• Published 17th May 2019
  • 1,629 Views, 899 Comments

Starcraft: Warriors of Purity - Xarmar13

Bon Bon and Lyra are sent to the Koprulu Sector on a quest for vengeance.

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UED: Machinations of the Xel'naga

In transit to Shakuras, Zeratul asked Sweetie a question that had been plaguing his mind since the Overmind was slain, “Are you certain that allowing Kerrigan to control the totality of the Zerg Swarm was a good idea?”

Sweetie sighed, “I don’t know, what I do know is that the UED was playing with forces they do not understand. Frankly, they should have left matters in the Koprulu sector alone.”

Zeratul hummed. “You almost sound as if you possess some understanding of the Zerg.”

“Maybe it had to do with controlling Zerg minds,” Sweetie hastily responded.

Zeratul narrowed his eyes, “You might have some skill in concealing your thoughts, but I can still sense that you are hiding something.”

Sweetie could tell that she was beginning to lose Zeratul’s trust. The aged Dark Templar was more insightful than she gave him credit. If she wanted to keep any form of trust with him, she may have to take a big risk and reveal her source of information. If she kept her secret, the situation may worsen over time.

After taking a deep breath, Sweetie led Zeratul to a place where she could talk to him in private, placing the usual wards.

“What I’m about to tell you cannot be told to the others, the only other one who knows is Lyra. I’m risking a lot by telling you and, no offense, but your race does tend to be headstrong.” Although she couldn’t see it, Sweetie could tell that Zeratul was rolling his eyes.

Taking one more deep breath, Sweetie revealed the existence of the Overmind parasite to Zeratul, how it provided her with its ancient knowledge such as the origin of the Zerg, the purpose of the Overmind, the altered destiny of the Zerg, and the name of the one who turned the Zerg against the Protoss, Amon.

“And you expect me to believe this? Madness! Still, if what you said was true, then our true enemy would be the very Xel’naga that sired our race eons ago. But why would they turn against their own creations?”

“I don’t know if everything it said was true, but it claimed that Amon disliked the independent thinking of the Protoss, that somehow that way of thinking was a nuisance to his plans. It claimed that the purpose of the Protoss was as a mere part of his scheme to recreate the universe as he wanted by combining the Zerg and Protoss into his ultimate soldiers.”

“This is ill news indeed. But tell me, where does Kerrigan fit into all of this? I have noticed that you had more than one opportunity to eliminate her, but you didn’t.”

Sweetie explained to Zeratul the act of rebellion that the Overmind had committed against Amon, Kerrigan’s importance in preventing Amon’s plan from succeeding, and the consequences of killing her, adding to the explanation of why Sweetie avoided killing the Queen of Blades whenever she had the chance. She ended her explanation by revealing her suspicions of Duran.

Zeratul had a lot to consider. He was unsure how much was true and how much was lies created by the Overmind to lead both of them astray. He would need time to sort the facts out.

Upon exiting the room, Zeratul and Sweetie were greeted by Vorazun who told them to meet her at the bridge of the Gantrithor.

Sweetie and Zeratul arrived on the bridge to find Vorazun, Lyra and Raszagal. Sweetie noticed that Raszagal was not looking well. Vorazun was also visibly concerned for her mother. However, Raszagal’s condition would have to wait as the meeting began.

“Our sensors indicate Protoss power signatures emanating from an uncharted moon nearby,” Vorazun began. Our records do not indicate that there has ever been a Protoss settlement in this quadrant. Zeratul, Sweetie, Lyra, I need you to investigate the source of the energy signatures on the dark moon.”

“It will be done, Matriarch,” Zeratul acknowledged.

“Also, our sensors indicate a small Terran compound near the energy signatures. Be on your guard, everyone.”

Zeratul, Sweetie and Lyra took a group of Dark Archons to assist them in the investigation. The first Terrans that they encountered were a group of Marines with a pair of Siege Tanks nearby. Lyra eliminated the Terrans in one swing of her warp blades while the Dark Archons took control of the Siege Tanks. A Science Vessel arrived to investigate the disturbance only for the pilot of that vessel to be controlled.

A group of Marines by a Missile Turret was their next obstacle. The Science Vessel lured the Marines toward it and to their doom under the fire of Siege Tank shells. Zeratul saw a stasis cell nearby and moved in to examine it and discovered that there was a Protoss in the cell. The computer sent out an alert that Test Subject Twenty-Three was suffering from psychic feedback and the body was falling apart. The test subject faded away in a burst of light.

