 Alex Warlorn

(Continued from Session 60.3 Devcon101.)

"And Flim and Flam current own the largest Casino in Los Pegasus, due to the original owner being caught on fraud charger, never having any heirs or successors, and were able to grab it while it was up in the air, and that is why they had enough money to buy the rights to Star Mars," Diamond Tiara explained to her country classmate, when Apple Bloom had been left very confused on how Flim and Flam could have bought the rights to the movie franchise.

Meanwhile, the girls were doing a follow up adventure of "Specter Deflectors."

"And so you see, oh great, beautiful, and truly divine above all others Queen Tiamat, Dragon Lord of Dragon Lords," Rarity laid it on thick hoping Twilight would give modifies if she played this to the hilt. "BY the time the destroyer god had returned to their own realm, did we remember that our two friends were still possessed by their servants and gone back to their realm with them... so... if you'd be so kind... as the legendary rival and rightful superior of said rival... could you please um... provide a round trip to the destroyer god's realm so we can rescue our friends please?"

Session 61.5 Alex Warlorn UPDATED!!!

"Adagio, how long as you going to go on about this? There just isn't enough power left in that mirror to do ANYTHING besides make whoever owns it look pretty!" Aria complained."Or badflank in my case."

"You're right... there's not enough to make three new pendants... but on the other hand..." Adagio took the piece of glass from the mirror and pressing her palms together, instead of getting bloody, the piece glowed and shifted form... becoming a clear version of Adagio's old pendant. The Siren instantly began laughing even more manically than she was already prone to.
"COOL!" Sonata said then wiggled her fingers at a desk of paper work, "Become a taco!" Nothing happened.

Her big sisters ignored her.

"Nice trick... except, EVEN I CAN SENSE that thing is EMPTY... it has no power! And are you bailing on us?"

"Would big sister ever do that to you?"


"Well... with this I can easily spawn two new pendants... heck, imagine if we could corrupt some of these dump monkeys into upgrading to a new species without even realizing it under the skin! ... But all that aside, this things just needs enough negativity to awaken."

"Unless you're looking to start another genocide, we're not gonna be finding that much hate."

"Oh yes we are... you forget where we work now?"

Adagio handed her sister a flier.

"A... a Live Action MOBA?! A MLARPBA!?! How the Father Dagon Who Sleeps In the Depths do you even pronounce that?!"

"Not important."

"How did you even organize this?!"

"In honor of Crystal Con... unofficially... 'Protect Ocean Life' charity."

"Didn't you set that Charity up yourself in the 60s?...Then manipulate a march to turn into a riot against Sea World one time? And how did you do this?"

"Just because I don't have mind control music doesn't mean I can't charm these stupid apes in other ways."

"So where is it gonna be... Canterlot High... at midnight... on the night of the full moon?!"

"Yes... And if you know ANYTHING about MOBAs... they are HEAVING, PULSATING, DUNG-HEAPS of toxicity at other players. The only thing better at that is Neigh of Duty's online scene, but Crystal Soft doesn't own that one... it'll fill up the new pendant in no time! And the flow of Equestrian Magic will be stronger than ever! And I've set up the rules as much as I could to encourage the players to be as toxic to each other as possible WITHOUT it being obvious. AND! I've kept our names completely off it! But with a charity like this... our enemies will be drawn to it like bees to honey."

"You think they're that stupid?"


"GIRLS!" Fluttershy said. "They're holding a charity game at the school at night!"

Rainbow Dash took and read the flier. "This sounds super awesome!"

"Get special bonus' for good cosplay? I have this in the bag for us darling." Rarity smiled.


The Cutie Mark Crusaders sat a table... opposite of their rivals... the 'Anti-Crusauders' Diamond Tiara, Silver Spoon, and Babs Seed. Both parities looking down at a flier.

"This is sure to get our names notice we if win this!" Scootaloo declared.

"And Ah've got just the things to give us an edge!"

"And I got stuff I can borrow that Rarity will never miss for our costumes!"

Diamond Tiara smirked. "Okay girls, time to break out the credit cards, and make sure mom and dad don't notice we're out late... "

"But doesn't that defeat the point of the prize?" Babs asked.

Silver Spoon put an gentle hand on Bab's. "Babs, the point isn't the prize, it's winning. And Tiara, there's no need to be sneaky, they make us stay out late anyway for stupid charities, this time we can have FUN while doing on!"

"Oh! You're right! Okay!"


"This'll show we've turned over a new leaf when we crush the competition by any means necessary for charity," Sunny Flare said with no irony or sarcasm. Sugarcoat just rolled her eyes for once.

"This is gonna be so cool!" Lemon Zest declared. "I've got just the battle midi I've written to go for our team!"

Sour-Sweet remarked, "That would be cool and I'm sure it'll be fun! ... AND EVEN COOLER IF YOU'D DONE THAT WHEN WE WERE SCRAMBLING FOR A SONG! Why didn't we?!"

Sugarcoat said, "Because Lemon Zest's compositions tend to be brash and repetitive, perfect for video games."

"Uh, thanks I guess?"

"Hey girls! I'm back! I'm back! Did we win!? And... do I get the feeling I missed something?" Indigo Zapped rushed in.


Session 61.6 Kendell2

One thousand years later

The group of eight Alicorns and one Ryujin sat at the table, still playing O&O. Of course now they had the option of various far more advanced means to do so, but even with that sometimes going back to the good old fashioned way was just fun.

"Hey, remember that one time Spike came up with that wicked storyline starting with that messenger?" Princess Rainbow Dash asked, giving a smirk.

None noticed the Dragon God of Metal (the elemental force of nature, not the music style. Another pony had gotten that position, right behind Vinyl Scratch being goddess of Dubstep and Octavia being Goddess of Classical Music) and Guardian of Equestria's eye twitch.

"Oh yes, darling, such an exciting little quest..." Princess Rarity replied, giving a smile. "Such a nice little mystery, Spike really is a good storyteller when he tried tah be."

"Yeah, leadin' us tah that dragon's horde was fun," Princess Applejack replied, smirking. "Didn't get tah fight a dragon, but the horde of bandits that showed up was fun."

Spike face palmed with the force of a magnitude 8 earthquake and mentally remembered to never have messengers die at their feet EVER again.


"Sombra, did you notice something about our music staff?" Chrysalis asked.

"Like what?"

"Like her laughing manically while looking at the poster for the charity game..." the VP replied with a deadpan look.

"Discord must be rubbing off on them..." Sombra muttered, looking over as Discord walked past the poster for his WoH expansion and started laughing manically, complete with personal special effects he'd somehow wired into his phone.

