• Published 16th Jun 2018
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Dadonequus Discord (Book 2) - CrazedLaughter

With the exodus of Chrysalis, Anon's life finally starts to go back to normal. Or rather, as normal as it can be when being the adopted son of the spirit of chaos. But new problems await him. What they are? Who knows...

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Chapter 224 - Anon Foalnaps Ocellus

You appear from within the Everfree Forest, with your saddlebag hoisted around you and your Starlight Hook suddenly equipped to your right leg. The plan was simple: Separate Ocellus from civilization and have a one on one with her about whatever the hell she’s been telling everyone. Behind you, behind the bushes, should be Chrysalis’s home, because fuck it, you knew that Ocellus knew something about what happened with your evil clone and Chrysalis, and you wanted her to see that Chrysalis was fucking reformed already.

Ahead of you was Ocellus herself, still unaware of what was going on as she had her eyes closed, sitting on her butt, as she waved her forelegs about and tried to let out a ferocious roar, only to let out pathetic little groans. “S-Smolder… It just isn’t working. I-I don’t think I can be as brave as you and the other dragons. I-I can try again, but I’m just… Not… Smolder? W-where am I?” When her eyes opened, she could see she was in the forest, alone, for no reason she could possibly think of that landed her where she was now.

“You’re in the Everfree Forest, Ocellus.” You said. Though, you must have sounded pretty creepy and ominous as Ocellus turned back to see you, only to fall backwards in fright.

“A-Anon?! H-how?! Wait… Why?” She suddenly became confused within her fear, and gulped, as she was unable to comprehend the reasoning as to why you’d use a spell to bring her here. “A-Anon? What’s going on?”

“You tell me, Ocellus. I brought you here because we need to talk, alone.” You told her, your leg ready to act in case she suddenly tried to run or fly off.

“T-talk? Alone? Here?” She looked around, even more confused, and even more scared. “Y-you foalnapped me for t-that? W-why didn’t you just come to me? I-I was with Smolder, I-I wouldn’t have minded coming to talk to you.” She said as she slowly began to scootch back. She was telling the truth. She obviously wasn’t too comfortable with whatever Smolder was trying to have her do. Or given what it seemed to be, just didn’t feel confident enough to make any more attempts.

As for you, you recoiled at the words ‘Foalnapped’. Fuck, that isn’t a good word. If she told anyone you foalnapped her, shit would go down pretty hard. “E-er! No! I didn’t foalnap you! Look, we just need to talk, and I didn’t need anypony coming in and interrupting us, so I took us here! That’s it, that’s what it is.”

“...So… You foalnapped me. I-I don’t understand. Why here? Why now? W-what did I do? Or… Anon… Did you do something you s-shouldn’t have? W-what did you do now?” She asked, tensing up as she stops moving, scared as to what your next words could be. Even worried you were going to hurt her.

“What did I do?! Cut the crap! I know what you did! You hide behind that super innocent act, but you’ve been talking shit behind my back and I want to know why! Yona told me pretty much what you’ve been saying, so you better have a damned good explanation.” Fuck it, you weren’t going to tolerate her blaming you for anything. This time, you know you didn’t do anything wrong, and it pissed you off that she could just sit there and accuse you of anything when she was the one starting shit.

Ocellus gasped, bringing her hooves to her mouth in shock. She wasn’t expecting this at all. “S-she told you?”

You nodded, and pointed at her with your left leg. “That’s right! So guess what, you’re the one in the wrong this time. So what’s up? Hm? I thought we were friends, Ocellus. But you’re making me look like a villain here. I’m not evil, and I’m not a bad guy. I know you know something about what happened when I disappeared. So, let’s hear it then. Why are you telling everypony bad stuff about me? How much do you know about what happened?”

Ocellus said nothing, her wings opened, then closed, then opened. She was stiff as a board. Was she terrified she was caught? Or did she think you were going to hurt her?

“Dammit, Ocellus. I’m not gonna hurt you. I didn’t mean to be so scary. But dammit, I’m not going to let you talk about me like that, even if some of the stuff you say about me is, uh, true. Because there are also good things about me. I know you know that, Yona told me she’s tried to tell you that too. So what gives?” You sigh, and relax yourself, even sitting down. “Just tell me what’s up, okay?”

