• Published 20th Oct 2018
  • 10,455 Views, 162 Comments

A Broken Warrior - Stonehearth

A boy was made to be the ultimate weapon. In an attempt to escape his fate, he found himself in a land of ponies, dragons, and changelings. Will he be able to find peace, or will his fate catch up to him?

  • ...

Rest for the Wicked

Tethys woke up as the train slowed to a stop. Skystrike didn't speak too much on this 'Ponyville,' but Skystrike lived there. He must think highly of it. She let go of her grip on the stallion, and made her way out of the train car to stretch. She didn't even notice the stares she was getting, nor the ponies running away from her as she did so. The dragoness decided to let her friend sleep some more as she moved all the luggage from the train onto the platform. She didn't realize how prepared Skystrike was for that mission. Much more than her, she had to admit.

The last trip to the train car was getting Skystrike himself. She nudged him with her tail, who responded by flipping over to his other side. She nudged him again. He growled as he curled into a ball. Tethys sighed, albeit with a small smile on her face. At least he was sleeping. She picked him up in her arms, and damn, was he heavy. Much heavier than he looked, and that armor wasn't helping at all, nor that he slept like a corpse. That made Tethys think for a moment. She couldn't even remember the last time he slept this deeply, not even having his guard up. He must have always been stressed out. She wished he'd rely on her a bit more.

But her new problem now was figuring out how she'd move all this stuff, as well as where to move it to. She looked around, seeing how there were virtually no ponies nearby. She sighed at that. Taking a length of rope and tying all of the luggage together, she carried the nearly 100 pounds on her back, and Skystrike's body on top of it all, and began walking. She had no idea where, just figured she'd go until somepony would give her directions.

It was only 10 minutes of walking before she decided to give up. Sure, it was early, the sun had been up for about three hours, but she'd have seen somepony by now. Tethys growled in annoyance as she sat next to the still sleeping Skystrike and waited for anypony to walk into her line of sight.

Spike thought this scene was oddly familiar. Twilight and her friends were camped up in Carousel Boutique, along with Stardust and Zecora. The lights were off, and the window blinds were closed. Twilight and Rarity told him and Sweetie Belle to not open them, no matter what. But like kids, the two were getting bored. Twilight said they'd all meet at Rarity's before seeing if Skystrike would come to the train station today. Rainbow Dash, coming last, warned them all that a dragon got off the train.

Initially, Spike was excited, thinking he'd be able to meet one of his own, but began to have second thoughts as he saw the faces of Twilight and her friends turn to ones of fear. Almost immediately, he was told to stay hidden with Sweetie Belle and not to go towards the windows. A part of him understands, with the dragon a couple months ago that was a smokey sleeper, but this feels... different. This other dragon hasn't done anything yet, and it felt familiar. He just couldn't put his finger on it yet.

Sweetie Belle decided to break the silence between them. "So... your name is Spike, right? I see you in school, but we haven't talked, I don't think."

Spike blinked, then nodded. "Oh yeah, I guess we haven't. Sweetie Belle, right? I've talked to your friend Applebloom a couple times. I am surprised we haven't really met since I moved here to Ponyville. Sorry."

"It's ok. So, can you breathe fire?"

Spike smirked before lighting his finger alit with his breath. "I can, but it's not much... I'm getting better though! Sooner or later, I'll be able to light a big one!"

"Cool! I wish I was good at magic like you are with fire." She sheepishly rubbed her arm. "I can't even use levitation magic..."

"Rarity doesn't teach you?"

Sweetie Belle winced at that a little. "We... don't spend that much time together. I know she's busy, but I wish she'd make some time for me. She's always busy with work or her friends, and when we're done with school, she's just tired."

Spike understood a bit. "Well, we live close to each other. If you want, I can stop by sometimes. We can play together!"

Sweetie Belle smiled at that. "Ok! that sounds like fun!" She clapped her hooves. "Lets play when we can go outside!" She stopped and thought for a moment. "What are we waiting here for, actually?"

Spike looked over to the mane six. Twilight was leaning on Applejack's back as the two peeked out the window. "...It's... huge... not as big as that red one, but still..." Twilight gasped at her.

"Whad'ya think it's here for?" Applejack looked up at her.

"She's gonna eat us! Chop us into teeny weenie bite sized pieces and stir fry us!" Pinkie made a stirring motion with her hooves.

"Really, Pinkie?" Twilight raised an eyebrow.

"Well, it isn't off the table yet, darling..." Rarity looked out the window with them.

"What's it wearing? It looks like... rusted armor on its chest?" Rainbow Dash flew above Twilight and Applejack.

"It looked like it, but I've never seen a dragon wear armor..." Fluttershy said sitting behind them all.

Finally, it hit Spike. Why this felt familiar. And he didn't like it. They did the same to Zecora, and he got to know her. Probably better than any of them. She wasn't the pony, er, Zebra that they thought she was. And now, they're doing the same to this new dragon. He felt something burn inside him. Spike couldn't tell if he was angry, disappointed, or both. He calmed down very slightly before asking himself: 'What would Skystrike do?'

They wouldn't let him walk through the front door. "Sweetie Belle, I'll be right back. I need to... go to the bathroom."

"Alright!" She waved him off.

Spike had been to the Carousel Boutique enough to know where the back door was. He unlocked it and began making his way towards the white and blue dragon. He had to admit, he was getting second thoughts on approaching, especially since it was dangerous if it was hostile. But he was doing what he thought was right.

And it was right after he steeled his will that Twilight noticed him outside. Her eyes went wide.

Tethys saw the baby dragon approach her hesitantly . "Aw... I didn't know there'd be another dragon here..." She crouched down and folded her wings in in an attempt to look less intimidating. "Hey there, little guy, aw you're so cute!"

Spike stopped a few safe feet away from her. "Uh... hello! My name is Spike. What's yours?"

"My name is Tethys. Nice to meet you, Spike!" She sat down and crossed her legs. "This is my first time in Ponyville, and I'm a bit lost. You're the first being that I've seen here besides the ponies working at the train station."

"Oh, I'm... sorry about that. The ponies here are... very weird about anypony, sorry, anybody new here that isn't a Pony. We had a Zebra named Zecora come by and have the same thing happen to her. Since you're new, I can lead you around town though!"

"Aw, you're so kind, I could just eat you up." She pinched his chubby cheeks. "But you said you know a Zebra named Zecora?"

Spike nodded. "Yeah! You know her? She's really-"

"SPIKE!" The two dragons heads turned to the source of the yell. Twilight, Applejack, and Rainbow Dash all rushed out, Twilight using her magic to float Spike over to her.

Before Tethys could even introduce herself, or before Spike could explain, Rainbow came in with a flying kick on Tethys, who blocked it with her arm. "Pick on somepony your own size!" Rainbow said as she flew back to gain some distance.

"Not trying to-" Tethys was cut off with a lasso around her, locking her arms to her side by Applejack. She sighed as she used her breath to make a layer of ice around the lasso. With a small flex of her arms, she shattered it. "Can we calm do-"

She stopped herself and ducked when a flower pot was thrown at her head by the Rainbow pegasus, who was coming in for another kick. She was getting annoyed. This time, she caught the kick and threw her into the air. Luckily, Rainbow Dash was skilled enough to stop herself in the air before she began descending.

Applejack tried to land a kick of her own, only for Tethys to side step and smack her in the side with her tail, winding her. She began coughing. A scowl was growing on Tethys' face. "If you damn ponies would listen for-"

She was once again interrupted by the purple unicorn in front of her reeling her head back and shooting a blast of magic at her. Tethys didn't have time to dodge. She inhaled and shot a ball of ice to clash it. A small explosion of magic and snow was where the two attacks met. Tethys roared in anger, making everyone in the area cower for a moment. Twilight prepared another blast before Spike ran in front of Tethys and put his hands out.

Twilight was still charging her magic. "Spike, what are you doing!? Move out the way before-"

"ARE YOU ALL SERIOUS!?" Spike shouted at the top of his lungs. Everyone stopped in their tracks. "First Nebula, then Zecora, and now Tethys! You ponies haven't learned anything! You even ATTACKED her!"

"Spike, we thought you were in danger-" Twilight tried to defend herself.

"I wasn't! She pinched my cheek! RARITY does that! FLUTTERSHY did it before. But you don't say anything!" He then turned to the pegasus. "And you, RAINBOW! This is the second time you just go in swinging! ASK QUESTIONS FIRST!" Rainbow Dash winced and shrunk a bit at that. "Applejack, I can say the SAME thing!" She lowered her hat. Spike looked around to the townsfolk, beginning to poke their heads out the window. "And THE REST OF YOU AREN'T ANY BETTER! Hiding in your homes because you all are too scared to learn anything new, only believing the little you were told about whatever new being that comes to town! BE BETTER!"

Spike began panting, out of breath from his rant. Everyone looked at Spike for a bit, Tethys being the first to speak. "...Well, that happened... Thanks, Spike. Anyway, as I was saying before I was so rudely interrupted..." She glared at the ponies and crossed her arms. "You know Nebula and Zecora?"

"Yeah, they moved in a couple months ago. You know them? We were actually waiting for Nebula to come back from his mission." Spike nodded.

