• Published 20th Oct 2018
  • 10,455 Views, 162 Comments

A Broken Warrior - Stonehearth

A boy was made to be the ultimate weapon. In an attempt to escape his fate, he found himself in a land of ponies, dragons, and changelings. Will he be able to find peace, or will his fate catch up to him?

  • ...

Bridle Gossip

As he rode on Keyn Lok’s back, Skystrike pondered to himself. After working for nearly a week without sleep, he was extremely proud of his work, making weapons and armor for Spike, Stardust, and himself. On his mind right now was how he was either going to keep hiding things from Twilight and the others, or tell them the whole truth. Either way, they will find out eventually, including about him being human. If he told them as of now, they would no doubt tell Celestia without Skystrike telling her himself. At that point, he would once again be taken prisoner, and he would sooner die than that happen. Right now, all he can do is try to get closer and earn their trust. Already having Fluttershy’s, that leaves 7 including Spike and Stardust.

He sighed to himself as he looked over the horizon, the orange sun just peeking over the horizon line.. It looked to be about 7 in the morning, and from the speed Keyn Lok was going, they'd be at the mountain they met in about 10 minutes. “Keyn, drop me off where we met up. It would cause trouble if you landed in Ponyville.” Skystrike said to the disappointment of Keyn Lok. He gave him a rub on his back. “To make it up to you, I’ll come see you at your new home on the day of the migration.”

“You don't have to do that, Dovah Kaal. I will be fine.”

“Dont worry about it. We’re friends, aren't we?” He smiled behind his helmet. “Speaking of friends, how’s Tethys?”

“From what i’ve seen, she’s still trying to get stronger and is still mad about your guild breaking up. Aside from that, she’s doing well, and some of us believe she’s on par with the dragon lord.”

Skystrike inwardly smiled. “I’m proud of her. If you see her again, tell her where I am, and tell her to bring her armor.” He said as the mountain came into view. “Also, when you see the dragon lord again, tell him that i’ve gotten stronger. I’ll visit when he comes over.”

Keyn Lok landed in front of the cave they were at two weeks ago . Skystrike hopped off with a yawn. The last time he slept was an hour ago, and it was only a mere 5 hours. The two exchanged goodbyes as they went their separate ways. Not feeling like walking, Skystrike dove off the edge of the mountain. After falling a few hundred feet, he spread his wings and glided all the way to Ponyville, landing just outside of the small town.

Unexpecting of him, many of the town's residents were running around in fear. After seeing the flower sisters freaking out for real, Skystrike determined it was serious. Although it was way to early for this, he had no choice. “Rose, Daisy, Lily, what happened?” He groaned.

“Oh, it’s just horrible!” Daisy started.

“Absolutely terrifying!” Lily continued.

“A huge snake monster came out of nowhere!” Rose stood up as the other two continued to roll around on the ground. “It did not damage anything, thank Celestia, but Twilight and the others are holding it off!”

“Wait, it did not destroy anything?” Skystrike was surprised by her statement.

“No. It just came and looked around for a little while, then went off towards the everfree! What was really weird was that it had a sort of bag in its mouth.” She continued.

“...I feel like it isn't trying to harm anypony, but it’s looking for something.” He spoke to himself. “You said it went towards the Everfree, right? How long ago was that?”

About 10-15 minutes ago! You should check on the girls, Mr. Nebula. They may be in trouble!” Rose said to him before Skystrike turned around. Skystrike began to walk towards his house as he drew his sword. It was way too early for this.

The mane 6 and Spike were currently trying to keep the monster at bay. The creature was long, somewhere between 30 and 40 feet long. It had black scales with a pattern of golden scales going down its back. Its underbelly was a smooth set of tan scales. The head of the snake-like creature was large, easily able to fit a pony in it. It had rows of razor like teeth, though it didn't have fangs like a snake. It had orange snake eyes and frills around its neck that spead open at will, as well as two ear holes behind its eyes. Rainbow dash was flying around it to keep it occupied while the others were trying to think of a way to get rid of it.

Twilight levitated a book in front of her face as she tried to find data on the beast to find their first plan of action. After skimming through the pages, her eyes widened as she found something useful.

“Ok, girls, I found something! In my book on ancient and mythical beings, it seems that it’s a basilisk, and an earth basilisk at that.”

“What’s the difference?” Applejack asked her.

“While a normal basilisk has its size and speed, an earth basilisk is seen as royalty among the basilisk. They can control the earth around them if they are taught how.” She said to their shock. “The only problem is why is it so far from its home in the badlands?”

“That doesn't matter right now!” Rainbow Dash yelled as she circled the earth basilisk who was currently curled up in a coil, a large pouch inside said coil. “We just gotta get rid of this thing!”

“Rainbow Dash is right, darling.” Rarity agreed. “The basilisk is our top priority. Fluttershy, can you try talking to it?”

“We don't need to talk to it! We just have to give it the boot!” Rainbow shouted before kicking it on the nose. Everypony and dragon had their heart skip a beat as she did this.

The earth basilisk rubbed his nose with the tip of its tail in annoyance. The lizard stretched its body upward to give it height. Rainbow Dash lowered to the ground in fear and gave a nervous chuckle. The basilisk opened it’s golden frills as it let out a terrifying screech, telling them to back off.

“Again, Rainbow!?” Skystrike shouted at her from down the road. He ran towards them and the basilisk with his sword drawn. He slowed down in realization as he got closer to the beast.

The basilisk looked at him with excitement. Skystrike looked at in in realization.

“No way… Naga?” Skystrike unfolded his helmet, letting it see his face. It lunged at him as soon as it saw his face.

“Skystrike!!” They all called out to him, only for their worry to be soothed away by the retaliation of the basilisk coiling around him and squeeze him into a hug.

“Good to see you too, Naga! You’ve grown, haven't you? Last time I saw you, I could still carry you!” He laughed.

“Wait, you know this thing?” Fluttershy asked in confusion.

“Yeah, she’s the pet I told you about. Well, more of a companion than a pet.” He answered.

“When did you tell us about her?” Pinkie asked. “And can I pet her?”

“I told you two weeks ago I had a lizard, didn't I? And you have to ask Naga.”

Pinkie walked over to Naga and put out a hoof. Naga placed her head against her hoof, giving her the ok to do so. The rest of the girls and dragon asked her as well. All but one was accepted.

Rainbow tried to put her hoof on her neck, only for her to back away as Naga hissed at her. “What’s her problem.” Rainbow asked as she glared at her.

“...You kicked her in the face, you nut.” Skystrike said. “Anyway, Naga, can I ride on you again?” Naga picked him up in his mouth and threw him into the air, him falling on her head. “Oh yeah! Lets go! My house is straight ahead!” Naga picked up the rest, save for Rainbow Dash, and put them on her back. She picked up her pouch before they rode of towards Skystrikes house as Skystrike laughed.