Ocellus took deep short breaths, and tried to relax herself. She still seemed rather panicked. But then she began to slowly relax, perhaps only because she was afraid making a wrong move would make things worse. But she also still seemed ready to bolt the moment things went awry. “...Anon, it’s because… You should know already. It’s because you really can’t be trusted. Y-you just won’t give up on her. Even after she’s been sealed away, even after what she did.”

Wut? “Uhhh, what does that mean?”

“D-don’t act like you don’t know.” Ocellus said as she began to stand. Whatever she was feeling, and even feeling from you, it seemed to be turning her from scared to a timid form of frustrated love bug. “Y-you were there. I-I’m sorry that you got hurt, but it was all her fault! I-I know about everything, I-I saw it! You being hurt, that evil version of you, Spike's arm, and the queen being locked up! I snuck around after seeing it, I heard things… T-the royal trial, it already happened, I know it did. Headmare Twilight is okay and nocreature has heard from ‘her’ since it happened. It’s because she’s gone. B-but you won’t accept that!” She stomped on the ground, then stomped again, and again, and again. “She’s gone, Anon! Y-you’re deluding yourself at this point! Y-you lie so much, you’re worse than how we used to be! So much so, t-that you’re even fooling yourself!”

Wait a second…

So she knew that much? She was there?! No doubt she followed you and Chrysalis when you went into the castle, remaining unnoticed in some sort of form that didn't catch your eye. But her words, she was acting as if she stopped keeping up with what was happening after that. Or..

No… Was it one of those moments?

Were you crazy? Was everything that happened a delusion?

Were… Were you still asleep even?

“Ocellus…” You hold up your hoof to interrupt. If she could sense your fear, she may start to believe you were suddenly edging to a total mental meltdown. “Are you telling me Chrysalis is in Tartarus?”

Ocellus nodded. “Yes... You really believed she wasn’t? Why? Anon… You have to stop all this… It’s over…”

You began to shake, and you went silent. You turned around, scared as to what you were about to witness. You walked over to the bushes behind you, and took a peek towards where Chrysalis’s forest manor should be.


Wait, it wasn’t in disrepair. And the damage from Evil Anon has been repaired, and even the grass was trimmed.

Goddammit… Ocellus was wrong, she had no idea what happened at the hospital. You look forward towards the manor as you call out to her. “Ocellus… Can you come here, please?”

“Anon?” Ocellus tenses, but then suddenly her tone becomes softer, and motherly. “I-I know… and… I’m sorry… I’m sorry about talking about you. But I was scared… But… Knowing that you didn’t know, I… I can't imagine the hurt you’re feeling right now… I… I somehow can’t even feel it… I don’t know if it’s a human emotion Changelings can’t sense or taste, b-but a-as your friend, I’m willing to…. What is that?” Ocellus said as she cautiously approached you, and saw the manor beyond the bushes.

“That’s Chrysalis’s home. That’s where she lives, she’s in there.” You said, pointing towards the door. “Look around, she’s obviously.. Ocellus?!” When you looked back, she suddenly huddled in pure terror. Hiding her head under her hooves.

“NO! No! No! No! No! How?! No! No! She was gone! I thought she was gone! MNGH! She’s going to hurt me, Anon! She’s going to hurt all of us! Anon!?” She looked at you with maddened eyes, full of fear as they burst into hysterical tears. “Why is she there?! What did you do?!”

“What?! What do you mean 'what did I do'?! Do you not know what happened after I woke up from the hospital?! I thought you were spying on everything that was going on!” Goddammit, Ocellus. Now she was the one freaking out, and it was in a way that you had to keep contained or shit would really hit the fan if she suddenly darted off.

“I wasn’t! I heard enough and I didn’t want to be near her! I didn’t want her to know I was in Ponyville! She’s too evil, Anon! I thought the princesses knew that! What did you do?! Did you use your magic on them?! Y-you really went that far, didn’t you?!” She said, grabbing at her head and turning into a small rock to hide herself.

Okay… Now it was getting annoying. You weren't going to get in trouble for this nor would you let Ocellus ruin everything now that Chrysalis was no longer evil. “Dammit, Ocellus! Stop, just stop! I didn’t do any of that.” No, you actually didn't. For once, you were in the absolute right!

