• Published 22nd Dec 2016
  • 8,334 Views, 216 Comments

Three Dazzling Daughters - BG9

A man with an unusual name comes across the three Dazzlings after their defeat in a younger, kid form. Cuteness ensues.

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Calm Before the Storm

It didn't take very long for Twilight to come back. Apparently she had struck gold in no time flat.

"Alright. I think I have something" Twilight said "the results are mixed. Needless to say this isn't a typical occurrence. The antidote I gave you will slow the effects but in the end the result is still the same. As far as I could see, there are no spells to reverse this."

His stomach dropped

"But there is still hope. I decided I would work out something new. And to do this we need to do two things: first we need to allowed their gems to grow back. I don't know all the details but those gems are essential to their life force. Without them, they will not survive. Next is where it gets complicated. We need to work out a way to seal their inner sirens so they don't regain control of their bodies. This will bypass the immunization factor."

"So what do you have worked out so far?"

"I know a simple way that will allow the gems to grow back. But it's the sealing spell that will be the tricky part. I'll have to come up with a new magic from scratch. Even for me this is going to be a challenge. Thanks to a few suggestions from Aria, however, I think I'm on the right track. I've to enlisted Cadence to help since love magic is her specialty. She's working on some elements of the sealing spell while I will be working on the base of it."

"How long do you think it'll take to complete?"

"It depends on how fast Cadence works. To put it simply, she's working on the point of the spear, while I'm working on the handle. She has the hard part of it."

"Fair enough. We'll be here then. Just call us when you've worked it out."

"we'll work as fast as we're able."

Twilight puts her hands on Anon's shoulders and looks him dead in the eye

"Anon." she said sternly "They're going to be ok."

He nods "Right. I leave it in your capable hands."

Twilight once again makes her exit and you're left with your daughters and the mane seven.

"How are you holding up after that?" Sunset asked "Better?"

"Certainly more confident than before. At least we have a plan to work with now."

"You want us to stay with you for the night? The girls look like they could use some help too."

"If you want too. I won't lie, having as much company as possible would help ease the tension of waiting."

"We'll help you. Whatever you need." Rarity said

He didn't reply, instead walking up stairs

"I need some time alone for right now though. I'll be back in a little."

Anon went up to his room and just sat on the bed. Finally the tears came.

"It's good. You don't cry nearly enough for the stress you're under."

He turned to look only to find Rarity

"I told you I wanted to be alone."

Rarity quietly tiptoes to the bed and sits beside him

"You don't have to be." She said "It's ok to lean on someone. Right now you're carrying the world on your back. It's ok to have people to help ease the burden darling."

"It's my responsibility."

"Just because it's your responsibility doesn't mean nobody can help. It's ok."

"I'm sorry Rarity."

"You have nothing to apologize for. It's been hard. Seeing one of my best friends drift away. I've missed you."

"Once this is over we should really hang out."

Rarity places her arm around him "We really should."

"I'm sorry I've been so distant."

"Don't even mention it. You've been under more stress in a week then some go through in an entire lifetime. I don't blame you for not being able to keep everything in order."

He and Rarity sat there for a while, watching as the sun finally reached it's peak in the sky

"It's beautiful isn't it?" Rarity asked

"It really is."

"We're here for you Anon. Through the thick and thin of it."

"Thank you Rarity."

Anon's phone began to buzz and he flipped it open. It was a text from Twi.

"Be ready in the living room. We're nearing completion of the spell."

He really had to hand it to Twi. She knew how to work fast. Anon sat up and walk downstairs, Rarity in tow. Sunset was waiting at the bottom of the steps, her arms cross and a rather annoyed looking expression on her face.

"You ok Sunset?"

"Fine." she huffed

Clearly she was not in the mood right now. Anon made his way back into the living room where the girls were playing quietly. It was a game of pirate ship. Adagio was the captain, Aria the first mate, and Sonata the cabin girl.

"Arrr the water below has turned to lava!" Adagio said, keeping one eye closed as if she was wearing an eye patch "what should we do first mate?"

Aria just sat on the floor, grumbling

"Let it consume us hopefully." she growled

Sonata popped up

"Arrr! we need to get back on the ship!" she said, pointing to the couch "we'll be safe there! Luckily I installed the fire resistant wood."

Aria rolled her eyes at the fire resistant wood comment

"Argh you could learn ah thing or two from cabin girl Sonata, First Mate! I like her spirit."

The three girls climbed atop the couch and Sonata pulled out an imaginary telescope

"Oh no! Lava octopus at twelve o'clock!"

Pinkie sat at the far end of the room, making claws with her hands and play growling at the girls

"First mate!" Adagio said "Ready the cannons!"

Aria lifted an imaginary cannonball into the imaginary cannon

"All cannons ready to fire captain!"

They started to making explosion noises as Pinkie pretended to writhe in agony

"You haven't seen the last of me Dazzle Pirates!" Pinkie said before slowly sinking on the floor

Anon couldn't help but smile. It was so sweet. It was nice to see the girls hadn't let the news get them down. In about ten minutes Twilight had returned.

"Alright here's the plan. The girls will go through the portal with me. This will cause their gems to regrow instantly. After that we have a spell that will use the siren's own strength against them. Instead of the Dazzlings being sealed in the gem, it'll be the sirens. Doing this will completely bypass the immunity factor. However in order to do this the girls will each have to face their demon one on one. If they succeed, the sirens will never awaken again."

Author's Note:

Stay tuned. The end is neigh.

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