• Published 8th Sep 2016
  • 15,647 Views, 1,224 Comments

Where No Pony Has Gone Before - RK_Striker_JK_5

Equestria makes contact with the Enterprise. Star Trek/MLP crossover.

  • ...

Chapter Eleven

Celestia let out a breath as she continued going over paperwork. She leaned back from her desk and snapped her neck back and forth, a loud pop echoing through the room. She glanced out the large bay window of her favorite study at the setting sun and made several adjustments to its course. Luna should be up and about by now. I think I'll have breakfast with her, then maybe see if I can talk with Ayelborne.

There was a gentle knock at the door. Celestia's horn glowed and she opened it, allowing a rather flushed pegasus guardspony to march in. He stopped in front of her desk, sucked in a breath, and sketched a short bow. “Lieutenant Sentry returning from Yakyakistan with a message from Prince Rutherford, your majesty.” He winged a scroll from his saddlebags and held it out in front of him.

Celestia nodded to him, smiling. “Thank you, Lieutenant. That was rather quick.” She took the scroll from him and floated it over. It unfurled, and she spent several seconds reading it. Then reading it again. Celestia read the scroll once more, then lowered it so she could look down at Lieutenant Sentry from her desk. “Lieutenant, tell me. Did you come straight here from Yakyakistan? Did you encounter, say, Princess Luna, or Discord?”

Lieutenant Sentry's eyes looked left to right. “No, your majesty. Why?”

A section of the wall opposite the balcony swung open. Discord stepped out, face comically over-severe. He wore a dusty-gray suit. “You rang...” he intoned, before sliding out of the suit and over to Celestia's side. “Ooh, what is it? Did Rutherford confess his secret crush on you?” He clapped his paws together. “Tell me, tell me!”

Celestia snorted. “You may go, Lieutenant. Thank you.” She turned to Discord, eyes narrowing. “Discord, did you tamper with this in any way?”

Discord chuckled. “And risk the wrath of the Post Office? Please?” At her continued stare, he sighed and placed his lion's paw over his torso. “I swear on my friendship with Fluttershy that I did not tamper with, or read that scroll. I know Luna is still combing her mane, so she'll be occupied for another few hours.” He reached down and pulled up a microphone from the ether. “So, Johnny? What's the secret word of the day?”

Celestia looked back to the scroll and cleared her throat;

Dear Princess Celestia Sol Invicta, Princess of Equestria and controller of the Undying Sun.

Greetings and salutations, your Majesty. I am glad to speak with you, but I would have preferred to do so under less onerous circumstances. To hear that citizens of Yakyakistan would engage in such unprovoked acts of aggression raises my ire. I thank you for informing me of their acts, and, after having independently verified their actions, I have decided to leave their fates in your hooves. They have brought shame upon this fair nation. I trust you to be able to decide on a firm, yet fair, punishment for those miscreants.

Your Good Brother

Prince Rutherford XII, Crown-Prince of Yakyakistan, Ruler of the North.

Discord's mouth twitched. “He does remember destroying half of Ponyville when he first visited, right? Acting so immature Trelane would have been offended?”

Celestia waved a hoof in the air. “Diplomacy is warfare by other means. Or something like that. I'm not going to question my good fortune with this, Discord. Prince Rutherford isn't raising a stink about this, for which I am very grateful.”

Discord nodded. “I suppose so.” He slid to the side, revealing a large roulette wheel. He gave it a spin. “So, what will it be, Celestia? Hot coals on their hooves? Ceti Alpha mind worms? Tholian poetry?”

Celestia's mouth twisted into a straight line, but she still nickered and snorted. “No, Discord. I think... community service in repairing the Punch Bowl, then escorted to the border of Equestria and banished. That should be enough.”

Discord sighed, his entire body drooping. “Oh, well. I suppose that will have to do. Sure I can't interest you in some Romulan polka to pipe into their cells?”

Celestia stood up and walked around the desk. “That doesn't exist, Discord. At least I don't think it does.” Her horn lit up. “I think I'll teleport to Twilight's castle and give her the good news.” Her face turned stern. “Now don't go getting into any dangerous mischief, Discord.”

Discord threw his arms into the air. They hit the ceiling, fell back, and reattached themselves to his body. “But that's the best kind of mischief!” At Celestia's glare, her sighed. “Oh, all right. I'll be... not evil.” He waved at Celestia as she vanished, then twisted and looked around. He flew forward, passing through the walls like a ghost. He quickly came upon the guardspony who had delivered the scroll and phased himself back into reality in front of him. “Hello, there!”