She snapped her fingers. "I thought your names sounded familiar. So you're his friends? Honestly, I was expecting... better..."

"Yeah, I'm sorry about them. They're really nice once you get to know them. I hope you all can be friends at some point. Is Skystrike with you?" Tethys flapped her wings and flew up to the top of the luggage to grab the stallion. She landed with him in her arms. Rainbow Dash, Applejack, and Twilight quickly ran over to his side. Even Pinkie Pie, Rarity, and Fluttershy came out the Boutique to see him as well. Their hearts dropped.

Fluttershy was surprisingly put together enough to ask what they were all fearing. "Is... is he... gone?"

Tethys paused for a moment, then began laughing. "Oh, no, no... he's sleeping!" She slapped her tail on the ground.

They all let out a long sigh of relief. "Thank Celestia... I'm so glad he's alive..." Fluttershy wiped a tear away.

"No way he'd die." Tethys shook his head. "He worries too much to kick the bucket."

"So, are you the dragon that's part of his group like Zecora?" Applejack asked the dragoness.

"Yeah, I met him during his mission by chance. He said I should check out this town. So far, I will admit, it wasn't the worst welcome I've had." Tethys shrugged. "And, that wasn't a slight at you ponies specifically."

"...Do you get attacked every time you go somewhere?" Rarity asked, kind of astounded.

"Almost all dragons do. We don't exactly get warm welcomes. Kyne Lok actually slept in a nearby mountain here, and some ponies tried to force him out. One even kicked him." They winced at that. "At least you ponies weren't trying to kill me."

"That's a... rather low bar..." Applejack said with some worry in her voice.

"It's what we have to deal with. That's why I'm loyal to Nebula. He didn't try to kill me, and even helped me. But that's a story for later. Tethys dropped him on the ground from a not small height. He landed with a heavy thump, but was still sleeping. "I have to carry these boxes. Can you all carry him and lead me to his house?"

"Sure!" Pinkie Pie jumped down to Skystrike and poked his head a few times, seeing if he'd wake up.

"Pinkie, stop playing around." Rainbow Dash said. The pegasus attempted to lift him onto his back, but only then did she realize how much bigger Skystrike was than her. She collapsed, stuck under the weight of his upper body. "Helphelphelphelphelp!"

Applejack was able to roll Skystrike over onto his back. "You alright, sugar cube?"

"Yeah, just..." She huffed and rubbed her back. "I just never realized. I knew he was big, but gosh..."

"He's only a bit bigger than Big Mac. Let me try." Applejack lifted the stallion, trying to put him on her back. Like the mare before, she collapsed under his weight. "Celestia, he is heavy! Get him off me!" Rainbow Dash and Pinkie Pie pulled him of the earth pony. "Thanks, girls... How is he still asleep!?"

"I think we're going to have to drag him..." Pinkie rubbed her chin with her hoof, thinking aloud. Applejack used her rope and made a loop around Skystrike's waist. Tying it off with a know, Applejack, Rainbow Dash, and Pinkie all began pulling him. Even with that, it was slow.

Tethys, who already had the many crates on her back, was getting impatient. She looked at Fluttershy, Rarity, Spike, and Twilight. "You all should help them out."

They did so, Fluttershy grabbing on with her mouth, and the two unicorns using their magic. "Jeez, how heavy is this guy!?" Twilight groaned as she was beginning to strain her magic. "It's like we're pulling a boulder!"

Fluttershy flapped her wings to get a bit more force behind her pulling. "We have seen him lift boulders..."

The group walked, and dragged Skystrike, for about twenty minutes, stopping at Skystrike's house. They all put down the luggage, catching their breath. They needed a break. After a few minutes, Tethys decided to break the silence. "So, how long have you ponies known Nebula for?"

"Oh, most of us knew him since he was a colt, but met him at different times." Applejack fanned herself with her hat. "I met him at a summer camp one time, but that was it 'fore he moved to Ponyville."

"My family owns a rock farm, and he did a mission there a few years ago, but I first met him when he moved here." Pinkie spread out on the floor. "Jeez, and I thought I was in shape..."

"You're telling me..." Rainbow Dash was using her wings to fan of Rarity. "Fluttershy and I went to flight school with him before he moved to Canterlot."

"And that was after I met him in magic school. He moved to Cloudsdale, then back." Twilight wiped some sweat from her forehead. "And apparently Rarity met him, but didn't remember."

"Great, so I don't have to keep calling him Nebula." Tethys breathed some cold air into the group. "That should cool you all off. You said he went to magic school? But he's a pegasus?"

"Actually, I've been meaning to ask that too." Rainbow stopped flapping her wings. "What'd he need to be there for?"

"Well, he was the only pony, maybe even only being in existence with no magic. He was made to do a lot of tests by some ponies under princess Celestia. He didn't talk about it much. Other than that, he took classes like the rest of us. I bet he'd be pretty good at magic if he was a unicorn."

"How long have you known Skystrike?" Spike took a seat next to the dragoness.

"Not too long, only six years. Though I guess that is a while for you ponies and your lifespans. I was actually the first of his group. I think he was about twenty when we met." Tethys walked over to Skystrike and slapped him. "He's out like a light..."

"How'd you meet?"

Tethys sat back down. "Not too long, or interesting of a story. There was a large group of ponies that tried to kill me a couple years ago. Were after me for a few months before they finally cornered me in a cave. Too many wounds to run anymore, so I had to fight them off. The mage teleported them all away before I could finish them off, but they were in worse shape than I." She chuckled a bit at that. "After that, Skystrike was told he was given a mission to hunt something, but not what. When he found me on the ground, barely holding onto life, instead of killing me, he stayed with me for a while. Nursed me back to health. The rest is history."

"That's a bit surprising. He didn't talk much when we were kids. It didn't seem like he cared about most things, let alone another being." Twilight chuckled. "But he did show he cared in his own way."

"You can say that again." Tethys laughed a bit. "When he saw me, I could barely move. Didn't even say anything, just put down his sword and started patching me up. Only said something when he asked me to come with him."

"Didn't say much to me for a while either. He was in my class for... almost two months before he said anything to me. First I even heard him talk was asking me if I was ok after he completely rocked one of my bullies."

"Oh, he did that for you too?" Fluttershy spoke this time.

"Skystrike... also fought one of your bullies?" Twilight asked.

Rainbow laughed. "Three of them, actually. Two of ours were actual kids."

They all paused at that. "He... fought a teacher? What did the teacher do for Skystrike to do that!?" Rarity was trying not to laugh.

Rainbow looked at Fluttershy, who sighed a bit. "One of my animal friends passed the day before, and I wasn't over it yet. When the teacher asked what was wrong, I told her and she started laughing, and told me to get over it."

"Then, Skystrike told me to take Fluttershy to the bathroom, saying she had to go, and don't pay attention to what the teacher says." Rainbow covered her mouth and snickered, thinking back to what happened.

"As soon as we got out of the room, we turned just at the right moment where we saw it. Me, Skystrike, and Rainbow sat in the middle of the class, but he made that punch collide with her face so fast, I blinked and missed it. It was... kind of impressive if I'm being honest."

"...Damn." The rest of the ponies and dragons said in unison.

Rainbow finished the story. "And then, he moved back to Canterlot." She sighed. "You know, I never put together that that's why he moved back. Wish we got along better back then."

"What, did you two not get along?" Applejack put back on her hat.

"Oh, we got along fine. We were actually his foster family for the two years he was in Cloudsdale, and we all hung out a lot. He just always seemed... what's the phrase for it?"

"Out there? Like his mind was always somewhere else?" Tethys offered, which Rainbow responded with a nod. "He worries too much. I only found out recently why he does. And before you ask, not my place to say."

"...What did happen up there?" Rarity asked. "We don't know much, just that there were maybe dragons, and maybe hostages. But, Skystrike turned up fine, just tired. He doesn't even look like he got into any battles."

"Oh, he fought alright, but best not to go into detail. Spike's still a baby." Tethys pointed at the young dragon.

"Hey, does he normally sleep this long?" Spike poked at Skystrike. "If I remember right, he says he sleeps from midnight to six in the morning."

"Well, he's been asleep for... he went to sleep at ten, so about 12 hours now?" Tethys tried to shake him awake. "Oh yeah, What about Zecora? How's that Zebra doing? Still speaking in rhymes?"

"Oh, she lives in the Everfree Forest. I think Stardust said she was going to hang out there and wait until Skystrike came home." Twilight answered.

"Alright, I'll call her." Tethys said as she took a deep breath.

A couple hours earlier, Zecora and Stardust sat across the table from each other within Zecora's hut. In the middle of the two was a raven black book with a four pointed star on it and a lock. It was Skystrike's book. It took nearly a week for Zecora to finish the diary, and there was a lot to go over. Too much. She put small sticky notes in each page she deemed important. That being said, it was still more than she expected. As soon as Zecora thought she was halfway through, pages kept appearing, materializing as she continued, and disappearing when she went back. It was a magic journal. Makes sense if he had to write in this, thousands of times over his life.

Skystrike asked her to keep it a secret if he came back, but something in the book caught her eye. He'd given her his diary specifically because he could trust her. Her, and the group they were once part of. Only fair that the others knew. She already explained to Stardust what Skystrike told Zecora before he left. "Stardust, confess I must, you hid so well, no fuss. Underneath our noses, you did play, but Skystrike saw through your display."

