• Published 22nd Dec 2016
  • 8,334 Views, 216 Comments

Three Dazzling Daughters - BG9

A man with an unusual name comes across the three Dazzlings after their defeat in a younger, kid form. Cuteness ensues.

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Into Thin Air

Back in the room Anon was relieved to find Adagio had managed to keep the peace. The three of them were gathered around a piece of paper playing a game a tic tac toe. When Anon returns they all look at him.

"So what's the word?" Adagio asks

"She understands the situation." Anon said "We're all good now. But she may still look at you funny. Give her time. She doesn't know you three the way I know you."

Aria lays her back against the foot of the bed.

"So what are we doing today dad?"

Anon checks his watch. 9:00 AM. Still tons of time to do stuff. But what?

"Well I wanted to save skiing for tomorrow but we still have a few options: we can go to town and shop, do a tram ride up the mountain, or we can chill out here. They have a pool and an arcade in this hotel."

The three girls sit and think for a moment.

"I kinda want to do the tram ride." Aria said

"I agree. That sounds like fun." Dagi seconds

Surprisingly, Sonata agrees as well, instead of having a huge fight with Aria over it.

"Where exactly does the tram take us daddy?" Sonata asked

"It will take us to a really great restaurant a little past half way up the mountain."

"That's it?" Aria asked, completely bored with the idea now

Adagio elbows her in the ribs for being so rude.

"What she means to say is that will be wonderful dad." Dagi says

"It's fine Adagio. We can do lots of other stuff when we get there too. We could take a Snowcat ride around the mountain, we could sled, or even both. How does that sound Aria?"

"I think that would make it a little more exciting. Alright."

"Well then we must be off. The next tram leaves in fifteen minutes so get your gear on."

Adagio and Aria quickly put the coats and boots on while Anon helps Sonata into hers and they rushed out to the tram. It was then the girls realized that the fifteen minutes thing was nothing but a ploy to get them going, as the tram acted more like a ski lift with trams coming down to pick passengers up every few minutes. Anon lets them go first.

"As they say, ladies first."

They all giggle and make their way on once he paid. For a small metal box it was surprisingly warm on the inside. The tram was red and covered in various stickers with ski puns. It does a hard lurch forward and they begin their ascent up the mountain. The girls eagerly look outside through the frosted windows overlooking the snow covered forest, Sonata with her head completely smooshed against the glass. He was surprised how little they were fighting. It was nice. Maybe they were starting to get along after all, though he hoped this wasn't just a temporary truce. Aria snuggles against him.

"This is beautiful Anon." she said

"I'll say. It's been nearly 3 years since I've been here last."

Adagio follows her lead and snuggles Anon as well.

"I agree." said Adagio "I just wish I weren't so cold."

"You're cold right now?"

"I am freezing. Are you not?"

"No. Actually I'm burning up."

Adagio looks to Aria to see if she was cold too and she also shakes her head. Sonata is still to busy with the view to notice. Maybe she was just cold blooded as they say. After a beautiful ten minute ride up the mountain the arrive at their destination: The Cloudsdale bar and grill. They all get out and start to walk to the restaurant but Sonata seems a bit sluggish.

"You ok Sonata?"

"I'm tired daddy."

"I figured. Let's just get you some food and you'll be right back on track."

He picked her up and carried her into the restaurant. Sonata was panting. Weird. That walk shouldn't have taken that much out of her. After sitting down, Sonata's well being seemed to deteriorate by the second. It was pretty clear this was more than just hunger. By the time the food arrived, Sonata was pale and had her head down.

"Sonata? You ok sweetie?"

She shook her head and clutched her belly.

"I don't feel so hot." she said, her words slurring slightly

"What's going on?"

"I feel like I'm going to throw up. My head is spinning."

Then it hit Anon like a slap to the face. He couldn't believe he didn't realize it sooner. It was obviously altitude sickness. Poor thing wasn't acclimatized to this thin air.

"You probably have altitude sickness. I'll ask for the check and we can go back so you can get more acclimated."

Aria gets pissed.

"What? But I wanted to go on the Snowcat!"

"Sorry Aria. If we let this go on Sonata could be in some very serious trouble. We have an entire week. We will do it I promise."

She crosses her arms indignantly


"She'll be alright won't she dad?" Adagio asks worriedly

"She will. I'll just ask reception for a tank of oxygen and she will be good as new. She will just have to take things slow."

Anon pays for the food and picks Sonata up in his arms. It was best for her not to move around so much. She looked as if she was going to puke any second. After what seems like an eternity for the next tram, holding Sonata close to you. Her head was in her lap, her arms crossed and her breathing had quickened.