“Then why is she here?! Headmare Twilight doesn’t seem worried about it at all, even after what happened to her and Spike! The queen nearly skewered her! How could she be okay with this?! What happened at the trial!?” Ocellus squealed out, her rocky form shaking.

You rolled your eyes “There was no trial, Ocellus. Look, Twilight knows she’s here and is okay with it. The princesses know, even Aunt Fluttershy knows. In fact, Aunt Fluttershy is one of the reasons she’s here.”

“P-Professor Fluttershy? How?! She’d never do that!” Ocellus said shakily, as she squirmed in position.

“Look, let me explain…” And through constant interruptions, you barely manage to tell the story of why Chrysalis was free. Everything from Chrysalis’s escape, to her agreeing to help Celestia, to the certification to Twilight’s school under Neighsay. “...So yeah, basically, she lives here as a hermit, and isn’t evil anymore. She still doesn’t like a lot of us, but she’s also friends with me and Diamond and can tolerate Twilight. I think she’s okay with Princess Luna, and I know she probably has a ‘family’ thing for Fluttershy. She even calls Scrappy by his name now sometimes. So, y’know, can you stop being scared now? And maybe not tell everypony I foalnapped you?”

Ocellus didn’t respond, but she did stop shaking.

“Ocellus? You alright?” You asked, hoping she didn’t pass out. Does a changeling retain form if they passed out? No, that doesn’t sound right.

And then finally, she spoke. “I… I can feel that you’re not lying. At least, either that or you’re being really tricky. B-but, i-it makes sense… H-headmare Twilight would have been worried about her if she was s-still dangerous. A-and if everypony knows the queen is here…” She changed back, and looked back at you with tear filled eyes. “...No… I just… Can’t. She’s a manipulator. S-she has to want something more than being left alone. All that hate she has for Princess Celestia… Do you honestly think she’d just let that go?”

“Not completely, no. But she doesn’t want to kill her anymore. If anything, she just seems to want to be seen as better than her, more glamorous than her really. If she was planning anything, then it’d just to be show up Princess Celestia at a beauty contest or something, or have everypony in Canterlot want to have a human car.” You shrugged. “I think you’re exaggerating at this point. There’s no reason to be scared of her.”

Ocellus cautiously looks over the bushes again, peering at the front door of the manor. “I can feel her… But… It feels so different.”

“Well, yeah, like I said, she isn’t evil anymore.” You said with a grin as you passed through the bushes and turned towards Ocellus, pointing towards the door as you did so. “You can come see for yourself if you want. I’m sure she’d be happy to see one of her children that isn’t Scrappy.”

“I can’t… I won’t… “ Ocellus was trying to keep herself from going hysterical again, trying to keep her fears in check, but this was too much for her, she quickly shifted back into a rock to hide herself. “It’s a trick! Why does everypony think otherwise?!”

Dammit. You weren’t going to be made the bad guy. And yet, you started to falter, you began to truly see just how scared Ocellus was of Chrysalis. At this point, it’d be abuse to try to convince her to give Chrysalis a chance. You sighed, you really wanted her to see what you saw, but you didn’t want to traumatize her. “Look, Ocellus… If you want to go back, then fine. I’m done trying to convince you. I don’t want to force you to try to like Chrysalis, I just… I dunno… I just wanted to show you she wasn’t evil anymore.”

“Y-you mean… You’re not going to f-force me?” Ocellus asked, still in rock form, still shaken.

“What?! No… I… Ugh, maybe, truthfully? I wanted to, but seeing you like this? I dunno, it… I’m dumb, I shouldn’t have tried to force this on you. But dammit, I was angry, y’know? You didn’t say anything to me or anything. I’m trying to make friends like everycreature wants me too, and I actually think you guys are okay. So… Yeah, it just kinda pissed me off to find out that you were doing that. So much so that I just wanted you to see how wrong you were.” You say, feeling unsure, relenting on pushing the situation further. “Just go back. All I ask is to at least keep this a secret, I’m trying to ease Chrysalis into the whole ‘harmony’ thing, and I think overblowing this would just destroy any progress I managed to make.”