Session 61.7 Alex Warlorn

"Hey Twilight." Sunset told the other Alicorn Princess... by order of the Princesses, they were forbidden to play chess against each other, EVER AGAIN... so they were playing Harmony The Gathering instead. "I just want to say, thanks for singing that part of 'Dance Magic', Twilight, our Twilight, I MEAN OTHER TWILIGHT!" Sunset corrected herself seeing the hurt look on Princess Twilight's face. "Is more into classical singing than J-pop. She was able to lip sync with your recording well enough though."

"You're... you're welcome Sunset it was... it was fun to help ..." Princess Twilight said as politely as possible.

(Would pay money, to see this expanded into a short fanfic.)

Session 61.8 Devcon101

One thousand years in the future...

Round a large circular table sat five musical goddesses playing a good ol' game of poker: Octavia, goddess of classical music; Vinyl Scratch, goddess of dubstep; Octavia's mother, Power Chord, goddess of rock music; Vinyl's mother, Sounding Point, goddess of violins; and finally, Saxy, who had become the goddess of jazz.

Well, in actuality only Octavia, Vinyl and Saxy sat around the table at the moment; while they had been playing previously, Power Chord and Sounding Point's bitter rivalry had resulted in them breaking away from the game and entering into yet another battle of hoofticuffs.

Saxy kicked her back legs up on the table, leaning back in her seat as she examined her cards. "...So, how's being a god going for you two?"

Octavia and Vinyl looked at one another. "It's actually been rather uneventful lately. You?"

Saxy sighed. "Tried again to get Dad to let me share card-based gambling as a domain. I mean, he gets gambling overall, so you'd think he could share one type. But no. So he and I decided to play a game of poker; the pony who came out with the most cash got to take the domain."

Octavia raised a brow as she tried to steal a peak at Vinyl's cards, but to no avail. "I'm assuming Dad won?"

Saxy chuckled. "Nope. Neither of us did...it's a long story. But I did manage to get him to share with me a little something; gambling luck. It's not much, but it'll do."

Octavia sat with a stoic expression. "...You wouldn't have happened to have gained a sort of "aura of luck" upon gaining that domain, would you?"

Her, Saxy and Vinyl put down their cards, revealing a tie; each had a royal flush, as they had every game since they started.

"Yeah, why?"

Session 61.9 Alex Warlorn

Princess Sweetie said, "Button Mash, are you okay?"


"But the pegasus gave you free rides to all the shrines, and the sages just gave the pendants to defeat Grogar without any trouble. You should be happy."


"You know all that, but you just feel empty somehow? Like big pieces of the world had been gutted?"


"Uh, Miss Starlight Glimmer, I'm not sure about this rom hack you made of Legend of Cadence." Button Mash said uncertain.

"What? I got rid of all those silly dungeons and side quests. This way the hero can focus on saving the world instead of wasting time on distractions and delays from his main goal."

Session 61.10 Alex Warlorn

"So what happened with the mind control contest?" Dog Spike chatted with Dragon Spike.

"Well, Starlight Glimmer came in first place... " Spike the dragon typed back.


"I'd like to buy some strawberries please."

"Whatever you want Starlight Glimmer." Strawberry Sunrise said with pinprick eyes and a happy smile.


"We're still trying to clean all that up... "

"Who came in second?" Dog Spike typed.



"Hey big sister! You came in second!" Sonata cheered.



"Twilight came in third... she's hidden the bronze medal with the swirlie mark where nopony can see it."

"Sunset told me she came in forth... She seemed kinda frustrated about it... said something about 'being out of practice, need to get my game on.'"

"Well... hopefully she was just blowing off steam... Chrysalis came in fifth, since she brainwashed herself early ... the judges say that technically that means Diamond TIara came in sixth... and Discord..." Spike the Dragon shivered.


Discord stamped around Fluttershy's cottage like an angry toddler, letting out fifth-dimensional cuss words that had Fluttershy shuddering in the past, present, and future, and had Human Fluttershy, and Mirror Fluttershy, shuddering even if they didn't know why.

"Now now Discord, I won't have that kind of language in my house," she was holding a bar of soap with one wing.

'She's not kidding.' Angel held up a sign saying, he still tasted the soap from some dirty poems he'd shown the animals (that he'd gotten from Scootaloo, who had gotten them from Rainbow Dash).

"FINE!" Discord pouted crossing his arms and folding his legs, floating in the air.

"Uh... you could turn me into Fluttercruel for a few minutes if that'll make you feel better."

"... It's not the same, but thank you for the offer dear."

Session 61.11 Kendell2

Meanwhile in the 10th dimension:

10th Dimensional Rainbow Dash cussed, making each of the incalculable versions of her friends across the omniverse shudder for reasons they did not comprehend.

"RAINBOW DASH!" said 10D Fluttershy. "LANGUAGE!" she said, sticking a piece of 10th dimensional soap in Rainbow's mouth.

"Gak!" said human Rainbow Dash, pony Rainbow Dash, Mirror Rainbow Dash, and countless other Rainbow Dashes at once. "Why did I just taste soap for a second?!"

Session 61.12 Kendell2

Rarity gave a growl. "What is this trash?!" she said, having been checking a video game to make sure it was safe for Sweetie to play.

Applejack trotted over. "What's the problem?"

"They portray Celestia as some sort of tyrant who enslaves everypony to worship her!" Rarity muttered. "Do the Neighponese really mean that? Or do they just hate religion..."

"Oh come now, Rare," said Applejack, raising an eyebrow. "The Neighponese don't hate religion, just have a different view of it is all...Heck, they have their own, just real different than ours."

Rarity gave a glare. "You simply can't honestly tell me this doesn't upset you!"

"It does, just Ah get somethin' called values dissonance..." Applejack said.

"I understand that with Griffons eating meat while we don't, but not with depicting our RULER and to some our goddess as a monster? That's clearly crossing a line."

"It's just a game Rare."

Applejack trotted along through town later that day...

"Applejack! Darling!" called Rarity's typical sing song voice. "Please come over here, darling."

Applejack did as she was asked...and growled, finding herself looking at Strawberry Sunrise again. "...What now?"

"Oh, dear Strawberry was talking about this country life novel she was planning on writing..." said Rarity. "Mind telling her, darling?"

"Yeah. Everything's all dirty and smelling, the main character is dating their cousin, and they all dress in suspenders and have buck teeth," said the mare in that cheery voice that made her words get further under her skin with each sentence. "They're also real technophobes, all tradition no common sense. None of them went to college either."

Applejack's face turned red. "Not a lick of that is close tah true! If yah go and publish that hogwash it'll make mah whole family look bad!"

"Now, Applejack," said Rarity. "She doesn't hate the country. She just has a different understanding of it. And it's 'just a book' after all."

