• Published 20th Oct 2018
  • 10,455 Views, 162 Comments

A Broken Warrior - Stonehearth

A boy was made to be the ultimate weapon. In an attempt to escape his fate, he found himself in a land of ponies, dragons, and changelings. Will he be able to find peace, or will his fate catch up to him?

  • ...


Skystrike walked into the library, quickly greeting Twilight who gave him an annoyed glare. Technically kidnapping Spike, even if the dragon enjoyed it, may not have been the best idea to get on her good side. But, that was the least of his worries. Spike was currently dusting off some of the library’s books as Skystrike walked towards him.

“Hey Spike! Ready to go?”

“Yeah! Just let finish this shelf!” He said as he quickly finished dusting the books. “So what do we do first?”

“First, we go to Rarity’s” He turned and walked towards the door. “And you're going to be walking for a while. We’ll see you later, Twilight.” He walked out the door.

“Bye Twilight!” Spike said, excited to start his training. Twilight waved goodbye with a sigh.

The two walked through Ponyville. Most ponies were still inside, either sleeping or eating breakfast. Lucky for them, Carousel Boutique opened fairly early. They walked inside, meeting Stardust and Rarity inside, who stopped their conversation and looked towards the two boys.

“Why, good morning you two.” Rarity greeted.

“Morning Rarity. How ya doin?” Skystrike waved.

“Why, im quite well, darling. I hope you didn't have trouble getting here?”

“Eh, my wing is a bit sore, but i'll manage.” He shrugged.

The sound of hoof steps could heard quickly coming towards the three.

“Hey sis! Late for school! Gotta go, bye!” Sweetie Belle said quickly, running by with a blur.

They all stayed silent for a moment, taking in what they just saw. Suddenly, Skystrike realized something.

“Spike, how old are you in pony years?”

He thought for a moment before answering. “Uh...7?”

“And have you ever went to school in Canterlot.?”


“You're gonna start going to school. You need mental strength as much as you need physical.”

Spike groaned reluctantly. “But you barely went to school back in Canterlot!”

“That’s because I was able to skip a lot of grades and graduated really early. So, i didn't go to school long because I was already ahead of everypony else.” He chuckled to himself.

“But how did you-”

“Photographic memory. Took me over a week to read all of those books. Was it worth it? Probably not.” He laughed.

“How can you say all of these amazing things so calmly?” Rarity questioned.

Systrike shrugged. “Anyway, Rarity we need your help.”

“Alright. Tell me what you need.”

“Well, everytime I train somebody, we get them a specially made cape with the same symbol as mine to show that they are my disciples.” He said pointing to the three stars on his cape. “They’ll tell you the design they want, just make the symbol like mine, but only the large star. My only rule about the capes are that it has to match your look.”

Rarity nodded before picking up a notepad with her magic. “Alright, I think I can do that. Just tell me what you need!” She grinned eagerly.

Spike scratched his chin. “Well… can I have it my color purple, fading to black like Skystrikes? Then I want lime green fire coming from the bottom up.” He finished as Rarity sketched it down on her notepad.

“What about you, stardust?” She asked as she flipped a page.

She hummed to herself before answering. “Can I have it a pinkish-red with a pastel blue fade at the top?”

Rarity looked up after finishing her sketch. “I think I can get this to you by next week friday at the latest.”

“Fine by me.” Skystrike nodded before pulling out a bag of bits. “Here’s the payment before hand. I know they're gonna like it.” He gave her a smile. “Come on, you two. We gotta get started.”

“Yes sir!” they both said as the three left Rarity to do her work

Skystrike, Spike, and Stardust all walked towards the river that separated the Everfree Forest from the manor. Skystrike looked into the river to see a few fish swimming by. He hummed to himself before deciding what their first lesson will be.

“Alright you two, lets go over some rules. If you want to get stronger, you have to follow these rules, understand?”

“Yes sir!” They both saluted.

“First rule of Skystrike training. Don't talk about Skystrike training. Second rule of Skystrike training, you must have a reason to get stronger, whether it be your beliefs, your pride, your honor, or anything else. Third and final rule of Skystrike training, if you fail, try again. There’s no quitters here.”

“Yes sir!”

“Alright, now for your first task, each of you have to catch one fish and put it in this bucket.” He said as he pulled a pail of water.

“How are we supposed to do that?” Spike asked in shock.

“This task is meant to test your reflexes, as well as your ability to handle multiple possible outcomes.” He said as he got into a back stance. “I’ll be here, practicing my one-handed skill. By the way, if you dont catch one, you don't get lunch.” He said with a chuckle to their surprise. The two instantly got into the cool river water as Skystrike began swinging his sword. You could hear the air being cut as he swung his blade.