Lieutenant Sentry jumped back a bit, but he managed to keep his wings from flaring out. “Oh! Ah... hello, Mister Discord.” He swallowed. “What... brings you here?” he asked.

Discord floated in close to Lieutenant Sentry. “Sorry to bother you, my dear stallion. It gets boring when Celly's not around and Luna's putting her face on. And Fluttershy's told me I should branch out a bit and meet new friends. So, tell me, are you busy?” He thrust a microphone at the stallion's muzzle. “Still on-duty? I try to be somewhat considerate of that.”

Lieutenant Sentry sighed. “I... delivering the scroll was my last task for the day. I'm off-duty.” He looked up at Discord. “What's your game?”

Discord threw his arms out, but stopped. “No, no. Too expected.” He rubbed his chin. “Wait, you're actually considering this?” He clapped his hands together. “Marvelous! Nice to see someone with some spunk!” He snapped his fingers, and Lieutenant Sentry's armor vanished, only to be replaced by a tie-dye shirt, shorts, and a bubble pipe tucked between his lips. Discord snapped his fingers again, and a similar outfit appeared on him. “So, tell me...” Discord rubbed his chin. “Wait a second. I can't exactly call you 'Lieutenant' Sentry while we're gallivanting about. Unless that's your actual first name.”

A chuckle came from Sentry. “My first name is Flash, Discord.” He looked himself over and flared his wings out. “Nice outfit.”

Discord floated down to the floor and beside Flash. “A pleasure to make your acquaintance, Flash. Now, then. Tell me, interested in music?” He held up a hand and waved it off. “Never mind, never mind. Stupid question. Instead, would you like to hear some human music?”

Flash rubbed his chin in thought before shrugging. “Sure, I guess. It won't be too dangerous, will it?”

Discord shrugged. “Well, you might die from the sheer auditory awesomeness, but other than that you'll be fine.” A door appeared and it opened, revealing a concert hall packed to the gills and a band on stage playing. “Let me introduce you to Queen...” He led Flash through the door. Before it closed and vanished, though, Flash's voice could be heard one more time.

“Why are they singing my name?”

Sunset glanced up from her seat at the cutie map. An hour had passed since her fainting incident. Twilight and Spike had managed to rouse her. Now she sat at the table, Twilight and Spike flanking her, while Kirk and Spock stood off near the far end of the table. “And that's about it. Six television series, thirteen movies, and god knows how many novels, technical manuals and other assorted bits of media. It's so inspiring to me and others. It's the hope for a better future, one where humans and others can get better, that we can choose not to kill today. The messages some of the episodes convey are timeless, and needed. We...” She trailed off and looked back down at the table, cheeks flushing red. “I'm so sorry. I'm doing it again.”

Kirk held up a hand. “Miss Shimmer, please. I can assure you, I'm not... offended or insulted in any way by the information or by your reactions. If I met Captain Proton I'm not sure I'd... react any different.”

Spock nodded. “I am not offended either, Miss Shimmer. Your information is merely the ultimate expression of the Vulcan philosophy known as Infinite Diversity in Infinite Combinations.”

Sunset's head bobbed up and down. “Yes, yes, of course! That makes perfect sense. Thank you, Mister Spock! Thank you, Captain Kirk!” She leaned back in her chair and giggled, her hind legs kicking the air.

Twilight and Spike exchanged a glance. “I'd say something, but I was kind of the same way when I learned Daring Do was real,” Twilight admitted, her head lowering as she blushed.

Sunset's head shot over. “Wait, Daring Do–”

Twilight shook her head. “Later, Sunset. Let's focus on the here and now.”

Kirk spoke up. “Miss Shimmer, these other series. They take place... long after the original and animated series based off of our five-year mission?” He straightened up and started walking, one hand gesticulating. “I wonder... could we use this information to plan ahead? To... save lives? To save planets?” He stopped and leaned on the table, staring off at the far wall. “Still, changing the timeline has never been the... wisest of moves.” He looked over. “Mister Spock, your view?”

Spock's brow furrowed. “Unknown at this time, Captain. It is entirely possible that, aside from some broad outlines, the television shows and movies Miss Shimmer and Miss Lulamoon have watched do not correspond to our reality.”

Kirk's mouth formed a straight line. “There has to be some way to figure this out. From what you've told us, at least, the first two series match quite... closely to my own logs. Although some of the details are different, naturally.”

Sunset mock-gasped. “You mean Bones' instruments aren't dressed-up salt shakers?”

Spock's head bobbed slightly. “I shall have to confer with Doctor McCoy about that revelation about his instruments.”

