• Published 17th Aug 2019
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Light and Darkness - FandomPlays1234

When two gods come face to face, the war between light and darkness and good and evil begins

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Chapter 14: The Cutest Flower is also the Toughest

The next morning after Starlight and her friends ate breakfast, they packed up their things and walked through the gate. Now standing in front of the entrance of the old castle, Starlight took a deep breath and prepared for what was coming.

"Well this is it," said Starlight. Starlight was about to take a head in when Mario stopped her.

"Hold on, before you go can I talk to you for a sec Star?" asked Mario.

"Sure," said Starlight. She followed Mario over to the side near a giant green pipe while the others waited. "What is it?" she asked curiously.

"So the others and I have discussed this last after you went to sleep, and we all agreed on something," said Mario.

"What is it?" asked Starlight.

"So seeing you battle with these spirits lately, we agree that you've grown strong," said Mario.

"Aww Mario, that's sweet," cooed Starlight blushing.

"But that's the problem," said Mario in a serious tone.

"What why?" asked Starlight with a confused look.

"We say you've grown strong, but maybe too strong," said Mario. The smile melted off of her face as she heard the tone of his voice.

"Where are you going with this Mario?" Starlight asked nervously.

"I'm not saying that we should get rid of you, but rather I think it's time you took a break," suggested Mario.

"A break from what?" asked Starlight.

"Ever since we met, you've taken the burden of battling every enemy yourself," explained Mario. "Because of this, the rest of us has had to watch from the side," "We agree that it's time you take a break and let one of us handle some of the fights," Starlight stared at him with a worried look. "Oh come on don't go giving me that look, I'm only telling you this because we're worried,"

"About what?" Starlight asked a nervous tone.

"You've been doing so well, but you've also pushing yourself too hard," replied Mario. "It's not good for your health,"

"But I," Starlight started but couldn't finish her statement.

"Look I know how you feel, and honestly I want you to keep growing like this, but at the same time you need to take care of your body as well," Starlight looked down in disappointment. "I hate to say this, but for these next several battles let one of us handle it," Starlight didn't say anything for a while but eventually lifted her head.

"Yeah ok," she said. "I understand, you're worried about me," "And honestly I want to refuse but I know what you're saying is right," she looked at Mario. "I hope you wouldn't mind me sitting out for a while,"

"Take a rest, you deserve it," said Mario patting her on the shoulder. Starlight smiled and nodded. "Alright the rest are waiting," Starlight nodded as she followed Mario back to the entrance.

"Took ya long enough," said Villager.

"Sorry I was explaining to Starlight," said Mario.

"About the thing?" asked Link.Mario nodded. "Great so now that's settled let's head in," he suggested.

"Wait," said Lucario.

"What is it now?" asked Link. Lucario closed his eyes as his four feelers began to slowly rose. Several seconds later, Lucario's eyes shot open as he turned to the group.

"Above us get out of the way!" Lucario warned. The group looked up to see something falling. They quickly scattered as something came crashing down. Dust shot up off the ground as the group turned to face whatever tried to crush them.

"What was that?" asked Twilight. As the dust hung in the air, the group could see an outline of a strange figure. Two glowing red light suddenly flashed within the dust covered sky. The figure let out an angry roar blasting the dust away. The group shielded their eyes to prevent dust from getting into them. When they looked back up, a large creature could be seen blocking the entrance. It had yellow scales and large claws. Two horns stuck out from either side of it's head and razor sharp teeth could be seen inside it's big mouth. It wore four black bands with spikes sticking out on either of it's arms and wrists, and one around it's neck. It's red hair was the same color as it's eyebrows and it wore a large green shell with multiple spikes protruding from it.

"Oh god it's him," said Mario.

"Who?' asked Twilight.

"My arch nemesis, Bowser," answered Mario. Bowser looked at Mario and laughed.

"Well, well I came here to deal with the intruders and YOU happen to be one of them Mario," he said.

"Don't wanna hear it," said Mario. "And don't think I'm done picking a fight with YOU," growled Mario.