Spike eyed a fish coming towards him as he tried to grab it with both hands, only for it to slip through his claws. He turned to look at it, only to see it swimming quickly down the stream. He grumbled as he tried again, only for it to swerve out of the way, dodging him entirely.

Stardust was having a different problem. She first tried using her helmet to scoop up a fish, only for the fish to jump out or swim around her, leaving her with wet headgear. She dropped her helmet, letting her pastel blue mane fall out. She tried grabbing a fish with her hoof, only for it to swim under her.
Skystrike was working on his stamina, speed, and blind spots. He wasn't able to do as well as he did with Magnus, only having a fraction of his power. He kicked a nearby tree, leaves falling from it. He held his sword behind him before swinging it over his head and around his right, cutting the leaves above and beside him. There were a few leaves falling in front of him. He quickly turned his blade and bought his sword in front of him, grabbing each one with the tip of his blade. He then turned his sword again to spin a few times, cutting the rest of the leaves around him. It wasn't good enough though. He needed to get back to his former state, without his rage. He kicked the tree again and repeated his previous exercise.

Back at Spike’s end, he was getting more and more annoyed. After countless tries of trying to catch s fish, ranging from blocking the water to making a makeshift fish trap. All of this happening in the last two hours. Spike finally had enough and slapped a fish as it passed. Ironically, he slapped it out of the water, making if flop around on the land. Spike stood in the river for a moment before his eyes widened in realization, as he quickly ran out and picked it up before throwing it in the bucket. He celebrated to himself before telling Skystrike that his task was done.

Stardust watched as Spike caught his own, making her slightly more annoyed. She tried the same tactic as thee baby dragon, and to her luck, it worked.

“Nice job you two. Let's go eat. You two are helping me cook, and we’re cooking lot.” He said before picking up the bucket.

There were nine plate and chairs all set around the table, Skystrike having pulled them out from a storage closet in the room. There was a excessively large plate of salad in the middle of the table, along with two dozen buttered bread rolls, a large, square cheese pizza, and a large pitcher of lemonade. Spike, however was eating something different. He was going to eat the fish that the two had caught earlier, after a little convincing from Skystrike and the enticing smell. After frying it and seasoning it, it was ready to be eaten.

“Sir, why do you-’ Stardust’s question was cut off by a hoof on her muzzle. Skystrike put a hoof over his mouth, making a motion telling them to stay quiet. Skystrike quietly flapped his wings as he got closer to the front door. He quickly opened it, only to see each of the main 6 falling on top of one another with swirls in their eyes.

“There’s food here if you're hungry. If you wanna talk, come sit with us.” He turned around and sat down at the table, putting a bread roll in his mouth.

The six got up before reluctantly sitting down at the table, each having looks ranging from annoyance to suspicion to uncaring. Skystrike turned his helmet into a colar before pouring himself a glass of lemonade.

“And how exactly did you know we were there?” Applejack sked in suspicion.

“I’ve said this so many times...” He faced hoofed. “I needed to know when i was being followed to survive in the past. I've made many enemies. Better question, why did you all follow me? You've been tailing us since Rarity’s.”

“You noticed that long ago? But how-” Twilight stopped herself, realizing her question was answered by his previous statement.

“So, i'll ask again, why did you follow me?”

“I came to see how you train and see if I could get faster” Rainbow crossed her forehooves

“I'm here to... study you.” Twilight mumbled.

“Seriously?” He got another slice of pizza.

“Well I wouldn't need to if you let me sstudy you directly!” She defended.

He sighed. “Next.”

“I was just making sure you weren't up to something.” Applejack put some salade on her plate and started eating. “You are a good cook ya know?” She said with her mouth full.

“I'm just checking on little Spikey-wikey. A baby dragon shouldn't need to learn how to fight.” Rarity said as she hugged said dragon.

“That is Spike’s choice, but I believe he appreciates your concern. Besides, you don't learn how to use weapons until the 2nd week.” He waved a hoof. “Right now, we’re working on using your emotions for certain situations.”

“I'm here because Twilight asked me for help.” Fluttershy spoke quietly.

“I’m here because it looked like fun!” Pinkie smiled before she picked up a slice of pizza and ate it whole. “Mmmmmmm!”

“Aight, so first off, if you wanted to watch, you could have asked. Second, neither of my disciples can fly, so I doubt my work out will help you, Rainbow. And third, it kinda seems like you all dont trust me, which is, to be fair,understandable.” He took another bread roll.

“Man, Skystrike this fish is good!” Spike burped after finishing his plate. Stardust silently face hoofed.

“Fish!?” Everypony save for Fluttershy said in shock.

“You fed Spike fish!?” Twilight was visibly angry, though Skystrike couldn't tell for some unknown reason.

