• Published 16th Jun 2018
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Dadonequus Discord (Book 2) - CrazedLaughter

With the exodus of Chrysalis, Anon's life finally starts to go back to normal. Or rather, as normal as it can be when being the adopted son of the spirit of chaos. But new problems await him. What they are? Who knows...

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Chapter 112 - The Visit with Chrysalis - Movie Time Part 1

Twilight sat there, feeling tense as she looked to the frozen screen. She looked to you, then back to the TV, still feeling apologetic about what had transpired. You yourself were just trying to let loose the tenseness you felt. Goddammit though, Twilight was a fucking handful, she better have actually understood what you told her or else that was it, you’d REALLY give her a reason to hide in her little castle and cry.

Chrysalis, who you gave control back to the movie player, just groaned as she rested her head on her legs. “Look, I know everypony is rather moody right now. And yes, I know this may surprise everypony as well, but I’d actually like to play the documentary and see what Twilight has to say about it.”

Twilight’s ears flicked in surprise as she looked back to Chrysalis, confused. “What? You’re actually interested in my input?”

“Why wouldn’t I be? I can sense that you’re probably thinking I just want to see you scared again, but let me tell you this; I adore this documentary, I love how it is presented, and I enjoy the soldiers who would have theoretically made perfect commanders for my…” Chrysalis stops there, she didn’t want to finish that sentence, she had no changeling children to compare to it. She sighed, and continued her admiration. “Well, in anycase, this documentary holds many ideologies and philosophies that, given you are Celestia’s annoying little scholar, I’d be interested in seeing your reactions and hearing your personal opinions. What, is that too suspicious a motive for you to agree to?”

“No! No…” Twilight wasn’t expecting that. While it still seemed she would enjoy Twilight being spooked by the film, it genuinely seemed like Chrysalis did want to have a discussion about it as well. “Is the… Erm, documentary that interesting?”

“Leaps and bounds more interesting than pony history, and is almost as interesting as my own, I promise you that. I really do mean what I said about wanting soldiers and commanders like them, not to mention all that wonderful technology. A hive is one thing, but to have an entire battleship. Mmmmm, it makes me salivate at times.” Chrysalis said, licking her lips as she let out a slight chuckle.

“I really doubt it can be that interesting.” Twilight says, suddenly feeling rather judgmental and dismissing of Chrysalis's notion. “And a battleship? With cannons and sails? We already have those. Are human battleships really that much better?”

“Geez, Twilight, instead of just questioning it, can we just watch it? All your questions will be answered if you just, I dunno, watch the dang thing?” You tell her. You had to admit, Chrysalis brought up a good point, Twilight’s reactions would be damned interesting to see, way too damn interesting to let her delay it with her suspicions and nagging.

“Fine, I will.” Twilight says in an almost childish manner as she fixes her gaze back to the TV. “But don’t expect me to change my mind.”

Chrysalis rolled her eyes as she finally pressed play, not even saying a word about it further. She just wanted to watch one of her favorite documentaries again.

And finally, the movie began proper. Twilight, in an instant, was already rolling her eyes. “A propaganda piece? Really? I thought this was a documentary.”

“Christ, Twilight, didn’t you just say you’d just watch it?” You ask her. Like damn, it wasn’t even a minute in yet.

“Right… I was just confused. I erm… Ok.” Twilight held her tongue. She didn’t even know why she spoke out like that, and yet, she suddenly had a memory of Starlight’s shack lingering in her mind. Perhaps she only thought of it due to her confusion. But then, when the next part showed the starships, space, and the blasting of meteors… Her eyes just lit up. “Whaaaaa?! There’s no way! I-is that actually up in space?! Meteors? Those cannons in proportion of the planet… No! That’s massive! And I always theorized there was no gravity in space, so for those giant space… thingys. Wait, Battleships! Those are the battleships?! How, what?! Bug planet? What is AHHHHHHHHHHHHHH!” Twilight’s amazement suddenly became fright as she jumped back on the scene of the reporter being pierced by the bug soldier. Twilight almost looked like Fluttershy as she dared to peek at times at the violence going on. “Why do they show these parts?! Why can’t they just explain it?! How did they even get this kind of footage?! And those-” And finally, Chrysalis had enough and spoke up.

“Yes! We get it! You’re very impressed and intrigued! If I knew every detail was going to make you a motormouth I’d have just kicked you out and started planning for your annihilation! Unless it is something worth questioning, just…” Chrysalis sighed to herself as she rolled to her side. “Ugh, who am I kidding? It’s still impressive to see even now. Princess, just, I don’t know, try to be less pony about it. I’d like to be able to enjoy rewatching this without you jumping all over the place.”

