• Published 17th May 2019
  • 1,630 Views, 899 Comments

Starcraft: Warriors of Purity - Xarmar13

Bon Bon and Lyra are sent to the Koprulu Sector on a quest for vengeance.

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Legacy: Salvation Part 3

Under the scorching blaze of Protoss weaponry, his body was destroyed. Amon knew that he had suffered a major setback in his plans and would have to start over in creating a new body. However, he came to realize that the Protoss had been too successful in thwarting his plans. Before he could begin to start building a new host body, the Daelaam had to be eliminated.

While the Khala was his only anchor to the material world now, he had to be careful. The Daelaam had the Keystone and he knew that they would use it to pluck him from the Khala. While not even the Keystone could imprison him for long, if the entire Protoss race severed themselves from the Khala, all of his plans made eons ago would be for nothing.

There was only one saving grace left for him, the Golden Armada was near. He would not have his designs come undone by the hands of his own creations and a Pony. It would be up to his minions now to prevent him from making a one way trip to the Void.

The time had come for the final push against Amon and force him back into the Void. Lyra addressed her Tal’darim and made sure that they were prepared to deal a crippling blow to the False God. As they shouted their affirmations of readiness, Lyra took a deep breath and ordered them to be ready to march on the Hierarch’s signal.

Talandar discussed strategy with the Executors of the Purifiers. Once they felt they had a solid plan, they remained on standby until Tassadar gave the order.

The same was discussed among the Nerazim.

Once everyone was ready, Tassadar opened a channel to all Daelaam forces.

“My brethren, hear me! For there is little time left. All that remains of our race, our civilization, are those that stand beside you now, and those corrupted on the surface below. Our kind once stood as stewards of a galaxy full of promise. In our pride and division, we failed that sacred charge and fell to ruin. The Khala, designed to bring unity, ultimately only aided those divisions. Its hope was a lie. Today that lie must come to its end, and with it, our prejudice and arrogance must become a thing of the past. For we now fight in the belief that our kind has not seen its end. That we Protoss can stand bound by a belief in unity. And that we Protoss will forge a great and mighty new civilization! Trust each other in the fight ahead. Strike as one will! Let our last stand burn a memory so bright that we will be known throughout eternity!”

Lyra felt moved by Tassadar’s speech, despite not really having a place in it.

With the Daelaam roused by Tassadar’s speech, everyone prepared for the battle that will earn them their freedom from Amon’s twisted vision of salvation.

The Keystone was in place atop a temple. The artifact was hooked up to a device that would charge it in much the same way as the Terran version.

Vorazun and Zeratul would hold the northern entrance of the temple with their Nerazim.

Karax, Fenix and Talandar would hold the southern entrance to the temple with the Purifiers.

Alarak and Lyra would hold the main entrance to the temple with the Tal’darim.

Tassadar, Artanis, and Aldaris would provide the core defense of the Keystone while providing support for the other factions.

Amon’s Brood surrounded them and the Golden Armada was near. The Hybrid would use any means necessary to shatter the final hope of the Protoss.


Everything was in place for the great battle that would determine the course of the End War. Tassadar made sure that they would have all the resources they needed to survive long enough for the Keystone to reach full power.

The Zerg attacks began from the north. The Nerazim prepared to defend. Lyra teleported to the Nerazim’s defense.

A basic attack of Zerglings and Mutalisks came. The Dark Archons took control of the fliers while Lyra electrocuted the Zerglings with a Storm Charge.

A larger Zerg attack came from the west and assaulted Alarak’s base. Lyra took control of the Ultralisks while using void energy to drain the attackers before firing a blast that took them out.


As expected, Amon’s attacks tested the Purifier’s defenses. A few Psionic Storms from Lyra made quick work of the attack.

A larger attack pushed against the Nerazim but Tassadar was ready to assist Lyra to defend the positions. A force of Avengers and Phoenixes aided in the Nerazim defense.

Ships from the Golden Armada arrived to put pressure on Alarak’s defenses. Amon, using Selendis’ body, accused Tassadar of killing his people by leading them to him. Lyra teleported atop a Tempest and began firing beams of magic at the forces on the ground, starting with the Colossi. She teleported back to the Keystone after firing a void blast into the Tempest’s bridge and sent it crashing into the ground.


Artanis warped in a few Arbiters to provide cloaking for their allies while the Zerg focused on the static defenses, most of the time helpless to the attacks from cloaked Protoss warriors.