Skystrike knocked on his door to see if Stardust was there. She opened the door to greet him. “Welcome back sirrrrrr…..” She realized that she wasn't looking at Skystrike, but instead, an orange eyeball the size of her head was looking into her very soul. She backed away in fear at the sudden sight. Naga backed up to let the pony see Skystrike. “Sup. Sorry, it took longer than I thought.” He smiled at her. “This is Naga. Naga, that’s Stardust.” The basilisk stuck out her tail, expecting Stardust to shake it. She slowly did so as she caught her breath.

“Sir, where did you find a basilisk!?” She shouted at him.

“I’ll tell you in a bit. Come outside first.” He jumped off Naga and started walking. “Naga, I need you to do something for me.” He finished as Naga followed behind him.

They walked around to the side of his house to find a large plain of grass. “Can you make part of the field into an arena? Im training my disciples and we’re gonna train today. There’s also a cave nearby if you're gonna stay.”

Naga nodded before slithering past him. She put her tail in front of her and slapped the ground with it. An area of grass almost instantly turned into a dirt circle.

“Thank you.” He said as he rubbed the side of her head. “By the way, what’s in the pouch?”

Naga realized that she was still holding the pouch before she dropped it in front of him with a loud thud. Skystrike untied the knot keeping it closed to find a number of things. There was a massive thick yellow blanket, yet is too small for Naga now, pieces of silver colored metal and leather, as if it was once armor, a silver color blade that was as long as Skystrike, and a collection of her shedded scales. Each piece of armor was no bigger than his hoof.

“Oh, wow. Of course you’d grow out of your armor. I’m surprised you kept if this good, aside from a little rusting. Nice job.”

Naga purred at the compliment and smiled at him. “Sir!” Skystrike and Naga turned their heads to see everypony and dragon standing behind them. “Oh good, you're here. Come over here, I got your stuff.”

Spike walked over to him while Stardust stood still. “Stardust?”

“Y-y-yes?” She hesitated.

“You're afraid of Naga aren't you?”

“...yes, sir…” She admitted.

“Aight. Understandable. You’ll get used to her.” He chuckled. Skystrike took off his saddle bag and put it in front of him. He sat on the ground and pulled out various items, mostly armor and weapons. Lucky for him, he had spare armor for Naga. Skystrike walked over and gave Stardust her sword and armor, then did the same to Spike.

After a few minutes of tinkering with his creations, he finally got to see them in their full glory.

Stardust still had her spartan-like helmet and armor, but instead of it being made of gold, It was made with the same material as Skystrikes armor, but charcoal in color. She had a rapier that was the same charcoal color, but the hilt of the sword had a symbol of the same star on her cape. Her helmet had a button on her left side. When she pressed it, the helmet folded over her face, having the shape of a stereotypical knight with the slits for breathing, seeing, and all. Her legs were somewhat guarded by knee plates, clawed metal greaves, and pink dyed leather covering her inner thighs.

Spike was given a small chestplate, clawed boots, purple dyed leather gloves with guards on their backs, and elbow guards, all the metal purple in color. His helmet had a slit going down the back to let his green spines stick out. His helmet also covered his entire face, save for the eyes. It also had a few slits so he could breathe. His weapon looked like a black and purple suitcase.

“Oh man, you two look cool. I’m proud of myself. “ Skystrike nodded at their looks. “Now it’s my turn.”

“You upgraded your armor?” Twilight asked from behind them.

“Yep, give me a minute to attach it.” He said as he sorted through his bag as he pulled out various metals. He was about to take off his chestplate before he realized something. “Are you girls gonna turn around or will I have to go inside?”

“What do you mean?” Pinkie tilted her head.

“I don't want ponies looking at me when i'm starch naked.” He responded.

“But we’re naked all the time.” Pinkie said. “I don't see why it’s different.”

“It’s different because I have a dick and balls, and I don't want ponies looking at my genitals that I can't hide with my tail? Why do you think I walk in front and wear my armor and cape?”

“Oooooooh.” Pinkie realized what he meant. “I see your point…” She chuckled nervously. Each of the girls turned around. Just incase, Naga circled around him to make sure no pony was looking. After quickly changing his armor and switching out his metal fore hoof, he tapped Naga, who was looking away, tapped her side to let her know he was done. At the sound of Naga moving, the girls turned around to see Skystrike in his new armor.

His armor was much more intimidating to say the least. His helmet stayed the same, though his armor changed drastically. The armor covering his back was layered and mimicked that of an armadillo. His belly was protected by multiple sections of armor that allowed him to twist and bend his body. His greaves were bulkier and had stationary metal claws on them for increased grip and all terrain use.

“I see that you changed it, but what does it do?” Rainbow crossed her hooves.

“I can do this!” Skystrike jumped into the air before curling into a ball. The armor plates on his back went down and covered him as he landed on the ground. His fore hoof greaves turned into shields and covered his sides, making him spherical in shape. “But wait, there’s more!” Spikes came out of every side of him as he rolled around them at quick speeds. He uncurled and stood in front of them. “Pretty cool, huh. Only downside is that I can't see yet. It’s a work in progress.”

“Uh, Skystrike? Why do I have a suitcase?” Spike asked as he held it with both hands. Said suitcase was the size of the dragon, if not bigger.

“Oh, that’s a prototype. It's a combination of weapons depending to the button you press. That’s one of 10 that I made while gone.” He took the ‘weapon’ from spike and pressed one of the three buttons on the underside of it. The length side of the suitcase unfolded, adding the length, but decreasing the width of it. A black pole extended from between the two purple parts, before the upper box opened and a large curved silver blade came out. It was a scythe.

When he pressed the second button, the pole bent, making itself into a curve. A metal guard came out from the middle of the pole to protect his hand, making a magic bow.

When the third button was pressed, the pole went straight again. A metal spike came out the bottom of the staff while four short blades came from the opposite end. The four blades curved so they all pointed upwards, making a staff.

“I’m not sure I feel comfortable with Spike carrying that around.” Twilight sighed.

“Dont worry about it. If anything happens, i'll take responsibility. Besides, He just needs to get used to carrying it. I’m going to sleep. I’ll come back in like 4 hours.” He stepped inside.

After waking up with a yawn, Skystrike sat up and hopped off his bed. He stretched a bit before finding Stardust in the living room with Naga a few feet away. With the giant lizard in the room, the place seemed kind of cramped.

“Good afternoon, Stardust, Naga.” He said as he walked down the stairs.

“Good afternoon, sir.” Stardust said in an uneasy tone as Naga let out a chirp in greeting.

“I see that you two are getting along somewhat.” He chuckled.

“Somewhat, yes.” She giggled back. “I’m still getting used to her, but she’s pretty nice.” She reassured him.

“Alright. I’m gonna go out into town for a bit. Wanna come?” He asked as he grabbed his cape from the coat rack. “Just going to SCC and Rarity’s. Maybe see Applejack.”

“Yes, sir! Let me just get my armor.” She went to the armory and quickly came back with her new apparel.

“Naga, will you be fine here by yourself?” He asked only for her to respond with a nod. “I'll pick you up something on the way back. I’ll cook something for you when we get back, too.” He said as the two of them walked out the door.

Stardust and Skystrike have been walking for a good ten minutes in silence before Skystrike thought of something. “So, what happened while I was gone?”

