• Published 22nd Dec 2016
  • 8,335 Views, 216 Comments

Three Dazzling Daughters - BG9

A man with an unusual name comes across the three Dazzlings after their defeat in a younger, kid form. Cuteness ensues.

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The Black Maiden

Adagio keeps frantically searching in the trashcan and pulls what she was looking for out of it. A half smoked cigarette. She then pulls out something even more surprising: a lighter. Anon gets up and walks towards her. It all made sense now. Whenever they were in a crowded place she found cigarettes and it kept her calm. Whenever they were alone, however, she got depressed and frantic. It explained why she had gotten so pale too. He couldn't believe he didn't see it sooner. As Adagio sees him coming her eyes widen in fear and she hides the lighter and cancer stick.

"Adagio?" he asked sternly "What are you doing?"

"W-what are you talking about?" she lied "I was just using the bathroom."

"We saw what you took out of the trash Adagio. You're not fooling anyone."

All of a sudden, Aria steps forward

"Adagio? Why?" Aria pleaded

Her eyes are contorted in pain, almost as if she looks betrayed. Adagio just remains silent.

"Come on girls. We're going home."

"But-" Adagio started

"Now, Adagio. And while you're at it, throw away the cigarette and lighter while you're at it."

Adagio's head sinks in shame and she throws them both away. The group marches out in complete silence and get in the car. Anon could tell if he was mad or depressed about the whole thing. He should have seen this, he should have prevented this! Why didn't she tell him in the first place? He felt so stupid, so ridiculous, so ashamed for not being able to protect his daughter. They finally reached the house and Anon parked the car just outside of the garage.

"Aria, Sonata. Go inside. Adagio and I need to have a little talk. And behave while you're in there."

The two sisters both nod and go in silently. Anon turns of the engine and looks at Adagio.

"So. Is there something you'd like to tell me?"

Adagio looks miserable. He could tell just by looking at her that she had a million different thought whizzing around in her head. She was probably trying to think of whether or not to tell him whatever it was she needed to say.

"I... I'm sorry."

"How long?"

"It started way back... The first one I got was when we were Christmas shopping."

"And how did you know how use them?"

"It's all a bit hazy. But while we were in the mall I found and unused cigar on the floor and a lighter next to it." she explain "So I did it out of curiosity and now we're here."

"Why did you do it? I'm sure I don't need to tell you how dangerous those things are."

Adagio looked down, her face deeply wrenched with pain. Whatever secret she was keeping had clearly been weighing heavily on her mind.

"Well..." she started, biting her lip "Remember when I said I wasn't experiencing any more effects of that thing inside me? I lied..."

"You what?"

"I'm sorry! I just... I just didn't want you to worry about me. And the smoking made it go away."

Anon leans his head back against the seat. How could he have been so blind? How could he not have seen this?

"You should have told me."

Finally, the dam bursts and she starts to cry

"I... I just feel so much pressure!" she blubbers "I want to impress you, I want to protect Sonata and Aria, I... I just for once want to be the daughter who isn't a burden!"

Anon eyes widen by the sudden outburst. Had she really been holding all these things inside? Adagio puts her head in her hands and sobs.

"But now I'm more of a burden than ever! You must hate my guts! I am such a horrible daughter!"

Anon's heart felt like it was being stabbed with a knife hearing those words. He hugs her tight.

"Oh, Dagi" Anon said gently "When did you ever once believe I thought of you as a burden?"

"All the time! I mean look at me! When we went skiing you had to talk me down just because of my hair, I ruined Sonata's perfect trip to the museum, and now this! I am such a disappointment! I'm the worst!"

"Adagio. I have never once thought of you as a burden. Never. I don't blame you for this. You were just trying to cope the best way you knew how. And the other times, I don't see as bad. We're not perfect. Sometimes we slip and fall. It's what makes us human."

"I'm not human! I'm a monster!"

"You're not a monster darling girl. You're my daughter and no daughter of mine would ever be a monster."

