• Published 8th Sep 2016
  • 15,647 Views, 1,224 Comments

Where No Pony Has Gone Before - RK_Striker_JK_5

Equestria makes contact with the Enterprise. Star Trek/MLP crossover.

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Chapter Fifteen

Kirk made his way to Briefing Room Three, PADD in hand. It was the next day, by ship-time, and the Alpha-Shift was soon to start. He slowed down slightly as Spock appeared at an intersection. “Mister Spock, good morning,” he said, as he resumed his normal gait, Spock right by his side. “How goes the... research? Any spoilers?”

Spock glanced to Kirk. “I believe it would be more prudent to wait until the meeting, Captain. Miss Lulamoon and Miss Shimmer were both correct that there would be shocking things in later installments.”

Any further conversation was curtailed as they stopped entered the briefing room. Bones and Scotty were already sitting and conversing. A few seconds later, Uhura, Sulu, and Chekov walked in. All seven officers sat around at a table in the center of the room. Kirk spoke first. “Now, then. Mister Spock, you have a... report on the information from the television show?”

Bones leaned forward. “Been looking forward to that. I wonder what handsome devil they got to play me?” he asked, smirking.

Spock looked across the table at Bones. “For the record, Doctor, DeForest Kelley played your character.” He slid a data card into a slot on the table. A three-screened monitor in the center lit up. “By viewing the episodes at twice the normal speed, and with subtitles activated, I was able to view fifteen episodes of the original live-action series, several episodes of the animated series whose descriptions matched incidents which have already occurred, and the first three movies.” He paused for a moment. “The episodes I have viewed, barring technical limitations of the media and time period they were made in, have a close to ninety-nine percent match to the events that happened in our reality.”

While Spock spoke, the three screens lit up, showing images of a model of the Enterprise flying by a planet, then changing to what appeared to be the bridge. Or at least, a set made up like the Enterprise's bridge.

Sulu leaned forward. “So, it's true!” He looked up, face ashen. “Demora,” he whispered.

Kirk held up a hand. “Sulu, we'll do whatever is necessary to... safeguard her. And you.”

Sulu nodded. “Thank you, Captain. If it would be all right, I'd like to send a message to my family after my shift.”

Kirk shook his head. “No, Mister Sulu. You may send your message... after the meeting is over. This isn't something to be delayed.”

Sulu's expression brightened, if only a little. “Thank you, sir.”

Uhura leaned in and looked at the monitor facing her. “Mister Spock, I'm not seeing any non-humans in these images. Present company excepted, though.”

Chekov shrugged. “Well, as Mister Spock said, it's probably technical limitations of the time.” He raised his hand and waggled a finger. “Now, if this show was made in Russia, it would be indistinguishable from us.”

Uhura glanced at him. “We'll keep that in mind, Pavel.”

Sulu leaned forward and peered at the monitor. “If I remember, at the time period this show was made, there were no computer-generated graphics. It was all practical effects, make-up, that sort of thing.”

Spock slid the card out of the slot, then held up another one. He looked to Kirk. “Captain, the first three movies contain some rather important information about future events. This information could prove vital to the survival of the Federation. However, before I proceed, some of the information is somewhat … sensitive and personal in nature. I would like your permission before proceeding.”

Kirk hesitated for a moment, but waved him on. “Go ahead, Spock. The... future of the Federation is too important.”

Bones spoke up. “Jim, you sure? I mean, if Spock's thinking of asking your permission about it, I wouldn't take it too lightly.”

Kirk shook his head. “I appreciate that, Bones, but Spock said it could prove... vital to the security of the Federation. I can take a little discomfort.” He looked to Spock. “Go ahead, Spock.”

Spock inserted another card into the table’s slot. “The first movie deals with an ancient space probe from Earth known as Voyager Six. It had apparently fallen through a wormhole, emerged on the other side of the galaxy, and was discovered by an alien civilization of living machines. They upgraded the probe, then sent it on its way. Even as I speak, it seeks to return to the source of its creation, to ask of its creators, why it was created.”

Uhura tapped a fingernail on the table. “The most basic question of all. ‘Who am I’?”

Spock nodded to her. “Correct, Commander.” He looked to Kirk. “The Enterprise will be sent to intercept V’Ger three years from now, on stardate 7410.2. It is impossible to fight, Captain. However, the movies shows it possible to communicate with V’Ger. That is our best, and only real option available to us.”

Kirk nodded. “I agree, Spock. Work on that as best you can. Maybe we can talk to Trixie or Sunset Shimmer, get some more details, if any.”

Spock paused for a moment before continuing. “The next movie takes place on and around stardate 8130.3. It is called The Wrath of Khan.” While he spoke, the monitor changed to show the image of a much older Khan Noonien Singh.

