• Published 17th May 2019
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Starcraft: Warriors of Purity - Xarmar13

Bon Bon and Lyra are sent to the Koprulu Sector on a quest for vengeance.

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Liberty: Invasion Part 1

After returning to Dominion space from the Sigma Quadrant, the Raiders enjoyed some down time while Horner and Raynor had a talk with Valerian about setting up another rendezvous so the Moebius Foundation could take the five fragments of the mysterious Xel’naga artifact.

While everyone was kicking back, Tychus got hammered from excessive drinking at the cantina and started picking fights. Swann, who was trying to assure the other crew members that the alliance with Valerian was only temporary, ended up being the one that took his drunken aggression.

Before fists started flying, Raynor and Sweetie intervened, drawing the convict’s aggression. Tychus charged at the duo who jumped out of the way. Tychus had no control over his momentum and hit a wall.

Shaking off his daze, Tychus started throwing punches at Raynor and Sweetie. Sweetie easily dodged the convict’s strikes while Raynor jumped away and let Sweetie take some of the aggression before throwing bottles at Tychus’ unarmored body. A few glass shards ended up getting stuck in the convict’s skin.

Tychus pulled out all the shards he could before he tried fighting back by running to the bar and reaching for some of the good quality whiskey. “Don’t you dare throw the good stuff.” Raynor warned. Tychus wasn’t listening. He reached for a bottle of a popular and expensive whiskey and held the bottle over his head, intending to throw it at Raynor.

Sweetie reacted quickly and ran up to Tychus and kicked him hard enough to bury him in the metal wall. Tychus coughed up a little blood while having the feeling that one or more of his ribs were broken. The bottle flew out of his hand and Sweetie rushed to catch it. After saving the bottle and putting it back on the bar, Sweetie went to check on Tychus while Raynor helped the crew realize that saving lives was the purpose of Raynor’s Raiders.

Tychus was groaning in pain as Sweetie sighed and shook her head. “What are we gonna do with you?” she asked rhetorically.

Carefully, Sweetie extracted Tychus from the wall a little at a time. Once freed, Sweetie sent a telepathic message to Hanson to meet her at the medical lab then informed Horner through her communicator that Hanson was going to the medical lab to treat Tychus’ wounds. Horner made sure that Hanson’s path to the lab was clear of any crew members since Hanson’s grotesque condition was not common knowledge.

<”By the way, nice job with Tychus. I’ve been waiting for someone to kick his ass. Just wish you didn’t damage the ship doing it,”> Matt said.

“It’s not that bad,” Sweetie said.

After doing what she could to help Tychus, Sweetie sat at a table enjoying something some cheap whiskey when one of the crew members gave her a shot glass of the good whiskey saying that the drink was on him for helping with Tychus.

While this was happening, the news came on detailing the disappearance of Crown Prince Valerian and the ceremony he was supposed to attend involving the launch of the new Dominion Battlecruiser, the White Star.

On the bridge, Sweetie asked Raynor if Valerian and the Dominion fleet were ready to invade Char to which he replied that ‘they were ready when we were.’

Sweetie considered her readiness for the operation. She knew that once the invasion began, there was no going back until the job was done. All of Sweetie’s future plans depended on restoring Kerrigan’s sanity. Knowing that no other postponed task remained, there was only one thing for Sweetie to say.

“Let’s do it.”

Horace Warfield stared at the molten planet before him, knowing that one of the biggest battles of his long career was about to begin.

“Char. If Hell ever existed - this is it. Oceans of fire, tectonic storms and an atmosphere that’ll burn a man alive. But we’ve planned for all of that,” Warfield said.

Raynor, who was also looking at Char, turned and faced the General. “You can’t plan for the Zerg, General. They ain’t goin’ to fit in to your nice, clean time table.”

“I’ve led five separate invasions against the swarm. I held the line while--”

Sweetie took a deep breath, “What you may not realize, General, is that we wouldn’t even need to be here if your Emperor wasn’t a psychopath who practically handed the future Queen of Blades to the Zerg on a silver platter. Any past invasions of Char you may have made in the past were pretty much cleaning up your Emperor’s mess. So I wouldn’t go waving around your manhood If I were you, unless you wanna be reminded that the greatest moments of your career were ultimately that of a glorified butler.”

Warfield ground his teeth. Before he could rebuke her, Valerian walked up to the trio to interrupt. “That’s enough. You have all made your points. I’ve invited Commander Raynor and Lieutenant Sweetie Drops here to assist us with any unforeseen contingencies. I have far too much invested in this undertaking to see it fail.” Valerian walked to his star map. “Speaking of which, you might particularly enjoy this next step.” He pressed a button on the map and an image of Arcturus’ head appeared.

“Valerian! I’ve just received a report you’ve taken half the fleet! Care to explain yourself, boy?” Arcturus said.

“Father, I am about to accomplish that which you never could. Today I will defeat the Queen of Blades and secure peace throughout the Dominion. By this act the people will finally know that I am a worthy successor to you.”

“I love your gumption, son, but you’re in way over your head. What makes you think you have the experience to-”

“He ain’t alone, Arcturus!” Raynor interrupted.

“Raynor...and I suppose you brought your equine bitches with you,” Arcturus said.

“Thanks for reminding me why I want to kill you almost as much as Kerrigan wants to,” Sweetie said.

“I would think that even one such as you should realize that treacherous bitch cannot be saved...None of you can be saved.”

“Once this is over, Arcturus, I suggest you cherish each day like they were your last, because you won’t get many. She will come for you.” Sweetie ended the transmission.

An alarm activated. The fleet came under attack from a swarm of Mutalisks. Valerian was not expecting an attack so soon. Sweetie figured that Kerrigan sensed them from orbit.

While the fleet was engaged with the Mutalisk swarm, Raynor, Sweetie and Lyra joined the number of drop pods to the planet’s surface. To ensure they made it to the surface, Sweetie took control of a few nearby Mutalisks to prevent Kerrigan’s Swarm from attacking them.

The battle in orbit and the surface turned chaotic as the numerous Dominion teams came under attack from the Swarm. The command structure was thrown into disarray and the Zerg were dominating the battle.

Raynor had warned Warfield earlier that anything predictable like a frontal assault would be a waste of effort. The General didn’t listen and his troops paid the price for his decisions.

“Do you think death is the worst thing that can happen to you here? Infestation is what’s coming for you. Soon all will serve the Swarm! And I will finally find out how Sweetie Drops keeps stealing control of my Zerg from me,” Kerrigan said.

“She’s tryin’ to get in our heads, man. We gotta keep it together!” Tychus said.

Tychus was healthy enough for combat, though Hanson told Tychus to take it easy. After analyzing the damage, she concluded that he had a few cracked ribs but he wasn't about to leave his old friend hanging.

“If we’re gonna pull this caper off, we need to rally as many survivors as we can,” Raynor said.

Matt indicated that there were Dominion groups fighting Zerg all over the area. He figured that they could be rallied to put together a strong enough fighting force.

It wasn’t long before the next Dominion drop pod landed. A few Marines were inside. A group of Zerglings and Hydralisks were poised to attack. Sweetie quickly moved to help them. She took control of the Zerg before rallying the Dominion troops.

To their north was a creature that looked like a Virophage but appeared to be redesigned to shoot a green substance at whatever was in orbit. Sweetie had the controlled Zerg and Marines kill the Bile Launcher, as the Overmind called it. Since the Zerg reinforcements would only worsen the troops’ nerves, she sent the controlled group on a suicide run somewhere.

The next drop pod arrived and Sweetie quickly saved a small group of Marines and Marauders from a moderate group of Zerglings.

The pod after that contained a few Vultures and a Factory that somehow survived the landing since the metallic debris that had been falling from the sky were either buildings, pods or Battlecruisers.

The Vultures returned to the base and laid a perimeter of Spider Mines to reinforce the defenses.

When the next drop pod was rescued, a transmission came from General Warfield declaring his distress as his Battlecruiser was shot down and crashed behind enemy lines. The crew aboard the ship exited and established a defensive perimeter to hold off the Zerg and hope for rescue.

A Starport landed near the base and brought a Raven and a Medivac with it. With this rescue, they could get some ships built.

Sweetie bolstered the attack force by calling in every mercenary under her contract. Adding them to the growing army, they began pushing against the hive cluster on the way to Warfield.

Drop pods began dropping simultaneously and Sweetie and Lyra split up to deal with the Zerg near them. Sweetie took control of one group while Lyra wiped out another group with a series of Psionic Storms.

Matt soon reported that the last of the Dominion drop pods landed. Sweetie and Lyra moved to save both of them.

Once a massive fighting force was amassed, Sweetie and Lyra joined the push against the Zerg attacking Warfield.

The overwhelming firepower of the Dominion and Raiders quickly overpowered the Zerg defenses before Lyra moved in and slashed the heads off the Nydus Worms that were sending troops against the General.

They saw Warfield beginning to be overrun by the Zerg. A Hydralisk even hit the General’s right arm with a number of poisoned spines. Lyra came in and decapitated the Hydralisk that Warfield was wrestling. Sweetie, not wanting Warfield to know about her Zerg control ability, shot a number of Zerglings in the head.

Warfield was glad to see the Pony duo but hoped there were more than just them.

A swarm of Zerglings approached their location, but Raynor had deployed a wing of Banshees to provide air support.

With the General rescued, Sweetie and Lyra escorted the wounded man back to base.

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