Sunset giggled, her wings unfolding and then folding over her head. “I'm sorry, I'm sorry!” she gasped out between giggles. She cleared her throat, calmed down, and her wings retracted. She glanced from side to side. “Like they've got a mind of their own,” she observed.

Twilight giggled. “I'll give you some lessons later.”

Sunset's head dipped down. “Captain... do you remember the mission to Deep Space Station K-7? The one where you encountered the tribbles for the first time?”

Kirk stared at her. “Rather hard to forget being buried by a mountain of tribbles, Miss Shimmer.” He waved a hand at her. “But please... go ahead.”

Spike scratched his head. “What's a 'tribble'?”

Sunset glanced to the ceiling. “Think parasprite, but without wings.” She looked back to Kirk. “Before you left K-7, do you remember a lieutenant giving you a PADD to sign with the duty roster? And saying what an honor it was to serve with you?”

Kirk straightened up. His face took on a faraway look. “Well... I had a lot of paperwork after that mission. I don't... wait a minute. Dark skin, goatee? Command division colors?”

Sunset leaned forward. “Do either of you remember his name?”

Spock nodded. “Lieutenant Benjamin Sisko, Miss Shimmer. What is the significance of this?”

Sunset tapped the table with a hoof. “Mister Spock, his name was Benjamin Sisko, but he wasn't a lieutenant. He was a captain, from the year 2373!” She looked to Kirk. “That was a scene from the episode 'Trials and Tribble-ations', from Deep Space Nine!”

Kirk jabbed a finger in Sunset's general direction. “That... that means that some of the events from at least that television series, and probably all of them, happened. The odds of such an event happening independent of everything else leading up to it are... astronomical.” He glanced to his side. “Mister Spock, your opinion?”

Spock slowly shook his head. “The incident does lend credence to the idea that the events of the future television series will happen. However, any information we're given must be used carefully, if at all. Also, the information Miss Shimmer gives us could rapidly become obsolete as events change in response to acting on said information.”

Sunset groaned. “That's right. I tell you about event A, which changes events B, C, and D from what I saw on the show. And it might not even be good changes!”

Spike waved a hand in the air. “Well, there's gotta be some events that are gonna happen no matter what, right? And wouldn't it be better to have this information at the ready, just in case?”

Twilight smiled. Her horn lit up and she gently floated Spike over to her. As soon as he landed, she unfurled one of her wings and wrapped it around him in a hug. “Spike, that's pretty smart of you.” She looked up at Kirk. “I think Spike's got the right idea, Captain. It's better to have some preparation than willfully ignoring the opportunity.”

Kirk rubbed his chin. “At the least we could copy the information from Miss Lulamoon's discs and send it to Starfleet Command. Spike is right, that it would be better to have this information, just in case. Miss Shimmer, could you please arrange this with her?”

Sunset sat ramrod straight in her chair, eyes wide. “I will call her the very second I get back across the mirror, Captain! You can count on me!” She suddenly swallowed. “Although, it might be best if we could permit Trixie to, I don't know, present the DVDs in person, for security's sake if nothing else!” She finally slid out of the chair and slowly walked up to Kirk. “In all seriousness, it would mean the galaxy to her.”

Twilight slapped her face with a wing. “You've gotta be kidding me,” she mumbled.

Kirk chuckled. “Well, since she... is offering us this priceless information, I don't see the harm in a brief meeting. Although I must emphasize 'brief', Miss Shimmer. We're still on a vital mission, here.”

Sunset's head bobbed up and down. “Oh, absolutely, Captain! I will emphasize that clearly to her. I'm sure I can impart that to Trixie.” There was a pause. Sunset's ears twitched. “Wait a second...” She slapped her forehead with a hoof. “Wow, I'm an idiot. I didn't even ask what this mission is!”

Spock clasped his hands behind his back and began speaking. “Two months ago a Class-A probe passed through the Equus System, malfunctioned, and crashed, Miss Shimmer. Pinkamena Diane Pie and Twilight Sparkle recovered the probe, and contact was established.”

Sunset looked to him. “And with that, the Prime Directive no longer applied.”

Kirk smiled and knelt down in front of Sunset. “I think you know our regulations almost as well as we do, Miss Shimmer. That's correct. This system is in the Neutral Zone between the Federation and the Klingon Empire. I... think you have an idea of the Organian Peace Treaty?”

Sunset focused on Kirk. “I do, Captain.” She kicked at the floor and sighed. “There's... so much I want to tell you right now, but if I start I don't think I'll stop.”

