• Published 20th Oct 2018
  • 10,455 Views, 162 Comments

A Broken Warrior - Stonehearth

A boy was made to be the ultimate weapon. In an attempt to escape his fate, he found himself in a land of ponies, dragons, and changelings. Will he be able to find peace, or will his fate catch up to him?

  • ...

Fall Weather Friends

The few weeks of summer went by pretty fast after that party Skystrike revealed to the town that he didn't have a cutie mark. The weird looks he got from the townsfolk only increased from there. He knew ponies were quick to judge, but this was kind of silly. He did bring it on himself though. However, he didn’t regret it, he made those three fillies feel a bit better about themselves.

The past few months, Stardust and Spike have made good progress in their combat training. Stardust hasn’t become better at one thing, per say, but has grown in each field applicable. Her breathing has become better, her reflexes have become sharper, and she’s grown used to using a rapier. What she doesn’t realize is that she relies too much on her weapon. She’ll learn sooner or later.

Spike has been doing really well for a baby dragon. He uses the staff more than the Scythe, most likely because he doesn’t want to hurt anypony. Lucky for him, he shouldn’t have to fight anything anytime soon. He’s also been trying to breathe fire better, though that’s going nowhere for him.

Skystrike has been working on a couple things of his own. Having all this new free time with settling down in ponyville, he’s been trying to get some new hobbies to-

“Skystrike? You alright, darling? You usually aren’t this quiet.” Rarity asked, trotting up behind him on their way to Sweet Apple Acres.

Skystrike looked back at Rarity for a minute, Seeing Rainbow, Fluttershy, Pinkie and Stardust behind him. “It’s… you know, I was about to say it wasn’t important, but it kinda is.” He chuckled to himself before sighing. “It’s been quite a while since I’ve moved to Ponyville, but I’ve had a lot on my mind lately. I… I don't want to rant, but there’s just a lot of work on myself that I need to do.”

“What do you mean?” Fluttershy asked. “You can talk to us. We’re your friends after all.”

“See, that’s the thing. I keep thinking to myself if I’m really a good friend. I think back to the moments where I’ve said some things in the moment because of my temper, and how that honestly should’ve ruined any friendship I had with them. Like when I told off Rainbow when dealing with the dragon, or when I was yelling at Applejack about not asking for help. Hell, I hit Gilda, and yeah she deserved it, but still” Skystrike scratched the back of his head. “I’ve been trying to work on my temper, but by the time I get that fixed, I’ll probably have lost most of my friends. If I don’t lose friends that way, It’ll probably be because I feel I don’t spend enough time with them, you all included. I just… I don't want to lose my friends... again.”

A few moments of silence went by before Skystrike let out a light chuckle. “Heh, and I said I wouldn’t rant, but there I went and did it.”

“That’s… quite a bit to take in.” Rarity thought aloud.

“I’ll say.” Stardust added.

“Look, Sky, I know just hearing ponies say it won’t help much, but just listen.” Pinkie started. “You have been a good friend. Yeah, you’ve said some mean things a few times, but that’s partially why we stay friends with you. You’re the type of pony that will be honest, and sometimes, we need that. No matter how brutal.”

“I agree with Pinkie Pie, here. You getting on Rainbow did good in the long run. She does put more thought into what she says.” Rarity added.

“Thank you again… by the way.” Fluttershy spoke softly. “And if you want to spend more time with us, you can always ask. We’d be more than happy to.”

“...I’d appreciate that.” Skystrike gave a soft smile.

“Besides, your temper is funny sometimes! Like when you argued with Spoiled Rich!” Pinkie said, popping up in front of Skystrike.

“Heh, that was great, wasn’t it? Thanks, girls. It made me feel a bit better.” Skystrike said as he looked back at them. “By the way, what are we going to Sweet Apple Acres for?

“Oh, apparently Applejack and Rainbow Dash are doing an Iron Pony competition. They’re competing against each other to see who’s the best athlete in Ponyville.” Rarity answered before everyone's eyes turned to look at Skystrike.

“...Well that’s kinda silly. It’s Skystrike!” Pinkie hopped on Skystrike’s back and pointed at his head.

“I think they’re just over hyping it. Most likely some friendly competition. It would be fun to see though.” Skystrike shrugged.

“What, you aren’t going to compete? I'm sure they’d let you join in. Maybe you’ll even win.” Stardust said, quickening her pace to his side.

“Eh, I dunno. I'm like twice their size, so it wouldn’t exactly be fair. Besides, going off of their builds, they’ll tie, assuming the sports they’ll be doing will be fair.”

“What do you mean?” Pinkie tilted her head.

“Well, Applejack is obviously stronger than Rainbow, since she’s an earth pony and works on the farm. Rainbow is more agile than Applejack, so the agility courses would be in her favor. And finally, they’re both stubborn.”

“You make a fair point, darling.” Rarity said as the group walked through the entrance to Sweet Apple Acres. “But you should still join their little competition. It would be amusing to see those two up against you.”

“I don’t see why. I’d win anyway, so it wouldn’t really be a competition…”

“What?” Rainbow Dash and AJ said in sync as they looked at Skystrike.

“Damn, they heard that.” Skystrike said under his breath.

“Does that mean you’ll join in, Skystrike?” Spike said, riding on top of Twilight's back.

Skystrike looked at the dragon, then to the four behind him, then finally to Applejack and Rainbow Dash, both of whom had a competitive look in their eyes. “If I say no, you two will never let me hear the end of it, so I guess I am.” Skystrike shrugged. “Lucky for you, I came without my armor and in my sweatshirt.”

“Let the games begin!” Spike said in excitement, the other ponies cheering.

Skystrike stretched his body for a few moments, waiting for Applejack to start the first course. A few barrels were spread about the sides of a dirt strip. Applejack got into a starting position.

“Ready?” Twilight signaled. “Go!”

Applejack took off, weaving through the barrels at an impressive speed. She nearly made it to the end before accidentally hitting one of the barrels with her side. “Dang Nabbit!” She said in annoyance as she crossed the finish line.