“Actually sir, Twilight invited me, Applejack, and Rarity to a sleepover.”

“Skystrike smiled. “Oh wow, that’s nice of her. Anything happen?”

Stardust giggled as she thought back on it. “Actually, Applejack and Rarity were arguing most of the time, so it was mainly between me and Twilight. We ended up playing truth or dare. Turns out Applejack looks pretty good in a dress. What really made the night was when a tree fell through the… tree? During a thunderstorm.” She turned to see Skystrike with a worried expression. “Don't worry, no pony got hurt. Turns out it helped Applejack and Rarity make up. What did you do? Besides making the armor and stuff.”

“Well, I had to get the materials for the armor. I had to find a steel spider, and ask for some of it’s thread, be it wanted a trade, so I had to find a safe place for it’s nest. Then I had to find all the things for my metal mix. After that, I had to smelt it, let it harden, and then make it into the armor and weapons. Then I went looking for magic stones to put into your weapons, which you'll get the magic stones later. Finally, I had to test all of the armor’s efficiency.” He explained. Suddenly, he thought back to earlier that day.

“Stardust, can I ask you something?”

“Anything, sir.”

“I have a… fairly big secret that i’m keeping. The problem is that if I tell somepony, I, and whoever I tell may be in an unmeasurable amount of danger. Enough to the point where we may be fugitives. Not to mention that they may rat me out.” He sighed. “Do you think that I should tell them the truth?”

“If by ‘them’, you mean Twilight and the others, then do it when you feel the time's right.” She reassured him. “Just try not to do it too late.”

“Thanks, Stardust. I’ll take your word for it.” He smiled at her before they came up on Ponyville. Something, however, was off. The once lively town seemed to be nothing but a ghost town, the occasional tumble weed coming through. What was even weirder was that everything was still there. The carriages, the food stands, even some toys that some files were playing with. Being prepared for the worst, Skystrike kept his hoof on his sword as he and Stardust walked through town.

“Do you think they're hiding from Naga, sir?”

“Unlikely. They were still outside when Naga came through. This is actually oddly nostalgic of when I first came to town…” He answered.

“Psst!” A whisper could be heard from nearby. Skystrike looked around before he heard and saw the source of said whisper.

“Skystrike! Stardust!” Pinkie poked her head through Sugar Cube Corner door before ducking behind it again. “Come here! Hurry! Before she gets you!”

The two ran towards the door and jumped through, Skystrike rolling to the side to get out of sight. “Alright, Pinkie, why are you alone in the dark?”

“She’s not alone.” He could hear Twilight’s voice. He looked around to see everyone there.

“Ok… why are you all alone in the dark?”

“That's what I said, and that's also what I’m wondering.” Twilight nodded.

“We’re hiding from her!” Applejack pointed out the window. Twilight, Stardust, Skystrike and everypony else all looked out the window to see a cloaked figure digging at the groundwith a stripped fore hoof. Said figure turned towards the group, looking at them with glowing yellow eyes. Everypony and dragon save for Skystrike, Twilight, and Stardust ducked for cover.

“I really feel like this is oddly nostalgic…” Skystrike groaned.

“Did you see her, Skystrike? Did you see Zecora?” Applebloom asked as she tugged at his back leg.

“Oh hey Applebloom. Didn't see you there. How ya doin’?”

“Applebloom, I told you never to say that name!” Applejack scolded.

“And yes, I saw Zecora glace this way. Right, Twilight?” He asked to receive a nod.

“Glance eeeevily this way!” Pinkie said with shrunken eyes.

“And then most of you flip out for no good reason?” Twilight looked at the ponies.

“No good reason?! You call protecting your sister no good reason?” Applejack said, only to get a raised eyebrow from Skystrike. “Why, as soon as mah sister saw Zecora riding into town, She started shaking ‘er little horseshoes off!”

“Did not!” Applebloom managed to get out while her older sister shook her back and forth.

“So ah swept her up an’ bought her here!” Applejack put her on her back.

“I walked here myself!” Applebloom protested.

“For safekeeping.”

“Applejack,i'm not a baby! I can take care of myself!”

“Not from that creepy Zecora!”

“She’s mysterious…” Fluttershy held her head down.

“Sinister!” Said Rainbow Dash

“And spoooooky!” Pinkie Pie added.

Skystrike, Stardust, and Twilight all exchanged looks before rolling their eyes. The three looked out the window before the rest pushed in behind them for a better look.

Zecora pulled off her hood to reveal her head. Her coat was grey, and her made was in a mohawk with black and white stripes. Each of the ponies gasped.

“Will you cut that out?” Twilight and Skystrike said in unison.

“Just look at those stripes! How galish!” Rarity glared at Zecora through the window.

“Don’t talk about somepony behind their back, Rarity. You already got enough doing it. We don't need one more.” Skystrike glared.

“She’s a zebra!” Twilight explained.

“A what?!” They all shouted.

“A zebra! And her stripes aren't a fashion choice, Rarity. They're what she was born with!” Rarity faints at this revelation.

“Born where? I’ve never seen a pony like that in these parts! Cept, her!” Applejack trembled.

“That's because she’s from a different continent across the eastern ocean. She’s probably new. I’m guessing that because I haven't seen her house.” Skystrike explained.

“That’s just it… She lives in… the Everfree Forest!” Applejack exclaimed.

A loud boom was heard in the background as she said this. “Spike!” Twilight yelled to see spike in the kitchen.

“Heh… Sorry.” Spike shrugged.

“The Everfree Forest just ain't natural!” Applejack started. “The plants grow…

“The animals care for themselves…” Fluttershy said.

“And the clouds move…” Rainbow added.

“All on their own!” They all said together. Rarity fainted again as Twilight held an unamused look.

“...you do realize that that all happened almost everywhere outside equestria, right? Go to Zecora’s continent, they don't have pegasi to make it rain for them, so how do plants grow? It’s survival of the fittest there, so how do animals survive? There's also something called wind to move the clouds there.”

“And that wicked enchantress Zecora lives there doing her evil… stuff! Oh, she’s so evil, I even wrote a song about her!”

“Here we go…” Rainbow Dash sigher before Pinkie belted into a song.

“She’s an evil enchantress!
She does evil dances!
And if you look deep in her eyes,
She’ll put you in trances!
Then what will she do?
She’ll fix up an evil brew!
And she’ll gobble you up!
In a big tasty stew!
So… watch out!”

“Wow, catchy…” Twilight said sarcastically.

“It’s a work in progress!” Pinkie said proudly.

Skystrike had an unamused look as he glared at each of the ponies as he let out a grunt. “Ok, what have you seen Zecora do?”

“Well... “ Rainbow Dash thought for a moment. “Once a month, she comes into

“Ooooh!” Twilight said sarcastically.

“Then, she lurks by the stores.

“Oh my!” Twilight gasped.

“And then, she digs at the ground!” Fluttershy pitched in.

“WOOOOOOOOOW” Skystrike yelled. “It’s SUCH a bad thing that she comes into town looking to buy stuff, then fidgets at the ground as she waits for the stores to NEVER open because you all are scared of some RUMORS that you all MADE UP!”