Woah, was Chrysalis actually being semi friendly towards Twilight?! It could be just the fact she loves the movie and would like the chance to enjoy it again, but the fact she wasn’t trying to murder her for so many annoying questions could very well mean she secretly enjoys Twilight’s positive reactions just as much as her negative ones. Odd, but you may be overthinking it, it could just be the fact she’s easier to connect with when she’s having a good time… Or drunk. Because you still remember that, poor Caramel.

“Oh… Erm, right, I said I’d watch it. Something worth mentioning, got it.” Twilight said with a nod. But as the movie replayed, she couldn’t help but look back at Chrysalis for a moment. To her, it really was weird to see her acting friendly in any capacity. It made her internally smile, even if her mind was riddled with so many questions about what she was watching.

Of course, Twilight’s first real question would come soon after the classroom scene. She wouldn’t break her view of the screen, but she did have to speak up. “Why did he put so much emphasis over civilian and citizen? One can be both, can’t they? I noticed human language is almost identical to pony, so I’m just wondering if there is just a culture barrier there.”

“Well, no, it’s as he explained it, Twilight. Citizenship is essentially an honor to those who are willing to fight to defend their planet. And civilian… Well, basically isn’t. It’s just a matter of respect and all… And stuff.” Man, that was a bad explanation, but the movie already essentially gave the basics on it.

“I see… Well, that may work for humans, but we ponies understand that not everypony can fight.” Twilight states.

“That’s probably why you and your friends are the only ones capable of saving the kingdom all the time. And while that is me admitting that you are worthy of being called a citizen, it says a lot about the rest of you, now doesn’t it?” Chrysalis said mockingly.

“Hey! What is that supposed to mean?! We also have the Wonderbolts and the Royal Guards for each princess but myself, not to mention a police force in such cities like Manehatten.” Twilight said, trying to correct Chrysalis.

“It’ll mean plenty when you see how humans train. Now hush, we’ll discuss more AFTER the war declaration.” Chrysalis said, trying to enjoy the movie while hushing Twilight.

“Ok, but why does this documentary have such a focus on ‘Johnny Rico’? Oh! Unless he’s-” Holy crap, you had to interrupt her.

“Twilight! C’mon, just watch more of the documentary already! Yeesh!” You didn’t even want to sound too harsh, it was kind of cute. But in the end, it would get grating to hear Twilight piping up every second like a child.

“Right, ok. I won’t say another word until after that war declaration part. But I might still have a lot of questions right-” But Twilight stops herself when she sees both you and Chrysalis slowly turn and look at her, obviously annoyed. She just gulped, tapped at her forehead, and stopped herself from talking. Christ, she was acting almost like Pinkie Pie.

Luckily for the both of you, Twilight stayed silent for most of the beginning part of the movie. In fact, she kind of looked on in awe with all the ‘would you like to know more’ segments going on, and some of the stuff like the ESP and Rico’s life. Twilight looked like she did want to know more, she did look like she wanted to ask how to know more on said segments, but she kept it to herself to let the movie play. She was just kinda sitting there like a puppy, waving her tail back and forth as she absorbed knowledge. It was actually pretty adorable to see.

And then when the training scenes popped up, Chrysalis finally said. “You know, Princess, you can ask SOME questions if you like. I’d like to see how my ideas line up with yours thus far.” Obviously, Chrysalis couldn't wait to at least hear some of her opinions thus far.

Twilight looked back in surprise. She could see Chrysalis was relaxed, laying there, as if she was anypony else. Of course, her words, it made her curious to do just that. “Well, so far things seem very advanced technologically more than magically. In fact, it seems that humans being magicless is very true, as if to balance out the fact that their technological prowess is second to none. Though, their training seems a little-GYAH! Did he really throw that knife into his hand?! Why?!”

Chrysalis had a chuckle at that as she answers Twilight’s question. “He thought himself too good. That seems to be a thing with untrained humans. Really, Twilight, though you haven’t seen much of what a good soldier can do right now, humans at their full potential and their weaponry are very deadly indeed. And as you can see, they aren’t afraid to cause great pain to one another to teach a lesson in discipline. Of course, thinking about it now, if my changelings were to mimic human form and somehow gain their weapons… Well, even you have to agree it’d be a clean sweep of a victory.”

“Chrysalis…” Twilight stands to face her. Obviously Twilight wasn’t too keen on her saying that she would easily wipe the floor with a pony army. “We have well trained soldiers and guardsponies at the ready, some trained by my brother. If what you said would happen, then you must know that it wouldn’t be that easy for you, and with sheer will and superior trust in one another, we would defeat you.”

Chrysalis began to laugh even harder, pointing at Twilight in humored disbelief. “Are you serious?! Are you truly serious?! When has your little fighting force stopped ANYTHING? No, seriously, Princess, tell me. Aside from silly little intruders, every evil force that has shown itself has wiped the floor with ALL of Equestria’s main defenses. And yes, that includes your utterly useless ‘Wonderbolts’. Name one time, Twilight Sparkle, One time. If you can name one time, I’ll give up right now and become your new friend. Go on, do it!”

