• Published 17th Aug 2019
  • 2,935 Views, 256 Comments

Light and Darkness - FandomPlays1234

When two gods come face to face, the war between light and darkness and good and evil begins

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Chapter 39: VS Daybreaker

Thanks to Banjo and Kazooie, Starlight was able to survive the battle with Donkey Kong, who joined her party. Although the Maxim Tomatoes had healed her wounds, she still needed to be bandaged up. Now with two new members joining her team, Starlight continued to navigate her way through the jungle. As she continued to walk down the path she was on, her party had to battle past two more puppet fighters controlled by spirits, until they came across another split path.

"Well which way now?" asked Falcon. Starlight looked at the map.

"There appears to be some sort of switch down the right path," answered Starlight.

'A switch?" asked Peach.

"Apparently," said Starlight

'Might as well check it out," said Piranha Plant. Kirby let out an excited poyo as if he was agreeing to Piranha Plant's suggestion. Starlight started down the right path with her party following behind. Sure enough, Starlight found a small green switch in the center of a small clearing, after walking down the path for some time.

"There it is," said Starlight.

"What do you think it does?" asked Skystar.

"You guys remember the blue switch that Cadence was guarding?" asked Starlight.

"What the one that didn't do anything?" asked Bowser.

"No not necessary nothing," said Starlight. "Besides if it wasn't nothing, then why would Galeem station a powerful enemy like Cadence to guard it,"

"She's got a point," said Sunset.

"If Galeem's assigning some of his powerful minions to guard these switches, there must be some importance to it," said Starlight. She stepped forward when a voice caused her to stop in place.

"Halt!" Starlight and her party looked around looking for the voice's origins.

"Who said that?" asked Starlight.

"Look above," said the voice. Starlight looked above as a orb of light flashed above her. Starlight backed away as the orb of light descended revealing a familiar orange and white pony. "Hello again Starlight Glimmer," she cackled.

"Daybreaker!" gasped Starlight.

"It seems like you've got some new additions to your little party," Daybreaker cackled as she approached. Starlight took a step back with a look of fear in her eyes. "What's wrong, you aren't afraid of your little princess are you?" sneered Daybreaker. "Oh wait, SHE'S GONE!" Daybreaker cackled as Kirby ran up and stood in between her and Starlight wearing a determined expression.

"Kirby," Starlight looked at him with a surprised expression.

"Oh what's this, a little pink marshmallow?" laughed Daybreaker. "How cute,"

"I wouldn't underestimate Kirby if I were you," said Mario taking a step forward.

"What it's not like he can be dangerous," sneered Daybreaker.

"Are you sure about that?" Mario asked smirking. Daybreaker's wicked smile melted off her face as she looked down at Kirby.

"What?" asked Daybreaker. Kirby jumped up and kicked her in the face forcing her to back up screeching. "My beautiful face!" she hissed. Kirby ran forward and slid on his feet, kicking her in the leg. Daybreaker screamed as she fell over.

"Kirby you," Starlight looked at Kirby as he turned around giving her a bright smile.

"Poyo!" said Kirby. Daybreaker slowly rose to her feet as she glared at Kirby.

"You're going to pay for that," she hissed. Kirby turned around and got into battle stance as he stared at her with a determined look. Daybreaker's eyes flashed in a red light as she lunged at Kirby. He quickly rolled to her left and slammed her with his hammer. Daybreaker let out a pained screech as Kirby jumped up and slammed his hammer on top of her back. Daybreaker fell to the ground as Kirby drilled her down into the earth with his feet. As she struggled to pull herself out of the ground, Kirby jumped up and kicked her in the back of the head, then hovered right above her head before transforming into a large slab of pink stone with two curves for eyes, and dropping right on top of her head.

"Ouch, that's gonna hurt," winced Villager. Kirby returned to his normal state as he returned to Starlight and Mario's side. Meanwhile Daybreaker recovered from the damage and pulled herself out of the ground as she let out an angry screech and glared at he three as her red eyes flashed brightly.

"Why you little, YOU'RE GOING TO PAY FOR THAT!!!!!!" Daybreaker blasted them with a stream of fire to which Kirby inhaled. Daybreaker stopped as she stared in awe at Kirby's abilities. Once Kirby sucked up the remaining bits of fire, he jumped up as his body went from pink to a reddish orange color. A small band with a large green jewel appeared on his head, as fire burst out from the top. "What in the sweet name of myself!?" screeched Daybreaker.

"Whoa Kirby," said Starlight. Kirby ran and jumped backwards kicking Daybreaker under her jaw. She screamed as she held her mouth and retreated into the air.

"Kirby, Kirby, Kirby!" Starlight's party chanted in unison behind them. Kirby blasted Daybreaker with a stream of fire.

"I can do that too you know," hissed Daybreaker as she countered with her own fire breath. As the two streams of fire collided, Kirby quickly canceled his attack with Daybreaker following his example.

"At this rate we're not going to make any progress," said Ember. That and idea came to Villager's mind when he began digging through Starlight's bag. He pulled out a Master Ball from her bag and turned towards Kirby.