“Yeah!” Maybe she’s just tryn’a be neighborly!” Applebloom stood beside him. “Everypony likes to shop! Ya know what I think-”

“Applebloom!” Applejack cut off her younger sister. “Hush and let the big ponies talk!”

Skystrike’s eyes flashed a light blue. “She’s acting much more like a big pony than most of you here!”

“Skystrike darling, why are you taking this so personally?” Rarity asked.

Skystrike sat down and rubbed the sides of his head. “If you can’t tell by now, I’m just more disappointed in you mares. Literally the same shit happened to me when I came here! I came to town every week trying to buy stuff, but loe and behold, all the shops were closed! When I was finally able to talk to some ponies like Derpy and Bon Bon, you wouldn't believe the rumors they told me. Apparently, I’m an evil pony who’ll chop you up and feed you to the animals in the Everfree, I’m heartless and only care about money, and I’m a follower of Nightmare moon! I’d think it’s safe to say where some of these rumors come from. Now, the exact same thing happened again and no pony wants to change? If any of you are brave enough to approach her unlike what you did with me, maybe, just MAYBE, you’ll get your answers.”

Each of the ponies, save for Twilight and Stardust had looks of realization and guilt on their faces. Skystrike glared at each of them before sighing. “I’m sorry for yelling like that. I shouldn't be taking out my anger on you all. He rubbed his forehead”

“No, we’re sorry, Skystrike. We should've realized sooner how you felt.” Fluttershy patted him on the back, getting a weak smile in return.

“Hey! Where’s Applebloom!?” Applejack looked around.

“The door’s open… She went outside!” Rarity realized.

“Zecora’s still out there!” Rainbow added.

Skystrike, inwardly hoping said filly took his advice, ran out just to make sure she’s ok. His best guess was that she and Zecora were on their way to the Everfree forest.

His guess was right as they found her tailing Zecora rather sneakily. Applebloom turned around as she heard her big sister call her name, the only thing separating them was a field of blue flowers. “Applebloom, you get over here right now!”

“Beware, beware you pony folk!” Zecora spoke from under her hood. “Those leaves of blue are not a joke!” She warned as she backed into the mist surrounding her.

Applejack picked up Applebloom before countering Zecora. “Y-you keep your mumbo jumbo to yourself, ya hear!” The rest of the ponies, save for the obvious three backed her up. Skystrike facepalmed.

“Beware, Beware!” She gave one last warning.

“Yeah! Back at you Zecora!” Rainbow Dash said as she and the rest of the ponies stood in the blue flowers. “You and your lame curses are the ones who better beware!”

“Destruction 100.” Skystrike chuckled to himself.

“And you! Why couldn't you just listen to your big sister?” Applejack scolded.

“I… I” Applebloom stuttered.

“Who knows what kind of curse Zecora just put on you?”

“Just like in my song!” Pinkie sang her song again as she jumped through the flowers.

“You guys, there’s no such thing as curses!” Twilight shook her head.

“Well that’s interesting to hear, coming from Ms. magic pants herself.” Rainbow flew through the blue flowers and poked her horn.

“How is a zebra who cant use magic place a curse?” Skystrike raised an eyebrow. “Magic comes from within your body, and is something you're born with. Curses are made with potions and incantations, i.e. artificial magic.” He ignored Rainbow mocking him in the background.

“Curses are just old pony tales anyway.” Twilight added, only for the girls to start walking away.

“Just you wait you two, you’re gonna learn that some pony tales really are true.” Applejack turned her back and walker through the blue flowers.

“...It’s been 3 hours since I woke up and i'm already done for today. Stardust, we’re going home.” He began trudging through the flowers.

He walked through the black corridor of the hive entrance. After walking for a few minutes, getting deeper into the cave, he got more familiar with it. Despite his photographic memory, 6 years did a number on his memory. As he walked towards the barracks, he was surprised to see no pony there. Finally getting to his destination, he rounded the corner to find a community hotspring. Currently, he wasn't wearing his armor, letting everypony in the room see his features.

Every changeling in the room turned to look at him, each giving him a smile after the well overdue reunion. “Captain!” Some of the changelings called out after realizing who it was. The others just gave him glares.

“Hey, everyone.” He smiled back. “Long time no see. How is everything?”

“We have no reason to tell a traitor like you!” One changeling shouted. Skystrike side eyed him. He decided it was best to ignore him.

One of the changeling walked up to him before giving him a high hoof. “Everything is going well! Your ideas are working really well! No one is even suspecting any changelings living with them! And your training to keep up our disguises while sleeping was a good idea, though hard to do.”

“Glad to see everything’s working out while i'm gone, Grubbonax.” He said as he stepped into the hotspring, the hot water was soothing to his skin as he stepped deeper into the water. He sat down on the stone flooring under the water. “How’s the combat training and technology coming along?”

A female changeling spoke up. “Well, the combat training is going well. After you giving us some books to learn some spells, though none of us except the queen can learn any past the apprentice level. The good news is that each of us is required to learn a ward spell.” She answered. “And we were able to refine some of the magic stones you gave us. Though we don't know what we can use it for, and some changelings got… too passionate. One got some burns while handling the fire stones.”

Skystrike let out a snicker. “That's great, Labrum. Guess you could say they got caught in the heat of the moment.” He laughed as each of them let out a loud groan.

“Captain, that was terrible!” Labrum stood up from her spot in the hotspring.

“Hey, if i'm bugging you, just say something!” He laughed.

“Stop!” Each one of them yelled.

Skystrike was laughing even harder. “I’ll be here all week.”

As they talked and made up for missed time, the sound of their laughter attracts some unwanted attention. “What’s going on in here!?” Everypony heard in a loud booming voice coming from behind them. Every changeling in the room turned around. Upon realizing who it was, each one bowed. Skystrike finally turned around to see Queen Chrysalis with an angry look on her face, a changeling following behind her.

“There’s the traitor, your highness!” The changeling behind her pointed at Skystrike.

“Hey, Chrysi. You've grown a lot since I’ve last saw you.” He said casually. “I remember you being my human height. Time sure flies, huh?”

“Don't give me that!” She growled. “You know full well you've been banished from here. How did you even get in?”

“I snuck in. The guys at the front are new, I guess. Despite me passing the traps, they weren't able to detect me. Then again, my sneak is at 100.” He chuckled. “And I may have been banished, but it’s not breaking the law unless you're caught, am I right?” He shrugged.

“Enough! I will not forgive you for turning your back on us! Leave now, or I will force you out myself!” She bluffed.

“You know you won't be able to do that if you tried, but fine.” He sat up. “I just came to see how everything is going. I’m glad I got to see you all again, despite what’s been said towards me.” He smiled as he proceeded to leave the hive. Despite the smile that he gave all them, he was sad that she hasn't forgiven him. He couldn't blame her though. He hasn't forgiven himself either.

After quick dream of what actually happened that extra week he was gone, Skystrike woke up the next day to frantic knocking at his bedroom door. “Sir? Sir, there’s something wrong with me!”

