• Published 20th Dec 2019
  • 2,991 Views, 108 Comments

Of Copy Abilities and Friendship - MeeM

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Chapter 17:Race of Reminiscing

Author's Note:

Yeah remember when I said the next chapter wouldn't take as long as the others? thankfully I have someone very special helping me out with these, it could help us move through these a lot faster.

Chapter 17: Race of Reminiscing

It had been a few hours since the great battle, and things were never better for him: He had his subjects back (or at least their descendants), their mother/queen was captured, and he now had the ability to buff his muscles up anytime he feels like it, although he had to transform back to normal for now; besides, he looked just as good either way. He had Rarity reconstruct his coat. It was just as good as it had been before, besides the obvious extra shiny fabric that had been woven in; at the very least, it made it look more clean compared to during the fight where it was torn by his muscles and stained by his wounds. He also had changed his subjects back to normal, apparently now looking like “reformed changelings” from what Twilight had said, although he kept Chrysalis the same; he decided to have her suffer under her form and even accompany them to help find their friends. She currently was healing in a cage hanging on the stage. The sun was raised at last, the eclipse from the battle before was gone, and confetti rained from the skies as everyone partied to their heart's content. They had won this day.

“Hey guys, can you come over here for a second?” he asked his friends.

“Dedede, you said you had something to tell me? Are you telling it to all of us?” Meta Knight asked.

“And can you please explain why the changelings bowed to you as you sung?” Driblee asked. “It's not like your their king or something.”

He led them to a back alley away from the ongoing celebration. “I have to confess... Everyone, I originally wasn’t from Pop Star. I was born here, or up north from what I saw on maps of this land,” he said. Everyone had their jaws drop to the floor in shock, besides Bandana Dee of course. “Too much information?” he asked.

“No no no, Great King! It's just...” Bandana Dee said, “...weird that you were born on this planet.”

“Who were your parents?” Ribbon asked, a concerned look on her face.

“Gone,” Dedede said. “They died when I was twelve. When I visited Cloudy Park one time to try and reconcile myself after the Dark Matter knight incident, I was so lonely that I hallucinated a vision of them and reached out toward them. All I did was injure myself from the long fall that resulted.”

“Then how did you possibly get to Pop Star?” Marx asked.

“Grab some snacks then, because that's a story in and of itself.”

“Well, we have the time while everyone is recovering from last night.” Marx split himself in two to produce a few large bags of popcorn and a few soda cans from his storage.

“It all started just after my parents died in that avalanche,” Dedede began. “I was afraid some beast would emerge from the depths and kill me, so I swam toward what I thought was the mainland, but instead I ended up in the east part of Equestria. And that is where I found them, the kingdom of the flutter ponies. I told them what happened to me and I was taken in and raised by the queen of the flutter ponies, Camelia. She was amazing, especially with magic! But once I was crowned prince when I turned nineteen, a huge meteor struck and turned the kingdom into a lava and ash-filled wasteland. The kingdom was decimated!” he said. “Me, Camelia, and the survivors fled into the tunnels beneath the city, and months passed. We hoped someone would come to our rescue, and when a strange creature appeared it seemed that way. It wasn’t until I asked Celestia a few days ago about such an abomination that I found out what it was, or rather who it was...” he continued “Discord the draconequus, a being of pure chaos. And from what I heard, his relatives are even worse, although the one I read about seemed very similar to you Marx.”

“How so?" Marx asked.

“In the ancient texts I found in the depths of the castle library here in a dusty book, he was described as a reality-warping chaotic jester that went by the name Jevil. He was said to have been given his powers from an evil red dragon that posses chaos energy. The dragon sleeps in the void dimension, a place of nothingness except for a few islands. Some call this dimension The End, although the text said that Jevil died five hundred years ago and disappeared from the world entirely.”

“Eva?” Eevee asked as she tilted her head.

“Oh, by the way, what're those things?” Dedede asked while pointing at the two cute creatures sitting on Marx's jester hat.

“You mean these little guys? This little brown one is Eevee and the yellow one's Pikachu,” Marx said as he looked at them with a smile. “We found them in the crystal caves under the city.”

“Alright, continuing on,” Dedede said, “Discord said he'd give us a spell that would resurrect our kingdom so we could start anew, but the fiend tricked us!” He stomped the ground in anger. “The spell began to transform Camelia’s subjects into the evil insects ponies call changelings. Even Camelia herself was not immune and the spell soon began to take her. As the food supply ran out, I ate what remained, for the spell caused them to only feed off the love of each other. But i had no idea what would follow: Camelia used her last bit of magic to save me as the others now hated me for eating the rest of the food.” He tried not to cry, but the dam gave way to a torrent of tears. “I never got to say goodbye! I was teleported and eventually woke up in Green Greens. And soon after that I came across you, Andrew,” he said while looking at Bandana Dee through teary eyes.

“I remember, Great King. We saw and still see you as a deity, but now that you’ve told us your origin I now understand you're not. Because we had such admiration for you, we soon crowned you king of Dream Land and helped you construct Castle Dedede,” Bandana Dee said.

“Just a couple years later, I stole all of Dream Land’s food. And once you came to the castle to smack me up I first met you in person, Kirby," Dedede said while looking at the pink puffball.

“Poyo,” Kirby said. He remembered his first adventure, which was a breeze; Dedede hadn’t put up much of a fight back then.