Kirk leaned forward. “Wrath of… of Khan, Spock?” His hand waved a bit in the air. “What in the… Great Bird of the Galaxy happened?”

Spock slid out one card and replaced it with another. The image changed to that of a star system. He pressed several buttons on a control panel next to the slot. It zoomed in on two planets in close proximity to each other. “Approximately six months you exiled Khan to Ceti Alpha V, Ceti Alpha VI exploded, shifting the orbit of the former and devastating the ecosystem.”

Sulu glanced down at the monitor. “That means he spent… eighteen years living in a wasteland. And we never checked up on him.” He looked up at Spock. “How did he get off the planet? And what did he do?”

“The USS Reliant was sent there as part of Project: Genesis,” Spock responded. “Due to the incomplete mapping of the system, they will mistake Ceti Alpha V for the destroyed VI. He’ll hijack the ship and take it to Regula I in an attempt to steal the Genesis device.”

Kirk’s brow furrowed. “‘Genesis Device’?”

Spock laced his fingers together. “It is the key to Project: Genesis, a new form of terraforming. It is headed by Doctor Carol Marcus… and David Marcus.”

Kirk’s face turned ashen. “Carol… and David Marcus?”

Bones’ brow furrowed. “Jim, you all right?”

Kirk glanced in Bones’ general direction, his eyes focused more on some spot in the past than his friend. “Gary Mitchell… introduced me to a little blond lab technician once.” A small smile briefly crossed his face. “I almost married her.” He focused on Bones. “Carol and I had a son. David, as you should be able to… guess. We both realized we loved our careers more than each other, so we agreed to separate. And that it would be better for her to raise David instead of me.”

Bones tilted his head back and forth. “Reasonable decision, all things considered. My ex-wife and I reached the same conclusion about our child, Joanna.” He slapped his hands on the table. “Well, what are we waiting for?”

Everyone looked to Bones. “Waiting for what, Doctor?” Spock asked, arching an eyebrow.

Bones stared across the table at Spock, eyes wide. “What in God’s name do you think I’m talking about, Spock? We’ve got to go and rescue those people! If not us, then at least another ship!”

Spock spoke. “And do what with them Doctor? We must consider our options before deciding on a course of action.”

Kirk held up a hand and spoke before Bones could. “Calm down, Bones. I agree with you. Leaving them there would be cruel. They haven’t done anything yet. Still, if we go in without some sort of plan, it’s possible the events of the movie would simply happen far earlier. We’ll do something, but we’ll try and make sure it’s the best thing.”

Bones opened his mouth, but stopped short of speaking. He finally nodded. “Well, all right, then.”

Kirk glanced to Spock. “Anything else concerning this movie?”

Spock nodded slightly. “The ship that will be hijacked by Kahn and his followers is the USS Reliant. It appears to be a Miranda-class starship, albeit one that has undergone extensive upgrades.” He looked across the table. “Mister Chekov will be the ship’s first officer. Our current transporter chief, Winston Kyle, is the Reliant’s second officer.”

Chekov grinned. “Me? First officer?” He shrugged. “Of course!” The grin fell away. “Wait, what happens to me–I mean, to my character?” He paused for a moment. “And to… Mister Kyle. Of course.”

Spock directed a withering glare at the young officer. “Mister Kyle and most of the Reliant crew were stranded on Ceti Alpha V. Kahn will use a parasite known as a Ceti eel to coerce you and the ship’s captain to aid him in his rampage.” He paused for the slightest of moments, so short that only those who knew him best would detect it. “Kahn will eventually be stopped in the Mutara Nebula, but the cost will be high. Among those killed will be myself.”

Bones’ eyes widened to the approximate width of saucers. He slammed a hand on the table, sending everyone jumping. “What the hell, Spock? You die because of this? How in God’s name can you sit there so calmly, reading that?” He looked to Kirk. “Jim, by God, we’ve got to stop this!”

Kirk launched to his feet. “Bones, calm down. That’s an order!” He looked to Spock. He held up his hand, even as the other five occupants readied themselves to speak. “Calm down, calm down! We won’t get anything accomplished by… talking over each other, or losing our heads.” His head turned sharply in Spock’s direction. “Mister Spock, barring anything urgent, you are to finish as many episodes and movies as possible and get a report ready on what your recommended courses of action are. Talk with whoever you have to, use whatever resources you deem necessary, but I want that report in twenty-four hours. Understood?”

Spock nodded. “Understood Captain.” he glanced across the table. “Doctor McCoy, I do thank you for your… passion in making sure I survive. However, if necessary, I will sacrifice myself. The needs of the many outweigh the needs of the few.”