“Yeah. The fish we caught earlier, trout to be exact, I taught him how to clean, descale, and gut it. Good to know he's not that squeamish.”

“Why would you give him fish in the first place!? He could've been allergic!”

“Because, even though he’s a baby, he is still an omnivorous, yet mostly carnivorous dragon, and he needs his protein?” He said as if it was obvious. “And I’ve yet to see a carnivore allergic to meat. Besides, it was either this or whatever animal we found in the everfree, so pick your poison.”

“Darling, how do you know how to cook fish anyway?” Rarity asked, a slight look of disgust on her face.

“I travelled with a griffon, an avian, a dragon, and a hippogriff. I also have two birds, a bear, and a lizard as pets.. All but two eat only meat. I had to learn sooner or later.” He drank some more lemonade.

“But think about Fluttershy and her love of animals. It has to hurt her to see Spike eating that.” Applejack pointed a hoof.

“Fluttershy, your thoughts?” Skystrike got a third slice.

Fluttershy drank some lemonade before sighing. “Um, well, I take care of and have taken care of a bear, eagles, falcons, owls, and many other predators.” She took another sip of her lemonade. “The only difference here is that it’s cooked. It’s uh... not new to me.” She said in her soft voice.

Skystrike held back a chuckle at their silence before speaking again. “So, you girls gonna eat or what? By the way, training is over today, you two. You can either do some basic weight training or come back tomorrow.” He finished before getting himself some salade.

The rest of the girls picked up their utensils and started serving themselves. Each of them hummed in approval as they bit into their food. They quickly finished their plates, much to Skystrike’s laughter.

“How do you cook so well? This is just delicious!” Rarity asked before getting a second serving of salad.

“Well, the dragon I travelled with taught me what herbs are good, and the avian taught me how to cook a lot better.” He replied with a happy sigh.

“Where do you get all of these things for cooking anyway? I've never seen you in the town market.” Rainbow asked n curiosity.

“They're in my bag.” He pulled out said bag, before opening it. Each of the ponies and dragon lookes inside it to see a black shadow inside the entire bag.

“But, there’s nothing in it?” Rainbow stuck her hoof inside to prove her point, only for her hoof to go through the shadow, it engulfing her hoof whole. She pulled back her hoof and carefully checked it. “What!?”

“That was my first reaction to.” He chuckled. “Basically, it’s a seemingly bottomless bag. Anything you put in it, it doesn't age past the point it was in until you pull it out again. This is where I store everything.”

“That’s amazing! I’ve never heard of a magic item like that! You have to let me study it!” Twilight said with sparkles in her eyes.

“I’d rather not have it returned broken, sorry.” Skystrike dismissed it.

“I won't break it!”

“You say that now…”

“So, what exactly do ya have in there?” Applejack asked.

“What don't I?” He laughed. “Name it and I probably have it.”

“Do you have a ruby in there?” Spike asked, drool falling from his mouth. Skystrike stuck his hoof in his bag for a few seconds before pulling out a ruby the size of his hoof. Spike grinned before eating it whole.

“Do you have a strawberry, chocolate, and raspberry cupcake?” Pinkie aske quickly. He again stuck his hoof in his bag before pulling out the cupcake. She picked it up in her tounge and ate it in one bite.

“I bet you don't have a limited edition signed picture of Spitfire from the wonderbolts!” Rainbow said.

Skystrike pulled out a picture of both him in his pony form and Spitfire next to each other, both dressed in the wonderbolt uniforms, and Skystrike having his collar on. Skystrike was obviously younger, being almost 15 at the time. Written on the picture in Spitfire’s hoof writing was. ‘I had fun with you here. You know where to find me, captain.’. He smiled looking at the photo, remembering the times they shared together. “Sorry, Rainbow, but this is important to me. I took this after I left the wonderbolts.”

“YOU were in the wonderbolts!?” She asked, completely shocked at his last sentence.

“Well who do you think trained them before Spitfire? I owed the one before me a favor, so I took his job for a few months.” He scratched his chin.

“You TRAINED them!?” Rainbow’s eyes shrunk before she almost passed out..

“How fast are you if you trained the wonderbolts, sir?” Stardust asked.

“Uh…” He thought for a moment. “If I tell you how fast I am, it’ll put you in a sour mood, but if I don't tell you, you wont stop bugging me, so… let's just say pretty fast.”

Spike groaned. “I think I ate to much…” He burped. “Twilight… can we go home…?”

Twilight sighed. “I guess it’s time for us to go. We’ll see you later, and thanks for lunch.” She smiled.

“I should start working on your capes.” Rarity got up.

“I need to check on the animals.” Fluttershy stood up.