“Dedede...” Taranza said as hugged Dedede with all six of his hands. “I had no idea that you were forced into all this. I never got to say this, but i’m sorry for what I did to you. You didn’t deserve to get caught up in such things.”

“Quit your moping, everyone! It’s party time!” Pinkie said as she dropped down out of nowhere.

“Ahhh!” they yelled in surprise as Pinkie pulled out a cake with the words victory written on it in frosting with a crown made of frosting on top.

Meta Knight gave Pinkie a confused look. “How long were you up on that roof?”

“I have no idea!” Pinkie said in her usual excited tone.

“Oh. Well, let’s get out there and party!” Dedede said, they walked out and into the massive party that was taking place.

A few hours of nonstop fun later, Marx came over to him and Kirby who were enjoying some fruit punch. “Hey guys, I used some magic and made a mini dimension containing a gourmet race course for you!”

“Excuse me?” Dedede said. After reluctantly agreeing with Marx, he and Kirby stepped through the portal Marx made to his pocket dimension. There was also a floating camera following them to put on a screen on the party stage so that everyone could spectate.

“All right, first one to eat more food and make it to the finish first wins!” Bandana Dee said on stage, Chrysalis frowned from her cage in disgust at the event that was about to unfold. It was stupid, like come on! Racing while stuffing your face? That's just worthless. Bandanna Dee nodded to Pikachu on Marx’s hat who he had talked to before about what he was to do. “Three!” He counted down. Kirby readied himself as he jumped into a nearby copy essence to obtain the Wing Ability, giving him a feathered headdress and eagle wings. “Two!” he continued. Dedede got into a running position. “One!” The tension was high.

“Pika!” Pikachu yelled as a thunder cloud was summoned above him and struck him with lightning, strangely not harming him, but creating a loud boom that started the racers off. Dedede gained an early lead as they ran through the ethereal plains eating grapes, strawberries, popcorn, and more! Kirby used a Condor Head to speed ahead of Dedede while picking up some candies and two Maxim Tomatoes. He flapped his wings to quickly fly up a vertical shaft while scooping up some corn with Dedede floating his way up right behind him. They soon swam through some water while Kirby picked up a few bottles of soda. Dedede ate up some popcorn as he rushed into the block section catching up to Kirby. They flew up through the clouds eating more and more food. After reaching the top, they came in for the final stretch with Kirby swallowing a Maxim Tomato right at the very end before the finish line.

“Kirby has finished first!” Bandana Dee announced. He quickly tallied up the food eaten. “The winner is…” Bandana Dee said as the points came in. “Kirby!” Kirby and Dedede came out of the pocket dimension and got back on the stage Kirby waved to everyone with a smile while Dedede sat behind his arms crossed. Suddenly, a wind gust blew into Kirby's smiling face. Kirby looked up to the sky. A familiar blue Halcandran ship was overhead, and the residents cleared out as the Lor Starcutter landed on the stone pavement. The door opened soon after, and as soon as it did, many familiar faces and friends emerged.

“Poyo!” Kirby cheered as he hugged Magolor.

“KIRBY!” Magolor cheered as he hugged him right back. “It's so good to see you again!” His friends ran up as Francisca and many more friends came down the ramp.

“Sister!” Zan cheered as she floated up and hugged Francisca. A Burning Leo, Gim, Nesp, Poppy Bros Jr., Parasol Waddle Dee, and more Waddle Dees soon followed.

“Where have you been?” Driblee asked.

“We crashed far away on Mt. Aris, and we thankfully got the Lor back up and running thanks to these brave fellows here,” Magolor said as two eagle-like creatures emerged from the ship as well as a unicorn and a catlike creature.

“Queen Novo?” Celestia said “What a surprise!”

“A surprise indeed,” Tempest said as she trotted onto the ground at last.

In the hour that followed, Canterlot went back to normal while everyone retreated to the throne room. Capper took the opportunity to snag a couple sweets from the kitchen while the banter continued.

“...and then Whispy lit on fire and we recovered the mast and more Energy Spheres, and we also did that victory dance you like to do, Kirby,” Magolor explained. Kirby smiled happily when Magolor mentioned the victory dance.

“Interesting how the malfunctioning hyperdrive was able to bring Cookie Country to Equestria” Meta Knight said, “but I suppose it just goes to show how much accustomed the Lor has become to Pop Star and its surroundings.”

“Okay, so now the only ones left missing are Dark Meta Knight, Flamberge, and the Squeaks,” Driblee said, but as she finished, a strange light came in through a window and absorbed itself into Celestia.

“No, no...” Celestia said in horror.

“What is it sister?!” Luna said with concern.

“Cadence has sent word that Sombra is back,” Celestia said with fear.

“How!?” Twilight said in shock

“I don’t know, but according to this, he’s taken over and has brought strange new creatures to help him.”

“Hmm...” Meta Knight asked, “Does this Sombra use powerful dark magic?”

“Yes,” Celestia said.

Meta Knight sighed. “I think I know who’s behind this.”

“Who knows how much power Sombra could get from Flurry Heart and the Crystal Heart!” Twilight exclaimed. “We need a faster way to get up there since teleporting there is too far and the trains are most likely down.”

“Ahem,” Magolor said while smirking under his hood. “Forgetting something?”