• Published 17th Aug 2019
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Light and Darkness - FandomPlays1234

When two gods come face to face, the war between light and darkness and good and evil begins

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Chapter 12: VS Lucario

After the being saved by their newest member, Starlight and her friends continued to make their way to the castle. Now with Link and Eleven by their side, their party had once again powered up. They eventually came across the stadium but decided that the castle were their only choice considering that the gates were locked and there were no other entrances. After several more minutes of walking, they came across another split path. The left path led to a another small village, but their was a gate blocking the path. To their right was a bridge that crossed over a large fissure leading to a whole new area. The path ahead of them went up to the mountains where the castle was located.

"Should we go to the castle?" asked Mario.

"I wan to say yes, but I also want to check out what's across the bridge," said Starlight.

"That won't be necessary!" boomed a familiar voice.

"Oh great I know THAT voice," groaned Mario. Just as he said that, a disembodied white hand appeared above their heads.

"Master Hand," Starlight growled.

"Ho, ho you remember me do you?" chuckled Master Hand.

"Are you here to cause trouble again?" asked Mario. "Cause last time after with chose to battle with Villager, you pulled a really shitty move,"

"Hmph the words you speak disgusts me plumber," said Master Hand. "You should know that Super Smash Bros. is rated E for everyone,"

"Are you serious?" asked Mario. "The author of this story literally said there's profanity,"

"And correction it's E10+," said Link

"Um Mario what are you talking about?" asked Starlight.

"Don't worry about it," said Mario. Starlight looked at Villager with a confused look, but he shrugged indicating that he didn't know anything.

"Anyway, I just came to check on how you were doing," said Master Hand. "And from the looks of it I can see that, you've truly grown since our last encounter, especially you Starlight Glimmer,"

"How about you go toy with someone else," Starlight sneered.

"Yes, yes of course," groaned Master Hand. "But first,

"What?" asked Twilight. Master Hand snapped his fingers causing the ground to shake.

"What the hell!?" yelped Villager.

"What sorcery is this!?" asked Eleven. Suddenly, bright light erupted from the fissure and creating a barrier, preventing anybody from crossing. It wasn't long until the shaking finally ceased.

"Well my job here is done, I will be expecting a lot of improvements from you the next time we meet," laughed Master Hand. "Until then good luck, you're going to need it," With that Master Hand snapped his fingers and disappeared.

"That bastard," cursed Villager.

"Poyo," said Kirby.

"Well looks like our only option is forward," said Twilight.

"Right," said Starlight. She was getting ready to start the climb up the mountain when Eleven stopped her.

"Wait," he said.

"What is it?" asked Starlight.

"You feel that, do you not?" he asked.

"Feel what?" asked Starlight.

"Somebody is watching us," said Eleven. The group looked around but saw nobody was there, but it was certain that an uninvited presence was there with them.

"Where are they?" asked Villager.

"I can't say for sure, but prepare to do battle if we must," said Eleven. Mario held up his fists getting ready to throw punches while Link, Eleven, and Starlight drew their swords. Kirby and Villager scanned the area but still no sign of anyone.

"Who could be watching us?" asked Villager. Just then something came flying towards Starlight, but Link quickly ran in front and held up his shield to protect her.

"Link!" Starlight gasped.

"I'm fine, and you?' he asked.

"I'm ok, thank you," said Starlight.

"Who's there?" Mario called out. "Come out and show yourself!" Suddenly something jumped out from behind a nearby rock and landed in front of them. Starlight's party turned to face in front of them. A tall creature stood before them with one of it's palms held out in front of it. The creature looked to be a humanoid dog standing on it's hind legs. It had blue arms and black paws and blue thighs and black legs. The torso was covered in white fur and a single white spike protruded from the center of it's chest. It's face was covered with blue fur and had two tall ears on top of it's head. Two black feelers were dangling from either side of it's head. It glared intently at the party with glowing red eyes as blue energy flowed out from it's paws.

"Who might this be?' asked Eleven.

"Damn it's Lucario," said Villager.

"Who?" asked Twilight.

"Lucario," repeated Link. "The fighting steel type Pokemon,"

"Hmph, I see you've done your research," said Lucario.

"Lucario what are you doing here?" asked Villager.

"I heard you were trying to reach the castle," said Lucario. "Well I hate to break it to you, but you won't be reaching that castle unless you get by me,"

"What are you a guardian or something?" asked Mario.

"In a way yes," answered Lucario. "Lord Galeem has given me the privilege of protecting the first boss that lies within the castle,"

"That damn bastard," cursed Link.

"Poyo," said Kirby.

"Well what's it going to be?" asked Lucario. "You can either stay here and waste time or fight me," said Lucario.

"Looks like we have no choice, I'll take him on," said Starlight.

"Go get her Star!" cheered Villager. Starlight stepped forward raising her beam sword.

"You won't get to the castle, I'll make sure of that," said Lucario.

"I know this isn't you Lucario," said Starlight. "So hang on, I'll free you," The two stared each other down for a while, before Lucario made the first move and rushed towards Starlight. Starlight swung the sword into Lucario and sent him skidding back. Lucario growled and put his paws together as a large blue orb began to form.

"Starlight, be careful!" warned Link. "If Lucario takes to much damage, then the power of his aura increases!"