“Time, Spike.” Twilight said as the dragon clicked the stop watch.

“Seventeen seconds!”

“Wow, that’s pretty good, AJ. Nice job.” Skytrike said, tapping her back. Meanwhile, Rainbow Dash had her jaw dropped.

“I'm just as surprised! That breaks my record for last year's rodeo!”

“But… you get a five second penalty for nudging the barrel.” Spike said to Applejack's dismay.

“Aw, shoot.” She sighed as she kicked a rock. “Well, that’s still 22 seconds! Not to shabby!” Rainbow Dash was visibly sweating. “Hey, don't be nervous. Remember, it’s all in good fun.” Applejack nudged Rainbow with her shoulder, the latter of whom then flew off to the starting point.

“Ready, set, go!” Twilight said. Rainbow Dash started the course, going much faster than Applejack, as well as not hitting a single barrel.

“Sheesh, that was some fancy hoof work there, Rainbow!” Applejack congratulated the mare.

Rainbow puffed some air. “Thanks, but I couldn’t have been as fast as you.”

‘Huh, Rainbow being humble. Surprising.” He thought to himself. “Nice job, Rainbow. Didn't expect you to be so quick on your hooves. So, Spike, what was her time?”

Spike looked at his stopwatch. “18 seconds!” He said in awe.

Skystike trotted over to the starting point. “Yeeah, that’s gonna be hard to beat…”

“Hey, like AJ said, it’s all in good fun!” Rainbow said, cheering him on.

“Ready? Set. Go!” Twilight said.

Skystrike took off at an amazing speed for his size, quickly making it to the finish line, not hitting a single barrel. However, he didn't stop as he wanted to. His failed attempt at planting his feel caused him to start rolling. “WAAAAAAAAAH!” Directly into a tree. “AEGH.”

“Sweet Celestia, you ok Skystrike!?” Applejack said, running over to him.

“Everything is upside down, but yeah. Should’ve realized that my armor made it easier to stop compared to without it…” Skystrike picked himself up before shaking the dirt off himself. “What was my time?” He asked before sneezing.

“Uh… 15 seconds!”

“Fifteen!?” Everypony else said in unison.

“...sooo, I won the first course!” Skystrike proclaimed, pumping his hoof into the air.

“Yeah, but don’t get used to it.” Applejack said, elbowing his side.

“Aww, is somepony a sore loser?” Skystrike teased. The mare turned her head away in mild annoyance. Fluttershy put a “1” on the scoreboard next to a chalk drawn picture of Skystrike.

As the day continued, word spread around the town of the ongoing competition. Soon, they had a small crowd on some bleachers watching the three athletes compete.
The current challenge was a bucking contest. The pony had to kick a target, and a bell would ring if the pony kicked hard enough. Rainbow Dash went first, being able to hit the bell with relative ease. The crown cheered and threw a few flowers.

“Mighty respectable, but let me show you how it’s really done…” Applejack said, confidently walking up to the target. With a swift kick, the target broke, the mallet went up, and the bell shattered, all to the amazement of the cheering crowd. “Years of apple bucking.” Applejack said casually.

“Well now I can’t compete…” Skystrike fake pouted. He looked to Fluttershy and Rarity who stood next to him. The three made eye contact.

“What is it, darling?” Rarity asked.

Skystrike slowly smirked. “Didn’t think this is what they meant by ‘bucking contest’.” He said to the two.

“Wha- NEBULA!” Rarity shouted, her face turning red.

“Oh… my…” Fluttershy hid her face with her hooves.

Skystrike was using every ounce of willpower to not ugly laugh. Instead, he began wheezing heavily. “Your faces are priceless!”

Pinkie Pie placed a point on the scoreboard for Applejack.

“Why… Why me?” Spike asked as he sat on Applejacks back. The goal of this challenge is to try to get Spike off your back the fastest it seems.

“Spike, sacrifices must be made in battles like these… I'm sorry, homie.” Skystrike said, chuckling to himself.

Before Spike could respond, Applejack began moving around, trying to get him off. Spike held on for dear life, though ultimately, he failed, being flung off into a nearby hay pile. He let out a groan of pain. “Ouch…”

Rainbow Dash shook the hay off her, Spike still on her back. “Ready for another pony ride?”

“No!” He answered quickly, but not quick enough to get off.

“Ready? Go!” Twilight signaled.

Rainbow Dash gave a few short jumps, easily sending Spike into the air, landing on top of the scoreboard.

“Alright, your turn, Skystrike!” Twilight said, starting to go fetch Spike.

“Eh… imma pass on this one. Doubt Spike can handle anymore from the looks of him.” He said as Spike let out a loud groan.

“What? Don’t wanna lose?” Rainbow Dash said, trying to antagonize him.

“Think of it this way, now, we’re all tied, and you wouldn’t have zero points. Also, my back still hurts a bit.” He chuckled

The fourth challenge seemed to be lasso tricks. The three athletes stood on opposite ends of a fenced in area, doing some tricks for the crowd. Spike stood unamused in the middle.

Rainbow Dash did an attempt to do lasso tricks, but was more just spinning the rope in odd shapes. Skystrike was doing better than he expected, being able to make a simple circle with the lasso, spinning it above him.

Applejack, however, made a show of hopping through the circles she spun with her lasso, even catching Spike in the middle with it. ‘Well that was a bit one sided…’ Thought Skystrike, though still clapped for her victory.

“How do I always get the short end of the stick?” Spike pouted.

So far, the score was 2 for Applejack, with Rainbow Dash and Skystrike tied with one point each.

The fifth challenge had the ponies balancing bouncy balls the longest. Applejack fell first, barely able to keep the ball in the air. Skystrike fell second, trying to one up Rainbow by balancing three balls compared to her two.

The Sixth had them throwing hay bales as far as they could. Rainbow Dash went first, throwing it just to the edge of the white lines there for measurement. The pegasus flew to the end and stuck her tongue out at the two. Applejack responded by throwing her hay bale past Rainbows, landing it on said mare. Applejack smirked at Skystrike. He huffed before picking the bale up with one hoof, standing on his hind legs and throwing it farther than than both of the mares. All were tied again.

