• Published 8th Sep 2016
  • 15,647 Views, 1,224 Comments

Where No Pony Has Gone Before - RK_Striker_JK_5

Equestria makes contact with the Enterprise. Star Trek/MLP crossover.

  • ...

Chapter Ten

Twilight stood in front of the mirror and machinery that linked her world with Sunset's. Her horn glowed and the book that she used to communicate with Sunset floated up and into the cradle at the mirror's apex. It flashed, the machinery chugged and moved, and a swirling vortex appeared inside the mirror. Twilight looked back to Spike, standing right behind her. “Okay, I told Sunset I'll be there for an hour tops. I've told the girls, Cheerilee, and even Captains Kirk and Kang about this meeting. If I'm not back in an hour, let them know, Spike. Okay?”

Spike nodded. “Okay, Twilight, but...” He hesitated and laced his claws together. “Oh, hay stacks.”

Twilight stepped up to him. “Spike, are you all right?” She cracked a smile. “I thought you'd be relieved I took so many precautions this time around.”

Spike snorted, tongues of green flame shooting from his nostrils. “Okay, you got me there, Twi.” He sighed and held out his arms. “I dunno. It's just, Sunset not explaining herself and telling you you had to see it for yourself in her last message. I mean, that's out of a bad plot from a Power Ponies comic!”

Twilight looked to the portal. “That's a good point, Spike. Still, it's Sunset. So I do trust her.” She looked back to the portal. “I... think.” With that, Twilight sucked in a breath and trotted through the portal.

As before, the transition from Equestria to Canterlot High, from pony to human, was nigh-instantaneous. She walked through the mirror and emerged from the statue in front of Canterlot High, barely breaking stride or even stumbling as she walked across the concrete. Twilight took a moment to marvel at being bipedal and upright. She looked her lanky arms and fingers over, wiggling them. A shout from her left broke her out of her reverie. She looked up and over to her right, spotting Sunset Shimmer and... “Trixie?”

Sunset and Trixie stood next to each other, the former wearing a rather bulky trenchcoat, while the latter stood off behind Sunset and was glancing at the asphalt. Sunset raised her right arm and waved at Twilight. “Hey, Twilight. Good to see you!” She motioned to Trixie. “And I see you spotted Trixie.”

Trixie slowly took a step forward. Her head tilted up, but her eyes were still on the pavement. “Twilight Sparkle... Princess Sparkle... Trixie is...” She sucked in a breath. “I'm sorry for my actions last time you were here. They were wrong, and could have injured you and the others.” She held out her hand. “Friends? Please?”

Sunset reached out and patted Trixie on the shoulder, squeezing slightly. “Like I told you, Trixie, everyone in the school was under the Siren’s spell.” Her eyes flicked up to Twilight. “Hey, you okay?”

Twilight blinked. “What? Oh, sorry.” She focused on Trixie. Her own expression softened. I've managed to forgive far worse people out there. And she was mind-controlled. It really wasn't her fault. “Sunset’s right, Trixie. You weren’t in your right mind then. No one was. I mean, in the stage pit, Rarity and Applejack were about ready to tear each other’s heads off!” She took Trixie's proffered hand and shook it. “Friends.”

Trixie grinned as she tightened her grip slightly. “Thank you.” She turned her head to Sunset. “You were right about her. I should've listened.”

Twilight followed Trixie's gaze. “Sunset, why are you wearing a trenchcoat?”

Sunset's cheeks colored. “I'll explain in a bit. In the meantime, we've got something to show you.” She turned, knelt down and picked up a briefcase behind her. “Trixie, ask away.”

Trixie let go of Twilight's hand. She suddenly reached up, grabbed her shoulders, and stared as her eyes widened slightly. “Twilight... is there a Constitution-class heavy cruiser in orbit of your planet named the USS Enterprise, serial numbers NCC-1701?”

Twilight stared right back at Trixie. Her jaw opened, but it was almost a minute before she could speak. “H-how did you know all that?”

Trixie paid her question no mind. “And is the captain of the Enterprise one James Tiberius Kirk, from Riverside, Iowa? Is the first officer one Spock from Vulcan? Is the chief engineer Scotty, and are his engines able to take it anymore?”

Twilight's eyes somehow widened even more. She slowly broke her gaze away from Trixie and looked to Sunset. “Ah... help?”

Sunset walked up to the two. She held the suitcase and clicked it open. Inside was a laptop and a slim yellow case made of plastic. “These hold the answers you seek, Twilight.” She lowered herself to the ground and leaned against the statue's base. She powered the laptop up and opened the case up.

Twilight and Trixie exchanged a glance, then sat down on either side of Sunset. Twilight looked across Sunset at Trixie. “So, how much do you know about...”

Trixie half-smiled. “Sunset and her friends have filled me in on everything. We've all managed to make up. Pinkie and I even did entertainment for a birthday party last week.” She looked down as Sunset held up a DVD. “How much do you know about our technology?”

Twilight waved her off. “Oh, I know all about computers and your information-storage discs. We watched a lot of them last time I was here for sleepovers, and before when I slept at the school's library.” She paused as she looked at the DVD case. A bit of chrome caught her eye. She jabbed a finger at it. “Hey, wait a minute. That's the Enterprise's command symbol!”

Sunset and Trixie exchanged a look. Sunset turned to her right and Twilight. “Twilight, brace yourself. You're about to have your mind blown.” She slipped the DVD into a slot on the laptop's monitor. The screen came to life and a fanfare came from the speakers, majestic despite the size and quality of the built-in audio equipment.

Twilight rubbed her chin. “I don't– ” She sucked in a breath as a very familiar-looking starship came on the screen. “Oh my gosh oh my gosh oh my gosh! That's the Enterprise! It looks just like the image Captain Kirk showed me” She grabbed Sunset's shoulder and shook her. “Sunset, how did you get footage of the Enterprise?”

Sunset reached up, grabbed Twilight's arm and stopped the shaking. “Twilight, Twilight, calm down! This isn't footage of the real Enterprise.” She suddenly turned to Trixie, and the two giggled for a bit before Sunset looked back to Twilight. She bit her lip and cleared her throat before continuing. “It's a model.” She looked back to Trixie. “Don't you have the blu-ray edition?”

Trixie scratched the back of her head. “Sorry. I was a bit rushed getting ready. I didn't really notice until it was too late to go back home and get it.”

Twilight spoke up. “Okay, that's it!” She stood up and crossed her arms. “Will you two please tell me what the hay is going on here?”

Sunset shrank down slightly. “Sorry, Twilight. We got a bit carried away, there.” She motioned to Trixie, who stood up. “Trixie's the best one to fill you in. She got me into this, after all.”

Trixie walked around Sunset to Twilight. “All right, Twilight. I'll try to explain this best and as succinctly as I can. Please keep any questions to a minimum, all right?” At Twilight's nod, she resumed speaking. “In the 1960's a man by the name of Gene Roddenberry was trying to create a television show and get it on the air.“ She held her arm up and waved a hand across the air. “A 'Wagon Train to the Stars', as he called it. It took a few tries, but eventually, on September 8th, 1966, 'Star Trek' premiered.”

Sunset finally stood up and walked over to the two. “The show lasted for three years.” She sighed and shook her head. “I've always wondered what a proper series finale to that show would've been.”

Trixie waved Sunset off. “You and I both know not to bring that up, especially around my parents.” She cleared her throat and looked back at Twilight, smiling. “The show was, as you've probably figured out, about the starship Enterprise and its crew. That's the show we had on DVD, there. It ended in 1969, but the franchise itself didn't. In 1973, they made an animated series that lasted from 1973 to 1974. Then there were the movies.”

Sunset held up a hand. “I... think that's enough for now, Trixie. I don't think we should get into the Next Generation, Deep Space Nine, Voyager, Enterprise, or the reboot movies. At least not now. From what Twilight described and how she reacted to the footage, it's the five-year mission itself.”

Twilight nodded. “Yeah...” She trailed off. “This is insane.” She turned and began to pace back and forth, five steps one way, five steps the other. “I mean, from what you've told me, and what I've just seen, the Enterprise, the crew, the entire Federation and Klingon Empire, they're all fictional here. Does that mean... does that mean I'm fictional, too?” She stopped pacing and looked over at Sunset and Trixie. “What about our planet? My friends? My family?”

