• Published 22nd Dec 2016
  • 8,334 Views, 216 Comments

Three Dazzling Daughters - BG9

A man with an unusual name comes across the three Dazzlings after their defeat in a younger, kid form. Cuteness ensues.

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Operation Christmas: Finale/The Perfect Day For Fun

"Go back! You weren't supposed to wake up yet!"

Adagio quickly pushes him back into his room and closes the door.

"It has to be a surprise."

"If you say so." Anon says

After about 15 minutes with periodic whines, moans, the occasional yell, and even the sound of something breaking, they allow Anon to come out. Sonata hands him a mug and a big hug.

"Here you go daddy!" she says

It was filled with coffee. This should be interesting. There was no way they could possibly screw up black coffee. Could they? Anon took a small sip and, to his surprise, it tasted wonderful. Adagio looked at him intently.

"Well? How is it?"

"It tastes wonderful. In fact, I'd go as far to say that this is one of the best cups of coffee I have had in ages. When did you girls get so good at brewing coffee?"

"Well you see we-"

Sonata is interrupted by a firm elbow to her ribs from Adagio.

"A good chef never tells her secrets." Adagio said through gritted teeth

"Well whatever you three did, you did it well. Thank you. This is just the thing to start my day off right."

They all smile and he finishes drinking his perfectly made coffee. It was damn good. He only wished he knew the secret. He could use a few more cups like this.

"Well girls, once I finish this, we'll head out to get Sonata's presents." Anon said "However, we need someone to stay behind with Sonata since she is too young to be by herself."

That was the one glaring issue: He couldn't just leave a 7 year old at home by herself. How was he going to do this?

"Am not!"

Aria flicks her forehead

"Are too."

"OW! That hurt Aria!"

"Adagio I was hoping you could do the honors, since I promise a special day for Aria and I."

"But if I'm keeping track of Sonata, how am I going to get her present?" Dagi asked

"Simple." he said "Just write what she might want on a slip of paper. I am sure we can find it somewhere."

"If you're sure."

"Why can't I sit and babysit the dweeb?" Aria sighed

"I'm not a dweeb you jerk!"

Anon sighed

"I think you can figure it out." he said "Adagio go ahead and write down what you want to get her, Aria, get ready."

"Aye, aye captain." Aria said in a snide tone

She was acting awfully uppity today. Maybe she was just nervous for the big event the two of them were doing. She did have a habit of expressing emotion in an odd fashion. Adagio hands him the slip of paper as Aria fits her coat. A pair of pink slippers. That shouldn't be to challenging to find.

"Thanks Adagio. I will make sure to find it." he reaches down and hugs Sonata "You be good for your big sister ok?"

"Alright!" Sonata says with a smile

"Ready Aria?"


They both walk out to the car and get inside. The snow had really come down last night. The entire driveway was covered in a white gloss

"Daddy? Is it alright if I sit up front with you?"

He loved it when she called him daddy. Made him feel all warm and fuzzy inside.

"Of course you can sweet pea."

She hops into the side of the car and Anon cranks up the radio to a talk show.

"Ugh, do we have to listen to a talk show?" Aria complained "Why not something interesting, like music?"

"Like what? What kind of music do you like?"

She thinks for a moment

"I don't know."

"Try this."

Anon switches to a classical station and they listen for a while

"Nah. Too sappy and slow for me."

"Alright, how about this."

he goes to the pop station and almost instantly Aria dislikes it

"Ew change it, change it!"

"Alright, alright" Anon laughs "This?'

Next is the rock station playing a classic from the Rolling Stones. Aria begins to nod her head to the beat and tap her foot in time.

"I like it. I like it a lot."

"You have good taste. I am a fan of rock too. Though you didn't need to diss my second favorite genre, pop."

"Are you kidding dad? It sounds awful!"

"Well at least we can enjoy some rock together."

Anon turns up the rock and they both listen in silence for a while as they navigate through the traffic.

"What sorts of things does Sonata like?"

"Oh, you know." she said, looking at her nails "Little kid stuff. Stuffed animals and the like."

"Any ideas?"

"I don't just.. a stuffed animal or something."