The Golden Armada began attacking the Spear of Adun. While it seemed that support from orbit would become limited, something happened…

The Golden Armada came under attack from a fleet composed mainly of Terran Battlecruisers.

“What? Have we truly received aid?” Rohana asked hopefully.

<“Howdy fellas, mind if we cut in on the action?”> said a familiar voice that reinvigorated Lyra. <“We’ll keep these guys company and send down some reinforcements when we can.”>

With that, Raynor’s fleet engaged the Golden Armada to take some pressure off the Spear of Adun.

The Tal’darim was under threat of being overrun by a large torrent of Zerg. Lyra quickly reacted by draining the lesser Zerg and unleashed a torrent of life-fueled void energy at the remainder of the attacking Zerg.


Nerazim Void Rays reacted to another incursion from the Golden Armada and blasted the ships out of the sky. Since the corrupted ships were attacking from two different angles, Lyra personally dealt with the other group.

Another large wave of Zerg was poised to hit the Tal’darim.

Unexpectedly however, a pair of Terran drop pods landed in front of the Tal’darim Nexus Point. A Ghost and a Spectre emerged and painted the area at the entrance for Nuclear Strikes. Once the Zerg arrived, they were wiped out immediately by a pair of Nuclear Missiles.

Lyra teleported to the pair to greet them, “Hi Tosh, glad to see you here with...Nova?!”

“As much as I’d like to kick your girlfriend’s ass for making a fool out of me, I have orders to make sure that artifact does what you need it to do,” Nova said.

“You’re welcome to try, little girl. But I heard that she is beyond you in ability so good luck with that,” Tosh said in amusement.

A large number of Terran mercenaries arrived over the Tal’darim Nexus Point, ready to repel the Zerg.

“You certainly know how to make exotic friends, Lyra. I suppose watching the fodder struggle will give me some amusement,” Alarak said.


Rohana reported that more of the Golden Armada were entering the system and engaging the Dominion fleet. The Terran ships were beginning to struggle against the might of the Armada.

It was then that a few of the Armada ships were disabled when the engines were severely damaged by acid. A massive swarm of flying Banelings engaged the corrupted ships before a large number of Leviathans entered the system.

It wasn’t long before the skies above Aiur was clouded with Mutalisks. Rohana worried that Amon had even more reinforcements that he kept hidden, the dread turned to hope when they heard a voice they hadn’t heard since Ulnar.

<”Looks like we made it in time. Time to give Amon a taste of the fury of the Swarm,”> Kerrigan said.

With Kerrigan’s Zerg bringing reinforcements to the beleaguered fleets, Raynor was able to get some troops and ships to the temple and reinforce the defense.


The attacks on the temple increased in intensity as the entrances were besieged by increasingly frequent waves of Zerg. Lyra was able to handle one side at a time but knew that she needed some help.

Tosh and Nova continued dropping Nukes on Zerg at the main entrance while Artanis’ mobile defense assisted wherever they could.

A number of Zerg sacs began raining on the temple grounds, bringing relief for the defenders. Among the new arrivals were Stukov and DuGalle alongside a number of Infestors. The Infestors dealt with the lesser Zerg with their Fungal Growth ability while Stukov weakened Ultralisks with his Corrosive Bolt. DuGalle called on a number of flying Banelings to rain acidic death on another wave of Amon’s Zerg.

A large force from the Golden Armada moved against the Keystone. Lyra and Aldaris handled the wave by creating a number of illusory copies while Lyra created confusion among the ships and made them attack each other and the illusions. Lyra finished off the rest.


Lyra became elated when she saw a sac drop in the middle of the temple and her marefriend emerged from it. This was followed by the arrival of Dehaka.

“So much essence to claim. My evolution will be guaranteed this day,” Dehaka said.

When there was a brief respite from the onslaught, Sweetie and Lyra embraced each other briefly before returning to the task at hand.

With Sweetie joining the fray, Lyra handled the main entrance while Sweetie kept the north entrance defended. Sweetie set up a hive cluster near the Nerazim Nexus Point and quickly set up production for her Zerglings.

Once her Zerglings grew numerous, Sweetie had them engage the Zerg to the north. Using their own Creep against them, the Zerglings continued to multiply.

Each entrance was fortified by a number of Sweetie’s Scylla while the hive cluster began moving toward producing Mutalisks and eventually Blight Dragons to tear apart any Golden Armada ships that tried to enter the temple grounds.


Large waves of enemy Zerg began attacking from all three entrances simultaneously in an attempt to overwhelm at least one entrance. Sweetie’s Zerg held off one wave with their overwhelming numbers. Lyra used her draining ability on her wave and destroyed the rest with the fury of the Void.