He quickly threw of his covers and ran towards the door. He flung it open to see a different sight than he was expecting. Stardust, or what had the voice of Stardust, was standing in front of him with a worried face. Instead of Stardust in front of him, it was... himself?

“Holy shit… I really haven't looked in the mirror in a while.” He chuckled to himself.

“Sir, this is not a joke!” Stardust’s skin turned from white to purple as her wings were absorbed into her body. She shrunk down a bit before a purple horn came out from her forehead. Her blue hair turned black that had a flat cut with a violet and deep blue stripe going through her mane. She turned into Twilight.

“Wait…” Skystrike had a theory. “Act like Pinkie Pie. I may know whats wrong, or at least what’s causing it.”

Stardust gave him a confused look before doing so. “Hi! I like cakes and cupcakes and candy and muffins and…” She said while jumping up and down, only to stop when her coat turned pink and her mane and tail turned a deeper pink. Her mane and tail turned curly and puffy.

“Ok, now do Applejack.”

“Why howdy darn doody! I’m Applejack and I love apples! Apple pie, apple fritters, apple juice, candied apples…” She once again stopped when her body took on the form of Applejack.

“Ok, so it looks like your looks change depending on who you act like, or you act like what you think of them. And i'm guessing you cant act like yourself, considering it’s 9 a.m. and you had a lot of time to try.” Skystrike sighed. “We should probably go to Twilight’s. Probably has a book on it or something similar.”

“Shouldn't we go to Zecora? She specializes in treating things like this?” Stardust thought aloud.

“Yeah, lets go after Twilight’s. Considering we were in the Everfree, which is probably the cause of this, with them, I doubt you're the only one with this problem. I probably don't have any abnormalities because of this armor.” He realized. “It covers everything.”

“Well that’s great for you, sir, but I can't go out like this!” Stardust said before she turned into Rarity. She looked at herself in horror before calming down.

“You can borrow my cape. It’ll be big on you, so it can work as a cloak probably.” He offered as he went to get his cape off the coat rack. He came back and threw it over Stardust. Sure enough, it covered her whole body, using part of it as a hood. Her sapphire blue eyes, due to her changing into Rarity, could be seen through the shadow covering her face and horn. She tugged on the cape, making it tighten around her.

“Thank you, sir.”

“No problem. Now let's get going. I want to go before Naga wakes up. I love that basilisk but she is a piece of work.” He laughed, only for it to be stopped my a quiet, echoing roar in the distance. “We gotta go.”

Skystrike and Stardust walked in the library to see everypony else having the same problem as Stardust. Twilight’s horn was floppy with blue spots, Pinkie’s tongue was swollen with blue spots, Rainbow dash couldn't fly straight, Rarity’s mane and coat were in long dreadlocks, Applejack was the size of a hoof and was riding on Applebloom’s back, and each were saying it was a curse.

“It’s a curse! A curse I tell ya!” Applejack said in a high pitched voice.

“But… Fluttershy, Skystrike and Stardust seems just fine!” Twilight pointed out.

“Yes, I don't see anything wrong with these three.” Rarity agreed.

“Well, i'm wearing armor so-” Skystrike was cut off by Twilight.

“Your armor doesn't protect you from everything, Skystrike! Even if it is a curse!”

“Apparently it did if im not affected.” He shrugged. “And this isn't a curse.”

“But that still doesn't explain why Stardust and Fluttershy aren't having problems.” Applejack said.

“Stardust, you wanna show them, or should I?” Skystrike looked at her from the corner of his eye.

Stardust let out a loud sigh before taking off the cape. Each of the ponies looked at her who currently looked like Skystrike. She readied herself before acting like one of the ponies in the room. “Oh boy, I sure do love books and magic! I’m so lucky to be the princess’ student!” She said while puffing her chest out, before her coat and mane changed colors to match Twilights appearance.

Skystrike and Spike let out a loud ‘pfffft’ as everypony else eyed Stardust.

“I don't sound like that do I?” Twilight asked worried.

“So Fluttershy, were you affected by it too?” Skystrike asked, ignoring her question.

Fluttershy looked away from him.

“Is there something wrong with you?” A concerned Twilight asked. Fluttershy nodded, still looking away.

“Would you care to tell us?” Twilight tilted her head. Fluttershy shook hers.

Twilight raised an eyebrow. “So… you're not gonna tell us” Fluttershy nodded.

“Yes, you're not, or yes you will?” Fluttershy shook her head.

“Good gravy girl, what’s wrong with you!?” Applejack shouted as she hopped over to her.

“...I dont wanna talk about it…” Fluttershy said in a deep manly voice.

Spike and Skystrike looked at each other before bursting out laughing. Skystrike couldn't even laugh anymore, as he leaned on the table wheezing loudly. “I... cant… fucking breathe!” He said in between his laughing. All the girls there were shooting daggers at him and Spike.

“Wait, wait, wait! Fluttershy, can you sing this for me?” SKystrike pulled out a sheet of paper and gave it her. She gave him an un amused look. “Please?” He pleaded with a wide grin on her face. She took the paper and looked over it. With a sigh, she began.

“I see trees of green,

Red roses to.

I see them bloom

For me and you.

And i think to myself…

What a wonderful world~”

Skystrike stood silent for a moment before a long wheeze came out. He collapsed on the floor as his wheeze became a higher and higher pitch. “Oh my god, thank you!” He wheezed towards Fluttershy.

“This is hilarious!” Spike laughed. “Look at all of you! We got Hairity, Rainbow crash, Spitty pie, Apple tinnie, Flutterguy, and…” He stopped at Twilight. “Uh… I got nothing. It’s Twilight Sparkle! Seriously, I can't even work with that. Stardust is out of the question.

“3 things, you're right with Stardust, I’d go with crab-applejack, And how about… Twilight Flopple?” Skystrike grinned. Spike put out his hand as the two shared a high five.

“Eheheh, this is no joke you two, now Spike, start looking for more books wo we can't find a cure!” Twilight fake laughed. Spike groaned as he walked toward the bookshelf.

Rainbow pulled herself out of the ladder that she got her head stuck in. “I think we’ll find a cure for this curse at Zecora's!” Rainbow tried to fly in the air.

“It’s not a curse!” Twilight said as Rainbow fell backwards.

“Ah agree with dash!” Applejack said as she hopped up on the table. “We’ll go to Zecora’s, and force her to remove this hex!”

“It’s not a hex either!” Twilight shook her head. The others however cheered in agreement.

Skystrike saw Applebloom mumble something to herself before she began to walk out the library. He then was Applejack sneakily jump into her little sister’s tail. Skystrike walked up next to Stardust. “Can you stay here and help out Spike? I’d let you come, but it’s very easy to get lost in there.” He whispered. Stardust saluted him, giving him the ok. “Thanks. I’ll see you later.”