Kirk slowly reached out and gently patted Sunset on the shoulder. “Your restraint is commendable and... wise, Miss Shimmer. Without proper analysis of what you say, we wouldn't know how to act on anything you say.”

Sunset's cheeks turned scarlet at Kirk's touch. She bit her lower lip, but her mouth still stretched wide in a smile. “Thank you, Captain. Wait a moment, if our planet is in the Neutral Zone between the Federation and Klingon Empire, who did the Empire send as a representative?”

Twilight's horn lit up. “Captain Kang of the K'naiah's Pride,” she said, an image of the captain appearing next to Sunset and Kirk.

Sunset's head shot to her right. “Kang?” She gasped. “Kang! Of course! 'Day of the Dove'!” She stifled a laugh. “Oh, ha, ha! Of course it would be him!”

The other four in the room stared at Sunset. “Did I miss something?” Spike asked, looking to Twilight.

Twilight shrugged. “Beats me, Spike.”

Sunset slapped her face with a wing. The wing repeated the action before her horn glowed and she pulled it away. “Dammit... Okay, sorry. Sorry.” She cleared her throat. “'Day of the Dove' was an episode from season three of the Original Series.” She looked back to Kirk. “Sorry about the outburst, Captain. It's just, what I know about Celestia, I think it's possible she had a hoof in choosing who got sent here. She likes to think several moves ahead, and place pieces into the right position for maximum effect. In this case, peace, or at least improved relations between the Federation and Klingon Empire.”

Spock's head bobbed slightly. “It is logical, Captain. Both Princess Celestia and Princess Luna have shown awareness of the galaxy at large. Celestia would undoubtedly learn all she could about both the Federation and Empire, then, if possible, influence the selection of representatives.”

Kirk snapped his fingers. “And Kang was the Klingon commander we probably had the most... positive interaction with during our mission so far.” He shook his head and sighed. “Quite the chessmaster, your Princess.”

Twilight's brow furrowed. “Captain... is there a problem with the Princess doing that? She's trying to bring peace between your two governments, after all. I''m sure she has the best of intentions, here.”

Kirk shook his head. “The... road to hell is paved with good intentions, Twilight. I'm not comfortable with Celestia manipulating things like that. If she is manipulating things, though. We don't exactly have... proof of her doing anything."

Spock spoke up. “Captain Kirk is correct. At the moment, we merely have a theory that happens to fit some facts and known behavior. It is speculation at best.”

Kirk motioned to Spock. “Quite correct, Spock. We'll table this for the moment. We have more... pressing matters to attend to.”

Spike cracked his knuckles. “Like the duel between you and Blueblood?”

Kirk's head bobbed up and down slightly. “Like the... duel with Blueblood, Spike. Yes.”

Sunset gasped. “No, wait! Kang!” She stomped a hoof on the floor, rattling the cutie map itself. “I have to talk to him! It's a matter of life or death!” At everyone's stares, she swallowed. “His and Mara's son! He's in danger from the Albino!”

Spock's brow furrowed. “I was not aware of Captain Kang and Science Officer Mara having offspring.”

Sunset groaned and tapped the side of her head with a hoof. “No, no! I meant their future son! I mean...”

Twilight teleported over to Sunset's side and placed a foreleg on her shoulder. “Sunset, breathe! In and out, slowly and deeply.” She sucked in a breath, held it, then slowly expelled it, while moving her foreleg from her chest out with each breath. “Like that, okay?”

Sunset's head bobbed up and down. She imitated Twilight, her breaths at first coming rapidly, but gradually slowing down. “In, out, in out... Thanks, Twilight.” She looked back up at Kirk, expression neutral. “Captain, in an episode of Deep Space Nine, we learn that Kang's son, along with the sons of Kor and Koloth, were killed by an albino Klingon. If there's anything I can do to stop that from happening, I'll do it!” She stomped her hoof at the end, emphasizing her point.

Twilight looked up to Kirk, eyes wide. “Captain, I know you and Kang aren't exactly 'friends', but I really think he and Mara should be told about this.”

Kirk nodded to Twilight. “Princess, Kang and I may not be... friends, as you think of the term, but we're far from enemies. To lose one's son is not something I'd wish on... anyone. I'll let him know you wish to speak with him, Miss Shimmer. Just please, make sure to have all information available.”

Sunset let out a breath. “Thank you, Captain.” She glanced to the ceiling. “I'll have to ask Trixie about this. There's still a lot about Star Trek I'm not sure on.”

Twilight hugged Sunset once again. “Well, you're ahead of me in that, Sunset.” A gentle knocking at the door snagged her attention. Twilight glanced over her shoulder. “Come on in!”