“Ok! Well, there was…” Twilight’s ears stiffened as her eyes widened, she then began to stutter a bit as she rubbed under her chin, thinking. “W-well, there was… And uh… I mean… No, we did that. And Discord, and Tirek, and you… Sombra… Pony of Shadows... Is there…” Twilight winced as her ears folded. Was it true? Were they really useless? Was her brother really useless when a major threat appeared? “W-well, I-I can still say that my friends and I have stood up against everything evil has thrown at us…” But Twilight didn’t sound too confident saying that, considering how defenseless Equestria now seemed. Even Celestia and Luna… They couldn’t stop anything anymore.

The way she looked, the way she was shaking. Like fuck, you didn’t want her world view destroyed or anything, that was a tad much. “Um, Twilight, I mean… Villains just do things good guys aren’t willing to do, right? The guards and stuff, y’know, seems like villains in Equestria can only really be stopped by rainbow blasts and stuff… Stuff, erm… .” God, how do you make them sound useful?

“To avoid you having some crisis, I’ll just agree with Anon. Beings such as myself are very powerful threats. Just look at the situation you find yourself in now. You and I are tied to a thread of fate, one only you can settle.” Chrysalis said with a chuckle to herself. “Perhaps that was a tad too poetic, but it’s the truth. Come now, Princess, you’ve gone this long defeating those who threaten Equestria, why should you let it bother you now? Sit back, relax, we’re all friends here… For now.”

“She’s right, Twilight. You never complained before. Is it really so bad? They just do the basic defensive stuff, and you and the girls handle the usual seasonal big bads.” You explain, it sounded fine to you.

“Ugh, don’t you get it? The Wonderbolts, the princesses, the royal guards, they should be able to stop at least one single major threat. And the princesses used to… And, and…” Twilight fell over in a slump, her mood utterly destroyed. “My brother goes through so much trouble to train his troops… and Discord and Tirek were able to walk right over them. Chrysalis managed to fool everypony, and when she invaded, nopony could stop her or her changeling army.” Twilight said as she covered her face in shame.

“Twilight, get off my floor, you look more pathetic than usual.” Chrysalis said as she hovered up and landed beside her. “If it’ll make you feel better and stop this useless interruption, then I will remind you it was your brother and Princess Cadance who ended up stopping me. You know this, and yet you’re so mired by my insult that you’d just rather be forgetful and annoying. Let me put it in a way you can understand, you need large amounts of power to stop somepony like me, something usually only you and your friends possess. Understand now? Can we continue?”

“Something only me and my friends possess? But… In that case, my brother and Cadance have it too. Or really…” Twilight begins to stand as she suddenly comes to a powerful realization. “How could I forget?! How could I lose sight of it for even a second?! Friendship is the most powerful force there is, that’s why my friends and I can use the elements in the first place, that’s why friendship and love can overcome any obstacle! And somehow, I forgot that! Haha! It was right in front of me and I missed it. The soldiers, the Wonderbolts, they could probably use some friendship training to help fight off evil better. Wow!” Twilight turned to look to Chrysalis with a smile. “Chrysalis, I’m impressed, really. I never thought I could be reminded of a good lesson like that by somepony like you.”

“U-uhhh, w-w-what?” Chrysalis said in a stutter, taking a step back.

“You know, the magic of friendship. I never thought you could have that much of a grasp on it. You and Anon did save Equestria too, even if it was another universe. You know that power, you know what it can do. Deep inside, you have love, and you know it, that’s why you understand it the way you do now. Maybe we don’t have the humans’ training, but we do have what really counts to protect the world, right here.” Twilight says as she taps at her chest. “And I’m glad to know how wrong I was about you. That deep down inside, you do care, oh so much.”

Chrysalis was visibly shaking, her eye twitching. “All that from pointing out the truth of the situation?! Ngh! I’m going to be sick! How is it you ponies can twist every little thing into something positive and, tch, good?”

“Because we are good, Chrysalis, and so are you, I know it, and Anon knows it.” Twilight said with a determined nod.

Chrysalis then looked to you with a snarl. “Don’t even say anything, I know you want to.”

You shrugged, placed on your horn, and made a sign appear that said. ‘You did save my life more than once, you’re like a sister to me. How many times do you need to be reminded? Because I’ll keep doing that. Woo, check out how long this sign is! Eat at Doughnut Joe’s!’

Chrysalis narrowed her eyes at you and began to point, but then rolled her eyes, hovered back to her place on her bed, and put the movie back on play. “This was the worst mistake I ever made…” Chrysalis said with a groan as she waves her hoof towards the movie. “I don’t want to talk about this anymore, it has nothing to do with the documentary. So let us continue.”