Trixie looked to Sunset. “Should we bring up 'Parallels'?”

Sunset waved her off. She walked over to Twilight and gently grabbed her upper arms. “Twilight, as soon as I got your first letter about this, I thought the same thing. I've checked and double-checked, and there's no media even coming close to resembling Equestria. Although, Twilight, somewhere out there in the multiverse, in some dimension, our lives are being played out by actors and actresses. There's nothing really wrong with that. As one famous playwright put it, 'All the world's a stage, and the people, merely players'.”

Twilight let out a breath. “Well, okay. It's still a little weird, though.”

Trixie shrugged. “I'd be worried if you didn't find it weird.”

Both Twilight and Sunset laughed. “Thank you, both of you, for explaining this,” Twilight said.

Sunset nodded, but her expression fell. “I gotta admit, I'd give anything to be able to go back with you, Twilight. Star Trek is probably my favorite form of entertainment here. The optimism, the hope for a better future just appeals to my inner Equestrian. Trixie, I and some others marathon episodes of the show. And the idea of meeting Kirk, Bones, Spock, and the others, or even getting a glimpse of the Enterprise makes my mouth water.”

Twilight rubbed her chin. “Well, why don't you? I mean, you're from Equestria, right? I stabilized the portal so it can be opened any time.” She turned her head. “Trixie, you could come over, too! Well, maybe not immediately. I think there's some stuff we'd have to sort out, first. But after that, you could definitely join us!”

Trixie jumped up and down. “Oh, you mean it, Twilight?” At Twilight's nod, she sucked in a breath. “Thank you!” She wrapped her arms around Sunset's shoulders in a hug. “Sunset, we're gonna get to meet Captain Kirk and Mister Spock and Bones and everyone!”

Sunset stood still, however. She glanced away from Twilight and seemed to focus on a spot on the sidewalk. “That's great for you, Trixie. But... I don't think I can go back.”

Trixie's eyes widened and her arms fell to her sides. She and Twilight stared at Sunset for a few seconds before Trixie spoke. “Sunset... are you crazy?” She grabbed Sunset by the shoulders and, with a tug, spun her around to face her. “This is the biggest opportunity any Trekkie has ever had! You can't not go!” She looked to Twilight. “Come on, issue a royal decree or something!”

Twilight glanced to Trixie. “It doesn't really work that way.” She leaned in close to Sunset and placed a hand on her shoulder. “Sunset, what's wrong? Why don't you think you can...” She groaned and rubbed the bridge of her nose. “Let me guess, and pardon me for being blunt, but are you still feeling guilt about how you left in the first place?”

Sunset's cheeks flushed red. She walked away from the two, head down and hands slid into the pockets of her trenchcoat. “Twilight, I was a self-entitled brat, to put it mildly. I drove away my family, any possible friends I might've had, and in the end, Princess Celestia herself. All for some damned stupid bid for power that nearly cost me everything, and still probably cost me a lot that I can't get back.”

Twilight ran over to Sunset. “No, no! Sunset, Celestia won't be mad at you! She'd welcome you with open forelegs. No, forearms?” Twilight shook her head. “Doesn’t matter. Your family will welcome you back, too! You have to come back with me!”

Trixie spoke up. “She's right, Sunset. Well, I presume she's right about Celestia and your family. But also, this is a once-in-a-lifetime opportunity!” She walked around to Sunset's front and poked her in the chest. “This is something Trekkies have literally dreamed of for fifty years! There's no way I can let a fellow fan pass this up, even if Twilight and I have to tie you up and toss you through the portal!”

Sunset stared at Trixie before batting her hand away. “Trixie, you don't get it. I didn't just burn some bridges, I torpedoed them with antimatter. Celestia trusted me, taught me, and I spat in her face and betrayed her. I pushed away my family, drove them off. Mom and Dad were so proud of me when Celestia took me on as her student, and I just...” She screwed her eyes shut, her voice failing her.

Twilight slowly reached up and placed a hand on Sunset's shoulder. When Sunset didn't flinch, or pull away, she spoke. “Sunset, Princess Celestia won't be like that. She asked how you were, what happened. You and I both know she wouldn't hold any grudges.” A small smile played at the corner of her lips. “I mean, she managed to forgive Discord of all beings!”

