• Published 17th Aug 2019
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Light and Darkness - FandomPlays1234

When two gods come face to face, the war between light and darkness and good and evil begins

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Chapter 6: Spirit Multi Battles

Now armed with a new party member, Starlight continued her journey to defeat Galeem. As they walked along the path, they would occasionally stop to rest and take breaks. Starlight had been rescuing spirits and fighters and was nearly exhausted. Although she lied to her party members saying she was fine when clearly she wasn't, they easily saw through her and gave her some time to rest. During this time they had lunch and talked about their game plans for the future, meanwhile Villager and Kirby trained up for the next several battles. After some time they continued down the path. it wasn't long until they reached their next spirit. Starlight and her friends stood across from the puppet fighter Wendy as she waited for her challenger.

"You ready?" asked Mario.

"I think you already know the answer to that question," said Starlight. She handed the album to Villager without taking her eyes off of the puppet Wendy. "Hold this."

"Oh ok," said Villager taking the album. Starlight stepped forward and took a deep breath.

"Sylveon," she said.

"Right behind ya," said Sylveon hovering behind her. She looked at Wendy and waved her over.

"Bring it on," she said. The puppet Wendy's clown car opened it's mouth as two small yellow R.O.B. came out. "So that's how it's gonna be," said Starlight. The puppet Wendy smirked. 'Alright fine let's see how well you deal with me," Starlight charged and kicked one of the yellow R.O.B. sending it flying into Wendy's face. Wendy yelped and covered her face in pain. She glared at Starlight. "Ha who's laughing now!?" beamed Starlight. Wendy pointed a finger at her and the two R.O.B. turned their attention towards her. They began approaching her, but Starlight just stared in disbelief due to their lack of speed. Rolling her eyes, Starlight grabbed the two R.O.B. and beat them and threw them back on the ground before blasting them with magic. The two R.O.B. exploded into a burst of light and crumbled into dust.

"Wow," said Villager.

"What?" asked Mario.

"I can't tell if she's becoming strong or if those R.O.B. just went easy on her or if they were just plain weak," said Villager.

"I think it's just that there were weak, I mean they got launched pretty easily," said Mario.

"Wow what a joke," said Starlight walking back over to them.

"Wait what?" asked Villager. It wasn't until that moment that he realized that Starlight had freed the spirit.

"Hold on you defeated the puppet?" asked Mario.

"Yeah she was pretty weak actually, didn't take long for me to pound her into a pulp," said Starlight. "Anyway, can I have the album?" asked Starlight. Villager continued to stare at her with astonishment as he handed the album. "Thank you," she said taking the album. She flipped to the front page as the spirit entered . "Alright shall we continue?" asked Starlight. Mario, Villager, and Kirby got up and the four continued down the path. After walking for some time, the party came across two paths, one that continued down a slope and led to a small shore and one that continued past an ruined stadium.

"So which way?" asked Mario. Starlight looked down from the top of the slope and then looked in the direction of the stadium.

"From what I see I think it's best to go down to the shore, considering that path just leads to a dead end," suggested Starlight.

"Whatever you say, you're the leader," said Villager. Starlight froze.

She looked over to Villager and asked, "What did you say?"

"I said you're the leader," repeated Villager. "Why?" he asked. She hesitated for a moment but eventually summoned up the courage to answer.

"Nothing, it's nothing," said Starlight. "Now before we go down to the shore, I can see a someone on the path leading to the stadium, I want to see what that's all about," said Starlight.

"Alright," said Mario. As the party started walking towards the four figures, Starlight replayed Villager's phrase in her head. "You're the leader," he said. The visions of her past began to play through in her head. From her first encounter with the mane 6 to the time she was called back to her village to help with the festival. A small smile formed on her face.

"Everyone I wish you were here to see this," Starlight muttered to herself. The smile faded as her eyes began to water. She didn't know if Galeem had destroyed her village or not, but considering all the destruction that had been done, it was most likely that everyone in her village were gone too.

"Uh Starlight is everything ok?" asked Mario. Starlight quickly snapped back into reality.

"Uh what yeah I'm fine," she answered wiping away the tears.

"Are you sure?" asked Villager.

"Yeah, positive," replied Starlight. "So where are we?" asked Starlight.

"Look ahead," said Mario. Starlight looked up to see four strange human figures. They had squid tentacles as their hair and had a pack on their back containing a tube of paint. They glared at Starlight and her party with glowing red eyes and held little toy guns in their hands.

"It seems like your next challengers are Inklings," said Villager. Starlight once again passed the album into his hands as she stepped forward.

"I won't be long," she said.

"Again?" asked Villager taking the album. But Starlight had already run out into the battlefield. "What do we do?" asked Villager.