Once outside of Ponyville, Applebloom started to run towards the Everfree forest. Just before the filly entered the forest, Skystrike saw Applebloom skid to a stop before Applejack popped out of her mane. He saw a brief argument go by before Applebloom left her tiny big sister on a tree branch over a large fall. Applebloom began to walk away as Applejack yelled in protest. After Applebloom was a safe distance away, Skystrike appeared across from the tiny pony.

“Well hello there.” Skystrike said to the stranded mare.

“Skystrike! Thank goodness you're here! I need you're\-” She started.

“Ironic, isn't it, AJ?” He looked at the mare.


“This ‘curse’ that Zecora supposedly put on you shrunk you, the big sister, down in size. From what I’ve seen ant what your little sister experienced since Zecora got here, you’ve been treating her like she can't do anything for herself.” He sighed. Applejack opened her mouth to protest, but she was cut off once again. “Remember yesterday, when you made up that story about her being scared stiff from Zecora? Or when you wouldn't even let her say Zecora’s name? Or how about when you expect her to listen to everything you say?”

“I… I’m just tryin’ ta protect her! Is that so wrong?”

“There’s such thing as being to over protective, and I’ve learned that the hard way.” He said as he showed her his scars on his side. “If she’s able to make a decision by herself, then she also has to be prepared to take the responsibility. You haven't given her a chance to do that. SO. When she had the chance, and you weren't able to stop her like all the other times, she took it. Can you blame her?” He asked. Applejack looked down in defeat. “Dont worry, ill make sure she doesn't get hurt. The others are probably on their way here right now, so you won't have to wait long. After that, you can get back at me whatever way you want.” He finished as he turned around. “And hopefully, I can get your sister to forgive you if you forgive her.”

“Skystrike? Skystrike, get back here! This isn't over!” She shouted only for it to fall on deaf ears.

Although a little guilty of leaving Applejack in the state that she was, he kept going forward along the trail. It was a small dirt path leading towards the inner part of the forest. Lucky for him, the path was somewhat damp, letting him see the hoof steps of presumably Applebloom. There were another set of hoof prints belonging to an older pony, or most likely zebra. Knowing he was on the right track, he quickened his pace to get to his destination faster. After a few minutes, a small hut came into view few decorative masks and a doormat outside.

Skystrike walked up to and knocked on the door. The sound of footsteps could be heard coming towards the door. He backed up a bit as the door began to open. Skystrike made eye contact with Zecora before they shared a small hug.

“Of all the ponies to visit out of the blue, I was always hoping it would be you.” Zecora spoke in rhymes.

“It’s good to see you again to, Zecora. How have you been holding up?” He greeted as he broke the hug.

“I travelled to Ponyville, in hopes of finding you. I figured a chance to see eachother was long past due. Though the ponies that reside here in regard to me do not know what to do.” She sighed.

“Sad to say, but it was nothing knew. Heh, that rhymed.” Skystrike pointed out. “It was the same with me once I moved here a few months ago. I’m really sorry about them.”

“No need to apologize, my friend. It has not been all bad, as I’ve only been inconvenienced a tad.” She waved a hoof. “You should come in. I would like to ask as oh how you’ve been.” She stepped to the side, allowing Skystrike to walk inside.

After closing the door behind him, he found Applebloom sitting on a stool next to a cauldron. Her eyes went wide as she realized he was there. “S-Skystrike! What are you doing here?”

“Just making sure you're ok, and no, I’m not taking you back. And good job for trying to find your own answers, despite what your sister said.” He said as he looked around. “Nice place you got here, Zecora.”

“I assume you know Applebloom, my friend?” Zecora asked.

“Not that well, actually. Today would be the second time we’ve met, though I know her sister somewhat well. First time I met Applejack was before I met you, all those years ago when I was at some camp. She’s a good kid though.” He answered.

“I could tell from talking to her. She reminds me of how you once were.” She chuckled.

“Oh yeah, I know this is kind of early for me to be asking you favors, but we need your help.” Skystrike realized.

“Yeah! Mah sister an’ her friends got cursed or somethin’! They think that it was you!” Applebloom stood from her seat.

“A curse you say? And the effects took place today?” Zecora asked.

“Yeah! Ah came to fix it!” Applebloom answered before looking down. “It was mah fault anyway.”

“Oh sweet little Applebloom, there was nothing you could do. You could do nothing to stop them from stepping in the leaves of blue.” She reassured her.

“...Wuh?” Applebloom looked up confused.

“Remember yesterday, they stepped in some blue flowers, and Zecora said, ‘The leaves of blue are not a joke’? That was her warning us of the plant called Poison joke.” Skystrike explained. “It plays a joke on the receiver that relates to their personality, their physical body, or their mental state, though it's mostly physical.”

“...so what yer sayin’ is that it’s their own fault?” Applebloom asked.

“Yup, but the effects don't go away on their own. That's the third reason why I came. Zecora, do you know how to cure it?” SKystrike turned towards the zebra.

“The cure is simple to brew, though my ingredients are few, and I cannot make do.” Zecora said as she motioned to a shelf of missing ingredients.

“We can get those for ya!” Applebloom offered. “We’ll help any way we can!”

“That is good to hear, young filly.” She smiled as she walked towards her saddle bag. She pulled out a list with her mouth. “Some can be found here in the forest. My hope is you can get it done quickly.” She spoke through her teeth as Applebloom took the list. Zecora then put her saddle bag on the filly.

“Sure thing, Zecora. We’ll see you faster than you can finish a sentence without rhyming.” He joked.

“You want to make that a bet? Then the deal is set!” She declared, only to realize that she rhymed a few seconds later.

After walking in the forest for a few minutes and finding some of their ingredients, Applebloom got more talkative with Skystrike, enjoying his company, as he was hers. While walking, she saw this as some sort of adventure. Of course, Skystrike was there to make sure she wasn't doing anything dangerous. She had already almost walked into poison ivy thinking it was an ingredient they needed. After that, Skystrike started walking in front to ensure her safety. This action, however just annoyed Applebloom.

“Skystrike! I’m not a lil’ kid! I can watch our fer myself!” She said as she tried to walk in front.

“I know you aren't, but you aren't big enough to look out for yourself.” He looked back at her.

“Yes I am! Ah was able ta get to Zecora’s house all by myself!” She said proudly.

“Sorry to break your bubble, but you were able to get to her house so easily because of the repellent she lined the path with. I’m just looking out for you, kiddo.” He pointed a hoof at her while he spoke.

“All you've done while we were here was look out for me. You don't let me do anything at all! Its like you don't even care about me. You're just like Applejack!” She whined.

Skystrike stopped walking. Applebloom, not expecting this, almost fell forward. Skystrike turned around and looked her dead in the eye. “Don't you dare say that. Older siblings always watch out for their younger ones. Applejack does that, Big Mac does that, and i’m doing that right now. I’ll admit, I am kind of babying you, but this is for your safety and both my and Applejack’s peace of mind.” He stared at her. “Don't ever say something like that again, alright?”

Applebloom stood silent for a moment, taking in what he said. “...A-alright. I’m sorry.”

“Don't worry about it, Applebloom. You aren't out of it yet, anyway. We still gotta deal with your sister.”

“We?” Applebloom was confused.