Applejack's rage suddenly turned to humiliation. "...Dang it..."

"Now do you see my point?" asked Rarity.


Applejack was beginning to think Strawberry wasn't exactly speaking her mind as being Tirek's Advocate whenever Rarity needed somepony for the role...

Or she was just a troll.

Session 61.13 Alex Warlorn

"This is so exciting. I told you idiots this would happen!" Sour Sweet snapped.

"Technically Sweet told us we'd get in trouble, then Sour said it would be worth it," Sugarcoat said.

"HEY! I don't do that... anymore."

"No, you actually take your medication now."


The Shadowbolts, going along the edges of the game world map, had found another forbidden area, being constructed in game for the next expansion. The Shadowbolts had actually made it a hobby getting past the invincible 'guard' monsters meant to keep players away.

The area was all bare bones, no monsters or treasure had been added in yet, even structures, and not even place holder NPCs. There was no real hint of what the next expansion would be.

Except... they found Discord's stone statue ... or a statue.

"Isn't his statue back in the Garden Maze in the new update?" Funny Flare said. "For those who don't want to go through the whole quest line to fight him?"

"Maybe they're just using it as a place holder?" Lemon Zest wondered.

"OR MAYBE I HAVE A BIG ROLE TO PLAY IN THE UPDATE! Lemon Zest, Indigo Zap, Sugarcoat, Sunny Flare, and Sour Sweet!"

They all gasped in terror.

It was Discord, the statue had suddenly come to life and become the villain, and he was speaking, his HP right now was listed as in the billions,

This wasn't unusual. But he think audibly addressed them, BY THEIR REAL NAMES, it wasn't the mechanical tone of text-to-speech, it was too smooth and fluid to be a clipped together mix of audio sounds.

This wasn't pre-recorded dialogue. And Sugarcoat noted the most likely reason unless they'd stepped into a bad horror movie where video game characters came to life and ensnared players into the game in a futile fight for their lives... or had encountered an evil world conquering AI, or that dreaded illogical stuff 'magic' going about. World of Horsecraft had so far to have been clean of magic, and maybe it was a desire to NOT have every aspect of their lives now circle around physics defying forces seeping out of an alternate universe, and if it was an evil world conquering AI, it would have better things to do than mess around with players in an MMO.

Back to her original point. Most likely they were face to face with a system admin. In a forbidden area.

"MERCY!" Lemon Zest shouted, selecting the 'Supplication Before The System Admin' pose for her character. "You won't believe me, but I'm your adopted daughter in another universe! You wouldn't ban family would you?!"

Discord went 'tut tut.'

"Now now, if it was AGAINST THE RULES, rather than a CHALLENGE for you girls to be here... the developers would just make this area LITERALLY impossible to get here before it's ready rather than just place a monster stronger than all the end campaign bosses put together with trillions of hit points."

"... That is... logical," Sugarcoat said, feel awkward and strange.

"Maybe... we did find that cache of hidden objects in that dungeon in that other forbidden zone ... and we found that unique item."

"It brainwashed the real us. I was lying through my teeth to make everything sound as pleasant as possible. Indigo Zap was rambling about 'Now everybody wins!' Lemon Zest was listening to extremely quite classical music. Sour Sweet... acted pretty much the same except Sour was sweet and Sweet was sour. And Sunny Flare... well, you normally have as much personality as a rock (no wait, that's an insult to rocks) so you actually had opinions and views about things."


"It's true."

'Oh right, that thought' Discord thought. 'The Mirror of Chaos.' That old prototype brainwashing program that would make players act in opposite to their core personality trait, that Sombra had rejected as 'insane, and welcoming a million lawsuits' Discord had MEANT to get around to deleting it... He'd placed it inside a treasure chest among several treasure chests full of worthless junk items, in an unaccessible part of the game world's unfinished dungeon with obvious glitches everywhere with powerful monsters with low experience and treasure yield. 'No one would be so obsessive compulsive to find it,' he'd told himself.

"HEY GIRLS! If you'll sign a teeny tiny online non-disclosure agreement between you and this total handsome and completely innocent programmer at Crystalsoft, I can give you girls a little something in exchange, you can think of it as helping lay down the ground work for the next expansion's lore. Just tell all the players how it was a gift from Discord."


"'Chaos Knight'?" Rising_Sun said looking up at the character prestige class the Shadowbolts now all had.

"Is this another hack?" Honest_Apple remarked.

"No no no!" Wild_Muzac said, "It was, ahem, a gift from our Lord Discord!"

REAL_Princess instantly logged out and logged onto another section of the game.


"I SWEAR I HAD NOTHING TO DO WITH IT!" I'm_A_Banana screamed as REAL_Princess blasted Discord's in game character over and over again.


"You gave them early access to an unfinished character class?!" Sombra cried out.

"Just setting up the lore and building up hype t the next expansion."

"We're still writing up the lore for the expansion!"

"I'm thinking of having a Chaos Knight exclusive quest where they put down a rogue Alicorn based on the one the hackers used... sound like fun?" Discord suggested.

"NO!" Sombra snorted.

"Well, in the expansion we're already changing the end of the Discorded Ponies path from ending in a jump scare and automatic logging out to unlocking the prestige class Chaos Knight. So this is a prelude to get players interested. Which I'll say again ruins the narrative we were going for." Human Discord snorted. "It's going to mangle the lore!"

"Too many players know about it now! It doesn't serve any purpose anymore! None of the players really play it anymore except occasional 'Let's Plays'. It's best to put it to better use now," Sombra said.

"AND! I will note, these five almost had the highest score of the entire gaming community on the Discorded Ponies route, but Dark Lord of All and Fairest of Them All couldn't be reached. And Adagio and her friends don't play the game much... even if they keep asking for custom avatars."

"Ugh!" He hated it when Discord did this sort of thing on his own.

Session 61.14 Devcon101

Recently, after making a partnership with the people behind O&O, Enchanted Comics had began releasing enchanted O&O comic lines. One of the comic lines was based on the Hotblood War, not only providing an entertaining story but also giving quite a bit more information on it.

While Carrot Top was not too fond of the Hotblood War, as she enjoyed aligning demons, devils, yugoloths and other lower plane denizens, she could not resist the idea of playing the role of a fiend. So, after convincing Written Script to accompany her, the two entered the comic.

Written Script blinked as he entered into the comic, taking a look around him. He appeared to be on a massive warship, sailing along a giant river, which, upon looking closely, he swore he could see the agonized faces of ponies within. Around him were countless devils, ranging from (if the descriptions he remembered from Carrot Top's lectures on devil lore were true) the lowly Lemures, to the Goatee Devils, to the Glacier Devils; there were even a few Stable Fiends, the greatest of all devils.