"Aura?" Starlight asked. She looked towards Lucario. "He must mean that blue energy," Starlight thought to herself. "I just have to be careful of that," She held her sword up, preparing herself for the attack. Lucario thrust his arms forward hurling the ball of aura at Starlight. She waited for a moment before jumping up and over the ball of aura and then charging towards Lucario, her sword at the ready. Lucario held up his paws, preparing for an attack. Starlight swung her sword only for Lucario to dodge it by sidestepping. "What!?" Starlight gasped. Before she could process what happened , Lucario thrust his paw into her chest and sent her sliding backwards.

"Starlight are you ok?" asked Villager.

"Poyo," said Kirby.

"This is nothing," said Starlight rubbing her chest.

"Stay focused, he's coming!" said Eleven alerting Starlight. Lucario dashed forward and lunged at Starlight, but she quickly swung her sword into Lucario knocking him back. As Lucario slid to a stop he noticed that Starlight had disappeared. Looking around Lucario closed his eyes and waited.

"Shoot we should've warned her about Lucario's ability," said Mario. As Starlight snuck up on Lucario for a sneak attack, Lucario suddenly turned around to face her.

"What the!?" Starlight yelped. Lucario quickly grabbed her and began pounding her in the face. He then threw her back towards her party. "How in Celestia's name did he know?" asked Starlight.

"Lucario can sense the aura of all living things," explained Link. "Which means sneak attacks don't affect him,"

"Thanks for telling this to me now," said Starlight.

"Look out!" warned Eleven. Starlight turned around to see Lucario rushing towards her. As he went for a flying kick, Starlight moved to the left and slashed him with the beam sword knocking him to the ground. Starlight quickly picked him up and threw him down and then kicked him several feet across from where she was. Starlight ran after him and tackled him as he was getting up. She jumped on top of him and blasted him in the face with her magic. She jumped off and picked him up once more and threw him into the air before jumping up and kicking him back down. As Lucario crashed down, his body bounced back up just in time for Starlight to slash him again with her sword. Lucario was sent flying into the rock he was hiding behind earlier.

"Since when was Starlight good at combos?' asked Twilight.

"Like I said, she learns quicker by doing," said Mario. Lucario groaned as he got back onto his feet.

"Still not going down are you?' asked Starlight.

"I won't let you pass," Lucario growled.

"Let's see what you got," said Starlight. Lucario smirked as he put his paws together. Another ball of aura began to materialize but this time it grew bigger and looked more deadly than before.

"Oh no," said Mario.

"What is it?" asked Twilight.

"Remember what Link said?" asked Mario. "The more damage Lucario takes, the power of his aura increases,"

"Wait you don't mean?" asked Twilight.

"Yeah it's clear that Lucario has taken a lot of damage," said Villager. "Which means his aura should be extremely powerful by now," Twilight looked at Starlight with a worried expression, but noticed she was smirking.

"Have a powered up aura sphere!" said Lucario. He thrusted his paws forward hurling the ball of aura. The party watched in anticipation to see what Starlight would do next. But she just stood there not moving.

"What is she doing?" asked Eleven.

"I don't know, but maybe we'll find out," said Link.

"Poyo," said Kirby. Starlight waited for a while longer and just as the ball of aura was yards away from hitting Starlight, she used her magic to form a barrier that reflected the ball of aura and sent it flying back at Lucario.

"Right back at ya!" proclaimed Starlight. The party including stared at her with surprised looks on their faces including Lucario who couldn't react fast enough and was hit by his own attack. Starlight quickly dashed out as Lucario was getting up and swung her sword one final time into his chest. Lucario let out a scream of agony as he collapsed on the ground. Light burst out of his body as he lay still. Starlight turned around as her friends ran up to congratulate her.

"Starlight that was amazing!" said Link.

"How do you keep getting better like this?" asked Mario.

"And since when did you learn how to reflect attacks?" asked Villager.

"I have my ways," said Starlight. Kirby ran up to her with a huge smile on his face. "Thanks Kirby," she said. As the party was celebrating, Lucario got to his feet groaning.

"Ow what happened?" he asked.

"Looks like he's back," said Eleven.

"Wha, Mario, Villager, Kirby, Link?" Lucario groaned looking up. "What are you doing here and who are they?" he asked looking at Starlight, Twilight, and Eleven. Starlight quickly introduced themselves and explained everything to Lucario.

"So what you're saying is, you're planning on taking on Galeem?" asked Lucario. Starlight nodded. "Well if that's the case, then let me come with you," said Lucario.

"Sure why not," said Starlight.

"Really, just like that?" asked Lucario.

"We're all trying to accomplish the same thing, it be better if you were with us," said Starlight.

'I suppose so," said Lucario. "So you said you're heading to the castle yes?" asked Lucario.

"That's right," said Twilight.

"Well then follow me, I'll lead the way," said Lucario.

"Wait really?" asked Starlight. Lucario nodded. "Great that'll be a huge help, thanks Lucario,"

"Don't mention it,"said Lucario. "Now come, we better hurry, it's starting to get late," He turned around and began walking up the mountain. Starlight looked at her party members and nodded. They nodded back and soon,they were following Lucario up the mountain towards the castle.

Author's Note:

Chapter 12 complete. Wow Lucario already. It seems like Starlight just keeps getting better everyday. So just to mention, there are some changes that appeared in this chapter. In World of Light there is a race course that the player can go through to unlock Captain Falcon, but I decided to take that part out for this story and save it for a future chapter. Also there were some spirits that the player would face which would be Weezing, and Pico before they faced Lucario, but I've taken out those spirit battles for this story. Last thing is Master Hand doesn't appear next to the bridge in the actual game, but I decided to do that for this story because I wanted more Master Hand interaction.

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