It was obvious that she hadn't really put much thought into this. She was just going to grab something off the shelf and call it good. Not like he could strong arm her to care though.

"Guess that only leaves me. I'm sure I can find her a pillow or some such thing."

After making the thirty minute commute to the mall they found the items surprisingly easy. Now was time for some father-daughter bonding.

"So what do you want to do? Something at the mall or go somewhere else?"

Aria's mood seems to completely change. Her energy seems to raise and her mood becomes more optimistic. Clearly she was here for this and not Sonata's presents.

"There's an arcade on the way over here. That looks like fun."

"Consider it done."

They both get back in the car and drive down to the arcade, listening to some more old rock hits. This was great. Not only did this arcade have games for her age, but he could also gamble a bit. One of his few guilty pleasures. Maybe he could even show her a trick or too. They pull up to the lot. Inside it was dark and stuffy, the music loud. Anon wasn't much a fan of loud places. He preferred quiet and slow. But for Aria, he'd do just about anything.

"Do you want me to play with you or do you want to go on your own?"

She grabs Anon's hand

"With you of course. It wouldn't be very bonding if we separated would it?"

"I guess you're right sweetie."

The two of them walk around until Aria finds a game she likes. The 'ole money waster, AKA the crane game.

"Win something for me daddy!"

"You want me to do it?"


"Well, if you insist. But I'm not that good at it I will tell you that much."

Anon places two quarters inside the machine and slowly jimmies it down to a plush unicorn. He carefully grabs it at an angle and only barely misses pull it up.

"I thought you said you were bad."

"Well, while you old man may have few useful skills, he is a master of the crane."

"I bet I can beat you."

"Oh can you? Well I'll have you know I beat every one in my fraternity in college. Let's see what you got."

"I'll try to go easy on you dad. Save you the embarrassment."

Anon places a few more quarters in and Aria takes the helm. With a careful hand she swoops the crane in, trying her best to out preform her dad. A small bead of sweat drips from her brow and, as if by magic, she not only gets the unicorn, but also another toy as well. He's in disbelief.

"I felt kinda bad for being you so much so I decide to get you something too, you know, to mend the wound caused by my greatness."

Anon laughs

"Well I will concede your victory here Aria. You're excellent at this."

"I expect an award."


"Yeah." she opens her arms out wide "How about a hug?"

"I suppose those terms are agreeable." he says with a hug

They play a couple of various games for a little while before finally deciding to finish.

"Before we go home I have one place I'd like to stop by Aria."

"And what's that?"

"The Salon. You want a makeover?"

"Do I? Of course!"

"Well then I guess we'll not wait any longer then."

"Thanks for this daddy. I really had fun."

"I did too. We're definitely going to do this again."


Anon's phone begins to ring and he answers it. It's Adagio.


"Hey, it's me, Adagio. Can you send us some pizza or something? Sonata and I are starving over here."

"Sure thing sweetie."

"You two have fun? You coming home soon?"

"We had a lot of fun. And we'll be home in maybe about an hour, so if the pizza gets there just go ahead and eat."

"Alright! Thanks dad! Love you!"

"Love you too."

Aria pulls on his sleeve, her face red from blushing.

"S-so... how did you know I like stuff like that... you know? Girly stuff..."

"Oh I have my resources. You ready to go?"

"I am."

They both get back in the car, listening to more rock classics along the way before finally reaching the salon. They both sit in the waiting room.

"Well I will be waiting out here when you need me. You go get your stuff done."

"I will daddy."

She walks through the door and into the rest of the salon to get her makeup. And now was the perfect time to get the adoption paperwork done. Lots of paper work and screening. Lots of it. He wished it could just be simple. Granted, paperwork wasn't all that hard, but he was a special kind of lazy. it would all be worth it. Sooner or later they would have to go to college and become successful people of their own. The very thought just filled him with pride. He may be a useless piece of nothing, but if he could shape these girls to be useful members of society, maybe he wasn't so useless after all. Not to mention it made him so happy that he could meld three little lives to happiness. Even though his family treated him like shit and made him a useless man who survived on the hard work of someone else,he was going to make the three little ones in your care break the cycle.