Trixie's brow furrowed slightly. “I'll ask later,” she finally said.

Sunset slowly turned and looked to the statue and the portal within. “I... I really do want to. Not just to meet the crew of the Enterprise, but also make amends with Celestia and my family. I just... the risk of rejection would–”

“'Risk'?” Trixie blurted out, catching Twilight's and Sunset's attention. She abruptly raised her hands and curled her fingers.“Do you wish you had never risked getting into Star Trek, or took the risk of singing to defeat the Sirens? You probably wish we were still using... laser disk to watch Star Trek, or that Gene himself never took the risk on the Wagon Train to the Stars!” She held her right hand up and looked to the sky. “Risk... is our business!”

Twilight and Sunset stared at her. “Trixie... is right!” Twilight finally said. “Yes, it's a risk, but everything is, Sunset. Besides, you won't be alone. I'll be with you if you want me to.”

“And I'll be there too,” Trixie said. “Well, eventually.” She glanced to Twilight. “That's still on, right?”

Twilight rolled her eyes. “Yes, Trixie.”

Sunset chuckled lightly. “Don't be too harsh on Trixie. She's right when she says this is something people have literally dreamed of.” She sucked in a breath. “Okay, I'm gonna do it. Just, Twilight? Could you...” She gripped the lapels of her trenchcoat, fingers digging into it. “Could you please not immediately tell Princess Celestia about this? I do want to see her, but I don't want to be surprised or have it be massively awkward. It's gonna be awkward enough as-is.”

Twilight nodded. “I won't tell a soul. Cross my heart and hope to fly, stick a cupcake in my eye.” Her head bobbed up and down. “Sunset, pardon me for the odd, question, but, well, why are you wearing a trenchcoat?”

Sunset looked herself over. “Oh, sorry!” She undid the belt around her waist and unbuttoned the front. With an almost theatrical flourish, she opened the trenchcoat wide and shrugged it off, letting it fall to the ground. Underneath, Sunset wore a red, long-sleeved dress that went down to just below her thigh, and black calf-high boots. Gold embroidery wrapped around her wrists, and the Starfleet symbol was expertly stitched onto her left breast. A satchel was slung around her left shoulder, and a belt with a toy phaser and communicator completed the look. She waved her hands over the dress. “Like it? Rarity made it for me for Halloween, the local version of Nightmare Night.”

Twilight looked Sunset up and down. “It looks just like what Lieutenant Uhura wears!”

Sunset and Trixie exchanged a glance and giggled. Sunset patted Trixie on the shoulder. “Okay, Trixie. I'll call you later tonight and let you know what's going on, okay?” She stepped back and held her right hand up, fingers splayed out to form a 'V'. “Peace and long life.”

Trixie returned the salute. “Live long and prosper.” Her face went blank. “I could be doing that with Mister Spock...” She held her fists up to her face and laughed, her cheeks turning a deep crimson.

Sunset looked to Twilight. “So, can we go in together?”

Twilight patted Sunset on the shoulder. “Sure thing, Sunset.” She led Sunset over to the base of the statue. “On three?” At Sunset's shaky nod, she started counting. “One, two...” She stepped through, disappearing from Canterlot High.

Sunset paused for a moment. She turned, waved to Trixie, then followed Twilight back to Equestria.

Spike sat in front of the portal, Power Ponies comic open in front of him. “Hmm, I used to like Zapp the best, but Radiance just seems to grab my attention so much more.” Footsteps from outside the door caught his attention. Spike stood up and looked over. “Hey, hello? Who's there?” Any concern he had melted away when Captain Kirk and Mister Spock appeared at the doorjamb. “Oh, hey guys! What's up?”

Kirk nodded to Spike and smiled. “Mister Spike, it's good to... see you again. I have some news concerning the duel with Prince Blueblood tomorrow afternoon.” He started to kneel down, but stopped as he spotted the portal. “Mister Spock, tricorder?”