“Applebloom is about to get out of school.” Applejack walked towards the door.

“Pinkie and I are gonna hang out for a while. We’ll see you later, Skystrike.” Rainbo flew up from her seat as Pinkie hopped away.

“Bye, guys. I’ll see you next time.” He said as they left out the door.

It was around noon when Skystrike went into Ponyville he was sitting next to the river, listening to the sound of the water as it flowed by. It was somewhat soothing to him. Stardust was sitting next to him doing the same.

“Sir, what are we waiting on?” Stardust asked as she broke the silence.

“Either a signal or for somepony to come interrupt us.” He replied, his eyes still closed.

“Who would send you a signal? Can they send you a letter?” She questioned.

“Well, it’s easier for him. He’s also gonna help me make you and Spike’s weapons, armor, and equipment. Got a pretty good idea for what you two will like.” He opened his eyes and looked at her. “Speaking of which, I need you to watch the house for me. I’m making it so only you and Spike can go in and out.”

“And why not the others?”

“I don't fully trust them. Spike makes sure to keep his promises to the best of his ability, and so do you. Not sure about the girls yet.” He shrugged. “I already put up the security when we left.”

“Where are you going anyway?”

“Where ever the signal comes from. Should be south, the direction we’re facing.” He said nodding his head towards his front.

Stardust was about to reply before she was stopped by Fluttershy. “Skystrike! Stardust!” She said in her quiet voice.

“Oh, hello, Fluttershy. How can we help you?” He turned around to see her.

“No pony else is listening to me, and there’s-” She was cut off by Twilight standing on the bridge next to them.

“Listen up!” Twilight started, Spike sitting on her back. “Smoke is spreading over all of Equestria.”

The crowd behind them looked to each other in worry. “That's what I’ve been trying to-” Fluttershy was interrupted again.

“But don't worry, I’ve just received a letter from princess Celestia informing me that it’s not coming from a fire.” She reassured them.

“Oh thank goodness.” Fluttershy gave a sigh of relief.

“Watch her say something more threatening than a fire.” Skystrike said under his breath.

“It’s coming from a dragon!” Everypony gave out gasps of shock while Skystrike tried his best to stop his laughing.

Skystrike looked up to see the smoke. That was his signal. He got up due to Twilight asking him, Fluttershy, and Stardust to meet him at the library, which he reluctantly agreed to. With a sigh, he started his walk to the purple pony’s house.

“What in the name of all things cinnamon swirl is a full grown dragon doin’ here in Equestria?” Applejack questioned as Twilight put down her book.

Skystrike looked up from polishing his sword, a curious spike looking at his reflection in it. “Either it’s here for something, or if found a new home after being chased out his last one?”

“What type of creature can chase a dragon away?” Twilight looked at him.

“A Lot of creatures actually. To name a few, Tatzlwurms, Rocs, and other dragons.” He answered.
“If we need him gone, I can deal with him quick. I have a way of influencing them.

“Sky, not even you can take on a dragon.” Applejack chuckled.

“Never said I was gonna fight it.” He chuckled back. “Anyway, were you about to say something, Twilight?”

“Oh, uh, the dragon is probably sleeping.” She nodded before pulling out a saddle bag.

“Huh?” Applejack gave her a confused look.

“According to princess Celestia, he’s taking a nap. His snoring is what’s causing all this smoke!” She looked back at them.

“He should really see a doctor. That doesn't sound healthy at all.” Pinkie pie said.

“Well, at least he’s not snoring fire!” Rarity replied “What are we meant to do about it?”

“You could just let me deal with him. Shouldn't take long.” Skystrike said as he sheathed his sword.

“I'll tell you what we’ll do about it!” Rainbow started as Skystrike gave a ‘this mare’ look to Rainbow. “Give him the boot!” She kicked a wooden carving over before Twilight caught it with her magic. Rainbow dived at the carving before Twilight lifted it, making Rainbow dash whiz under it and crash into the wall next to Skystrike, upside down.

“Well good luck with that.” Skystrike said as he helped her stand upright.

“We need to encourage him to take a nap somewhere else.” Twilight corrected her. “Princess Celestia has given us this mission, and we must not fail!” Rainbow dash saluted her. “Are you paying attention, Skystrike?” She looked over to see him tapping his hoof.

“I’m the last pony you should be telling that to. Besides, i'm just waiting for this to be over so I can start going to this guy.”

“Darling, you can't be suggesting that you and Stardust are going by yourselves?” Rarity motioned a hoof.

“Actually, miss Rarity, I’m staying here.” Stardust raised a hoof.

“Wait, you're going alone?!" Applejack asked in surprise.

“That's what I planned on. What, you need me to come with you for a reason I don't know about?”