The seventh was a hoof wrestling contest. ‘Are they running out of ideas?’ Skystrike asked himself. Rainbow, the winner against Applejack, hesitantly took his hoof before putting all her weight into pushing his hoof down. She was definitely strong, but was nothing compared to his sword arm. Skystrike was in the lead.
The eighth challenge had each of them kicking a football as far as they could. Rainbow made a good attempt, nearly passing above the clouds. Applejack, of course, hit the ball above the clouds, making some pegasus ponies sitting on a cloud duck for cover. Skystrike landed the football in the cloud. “I… don't think we count that.” Applejack and Skystrike were tied.

The ninth challenge had the ponies jumping through hoops that grew smaller and smaller after the ponies jumped through successfully. Skystrike opted out before the second hoop even came, knowing he’d just get stuck. Applejack and Rainbow Dash kept going for quite a while, though it came to a stop when Applejack got stuck halfway through.

“I knew I should’ve warned her.” Pinkie said, appearing next to Skystrike out of nowhere.

“WHOA JESUS!” Skystrike yelled in surprise. “...Damn, I should be used to it by now. What do you mean, you should’ve warned her?”

“Well duh, she has a fat flank! Are you telling me you never noticed?”

Skystrike nearly choked before stabilizing himself. “I will not answer that.” He quickly said as he avoided eye contact with the mare.

Pinkie Pie gave a smug grin. “What, are you a flank guy?”

“Pinkie, I think you wanna drop this. You think I haven’t noticed?” Skystrike said, looking Pinkie in the eye.

Pinkie’s ears folded back as her eyes went wide. “Wh-what do you… Noticed what?”

“Pinkie, you, Twilight, Fluttershy, Rarity, Applejack, Stardust and Rainbow have all stared at my flank. You’re the one with the record actually. You aren’t exactly discrete.” Skystrike said as he raised an eyebrow.

“Y-you knew?” Pinkie said, taking a few steps back, feeling somewhat tense. “Why didn’t you say anything then? This is embarrassing now!”

“What am I supposed to say? ‘Oh hey, I’ve noticed you guys staring at my ass, stop.’ out of nowhere? No matter when I bought it, it would’ve been awkward. Just be glad you’re the only one that knows I know….Also I haven’t said anything since I wanted to see if you girls knew I knew.” He said laughing to himself. Pinkie elbowed him in the ribs, pouting as her face turned red. “Also yes.”

Pinkie looked at him with a mix of confusion, surprise, and realization. Skystrike smirked at her widely.

“Fillies and Gentlecolts!” Spike began to announce to the crowd. “At the halfway point, our competitors are tied, all having 3 points each!”

“Who are you talking to?” Twilight asked Spike in annoyance, looking up from her list.

“Them!” He said, pointing to a majority of Ponyville who’s now at Sweet Apple Acres. “Alright, everypony! The next contest will be a push-up contest!” Spike said as the crowd cheered.

“Damn, I hate push-ups.” Skystrike said, walking alongside Rainbow Dash and Applejack.

The three ponies got into a starting position. “Go!” Spike said as Twilight began to count the ponies push-ups.

“96!....97!...” Twilight continued to count as the strain built on the ponies. Applejack grit her teeth as she struggled to push herself up again. Rainbow Dash had a similar action, her eyes rolling almost rolling back into her head. Skystrike was… still going at his normal pace somehow. The ponies around them looked on in excitement as they knew this part would be ending soon.

“98!...99!...” Rainbow Dash used her wings to push herself off the ground for what she hoped to be the last one. “100!”

“I win!” Rainbow Dash declared, throwing her hooves into the air.

Applejack fell, not being able to push herself back up. “Be a good sport, Applejack…” She said to herself in irritation.

“Oi, Twilight, Rainbow, we’re still going.” Skystrike said, waiting for Rainbow Dash to get back down for the 101st.

The crowd looked in disbelief at the stallion being able to continue. Rainbow Dash had the same look, yet the beads of sweat falling down her forehead made her hesitate on continuing. “This time, no wings” Whispered to Rainbow Dash, who responded with a gulp.

The two standing athletes looked at Twilight, ready to continue. “...101…” She started before Rainbow Dash fell from the strain in her muscles.

“Nebula is the winner!” Twilight declared to the crowd, who responded in cheers as Fluttershy flew up a point on the scoreboard for him.

The eleventh challenge was a simple long jump. Applejack took the courtesy of going first, jumping and landing about half way into the sand pit at the end.

Skystrike went second, landing just barely ahead of Applejack due to his weight. “Damn I’m fat” He chuckled to himself before shaking the sand off his hooves.

Applejack and Skystrike looked back to see Rainbow’s jump. She had a look of hesitation, before getting a running start and jumping. She would’ve landed the same distance as Applejack… if not for her slowing her fall and getting a small double jump at the end.

Applejack glared daggers at the mare. Skystrike did the same, then looked at Applejack and patted her on the back in condolences.

The score was 4-4-3, Applejack being last.

The twelfth challenge was not what Skystrike was expecting. The three had to walk through pits of mud with chicks on their back to the mother chickens on the other side. Skystrike assumes that the chicks will jump off if they get mud on them. He balanced the chicks on his back before Twilight called them to start walking.

Skystrike started walking. Thanks to his height, walking through the mud was easier than he initially thought, picking up his hooves and taking long and stable steps.

Applejack tried trotting through the mud, but said mud splashed on the chicks, who hopped off onto Rainbow Dash, who was using her wings to keep them well above the mud as she took them to the end of the mud pit.

Applejack once again glared at Rainbow Dash.

“So… we all got 4 points.” Skystrike stated as he sat on the ground, his forehoofs folded in thought. “...So we're gonna do more or just call it a tie?”

“Ain't no way i'm calling it a tie!” Applejack said, puffing her chest out.

