• Published 8th Sep 2016
  • 15,647 Views, 1,224 Comments

Where No Pony Has Gone Before - RK_Striker_JK_5

Equestria makes contact with the Enterprise. Star Trek/MLP crossover.

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Chapter Twenty-One

Twilight stood in Canterlot Castle’s throne room, a pair of saddlebags slung across her flank. Celestia, Cadance, and Luna stood by her, just behind.

For perhaps the dozenth time, Twilight floated a scroll out of her saddlebag, unfurled it, and looked it over. She then rolled it back up and slid it back into her saddlebag.

Cadance trotted up to Twilight’s side and placed a hoof on her shoulder. “Twilight, in through the nose, out through the muzzle. All right? Remember?”

Twilight’s nostrils flared as she went through her breathing exercise a few times. Her shoulders sagged slightly and she seemed to calm down. “Thank you, Cadance,” she said, smiling.

Celestia walked up to Twilight’s other side, opposite Cadance. “Don’t worry, Twilight. I’m certain both Kirk and Kang will accept your proposal.”

As if on cue, a pair of communicators placed on the Solar Throne’s armrests chirped. Celestia’s horn glowed as she floated them over, flipping them open. “Enterprise, K'naiah's Pride, this is Princess Celestia. We are ready to receive your landing parties. Acknowledge. K'naiah's Pride first, this time.”

“Princess Celestia, Captain Kang and Science Officer Mara are prepared to beam down.”

“Princess, Captain Kirk and Mister Spock are also ready to beam down.”

Celestia nodded, smiling. “Energize, then.” She looked to Twilight as she returned the communicators to their resting place. “You’ll be fine, Twilight.”

Luna spoke up as she trotted up to the group. “Indeed, Twilight Sparkle. Both the Federation and Empire would be fools to turn your proposal down.”

Any further conversation was cut off as four columns of light appeared in front of the alicorns, quickly resolving into Captain Kirk, Mister Spock, Captain Kang, and Science Officer Mara. Kirk looked around, quickly focusing on Kang. “Kang, good to–”

Kang held up his right and hand and waved Kirk off. “I must speak, Kirk. It is a matter of vital importance.” He walked up to the quartet of alicorns and held up a datapad. “Two days ago, I received a message from General Gor’Chuk of the Klingon High Command.” He glanced to Kirk. “I believe you know the name?”

Kirk nodded, staying silent for the moment.

Kang looked straight ahead once more, his eyes locking onto each pair of pony eyes. “I cannot play the message for you, but I can inform you that the shortsighted idiot dismissed Mara’s report about how foolish it would be to try and invade your planet. He also ordered me to attempt coercive techniques on you and stop at nothing to sway you to the Empire. Therefore, I have decided to terminate negotiations with you and leave for Q’onoS. The Empire does not deserve your alliance. The High Command has shown itself to be dishonorable.” He turned to Kirk and thumped his chest. “You are more Klingon than those spineless gagh at the homeworld. I cede to you, Kirk.” He pulled out his communicator and flipped it open. “Kang to–”

“Wait! You can’t leave! Not like that!”

Silence permeated the throne room after the outburst. Everyone slowly turned to the source of the cry, everyone looking to Twilight Sparkle. For her, she simply stood there, eyes wide, mouth slightly agape, and cheeks reddened slightly.

Kang looked down at Twilight and crossed his arms. “And why is that, Princess?” he asked, his voice an icy chill.

Twilight’s legs locked. She swallowed, but she stepped forward, eyes on Kang. “It would be… wrong to punish the entirety of the Klingon Empire for the actions of some bureaucrats. It wouldn’t be… honorable.”

Kang snorted. “The Empire needs to have its eyes opened, Princess. There are events in the future that would be changed by any alliance with Equestria, events that will help to steer us back on the right path.” He shook his head. “No. It would be far too difficult for one Klingon, or one Klingon and his crew, to change things, even with the information Sunset Shimmer and Trixie Lulamoon provided us.” He brought his communicator up once more. “Kang to–”

Kirk spoke up. “I knew you were many things, Kang. I did not think… coward was one of them.”

The temperature in the throne room seemed to drop by several dozen degrees. Mara slowly turned and walked over to Kirk. “It would be very wise of you to retract that insult, Kirk. Or I’ll take a pound of flesh as compensation!” she snarled out.

Spock stepped forward, placing himself between Kirk and Mara. “Captain Kirk has not insulted Captain Kang. He has merely stated a fact.”