He proceeded to look at himself, wondering whom he had become. Based on the sheer number of long, barbed rope that he was near mummified within, he could only assume he had become a Rope Devil.

He took a look around for Carrot Top, not knowing whom she'd become, but it didn't take long till he spotted her. And upon doing so, he blushed, jaw dropping. Within view was an Ereignyes, a female devil warrior clad in shiny black armor, a blue Lasso of Entanglement on her side. It was clear to him that, judging by the fact that said Ereignyes had the exact coat color, mane color and mane style of Carrot Top, this was indeed her. And dare he say she looked even more glamorous than in real life.

"Hubba hubba..." he muttered, a sickle trickle of drool running down from the corner of his hung open mouth. The Ereignyes looked over and smiled, giving him a wink, which only made his face redder.

He was snapped out of his stupor as another devil tapped on his shoulder. Before he could even turn around his nostrils were invaded by one of the strongest perfume scents he ever had smelled. He gagged, eyes watering, as he turned to face the devil. Said devil strongly resembled Carrot Top, having her same mane style and figure, with some key differences: one, her coat and mane were in different shades of purple; two, it was evident she was much chubbier than Carrot Top normally was; three, two large, black, bat wings sprouted from her back; and four, she had on plenty of make-up, most notably the bright red lipstick she wore. The corruption devil's large, sharp-toothed maw was curled into a frown, her beady eyes narrowed at him.

She spoke in an irritated tone, her voice quite familiar. "You do realize that isn't me, right?"

Written Script blinked, realizing his mistake, and his mouth curled in a guilty smile as he let out a nervous chuckle."H-hello honey..."

Session 61.15 JDMiles

Having finally exited the portal, Rainbow Dash noticed that she was no longer in her Roadrunner form, much to her relief. "Ah! It's good to be back baby!" She smiled as she looked around, realising she was in a familiar environment. "Oh great, Maretropolis again..." She sighed as she started stretching. "Well, better find the Mane-Iac and stop... her...?" She began before noticing exactly what she was wearing. She was dressed in a grey hooded cloak, under which was a purple bodysuit that obscured her mouth while her eyes glowed a menacing yellow under the hood, a black utility belt, and steel gauntlets around her hooves. "Huh, neat!"

"Rainbow Dash!" The cyan Pegasus turned to see Spike rushing towards her. "We've been looking for you! We went through this whole ordeal with singing frog, then we feel through a polthole and-oh wow, how'd you become Shadowmane?"

"Shadow-who? Not sure about that, but what's with the bizarre outfit?" She asked, glancing behind Spike to see the rest of her friends pulling themselves out of a pile just as a portal over them closed.

Spike blinked as he looked himself over, only to realize that he wasn't Humdrum this time, he now had a cape that was black on the outside yet red on the inside, and oversized top hat, and an obviously fake mustache, the kind that stereotypically over-the-top villains would twirl while laughing evilly. "Seriously, I'm Dastardly Whiplash?! He's a two-bit villain who barely counts as comic relief!" He groaned as he turned around.... only find his jaw hitting the floor when he saw exactly what had become of his friends.

Twilight Sparkle was now dressed as a Pharaoh, wearing what looked like a gold and blue-striped Egyptian headdress with a braided false beard and matching golden necklace. "Ok... I know I'm technically Royalty, but this is a bit much..."

"Pharaoh Phetlock!?"

Applejack wore a red bodysuit, a blue forehead protector that covered her forehead and cheeks with a red horn attached, knee-high leggings and blue high-heel shoes. "How the hay do ah walk in these things!?"

"High Heel!?"

Fluttershy as dressed up a mime wearing a striped shirt, a French beret, and had several files of various formulas attached to her belt. "Um... am I still allowed to talk?"


Pinkie Pie... was a slimy pink and red pony-shaped blob. "Ohhh~ I'm all gooey!"


"AAAHHH!!" Rarity screamed in terror. "MY HAIR! MY BEAUTIFUL, BEAUTIFUL HAIR!!"

Everyone turned to see that Rarity had become none-other than the Mane-Iac! Her normally refined hair now a crazy mess of purple tentacles. "WHAT IN EQUESTRIA IS GOING ON HERE?!"

"We are in the Power Ponies world again... BUT THIS TIME WE ARE THE VILLAINS!" Spike exclaimed in horror.

"Well well well..." A new voice called out, prompting the group to look up. Standing atop one of the skyscrapers were none other than the Power Ponies themselves, however unlike the usual situations where the mane six themselves had become these Heroes, their mane and coat colors underneath the masks and costumes made it pretty clear that these were completely different ponies. Humdrum was even a young Colt with a green coat and mane.

"It seems that our greatest enemies have all gathered together..." The Masked Matter-Horn exclaimed. "...and Dastardly Whiplash is here too..."


"Enough talk, let's do this!" Zap shouted, prompting the rest of the heroes to jump down towards them.

Spike gulped as he backed away, only the trip over himself and drop his hat. Looking inside he saw a note.




(Special note for those who are unfamiliar with the other villains, they were introduced in the IDW annual of 2014. To get more context on these characters check the link below:



Session 61.16 Mtangalion

"Yes, yes, yes!" Twilight practically danced her way towards her computer, a soda can in one hand and a plate of microwaved pizza in the other. "The new patch will be installed in only one more minute and twenty-four seconds!"

In the video chat window on her second monitor, Shining Armor chuckled. "What's got you in such a tizzy, Twily?"

Spike padded over to the camera, obstructing their view. "Seriously? Today's the day the new Draco Island update comes out. It's our first look at the juvenile dragons that might be playable in the next expansion!" The purple pup smirked, wagging his tail. "How can you not know about this stuff? Turn in your Geek Card!"

Cadence leaned into the camera frame and kissed her husband on the cheek. "Unfortunately, World of Horsecraft isn't the most family-friendly game."

Shining nodding, putting an arm around her. "At least I get to play some Crystals and Rainbows when I'm not doing the epic daily quest to slay the dirty diapers."

Twilight nudged Spike off her keyboard. "It's ready, it's ready! Logging in now!" Her smile froze. "Connection lost? No, no..." She frantically typed her login info again. "Come on... World full, login queue... 6,320?!!" She snatched her phone and started dialing.

Spike groaned. "Uh, Twilight? What are you doing?"

Twilight rose from her computer chair, burning with determination. "Calling CrystalSoft to offer to help, of course!"

Rainbow Dash pumped a fist. "Yes! I'm in the new zone!" On her monitor, all the player characters started running in place, and then a disconnect notice popped up. "And... I'm out of the new zone." She got up from her desk, shrugging broadly. "Whatever, no biggie. I can get in some more soccer practice before dark."