Ocellus slowly transformed back into her original self once again, wiping her eyes, while seemingly looking down in shame. “I can feel it… I-I really did hurt you… and I… Anon, I’m sorry, I really am! But… This whole thing with the queen. I just… Do you understand how hard it is for me to accept all this? I’m part of her old brood, I’ve been with her for nearly my entire life, and all I’ve ever seen her be is cruel and malicious towards everypony.”

“I know that, but aside from the whole transformation thing you guys went through, she really did her best to keep you all fed, to give you guys what she thought every changeling wanted. I mean, I get it, you guys are better off with that whole color-bug thing. But, Ocellus, she went mental when she lost all of you. Hell, you know the story of that alternate Chrysalis, right? She kinda went mental too when the Flim Flam brothers had you all destroyed. That Chrysalis reformed in a different way of course, but the one thing that’s consistent between the two is the love they have for their kids. I mean, you should see how she is around Scrappy. She loves on that guy like no tomorrow while acting like she doesn’t give a damn. But she does, she always does. I just wanted her, and you, to see that everything could be okay between you all.” You were really pouring your heart out on this one, wanting Ocellus to feel every emotion you felt over all this.

Ocellus just sat there. She was still shaking, but she wasn’t afraid anymore. No, instead she seemed regretful about something, thinking deeply. Finally, she looked deep into your eyes, and began to tell you what she felt. “Anon… I… I believe you. At least, I will believe you. I don’t think I’ve ever felt you be so sincere before, and… Care so much about anything. B-but, you have to understand my side too. I can’t go back to her, I just… I’ve accepted how things are now among us changelings, and I don’t want to think about the past, I don’t want to think about her anymore. I-I know that sounds harsh, but there’s just… So much to unpack from all this. I… I’m scared of her, I’m scared of what she might do, I’m… I’m afraid I might do something to anger her a-a-a-and ruin everything for y-you. I wish I could see what you want me to see, Anon. And I’m sorry, I really am… I promise, I won’t say anything bad about you anymore, it was never my place to say anything like that about you without understanding why.”

You sigh, your ears folding as you plop down on the ground, feeling defeated, even if you were now pretty much safe from any trouble with Twilight or Fluttershy. “Yeah… I guess. Is there any way you’d ever give her a chance? Like, any way at all?”

“W-well… Um, maybe one day? I don’t want to say ‘never’, because maybe one day I will see what you see. But, um, Anon… Um, you can’t force other creatures to see what you see, okay? I-it’s… Erm, scary when you do it.” Ocellus said, tapping her hooves together innocently.

“...Yeah, I think I understand that now. Uh, I kinda wanted to say hi to her and stuff. But, um, do you mind if I tag along and just make sure you get back to town okay? I kinda have no charges left to do it all instantly and I'm worried you might get hurt on the way home.” Dammit, you failed. But… It wasn’t a total loss. Hopefully this lesson sticks, because there might not be a next time if you pull this stunt again.

“S-sure! I-I don’t mind. B-but you don’t have to if you don’t want to. I, um, ummmm, may not really like the queen, b-but d-don’t let me stop you from being around her. I just… Well, I… Never mind.” She wanted to say how she hopes you’re actually right and that Chrysalis was actually good, but then she realized that at this point, it’d be rude to push on something that may sound insincere coming from her. “But, um, Anon, can I ask you something?”

You nod. “Erm, yeah… What is it?” God this situation was awkward. You had to let out a heavy breath of air, trying to relax from how ridiculous and emotional this all was.

“Can you, um, also, erm, maybe not foalnap me again too? Or anypony? R-remember what Professor Fluttershy says. ‘D-don’t fight it out, talk it out!’” She said as she tried to force a reassuring grin upon herself.

“...I mean… Uahhhmmmm.” You said, eyeing her up and down as you pointed towards her, rolling your hoof around in the air.

“Oh, right… I-I should have done that too. Erm… Mmmm, I-I… Like I said, I-I’ll never do that again. Erm, the, um, 'talking behind others back' part.” She said sheepishly, giving you an awkward grin.

“Y-yeah… Erm, yeah…” Fuck, this could have gone way better…

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