“I… may have left your sister on that branch you left her on.” He admitted. “So we’ve got each others back I guess.”

Applebloom let out a chuckle in agreement. “Ah guess yer right.”

“Alright. Now we should get back to Zecora’s place. With any luck, we can get there before Twilight and the others. That being said, ever flown through the skies?”


“You wanna?”

“...Yes?” She answered slowly.

Skystrike crouched down. “Hop on and we’ll be off. I also doubt we have much time.” Applebloom hopped on his back and wrapped her front hooves around his neck. “Hold on tight. I’ll start of slow.” He stood up, and with with a heavy flap of his wings, he took of into the sky. After a few seconds passed, the two were flying above the everfree.

“Wow…” Appleblow awed at the sight as she looked over the land they were flying over. “You can see everythin’ from up here.”

“It is nice, isn't it? It’s a shame I don't fly often.” He agreed.

“Can we stay up here for a little while? Please?” She pleaded.

“Sure. Its pretty peaceful, and nothing seems wrong, so i’ll fly slow.” He said as he slowed his pace.

After a quite peaceful flight, the two lander a walk away from Zecora’s hut. As Skystrike crouched down to let Applebloom hop off, he noticed the front door to Zecora’s hut was wide open, and he could hear faint yelling coming from inside.

“Fuck!” He screamed. Internally that is. From the sounds of it, Twilight and the others were obviously there, but he couldn't make out what they were saying.

“Well what’re you waitin’ for, Skystrike? Lets go!” Applebloom said as she began running towards Zecora’s hut. Skystrike jogged behind her, letting out a sigh in mild annoyance. They slowed to a walk as she entered the doorway.

“Zecora, I think we’ve found all the things you asked for.” Applebloom stopped herself mid sentence as she and Skystrike looked around the trashed room. The cauldron was flipped over, some of her bottles were broken, and there were dropped ingredients everywhere. “What in Ponyville is going on here!?”

Applejack let out a gasp as she stopped wrestling Zecora’s ear. “Applebloom! You're ok!”

“Why wouldn't ah be?” Applebloom asked in confusion.

Twilight quickly jumped in front of Applebloom in defense. “Because Zecora’s an evil enchantress who cursed us and was gonna cook you into soup!”

A moment of silence went by as Twilight stared daggers at Zecora. Zecora looked at her, then at Applebloom, then at Skystrike. She and Applebloom both cracked a grin before bursting out laughing. Skystrike was working on calming himself down.

“Oh Twilight! Did those silly fillies finally get in yer head? You know there’s no such thing as a curse?” Applebloom giggled.

“Scuse me for a moment.” Skystrike said as he walked out the door and closed it behind him. A loud yell in annoyance could be heard from the other side of the door before he came back inside as if nothing happened. “Imma just stop explaining thing to you ponies if you don't stop to think.” He thought aloud. “God damn, the irony of all this.”

“Applebloom, sweetie, you can't just stand there and tell me this isn't a curse!” Twilight motioned to the other four, save for Applejack, standing next to her.

“This isn't a curse!” Applebloom walked past the mares and stood by Zecora.

“If you remember back, the words I spoke were quite exact.” Zecora said as she agreed with the filly.

“It was a warning! About that blue plant! It’s called poison joke.” Applebloom clarified.

“That plant is much like poison oak, but its results are like a joke!” Zecora rhymed

“What in the hay does that mean?” Applejack asked as she came out from behind Zecora’s mane.

“It means this plant does not breed wrath, this plant just wants a laugh.”

“...Will somepony please talk normal?” Applejack looked to the other ponies

“When you ran in to save the kid, you walked right into the poison joke. The problems you blamed Zecora on are just effects of the plant you walked into. Both Skystrike and I noticed it had some relation to how you act or what you do. Fluttershy talks quiet, so she got a deep voice. Pinkie talks too much, so her tongue swelled up in hopes to keep her quiet, but that failed. Rarity works on her looks, so it made her look like a walking mop. Rainbow Dash takes pride in her flying, so it made her fly like a newborn filly. Applejack thinks she’s all big, so it quite literally shrunk her down some sizes. Twilight relies way too much on her magic, so it made her magic unusable. Make sense?” Echo said, finally speaking after a long while.

“Mop?” “Filly” “Pthbt?” Each pony said respectively to the roast Eco dished out.

“...Echo, you're kind of a dick.” Skystrike chuckled.

“You know I’m right though.” Echo replied as Skystrike chuckled more in agreement.

“But what about the cauldron?” Rainbow asked.

“And the chanting?” Fluttershy asked in her deep voice.

“And the creepy decor?” Rarity asked through her hair.

“Treasures! Of the native land where i'm from!” Zecora answered as she looked at the mask Rarity was referring to. “This one speaks ‘hello’, and this one, ‘welcome.’ She said showing a light blue and green and a green, blue, and orange one respectively.

“Not welcoming at all, if you asked me.” Rarity looked at a rather discomforting mask one would have trouble describing to say the least.

“The words I spoke are from olden times. Something you would call a nursery rhyme.” Zecora explained.

“But… the cauldron… the Applebloom soup?” Twilight asked, wanting her final question answered.

“Lookie here, Twilight, that pot o’ water wasn't for me, it was fer all these herbal ingredients!” Applebloom motioned to her bag next to a open book. “The cure fer poison joke is a simple natural remedy. Ya just gotta take a bubble bath!” Applebloom finished as she lifted up her sister in her hoof.

“You know, I kinda do feel like a bubble bath now…” Skystrike hummed to himself.

“But I tried to find a cure in all my books and couldn't find anything! What book has this natural remedy?” She asked.

Zecora flipped the book close, letting Twilight see the cover. “Here is the book, you see? Sad that you lack it in your library.”

Twilight looked at the book in confusion, realization, then regret. “Actually, I do have this book, but I didn't look inside because the title was so… weird.” Zecora opened the book again to let the unicorn see the inside cover. “Super naturals: natural remedies and cures for all that is simply super.” She read.

“I… I’m so sorry Zecora, I had the answer the whole time, if only I bothered to look inside.” Twilight looked away in guilt.

Zecora chuckled, accepting her apology. “Maybe next time, you should take a second look, and not judge the cover of the book.”

Applebloom and Skystrike giggled. Something about how Zecora speaks in rhymes seems funny for some reason.

“Zecora, would you be kind enough to make another batch of the herbal bath?” Twilight asked.

“Mix it up, I certainly will, but I am missing an herb from Ponyville.” Zecora explained.

“Whenever Zecora comes to town, all the shops are mysteriously closed.” Applebloom said.

“Oh. Well, I think we can help you with that.” Twilight smiled at her.

“But before that, Skystrike, c’mere!” Applejack said from atop her sisters head.

Skystrike knew what was going on. “Take of yer helmet!” She said. He did so, letting her and the other ponies see his wide grin. She pulled out a blue flower from behind her and smacked it against his nose. Surprisingly, it seemed nothing happened.

“Was that the leaves of blue?” Zecora asked wide eyed.

“Yep.” Applejack said proudly.