"Hmph," Bowser crossed his arms and tapped his foot. "Listen Lord Galeem told me to chase off any intruders, but he didn't say anything about not killing my enemies,"

"He appears to be under that monster's control as well," said Eleven.

"Guys, I'll handle this one," said Mario putting up his fists.

"Go get him Mario," said Starlight. Bowser glared at Mario with his red eyes as he stepped forward. After a short silence Mario ran forward as Bowser blasted him with fire. Mario jumped up and came spinning down like a tornado striking Bowser multiple times. As Bowser clutched his face, Mario grabbed him and headbutted him before spinning around and throwing him into the castle walls.

"Yeah let him have it Mario!" Villager cheered.

"Poyo!" Kirby cheered. Mario turned around and gave them a thumbs up just as Bowser jumped out and headbutted Mario knocking him back. Mario slid to a stop just as Bowser ran up and grabbed him. He bit Mario several times before throwing him on top of his shell, spinning around and thrusting up so that Mario was sent flying upwards. Mario landed on the ground and got up just in time for Bowser to drop kick him in the face. Mario yelped as he was sent flying backwards where he crashed into Starlight.

"Mario!" Link called out to him. Lucario and Eleven glared at Bowser as he laughed menacingly.

"How do you like that Mario?" Bowser laughed. "This is revenge for all the times you kicked me in the ass!" Mario groaned as he got off Starlight.

"Mario are you ok?" Starlight asked.

"Yeah some how," he answered. Starlight's eyes widened when Mario started to cough up blood.

"Oh no," Starlight gasped.

"Damn how am I so weak?" Mario asked himself. "Must be rusty from not fighting in a while,"

"Should I take over?" asked Starlight.

"No I'm not letting this freak beat me," said Mario.

"But you can't go out like this," said Starlight. Mario ignored her and stood up. He limped over to where Bowser was standing.

"Still standing huh?" asked Bowser. "You really are annoying as always," He smirked, "But let's see how you deal with this," He grabbed Mario then jumped into the air and came crashing down with Mario under him. Bowser got up as the crushed Mario lay on the ground.

"Mario!" gasped Twilight

"Oh no, I have to help him," Starlight was about to step forward then stopped. She remembered what she had discussed with him earlier. She clenched her teeth. "I promised but I can't just let Bowser kill him," Starlight's body trembled. "What do I do?" She watched as Bowser stood over the beat up Mario.

"Couldn't beat me this time eh?" he sneered. "Well this isn't the old days buddy," "This is Smash!" He raised his foot getting ready to stomp on him as Starlight stood and watch.

"No," she whimpered. But just as Bowser was about to finish off Mario, something came flying into Bowser's face knocking him onto his shell. Bowser roared as he held his face in pain.

"What was that?" asked Eleven. Starlight looked next to Bowser to see a small spiky ball on the ground.

"Where did that come from?" Starlight asked herself. The group looked around in confusion trying to find the origin of the spiky ball not noticing the strange figure that jumped out from the nearby green pipe. Bowser got to his feet and growled angrily.

"Who did that!?" Bowser roared. He glared at Starlight.

"That wasn't me!" Starlight exclaimed.

"Very funny" sneered Bowser. "You were standing behind Mario this entire time," he stomped his way towards Starlight. But just before he could reach her something came flying out from behind the green pipe and kicked Bowser in the face knocking him back into the castle walls. Starlight stared in awe as the figure landed in front of her. Mario slowly sat up and looked behind him. The others took notice as well and looked in Starlight's direction. In front of her was a small flower sprouting from a small pot. It had a red head with small white dots covering it. It had big white lips with many sharp teeth inside it's mouth. Two pointed tip leaves were sprouting on the side of a long thin stem that attached itself to the head.

"Is that a plant?" asked Twilight.

"It would appear so," said Eleven.

"Wait a minute, I've seen one of those things before," said Link. Starlight stared at the plant with a confused look as it turned around and smiled at her, showing off it's white teeth.