Kirk's head tilted. “Tell me, Miss Shimmer. Who's your tailor? That's an excellent pony-sized reproduction of a... Starfleet uniform. I would've commented earlier, but we did have more... pressing matters to attend to.”

Sunset bit her lower lip once more. Her wings extended and folded over her head. “Oh, my friend Rarity made it for me,” she said from behind her feathery shield. “Trixie has one, too. Although it's blue and with pants. She wanted to look like, well...” The next few words came out in a rush. “She wanted to look like Mister Spock because he's her favorite character and please don't be mad, Mister Spock, at her for thinking like that!”

Spock arched an eyebrow. “Being 'mad' is a human emotion, Miss Shimmer. Although I am... pleased at Miss Lulamoon's choice of attire and favorite character.” His head tilted up as the door finally opened. “Greetings, your majesty.”

Celestia walked in, head bowed as she looked over the scroll floating in front of her. “Hello, Mister Spock. Sorry for the intrusion, Twilight. I just have some news concerning the yaks. I think you'll all be pleased at this.”

Sunset's wings snapped back against her body. She opened her mouth, but no sound came out. Her face froze into a rictus of surprise, shock, and utter fear.

Twilight, still by Sunset's side, spun about. “P-Princess Celestia?!” She looked back to Sunset, unmoving, expression not having changed. “Ho, boy!”

Celestia finally looked up and away from the scroll. “Yes, Twilight?” Her smile widened. “Hello, Captain! Hello, Spike! Hello Sunset!” She looked back down at the scroll. “Prince Rutherford has agreed to let... us...” Celestia's horn stopped glowing, and the scroll floated to the floor. Her jaw hung open as her brain finally started registering what she was seeing. “... Sunset?”

Sunset's head drooped and her shoulder slumped. Her eyes screwed shut. “Of course, now,” she muttered.

Kirk stood up and sketched a bow at Celestia. “Princess...”

Silence reigned for a few seconds. Sunset finally spoke up. “Captain, Princess, I believe you all have some news for each other?”

Celestia's head bobbed up and down. “Yes, yes! Ah...” The scroll floated back up to her face. “Prince Rutherford of Yakyakistan has decided to leave the fate of the yaks from the Punch Bowl in my hooves. I am going to have them help repair the Punch Bowl, then send them back to Yakyakistan. I felt those would be appropriate measures.” A half-smile crossed her lips. “I hope Captain Kang agrees.”

Kirk slowly nodded. “Kang... should be glad to put this affair behind him. He knows when to fight and when not to. Quite a... rare skill to have.” He waved at Twilight and Sunset. “Princess Sparkle, the terms of the duel have been set. Mane Street in Ponyville between Blueblood and I. Hand-to-hoof, no magic from him and no devices from me.”

Twilight let out a breath. “Thank you, Captain. I'll make sure Mayor Mare is informed and everything is taken care of.” She hesitated a moment. “Captain, is there–”

Kirk suddenly looked to Spock. “Mister Spock, perhaps we should... get back to the Enterprise and get those sensor readings started, contact the Pride and let them know about what's... going on?”

Spock nodded. “An excellent idea, Captain. There is much to be done.”

Kirk looked back and down slightly. “Miss Shimmer, we'll be in... touch concerning Miss Lulamoon and those discs. Again, thank you.” He looked to Celestia and bowed slightly.

Celestia returned the bow. “No, thank you, Captain. We might have some... things to discuss later. If permissible.”

Sunset's head shot up. “Yes, yes!” She turned around and stared up in Celestia's general direction, her eyes not quite falling upon her fellow alicorn. “He should know.”

Celestia swallowed. “Anything you wish for him to be told, Sunset, he will be told.” She glanced over in Spock and Kirk's direction. “Good night, Captain Kirk, Mister Spock. Pleasant dreams.”

Kirk smiled and pulled out his communicator. “Kirk to Enterprise, two to beam up.”

Spike started sliding towards the door. “And I think... I've got some...” He snapped his claws. “Baking to do, that's it!” He ran to the door, closing it behind him and leaving Celestia, Twilight, and Sunset in the throne room.

Author's Note:

1. Thanks to Talon and Thorn and sun tzu for general proofreading/editing.

2. Rutherford's letter is a reference/shout-out to an old skit from Saturday Night Live, around the time of the Death of Superman arc in DC. If you wish, click on this link and control+f to Chris Farley's section as the Hulk.

3. Aside from another mention or two, the yaks exit the fic. They've served their purpose.

4. Here's where Kirk meets Sisko:

5. And here's the song Queen was playing: