• Published 17th May 2019
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Starcraft: Warriors of Purity - Xarmar13

Bon Bon and Lyra are sent to the Koprulu Sector on a quest for vengeance.

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UED: Raiding Moria

The destruction of the Psi Disrupter brought great relief to both Kerrigan and Sweetie Drops. With the device no longer emitting psychic waves that disrupted Kerrigan’s hive mind, she and Sweetie were free to control Zerg once more.

Sweetie’s control over Zerg had improved with practice. At this point she was able to control up to thirty underlings worth of Zerg, enough for up to five Ultralisks or sixty Zerglings. Sweetie felt that she had reached the limit of what she was capable of with her current state. If she wanted to expand on this power in the future, she would need to find the catalyst that the Overmind had mentioned. Still, thirty underlings worth of Zerg was not bad.

Fenix and Raynor were still on edge about having their enemies right next to them. Nobody could blame them. Given Kerrigan’s treacherous history, they had no idea when, and they were sure it would be, she would start killing her associates. Mengsk was also untrustworthy; he was responsible for practically feeding Kerrigan to the Zerg and would likely betray anyone just to save himself. Duran, the Ghost that Lyra and Sweetie were the most wary, acted like he was Kerrigan’s advisor. Though Sweetie had a feeling that he was the most treacherous of them all; that he may even be deceiving Kerrigan into thinking that he was one of her pawns when he may be following his own agenda. Sweetie asked the Overmind if it had seen anything like whom she was sensing.

~”I had felt something like this before countless millennia ago. The last time I sensed a power like this was during the time my master was still alive. What you sense now is still but a shadow of my master’s true power. Exercise caution around this one, Sweetie Drops.”~

“Hmm...if he has a power like Amon’s then he may be one of his servants. Is he a Xel’naga?”

~”Although his power still pales in comparison to Amon, it may be possible, but I cannot say for certain.”~

It would appear that Sweetie was looking at one of her true enemies. She could not afford to confront Duran at this point. First she would need to find a way to match his power before she could start calling him out.

Fenix spoke and broke Sweetie out of her thoughts. “Now that the Psi Disrupter is destroyed and Kerrigan has regained control of her minions, I fear that she will forget our pact and turn on us.”

“I know what you mean, Fenix,” Raynor said. “I’d love to believe that she’s on the level, but there’s a part of me that just knows better. However, I do believe that she’s serious about taking out the UED. The only real question left is what happens to us when she wins.”

Sweetie chimed in before Mengsk could. “If she tries anything, I’ll just humiliate her again like I did on Shakuras.”

Kerrigan, who had caught the tail end of the conversation, approached the group and deadpanned, “Thanks for reopening that wound, Sweetie.” Sweetie smirked in response.

“Kerrigan, are your forces ready to assault Korhal as we planned?” Fenix asked.

“Nearly, I still need a substantial cache of resources in order to build up my primary hive clusters. I’m wondering if you all wouldn’t mind going on a fuel raid for me?”

“What are ya’ thinkin’?” Raynor asked.

“I’m thinking that we should pay the Kel-Morian Combine a little visit,” Kerrigan suggested. Sweetie’s attention was now fully focused on Kerrigan. She had been looking to give the Combine a little payback for attempting to treat her like some commodity when she first arrived in the Koprulu sector. “Moria is one of the largest resource nodes in the sector. If you can bypass their defenses, and steal enough resources from them, we’ll be able to afford a full-scale assault on Korhal.”

“It’s risky, but I think we can handle it. Fenix, are you into this?” Raynor asked.

“If it betters our chances, I will lead the assault myself,”:Fenix replied.

“I will be accompanying you, Fenix. I have some personal business with them.” Sweetie said. She turned to Raynor and Mengsk and requested a few loaded Nuclear Silos to accompany her for the mission. The two Terran men had a feeling that they were about to learn why it was a bad idea to mess with Sweetie Drops.

Fenix and Sweetie were on the surface of Moria accompanied by a large number of Zerg. Kerrigan ordered her newly acquired Cerebrate to infest the Command Centers of the nearby mining guilds.

Fenix, Sweetie and the Zerg charged at the nearest mining guild base which had minimal defenses and were not even mining the minerals near them. Sweetie figured that they were probably some new guild that had too little time to set up. That still didn’t explain the lack of a Command Center though.

Fenix commented about the whimsy of fortune that made him team up with one enemy to deal with another. Raynor responded with a comment about how he sounded like a tired old man when he said things like that.

The various guilds had been alerted to their presence and sent small groups that only served to exploit holes in their defenses. Sweetie was happy to serve their mechanical troops a lockdown while Ultralisk blades tore through the metal. Surprisingly, to Sweetie, the sound of blades through metal was a bit satisfying in this situation.

The guild chosen to be their next target was a more isolated base to the east of their position. While the Cerebrate was directing its forces against the target guild, Sweetie spotted a heavily defended position that was just begging for her to paint. Sneaking around any detecting Missile Turrets, Sweetie marked a spot that was defended by a Bunker, some Missile Turrets and some Siege Tanks. Thanks to the improved marking system, Sweetie only needed a second for the target to lock on. Sweetie casually walked away from the target as a Tactical Nuke blew up the entire area behind her.

The Zerg were just about done with the base once a Queen had entered the guild’s battered and burning Command Center. The organic growth that spawned all over the Command Center had put out the fires and restored some semblance of its former self.

Fenix continued to behave like an old retired veteran when he was reminiscing about his past. Raynor couldn’t help but roll his eyes as he listens to his friend talk over the comms.

The guild northwest of their main base was their next target. Since the first target was wiped out, the Cerebrate started setting up operations to harvest resources in preparation for attacking the remaining guilds in the area.

The next target sometimes harassed the main base by ferrying troops behind the main defensive line. Thankfully, the Cerebrate was able to react to their attacks since they were a little too close to the Nuclear Silos that Sweetie took with her.

Sweetie opened up the attack on the next guild’s base by dropping a Tactical Nuke on their initial defensive line. This opened the way for a wide variety of Zerg to go on a rampage through the guild base. The Queen took advantage of the chaos and infested their Command Center, followed by more maudlin from Fenix.

The Zerg continued to move from guild base to guild base, laying waste to the Terrans and infesting their Command Centers. The two guilds farthest from the main Zerg hive were also taking advantage of the resources available to them to make use of some high end weaponry such as Battlecruisers and Tactical Nukes. One of Sweetie’s Nukes obliterated some of the Battlecruisers in one guild’s base, making them easy pickings for the Zerg.

The remaining guild base specialized in training Ghosts and keeping their only Nuclear Silo loaded with a Nuclear Missile. Sweetie ended up fighting fire with fire when a Defiler created a smokescreen of insects over her position and allowed her to drop her last Nuclear Missile on their base and blew away a number of enemy Ghosts.

Once again, the Zerg took advantage of the destruction and rampaged through the base. In the chaos, Sweetie saw a familiar Marine. She recognized the face of the Marine who captured her and threw her in a cell standing next to someone to whom he saluted. Sweetie figured him to be his commanding officer.

As she approached them the two saw her coming and a look of surprise appeared on the Marine’s face. “Huh? Yer that horse person. What’re you doin’ here?” he asked.

Sweetie used one arm to point her rifle at the Marine’s face in point blank range with her finger on the trigger. “This.” She pulled the trigger.

The commanding officer pointed his rifle at Sweetie only for her to disappear. The officer looked around for the vanishing Pony for a few seconds before rumbling could be heard above him as he looked up and saw electricity dancing above his head. In only a split second he felt excruciating agony as the psionic lightning coursed through his body and rendered him into a charred, smoking husk.

A strange device flew out of the commander’s hands before the lightning hit. Sweetie picked it up and took it with her back to the Hyperion to see if it could be of some use in the attack on Korhal.

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