"She said she won't be long, might as well just stay here," said Mario. And sure enough within 5 minutes, Starlight had defeated the four Inkling army and returned to her party with the spirit following behind her.

"Welcome back," said Mario.

"Poyo!" exclaimed Kirby.

"I should have known they were going to use paint," she said as she cleaned her hoofs,

"They're called Inklings for a reason," said Villager.

"Well anyway I got the spirit," said Starlight. Villager handed her the album. Starlight opened it to the first page and watched as the spirit jumped in. "Shall we continue?" asked Starlight. The three didn't ask questions as they followed Starlight back to the top of the slope where they switched path and began heading down to the shores. But not too long after, they immediately encountered their next challenger.

"Hmm Palutena and Roy are your next challenger as it seems," said Mario.

"Things are gonna start heating up soon," snickered Villager.

"Not if I finish before then," said Starlight.

"Don't tell me I know," said Villager. He took the album without question.

"Thank you," said Starlight. "I'll be sure to pay to back later on," Without saying more, Starlight dashed out onto the field.

"She really is getting excited isn't she?" asked Villager.

"I'm proud of her," said Mario. As Starlight ran towards Palutena as she set off explosions next to her. Once she was close enough, she lunged and attempted to land a punch, but Palutena quickly rolled out of the way. The two began to clash with magic as Starlight attempted to get closer. Starlight had managed to land some attacks and was getting up to the point where she could launch Palutena. But instead she waited for the opportunity.

"I guess you won't go down without a fight huh," said Starlight catching her breath. Palutena smirked as she rushed towards her. Starlight smiled and right when she was close enough, she fired off a magic al blast she had charged up earlier. "Well neither am I!" Starlight proclaimed. Palutena was knocked back and light burst out of her body. Starlight gasped as she walked over to the stone statue. Just then someone appeared behind her. Starlight turned around to see a young swordsman standing there with his blade drawn. His blue armor was topped off with the blue cape flowing behind him. His red hair only added to the variety of colors. "Hello, Roy was it?" asked Starlight.

"Careful Starlight, his sword really burns you!" Mario called out. Starlight turned to face Roy as he held up his sword.

"Come at me," said Starlight. Smirking, Roy came charging at her and attempted to slice her in half, but Starlight quickly teleported out of the way. Roy stopped himself and looked around in confusion. As he desperately struggled to find Starlight he failed to notice his target had appeared behind him. Sneaking up on Roy, Starlight kicked him with all her force and sent him flying. Roy landed on his feet and rushed Starlight again. Smirking, Starlight fired a magic attack she had charged up. Roy stopped and shielded himself but wasn't quick enough to react as Starlight ran in and grabbed him. After pounding her hoofs several times, she threw him into the ground and jumped on him, causing Roy to fly out of the ground. Starlight jumped up and kicked him in midair and knocked him back.

"Hmm nice combo, I assume she got the throw and jump grab combo from Kirby's down throw," said Mario.Roy got to his feet and once again attempted to rush Starlight. But again, Starlight teleported out of the way. This time Roy was prepared, he turned around fully expecting Starlight to be behind him only to find that nobody was there. Instead Starlight appeared behind him and shot Roy in the back with a magic attack. sending him flying again. Just before Roy could get to his feet Starlight teleported away. Roy looked behind him and in front of him but saw Starlight hadn't appeared. This time Starlight appeared directly in front of him catching him off guard. Starlight quickly grabbed him and pounded him several more times before throwing him into the air and fired off another magic attack. Roy's body fell on the ground as light burst out his body. Starlight gasped as she watched Roy's statue shatter and turn to dust. The spirit emerged from the Palutena statue and hovered over to her.

"Thank you," said the spirit.

"No need to thank me," said Starlight. She walked back to her party with the spirit following behind.

"My god since when did you learn how to do combos?" asked Villager handing her the album.

"I've picked up a thing or two from these battles," said Starlight as she opened the album.

"I gotta admit you're learning fast," said Mario.

"Thank you," said Starlight closing the album.

"I suggest you take a break, once you've caught your breath we can find a place to stay for the night," said Mario.

"Agreed," said Starlight. She walked over to where they were sitting and flopped on the ground. Villager and Kirby ran over to her to compliment Starlight for her efforts.

"Hmm she learns quickly," chuckled Mario.

Author's Note:

Chapter 6 complete. Dang Starlight managed to win 3 more spirit battles on her own. She really is growing. And that last battle, she managed to pull off some really cool combos. it's amazing how fast she picks up on these skills. Maybe by the end of this story she'll be good enough to join the battle. Who knows one way or another if she continues to grow like this then she'll be able to defeat Galeem without any trouble.

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