The mare shifted uncomfortably. "...What do you mean? Hiding?"

"When bathing in the cure for poison joke, not only was it dispelled, but magic broke. That is how Skystrike found out, your horn sticking through the water, no doubt."

Stardust stared at Zecora for a moment. She wasn't joking. She was slightly embarrassed, and somewhat upset. Neon fire surrounded her for a split second before dropping. Where the off white mare once stood, was a pony-like figure, with skin of black chitin and arctic blue bug like eyes. "And I thought I was doing well... Good to see you again, Zecora."

"It worked quite well, I couldn't tell. Good to see you too, Elytra. Let's chat for a spell."

"What did you want to talk about? Skystrike's book? He was given that by the former queen. I always wondered what he wrote in it."

"He penned each day in that diary. Gave it to me, said, 'Keep it, just in case,' you see. He holds faith in me, and you, it's plain to see. Fair you know its contents, a gesture so lovely." Zecora sighed slightly, before unlocking the book. "In darkest day, in brightest night, stow your fear, show your might. Beware your fears made into light. Do not falter, do what is right." Skystrike's diary unlocked, Zecora flipping through a few dozen pages and stopping. "His origins, he concealed, a secret within his chest. What I've learned, it is wild, beyond any test. You've witnessed the start, can you explain the rest?"

Elytra took a seat, putting her elbows on the table and her forehooves together. "While we lived in the hive, the late queen Khrusalis... informally adopted him. I was one of the many caretakers, similar to a nanny, if that makes sense. Khrusalis put me in charge of making sure Skystrike would be properly taken care of. I was there for his upbringing... and for his banishment..."

"What caused his exile, what's the lore, the reason he was banished, please implore."

"I was stationed in Canterlot at the time, where he lived at the orphanage for a time. It was after he moved back to Canterlot, being about fourteen at the time. It's best you ask him... if he comes back." Elytra said that last part with a bit of worry in her voice. "From what I was told, by both him after it happened, and by the current Queen, Chrysalis, when the former queen went to visit him, someone found out about her travel to Canterlot. Skystrike and Khrusalis met in the far outskirts, beyond the Canterlot wall. But someone knew of their meeting, and they were ambushed." She sighed, resting her forehead on her hooves. "She... I was told she sacrificed her life to save Skystrike. But Chrysalis blamed him for her- their mother's death."

Zecora's heart dropped. She was hoping that this whole time, Skystrike's book was just a sick prank. Even if that wasn't like him, it'd be easier to handle then the stuff that she learned he had to go through. "I..."

"The worst part in my opinion was that... He saw us all as family... the only family he had. Blamed for the death of someone he saw as his mother by someone he saw as his sister, then for most of his brothers and sisters around him to ostracize him. He never was really the same sense. Never truly opened his heart to others since. Even when I asked him about it, he didn't go into detail, saying 'it was fine. It's in the past.'"

"...If Skystrike's path was smooth, without each slip, I wonder what pony he'd be, without hardship's grip." Zecora sighed.

"You and me both. All we can do now is try and make him happy... if that's even possible."

"...And what of before? Before changeling kin he joined, a tale bemusing. Though he makes brief mentions, his past is quite confusing." Zecora flipped forward to some pages, noticing some lines hinting at something more. Sometimes, there's a part of me that believes that coming here, to Eques, was a mistake. That I should've stayed back in that lab. At least then, I wouldn't know the pain of betrayal. Then, Zecora flipped back towards the begining. Transforming for the first time was weird, especially walking on four legs, not to even mention the wings.

"Skystrike... wasn't always a pony. He called himself human... The only reason that he came to us was because his welcome wasn't a warm one." Elytra sat back up straight. "I assume since he's still a pony, that they're still after him. The princesses I mean."

Zecora would have to ask Skystrike about that. "Our questions, we'll save for when he's back. With hope, he'll return, our dear friend, safe on track."

A roar could be heard, even from deep in the forest where Zecora and Elytra were. It sounded familiar. The two looked at each other, as if making sure they both heard the same thing. Once they realized who it was, Elytra made sure to put up her disguise as Stardust before she and Zecora rushed towards the roar.

It only took a few minutes for the two to come out and join the group. Zecora jumped in the air to hug the dragoness, who caught her. "Tethys! It's a joy to meet you again, my friend! What brings you here, to journey's end?" Tethys pulled the zebra into a hug, who continued in a whisper. "The mare behind me is Elytra, but keep it discreet. A secret we must keep, do not let it leak."

Tethys approached Stardust and put out a hand for her to shake, her hand nearly taking up her entire forehoof. "Nice to meet you, Stardust."

"The pleasure is mine, Tethys." They gave each other a mock greeting, but their eyes shared the excitement of seeing each other again. "So... where's Skystrike?"

"AAAUUUUUUUUUUUGH!" He snored. Loudly.

"You roared pretty loud, how is he not awake?"

"No idea."


Spike was trying not to laugh. "Stardust, you have keys to his house right? Can you open is so we can get inside?" Stardust nodded, getting her keys and unlocking the door.

Tethys picked up the luggage and moved it inside, the ponies dragging Skystrike inside with them. The dragoness looked around. "I didn't even realize how massive his house was. Where'd he get the... no, I know where he got the money, but still."

Zecora rolled her neck after helping drag Skystrike. "I recall his words so bright, he built this house for our reunions light."

"HAAAAUUUUUUUUUGH! mimimimimimimi."

Pinkie snorted at his snoring. "What was that!? Dear Celestia!" She wiped a tear. "We should probably wake him up..."

"Honestly, I don't know what'll wake him up at this point..." Applejack poked him a bit more. "It's a bit impressive."

"Oh! I have an idea!" Pinkie said before zipping away, only come back moments later with a small jar of smelling salts. She opened the jar and held it up to Skystrike's nose.

Skystrike inhaled, then jumped awake. "Jesus!" He coughed from the strong smell. It felt like his nose was burning.

"Hey, Neby!" Pinkie Pie greeted him with a hug. "Welcome back! And don't worry, I'm setting up that party I said I would! And happy birthday!"

Fluttershy was next to hug him. "I-... we're glad you're back."

One after another, each of his friends joined in on the hug. They enjoyed the moment for a bit before Skystrike broke the silence. "Oh, right, have you guys met Tethys?" The mane six all cringed at that. "...Ok, what did I miss?"

They all looked at each other, their eyes telling one another for them to explain. Tethys actually did. "The baby, Spike, said that the same thing happened to Zecora, if that gives you an idea."

Skystrike sighed. "It does. I'd say something, but I'll let you deal with it. For now, I'm hungry." Skystrike walked into the kitchen of his house and opened the refrigerator, looking for something quick to eat. He grabbed a few tomatoes and began eating.

They judged him with their eyes. "Are you... just eating tomatoes like... an apple?" Applejack stared.

"Yes. They're fruits right?" He continued to eat. "I'm hungry."

"That's weird, Skystrike." Applejack cringed. He finished the tomato in his hoof, then smiled. Then pulled out a lemon and bit into the skin of the fruit. "What the buck is wrong with you? How do you do that with a straight face!?"

"Please respect my privacy." He said before the two shared a laugh. He finished his food before stretching a bit. He reached for his chest before stopping. "No."

"No what?" Twilight poked her head into view.

"I was about to take off my armor, but you ponies would've been weird about it."

"I... I don't know what you mean by that." Twilight avoided eye contact.

"What I mean is I see the way you all look at Big Mac. And I get it, part of it is because he's like, one of a dozen single guys in town that's an option, but still. It get's weird. And most of you aren't even sneaky about it."

"...I don't know what you're talking about."

"Twilight, you have the lying skills of a child who just got told not to tell a secret." He checked the time on the microwave, it being 10:34. "Anyway, thanks for dragging me here, I can tell by the dirt in my armor. Girls, do you mind coming back at about two o'clock? I have something I need to talk about with Tethys, Zecora, and Stardust. We'll have that party that Pinkie was talking about."

"Alrighty! Girls, you know the plan!"

"Right!" They all said in response to Pinkie before leaving.

"...I feel I should be worried." He said with a small chuckle before walking to his front door and locking it. "Help me close all the blinds. I got something important to tell you all." He said as he started to do so. Tethys, Stardust, and Zecora all did so, going around the house to do so. Once done, Skystrike went to get the Silence stone and activated it, making sure what he was about to say stayed between them. Skystrike took off his armor and put it on his armor stand in his bedroom and put on a sweatshirt and sweatpants before walking downstairs, and into the living room, the three of his friends waiting for him. "Oh, I see you dropped the disguise, Elytra."

The changeling nodded. "Yeah, Zecora told me you knew. Wish you'd said something about it. It's tiring to keep up the transformation all the time."

"I thought you trained enough where you can keep it up indefinitely?"

"That's not the point, Skystrike." She rubbed her horn. "I don't know about you, but I like being in my own chitin. Only so much of Stardust is the real me. I don't want a persona and the real me to blend. As Stardust, I'm your guard first. As Elytra, I'm your sister first."

Skystrike rolled his shoulder and sat down on the arm chair across from the three sitting on the couch. "Either way, you're my sister first. But if we're talking about this, I assume Zecora told you a lot?"