“That doesnt matter, Skystrike, you're coming with us. Everypony, lets go quickly. We have a long journey ahead of us. Let's meet back here in less than an hour.” Twilight gave a determined look.

“Ok girls-” Rainbow dash started.

“And guy.” Skystrike said jokingly.

“You heard her!” She flew up to Rarity and Pinkie before pulling them into a hug. “The fate of Equestria is in our hooves! Do we have what it takes?” They all gave cheers of approval before trotting out the door.

“Um, actually…” Fluttershy whispered.

“What’s up, Flutters?” Skystrike asked. “Oh, and Stardust, you can head on home.”

“Oh, um, well, I don't want to worry you…” She said shyly.

“How are we gonna be friends if I can't help you with your problems?” He asked. “You can tell me or not. Not gonna pressure you.”

“Oh, well… it’s nothing.” She said before running out the door.

Skystrike shrugged before going outside and sitting on the steps. He closed his eyes, letting his
mind make up the surroundings around him. All he saw was black. For a few minutes, the darkness continued before a bright light was seen. The light dimmed down before sounds could be heard. It sounded like children. Children playing to be exact. He looked down at himself. He was a human child, standing in a playground in a thin white robe. He looked around to see some kids, no older than six, crowded around him. Infront of him was a large, bulky child wearing the same apparel, smirking maliciously at him. The kid had pale white skin and blue eyes. His blonde hair flowed in the wind. He knew exactly what this was.

“So, what do you want, 48?” His mouth moved on its own.

“You know what, 34. It's time I beat some sense into a failure like you. You cant even use magicka, and you're making us look bad to our parents!”

“Whatever. You're making yourself look like an idiot right now, not me.” He groaned,

“What did you say?!” 48 screeched.

“Wanna look cool in front of those crazy scientist? Go waste your time somewhere else.” He said before turning around and walking away.

48 gritted his teeth. “Don't run from me!” He chased after him, throwing a punch at the back of his head. I quickly ducked under it before sweeping his legs, ending it with a uppercut to his chin.

48 fell on the ground before gripping his jap in pain. “Now you made yourself look bad.” He said before walking away. Skystrike went towards the wall of the indoor playground and stared at it. It was filled with color. Picturing the outside world, and the happiness it held. They were taught that the happy world was being taken over by the aliens that came all that time ago. They believed that lie for so long. It grew on them like a plague.

“P.R.O.W-0034” I heard my name called from behind me. I turned around to see a scientist in a lab coat looking down at me. “I saw that performance earlier.” He gave a sly smile. “I believe now is the time.” He put out a hand.

His younger self wasn't able to hear the malintent in his voice, but by the time he grabbed his hand, it was too late.

“...strike. Skystrike.” He heard a muffled voice. “Skystrike!”

His eyes snapped open. He looked around to see the mares standing in line next to him, and Twilight yelling at him.

“Were you even listening?! This is important!” Twilight said angrily.

“No, sorry. Just having a flashback.” He stood up. “Ready when you are.”

Twilight sighed before walking a few feet away and pulling out her map. Twilight walked up behind her and began whispering to her. Twilight, being the hypocrite she is, wasn't listening, giving her ‘uh huh’s and ‘ok’s as answers. That is, until Fluttershy said something that caught her attention.

“Maybe I should just stay here…” Fluttershy gave a concerned look.

“Uh huh.” Twilight said before realizing what the pegasus said. “Wait, you have to come! Your way with wild animals will surely come in handy!”

“I don't think I…” She started before she was cut off by Twilight.

“And don't worry about your little friends in the meadow. Spike’s got it covered while you're gone.”

She looked down to see Spike at her side, birds an his shoulders, and rodents around his feet. “You can count on me!” He said proudly.

Her worries were not rested though, as a bunny on his head thumped his skull, making the animals run away from the sudden shaking.

“I don't think he’s up to the task. Maybe…” Twilight began to walk away. “I… but....” She tried before letting out a squeak.

Skystrike sighed at the sight of this. Rainbow flew up to Twilight before whispering to her. Probably something about Fluttershy slowing them down or something equally stupid. Their conversation ended as they saw Fluttershy hiding from her...shadow? Skystrike was dumbfounded.

“Alright everypony, move out!” Twilight said before the mares, save for Fluttershy, began running towards the mountain.

Skystrike looked at Fluttershy, who was currently shivering. He gave her a reassuring look. “Don't worry, you can do this.” He said before walking up to her and giving her a push. She gave him a weak smile before the two slowly caught up to the group.

You could hear the snoring of the dragon from the base of the mountain. Each of the mares let out a gasp at the sound.

“Woah… What was that?” Rainbow asked.