The work of the two Ponies made defending the third position much easier as Tosh and Nova unleashed nukes on their wave while Stukov and DuGalle let loose the infested on the remainder with DuGalle calling in a Baneling Bombardment from above.

When a massive number of Zerg approached Lyra’s position, something unexpected happened.

Two hundred tons of steel and fury dropped into the middle of the enemy group and crushed a good number of them. Lyra quickly moved to rescue the massive Terran war machine, draining the life from the rest of the wave.

“Big dog is back from the dead!” said Tychus from within the Odin.


“I thought I destroyed that thing completely,” Lyra said.

Tychus chuckled, “Didn’t count on your girlfriend stealin’ the schematics from the Valhalla facility, did ya?”

Lyra shrugged and decided to let the convict go wild against the Zerg.

Since the situation in orbit was under control, Kerrigan landed near the temple and obliterated an entire wave of Amon’s Zerg in her wake.

Talandar was concerned about the new arrivals. “Can we trust these Zerg to help us?” he asked.

“Yeah, the one defending the north is my marefriend and the one defending the south is her friend. Besides, we really needed their help to keep the Zerg and Golden Armada at bay,” Lyra responded.

“Hey Lyres, you sure this thing won’t destroy us too? It would suck to protect this thing only for it to kill me and Kerrigan,” Sweetie inquired, referring to the Keystone.

“No need to worry. After extensive research, I have discovered how to utilize its functions properly. There will be no danger to you or Kerrigan once it is ready,” Karax replied.

“That’s a relief. Last thing I need is to be rendered sickly by that thing again,” Kerrigan said.


Amon’s desperation became obvious. Every corrupted Protoss in Amon’s army approached the temple in one last bid to destroy the Keystone.

Sweetie kept the skies contested thanks to the brutal might of her Blight Dragons while she spawned several colossal Ultralisks to provide the final touch to her adamantine defenses.

Thanks to the support from the Dominion and Kerrigan’s Zerg, Artanis was able to warp in a powerful fleet to ensure that no ship would come close to the Keystone.

Zerg and Protoss waves were relentless but their attacks could not make a scratch in the defenses anymore. Nuclear support from Tosh, Nova and the Odin ensured that all attack venues were well covered.

Everyone could tell that Amon began to panic.


“Energy matrix charged. The Keystone is ready, Hierarch!” Karax said.

Everyone pulled back to the Keystone and prepared for the imminent blast.

The warriors fought their hardest around the Keystone. An Amon-possessed Selendis charged at the Keystone but was met with a hoof to her gut and knocked into a pillar.

It was then that the Keystone started sending waves of power, pulling Amon’s consciousness from the corrupted warriors.

Amon screamed as he was pulled into the Keystone.

Tassadar yelled out to all Templar, “Selendis, Templar! Rid yourselves of Amon! Sever your nerve cords!”

“No. We are one in the Khala,” Amon spoke from within the Keystone.

All of the Protoss with nerve cords winced in pain. “Without the Khala, what will we become?” Selendis asked.

“Free,” Tassadar responded. He encouraged her to believe in his vision of the future. Selendis put her faith in that the Protoss’ future would be bright without the Khala and severed her nerve cords. All other Daelaam followed Selendis’ example and did the same.

Amon screamed as the Keystone was unable to hold him any longer. However, without a host to connect his consciousness to the material world, he had nowhere left to go except the Void.

While everyone was celebrating their victory against Amon, Lyra and Sweetie shared a passionate hug and kiss.

When they finally broke the embrace, Lyra asked, “So, is it over? Amon is defeated and cast back into the Void. His servants are gone so he shouldn’t be a threat anymore. Does this mean we can return home?”

Sweetie sighed, “In a way it is over. If I were Princess Celestia or Princess Luna, I would leave this matter at that. But I’m not them. I’m not leaving the matter of dealing with him to some other generation down the line. We still have a couple of years left until Discord takes us back home...at least I hope he does. I’d like to spend that time searching for a way to safely enter the Void and finish him.

Lyra could only wish her luck with that. In the meantime, she had a people to lead.

The two separated once more. Until Sweetie had a lead on how to get into the Void without being torn apart by its energies, Lyra would stay with the Protoss and help them rebuild their once glorious civilization.

Author's Note:

Hope you enjoyed the changes I made to this mission. :twilightsmile:

We are near the end of the story. There are only 7 more chapters remaining before the end.

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