Zecora nodded. "Indeed, I've covered key details, no doubt. Mostly what occurred within the hive's devout. And a bit of your journey when we did part ways, we recounted those memorable days."

"Perfect... then if that's the case..." Skystrike focused on his transformation, the neon green flames surrounding him for a moment before revealing his human form. "...I do get what you mean, Elytra, about being in your own skin."

"...Is this what you really are? A... hooman from a land afar?"

"Yes, this is my real form. I am human, and I'm sorry I couldn't tell you sooner." Skystrike leaned back in his chair and exhaled. "Think I figured out the reason why. Something mentally was stopping me. Elytra knew, because she saw me as a human first. I wasn't even able to tell Tethys until just before we found the lab. She had a hint that I wasn't a pony when I told her, same as you with my diary. It seems there's... a condition that one has to meet before I can reveal my human form. It being that they have to have some idea that I'm not a pony."

"I see..." Tethys rubbed her chin. "Any idea why it's put there?"

"Honestly, my first thought is that it's... some trial that they set up for me. At this point, it's all but confirmed that they planned for me to come here. To this world I mean. I heavily doubt they planned for me to get here the way I did though."

"I'm puzzled, you see, your words are a haze. By 'they,' you imply humans, in many ways. Yet scarcely, I've penned their deeds from your words, so unclear, how they schemed for your coming, can you make it clear?"

Skystrike nodded. He leaned back and looked at the ceiling, not liking to touch his past as a human. "Pretty sure that even Elytra doesn't know this, so I'll just start from the very beginning. Skystrike was the name I gave to myself once I began living in this world. The pony me." He put a hand to his chest. "The form you see me in, my human form, does not have a name. I am designated as P.R.O.W-0034, or 34 for short. From the moment I gained consciousness, I was told to fight. Every day, I, along with my brothers and sisters, were forced to fight each other and undergo... let's say special training and tests... to strengthen our physical and mana based abilities."

He paused for a moment before putting his hand in front of his face, staring at the back of it. "Eventually, we were told to fight each other. To kill each other. I did so without question. I was seen as a prodigy to those scientist, completing every event near flawlessly. They molded me into someone who would only know violence." Skystrike let out a long sigh, pausing for a moment before continuing. "Until one day, someone new came, to teach me morality. I realized that everything I've done before was wrong. When I was told to finish off my last sibling, I didn't. And... I payed the price for it. That was when I decided to rebel. I didn't know I could escape at the time, so my only goal was to take out everyone with me. That was when I first took a life by my own choice. Unexpectedly, I found a portal to this world, and the book picks up from there."

"That's... a lot to take in..." Elytra broke the long silence that followed his story. Then her eyes went wide. "Wait... you joined the hive at eight!"


She held her head. "By the pantheon..."

"...I get why you don't speak of your past. The sheer amount of trauma you went through is vast." Zecora winced, finally taking in the whole story.

"Fuck, Skystrike, I'm impressed you're still sane after all that. Not to mention what you had to go through after. I'm sorry." Tethys sighed.

"I've had, well today makes seventeen years, to deal with all of this. I thought I would've been over it by now, but some more things came up. During the mission in the north, Tethys and I found a lab. Made by humans for the intent to spy on me, and if they felt it needed, neutralize me." He leaned forward making sure to look at each of his friends. "The coming months could be the most dangerous that we will ever see. There was only one portal that led that lab. I have no idea if there are any more, but I plan on going to look. I will do everything in my power to make sure no harm comes to you all, or anyone I care about."

"And we'll do it together, right?" Tethys raised a brow.

Skystrike hesitated to answer through baited breath. "...I made a promise. I intend to keep it, no matter how much I want to keep you all safe. But we have a lot to do if you all plan on coming along."

"Didn't even have to ask, my friend. What is the plan, to bring the humans influence to an end?" Zecora, Elytra, and Tethys, all gave him a supporting smile.

He smiled back. "Thank you... I'm glad I met you all..." He said before beginning to list off what they were to do. "First, in the next few months, I plan on doing a complete overhaul of all of our armor and weaponry. Thanks to the rewards I got from that mission, we can get great enchantments to make us stronger. Just need to buy the materials. After, I plan on seeing everyone from All one more time. Right the wrongs that I've done, if not getting them back in the group. Transportation will only be hard for Hippogriffia to see Skybeak, Caninia to get to Jeshan, and Ornithia to figure out where Celeano is flying. Finally, I'll be hunting down any trace of my race and neutralize them."

"You haven't really thought this through, have you?" Zecora chuckled.

"Only the armor and weapons parts. But I do have some ideas to get to our friends. Just have to get the money for it. I have to buy an airship, and upgrade it to get to Ornithia and Hippogriffia."

"You know, I still have my hoard. I can give it to you if we need it to find our friends. Plus, I plan on moving in anyway. Need some time away from the dragon lands and seas." Tethys offered. "I've been keeping it in that magic bag you gave me those years ago. Same place we got yours." She reached under the armor covering her chest and pulled out said bag.

Skystrike shook his head. "The offer is appreciated, but hold onto it for now, I have some money saved up." Tethys put her bag back. "My idea to get the materials is to buy them cheap. In theory, with Zecora's brews and witchery, and with my magic, we can transmute the cheap stuff into higher quality items, if not new elements entirely. Just need to make the transmutation equations."

"And the power source?" Elytra asked. "I saw you make that weapon you bought to your mission. No way that airship and submarine will run on just batteries."

"Well... the plan is to charge them with my own magic. A backup energy source will be a machine that mimics the bodily functions of this worlds inhabitants. Basically, it will absorb the latent mana within the atmosphere and convert it into magic as a fuel source."

"...That... sounds like infinite energy!"

"And that's what makes your world so lucky, and what made my race so interested in it. Still need to make the blueprints, then the prototypes. Give me a few months to get everything ready." Skystrike leaned forward, then used his magic to turn back to his pony form.

"You know, you've grown a lot. I didn't expect... well I thought your muscles and stuff were an illusion. You were a thin kid." Elytra admitted.

"Yeah, well when I became a pony, started relying more on my body than my magic." He quickly got used to his form again. "I do miss having hands. That's one of the reasons I wear my armor a lot. You all might as well stay here, since Pinkie wants to have a party here. Tethys, chose one of the empty rooms to be yours for now. I'm going to take a long, long, bath."

He indeed took a long, long, bath. Nearly an hour actually. It was amazing. A week in the dirt, mud, and blood would make you pretty dirty. Luckily, he didn't get any stains in his coat. Making sure to brush his mane, tail, and coat of any lose hairs, he walked downstairs. Some bright colors were caught in the corner his eye, so he decided to look at what it was. "Oh, you guys are all here. I wasn't keeping track of time."

"Howdy, Sky! Hey girls! Sky's done!" Applejack yelled to the others.

"...You made me realize I need more guy friends." Skystrike reached the living room and sat in his arm chair. "Maybe I'll go talk to Noteworthy. Or Time Turner. Meadow Song seems cool. And of course, Spike is that guy."

"There's Big Mac."

"Applejack, not gonna lie, he's cool and all, but he kinda has something against me." Skystrike shrugged.

"What did you do, sugar cube?" She asked.

"Oh, nothing. He's protective of you. Has that older brother love. I get it." He chuckled as he got comfortable.

Applejack saw what Skystrike was implying. "I'll talk to him about it. It'd be great to have you at the farm more!"

"Oh, sweet summer child." Skystrike put a hoof on Applejack's shoulder. "I don't avoid your farm because of your brother. It's because the few times I went there, Granny Smith hit on me every time I went there."

Rarity and Zecora, who just rounded the corner, burst out laughing. Applejack however, was mortified. "I'm... I'll definitely talk to her."

"Imagine friend zoning your friends grand mother! Ahahahaha!" Rarity laughed some more.

"It wouldn't be so weird if she didnt keep saying 'if only I was a few years younger.' And like, age isn't a factor in this scenario, I'm not gonna hit on your grandma." Skystrike put his hooves out, motioning to no one in particular.

"I actually have a picture of her." Applejack reached in her hat and pulled out a picture. She was quite younger, about his age now, if not a bit older. From the aging on the photograph though, it had to have been at least been taken 30 years ago. But that was besides the point.

"...Age may be a factor..." He laughed, then quickly ducked a jab at his head from Applejack. "You know what, that's fair."

Applejack grabbed his sweatshirt angrily. "Skystrike you-"

"I'm not going to do anything to your grandma. It's still weird, bro."

She let go. "Good..."

"What type of mare do you like anyway?" Rarity sat down on the couch next to them.

"I am nowhere drunk enough to admit that to you. Ask me later." Skystrike leaned on his hoof before sniffing the air. "I smell food. And I realize I haven't eaten since I got home."

"Well, Fluttershy and Pinkie Pie are baking, with Tethys being the taste tester." Rarity got comfortable, then looked to Applejack. "Didn't you bring some apples or something?"

"Oh, right. Be right back, Sky!" Applejack ran to the kitchen, leaving Rarity, Zecora, and Skystrike alone.

"So, darling, this being one of the few times where we can sit and talk, I must ask, are you... interested in anypony?"