“Me neither! I plan on winning this!” Rainbow Dash agreed.

“Wait, you girls were serious? I thought we were just having fun doing sport stuff.” Skystrike said, looking at the two mares with a raised brow.

“Well, I just got more into it since you said you could beat us easily.” Rainbow replied.

“Really? I thought we… Wait, am I the only one not taking this seriously? I actually thought we were just fooling around, being like ‘Ahahah I am strong pony, look at my muscles!’”

“Wait, you were holding back?” Rainbow Dash asked.

“We’re getting off topic.” Skystrike waved a hoof. “What’ll be the last challenge?”

The three thought for a few moments before Skystrike thought of the most generic and obvious answer he could think of. “...Tug of War?”

Applejack and Rainbow Dash slowly turned to look at the stallion, realization in their eyes.

“Why didn’t we think of this before!?” Stardust said sitting on the bleachers next to Skystrike and the other mares.

“I know right!?” Skystrike laughed. The group looked on towards Applejack and Rainbow Dash, both holding the ends of a rope on opposite sides of a mud pit. “...also how come we got so many mud pits? I’ve seen like 10.”

“There were only 2 so far.” Twilight stated.

“Called hyperbole, Twilight, but thank you.” Skystrike sighed.

“You’re welcome!” Twilight smiled.

Skystrike slowly turned to look at Twilight before narrowing his eyes. “...I can't tell if you’re being sarcastic and that worries me.”

“Alright, this is the final event! Get ready!” Spike said, taking the group's attention from each other to him. “Ready!? Start!”

The two athletes began pulling on the ends of the rope, trying to pull the other into the mud pit below. It was evenly matched for a time, each mare trying their hardest to stop the other from getting the upper hand. However, slowly but surely, Applejack got the upper hand as Rainbow slowly was dragged towards, and over, the mud pit. The moment she began falling towards the mud pit, the pegasus spread her wings and began flying, pulling the rope, with Applejack on it, above the mud pit.

“Dass nnt frr! Ye cnn’t use your wings to hep ye winn!” Applejack attempted to speak with the rope in her mouth.

“Huh?” Rainbow Dash held a hoof to her ear.

“Yerr cheetin!” Applejack attempted again.

“I can’t understand ye with the year mouf!”

Applejack opened her mouth to speak, letting go of the rope. “I said! ...uh oh” Applejack had a moment to realize that she got played before falling into the mud pit below.

“Heheh, I won by a landslide. Or in your case, mudslide!” Rainbow boasted at Applejack, who was glaring at her through muddied eyes. The ponies around them cheered at her ‘victory’. “I am the iron pony!”

“Only because you cheated!” Applejack pointed an accusatory hoof at her.

“That, aaaand I haven't gone yet.” Is what Skystrike wanted to say, yet he decided that this probably wasn't the best time.

“What!?” Rainbow Dash grew annoyed as she flew down to be eye level with the country pony.

“You used your wings to win over half of your points!” Applejack declared.

“Sounds like sour apples to me!”

“Are you saying you didn’t use your wings?” Applejack raised a brow.

“Well… no, but you never said I couldn’t use my wings!” Rainbow Dash put her forehoooves on her hips.

“I didn’t think I NEEDED to tell you to play fair! Heck, Nebula didn’t use his wings!”

“Pff, I didn’t even NEED to use my wings to win!” Rainbow stated matter of factly.

“Prove it!”

“Sure! How?” Rainbow said with a frown.

“Well, if we remove the points you won when you used your wings, you’re down… 2 points. 3 if I let you keep using your wings during the push ups part actually.” Skystrike said. “Besides, we would still need a tie breaker between me and AJ if we did remove points, so nothing’s really solved.

“How about this? Tomorrow's the annual running of the leaves. I challenge you both, but more Rainbow, race me in it! Winner takes all!” Applejack offered.

“Heh, easy smeasy!” Rainbow waved a hoof, beginning to fly away.

“Hold on!” Applejack said, pulling the mare out of the sky by her tail “There’s one condition. The point is to RUN. That means no wings!”.

Rainbow bucked Applejack off of her. “No wings? No problem!” The two mares spit in their hooves and shook, before looking at Skystrike to join in.

“...I'm not shaking those hooves, that’s disgusting.”

“Come on, you chicken?” Rainbow Dash antagonized.

“Look, I'm hot, I'm muddy, and I'm sweaty. Rather your spit not be in it too.”

“What are ya, Rarity?” Applejack smirked.

“I do like to stay relatively clean, yes.” Skystrike said before taking off his sweat soaked sweatshirt. His light grey fur coat was damp with sweat after the day's activities. Skystrike looked at the mares around him who were currently gazing at his toned body.

“...why are you all staring? I just talked to Pinkie about this.” He looked to Spike on the bleachers. “Spike, can you pass me my other sweatshirt?”

“I… we weren’t- wait, what do you mean you talked to Pinkie Pie about this?” Stardust asked, trying to hide her reddening face along with everypony else.

Pinkie turned her head to look at Skystrike, who just smiled back.

“I’ll let you tell them when I go home in a few minutes to take a bath. Oooor, do you want me to te-”

“NO!” The party pony answered immediately. Skystrike let out a hardy laugh.

“Oh jeez, I can just imagine your faces already.” Skystrike wheezed as Spike walked up and handed him his sweatshirt. “Alright. You guys can come over later if you want, I’m not doing anything. I’ll see you all later.” He said before giving his wings a few practice flaps before flying off towards his house.

“You enjoy their suffering, don’t you?” Echo said once they were out of earshot.

“AAAAA HAHAHAHA” Skystrike laughed to himself.

The sun came over the horizon as Skystrike woke up from his surprisingly restful sleep.In fact, he felt good today. So good in fact, he started his day as any normal pony would.

“Do. Do. Dooo. Do. Do. Do Dooo do dooooo I GET UP!” He sang as he hopped out of bed.

“That was stupid.” Echo spoke as Skystrike went to the bathroom to brush his teeth.