It brought a tear to his eye. They weren't going to be like your parents or even like him. They were going to make it for themselves. They didn't know how, but he knew that some day they were going to make it big for themselves. And he would be there to witness it every step of the way. He was so proud of them and they hadn't even gone to school yet. It was amazing just how much change 3 little souls could bring to someone. Anon waited patiently, finishing some paperwork as Aria stepped out of the salon room. Aria looked stunning. Instead of her normal pig tails, her hair had been let down and it had a nice gloss to it. Her nails were ruby red and she had some makeup applied to her face. It was as if he was starring at a grown woman.

"You look gorgeous Aria."

Her face turns a bright red

"Th-thanks daddy."

They both walk out and get back into the car.

"Thanks for today. I really needed it. I feel much better."

"I'm glad. We good now?"

She gives him a big hug.

"We never weren't."

"I love you Aria."

"I love you too dad."

They both drive home and eat dinner with the rest of the girls before finally heading off the sleep. Or so they though. Both Anon and Aria were restless that night. They both ran into each other while wondering around.

"What are you doing up so late?" Anon asked

"Dad..." Aria said "I still feel like a monster. I know you said I wasn't but... how could I not? I may have human skin but I know what I really am. And that hurts."

She clutches her chest and closes her eyes tightly.

"Aria I don't care if you're a human, siren, or multidimensional super beast. What matters is that you're my daughter and I will love you no matter what form you're in. I love you for the person you are. Not the skin you're wearing."

"I'm sorry. I know I shouldn't doubt but I just can't shake it."

Anon grabs her shoulders and kneels down in front of her.

"Look at me Aria." he says "I love you. That's all you need. You don't need to worry about what you are or what you were or what you could be. I. Love. You."

The waterworks start up again. Poor thing. He hated seeing her this way. She had cried so much the day before.

"Come here sweetie."

They both go in for a hug.

"I love you sweetheart."

"I love you too dad."

They both sit there, Aria getting all of her tears out until finally they subside.

"Daddy... Can I ask a favor of you?"

"Of course you can."

" Can you sleep with me tonight? I know it's really childish but.. I'm kinda afraid of the dark."

Anon smiled. The tough, hardened personality she always carried was starting to fade. She was actually quite warm and innocent when you got to know her.

"Sure Aria. Let me just check on Sonata real quick and I will be back."

"Ok. I'll be waiting in my room when you need me."

"I'll be there."

Anon quietly tip toes up to his room to make sure Sonata was still fast asleep. Thankfully she was. Not a hair out of place. He walks back down and sits on Aria's bed.

"You ready to sleep Aria?"

"Well... actually I was hoping for another favor."


"Well... you see..."

She pulls out a bag that belonged to Anon's ex. Must have left it when she decided to run into the arms of another man as fast she could. To his surprise, Aria pulls out a children's book titled Goodnight Moon. She holds it out in front of her, her face completely red and her eyes closed tightly shut.

"C-can you read it to me?"

"Of course I can sweetie."

Anon starts to giggle

"W-what's so funny!?"

"Nothing, it's just I never get to see this part of you. When you take down that tough girl act, you're actually quite the catch Aria."

Aria's face turns an even deeper shade of red

"U-uh... I didn't ask for you compliment. J-j-just read it to me ok?"

"Whatever you say."

She was so adorable. Anon took the book and cuddled up tightly with Aria, opening it to page one.

"In a great green room there was a telephone and a picture of, a cow jumping over the moon."

Aria huddles up extra tight. Any closer and she'd be part of his organs. Her eyes begin to shut.

"And there were three little bears, sitting on chairs, and two small kittens playing with mittens, And a little toy house, with a young mouse, and a comb and a brush and a jar full of mush, as well as the little old lady whispering hush."

A large peaceful smile forms upon her face and she slowly begins to drift into dreamland.

>"Goodnight room. Goodnight moon. Goodnight cow jumping over the moon. Goodnight light. Goodnight mush. Goodnight nobody. Goodnight old lady whispering hush. Goodnight stars. Goodnight air. Goodnight noises everywhere."

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