• Published 16th Jun 2018
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Dadonequus Discord (Book 2) - CrazedLaughter

With the exodus of Chrysalis, Anon's life finally starts to go back to normal. Or rather, as normal as it can be when being the adopted son of the spirit of chaos. But new problems await him. What they are? Who knows...

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Chapter 158 - A Buggy Stroll

You reappear near the fountain at town square. The usual comfortable spot and exit of your portal door. Upon appearing, you looked around for Cozy, as she seemed to usually be around, waiting for you. No sign of her though, not that you cared at the moment, you were in the damned clear. “Let’ssss see, what to do? What toooo do.” You pondered to yourself. You were free, there was nothing chaotic going about, and… Huh, you did have the choices of just visiting your friends… Or bowling, the bowling alley had been repaired at this point. Or you could visit Diamond Tiara, you could use some relaxing do-

“Anon? What are you doing?” Said a gentle voice from your side.

“Guh?! Gyah! Oh…” It was Ocellus? What… What was she doing here? “Ocellus, what’s up?”

“Well, I was doing some exercises Counselor Starlight gave me, for uh, confidence. Then I noticed you just standing there. Are you up to something?” Ocellus asked, rather bluntly.

“Yikes, sheesh. Is that your way of saying ‘What’s up’?” Ocellus was adorable, but ever since she got in your face about your attitude and Chrysalis, she always seems to assume you’re up to no good, which made her less attractive in your eyes, but only slightly. Not important to note, but cute is cute.

“No, I’m asking if you’re up to anything. And no, I don’t mean related to… Her. You just seem to be really really relieved about something.” Ocellus stated, eyeing you closely for any shifty movements.

“Ocellus, I’m just having a good day. Are you really going to get on my case over having a good day?” Fuck man, she’s nosy as all hell. You know she means well, but she seems to either want to protect you or call you out. you get this feeling that she thinks your actions are idiotic or something.

Given Ocellus could tell you were in a very positive mood, she retracted herself upon realizing maybe she greeted you in a way she shouldn’t have. “S-sorry, I… No, you’re right, that was wrong of me. I guess I’ve been a little jumpy since it’s been obvious when you visit, you know…” Ocellus sighed. “I can’t even say her name anymore. I still don’t know how you can just let her do what she wants, Anon.”

“We’ve been over this, Ocellus. Geez, you need to chill, ok? My marefriend is ok with it, Smolder is in the know and she’s ok with it, and you met my crusader friends, er, they're kinda ok with it? And most importantly, the princesses are ok with it. End of discussion.” Ugh, Ocellus was cute, but you seriously had it with this attitude of hers. “You’re the only one in the know who isn’t ok with it, and that’s fine. But, y’know, this song and dance has gotten old.”

Ocellus doesn’t even try to speak out this time. She’s been anxious about the whole thing, growing tense everyday as fears of Chrysalis pulling off some scheme invaded her nightmares almost every night. It made her fearful. And yet, what can she do? The plan was set in motion long before she knew, and she has exhausted her arguments with you. “I’m sorry, it’s just very hard, Anon. It’s hard to relax knowing she can be around the corner. She scares me.”

“Ocellus…” Ugh, that sorry sad yet adorable pout. God you were a sucker for cute. It’s amazing how her and Scrappy differ. Scrappy looking past Chrysalis’s evil and worshiping her as a god, while Ocellus and the rest of the changelings see her as a tyrannical monster. Perhaps she needed a way to relax, and being you, you knew exactly what to do. You not only hope that it works, but it works in such a way that has she sees you in a more positive light. Heavens knows what would happen if she found out about the whole Storm Ravager thing. She’d probably have a bitch fit knowing he could have been at large. “Look, I was gonna go see my marefriend, Diamond Tiara. You should come with, she likes changelings.”

“She likes ‘Nymous’. I know she’s met her in her normal form too, but I bet she still acted like ‘her sister’.” Ocellus told you, she was really not being agreeable. For a converted love bug, she seemed to really HATE Chrysalis. As in, more and more than you realize.

“Ocellus, just relax, ok? You’re my friend, alright? I just want you to have a good time.” You weren’t going to get into an argument on semantics. You already knew Chrysalis cared about Diamond, so it wasn’t worth arguing. “Will you please let me show you a good time?”

Ocellus went silent, and began to reflect upon herself, and how she was acting. She could now really tell that she was probably being overbearing. She had to fully accept there was nothing she could do about ‘her’ plan. And, from her point of view, with you having done nothing wrong, all she was doing was ruining your good mood. “Y-yes, s-sorry, again. I would like to make a new friend. Is Diamond Tiara nice? She seems to always command you to do stuff.”

“Er, I mean, she can be a little forceful. But she’s also pretty sweet. One of her best qualities though is the fact that when she says she’ll do something, she’ll do it. Er, well, that also depends on what that something is. But when it’s good stuff, it’s good stuff.” You explain as you begin to take the lead towards Diamond’s manor.

“Well, I guess you wouldn’t still be her coltfriend if she was a bad pony. Er, do you think she’ll like me?” Ocellus asked, feeling more and more bashful about it.