“Yes.” Skytrike agreed as he began brushing his teeth. “Anything I need to know about today?”

“It’ll be chilly, so I’d recommend a light coat during the running of the leaves today. We’re low on eggs and lettuce, I recommend doing a market run. Finally, we haven’t seen Zecora in the last few days. I recommend checking on her.” Echo stated, laying on the nightstand where Skystrike left him.

After finishing brushing, combing his hair, and washing his face, Skystrike took his helmet off the nightstand, his armor off his armor rack, and his mechanical arm off the wall before putting each on, wincing as he clicked his arm on. “Sss… reattaching nerves never gets easier.” He said through the mild pain.

After doing his morning routine: morning workout, breakfast, and a quick patrol of the edge of the Everfree, he waited next to his mailbox. He stood patiently, preparing his will for what could happen today.

“Look out below!” A grey mare yelled as she flew at an… alarming speed diagonally downward towards the Stallion. Skystrike stared for a moment before jumping up and catching the mare, slowing her momentum and putting her down gently. “Thank you, Mr. Nebula.”

“Lively as ever, eh, Derpy?” Skystrike chuckled. “And please, call me Nebula.”

Derpy giggled as she reached into her mailbag, handing Skystrike 5 letters in her mouth. Skystrike took it in his hooves. “Thanks, Derpy.”

“No problem, Nebula! It’s what I do.” She smiled before flying off towards what Skystrike assumed to be Fluttershy’s residence. ‘...Is she flying upside down?’ Skystrike thought to himself before shaking the thought out of his head.

Skystrike walked into his home, letters in hoof, before sitting on his couch and tearing open the first letter. It was from an unknown sender. He folded open the paper and read aloud the first sentence. “We’ve been trying to reach you on your wagons extended warranty GOD FUCKING DAMN IT!!” He yelled as he threw the letter into the fireplace, it turning into ashes.

Skystrike sighed as he opened the 2nd letter. “...That’s weird.” He muttered to himself as he saw the symbol of the wonderbolts on the paper. He folded it open to read through it.

Hey, Kid. Long time no talk.
Well, more from my end. You’ve been keeping up with the monthly letters huh?
To be honest, I haven't had much time to read them all. Still got a few dozen to read through. Realized around the 30th letter I haven't written you anything over the last few years. Figured I’d try it out. Don't really know what to say besides that I’ve been well. Wonderbolts have been as tiring as ever, new recruits need training, and I don't have somepony like you as an example.
It’d be nice to see you again.


Skystrike smiled, thinking back to his old friend and the short time he spent with her. He should visit. He put Spitfire’s letter to the side before opening the 3rd. “From… some Noble who wants me as their house’s knight. Nope.” He said as he tossed away the letter. Damn Nobles and their Noble stuff. The fourth letter had coupons for the Ponyville Spa. Seems they’re having a discount on steam baths if you come with a group of at least two.

The fourth letter was for Stardust. Realizing this, Skystrike set it to the side. Finally, the last letter was in his hooves. He sighed as he opened the last one and read the letter. “Penis enlargement pills for sale aAAAAAAAAAH!” He screamed in rage as he threw the last letter into the fireplace. “Why are these even a THING!? Let me have ONE week with NORMAL MAIL!”

“Wha?” Stardust said, rubbing her eyes as she came downstairs, trying to figure out why there was so much noise.

“Bullshit letters that’s what! I don't even OWN a wagon! Also you got a letter.” Skystrike said as he handed Stardust her letter.

Stardust rubbed her eyes a bit more as she read the letter. Her eyes went wide as she read further. “Celestia and Luna are coming to Ponyville.”

“...I'm not gonna let this ruin my good mood.” Skystrike smiled through the news. “I got a few things to do before the Running of the leaves. I’ll let you go get Spike for the daily routine.” Skystrike said as he looked over himself, making sure he looked good enough to go out. “See you in a bit.” He said before opening the door.

Making his way through the entrance of the Everfree Forest and jumping over the patches of poison joke, he walked towards Zecora’s tree root hut, as he liked to call it. The lights were on, and there was a slight smell. Zecora was definitely awake.

Skystrike gave 3 knocks to the door. Said door opened inward to reveal the Zebra behind it. “Ah, Skystrike. Good to see you. For you, what can I do?” Zecora said, pulling him into a friendly hug.

“I have a couple things to tell you. One, I'm gonna do the running of the leaves, planning on inviting you. Two, come to check up on you, and Three, the princesses are coming to Ponyville.”

Zecora stared for a minute, trying to process the last part. “I-”

“So, Running of the leaves. Are you up for it?”

Zecora thought for a moment before smirking. “I may come for the run, if you’d want to make it more fun.”

Skystrike held back the urge to say “Oh my~!” He failed. Zecora playfully punched him in the arm in response. “What do you have in mind?”

“Do not fret, just a small bet. The winner can ask the loser one request.”

Skystrike looked in confusion for a minute. “That.. that didn’t rhyme?”

“I'm putting your brain to the test.” Zecora smiled.

“...I feel like that’s cheating, even though we didn’t put any rules in place.”

“I just thought I was fine as long as it rhymes.”


Zecora busted into a laughing fit before straightening herself after a few minutes. “So, are you in, or are you chicken?”

“...I should get chickens, but yeah, I'm In.”

Skystrike was in deep thought as he walked towards the Ponyville market. Zecora was never confident enough to make a bet against him. She has some sort of plan. His best bet is making second, since Zecora definitely plans on winning. ‘Wait… why did I agree?’ The pegasus thought to himself. He didn't even know what to ask of Zecora if he wins… Actually, he should ask for some help making potions.

His train of thought was broken when he realized he was at the entrance of Ponyville’s market. It was as lively as it normally was, the many townsfolk lingering at stalls and buying supplies for the day. As he looked for the stalls he needed, he saw a familiar mare.

“Oh hey, it’s Cabbage Patch. How’s it going?” He said, walking up to the green mare’s stall.

Said mare looked up from her book she was reading. “Ah, Nebula! Good to see you!” She smiled.