"Daddy my head hurts."

Anon starts to rub her back

"I know honey. We're almost there. Just hang in there. You are doing great."

They finally make it and carry Sonata in your arms again, running straight to the receptionist. This time Lyra Heartstrings was manning the helm.

"Hey Lyra. Can you get me a portable tank of oxygen?" Anon asked

"Sure thing Mr...?" Lyra started


She shrugs her shoulders at the unusual name and gets a tank of oxygen out of the back room.

"What room should I charge too?"

"Four twenty five."

They get back to your room and put the mouth piece to Sonata lips, turning the flow on.

"Just take nice deep breaths. You'll feel much better."

She just nods, closes her eyes and breathes. Aria is still salty. Maybe it was too soon for them to get along. But he wasn't giving up that easily.

"So what do we do now?" Adagio asked

"Would you like to practice singing again?"

Adagio blushes deeply and Aria giggles.

"Wait, you two sang together?"

"D-dad! Not in front of Aria!"

Anon just smiled and said "Well then, in that case, how about we do a bit of shopping?"

Aria raises her eyebrow

"Didn't we already buy all the presents? And what about Sonata?"

"We aren't shopping for that. We're just going to buy food and stuff. And we'll take Sonata with us. She just has to take it easy for a bit. She'll be good as new in about 20 to 30 minutes."

Adagio looks at Sonata

"Well she does look a little better. I'm surprised how fast that works." Dagi said

"It will be really important she keep the oxygen mask on. Otherwise she's just going to go right back to this. So if you see Sonata taking her mask off, make sure she puts it back on."

Anon picks Sonata up and places her on his back.

"You girls ready?"

"Yep!" they both say

The group takes the elevator down only to find the mane five standing in the lobby talking. They didn't look happy and he was sure this wasn't mere coincidence. Anon places Sonata against that wall.

"Girls, watch over Sonata for me."

"Aye sir!" Adagio says

He walks towards the group and they spot him, Rainbow Dash getting right in his face and saying "So Anon? Care to explain why you are trying to adopt 3 evil sirens?"

He filled with anger at the statement. They were not evil and it made him angry that she would say that so bluntly, so ignorantly.

"Don't you dare talk about my girls that way."

"Your girls!? Do you even remember what they tried to do!? They are monsters!"

It took every ounce of energy he hand not to knock Rainbow Dash to the ground for saying that. He got back in her face and looked her dead in the eye.

"I swear if you call them monsters one more time I will show you what a real monster looks like."

Rainbow doesn't back down.

"Oh yeah? Let's see you try. I dare you."

Rarity steps in between the two of them, pushing them apart.

"Now stop! This is no way for us to behave." she turns to face Anon "But darling, we would like an explanation. Just why do you want to adopt them? Aren't you afraid they will turn back into... you know... monsters?"

Just then Aria yells across the room


Tears are overflowing from eyes like a waterfall, her fists clenched tightly. Anon had never seen her get so angry before. He turns back to the group.

"Like what she said. They aren't the dazzlings you knew. They are amazing people. Now if you'll excuse us, we have to get some shopping done."

Anon picks Sonata back up and they start to storm out.

"Come on girls." Anon said angrily

Out at the car, Aria was still crying quite a bit. She may have acted tough back in the lobby, but that cut deeper than any knife ever could. Anon put Sonata and Adagio in the car and knelt down to Aria.

"Don't listen to them Aria. No matter what they say, you are a good person."

"How do you know that!?"

She can barely speak through the sobbing

"H-how can you tell me, look me in the eye, and say that I am not a monster?"

Anon looked her dead in the eyes

"Could a monster make a person who hated life and wanted to live forever in solitude the exact opposite? Could a monster make someone as hateful as me feel love again?"

Her tears stop for a moment

"What do you mean?"

"Before I met you my entire life was centered around hate. I lived alone and all I wanted to do was die. But then you three showed up. Taught me how to love, taught me that life isn't as bad as it seems. The life is worth living."

"You mean that?"

"Yes, I do."

"But what about the plan? You were supposed to throw us away..."

"And I didn't did I? I'm here with you to the very bitter end because you're my daughter Aria, and I love you."

She hugged him tighter than ever before.

"I love you daddy."

"I love you too sweetie."

"And you mean it? I'm not a monster?"

"I never once saw you that way. You're just the little girl I've loved since the moment I met you."

She smiles that brilliant Aria smile.

"Thanks dad." she says, rubbing her eyes "Now let's go shop."


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