The house suddenly got quieter as Rarity waited for Skystrike to answer. "That's a silly question. Most beings have friends they are interested in. For example, you're interesting because of your eye for fashion, and you have a dream you actively follow. One of the most upstanding ponies I know."

Rarity smiled at the flattery. "Well, thank you for that, but that wasn't what I meant."

"...I'm confused."

Rarity narrowed her eyes. "Skystrike, do you like anypony?"

"I like a lot of ponies. It's easier to name the ones I don't like." Skystrike thought about it for a moment. "Actually, there's like three I can think of. Most of the ponies, actually, most of the beings I've met have been at the very least decent."

Rarity's eye twitched and sighed. "Skystrike, you're dense."

"No, I'm hungry." Skystrike's stomach rumbled.

As if on queue, Applejack and Rainbow Dash walked into view. "I got apples!" The former said. "What type do you perfer?

"The uh..." He squinted his eyes. "...The red one."

"Baldwin, McIntosh, or Gala?"

"...The... the first one." He put out a hoof to catch the apple that Applejack threw to him. "Thank you." He said before quickly finishing the apple in three bites. "Man, I needed that. Give me another." He was thrown another, then ate it in the same fashion. "More..." He was thrown a third, then a fourth for good measure. Skystrike scarfed them down. "God, that hit the spot."

"Damn, Sky, you're going to give AJ a run for her money!" Rainbow said, flying over and leaning on the back of Skystrike's chair. "How do you eat like that?"

"I have a big mouth." He chuckled. "Still a bit hungry. I need to do meal prep tomorrow."

"Speaking of food, remember when the princesses were over for that meeting and you made us all food? That really helped with my afternoon workout. Anything special you put in your food?"

"Oh, yeah. Special seasoning I made. Not only does it taste good, but it increases the speed of your digestive system, and how much energy you get from the food you digest. Took a while to get the right balance. Only downside is you have to work it off, or those extra calories sit in your body."

"That was your fault!?" Rarity stomped a hoof. "I thought I gained a few pounds!"

Skystrike poked his hooves together shyly. "...Sowwy..."

Applejack and Rainbow Dash snickered. Rarity sighed, "It's... fine... I do need to get back in shape. A figure like this has to be kept at peak perfection." Skystrike looked closely at the unicorn for a moment. "What?"

"Oh, nothing. Just never paid much attention to... actually, now that I think of it, anyone's figure." He shrugged.

"A part of me appreciates that, but another feels like you don't see us as mares." Rarity sighed

"I mean, I just try not to look at anyone that way, else it gets weird." He leaned back in his chair. "Plus, you're all girls. It's ok for you all to do it to each other."

"I know Fluttershy appreciates it at least. You know like, at least half the guys in Ponyville have hit on her." Rainbow flew over from her spot next to Rarity. "And we all get it, she's a pretty mare, but most ponies barely take the time to get to know her. That's the downside of the dating market. Guys just think they can get anypony since there's so few of them. Er, no offense, Skystrike."

"None taken. And I agree, Fluttershy is one of the nicest ponies I know. But- Well I guess I'm missing something. Why are stallions hitting on Fluttershy while barely knowing anything about her?"

They all looked at each other, then Applejack sighed. "Celestia, you're dense." A moment passed as Applejack thought. "I don't know how else to say it, so I'll be honest. She has... assets that most mares would be jealous of. Apparently there's an... argument between her and Pinkie that some of the stallions keep arguing on."

"What?" Skystrike blinked. "I'm confused."

The mares looked at each other. "You... really haven't noticed?"

"Noticed what?"

It was Rainbow Dash this time. "Celestia, you are dense. Skystrike, they have fat flanks and big teats."

"Oh." Skystrike sat up at that. "Wait, so what's the argument?"

"The normal boobs versus butt thing."

"...Well that's fucked. I'm sorry they have to go through that." He sighed. "Not a fan of objectifying."

Applejack bit into an apple she bought. "I'm surprised you didn't say you relate. Mares in town talk about you and Big Mac the same way."

"...They what?"

"Well, after that whole competition we did, quite a few mares started getting interested in you. Especially after you took off your shirt. And I'm not going to lie... you have a good build. It's just... gets uncomfortable when other mares talk about my brother like that."

"Thanks? I guess? I'm confused on how to feel on all of this."

"Just be careful on who's actually into you, and who's into your body." Rarity used her magic to float over an apple.

As if on queue, Twilight , Pinkie, Fluttershy, Stardust, and Tethys walked out of the kitchen. The pegasus, holding two trays of brownies, and Pinkie pie hopping next to her balancing a tray of Deli sandwiches on her back before they both laid them on the table. "Food! God, I'm hungry!" Skystrike said as he reached for the sandwiches.

"Wait!" Pinkie said for the stallion to stop mid reach. "You almost forgot the flag, silly!" She pulled one out of her hair and stuck it in his sandwich. "There you go!"

"Thank you!" He said before chowing down. "God, I needed that... I'd never thing to put avocados and apples together with swiss cheese."

"We also made salads, grilled cheese, and egg rolls! And for dessert, We have cupcakes!" Pinkie listed, pulling out each from her mane, then put it back in.

"Oh, so that's why Tethys has frosting on her scales." Skystrike chuckled as he took another bite. "Damn, this is good."

Tethys got the frosting off her scales with a finger and ate it. "Oh yeah, since it's your birthday, should we play that game?" She gave a sinister smirk.

"...I don't like that look you're giving me, but I do." Skystrike bit into his sandwich again.

"What're we going to play?" Pinkie forced Skystrike to scoot over and sat next to him.

"It's like Jenga, spin the bottle, and truth or dare, all at the same time." Skystrike finished his sandwich. "Rules are easy. We sit in a circle and spin the bottle. The one the top of the bottle lands on takes the Jenga piece and plays like normal. The fun part is, we all write our names on the wooden blocks. If you pull someone's name, they choose the truth or dare the player does. The player doesn't get to decide whether it's truth or dare. If you knock over the tower, everyone takes a shot of Vodka. And you can have your dares involve others, we're good enough friends to not do anything crazy."

"That actually sounds really interesting." Twilight floated over her sandwich and began eating. "I'm in." The rest nodded in agreement.

"Alright." Skystrike got up from his seat and flew into his workshop, coming back with a small crate of wooden blocks and some markers. "There's ten of us, so 6 blocks per." He put down the crate and threw everyone their markers, then passed everyone their blocks.

Once everyone returned their blocks, they all took their seats. Clockwise, it went Skystrike, Pinkie, Rarity, Fluttershy, Applejack, Rainbow, Twilight, Tethys, Zecora, then Stardust. Skystrike got a grilled cheese and ate it in three bites. Wiping his hooves, he picked up the crate, shook it to shuffle it, then quickly built the tower. Before he could even ask, Tethys decided. "Birthday boy goes first."

"Alright." He said hesitantly before spinning the bottle. It landed on Applejack. She chose the safe option, going for a middle piece near the bottom. She looked at the name on the block. "Alright, Twilight, it's yours."

"What is something you'd do if there were no consequence?" Twilight took a sip of her glass of water.

Applejack thought about it for a moment. "I don't know actually... Punch some ponies I guess." Then something clicked in her mind. "I'd punch Filthy Rich! Keeps trying to buy my apples to upsell them."

"...Well that's boring." Twilight huffed. "I was expecting like... theft at least."

"Why would I steal? What would I steal?"

"A fashion sense." Rarity smirked.

"My turn!" Pinkie smiled as she spun the bottle. It landed on Skystrike. "Oh, this might be hard, having your big hooves."

"I'll be fine." Skystrike chuckled. He bent his wing to use one of his primary feathers to poke one of the side blocks near the bottom out, then reading the name before placing it. "Rainbow... you know, I feel like I'm about to regret this."

Rainbow Dash snickered, getting her words out while laughing. "I dare you to eat the entire tray of brownies Fluttershy made on the right! In under two minutes."

"Seems easy enough..." Skystrike said as he started scarfing down the brownies. A look of pure dread went over Fluttershy's face as Rainbow Dash, Pinkie Pie, and Tethys's laughs were rising as he got closer and closer to finishing the brownies. Popping the final one in his mouth, Skystrike looked down at his chocolate covered hooves. Then began to lick them clean before wiping them off with a napkin. "I gotta say, Fluttershy, you make good brownies-... are you ok? You look like you've seen a ghost."

"Skystrike, you're going to want to hold onto something..." Fluttershy warned him.

"...What the fuck did I just eat, Fluttershy?" He sighed in annoyance. "What, you put something weird in it?"

"W-well... it's not weird but..." She tried to figure out how to get the next words out. She walked up to him and put her hooves on his shoulders. "Skystrike... those... those were weed brownies..." They all began trying to stifle their laughters as it set in. "And you just ate enough to get all of us baked. And you're about to be... burnt."

Skystrike looked at his hooves. "Oh... ooooh no." He said, fear leaking from his voice.

Everyone else burst out laughing. "Oh this is going to be great!" Rainbow fell on her back, laughing. "Oh my Celestia, I'm so lucky!"

"I'm going to get you back for this one day..." Skystrike pointed. "This is a declaration of war."

"Sky, is this your first high?" Fluttershy asked, full of worry.


"I'm... I'm so sorry."