Spock nodded, holding his already-whirring tricorder up. “Already scanning, Captain.” he waved the tricorder over the portal, letting it linger over the journal nestled at the top. “Fascinating. It is an inter-dimensional portal, with this book actually providing a thread for the pathway to follow.” He looked to Spike. “I presume Princess Sparkle is on the other side of this gateway?”

Kirk slowly walked over to the gateway, Spike following close behind. “Twilight did mention a friend in an alternate dimension that she communicated with.” He knelt down to Spike and waved a hand at the swirling vortex of energy. “Is... this what she was referring to, Spike?”

Spike nodded. “Yeah! That friend, Sunset Shimmer, has a book that connects to that book hooked up to the gizmo Twilight built around the mirror.” He puffed out his chest. “Normally the portal between worlds only opens once every thirty moons, and for only three days. But Twilight, being smart and awesome, and with a little suggestion from Pinkie Pie, managed to figure out a way to use the books to connect the worlds any time she needed to!”

Kirk looked the entire device over. “I shudder to think what'd she do if she got her hands on a book of basic warp-theory. She could be the next Isaac Newton, the next Einstein or... Cochrane.”

Spike slowly nodded. “I'm... gonna guess those three are really smart people?” At Kirk's nod, he chuckled. “Well, yeah. That's Twilight for you.” he laced his claws together over his belly. “So, Captain, you mentioned the duel with Blueblood? What's going on with that?”

Kirk turned and knelt down next to Spike. “Well, I would like to wait for Twilight to come in so I won't have to repeat myself. Still, it's rather... short. We'll duel in downtown Ponyville, at... Mane Street.” He placed a hand on his chest. “I won't use any weapons, and Blueblood will have a magic-inhibition spell placed on him–a temporary one, of course.”

Spike slowly nodded. “Hand-to-hoof?” He punched the air. “You'll kick his flank, Captain!”

Spock turned, his tricorder turned off. “Although the odds will be in Captain Kirk's favor, it would have been preferable for the duel to not take place at all.” His head tilted up. “Captain, I have taken multiple readings. However, it will take the Enterprise's computer to fully analyze the information. I believe it would be wise for Science Officer Mara to be present.”

Kirk glanced up at his first officer. “Of course, Spock. Make the necessary arrangements with the Pride.” He looked back down at Spike. “Spock is right, Spike.” he gestured with his right hand, waving it about in the air. “Sometimes, we... have to fight, but it should only be a last resort. When every other avenue has been exhausted, then we'll fight. As I once told Anan 7, we may be killers, but we can... choose... not to kill today. We can make that choice, Spike. And it's the right one.”

Spike slowly nodded. “I get it, Captain. It's the same here in Equestria. It's a lot more fun to get along in friendship than to fight. Right?”

Spock arched an eyebrow. “A most logical line of reasoning, Spike. It is one that I wholeheartedly concur with.”

The portal behind them flashed. All three turned as Twilight Sparkle galloped out of the portal. She quickly slowed to a trot and stopped. She looked herself over, wings spreading out. “Well, back to being a pony.” She smiled as Spike ran over and hugged her, returning it with her wings. “Hi, Spike!” Twilight's smile broadened as she noticed Kirk and Spock. “Oh, hi! What brings you here?”

Any response was cut off as the portal's brightness increased. Spock held his tricorder up and snapped it open once more. “There is an increase in energy, Captain,” he said, voice rising.

Kirk held his hands up to shield his eyes. “I can see that, Mister Spock! Any idea what's causing it?”

A loud buzzing came from the portal as Sunset emerged, silhouetted by the portal itself. She stumbled a bit, then held up a foreleg and looked it over. “This might take a bit of getting used to.”

Twilight's horn flashed, and the portal winked out of existence. Sunset stood there, still clad in her Starfleet costume, now shrunk down and re-proportioned for her equine body. She trotted over to Sunset and looked her over. “The portal altered your costume to fit your body.” She walked around Sunset, but paused as she noticed two bundles of feathers pressed tightly against her body. She gasped as realization struck. “Sunset... you're an alicorn!”

Sunset's head shot around. “Say what?” At the same time, both wings flared out, the right one smacking Twilight in the face and sending her reeling back. She sucked in a breath as her left wing extended, stopping halfway from fully unfurling. She glanced from side to side, eyes wide. “Twilight...”