Then her phone started beeping. She glanced at it, then thumbed the screen to answer the call. "Hey, G! Are you getting disconnected too?"

"Um, actually it's me," said the voice of Ember the talking dog. "I think something's wrong with Mistress Gilda! She's sitting on the back of her chair and stabbing the button-thing every time her magic box makes the unhappy noise. Plus she keeps saying all those words she told me not to say, like ‘Buck this bucking...'"

"Okay, okay!" said Rainbow quickly. "I get the picture! Don't let her smash anything until I fly over..."

Sunset Shimmer glared at her computer. "It's okay. Really, it's fine. My life doesn't revolve around some video game. I'll just go... do something else for a while. I could watch a show. Do my homework. Anything, really." She walked away... and then rushed back to push the enter key and try to log in just one more time. "Dang!"

Her phone rang, and she answered it with a sigh. "Hello," she deadpanned. "Equestrian Magic Crisis Hotline, state the nature of your..." Her eyebrows shot up. "Bon Bon? How did you get this number? I can explain..." She fell silent, listening. "Could you repeat that, please? ... You went to Fluttershy's for pet adoption advice and found a giant bear in her house... Don't call animal control! The bear is Fluttershy... Hello? Hello!?"

In the background, Sunset heard something smash, and a voice roared, "That's a bad Mister Login Queue. You won't let me play? YOU'LL RUE THE DAY!"

Sunset grabbed her motorcycle keys. "I so wish that one had been a wrong number."

Mr. Snow stood in President Sombra's office, annoyed enough to whip off his mirror shades for emphasis. "It's not another hacking attempt, sir." He held up a hair dryer, dangling it by the cord. "Someone unplugged the main server so they could plug this in. You're still paying my fee, by the way."

Sombra slammed his fists on the desk. "Zephyr Breeze! Remind me, why does he still have a job at this company?!"

Gabby the Intern yawned profusely, exhausted from trying to solve the issue herself with Gilda on vacation, and wired on three cups of coffee at the same time. "Nobody else wanted to test eight-thousand new mane style and color combinations."

Session 61.17 Ardashir

"I am NEVER doing one of these things again!" Twilight yelled as she galloped through the rocky hills from their pursuer. Applejack and Rarity, the only two of her friends left 'alive' in this issue, raced along beside her. They cringed at this latest of her nonstop complaints. "Who thought THIS was a good idea for a story?!?"

Twilight tried her wings once more and found they still didn't work.

"Ha! Ha! Foolish flesh-mare!" Their pursuer yelled after them. Twilight didn't want to look, but she glanced back. The villainous Ro-Mare in this special issue of 'Enchanted Comics Pulp Reprints' was gaining on them. It looked like a Changeling with a diving helmet for a head. The monster cackled, "Have you forgotten? I have re-tuned the Calcinator Death Ray! Now it prevent even YOUR Element-enhanced magic from working! Ha! Ha! Ha!"

Twilight tried not to scream in disgust.

"That dialogue! This PLOT! UGH!"

Beside Ro-Mare floated the 'Calcinator Death Ray' it had supposedly used to destroy all life on Equis, except for her and her friends, protected as they were by the Elements of Harmony. It patted the machine, which looked to Twilight for all the world like a malfunctioning washing machine. Bubbles were coming out of it.

"Better run faster, Twi," Applejack had to force the words out between whickers of laughter. "Ah think Ro-Mare is catchin' up with us!"

Twilight's eye twitched at the sound of more -- she supposed it had to be called 'dialogue' -- came from their pursuer.

"I cannot destroy you - yet I must. How do you calculate that? At what point on the graph do 'must' and 'cannot' meet? Yet I must - but I cannot!"

"You could always reconsider obeying the Great Intelligence, darling," Rarity began to say, before a massive cloud of bubbles from the machine washed over her and Applejack. Twilight rolled her eyes to see what it left. A pair of perfectly articulated equine skeletons, each still bearing its mane and tail. They stood upright for a moment, and collapsed.

"That makes no sense whatever!" Twilight yelled.

"Ro-Mare science is beyond your puny understanding, primitive!"

Twilight saw before her what she wanted to see. The cliffside a paralyzed Pinkie and Dash had been hurled over after Fluttershy was disintegrated for trying to make peace with Ro-Mare.

"Hey, stop!" One last yell came behind her. "We've still got twenty minutes of story left!"

"The hay we do!" Twilight gave a gloating whoop she she leaped over the cliffside and saw the beautiful bottom of the canyon rushing up to greet her.


"Who WROTE this manure?" Twilight yelled as soon as she came out of the comic. On the cover Ro-Mare was shown activating the Calcinator Death Ray, wth lightning bolts lashing out at Canterlot. The half-hidden laughter on her friends' faces didn't help in the least. "Ugh! Girls! You can't seriously have liked this! It was so awful! Fluttershy, they destroyed all life in Equestria, and then on the planet."

"Um, well, normally I wouldn't like that." Fluttershy stifled a laugh behind one butter-yellow hoof. "But this was so awful nopony could take it seriously."

"Come on, Twi," Applejack set one hoof over her friend's withers. "Ah mean, yeah it's as dumb as all heck..."

"The villain was a Changeling Queen with a diving helmet for a head, and the 'monsters' were oversized baby alligators with fins glued to their backs." Twilight nearly growled. She picked up the comic with her magic. Her horn began to glow brightly. The comic began to smolder right around the author's name. "If I ever find out who 'Amazing Hackwork' is..." She let her threat trail off. "I despise these pulp magazines! Why did Enchanted Comics ever sign a deal with them?"

"Beats me, but I bet someponies are raking in the bits," Pinkie said, looking innocent. She flinched as Rainbow Dash gave her a light swat with one hoof.

"Heh! Yeah," Dash rolled her eyes skywards. "I mean, everypony knows how you feel about those pulp magazines. Even if they sell really well, and some of those writers make lots of money they can use for, uh, various noble causes."

"What a shame we'll never know who the author is," both mares finished at once, ignoring the odd looks their friends gave them. Whistling, the two mares left for the next room.

Behind them Twilight slowly began incinerating the comic.

"Uh, ya think we oughta tell Twi the truth so she can get over it?" Dash asked Pinkie Pie, secretly the other half of the 'Amazing Hackwork' writing team. From the door they watched Twilight cackle with glee as she slowly reduced the issue of 'Robot Mare-ster' to ashes.

"Maybe it'd be best to wait before we show her what we did for 'The Giant Paw', Dashie," Pinkie said. "Like, a really long time."

Session 61.18 Alex Warlorn

Darkest Oubliette was being played by the ponies of Ponyville again. Only now it was being hosted by Doctor Whooves. They were playing the expanded version that included the Crimson Court, a collection of mosquito like vampires aristocrats from The Ancestor's early days. Nested in a swamp filled with the vile blood-suckers.