"Rarity, spin the bottle please." Skystrike said, but it came out more as a beg.

Rarity did so, the bottle spinning around a few times before landing on Zecora. Zecora pushed out a side block and read out the name and put it on top, finishing a layer. "Tethys, this block belongs to you. What would you have me do?"

"I always wanted to ask, is this rhyming thing you do on purpose? Like, cultural? Or is it a gimmick?"

Zecora shuffled embarrassingly. "I'm... the only one from my land who rhymes. While it is on purpose, it's hard thinking of some at times."

"I KNEW IT!" Tethys and Stardust said at the same time.

"You know, you can just drop the bit if it gets tiring." Tethys giggled.

"I aspire to test how far I can flow, to maintain this momentum and let it grow."

"Respect." Skystrike chuckled... longer that he normally would. "You know, I'm kinda hungry."

"You can have the rest of my sandwich." Fluttershy offered as she spun the bottle, it landing on Twilight. "Half of it was filling enough."

"You're the kindest pony I've ever met." He laughed and hugged the pegasus before taking the sandwich and biting into it, humming happily.

Everyone laughed as Twilight used her magic to take out a middle block to start a new layer. "Skystrike, this one's yours."

"Uuuuuuuuuuuh..." Skystrike thought for a moment. "...Go the rest of the day... without using magic... nerd."


"Yeah, you rely on your magic too much, don't ya? You... grape pony." Skystrike narrowed his eyes and took a look at the sandwich. "Oh my god, I can taste everything... What the hell was in those edibles?"

Applejack spun the bottle, it landing on Skystrike, who slowly and carefully pushed a side peice out, slanting the tower a bit. He carefully placed it on top. "Pinkie... give me the thing Pinkie."

The candy mare giggled a bit before speaking. "What's the biiiiiiigest secret you've kept that nopony knows about?"

Stardust, Tethys, and Zecora looked at him with mild worry, wondering what he'd do. Skystrike smiled though. "Oh, this is going to be great. Tethys, right next to you is my saddlebag. Reach in and throw me my torque wrench." Tethys raised a brow and did so, Skystrike catching it in his left hoof, then reaching under his sweatshirt and using it, a couple clicks being heard. "OW! God, I can feel so much! It's so weird!"

"...What was that?" Twilight asked.

"Come find out." He lifted his right arm with his left. "Pull my hoof, REALLY hard!"

Twilight hessitantly walked over and grabbed his right arm with her hooves, pulling and falling backwards with the arm still in hand. She looked at the ceiling, then at his arm to realize what she did. "AAAAAAAAAAAAAH!" She screamed at the top of her lungs.

And then Pinkie screamed. Fluttershy went pale. Stardust gagged. Rainbow pulled on her face. Applejack rubbed her eyes to see if she was seeing right. Rarity screamed and nearly fainted. Zecora's eyes went wide and her jaw dropped. And Tethys grabbed on her horns as she screamed. "By the dragon lord, his arm fell off!" Skystrike was laughing his ass off and slapping the floor with his other arm.

"Skystrike, are you ok!?" Applejack ran over to put pressure on the supposed wound.

Skystrike couldn't breathe from how hard he was laughing. "AAHAHA! Check... check the shoulder... AAHAHAHAA"

Twilight looked down at the arm in her hooves and flipped it over. She looked at where the arm disconnected. Then she blinked. And she got even more confused. She took off the skin sleeve that covered it. "Wait a minute... it's... it's METAL!!?"

They all stopped in their tracks, save for Skystrike of course, then looked at the arm. Tethys stomped over and took of Skystrike's shirt and looking at his right shoulder, picking him up and eyeing the metal socket where his arm would go in. She dropped him and sighed. "Skystrike... when did you lose your arm?"

"Oh, don't worry, it was way before I met any of you." His laughter began to dying down. "I got it when I was eight. Had to keep upgrading it and the shoulder." Skystrike inhaled to catch his breath.

"How did... What the..." Twilight's processing speed reached the breaking point. "You've had a metal arm this whole time!? How'd you even make this!?"

"Pretty big secret, right?" He chuckled as he took a bit of of his sandwich. "...I can feel my teeth... I can FEEL my GUMS."

Zecora took the arm from Twilight's hooves and looked at it from all angles. "Such a twist, quite unanticipated, I reckon, How in the world did this occurrence beget, second?"

Skystrike's smile fell a bit. "That's a bit personal." Skysktrike walked to Zecora and took his arm back, putting it in place. "YYYYYAAAAAAARGH.... God DAMN! Does weed make you hypersensitive or something!?"

"To some, yes." Fluttershy answered. "But back on topic, is it... directly connected to your nerves?"

"Yeah, and it hurts like Tartarus to reattach them." He flexed his metal arm and tightened a few bolts with his torque wrench.

Stardust put his arm in her hooves. "Can you... feel this?"

"Yes, I made it so it works like my other arm. Same strength, flexibility, feel anything you can think of." Skystrike flexed it, rolling each joint to make sure it felt right. "More questions later. Tethys, spin the bottle!"

Tethys sighed, and it landed on Skystrike. "Fuckin..." He chuckled and did the routine. "Applejack! Your name's on it!" He laughed before pausing. "...Why's it taking so long for you to speak?"

"It's been like, two seconds." She smiled. "What, does time slow down when you're high?"

"It... feels like it... Why are you taking so long to respond!?" He bit into his sandwich and finished it. "Why am I so hungry!?"

"By the princesses, he's losing it!" Rainbow laughed.

"I've always wanted to ask, but I never knew how to bring it up. Do you ever... think about looking for your parents?"

Skystrike narrowed his eyes. "No point. I know where they are, six feet under."

"O-oh... well, I'm sorry sugar cube. I didn't mean to bring up any bad memories. I get it too, my parents being gone and all..." Applejack lowered her hat to cover her eyes.

"Don't be. I killed them." He smacked his lips. "I'm... I'm hungry again..."

Silence filled the room for a bit. Stardust rubbed her head. "Bombshell after bombshell tonight, huh? I'm just gonna ask what everyone wants to know. How'd you lose it?"

"I was bought up to be a child soldier by my 'parents' and lost my arm when I didn't want to kill. Then I killed them after." He said way too nonchalantly for it to be even close to comfortable.

"...Excuse my language, but what the buck, Skystrike." Rarity put out her hooves. "And you didn't think to tell us any of this before!?"

"You didn't ask... and I didn't want to bring up my life before I came to Equestria... Life's been shit enough as is, don't want to dwell on the past." He grabbed a couple egg rolls and downed them like it was nothing. "I'd... rather we move on. Zecora, it's your turn to spin it."

Zecora did so, spinning the bottle and it landing on Stardust. "Finally." She smiled and pulled out a middle piece and placed it on top, the tower shaking a bit. "Zecora, this one's yours."

The zebra hummed. "Tell me, what's the wildest as a guard you've seen, In the line of duty, in a situation quite keen?"

Stardust laughed, remembering what she had to write. "One time, I had to carry a mare stealthily to the emergency room from her apartment in Canterlot because she stuck an object in her... mare area. The object was the same as her cutie mark... it was a traffic cone."

"Ew." They all said, save for Skystrike, who was zoned the fuck out.

Skystrike had his own, special reaction. "Hoooooolyyyy Shiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiit" He held the note for a solid ten seconds. "Wow..." His eyes were red and droopy.

Rainbow Dash snickered. "You- you enjoying it?"

"Oh no, it's kicked in fully. You ok, Skystrike?" Fluttershy tilted her head.

Skystrike processed the words coming out of her mouth, seemingly in slow motion. "...What planet am I on? What's today? ...MY WIG IS GONE!"

Stardust snorted. "It's- its your turn big guy..."

Skystrike reached for the bottle and spun it, landing on himself. Then he reached for the Jenga tower. But his depth perception was fucked. Instead of pushing out a block, he knocked over the entire tower. "Yatzee!" He said to himself before giggling like a school girl.

Rarity coughed out her drink. Then used wiped her face with a napkin. "Skystrike, darling... will you be ok to have a shot of vodka?"

"Sheeeeeeeesh, marshmallow I'll be... fiiiine... Paprika ain't raise no bitch." He chuckled and blinked. "...How late is it? I'm... sleepy."

Rarity went to grab the alcohol and shot glasses at Skystrike used his wings to get up, but overshot the strength of his flap and hit the ceiling. Then fell down onto the floor. "...You ok, Skystrike?" Tethys tried to pick him up.

Skystrike took Fluttershy's advice into account and held onto the floor. "My senses are heightened, I can feel my teeth... my eyes... my hair... and I don't remember what I... what I... what was I going to say?"

"Rarity, I have an idea. You should make one of the shots water, and whoever gets it will be the lucky one." Tethys winked.

Rarity came back with the Vodka and shots in her hooves. She set them down and quickly poured them, and some water for Skystrike, before floating one to each of them "Bottoms up, darlings!"

Everyone threw back the shot glass. Then Skystrike rebuilt the Jenga tower and sprawled out on the floor. "...You guys ever think about... how if you stack lasagna on top of lasagna, you get... one lasagna?"

Pinkie Pie started this time, taking a block and placing it on top. "Tethys! Hit me!"