“That's the sound Twilight makes after a long night of study over Equestrian history.” Skystrike chuckled. The other mares, save for Twilight laughed at his joke.

“That was the sound of a dragon snoring.” She put emphasis on that.

Fluttershy looked from behind Skystrike, who she was hiding under. “It’s so… high.”

“Well it IS a mountain.” Rainbow pointed out the obvious.

“REALLY???” Echo started out of nowhere. “I thought that was a pebble.”

Skystrike laughed at this. “Holy crap, chill!” He said between laughing.

“Shut it, Echo.” Rainbow scoffed. “I’m gonna fly up there and check it out!” Rainbow began to fly off, only to be stopped by Applejack catching her by the tail.

“Hold on, now. I think we should all go up together. Safety in numbers and all.” Applejack said to the groups approval.

“Reports have shown that the more people in a group while hiking a mountain is more likely to cause a landslide.”

“Three of us can fly.” SKystrike reminded him. “We should be fine. Anyway, let's get moving.” Skystrike said before beginning to climb the mountain, his armor clanking with each limb.

The mares followed behind him up the steep slope, Rainbow flying above them with her fore hooves crossed. After a few minutes, Rarity started small talk.

“I hear the only thing that sparkles more than a dragon’s scales are the jewels they use to build their nest!” She said. “Oh! , do you think I can convince him to part with a few?” Rarity asked hopefully.

“Maybe. The dragons dont really give things away unless you trade them for something of equal value.” Skystrike said looking back at her.

“Hey there, Rarity! Welcome to my cave! Care for a diamond?” Pinkie joked before letting out a roar.

“Heh. good one, Pinkie.” Skystrike laughed, the others joining in.

“Ponies!” Twilight interrupted their laughing. “This is no laughing matter! Fluttershy, you're the expert on animals. What do you think the dragon will be like?” She looked back, only to see nopony. “Fluttershy?” She called out.

Everypony else looked back to see her hiding behind a bush at the base of the mountain.

“What are you waiting for!?” Rainbow yelled for her to hear. “An invitation!?”

“Ooo!” Pinkie realized. “I think I have one in my bag!” She pulled it out, confetti coming with it.

“It’s so… steep…” Fluttershy’s voice wavered.

“Well it is a cliff.” Rainbow dash was starting to get annoyed. “You could just, I dunno, fly up here?”

“Come on, Fluttershy! You can do it! Flap those wings!” Pinkie cheered for her.

“Um… ok…” Fluttershy began to take flight. She was at their height before the dragon let out a loud snore. The sound scared her, making her wings snap shut. She fell into the bush under her.

“We don't have time for this!” Twilight groaned before Applejack took her map and laid it out. “What are you doing?”

“I’ll need this if i’m gonna take her around the mountain another way.” Applejack said.

“Ugh. AROUND the mountain?” Rainbow groaned before Applejack slid down the slope. “That's gonna take them forever!”

Skystrike eyes flashed white before he recolected himself. “I’d rather it take forever than it feel like forever with your complaining” He said before jumping down the entirety of the cliff, landing next to Fluttershy. The dragon let out another loud snore, making Fluttershy roll on her back with her legs in the air. “I’ll carry her. You lead. Sound good?”

“Yessiree!” She nodded before Skystrike rolled Fluttershy onto his back. “Twi, we’ll be there soon.” Skystrike assured her.

“We make it.” Applejack said as the three came from around the corner, meeting the four. They got up before continuing to walk, Fluttershy still paralyzed from the shock. The group came to a cliff before jumping across, landing on the adjacent one. Skystrike put Fluttershy down for a minute before panting.

“Shouldn't have increased my armor weight today of all days.” He said before jumping across.

“Your turn, Fluttershy.” Twilight looked over to see said mare hugging the wall.

“But it’s so… wide…” She looked away from the cliff.

There was only one thought in Skystrike mind as he drowned out the surrounding sounds. Is she serious? Its is a 4 foot crack that she could skip across. He only jumped to not make the cliff crack under him. This mare was light. Couldn't be more than 80 pounds. He understood that she was scared, but for real?

His train of thought was stopped by Fluttershy taking a weary jump over, only to look down and catch herself between the cliffs. He inwardly sighed before helping her across.

Their voyage was stopped a few minutes later when Skystrike stopped them. “Stay quiet. I looks like we’re entering an avalanche zone. Just don't talk louder than a low talk and we’ll be set.” The mares nodded before continuing.

“An ava… ava…” Fluttershy was sushed by Twilight.

Rainbow dash flew ahead, brushing by a tree, making some of the leaves fall. Skystrike paid it no attention before it fell on Fluttershy’s butt behind him.