“Same to you. How’s life been treating you?”

“Good. My little farm just produced it’s harvest, so I’ve got quite a bit to sell. Even better, my ex hasn’t contacted me…. Speaking of, how did you throw him all the way to Cloudsdale?” She tilted her head.”

“Oh, I learned it from Pinkie. Well… not learned persay, but I guess her chaotic energy rubbed off on me.” He shrugged.

“...Alright then. So, would you like some cabbages?”

“Yes, actually. You’re gonna give me a weird look, but I need like… 30 cabbages.”

Cabbage patch nearly fell over after hearing that number. “30!?”

“...Yeah?” He answered hesitantly.

“Wha-...I-... What are you going to do with 30 cabbages!?”

“...Make some stew? I feel like that’s a normal thing to do with cabbages, right?”

“Yes, but it isn't normal to buy 30 of them!”

“So you do have 30 cabbages then?”

“...Yes.” She answered with a sigh.

“Can I buy 30 cabbages then?”

“..150 bits.” She said through squinted eyes.

Skystrike pulled out a bag of bits and set it on the stall table as Cabbage patch picked up 3 crates and pushed it out the side of the stall. “Thank you, Cabbage patch!” Skystrike said as he picked up the crates and balanced the three on his wings and back. “I’ll see you next time!”

He walked past the next few stalls, and he came across two more familiar faces, one of the ponies calling out to him before he could greet them.

“Well howdy, Nebula!” A filly’s voice called out to him in a country accent. Skystrike looked over to see Applebloom and her older brother Big Mac.

“Hey Applebloom, hey Big Mac. Doing good?”

“Eeeeyup!” Big Mac nodded.

“Cool, cool. Now, hear me out.” Skystrike said as he held up a hoof. “Imma need like two barrels of apples.”

Applebloom and Big Mac both stared for a moment, processing what he said. “Are...are you serious?” Applebloom asked.


“Bu-... why do you need two barrels of apples?”

“...to eat? What else do you do with them?”

“But who in their right mind buys 2 barrels of apples!?”

“Me? Also I feel Pinkie would probably do that.”

“Eeyup.” Big Mac agreed. Skystrike had an odd sense of deja vu.

“Look, I already had to deal with this from Cabbage Patch. You got the apples or not?”

“Eeeyup.” Big Mac confirmed.

“Alright, so how much?”

“...100 bits.” Applebloom narrowed her eyes.

Skystrike sat a bag of bits on the counter. “Thank you.”

Big Mac rolled the barrels over to Skystrike. Meanwhile, Skystrike got some rope from his bag and began tying the crates and barrels together. After tying the last knot he began flying, holding all his groceries with the rope in his hooves. With a couple flaps, he began lifting the crates and barrels off the ground. “Alright, I’ll see you all later.” Skystrike said before flying towards his house.

“Fillies and gentlecolts! Welcome to the annual Running of the leaves!” Pinkie Pie said from a megaphone in a hot air balloon.

‘When did Pinkie get a hot air balloo-... Nevermind, it’s fucking Pinkie.’ Skystrike thought to himself as he looked up at the mare.

“This is Pinkie Pie, your official p-eye in the sky announcer! As everypony knows, the run is a very important tradition, for without it, the autumn trees of Equestria would never fall! So get ready, everypony! The running of the leaves will begin in five minutes!” Pinkie said excitedly.

Many of the Ponyville participants started to line up at the starting line, a few stretching in preparation. Skystrike slapped his number 34 over where his cutie mark would be and walked up to the starting line himself. He pranced in place for a few moments before stretching, cracking some bones as he did.

“Man, I should go to a bone doctor..” He said to himself.

“Excuse me! Make way for the iron pony!” Skystrike held in an annoyed sigh. He knew both that voice and that ego. He turned his head to see Rainbow Dash pushing through two ponies.

“Iron phony you mean…” Applejack said as the pegasus walked up to her.

“So Applejack, you ready to win second place?” Rainbow put emphasis on the ‘second.’

“As ready as you are to win third… maybe fourth.” Skystrike jokes, walking up to the two.

“I'm ready to run a good clean race. And what’s that supposed to mean?” Applejack raised an eyebrow.

“Well Zecora challenged me, meaning she has a plan. That being said, I'm probably gonna get second.”

“Anyway, you two are not allowed to use your wings!” Applejack glared.

“That seems fair, alright.” Skystrike nodded.

“Pssh, easy! I can win this race with both wings tied behind my back!” Rainbow gloated.

Applejack smirked before pulling out a lasso.

“Oh my~ you’re gonna tie her up?” Skystrike laughed.

“Shut up, Nebula!” The two mares said in sync as Applejack tied Rainbows wings to her side. “At least now we know we’re racing fair and square!” Applejack said as she tightened the rope.

“I hope you will also play fair, else you would lose out.” Zecora said, nudging Skystrike’s side to get his attention.

“Well yeah. It’s the Running of the Leaves, not the flying.”

A trumpet was heard, telling the participants to get ready for the race to start. “Racers! Please take your positions!” Pinkie said over the mega phone. Skystrike looked over to her to see Spike asking Pinkie to be her co-reporter and climbing in the hot air balloon. Meanwhile, Twilight walked up to the side of Rainbow.

“Twilight? You're racing?” Rainbow Dash asked before laughing. “Good one, Twilight!”

“Oh, you’re actually racing? Good for you, Twilight.” Skystrike said to the mare.

“Thanks! It seems like it’ll be fun!”

“But you aren't an athlete! You’re an egghead!” Rainbow Dash said with mild surprise that the book horse was actually racing.

“I am NOT! I am well read!” Twilight said matter of factly.

“Actually, Twilight, sorry, but you kinda are.”

“I am NOT!!” She repeated.

“What’s the 8th spell Starswirl the bearded made?”

“Magic missile, of course.” She said with pride in her knowledge. She looked back at Skystrike.

“You can tell from my helmet but I'm smirking since you just proved my point.” Skystrike said as Twilight sighed.