"After Skystrike and I split up, and I went back to the dragon lands, some of the dragons who've been talking to you ponies, and some ponies themselves, have asked me 'do it clap?' What does that mean?"

"So basically..." Pinkie clapped without her hooves. "It's fun sometimes, but you don't look like you have the rear for it. No offense."

Skystrike turned to look at Pinkie. "How did you... how did you clap without your hooves???"

"Silly Neby, I just use my flank!" She slapped it.

Skystrike stared at her and took a few seconds to process that before saying "GYATT! Applejack was right!" Skystrike began wheezing and laughing, sounding like a kettle on a hot stove.

"Actually-... well we're all girls, and Skystrike's a good guy, so no harm in sharing. "I'm... a bit insecure about my body, so I use my ice to shrink the fat on my body. Makes me feel better, and less dragons hit on me. And it keeps the girls in check."

"Trust me, I get it..." Pinkie sighed. "Sure, I'm a party girl and all, but that doesn't mean I sleep with every guy I meet." She laid on the floor and leaned her head on a hoof. "Then there's those stallions that think I'm an easy lay. Like, sure, I like sex. Who doesn't? Doesn't mean I open my legs to every stallion with a working dick."

"...I'm sorry you all have to go through that." Skystrike sat up. "I don't fully get it, but I've had some similar things happen. Next time it happens, I'll punch them really hard."

"What have you had to go through?" Tethys asked.

"...when I was in Canterlot, between like, 13 and 15, I hit a massive growth spurt. At that point, I went from the size of like... Rainbow Dash about, to the size of your average stallion. And I was hit on a lot, didn't matter where. The weird ones are the ones that think I like them because I'm nice to them."

"Yeesh. Sorry, dude. I'll admit I was like that when I was younger. Seems like both genders have our own problems." Applejack said after biting into her sandwich. "Mmm, these are good."

"Wait... Tethys... you said 'the girls in check.' What, is someone bullying you? Who else I gotta punch??" He clenched his hooves. "Give me NAMES!"

"...You know, I feel like if I did, you'd actually go find them, but that's besides the point. Remember how I said I'm a mammal?" Tethys then took off her chestplate by loosening the metal buckles behind the shoulder, the chestplate dropping on the carpet and exhaled, releasing the ice magic she kept in her body. The well toned muscles on her body were soon hidden by the layers of fat as she grew wider. She looked over her body. "Huh, haven't seen myself like this in a while. Legs are thicker... so is my tail... and I have some pudge. And the girls got bigger..."

"Damn, they're as big as me!" Stardust couldn't help but stare.

"I see why you're insecure. I cant imagine what you've had to go through. But that ability of yours is pretty convenient..." Rarity laid on her side and rested her head on her hoof.

"We should not be judged by the vessel we inhabit, but what we do with the gift of life. While it's surprising, I don't plan on treating you any differently because of your body. That's what friends are for..." Skystrike spoke. "That being said, my eyes are blurry. What are we al looking at?" He laughed.

"Basically it's Tethys, except she's got huge boobs. I mean some serious honkers. A real set of badonkers. Packin some dobonhonkeros. Massive dohoonkabhankoloos. Big old tonhongerekoogers!" Pinkie said, making grabbing motions with her hooves.

"...Whuh?" Skystrike couldn't even say the word correctly.

"Bonkhonagahoogs, Skystrike! humungous hungolomgohnonoloughongous!" Pinkie grabbed his face and faced it towards Tethys.

"...Dude are we... are we talking horses?" Skystrike rubbed his eyes. "...why are my eyes closed but I can see? Are we... still playing the Jenga remix?"

"Oh, right." Rarity realized that it was her turn, then spun the bottle. It landed on Skystrike. He stood up and walked over, not being able to see that well, and pushed the block out with his snout. "Rares...ty..."

She thanked her lucky stars. Rarity sat up and leaned forward. "Skystrike, well... you're high as a kite, not drunk, but I'll still ask. What type of mare do you like?"

Skystrike felt this was a trap. Or a leading question. But he said he'd answer. He put up a hoof before running out of the room and pushing in a white board on wheels. He popped the cap of the marker and began speaking as he wrote. "Let's start things off simple..." He wrote a single word on the board. "Women. Not mares. Women. I'm not racist." He slapped the board. "Getting into specifics... I'm not picky. You nice to me? You probably got a chance if you ask me out." He wrote the word nice on the board. "Are you nice to others, and not specifically me? Great... your chances have gone up." And he drew an arrow pointing upward. They all stared with varying levels of interest. "Lets get the... the touchy part out of the way... your body type... doesn't matter that much. Skinny bitches, thick bitches, fat bitches, whatever bitches, come my way!" He laughed to himself as he wrote 'all types' under 'Women'. "Your colors don't matter too much... as long as you aren't some absolute degenerate clash of color. Like... if you made an OC as a child and had no idea of color pallets Like black with bright red stripes... Fuckin... edge lords..." Skystrike then wrote 'bad colors' on the white board. "Any questions so far?" He slapped the board a few times for no apparent reason. Then giggled.

"Uh, yeah, do any of us have bad colors?" Twilight asked.

"I feel like that's a leading question, but no. All of your colors work well. It doesn't hurt the eyes. Which says something for most of you, being bright as fuck..." Skystrike squinted.

"Alright then, keep going." Twilight crossed her front hooves and bit into her sandwich.

"Cool... now, my second favorite part." He drew a giant plus symbol on the board, then made space to write. "All women... well most women start off with a five. Why do you think that is?"

The girls looked around at each other before Rainbow raised a hoof. "...Because you don't know them yet?"

"Good job!" Skystrike gave a wide smile. "You get a prize!" He went to his armory and got a decorative dagger and handed it to Rainbow, who took it, confused as hell. "If I just met you, I only know how you look, and since I don't judge on looks mostly, you are in the middle of the road. Solid. Five... You muhfukers know how that score gets raised??"

This time, Rarity raised her hoof. "Um... you said body type didn't matter that much, so... what they do?"

"Meh, close enough." Skystrike went to his armory again and came back with a silver engraved tiara and put it on her head, then ruffled her mane. "Their habits is the game changer." He wrote 'habits' on the white board. "If you do something productive, fuck yeah, that's nice as hell. Brings you from 5 to like... a 7 max, depending on the habit... You like, I don't know... learning a new skill? Solid 7. Reading a new book? A very nice 6. Getting different perspectives? Very good 7. You get even more points if I'm into those habits too! And the best part? I'll try almost anything!"

Applejack raised a hoof. "What wont you try?"

Skystrike had to think on it for a moment. "Uuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuh... I don't know... I'll get back to you on that if there's something that throws me off... Anyway... onto my FAVORITE part of what I like in women... and Rarity you'll like this one... how they dress..." He wrote 'How they dress' on the white board. "Clothes! Hot as hell! Hair styles! Hot as hell!" He slapped the board at the end of each sentence, getting a couple laughs. "Fuck, let's not be specific to ponies! The curves on their horns! The stripe patterns! The shape of their fins and frills! HOW FLUFFY THEY ARE!" He slammed the floor. "But, if you want my personal opinions... well, it differs per being, but I'll tell you what you can't go wrong with..." He began writing on the board. "Dresses, bows, stockings, glasses, scarfs, sweaters, skirts, fish nets, rings, necklaces, bracelets, hats, pantyhose's, anything that complements your natural attributes. And this doesn't apply to just clothes, like I said! bangs, Shag cut, Lob cut, Bob cut, Wedge cut, Undercut, Curls, Frizzy, Long, short, Mohawk, they're all hot as hell!"

Each of them took a moment to look at their own hair, and thinking. Then Rarity had an idea. "And... what would you recommend to each of us?" The girls all looked to her. "What? I don't know about you all, but at least I'd like a guys opinion. Plus, it seams like Skystrike here knows something about fashion, unlike most of you..."

"Well excuse me, miss 'I must look perfect for every occasion.'" Applejack quipped.

"And that's why a lady like me models my own clothes." She closed her eyes and smirked, acting all high and mighty. As soon as she opened her eyed, she met Skystrike staring her in the face, their noses touching. "...S-Skystrike, what are you."

"Beatnik... Beatnik Rarity... Red barrett, black sweater." He said before going around the circle to the next one. "Fluttershy..." He rubbed his chin. "...You would most definitely rock the goth style... like, the Victorian goth... But I don't know the names for those clothes..." He stepped over to see Applejack, and circled around her. "...You don't like anything too flashy... Sun dress and... round braid..." His head snapped towards Rainbow Dash. "Ponytail, sports wear... like a track suit... and a necklace." Skytrike then looked up at Tethys. "...High slit, open back dress, silver, and... rings on your horns." Zecora waited somewhat hesitantly. "An undercut would work well, but to be honest, the neck rings, bracelet, and ear rings are already peak... an Ankara dress would suit you..." Stardust waited patiently. "Bob cut with uh... wrap dress... a red one..." Finally Pinkie shuffled in her spot in anticipation. "Honestly, you're a hard one... bouffant dress, straight hair... if you can... I know your hair is like, a monster in and of itself."

"Those are actually all good ideas. I might use those... How... how do you know all of these types of styles darling? Just curious." Rarity took out a note pad and jotted some things down.