“She will, but she’ll also probably ask you to transform once or twice into something. So expect that.” You say

“I don’t mind if she asks. The concept of us being good is still sort of new, so seeing what we can do outside of using our powers to capture and drain love must make a lot of ponies curious. Oh, what do you think of the Headmare going to visit Mount Aris? Given your popularity, I’m surprised you haven’t asked her to come along.” Ocellus said, curious to your answer.

Wut? “I didn’t know that was a thing.”

“Oh… Well, she did make an announcement she was going.” Ocellus tells you, taken aback that you somehow didn’t know.

“I probably wasn't there for that.” You say

“But you were, Silverstream was hugging all over you the moment Headmare Twilight announced it. She was hugging you and telling you could meet her brother and let the other h-Oh, never mind. That’s probably why you didn’t know.” Ocellus said, as she softly chuckled to herself.

“What do you mean by that? I mean, I remember the big hug and… Ohhhhh…” Dammit…

“Mhmm, I guess you’ll never get over females you deem cute showing affection towards you. It’s honestly why I don’t show any to you.” Ocellus says, as she shivers ever so slightly, not realizing she was doing just that. "Or try to, anyway."

“Why? So I don’t lose focus?” You ask. I mean, you had better control over yourself, right? Surely it wasn't because she still thought you'd lewd her in your mind.

“Oh, no, nothing like that. I just avoid it because… Knowing everything I know about you… It’s just, er, kinda creepy at this point. No offense, I-I just feel that perhaps you should just learn a little restraint. Well, I know I mentioned that, so I mean, er, more restraint?” Ocellus said sheepishly, looking away as she said it.

Ouuuuch, geez, were you that bad? Nah, naaaah… Dammit, you were, weren’t you? You couldn’t help it! Almost every female in this world is so damn cuddly and soft, how could anyone not resist?! “I mean, er, to you… Whatever, just follow me, ok? We’re almost there.” Dammit, just dammit. Whatever, she didn’t know what she was talking about. But as you began to approach the manor, something began to irk you, so you looked back at Ocellus. “Yo, Ocellus, can I ask you a question?”

“A question? About what, Anon?” Ocellus asked, curious, though ready for anything that might be lecherous, ready to set you straight.

“That whole emotion feel thing you do, you know, to try to figure out what I’m thinking. Do you do that to anycreature else?” You asked, wondering who else she was suspicious of.

“Well, to be honest, Anon, normally, everycreature is very honest with their emotions. It’s sort of why, when we were evil, we could infiltrate so easily. But you? Well, Anon, you’ve never really been too honest. S-sorry, it’s just true.” Again, Ocellus became rather sheepish, she couldn’t even look you in the eye as she said that, afraid she may have gone too far.

Christ, why did you expect any different? “Hey, I’m plenty honest! I do well in honesty class, don’t I?”

“Erm, well, you do. But that’s because of the whole dimensional thing, isn’t it? Actually, I often think about that. If ideas can travel across dimensions, do you think somecreature in this world has made a play or film about humans?” Ocellus asked, genuinely curious. “I know it’s a change in topic, but I never really understood the whole ‘this is a show in your old world’ thing, and there’s nocreature else I can ask about it either. I’m afraid if I did, and worse, if they believed me, they might get the idea everything here was an idea of an outworlder rather than the whole dimensional theory of the idea of our world transferring dimensions.”

“Ok, well, you’re mostly right on the whole dimensional thing. Though I’m pretty sure what ideas go where are random. For all I know, the idea of humans could end up in a universe with war mongering gerbils. Also, don’t dodge me, Ocellus. It’s not just because I’m in the know, I’m genuinely honest! I dare you to mention three instances I wasn’t.” You tell her, certain she wouldn’t be able to.

“Well…” Ocellus stopped for a moment, and began to give it some thought. “Not including when you had to be dishonest when dealing with ‘her’, You’ve lied to almost everycreature about keeping your attractions in check, you’ve been dishonest about not taking advantage of others, and you’ve been dishonest about Chancellor Neighsay.”

WUT?! “Y-you know about that? How?! I-I mean.” You keep yourself quiet, look around, and lower your voice. “When did you find out?”

“Well, I actually didn’t. I just took a guess there and waited to see if it was true.” And yet, despite saying this, Ocellus didn’t seem angry.

“And you’re not mad at me about it? Why?” You ask. Because of all things, you’d think that’d tick her off.

“Well, he sort of has the same feeling I get from you. When he does visit, he always acts pleased, but I can tell he hates me, and Smolder, Yona, and the others too. I think he hates everycreature that isn’t a pony. Then, when I spoke to Counselor Starlight about how he makes me feel uncomfortable, she told me not to worry, that everything is handled as long as we show him we’re not here to hurt anycreature. I asked her how she could be so sure, and she told me that ‘a hero is watching our backs’. It… Wasn’t very subtle. But it also meant that you actually do care, that you must be doing something to make sure he doesn’t close the school down.” Ocellus dares to give you a warming smile. “Knowing that, despite everything else, it makes me glad to be your friend.”