Note Worthy hadn't been able to make his regular visit (Lyra insisted to Bon Bon that they were just friends), that left them short a Crusader, the only member of the party that could heal.

Bon Bon was playing a Bounty Hunter, Vinyl was playing a Jester. With the spot for Jester taken, Lyra had been pressured to take a Vestal, not because she wanted to, but because the party needed a healer, and Octavia had taken Hellion for this particular adventure, just wanting to see what it was like to unleash your fury on the battle field.

Vinyl's character had the misfortune of being infected by the crimson curse by a giant mosquito ... which meant her character would grow weaker and crazier the longer she wasn't given blood, and if left in the hamlet unattended, was likely to spread the infection to other waiting heroes.

But the game did allow the heroes to be treated at the Sanitarium IF they could find and defeat the countess.

Their characters slugging through swamp, and finding her lair, Doctor Whooves hadn't gotten halfway through his narrative when-

"COUNTESS! I STILL LOVE YOUR MUSIC! COME BACK TO ME!" Vinyl All capped out at seeing the figure used to represent the blood sucking Countess.


"Rara had her old image used for that horrid game?" Rarity asked.

"She figured it would be satisfying see that version of herself get beaten by heroes over and over," Applejack explained.



"Uh... does this count as an out of game madness check?" Lyra asked awkwardly.

Octavia rolled her eyes. "She gets this way every time somepony reminds her that Countess isn't a thing anymore... "

Session 61.19 Alex Warlorn

"As recorded by HP Horsecraft, after the clan of Dra-Gon seaponies that spawned Adagio Dazzle, Sonata Dusk, and Aria Blaze were banished from Aquastria... they wandered the shores, and they found the town of Hoof-In-Mouth... where they met another clan of outcasts... those also banished from their own kind... a tribe of changeling no longer with a queen of their own... And were willing to welcome the grace of a new god, so... finding kindred spirits... in spite of having opposite diets, they welcomed their new 'friends.' But soon, friendship might have been actually not strong enough a word. They bred. Resulting in some THINGS they were not sirens, and were not changeling, but some abominable spawn, creating an entire new life cycle. When born, they'd resemble normal ponies, but after reaching adulthood would enter their next phase, and turn into a twisted combination of the siren and changeling, something that could feed on all emotions.

"This left ponies afterwards fed on them as truly emotionless, with no hatred or love in them... just empty shells. These forms became so putride and vile, that were said to drive ponies mad simply by laying eyes upon their true form!"

"Poindexster! Just stop!" Cadence admonished. "The seaponies and the changelings are all our friends now. We can't go writing stories about mixed couple breeding unspeakable mutant monsters. HP Horsecraft was a brilliant writer who underestimated his own talent, but he was also rather phobic of tribes 'mingling' thinking it would 'pollute their bloodlines'. I know his work is famous, but I don't think this would go over well as a module as ponies are just getting used to the idea that not all changelings are the enemy."


"HORSEAPPLES!HORSEAPPLES!HORSEAPPLES!" Bon Bon shouted as she ran through the streets of Hoof-In-Mouth, the local Deep Ponies having formed a blood thirsty mob. "Could this day get any worse?!"

"HORSEAPPLES!HORSEAPPLES!HORSEAPPLES!" Maternity Love Tap cursed, wiping her brow running right into (not literally) Bon Bon.

"I spoke too soon." Bon Bon sighed.

"What are you doing here?!" The konichi pointed.


"You're retired and your organization was disbanded!"

"So are you, and so was yours! And don't you have a husband and son to worry about?!"

"You have Lyra and Tootsie Flute, so don't go pulling that card on me!"

The two mares heard a unnatural hymn being sung, that threaten to dull their sap their feelings just from listening to it.

= Yellow Diamond Theme - Steven Universe =

"And I thought the guard 'took care of' this place a century ago claiming it was making illegal hard cider."

"They did! Or thought they did! That's what happens when you have a tribe of ponies who until they middle age look the same as any other pony!"

"... Truth be told I came here just to check it out to see if it was safe for Button Mash to visit since some video games he likes are inspired by Horsecraft... Looks like it isn't."

"They-came this-way! We will make them PAY! Our ancestors pain! They now gain!" Sang a voice that not like any pony tribe.

"Right... both our organizations were involved when this place was 'gotten rid of'."

"I think they were busy squabbling with each other too, which might be why so many Deep Ponies got away."

"Forget how much we don't like each other and run?"


Session 61.20 Alex Warlorn

Behind the Oubliette Overseer screen once again, Twilight Sparkle explained, "Okay girls, coming into the garden, you see a gazebo at the center, do you wish to roll for initiative?"

The ponies (and dragon) stared in silence before Starlight Glimmer burst out laughing. "Twilight, Twilight, Twilight! Did you really think we were going to fall for that old gag? I go and sit in the gazebo," Starlight said with a smug look on her face.

"The Small House Hunter Mimic collapses on you and begins to try and digest you. Do you wish to roll for initiative now?" Twilight Sparkle said with a smile and a straight face.

Session 61.21 Devcon101

(A Continuation of Session 61.20)

After recovering from the attack by the house hunter mimic, the group progressed further into the garden.

"Make a perception check." Twilight suddenly said.

The clacking of dice sounded as everyone made their rolls. None were that good, but there weren't too many terrible results. The highest ended up being 14.

"Okay..." she said, reading something in her notes. "You spot a small rabbit sitting atop a log.

Starlight, not wanting to be caught off guard again, and probably due to having recently watched Mount-y Python and the Holy Trough, had her character whip out her crossbow.

"18 to hit the rabbit." she exclaimed, Fluttershy looking rather shocked.

"You hit the rabbit, knocking it off the log." Twilight narrated.

There was a moment of silence.

"...Is it...dead?" Starlight asked, raising a brow.

"It doesn't appear to be moving." Twilight stated.

Starlight gave a guilty grin in response to Fluttershy's glare.

"I'm going to go over and see if I can help the poor dear." Fluttershy said, moving her character over.

"As you move closer, you see the rabbit is attached to a tentacle extending from the log. And as you see this, several other tentacles sprout out from the ground around you and restrain you. A large maw tears open from the center of the "trunk", and two long tentacles rise from the ground, two beady eyes at their ends watching you intensely."

"Really?!" Applejack did all she could to not facehoof. "A Wolf-in-Sheep's-Clothing?!"

Rainbow Dash looked on in disbelief. "You actually used that thing? What next, a Flail Snail?"