Applejack snickered. “Have you ever… ran a race?” She said through the laughs.

Twilight thought for a moment. “Well, no, but I do know a lot about running!”

“From a book?” Skystrike asked.

“Yes! Several actually!”

Skystrike tried his best not to laugh. He failed. So did Rainbow Dash.

“Did you read Eggheads guide to running? Did you stretch your eye muscles?” Rainbow chuckled, getting an eye roll from Twilight.

“Scoff if you must, Rainbow, but the Running of the leaves is a Ponyville tradition, and I decided I must experience it for myself!”

“Well that’s good. Just don't tire yourself out in the first quarter.” Skystrike encouraged.

“Yeah, see you at the finish line! Tomorrow!” Rainbow Dash snickered once again, Applejack joining in.

Skystrike looked over to Zecora. “So, Zecora, ready?”

Zecora finished drinking a sky blue liquid from a flask in her satchel and wiped her mouth with her hoof. “Indeed.”

“...You just drank a potion, didnt you?” Skystrike narrowed his eyes.

“Indeed. One swiftness to help my fitness.”

“...Well that’s cheap, aint it?”

“I'm still running. My speed will just be more stunning.” She smirked.

“Alright, Ponies! Are you ready?” Pinkie said over the Mega phone before switching with Spike. “Get set… Go!”

Everypony began the race with a sprint. Skystrike knew he probably wasn't going to win. He did know, however, he wasn't going to make it easy for Zecora. He began running, sprinting ahead of the other racers with Zecora right on his side.

“And they’re off! Nebula is currently in the lead with Zecora hot on his tail! You know, Spike, despite the name, the leaves actually don't do any of the running.” Pinkie said from her balloon.

“Wha-... Yes, Pinkie Pie. it’s actually the ponies that cause the leaves to fall!” Spike responded.

“Those lazy, lazy leaves!”

Skystrike was just barely ahead of Zecora. Damn, she was fast. The golden brown leaves from the trees fell behind them as they ran, more doing so as the large group of racers behind them passed the trees. Slowly but steadily, Zecora and Skystrike grew further and further ahead from the group. Skystrike had no time to think. He knew Zecora was going to have him do something crazy… no, insane even. And he heavily doubted he could win without using his wings.

“But this year, it’s more than a race. It’s about the three runners who want to win it. Applejack, Rainbow Dash, and Nebula.” Pinkie continued.

“You know, Pinkie, these three ponies have a bit of a grudge match, trying to prove who’s the most athletic!” Spike commented.

“Yes! And Grudge rhymes with fudge!” Pinkie said.

“Yes… it does… what?”

“And I love fudge and if I eat too much I pudge and I can't budge!”

“So… no fudge?”

“Ah, no thanks, I had a big breakfast. Now let’s check in on our three most competitive ponies! Applejack, Nebula and Rainbow Dash! With Nebula coming fastest out of the gate, the two mares are tied for third! It was a big surprise with how fast Zecora is.”

“Speaking of, where are they?” Spike asked as he looked over the track.

“Oh, they’re just past the halfway point… JUST PAST THE HALFWAY POINT!? Holy Guacamole!” Pinkie shouted in surprise.

Skystrike had her in the first half, not gonna lie. While Skystrike had a quicker acceleration, Zecora was slightly faster, making this prolonged race ideal for her. Skystrike still continued to try to win.

“Oh, what’s this? Nebula is pulling ahead of Zecora, taking that left turn beautifully to gain every inch of space ahead! But Zecora isn't having it, speeding up to pull ahead of him! She’s ahead by a nose! Or a half nose! Or a quarter of a nose!” Pinkie went on as Spike gave an unamused look. “Roughly speaking.”

Skystrike was just barely behind Zecora, who was looking back at him with a smirk. Not watching where she was going, her hoof fell into a dip in the road and she tripped. Skystrike slowed down, as to not run over her, before quickly helping her up and running ahead.

“And what sportspony ship from Nebula! Helping his rival out when it could’ve won him the race if he didnt!” Pinkie cheered.

“While I appreciate your help, the command will not be lighter… welp.”

“You just couldn't think of anything that would fit and rhyme with help, could you?” Skystrike raised an eyebrow.”

Zecora huffed.

“Nebula is once again in the lead, but looks like Zecora is doing her best to catch up!” Spike announced.”

“I don't see how ketchup would help here. Maybe in a hotdog eating contest, but I prefer mustard. Maybe some relish. How about you Spike?”

“Uhh… I like pickles?” Spike shrugged.

Skystrike saw it. The thing. The finish line is way down the road. He saw victory. He was a few paces ahead of Zecora. He just had to make it to that finish line and he’d win. With four words, Skystrike spoke to himself to ensure victory.

“Speed.... I am speed.” He said as he ran with all he had.

“And with a sudden burst of speed, Nebula pulls far ahead of Zecora! He’s almost at the finish line! Will he be the iron pony!?” Pinkie said with baited breath.

‘20 feet… 10 feet… Five feet… the ground… what?’ Skystrike thought to himself as he neared the finish line before tripping on a tree root sticking up from the ground. “WAAAAAAAAAAA!” He screamed as he rolled, stopping just before the finish line as Zecora passed him, not being able to stop fast enough to help him.

“And Zecora wins due to an unlucky trip on Nebula’s end!” Spike announced from above.

“Nebula, my friend! This isn't the time to meet your end!” Zecora yelled, running back to help Skystrike.

Skystrike, face in the ground, put up a hoof and slapped the checkered line he was inches away from.

“And Nebula comes in second!” Pinkie said.

“Ahhh wamm… I ere fmm hile..” Skystrike said.

“...what?” Zecora asked.

Skystrike took his head out of the dirt. “I wanna just lie here for a while” He said as a group of ponies passed by him. Zecora grabbed him by the hoof and pulled him to the side of the track, out of the way of the runners. Skystrike huffed and puffed, trying to fill his lungs with air. “Can I get…*huff* I dunno…*puff* some water?” he asked.