Kirk quickly placed a hand on Spock’s shoulder and guided him to his left. “Thank you, Mister Spock, but I can handle things.”

Kang also moved Mara to the side. “And I thank you as well, my wife, but this is my battle, not yours.”

Twilight opened her mouth, but a translucent barrier formed in front of her. She looked to her right as Celestia’s head appeared in her vision. “Princess?” she asked.

Celestia glanced to Kirk and Kang. “This right here is the critical moment, Twilight. Here, they have to be able to work it out themselves, to agree together. Kirk must convince Kang to hear you out on his own.”

Kirk and Kang started circling one another. Kang waved Kirk off. “I will not listen to your words, Kirk. I know what you will try to tell me, but I will not listen. I am leaving.”

Kirk shrugged. “Very well. I meant what I said, Kang. I never thought you a… coward. You’re stubborn, proud, but no coward. Turning your back on Princess Sparkle here, though?” His lips curled up in a sneer. “That… is cowardly.”

Kang snorted. “I know what you’re trying to do, Kirk. You’re trying to make me angry. It won’t work, here.”

Kirk shook his head. “I’m not trying to make you angry. I’m trying to open your eyes, Kang.” he suddenly waved Kang off and turned. “Although I’m probably wasting my time. After all, it’s typical of a Klingon to retreat from a battle he can’t win, to tuck tail and run off. You can’t… help it.”

Kang’s lips curled back. “Your skills in diplomacy and cunning are lacking, Kirk. I am leaving, now.”

Kirk shook his head. You already said you were going, Kang. Of course, to expect a… Klingon to honor his word was foolish of me. An empire of cowards, of backstabbers. You never know when they’ll pull the knife out and stab you, preferably in the—”

Kang lunged forward. He grabbed Kirk by his shirt with one hand, the other pulling his d’k tagh from its sheath and holding it up. The twins secondary blades clicked open. “If I stab you, Kirk, it will not be from behind!” He shouted, eyes blazing.

Kirk met Kang’s stare, locking his eyes with Kang’s. “So, now you defend the Empire? The people within? I thought they weren’t… worthy of being defended.”

Kang stood there for a long minute, before letting go of Kirk’s shirt and sheathing his blade. “They are, Kirk, no matter what you or I say.”

Kirk tugged at his shirt. “So this is how you help them, by turning away from the best possible chance you’d ever have?” He held up his hand. “Kang, you want to help them. I see it in your eyes, but you can’t help them by turning away! You can help them, Kang. It won’t be easy, but it is possible. People can change, Kang.” He tapped his chest. “Do you think humans, or… Vulcans were always like this? Both our people’s hands are drenched in millennia of bloodshed. We both nearly… destroyed ourselves! But we learned, and we’re still learning how to rise above our nature, to be the people we know we can be!”

Kang drew himself up. “One Klingon cannot change an entire empire!”

Kirk half-smiled. “But he can start. And you’re no ordinary Klingon, Kang. You’re a… starship captain. Only one in a million can do what you or I do. It is our duty to make the tough decisions, to forge the right path ahead. No, it won’t be easy, but I’ll bet on you rather than against you!”

Kang’s expression softened. “Very well.” He leaned back slightly, eyes narrowing. “But… what do you gain from this, Kirk? Why bring the Empire back to the table?”

Kirk turned and glanced at Twilight. “On Equus, I’ve learned that friendship… is something that should be shared, that it’s a kind of… magic.”

Kang nodded. “And if you keep it to yourself, then no one will have it. It’s an interesting paradox, Kirk.” He stepped back and thumped his chest in salute. “You are an honorable human, Kirk. There is a place for you in Sto-vo-kor.”

Kirk returned the salute. “Thank you, Kang. And you… are honorable.”

Kang turned from Kirk and walked over to the quartet of alicorns. He bowed his head and locked eyes with Twilight. “My decision earlier was rash and ill-informed, Princess. I am… willing to listen to your proposal.”

Twilight kept her head up. “Thank you, Captain.” her horn glowed and two scrolls levitated out of her saddlebags. One floated over to Kirk, the other to Kang. “I think you’ll find this proposal concerning our dilithium weeds very enticing…”

Author's Note:

1. Special massive thanks to FoalsHalf, DarkStarling, sun tzu, ShadowJack, and s/LaSh for their help here with Kirk and Kang's exchange.

2. The negotiations will not be televised... mostly because there's no way I'd have the talent to make them interesting. [/sincere]