Twilight looked down at her notes for the next encounter, which included statistics for the aforementioned creature. "...You'll just have to wait and see. Now then, I believe this calls for initiative..."

Session 61.22 Ardashir & Mtangalion, edited by me

Bring on "The Giant Paw!" What's the worst that could happen?

With the best SFX the CMC could make!

Sweetie tilted her head. "Our giant bird monster doesn't look very scary."

Scootaloo fidgeted. "Maybe it'll look scarier on the movie screen?"

Apple Bloom cringed. "Ah kinda doubt it."

Gabby called out, "How much longer do I have to wear these cardboard boxes? I don't like it in here!"

They'd had Gabby in a goofy-looking outfit that makes her look like a griffon goony bird.

Discord popped in uninvited as usual, "You call that a giant monster?" Discord snapped his fingers, with predictable results.

Gabby's voice thundered over their heads. "Why did everyone get so small?" She began breathing heavily, panting as a look of fury rose in her eyes. "And why do I feel an overwhelming lust to destroy?"

"Discord!" Apple Bloom gave the floating draconequus a defiant glare. As defiant as a little filly could look, anyway. "Ya know this ain't right!"

"Indeed not," Discord rubbed his chin. He yanked a massive book out of nowhere with a title in kanji and pictures of massive monsters on the cover. "According to the Big Book of Kaiju Films, revised edition, you need at least two monsters to make a good kaiju film." The terrified CMC began backing away. Discord tossed the book away with a snort. "Oh, please, as if I could do that to you three! We need someone with experience in being a giant monster..."

"What happened to Gabby?" Spike yelled as he ran up to the fillies and Discord. "Hey, did he have something to do with this?"

Discord smiled toothily at the little dragon. He raised his fingers and snapped them.

"Problem solved!"


"An' thet's how it happened, Miss Twilight!" Apple Bloom explained.

Twilight turned her ears, "Where's that music coming from? Did somepony let the Sirens out again?"

= Gojira's (Godzilla) Theme Song =

Discord was directing a full orchestra, composed of other Discords all dressed in evening wear. "But it feels so appropriate!"

Doctor Hooves declared dramatically, "I've named the two giant monsters Gabira and Spikezilla, in accordance with ancient pony myths that I just made up!"

Twilight exasperated waving her arm about. "Doctor, there has to be something we can do!"

Shining Armor moved about in exaggerated motions, "Finally, the Royal Guard gets to do something! Roll the stock footage of military airships taking off and mana cannons being wheeled into position! Fire a full barrage! Keep blasting!"

Gabira lets loose a sonic screech and stamps her claws down on suspiciously cardboard-like Ponyville cottages.

Session 61.23 Kendell2

Starlight blinked. "...Trixie, is this really necessary?"

"Of course it is!" Trixie replied with a smirk.

"I was going to take her on a date..." said Sunburst.

"Eventually...You two need to take your relationship more seriously if you actually want it to GO SOMEWHERE!" Trixie said in her typical fashion.

"I can get that, but was it really necessary to tie us to the chairs?" asked Starlight, the two looking down at the ropes.

"No, that's just part of the decor..." said Trixie.

The two looked around to find the restaurant was escape artist themed.

"It's one of Trixie's favorites!"

"...That explains so much..." said Starlight with a sigh, noting now that she looked the ropes were the escape artist type and not really holding them at all. "...I guess it wouldn't hurt..." she said, looking to Sunburst with a blush.

"...It at least leaves me with no way to weasel out of it," Sunburst admitted.

"Good! Now have a good date!...Just one more thing..." said Trixie, her horn glowing.

- Dating Start! - Undertale -

The two blinked, finding a series of holograms surrounding them, like that out of a dating sim. Including a 'Dating Power' one.

"...Trixie, I don't think we-" the unicorn mare started, only for Trixie to vanish in a fireworks explosion. "...This is her way of getting back at one of us, isn't it?"

"...Probably me...she said she'd be cross if I didn't try to take this more seriously..." Sunburst admitted. "...Still, pretty impressive illusion spell..." he said, looking at the illusions.

"It is her thing...that and turning things into tea cups."

OOC: Feel free for anyone to expand on this, Trixie basically just used her illusion magic to turn their date into something out of a dating sim.

Because Trixie.

Session 61.24 sonicandmario826

(OOC: And also teleporting mystical objects of importance to the spa.

According to the legends of Equestria comics Sunburst has been reading about Equestria history rather than hanging out with Starlight. I wonder if Twilight does the same thing with Flash? )

"Twilight! Come one we're gonna miss the reservation for the restaurant.", Flash said sticking his head out of the magic mirror.

"Just a few more pages Flash and I'll be right there.", the purple Alicorn responded her eyes not leaving the book she was currently engrossed in it thinking of new ways to surprise her friends in the next gaming session.

Flash groaned and began thinking of something until he gave sly smile before responded. "You know what Twilight, never mind you stay reading your book. I'll go with someone else like maybe I don't know... Sunset."

Twilight immediately dropped the book and teleported to the mirror dragging Flash through the portal cheerfully saying. "Let's go!!!"

"Heh, works every time.", Flash thinks to himself glad to finnaly be spending time with his princess.

Session 61.25 Mtangalion

"All right!" said Prince Blueblood, addressing the Dusklight roleplaying beta test group. "I believe I have the gist of it. Straight Edge the nightpony and Crystal the unicorn mare are a couple deeply in love."

Rarity put a hoof around Spike, causing the baby dragon to sigh blissfully and melt in her grasp. "Just so, your highness!"

"But Nightpony Princess Obsidia is in love with Straight Edge too, and Jasper the Kirin loves Crystal, and they continually scheme to break them up or kidnap them and whatnot." It was just like keeping track of the latest Canterlot gossip, thought Blueblood. He had to keep telling himself that.

Windy Whisper chuckled, kicking back in her borrowed throne. "Team Black Dragon's next plan is sure to succeed. Just you wait!"

Blueblood gritted his teeth. "Quite. Furthermore, Jasper and Straight Edge are actually brothers, and Snarl the Wolfpony Pack Lord used to have a thing for Crystal too before he took up with Silver Glow, eventually making her a wolfpony as well and earning the ire of Nightpony Prince Ebon Shine, who happens to be Obsidia's great uncle." Merciful Luna, what a tangled web... He forced a smile and added, "Nothing to it!"

Big Mac nodded. "Eeyup!"

"Okay, so you memorized our character backstories and the plot so far," said Spike. "But do you really know how to roleplay?"

Blueblood turned his nose up. "Never fear, good drake. I have experience in these matters, as I do in a great many things."

Spike narrowed his eyes. "Really? What kind of experience?"