“It’s Rainbow Dash! No, it’s Applejack!, no, Rainbow… no, Applejack…” Pinkie flip flopped back and forth between names. Skystrike turned his head to the side, watching the two mares tumble down the final stretch of the track and crossing the finish line before breaking it up.

“I won!” Rainbow Dash yelled while catching her breath.

“No… I won!” Applejack declared.

“I won!”

“I won!”

“You tied!” Spike said as Pinkie lowered the altitude on her balloon.

“For first?” Applejack asked.

“For last!”

“For last!?”

“Then… who won?” Rainbow Dash asked. Twilight walked up to the two dirt covered ponies, a medal around her neck. “You!?”

“Oh, no, but I did get fifth place. Which is rather good for never running a race before!”

“What? How is that even possible?” Applejack said, dumbfounded.

“You ran so slow! And stopped to look at the scenery!” Rainbow added.

“Exactly! I paced myself, just how the book said! Then when all the other ponies got worn out, I sprinted to the finish!” Twilight explained, looking at the ponies tuckered out behind her.

“Speaking of sprinted, where’s Nebula?” Twilight asked, looking above the crowd to see his tall figure.

“Heeeeey…” Skystrike sighed, putting up a hoof. Zecora came by and put a silver medal around his hoof. “I got second… and a lot of pain in my ears… they burn… is that normal?”

“I can't believe it… TWILIGHT beat us!” Rainbow said, not believing it.

“Hey… Nice job Twilight…”

“Well with all your horsing around, it was quite easy.” She said, matter of factly. “And thank you.”

“...You’re right Twilight…” Applejack said as she swirled her hoof in the dirt. “Our behavior today was just terrible.”

“Yeah… we weren’t very good sports…” Rainbow lowered her head in shame.

“Sounds to me like an important lesson was learned today.” A motherly voice said as the crowd bowed as a large figure walked through. Her head was held high and her wings spread wide as she walked towards the group, Skystrike still lying on the ground, catching his breath.

“Princess Celestia!?” The three mares said in shock. “Wait… Princess Luna too?”

“Wha- what are you doing here?” Asked Applejack before bowing.

“Priceless cholesterol and pinces lua? Am I hearing things right?”

The two monarchs looked down at him in confusion and worry. “Nebula… will thou be alright?” Princess Luna walked up to his side.

“Are chives? Are chives what?”

“Forgive him, princess. He fell earlier, so he may not have the right thought process.” Zecora bowed.

“Oh, fell? Yeah, I fell earlier. Bright flash of light happened. Just give me a minute to walk off this hopefully headache…” Skystrike pushed himself to his hooves. “My vision is a bit blurry. What i'm I looking at?” Skystrike rubbed the dirt from his eyes.

Celestia and Luna starred in mild worry at him for a while while he stared back, processing the information his eyes gave him. “Oh, it’s the princesses. Hello.” He said, holding his head.

Luna gave a small wave, the look of worry never leaving her face.

“...Moving on, fall is one of my favorite seasons, so I came to celebrate the running of the leaves with my sister.” Celestia looked at her student and her friends.

“I'm sorry you had to see us being a poor sport, princess.” Applejack hung her head.

“It’s quite alright Applejack. Anypony can be swept up in the excitement of a competition.” Celestia smiled.

“It’s important to remember that friendship is always more important than the competition!” Twilight smiled.

“That’s right, Twilight. Now unfortunately since you two were busy tricking each other instead of shaking down trees, many of the lovely trees in Equestria are still covered.”

“Well, princess, I bet we can knock 'em down for you lickety split!” Applejack said before looking at Rainbow. “What do you say friend, wanna go for another run?”

“I can't wait to stretch my legs.” Rainbow nudged Applejack.

“So... does this mean I'm the iron pony?” Skystrike shook the dirt out of his helmet, and most of the headache away.

“...Well technically yes, since you won out of the three of you.” Twilight rubbed her chin.

“Yeah!” Skystrike cheered early.

“But you still lost to Zecora.” Twilight started as Skystrikes eyes went wide.

“And I have an idea for ya.” Zecora smirked.

“Was there some sort of bet?” Luna asked.

“...I may have agreed to do one thing Zecora asks if I lost… which I did.” Skystrike sighed. “Alright, Zecora, what is it?” Zecora pulled him close and whispered into his ear. Skystrike nearly died from hearing it. He looked at Celestia. They made eye contact. Shit. “...So you want me to die? I see how it is.”

“You will not die from what comes after. I will, however, die of laughter.” Zecora said, giggling already.

“...Nebula.” Celestia looked at him.


“Does the challenge have to do with me or my sister, Luna?”

“Yeah…I dont wanna die, but I have to keep my word.”

“Don't be silly, my little pony. We May not always get along, but I would never wish harm upon you. Do what you must.” Celestia smiled.

Skystrike looked at Celestia, then Luna, then Zecora, then his friends behind him. Then the crowd behind the princesses. He sighed and pulled out his best worst pick up line.

“Damn Celestia, are you an egg? Because I want that sunny side up!” He said with all the confidence he could muster. A few things happened in the next few moments. First, Twilight’s jaw dropped. Then the crowd gasped. Then Zecora, Luna, Rainbow Dash, and Applejack burst out laughing. Then, Celestia’s entire face turned red from embarrassment. The crowd tried their best to not laugh. Many letting out stifled giggles. Finally, Skystrike internally screamed.

The ponies laughed for minutes on end as Celestia tried to compose herself. “I… have to admit…” She coughed. “That was probably the most original I’ve heard in thousands of years if it makes you feel better.”

Skystrike sighed, the ponies around him still laughing.

Author's Note:

Skystrike when he tripped be like

But hey, another chapter is finished. I do hope the next one will be out quicker, since I'll be writing from scratch and not going off the next episode, though may still have some of the parts in it. The princesses did come in for a reason, so they will be here in the next chapter.

Will Skystrike live after that shit amazing line? Fine out next time on Dragon ball Z A broken warrior!