A mystery had made itself known to the group: Why were the Terrans imprisoning Protoss in stasis cells? They would need to move even deeper into the compound to uncover the mystery.

DuGalle was at a loss about what had happened. As fast as his expeditionary force had taken Korhal and the Overmind, they were taken away just as quickly. Why the Protoss would concern themselves over Terran matters was beyond him. He had expected that abomination, Kerrigan, to be the one to take on his forces on Char.

Unfortunately, he was left with a difficult decision to make: He could go after the Protoss who had ruined everything for the UED or he could try to avenge the death of his old friend, Stukov. After thinking it over for a while, he finally came to a decision. He took the last of the Expeditionary Force and set course for Char.

The Science Vessel scouted ahead and found a Siege Tank on the high ground, A Dark Archon took control of the tank which, in turn, turned its cannon against the Terrans.

A line of Photon Cannons was their next obstacle with another stasis cell beyond it. The controlled Siege Tanks made quick work of the cannons while Lyra and Sweetie took care of any incoming troops. A Battlecruiser made its presence known to everyone and was quickly locked down by Sweetie while a Dark Archon took control of it.

While they waited for the lockdown to wear off, Zeratul investigated the nearby stasis cell. The computer was in the middle of gathering data on Test Subject Twenty-Five. Zeratul released the High Templar from the cell. The Templar was grateful for the save and agreed to assist in the mission.

Kerrigan was concerned with the current situation she was in. Two Terran fleets from different factions were detected heading directly for her staging area. Her forces had not completed the exodus from Tarsonis to Char and Duran had mysteriously disappeared, leaving her and the Cerebrate that she had taken from the fledgling Overmind not long ago. She was about to be forced to defend against whatever ships that Arcturus had managed to scrape up and what was left of the UED.

Kerrigan received a transmission from Arcturus, <”Hello Kerrigan, have I caught you at a bad time.”> Mengsk was not even trying to hide his malice.

“Not at all, Arcturus,” Kerrigan said while playing along with the banter. “How’d you manage to scrape up your new fleet? Been raiding the salvage dumps again?”

<”I called in a few favors. Made a few concessions. You’d be surprised to see how many special interest groups in this sector want to see you dead.”>

“I’m sorry to disappoint your new friends, Arcturus. But you really shouldn’t have attempted this stunt. It’ll take more than you and the UED to bring me down.”

<Kerrigan, this is Admiral DuGalle. I am giving you one last chance to surrender your forces, and submit to the sovereign authority of the United Earth Directorate.”>

“Gee, that’s a tough one, Admiral,” Kerrigan took on a gleeful tone. “You’ll have to let me think for a minute...You know, Admiral, I think I’ll just massacre your remaining troops now and watch you die in agony. How would that be?”

DuGalle scoffed as he believed that Kerrigan’s chances of overcoming the both of them were miniscule at best.

“You see, at this point...” Kerrigan continued “...now that I have the entire Swarm at my command, none of you will ever stand in my way again.”

Tearing through a site that housed more Terran troops and another stasis cell, Sweetie took a look at the cell and found a Terran that had his genetic code rewritten by Zerg DNA. Taking on the form of an Infested Terran, Sweetie suggested not letting the creature out and moved on.

On a hill overlooking the small camp was a simple Science Facility along with a lone civilian and SCV as well as another stasis cell. A Dark Archon took control of the SCV pilot and had him repair any damage to the stolen vehicles while Zeratul worked to free the captive in the cell near the Science Facility which turned out to be an Archon.

This intrigued Sweetie a little since Archons usually do not live very long without their rage. This left her a little curious about the implications of stasis technology.

A walled section had groups of Marines on top of it as well as a patrolling Science Vessel. Since they didn’t need another Science Vessel, a Dark Archon caused its energy core to feed back into itself which caused a huge explosion that destroyed the Vessel. Two more Dark Archons froze the two Marine groups on the walls with a Maelstrom while Lyra and Sweetie unleashed Psionic Storms on them, searing them from within their armor.

Zeratul examined the stasis cell that the Marines were guarding and discovered Zerglings in the cell. Sweetie finally put it together and discovered the purpose of the facility: the Terrans in the compound were performing genetic engineering on Protoss and Zerg.