"Really now!" shouted Prince Blueblood. "I must protest!" He sat at a pony-sized card table with Princess Luna, Princess Cadence, and King Thorax, and facing them, lounging at a truly monolithic stone table, were Changeling Kaiju-Queen Supia, Gigantes Titan Seismos, and Gerulf the Grand Griffon.

"What's that?" bellowed Seismos, starting a small avalanche on the other side of the valley. "Did the puny mortal say something again? Speak up!"

Luna smirked at Blueblood. "You were the one who demanded to be included in more royal outings, nephew."

Blueblood threw up his hooves, scattering character sheets everywhere. "But why must I play Humdrum?!"

Gerulf shrugged his wings apologetically, blotting out the sun. "My apologies! We just sort of assumed..."


"That's not important!" snapped Blueblood. "Let's just play, shall we?" He picked up his cards with his magic and sorted through them. "Now, as for my character... Oh, what luck. A Tragic Past card."

Cheerilee giggled. "Not really. The deck is full of those."

"You don't say?" An idea came to him. Rarity knew he was a real wolfpony... and the thestral knew as well, if she was really Midnight Heart. Why not bait them a little? "At any rate, my character is... ah... Duke Bluemane, a unicorn pony descended from an ancient and most noble line.

"Not like anypony we know," teased Rarity.

"Do you mind? Ahem... Though Bluemane's family recently fell on hard times, he had a bright future ahead of him, betrothed to a lovely and kind maiden with an extremely rich noble father. Then, tragedy struck, and he found himself with the wolfpony curse! Unable to bear the scandal, he made an excuse and sent his betrothed away without ever confessing the true reason. His fortunes ran dry, his servants departed, and eventually he was left all alone in the crumbling ruins of his ancestral castle.

"How dreadful," mused Rarity, though she had a calculating expression. "Still, as a noble and a wolfpony, he must know all about wolfpony society... where they gather... how many there are! I'm certain there's all sorts of stories he could tell!"

Blueblood grinned sharply. So impatient, so unsubtle, but at least Miss Rarity was learning. "Oh, Bluemane doesn't know any other wolfponies. Not a single one."

Rarity half-rose from her chair, aghast. "Whaaaat!? That... that can't be!"

Spike raised an eyebrow. "Okay... taking the RP just a little too seriously."

"Oh yes, it's doubly-tragic!" cried Blueblood, posing dramatically with a hoof on his forehead. "Good thing I have two of those cards. It so happens, he was cursed by a mischievous sprite called Dis... I mean... Ripsnort, yes! So far as he's aware, there are no other wolfponies. He believes himself to be the only one."

Rarity kept twitching. "But..."

"But it ain't like that at all," said Big Mac, laying two of his own cards on the table... Dramatic Revelation and Hilarity Ensues. "And when Snarl finds out there's a rogue wolfpony in his pack's territory..." He chuckled ominously.

"Don't be too hard on him, dear," said Cheerilee. "I kind of feel bad for Bluemane, even though he's made up. That would be such a hard choice, either accepting that his noble line would end with him, or burdening all his descendants with secretly being wolfponies."

And with that, all of Blueblood's carefully nuanced conversational gambits felt like that brute Seismos had up and stomped on them. He nearly gave himself whiplash, turning to look at Cheerilee. "I'm sorry, what did you just say? Being a wolfpony is... hereditary?!"

The others in the group exchanged puzzled looks. Spike spoke up first. "Didn't you read the Howling Wind side story trilogy? Foals with a wolfpony parent are always wolfponies too." He beamed, waggling a claw. "Twilight would say it's a dominant trait!"

Blueblood sat back heavily, vaguely aware that he was hyperventilating. "But... that's not official, surely! Hah, haha... just one of your what do you call them... fan theories, yes?"

He couldn't help but notice Windy Whisper getting all twitchy, eyes flicking around like she was looking for quick escape routes.

Rarity leaned over and whispered in his ear. "You mean, you really didn't know?"

Blueblood froze, and then his eyes rolled up and he slid bonelessly out of his chair.

Author's Note:

This is a group-story/addventure/chain-story/round robin, fanfic 'story' of the Mane Six Plus Spike playing Dungeons and Dragons/Oubliettes and Ogres, with occasional guest players (like Trixie or Gilda), with Spike and Twilight rotating as Dungeon Master. It's intended to be an IN-CHARACTER comedy.

Each post should be more self contained, if say (in game) Twilight is fire balled by a Mimic in one post in a desert pyramid, the next post can have them sailing a ship encountering seaponies siren expies, each one containing a short joke, or an extension of a previous scene if that's what the poster wants. Time skips, flash backs, the ponies rotating different characters and campaigns, are all allowed (and ENCOURAGED) as long as the ponies stay in character (such as Pinkie Pie NOT fireballing a cabbage sales stallion and saying she thought he was a demon, thank you very much).

P.S. Addendum. No adding entire new fanon countries and/or fanon species.

Pinkie Pie, "And pretty please do not take anything personally! It's just a game!"

Rainbow Dash, "What did you say!?

What's you post in the comments, it's then copy and pasted into the fic above, have fun.


Trope Page: (PLEASE update already!)

Session 61.0 Kendell2
Session 61.1 Alex Warlorn
Session 61.2 Alex Warlorn
Session 61.3 QuartzScale
Session 61.4 Alex Warlorn
Session 61.5 Alex Warlorn (UPDATED!!!)
Session 61.6 Kendell2
Session 61.7 Alex Warlorn
Session 61.8 Devcon101
Session 61.9 Alex Warlorn
Session 61.10 Alex Warlorn
Session 61.11 Kendell2
Session 61.12 Kendell2
Session 61.13 Alex Warlorn
Session 61.14 Devcon101
Session 61.15 JDMiles
Session 61.16 Mtangalion
Session 61.17 Ardashir
Session 61.18 Alex Warlorn
Session 61.19 Alex Warlorn
Session 61.20 Alex Warlorn
Session 61.21 Devcon101
Session 61.22 Ardashir & Mtangalion, edited by me
Session 61.23 Kendell2
Session 61.24 sonicandmario826
Session 61.25 Mtangalion

MLPFiM Copyright Hasbro

Cover art by Lemon-Bitter-Twist http://alexwarlorn.deviantart.com/art/EQD-ATG-V-15-have-fun-and-socialise-558488038

Also remember, this is not the pony pov verse, has never been the pony pov verse, will never be the pony pov verse, so please avoid using pony pov verse cosmology and characters please.

Basic grammar:
-Periods go at the end of sentences. (.)
-People and place's names are capitalized.
-Questions end in Questions Marks. (?)
-The word 'I' is capitalized.
-"When characters start or stop talking, use quotations."
-'There' is a place, 'their' is someone's property or trait, 'they're' is short for 'they are.'

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