“Ocellus… Aw, geez.” Been awhile since you felt so humbled, your heart warming up from the praise. “Thanks. Yeah, I send the guy letters with my ‘reports’ on you guys. He’s looking for a reason to close the school down. I know if he ever found out about the whole Chrysalis thing, he’d have a reason outside you guys to do it, plus a lot worse since he thinks so highly of me.”

“Yeah, things would be really bad if he found out about that. But, as long as we do our part, nothing bad will happen. Right?” Ocellus asked, looking to you for a hopeful answer.

“Yeah, trust me, it’ll be fine. Speaking of fine, haha, here we are. Rich Manor, pretty nice, eh?” You asked, presenting the gate and path to the front door of the glorious mansion.

Suddenly, Ocellus seemed to get really shy as her ears folded, looking towards the manor with fears in her mind. “Y-yeah.”

“Ocellus? You ok? Wait.” Wait, is she suddenly shy because of the obvious reason of this being new for her? Because you didn’t need to read emotions to know this obvious trope. “C’mon, Ocellus, it’ll be alright, I promise. You don’t need to be afraid.”

“I’m not afraid!” Ocellus shouted angrily, before suddenly recoiling into a worried state. “O-ok, I am afraid. I realized I’m really comfortable at the school, but out here… It’s scary.”

“Ocellus, there is nothing to worry about, trust me. I mean, if Diamond’s mom is here, it can get kinda scary, but Diamond likes changelings, and her dad is cool. Trust me, it’ll be fine.” You say, attempting to reassure her.

“Mmnnn, even still. No, no, you’re right, I shouldn’t be scared. I came here to learn about friendship and make friends, so if I-ANON, WATCH OUT!” Ocellus squealed out as she pointed behind you.

“What? I don’t even see anything.” Was Spoiled coming out in a rage just because she sensed a chaDSGDFGDFGDF, OH GOD! “GYAH! MY EYE! MY EYE! WHY?! WHY ARE PONY EYES SO BIG! OGH!” You fall back as a thin long sword spins towards you from high in the air, out of nowhere. It just spun downwards towards you, stabbed into your right eye, and bounced towards the ground. “GYAH! I’M BLIND! MY EYE IS GONE! OOOGGHHH!”

“Anon! Anon! I swear! I didn’t see it before! I’m sorry, I’m… Wait.” Ocellus noticed there was no blood, or really, any bad injury to your eye aside from it being red as hell. She looked down at the sword itself, the end of it had a good sized rubber ball point. While that still could have poked your eye in, it didn’t seem to stab through and luckily only poked your eyes painfully. “Anon, I think this is a training sword. A-are you ok? Y-you didn’t really lose your eye, did you?”

Training sword? WHY?! What was a training sword doing all the way out here?! Why your eye!? Oh god, you slowly removed your hooves from your eye and began to blink profusely. Things were a little blurry, and watery due to it tearing up. But how did it look? “N-no, geez, i-it stings. Argh, why is my luck always like this?! Ocellus, how’s my eye?”

“Er.” Ocellus looked upon you. Yup, one good eye, the other was puffy and red, even pulsating oddly. “Well, um, erm, at least you can see through it, right? Do you have any sunglasses? Those might help.”

Dammit. “Ugh, nevermind. Where did this thing even come from?” You asked, mostly to yourself, as you examined the sword. Was this some sort of rapier or epee? A training one for fencing? “Is somepony training around here? How did thiGYAH!” Suddenly another training sword rockets down towards the back of your head. Although you barely felt it, it did send your face hurtling into the dirt.

“Anon! Are you alright?! Anon?!” Ocellus called out to you, worried and even scared of the situation.

You? Welp, you gave up, might as well lay there until your eye heals up. “Yeah, yeah, I’m fine.” You sigh, annoyed. “Look, I’m just going to lay here.”

“What? Why? Shouldn’t we run away? There are swords flying from out of nowhere!” Ocellus exclaims towards you as she begins to panic.

“I, uh, I think it’ll be fine as long as I have my face here, in the dirt. Trust me, things just seem to sort things out after, I dunno, the second hit.” You say with a long sigh.

“Really? Wait, are you saying your luck is that bad? But, luck doesn’t even really exist, does it?” Ocellus asked, unsure.

“Luck? Probably not. Bad luck? Probably. Only way this could get worse is ifGYAH!” You slowly raise your head, only for a plate of cake to smash into your face, from the freaking sky.

“Anon!” Ocellus cried out once again, worried about your safety.

“Wait… Wait, no, this is fine. It’s coconut.” You say as you begin to lick around your face. “Whatever, I was hungry anyway.”

“Yo-you’re ok with something else hitting you?” Ocellus asked, confused.

“Ocellus, so much crap happens to me randomly that cake hitting me is probably the best thing that can happen right now.” You say as you sit down, grab the plate, and begin to munch on and lick it, your eye already beginning to slowly heal. You adorably use your hoof to brush off the cake from your head as you dine yourself on the splotched cake. You then slowly look to Ocellus, and hold the plate towards her. “Want some?”

“Er, no, that’s fine.” Ocellus, seeing that it was already dirty and filled with your saliva, didn’t really have an appetite for cake. Even further, weirded out by your sudden calmness.

You shrug. “Ok, more for me.”

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