“AVALA-” Fluttershy began to scream before her mouth was covered by Applejack’s hoof. Skystrike inwardly cursed at the sudden scream before looking around, along with the rest of the mares. The ground began to shake as each of them had worried looks in their eyes.

“AVALANCHE!” Each of the mares yelled before dodging the boulders falling from above. Skystrike drew one of his swords as he cut a rock above him clean in half. He looked at the other mares, seeing them run/fly around, trying their best to dodge. A rock was about to fall on Twilight before Applejack tackled her out of the way, only for the rock to come hurtling towards Skystrike. He gritted his teeth as the rock hit him head on. If he didn't have his armor, he would've been knocked out. That was the least of his worries however. The momentum of the rock pushed him towards the edge of the cliff. He dug his hooves into the ground and pushed against it, narrowly stopping himself from falling off.

“Holy fucking shit.” He panted as adrenaline stopped running through him. “Everypony ok?”

He got weak yes’ from each of them. “And now I have to clean this armor again.” He sighed.

“...Sorry…” Fluttershy apologized.

“It’s ok, Fluttershy!” Twilight assured her. “We’ll just have to… climb over.” She sighed.

“Idea. Imma go scout ahead and make sure things like this won't happen again and find a safer route. I’ll set down a trail you can follow.” Skystrike said before flying off.

After being a safe distance away, he flew above the side of the mountain. He let out a sigh at the current situation. He knew it wasn't Fluttershy’s fault entirely, being that Rainbow wasn't looking where she was flying, but that didn't change their problem. The mound of rocks and dirt that the girls were currently walking over made the rocks above them less stable. It increased the chances of another rock slide, and on top of that, blocked off a potential path that lead them to the top. Skystrike inwardly cursed before he flew ahead to look for another way up.

Skystrike landed in front of the girls who were now at the mouth of the cave. “I see you made is up ok, and the scaly boy is still asleep.” He said before looking around for a head count. “Wait...” He looked at them to see some disappointed faces and an annoyed one. “Where’s Fluttershy?”

“Fluttershy left. She’s afraid of dragons. Go figure.” Rainbow Dash crossed her fore hooves.

Skystrike stood in silence before calming himself. He let out a slow sigh before talking peacefully. “Rainbow, which one of the elements are you?”

She was caught off guard by his question. “Loyalty?”

“Are you sure? Because from what i’ve heard during this trip, and I have very good hearing, you’ve done nothing but complain about your supposed “friend” Fluttershy. You've been nagging Twilight this whole time. ‘You sure we should have bought her along?’ ‘She’ll just slow us down.’” He said in a mocking voice, which surprised each of the ponies there. He unfolded his mask and flew straight up to the stunned mare. “You, who’s been her “friend” since elementary, decides to ditch her, and bad mouth her behind her back, just because she’s an inconvenience? I’ll ask once more, which one of the elements are you?”

Rainbow was taken back by this. She stuttered before giving up on her sentence. Skystrike flew past her and landed on the ground. “I feel like you, more than anypony should know about loyalty, and I especially know about if from my travels. Now, if you’ll excuse me, I have to go get my friend. Good luck with the dragon, and don't try anything risky.” He left the mares as he dived off the side of the mountain before beginning to circle it.

He began looking at the path he marked for the girls to take. Lucky for him, Fluttershy hasn't gone far down. In fact, she was behind a rock near the cave.Her head hung low as she looked at the ground. Skystrike landed a few feet in front of her so not to startle her.

“Hey Fluttershy.” He gave a reassuring smile. “Wanna tell me whats wrong?”

She looked up at him, her head still low. “I’m afraid of dragons…” She said quietly.

Skystrike sat down on the stone beneath him and patted a hoof on the ground next to him. Fluttershy walked over before sitting down. “So Flutters, i’m not going to sit here and force you to do anything. I’m just going to give you some advice i've learned. If your willing to listen?”

She nodded as she stayed silent. “The only thing to fear is fear itself. You can't get through life without overcoming at least one of those fears. Now, what i’m about to say, I need it to be our secret, ok?”

She nodded again. “I was afraid of blood a few years ago.”

“...What?” She turned her head as she sat up straight.

“I was afraid of blood. It was around the time I was in Cloudsdale with you and RD all those years ago.” He started with a sigh. “I was about to be mugged when I had to overcome it. One of my friends and I were cornered into an alleyway, and he couldn't fight. I hated the idea of someone getting hurt because of me. I was afraid that if I did something, they’d die. But at that moment, I realized that if I sat there, if I didn't fight, my friend may have very well died. I had to choose between succumbing to my fear, or protecting my friend.”

“And I can already guess what you did.” She looked at him.

“Remember when I came to school with bruises and cuts? Thats why.”