And continue it did, though Twilight did have a bit of a giggle, feeling more calmed to see Chrysalis more light hearted than usual. However, then came the infamous coed shower scene. And this caught the attention of not only you… due to bewbs, but also the attention of Chrysalis and Twilight in so many different ways. While Twilight stared on, Chrysalis had to stop the movie as she began to dart her eyes around.

“Chrysalis? You ok?” You immediately noticed her get up as the movie paused, she looked like she was looking for something to hunt, to kill.

“Quiet” She said in a low voice as she began to skulk around, floating up to the ceiling to remain hidden. “I sense an intruder.”

“What?!” Twilight stood up, her horn lit up for a fight. “Is it dangerous? Because I’m willing to help t-” But Chrysalis cut her off with a snarl.

“Silence, idiot! The whole point is to not let it know that we know.” Chrysalis said.

“Well…” You whisper “What the hell is it? Where is it? Because I can just blast that shit myself with my horn.”

“I don’t know for sure, but it might have a taste for beautiful mares… Such as myself. Yes, I smell two sources of lust. One obviously being you because you’ll mate with anything that has a female voice… And…” Chrysalis skulked about the ceiling, right until she was right above Twilight. She looked down at her, while Twilight looked up at her. Chrysalis’s eyes then went wide. “No…. Ohhhh noooooo, this can’t be real.”

“W-what can’t be real? C-chrysalis, why are you looking at me… CHRYSALIS!?” Twilight jumped back as Chrysalis fell down, landing on her side. “Chrysalis, are you alright?! What happened?!”

But Chrysalis was rolling on the ground now, laughing near uncontrollably.

“Oh no… She’s acting super weird.” You gulped, and slowly approached her. “Chrysalis, you alright? Are… you being tickled by an invisible thing? Or are you, uh? How does your sanity feel?”

“Hahaha! Anon! Hahaha! You idiot! She’s the other source! Do you know what that means?!” Chrysalis said, unable to gain her composure.

“A-Anon, i-is she going to be ok? Does she normally act like this?” Twilight asked, fearing for Chrysalis’s health.

“Not really. This is kinda new. What could she have meant by that? Other source? She? I think she means you, but…” You look at Twilight for a moment, then look back at the TV to see Rico showering in pause, then back at Twilight, then back at Rico… And then your pupils shrank as it hit you. You nearly flew back as you pointed at her. “Holy crap! It’s canon!”

“What?! Canon? As in, like a book?! Anon, what’s going on?! What’s with you and Chrysalis?!” Twilight truly didn’t understand what was happening, and it was scaring her.

“Y-you fool, haha! You moron, hehe!” Chrysalis slowly stood up, and pointed towards the television. “You’re the second source of lust! You actually find the human physique attractive! No wonder you’re single with no prince! How does that even happen?! It’s too absurd! So pathetic!”

“What?! N-no I don’t! What?! I’m a pony! He’s a human, a human in a documentary! We’re completely incompatible and… Wait, are you assuming I can’t get a coltfriend?! I mean, I can, I just never really saw the need to! And Anon, I’m surprised at you! You definitely know that isn’t true! So why do you find it horri-GYAH!? What are you doing?!” Twilight was taken aback as you held up a giant signboard with your magic, of a realistic human, buff, posing in his underwear. Twilight was just stunned by it, and then… She began to blush.

“Holy crap! You’re blushing! It’s true! Oh my god!” Holy fuck! HOLY FUCK!

“I AM not! I just… I, why am I even staring at it?!” Twilight turned away, covering her eyes with her wings. “I-I just don’t understand what you both are talking about!”

Chrysalis was finally beginning to calm down as she removed a tear from her eye. “It’s very simple, Princess. I can sense emotions, some better than others, love and lust being the easiest for me. You were emitting lust on this very scene, and for Anon’s signboard. You can’t hide it, and it is most hilarious. Really, to think Anon would have had a chance with you had Discord kept him in his original form.”

“Really? W-woah…” You began to blush. You really could have had Twilight, huh? Would have been nice to be a prince.

“Probably not, she seems like the type who would put your head on a pike for even looking at another mare. Or you’d die from all her nagging. A cruel way to lose one’s life.” Chrysalis said with a snicker as she climbed back onto her bed.

“I am not like that! I am not attracted to humans! I will never be attracted to Anon! I am not a nag! I have never nagged anypony to death! Ever! You’re both wrong! Grrr!” Twilight rushed up and swiped the remote from Chrysalis and began to examine it, noticed the play button, and began to rapidly tap at it. “Grr! Let’s just watch the documentary! We’re wasting time talking about something that ISN’T TRUE!”

“Whatever you say, Princess.” Chrysalis snickered

Oh god, it really is canon, even when the mirror isn’t. Christ, how horrifying. Though, you couldn’t help but snicker to yourself, that was pretty funny.

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