"Hiya!" the plant giggled.

"Did it just talk?" asked Twilight.

"It did," said Lucario.

"Poyo!" Kirby said cheerfully.

"Who are you and how can you talk?" asked Starlight.

"Well I don't have an actual name, but many people just call me Piranha Plant," said the plant.

"Piranha Plant?" asked Starlight.

"Yep!" the plant answered cheerfully. Piranha Plant and Starlight looked over to Bowser as he emerged from the hole in the wall.

"So it was you!" he growled glaring at Piranha Plant.

"Yeah it was me," answered Piranha Plant. "I came here to save Mario!" he announced. Bowser glared at him as he let out an angry roar.

"You'll pay for that!" he roared. Piranha Plant walked over picked up Mario and carried him back to Starlight.

"Watch him," he said.

"Ok," said Starlight. Piranha Plant turned to face Bowser as he came rushing towards. As Bowser tried to slash him, Piranha Plant got down on the ground and swept his flower pot knocking Bowser on the ground. He then grabbed Bowser by the tail and began spinning him around before tossing him onto the ground. As Bowser got to his feet, Piranha Plant began hacking and spat out a cloud of purple smoke into Bowser's face.

"Eat poison!" he proclaimed. Bowser began coughing and wheezing. Piranha Plant walked over and grabbed Bowser, chomping him several times before throwing him into the air. He began blowing a spiky ball up into the air before tossing it onto Bowser's head. Bowser growled and tried to slash Piranha Plant, but he quickly retreated into his pot then popped out chomping on Bowser's face and sent him flying. Bowser roared in agony as his body fell on the ground and light burst out.

"Wow Bowser just got owned by a flower," said Villager. Piranha Plant hopped over to Starlight who was treating Mario's wounds.

'How's it going?" he asked.

"Great thanks to you," said Mario. The rest of the party rejoined with him and began congratulating both Piranha Plant and Mario. "Thanks for saving me," said Mario.

"No problem," said Piranha Plant. Meanwhile Bowser sat up groaning.

"What the hell happened?" he asked. He looked around at his surroundings. "Where am I?"

"It's a long story," said Starlight. Bowser looked over at them with a confused look.

"Who the hell are you?" he asked. "And is that a Piranha Plant?"

"Yeah, the one that saved you from Galeem's control," he answered.

"Wait Galeem?" asked Bowser. "You know Galeem?" Starlight sighed as she walked over to Bowser and explained everything.

"That damn Galeem!" he growled.

"And that's why we're on this journey to defeat him," said Starlight. "Hey if you're back to your old self why not come with us?"

"Ha and fight with Mario?" laughed Bowser. "Not a chance!"

"Come on Bowser, can't you see we don't have time for this?" asked Mario. "Can't we just set aside our differences and work together until Galeem is defeated?"

"Never, no!" said Bowser. "I would never work with you!"

"If you don't help you'll never get Peach back you know," said Mario. Bowser shot him an angry look.

"Why you little," growled Bowser.

"You know it's true," said Mario. Bowser hesitated.

"Ok fine you win," said Bowser. "But until we defeat Galeem," He walked over to join Starlight and the others.

"You mind if I tag along too?" asked Piranha Plant. "I want to go with Mario,"

"Sure thing friend," said Villager.

"Alright!" he cheered. With that Starlight and her party entered the castle with their two new party members. What could this castle have in store for them? What lies deep within the castle's walls. Only time will tell. And Starlight knew that something evil was lurking within.

Author's Note:

Chapter 14 complete. Sorry Starlight I think you had enough time in the spotlight. Now it's time for you to take a break. In this chapter, our iconic rivals clash. However things were different this time around. As Mario was on the verge of death, our favorite plant jumps in to save him. Strange though, technically Piranha Plant was supposed to be one of Bowser's minions and yet he is helping Mario? Also why does he like Mario so much? Only one way to find out. And not only that, but Starlight is getting close to her encounter with the first legend and the first boss.

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