Bones grunted. “Maybe so, but if there’s no need to, then you shouldn’t have to sacrifice yourself. It would be… illogical to waste such a resource as the finest first officer in the fleet.”

Spock arched an eyebrow. “A very astute observation, Doctor.”

Kirk barked a mirthless laugh. “Now I think I see why neither Sunset nor Trixie wished to… divulge this information publicly.” He glanced around the table. “All right. We’ve all got work to do. Mister Scott, Princess Sparkle and some of her friends will be taking a tour of the Enterprise later today. That will probably include Main Engineering.”

Scotty groaned. “Aye, sir. I’ll make sure all the breakables are put away.”

Kirk half-smiled. “Good idea. Dismissed.”

Five of the seven occupants of the room rose from the table and made their way to the door. Uhura placed a hand on Sulus’s shoulder. “Hikaru, before you leave for the Equus System, I’ll set up a real-time transmission with your family.”

Hikaru smiled at her. “Thanks, Nyota.”

Kirk watched them go. He glanced down at Spock, still sitting at the table. “Spock, the third movie. I’m guessing what happened there is even… worse. What happened in it?”

Spock glanced up, failing to meet Kirk’s eyes. “Captain, if we are able to prevent the actions of Kahn in the second movie, then there is a ninety-nine percent chance that the third movie will fail to come to pass.”

Kirk nodded. “Understood. What happened?”

Spock slowly rose to his feet. “Khan will have detonated the Genesis Device inside the Mutara Nebula, creating a new world.”

Kirk’s brow furrowed. “A new… world?”

Spock nodded. “It is… complicated. Moving on, my body will have been given a burial in space. It will land on the planet, and it will… be regenerated and brought back to life. You will be instructed by my father to go and retrieve my body. The reasons would be… personal. And dealing with rather private matters of Vulcan culture.”

Kirk nodded. “Fair enough, Spock. All things willing I won’t need to know what those private matters… entail.” His expression darkened. “All right, Spock. What is it? I’ve known you too long and too well not to know when you’re hiding… something.”

“If the timeline is not altered from the events of the movie,” Spock began, “then you and the other senior officers will hijack the Enterprise and take it to the Genesis planet. There, it will encounter a Klingon bird of prey. That bird of prey will have already destroyed the USS Grissom, stranding a Lieutenant Saavik and David there.

“The Klingon captain, Kruge, will order one his men to kill one of their prisoners. David will attack the Klingon before he chooses, sacrificing his life to save Saavik’s.”

The color drained from Kirk’s face. He stepped back, his hip brushing against the table. Spock’s arm snaked out as he grabbed Kirk’s right arm before the captain could fall to the deck. He almost gently helped Kirk to the chair. “Klingon… killed my son… killed my son…” he mumbled, eyes unfocused.

Spock stood there, hand on Kirk’s shoulder. “Captain… Jim, I am sorry for this news. With the knowledge we have, the odds that the exact same events will play out are rapidly dwindling. At the moment, I cannot even calculate such odds.”

Kirk glanced up, eyes not quite focusing on Spock. He forced a smile. “Thank you, Spock. I’ll… keep that in mind. Anything else at the moment?”

Spock paused. “At the moment… no, Captain. Permission to return to the viewing?”

Kirk nodded. “Granted, Spock. And… thank you.” He sat there as Spock left, body listless. He barely registered the intercom whistle. After a moment, he finally stood up and walked over to a comm panel in the bulkhead. “Kirk.”

“Captain, Lieutenant M’ress here. We’re receiving a signal from the Pride. Captain Kang wishes to speak with you.”

Kirk nodded. “Thank you, Lieutenant. Put him through.”

Kang’s voice came through the speaker. “Kirk, I have copied the complete text of the book Trixie Lulamoon gave me. When you are ready, I shall have it beamed over to the Enterprise.”

Kirk’s mouth quirked upward. “Thank you, Kang. We’ll put it to good use.”

“Excellent. Kirk… I have perused some of the theatrical releases. Nothing major; that’s what Mara and Kina are doing. However, something has caught my attention. Tell me, Kirk. Do you wish to know of a Klingon captain named Kruge?”

Kirk stiffened. “What are you… offering, Kang?”

“As you said, no one should experience the pain of losing their child. You offered to aid me to protect my future son. I offer you aid in protecting your son. Will you accept?”

Kirk straightened up, his eyes lit with an inner fire. “I accept, Kang. And I thank you.”

Author's Note:

1. Thanks to 1. Thanks to Talon and Thorn, sun tzu, M E Lovecolt, and FoalsHalf for help with proofreading/pre-reading.

2. Thanks to M E Lovecolt, and FoalsHalf for specific help with the meeting.

3. Stations of canon? Yeah... we're of the rails now, motherbucker!