All Adagio could do now was cry. She just sat there with her head in her hands. She really had been keeping this in for a while. It was amazing she managed to keep a brave face as long as she did. Not many people could do that without breaking down.

"I'm sorry Daddy. I'm so, so, so sorry."

"Shhhh. So long as you don't smoke again, you have absolutely nothing to apologize for. I will always love you no matter what choices you make. Remember that."

She hugs her father tightly, spending the better part of an hour crying with him before finally running out of tears. It just went to show how much pain she had been keeping inside her this whole time.

"Thank you daddy. I promise from this point on I will never touch one of those things ever again."

"Good girl. I'm afraid I'm going to have to punish you for this though. You're grounded to your room for a week."


"Yep. You can still call me up if you need me but you're not allowed to come out unless I say. You can also come down for meals."

"But... no. I deserve this. Alright. I'll do it."

They get out of the car, Adagio holding his hand and went into the house. Now it was time to explain the situation to the others. What an absolute joy. Adagio lumbers upstairs and Anon calls out to her.

"If something happens, please call me Adagio. I'll be up there instantly."

Adagio smiles

"Ok. I promise I will."

Anon felt terrible about this but he had to stand firm. He wanted to make absolutely certain she never did this again. He was going to check on her every now and again just to make sure she was alright, but she had to be left alone to think about what she'd done. Aria and Sonata rush to his side.

"Alright girls. Adagio has be grounded to her room for the next week. You're not allowed to go up there without my permission."

Aria looks down "Alright."

"You too Sonata."

She nods and hugs him tight.

"I hope big sis Dagi gets better soon"

"She will sweet girl. I promise."

He kisses Sonata's forehead and stands up.

"I'll be in my room if you need me."

Just before he leaves, Aria pulls on his sleeve.

"Actually dad... can we talk to real quick? It's important."

"Of course you can darling."

Aria leads him into her room and takes out the scrapbook again.

"Is it alright if we keep talking about this? We didn't finish last time."

Anon sits on the bed

"What would you like to know?"

Aria sits beside her father, leaning her head against him

"Tell me about Bella. I know she's someone you know because of the pictures."

"Well, Aria, once upon a time your old man actually had someone he wanted to marry. She was the girl."

Aria's eyes go wide

"Seriously? But when we were at the adoption agency you seemed so angry."

"Let's start this story at the beginning shall we? Picture me, nineteen years old and in college for the very first time. I was a shut in for most of my life, preferring to stay in my room and play video games whenever possible. So I'm here in college and I meet this woman. She had the most beautiful black hair and an even more gorgeous smile. And she sat by me in math class every day."

Anon pauses for a moment and takes a deep breath. The wounds still ran pretty deep.

"We started talking and hit off almost instantly. She was funny and sweet and kind. Just amazing. She seemed to take a liking to me and my goofy nature. My best friend, however, was cautious of this. She believed something was off about her and the way she acted around me. I didn't listen of course, I was madly in love and didn't want to see any negatives to it. She was the first female to ever be willing to get romantically involved with me and I sure wasn't going to pass that up."

He takes another long pause. He didn't expect it to be this hard. Aria holds his hand.

"We can stop if this is too painful." she said "I can tell whatever happened, it really hurt you."

"No, I'm perfectly fine. Don't worry about me."

"You know I can't not worry about my dad. But if you're sure."

Aria readjusts herself to get comfortable and patiently waits for him to continue.

"Bella was... how should I put this kindly... a bit of a sociopath. She felt no empathy for others and viewed everyone around her as a means to an end. I was the perfect target for her. I was young, stupid, and meeting the first girl to ever show me romantic attention. Another thing to add, she really liked to hurt people when they no longer served a purpose. I don't know what purpose I served for her. Maybe she was trying to feel human or many she just enjoyed stringing me along. I asked her to get married and she agreed. After spending a large amount of money on our perfect wedding, getting everything set up, and picking an amazing venue... she stood me up."

"She didn't show up?"

"That's right." Anon said "Right before the wedding began she ran out and never spoke a word to me. Not until now of course"


"Yes sweetie?"

"You're crying."

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