"You have a sister, and I bet she already doesn't want to match styles with you, right? Now imagine that with four girls. Those were my sisters..." He sighed, thinking back on it, then laughing. "I was about to say something that wasn't even funny, then I forgot what in Tartarus I was going to say. Oh god, I'm fucking losing it."

"It sounds like you just don't have a preference..." Rainbow chuckled. "We need to get you a marefriend. Then you'll know what you actually like."

"...I think that aliens are trying to talk to me with my mind... And while I... appreciate the offer, I don't need help from somepony who I'm the only stallion who they talk to besides their father."

Rarity and Applejack snickered as Skystrike. "Well excuse you! I can get a coltfriend if I tried!" She said flustered. "Besides, you can't even get on if you tried!"

"ExCUUUUSE you! I have a Ph.D in Rizzics. I get all the ladies!" He bit into another eggroll.

"Oh yeah?" She narrowed her eyes. "Prove it."

Skystrike stared at her then laughed so hard that he fell on his back, snorting. After composing himself, the strutted up to Rainbow Dash, shaking his hair out. "Hey, real quick, there's something on your chest." He pointed a hoof at a smear that wasn't there. Like a fool, a goofy head, Rainbow Dash looked down confused, only for Skystrike's hoof to pull her up by the chin for their eyes to meet. "Hopefully me soon~." Rainbow's jaw dropped as her face turned red and her wings spread out. Skystrike snorted and he fell to the ground laughing, along with everyone else.

"AHAHA! She got a wing boner!" Pinkie laughed and pointed.

"That was the stupidest line I've ever done!" Skystrike kicked his legs in the air. "How did that work!?"

Once the laughter died down, Fluttershy spun the bottle. Then it landed on Zecora. "Twilight, this one belongs to you. What would you have me do?"

Twilight thought for a moment. "You've known Skystrike for a while. What's the funniest thing you know about him?"

"Zecora, don't rat me out!" Skystrike laughed.

Zecora giggled, thinking about what she was about to say. "Skystrike's clueless about societal forms, and I question if he's learned any norms."

"Yeah..." Skystrike admitted.

"That explains a lot actually." Twilight rubber her chin in thought. "Maybe it's because of where Skytrike's from."

"We did have many different norms where I'm from. And I assumed it was the same until I was told... otherwise. I almost said underwear for some reason..."

"Give us some examples..." Twilight leaned forward.

"Uuuhhhhhh fuckin... The whole dating market here is reversed. Where I'm from, the guy is supposed to ask out the girl. Aaaand uuuuhhh... now that I think of it, mostly the opposite of here." He rolled his joints. "Like uuuh... poligamy is actually looked down upon. I don't even know how it works. I only found out like, 5 months ago that I found out that it's the norm here." He laughed. "Where I'm from, there's also a patriarchy, instead of matriarchies. Next, you're going to tell me that it's the guys who stay at home and do house work."

"...Well, they do traditionally. Not so much anymore... What else do you not know?"

"...How would I know what to tell you I don't know???" Skystrike put his hooves out. "Like, bruh."

"You must at least know the common stuff, like, how herds work, or expectations of a stallion, right?" Rarity asked.

"...Girl talk is weird. No, I don't know any of that, and I don't think I really care. I don't expect certain things from others because of their gender." Skystrike sat and thought for a moment. "But that does remind me of that time you called me 'marely', and in hindsight, I didn't see many guys in my line of work."

"Well, if you want an example, it's Mrs. Cake that's actually in charge of the bakery. Mr. Cake helps out, obviously, but he's expected to take care of the kids when they have some." Pinkie explained.

"Wait... is that why you all thought I was gay? Because the norms where I'm from is what the opposite gender does here?"

Tethys snickered. "They thought you were gay?"

"It's also because well... most guys talk about their sex life, and Skystrike is a virgin." Applejack bit into another apple.

"Holup, you think I'm a virgin?" Skystrike raised an eyebrow. "I'm insulted." He mock scoffed.

"Sky, we know you don't have sex. It's ok to be a virgin at your age." Rarity tried to make him feel better.

But now, he was actually a bit insulted. "Motherfucker, I already showed I got dat dawg in me. I get bitches."

"Prove it. I know you can't." Rarity snickered.

"He's not a virgin." Tethys and Zecora said in unison. The room when dead silent, then Skystrike laughed again.

"Called it!" Rainbow Dash pumped her hoof in the air. Then Applejack and Rarity gave her some bits

"Fuck you guys!" He said getting really loud. "I'm tired of yo asses bruh, Now I'm really 'bout to get to the packin' the packin' the flippin' the flappin' the clappin' the slappin' upside your head, bruh! Your name is Rainbow Dash, your hairline crashed, you fell into a farm and said 'I like my potatoes mashed'! Girl if you don't get yo 'watch me whip watch me nae nae' ass outa here! You messed up a flight, and started yelling mayday! Your grandma gave Bling Bling Boy a lap dance for a payday! Wait hold up a second-" He grabbed a pillow from the couch as the laughter around him grew and began beating it. "GIVE ME THE MONEY GRANDMA 'aHhH! pleAse StOp!'" He spoke in an old lady's voice. "Shut yo dumbass up! And I ain't done yet! Applejack if you don't get yo jenga playin' doodoo fart sprayin, ugly face displayin' Body build like a mutant naked mole rat, got all the bad genes, you were born in the wrong format, 3'2 you look like the Lorax! You dumb ass hell shut yo' ugly ass up!" He inhaled deeply as his friends were rolling on the floor losing it. "And Rarity, I didn't for get you! You better get your shopping cart, crippled fart, Got an A mom I'm smart, Bubble bass, wax your ass, you mow the lawn by eating grass! Tell me how in the flippity wippity dippity FUCK your grandpa lost a seven hour staring contest to a wall of paint!"

Pinkie couldn't breathe and her stomach was hurting as she kept laughing. "No more! No more!" She wheezed.

"nO MoRE! No MorE! SHUT YO FAT ASS UP PINKIE! Oh you thought I was done!? Now I'm really 'bout to get to the packin' the rappin' the dibi duh daba duh flippity flobbidy doppity de dippity de de de de flibbitty wibbity doo doo slumpin slappin do be do do derongeribby dobiddigidy!? I'm about to hit a combo move on yo ass now! UP UP DOW DOWN LEFT RIGHT LEFT RIGHT, YOUR CURRENT ROOM MATE IS A TAPDANCING TERMITE! You got baptized in a fishbowl at Petco, you dirty as hell! You poured hot wheels cars in your ass and called it THE THUNDERDOME You nasty as hell!" He finally finished and inhaled deeply, before roaring at the top of his lungs.

Finally being able to speak after catching her breath from her fit of laughter, Pinkie spoke. "Dear Celestia, I don't even know what that was but that was one of the best things I've ever experienced. We have to do this again."

"My throat burns, My eyes hurt, and I'm sleepy." Skystrike said and he fell on the floor.

Fluttershy giggled a bit. "Your eyes are still as red as a beet."

"Oh, I haven't blinked for a while. I feel like if I do, I'll fall asleep..." He yawned. "But my eyes do burn. Let me just..." And just like that, Skystrike fell asleep.

"...Today was a day." Applejack sighed, then laughed a bit.

"So, are we just going to ignore that Skystrike scored Zecora AND Tethys?" Rainbow smirked and looked at the two. "We can't just drop that!"

"I mean, what's there to say?" Tethys stood up and grabbed the vodka, pouring herself another shot and drinking it. "I'm kinda with Skystrike on this, it's weird to talk about sex. But if you must know, I assume it's the same for you ponies."

Zecora, being a bit tipsy, was much more willing to answer. "Tethys, dragons and ponies, quite the song,
But compared to dragons, ponies don't last long."

"...Wait, how long to ponies last?" Tethys raised a brow.

"...We're lucky if we get a two minutes." Rarity admitted.

"That's gotta stink, at least ten with Skystrike you'd find, A deal so sweet, it'd blow your mind." Zecora smirked. "I spy some of your gazes, cast at him with grace. Yet he's a dense one, slow in life's race. His stance on herds, a mystery we face, so act right now, don't let your chances go to waste."

"Wait, why are you giving them advice? I could've sworn you were into him yourself." Tethys whispered into the Zebra's ear.

"I thought you felt the same, it's true. Why fear competition in our crew? With luck, together, we'll all break through. In unity, our goals we'll pursue." She whispered back.

Stardust, who was listening in had an uncomfortable look on her face and joined in on the whispering. "You two, I'm fine with. Known you girls long enough to trust you with him, and while they aren't bad ponies... I still can't help but worry, you know?"

Tethys locked her arms around the two, pulling them into a hug and smiling. "It's been a while since we've all been together. I'm glad I got to meet you two." Then Tethys let go. "Now, getting back to the game..." All eyes turned on her. "Skystrike may be out of the game, but I plan on playing some more. It's just us girls now... and there's so much I want to learn about you all..." They were all excited, but they could see a sinister grin grow on Tethy's face. The night's still young, after all...

Author's Note:

Not gonna lie, I was high writing the end of this chapter, and I was losing my shit. Probably wont be as funny as I think it is when I wake up.

I woke up and prof read this. It really wasn't. But I'm not going to rewrite it. Glad I got this out quicker than the last one. Hopefully I can keep up this stride. Until next time.