Skystrike wrapped a hoof around her and pulled her close. She let out a quiet squeak as he did this. Skystrike pointed a hoof at the cloud of smoke above them. “Now you have that choice to make. You can either walk away from this now, and let me and the others deal with the dragon, or you can overcome that fear, and go help your friends. Either way, i’ll support your decision.” He gave her a genuine smile.

Moments of silence passed as Fluttershy thought about her decision, only for it to be interrupted by a loud roar. Soon after, the other five mares smashed into the rock they were behind, shattering the top half of it. The two hidden ponies were now revealed to the dragon.

Fluttershy looked down over the rock to look at her friends lying in a cluster in front of her. She looked up to see the dragons red eyes staring down at her. She looked back and forth between her friends and the tall winged lizard in front of her before giving the dragon a mean glare.

“How dare you…” She stared at the dragon. The dragons glare unwavered. “How dare you!!” She shouted at it before flying up and landing on its snout.

“Listen here, mister! Just because you're big, doesn't mean you get to be a bully!” She looked him right in the eyes. “Just because you have big teeth and sharp claws and snores smoke and breathes fire, but you do not, I repeat, do NOT. Hurt. My. Friends! Got that?”

The dragon was taken aback by her sudden outburst. He hunched down a bit. “But that rainbow one kicked me.” He said in his deep voice. Rainbow nodded proudly.

“And i’m very sorry about that, but you're bigger than she is, and you should know better. You should also know better that snoring causing smoke hazard to other creatures.”

“But I-” he started only to be cut off by Fluttershy.

“Don't you ‘but I’ me mister.” She scolded. “Now what do you have to say for yourself?”

“...Dovah kaal taught me to only attack if another means you harm…” He said as he scratched his scales.

“Oooooh.” Skystrike walked out from behind the rock. “Yeah, that’s my fault. I told him that so he wouldn't cause too much trouble for passerby.”

The dragon looked down to see Skystrike looking up at him. Almost instantly, the dragon lowered his head. “Dovah kaal! Please forgive my rudeness. Had I known they were with you, i would've said something.”

“Dont worry about it. I didn't even know you were here to warn you, so im in the wrong too.”

The mares stood up. “Wait, you knew a dragon was coming here?” Fluttershy practically shouted.

“And what does Dovah Kaal mean?” Twilight asked.

“To answer your question Flutters, I knew he was coming, but he wasn't supposed to be here, and to answer yours Twilight, dovah means dragon and kaal means champion.” He pointed at them respectively

“So you called something that dangerous here, and you did nothing about it!?” Rainbow was now the one to shout. “Are you serious!?”

“Well first off, Keyn Lok here may be one of the strongest dragons, he’s a softie. And I was going to do something about it, but like Twilight said, ‘that doesn't matter. You're coming with us.’.”

“Oooooh. So THIS is the dragon you travelled with!” Pinkie exclaimed as Twilight sheepishly laughed.

“Oh, no. I couldn't be compared to lady Tethys.” Keyn Lok said humbly. “She is much stronger than I.”

“I think we’re all ignoring the question, how does Skystrike know not one, but two dragons?’ Rarity asked.

“Dovah Kaal doesn't get his name from nowhere, but now I believe i’ve said to much. Dovah Kaal, shall we get ready?”

“Yeah, just go put my stash in this bag.” Skystrike threw him his saddlebag. Keyn Lok stood up and went back into the cave, scooping large handfuls of valuables into his bag.

“Wait, all that is yours?” Applejack asked. “But… how?” Everypony’s mouth was agape.

“I traveled a lot, cleared out dungeons, looted bandits, the list goes on. Anyway, Rainbow dash, I think you have something to say?” He side eyed her.

Rainbow Dash let out a loud groan before flying over to the dragon. “I’m sorry Kien Look for kicking you…”

“I’m sure he appreciates it, even if you pronounced his name wrong, but that’s not who I meant.”

Rainbow’s brain processed this information before she face hooved. “Fluttershy, i'm sorry for everything. I’ve been an awful friend to you. Can you forgive me?”

“Of course, Rainbow Dash.” She hugged her.

“Aight, that's adorable and all, but I gotta go to my workshop with Keyn Lok. I’ll be back in about a week.” Skystrike said as Keyn Lok came out of the cave. He handed him his bag before Skystrike tightened the buckles on his sided.

“Wait, what?” They all said in sync.

“I said that Spike and Stardust was going to get weapons next week, right. We’re just going to my workshop in the north. I’ll see you later!” Skystrike jumped onto Keyn Lok’s neck. With a heavy flap of Keyn Lok’s wings, the dragon took off into the sky. “Go ahead and tell Celestia, Twilight. I don't care.” Keyn Lok took off towards the north at amazing speeds