The Computer mentioned the subject in the tank being Test Subject Twenty-Seven and that data was being taken of the subject. There was also mention of gene splicing between subjects twenty-five and twenty-seven. When information from the Overmind about bringing Protoss and Zerg together came to mind, Sweetie realized that the facility was creating some sort of Protoss-Zerg Hybrid. She whispered to Zeratul, “I think we may find proof to my claims here.”

His once proud fleet lay in ruins. His own pride in tatters and his best friend’s death was in vain. DuGalle was left with no other option left but to surrender the battle to Kerrigan. He begged for his men to be spared, but she would not even grant him that. As his broken and battered fleet made a desperate attempt to retreat back to Earth, Kerrigan, ever fond of the hunt, gave his fleet a head start before she dealt the coup de gras.

The way to the remaining section of the facility was guarded by Ghosts, Wraiths, Siege Tanks and Battlecruisers. The might of the Dark Archons was put to full use as Ghosts had their heads exploded from psychic feedback and the energy cores of Wraiths were detonated by the same effect. Battlecruiser commanders were brainwashed and ground troops were frozen in Maelstrom and fried in psychic electricity. Siege Tanks were obliterated by the weaponry used by brainwashed Terrans.

With the way clear, Zeratul, Lyra and Sweetie moved in to examine the last stasis cell. Sweetie gasped as the form in the stasis cell brought back recent memories.

“I’ve...I’ve never seen a creature like this before…” Zeratul commented.

“I have,” Sweetie spoke. “I had seen these creatures in the Overmind’s vision of the end. This is one of Amon’s ultimate soldiers.”

“Now now, Sweetie Drops. Nobody likes spoilers.” Spoke a mysterious voice. “I don’t know how you managed to learn about my master or his creations, but it matters not. I have seeded these Hybrid across the stars and you will never find them all in time.”

“Who are you?” Zeratul asked.

“I have had many names throughout the millennia, young prodigal. You would know me best as Samir Duran.”

“Answer me this, Duran,” said Sweetie. “You’re a Xel’naga aren’t you?”

“You appear to know more than I thought. Yes, I am one of the ascended. I am but a mere servant to my great master Amon. Even if you know about me, my master, or my master’s great plan, you are too late to stop it. His plan is already in motion. And once the Hybrid awaken, your universe will be changed...forever.” With that, Duran had completely disappeared. Zeratul, Sweetie and Lyra quickly eliminated the sleeping Hybrid.

“Believe me now?” Sweetie asked Zeratul.

“Even if we work together to defeat the Hybrid armies, how can we convince Kerrigan to go along with this?”

“I’m afraid that I don’t have the answer to that right now. Since Amon has poisoned her thoughts, we would need to find a way to restore her mind and right now I have no idea on how we’re gonna do that.”

“Then we have no choice but to wait and hope that something turns up.”


DuGalle sat alone in his personal quarters. He knew that his fleet would never make it back to Earth in time before the Swarm overtook the last of his fleet. It was only a matter of time before Mengsk’s ragtag fleet fell apart as well. The impossibly heavy burden of guilt over ordering Alexei’s death was too much to bear. With death as the inevitable outcome, the only act of defiance against the Queen of Blades that he could make at this point would be to go out on his own terms.

He wrote a farewell letter to his wife:

"Dearest Helena: By now, the news of our defeat has reached the Earth. The creatures we were sent here to tame are untamable, and the colonies we were sent to reclaim have proven to be stronger than we anticipated. Whatever you may hear about what has happened out here, know this: Alexei did not die gloriously in battle. I killed him. My pride killed him. And now my pride has consumed me as well. You will never see me again, Helena. Tell our children that I love them, and that their father died in defense of their future. Au revoir."

DuGalle opened a box that contained a Luger 9mm pistol. He loaded one bullet into the chamber. He then pointed the barrel to the to his temple and squeezed the trigger...or at least tried as his body had suddenly stopped obeying his command.

He realized that his entire body was locked up somehow. He heard footsteps behind him, but he was unable to look. He soon heard a familiar voice whisper in his ear. “Ah ah ah...I am afraid that your suffering has only begun. I could always use another test subject. My master is very interested in how Kerrigan is able to resist his commands and you will aid him one way or another.”

DuGalle’s vision flashed into a world of white and quickly faded to black.

Author's Note:

This concludes the Brood War section of the story.

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