Spock raised his tricorder, but Kirk held up a hand, stopping him from doing or saying anything at the moment. He jerked his head back and the two stepped away from the portal for the time being.

Twilight's horn lit up again. Thin, purple tendrils of magic shot from it and wound their way around Sunset's body. “Well, pardon for stating the blindingly obvious, but you've ascended. You're definitely an alicorn, Sunset. The wings are yours, not that they'd be anyone else's.”

Sunset rolled her eyes. “Thanks, Twilight. I never would've guessed it myself.” She tried flexing her wings, but they spasmed slightly. “How the hell do you work these things?” She spun about, grunting. “Come on!”

Twilight's horn glowed and Sunset stopped spinning. “It took me a month or so to get used to these, Sunset. No rush.” The tendrils retreated back into her horn. “My best guess is this happened when you defeated the Sirens at the Battle of the Bands.” She wrapped a wing around Sunset in a hug. “You've come a long way, Sunset. You really should be proud of yourself!”

Sunset glanced away and blushed, but didn't push Twilight away. “Thanks...” Her head shot up as she spotted Spike. “Spike!” She slid away from Twilight and walked up to the young dragon. “Gotta admit, Spike. You look a lot better like this.”

Spike ran a hand over his head crest and smiled. “Thanks, Sunset. It's a lot cooler being a dragon than a dog.” He opened his mouth and a small gout of fire shot out. “Or maybe a lot hotter?”

Sunset bit back a laugh. She turned to Twilight, but stopped as she finally noticed Kirk and Spock standing near the back wall. Her jaw dropped and her eyes widened. “Oh, oh, oh...”

Twilight looked to Sunset, then to Kirk and Spock, then back to Sunset. Her expression fell. “Oh, no.”

Kirk stepped forward. “My... apologies, Miss... Shimmer, was it? Or perhaps Princess Shimmer? I... didn't want to interrupt things.”

Sunset continued to stare at Kirk and Spock. “I... I... I...” She held up her right foreleg. “Peace and long life.”

Spock held his right hand up, fingers splayed out in the Vulcan Salute. “Live long and prosper, Miss Shimmer.”

Sunset's mouth turned up in a grin that nearly reached from ear to ear. “Thank you,” she whispered.

Spock's brow furrowed. “You are welcome, but for what, Miss Shimmer?”

Sunset swallowed. “I...” She suddenly looked down at her foreleg, still in the air. She grimaced and shook it several times. “Come on, come on!”

Twilight leaned in. “Ah, Sunset? I don't think you can do the Vulcan Salute with a hoof.”

Sunset's head shot around and she glared at Twilight. “Not with that attitude you can't!” She looked back to her foreleg. “Please?”

Spike slowly walked over to Twilight's side, his eyes on Sunset the entire time. “Twilight, what's wrong with Sunset?”

Twilight tapped the floor with her hoof. “It's... kind of a long story.”

Kirk looked to Twilight. “Twilight, if this was a... bad time, Spock and I can leave.” He placed a hand on his chest. “I... didn't mean to cause distress to Miss Shimmer. I just wanted to inform you about the duel tomorrow with Prince Blueblood.”

Twilight glanced up at Kirk. “Thanks, Captain. It's a little complicated, but–”

Sunset's wings unfolded to their full extent and her horn lit up. “Split, damn you, split!” she shouted at her foreleg. She let out a low keening sound. “I... can... do this!” she shouted. Her breath hitched in her throat and she suddenly toppled over onto her back, legs sticking straight up in the air.

Silence permeated the room for a moment. Spike slapped his forehead and dragged his claws down his face. Twilight, meanwhile, let out a breath. “Well... always did wonder what it was like to witness one of these.” She looked up to Kirk and Spock, a smile plastered on her face. “Sorry about this, gentlemen. Like I told Spike, it's a bit of a long story.”

Author's Note:

1. Thanks to...

A. Talon and Thorn, sun tzu, and Darkstarling for general proofreading/editing.

B. YingandYangZen and M E Lovecolt for help with Sunset's wings.

C. Foals Half for help with Sunset's attempt at a pony's Vulcan Salute.