Zecora’s eyes went widder as her fears were worsened. “Pony, you know not what you do!”

“Huh?” Applejack backed away a little in confusion.

“This isn't the first time Skystrike suffered from poison joke. As Skystrike keeps mostly to himself, and poison joke does pretty much the opposite, every thought that enters his mind, he’s forced to say it.” Echo sighed.

“That doesn't sound that bad.” Fluttershy said as she let out a sigh of relief, thinking it was something serious.

“Fluttershy I need you to do something for me!” Skystrike exclaimed suddenly.

Fluttershy almost instantly regretted what she said. “Oh no…”

“Every time I point to you, can you say, ‘doh doh doh doh’ just like i did?”

“That doesn't sound too bad…” She had no idea at all what he was planning. “Ok.”

“I told the witch doctor I was in love with you!” Skystrike said as he pointed toward Fluttershy. Everypony’s eyes went wide as they realized the song.

“Doh doh doh doh.” Fluttershy said reluctantly.

“I told the witch doctor I was in love with you!” He pointed again.

“Doh doh doh doh.”

“I told the witch doctor I was in love with you!” He pointed again.

“Doh doh doh doh.”

“And then the witch doctor, he told me what to do he told me Oh Eh, Oh ah ah! Ting Tang! Wala wala bing bang! Oh Eh, Oh ah ah! Ting Tang! Wala wala bing bang! Oh Eh, Oh ah ah! Ting Tang! Wala wala bing bang!”

Pinkie suddenly pulled a saxophone out of nowhere and belted out the saxophone solo as everypony both inwardly and outwardly groaned.

After what felt like a long walk out of the everfree forest, the group started on their way back towards Ponyville. Skystrike’s thoughts have not stopped at all from then.

“Is sand called sand because it’s between the sea and the land?” He said as he kept walking. Everypony groaned once again.

“It’s been twenty minutes! How is his voice not tired yet!?” Rainbow Dash asked from behind her anger.

“I asked myself that long ago, but its best for yourself you do not know.” Zecora sighed.

“Wait… we can use this…” Rarity thought aloud. “If we ask him a question, he can only think of the actual answer first!” Once everypony realized what that meant, the questions started coming.

“What’s the most embarrassing you’ve done?” Rainbow Dash immediately asked.

Everypony’s ears perked up at this. “I stuck into Celestia's chambers while I lived in canterlot. There were alot of magic locks and detectors I had to bypass, but when I got by, all I found was a cardboard box under her bed.” He chuckled. “And lemme tell you, Celestia is KINKY.” He shouted. “Like Damn! You know what i'm saying? She had a full on 210 page BOOK in 12-point font!.”

Pinkie, Rainbow Dash, and Applejack burst out laughing. Applebloom had a look of confusion, being too young to really understand. Rarity and Fluttershy had deep blushes on their faces. Twilight had a look of arousal and hunger. Zecora face hoofed.

“Oh, oh!” Pinkie hopped. “What do you do in your free time?” Pinkie tried to speak through her tongue.

“I try to brew potions, train, send letters, write my autobiography, and polish my blades and armor. YOOO, when you clean your vacuum cleaner, you become the vacuum cleaner!”

The ponies groaned again. Suddenly, Skystrike had another thought. “Guys… clothes are just full body condoms.”

“Sweet Celestia, we’re finally here!” Twilight shouted in annoyance. “Skystrike, can you try not to think?” Skystrike looked at her.

“If I could I would! I’ll try my best though!” He said plainly

As the group started to enter town, the ponies immediately took notice to the. After noticing Zecora was walking with them, they began to panic and run inside their houses out of fear.

“I feel like I’ve seen this scene before.” He said to himself.

Twilight walked up to a flower shop and knocked on the door. Daisy poked her head out from the crack in the door she opened. “Daisy, we need to talk.”

Skystrike waited outside the spa for his turn in the tub. His armor was already off in preparation, save for his helmet. After quickly getting Stardust and explaining what happened to himself, Stardust laughed at nearly everything he said on his walk to the spa. As he waited, his thoughts didn't stop.

“Skystrike, you know we won't mind if you come in here with us, right?” Twilight said through the closed door.

“But it's kinda weird, isn't it? I’ve read too many romance novels to know where that'll go!” He said back. “That last part was supposed to my my personal thought.” He clarified as he heard snickers through the door.

“We’re under water! You won't see anything!”

“Maybe so, but for all I know, that water is clear!” He yelled back. “Now, Imma continue my thoughts in safety!”

A moment of silence went by before he continued with his thoughts. “If I stay a virgin until 30, will I be able to use magic?” He thought aloud.

The sound of splashing water and wet hoof steps could be heard coming towards him. He turned his head to see Zecora and Rainbow Dash standing behind him.

“We don't want to hear your thoughts anymore, Skystrike.” Rainbow growled as he grabbed him by the front hooves and began to drag him into the tub.

“I agree, we can only deal with you to a certain degree!” Zecora pushed him from behind.

Skystrike was thrown into the tub with a loud splash, despite this protest. He stayed underwater for a few seconds. He quickly stuck his upper body above the water, letting the mares see his toned muscles.

“...Nice…” Rarity spoke quietly.

“And now i'm not the only one having trouble keeping my thoughts to myself!” He laughed. “But hey, this is nice. Like, really nice. You know what, I might get a membership.” Skystrike looked behind him to see Stardust on the stairs leading up to the bath.

“Stardust, you gonna get in?” He asked.

“Oh! Uh, yes!” She said, momentarily turning into Fluttershy before quickly diving into the pool. There was a moment that passed when she didnt come up from the water. Skystrike looked where she dived to see a dark black protrusion poke out from the water. It went back under the water before Stardust came up, taking a deep breath. Skystrike looked around to see if the others noticed if they saw it. From the looks of it, they were all preoccupied talking with each other. Skystrike let out a sigh of relief.

“So, Stardust, you want a membership? I might get one.” Skystrike asked.

“Yes sir!” She answered as if nothing happened.

“Oh yeah, Applejack, i’m guessing that makes us even now, huh?”

“You betcha!” She laughed from the bucket she was sitting in, as everypony joined in.

Author's Note:

I know some of you are wondering what that was about with Stardust near the end of the chapter, but I feel like you can all but it together. As my last fer chapters are reuploads of the same chapters by me from fanfiction.net, that's why they were all posted on the same day.

I have no set time for when my stories come out, but you can assume I'll be writing parts daily, and getting them out faster during breaks, as I am currently in school. My goal is 2 chapters a month at least. Realize that the chapters will come faster if I don't have to look back on the episodes and I can make my own plot. For those who haven't seen my updates on fanfiction.net, I'll explain it briefly here.

This isn't a self insert, this is a a somewhat alternate story of mlp if my OC was in it. This wont have that much of a difference in some chapters, that's why some episodes will be left out. I am already planning on what Skystrike's and Stardust's major roles are going to be, though it may mostly be Season 2 onwards. The next chapter wont have much to do with the cannon storyline, but will be a side story of Skystrike's daily routines. I hope you've enjoyed, and i'll see you all next time!