"Kirby!" Villager called out to him. Kirby turned around with a curious look on his face. "Use this!" said Villager throwing the Master Ball. Kirby caught the ball and threw it on the ground as a small creature popped out. The creature had a cream colored head and body with two small wings on it's legs. It had sparkling blue eyes and two large, pointy orange ears in the shape of a V.

"It's Victini," said Lucario. Victini flew in front of Kirby with a huge smile on it's face. Kirby smiled back and waved as it waved at him. Victini backed away as a bright yellow star flashed before Kirby's eyes. Suddenly, Kirby was covered in rainbow aura as his eyes went from blue to a bright golden glow.

"Is this?" asked Starlight. Sure enough dark clouds began to gather above their heads as thunder boomed.

'What is this!?" asked Daybreaker. Victini returned to it's Master Ball as Kirby turned to face Daybreaker. A bolt of lighting came crashing down covering Kirby's body in electricity.

"Poyo!" said Kirby. His body flashed in the rainbow aura as he pulled out the blue sword with the star on it's hilt.

"Yeah let's Kirby!" cheered Rainbow. Kirby held up the Ultra Sword then blasted it with fire causing it to ignite.

"Wait this seems different," said Piranha Plant. Regardless the Ultra Sword, now covered in flames grew bigger until it was it's usual size. Daybreaker's jaw dropped as she stared at the pink puffball who was holding the large flaming sword that was much bigger compared to him. Kirby slashed forward catching Daybreaker in his attack and began slashing her from multiple angles as a trail of fire followed behind. After several slashes, Kirby held up the burning Ultra Sword and slashed her one final time. Daybreaker screamed as she was sent flying out of the jungle.

'I'll remember this!" she screamed. Once it was over, Kirby returned to normal and even lost his fire ability. Starlight and Mario stared at Kirby as he turned to face.

'Poyo!" said Kirby.

"Kirby what was that?" asked Starlight.

"Poyo?" Kirby tilted his head as he stared back with a confused look.

Author's Note:

Chapter 39 complete. Looks who's back. Daybreaker. But this time it looks like she was guarding that green switch. And again Starlight hesitated to attack. Poor Starlight, looks like no matter what she can't stand to face her after what happened with Celestia and Luna. But luckily, a certain someone was willing to help. But what's this Fire Kirby? And what's with that Final Smash? A Flaming Ultra Sword? This wasn't in the game. What's going on?

Comments ( 47 )

……………………….. ILUMINATE!!!!!!!!!!!

Huh... I thought you would do a happy reunion for Banjo-Kazooie like Mario be happy to see an old friend who hasn't been seen since the N64 days.

I heard that in a Dalek-like voice.

wow..... jest..... wow.

Can we get a clip of it here to see how true it is guys?

Can't find one saying illuminate but I it's like in the original voice.

.......... meh close enough.

Best I could do.

Okay, I've been meaning to mention this since like 20 chapters ago, but I'm honestly surprised Starlight and her party is tired of explaining everything to each and every new person that joins their group... at least they won't have to do that with Pinkie

More plz this awsome

so what's gonna happen with the new fighter??

I see what you did there ;)

Finally caught up! Hoo boy if daybreaker is here... Oh hell nightmare moon must be as well. And considering rarity in the comics became a nightmare unicorn we might see nightmare rarity as well. And maybe flutterbat too. Things are getting interesting to say the least.

we better get ready for a new face. though that is jest a 'stretch'. :rainbowlaugh:

oh come on. you have to 'hand' it to me for doing it.:rainbowlaugh:

….. you can't stop me. i'm like sans.


It doesn't help that he's "in" smash

With my chronic fear of Punny jokes...

I suck at this

………. wow.:twilightoops: don't know how to deal with that

yeah...…………… sorry man.

no problem, you are a bro now

great. so when's hammer time?:trollestia:

when we find my boy and main, DeDeDe!

good boy. (pats head)

you guys better get ready. MinMin from ARMS is about to come in with dragons blazing. and i think she would be nice for a galeem world intro.

Galeem and Dharkon: exists


the last fighter is known. will this story keep going? or is it forever on hold?

This story is dead.
4 years since last updated, 3 years since the author was online...
What a shame....

I would like to see this completed...but idk. :unsuresweetie:

what happened to the wrighter?

don't know. Offline since October 25th, 2020...

Apologies folks, I know know a lot of you were really looking forward to seeing how this whole fanfic played out but please understand that I was and still am working as well finishing up college so I was completely under constant pressure from my private life, I do plan on coming back but that doesn't mean I'll be releasing more chapters consistently as am working on finishing some older titles as well as working at my part time job irl, I hope you can understand and I'll try to make it up to you guys as much as possible. Thanks for the support and once I again I apologize

I understand where you're coming from but I felt like he fit too well for the role since I didn't want every boss in the story to be from Nintendo and I wanted to mix it up a bit

It still did him dirty though due to what I pointed out though.
Just because he's too perfect on that role doesn't mean it had to happen to him like that if it will do him dirty.
It left a serious dark mark on him.
Really wished something is done about that.

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