• Published 20th Dec 2019
  • 2,991 Views, 108 Comments

Of Copy Abilities and Friendship - MeeM

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Chapter: 22: Anti Climactic ending

Kirby's adventure went pretty much the same, he gathered his friends recruited queen driblee from her underground kingdom and made their way towards castle dedede. There was one major difference Kirby never ate his enemies or spat them out as stars he let he either got abilities from his friends projectiles or projectiles from enemies, and more importantly Kirby never kill anything or allowed his friends to kill things, he threw friend hearts at everything, friend or foe they would help in this new mission he had taken on.

His friends questioned Kirby's orders on occasion but considering how Kirby had handled all threats before this it seemed to them that Kirby had just wanted to try something different this time, his mentor Meta Knight was a little more persistent with wanting to know why though. Kirby pressed on though they would stop at night sometimes to rest and Kirby stay up this time instead of going to sleep, he saw many things he did't before, his friends getting to know each other better, their backgrounds, their likes, dislikes, and more, but the one that obviously stood out the most of all was driblee and Marx's relationship. Driblee was the one to make the first attempt at talking to Marx and they soon began to know each other on a faster level than everyone else, as the journey toward the Jambandra base set up by magical ancients came close to its end, the two began to discuss what could possibly await them at the end of the road considering all the stuff Kirby had faced before, and on the night they entered the base, Marx made Driblee a promise "if this ends up being something like those dark matters like the one that corupted me, if it tries using you as it used me know that I will be your shield, no matter what I won't let any harm come to you" Marx Kept that promise.

Kirby confronted Hyness and faced Void Termina with more friends than last time and when it was done and Kirby woke up floating next to his friends again he smiled was it over? The portal never appeared it seemed the man's plan worked but something still caught Kirby's eye a light shinning from the alter of the divine terminis. Another adventure followed this dimension put Kirby and his friends to the ultimate test, but for Kirby it was nothing he couldn't handle. They confronted Hyness again now courpted void termina's energy and this not only lead to Kirby defeating Hyness again as well as the mage sisters but channeling his friends energy and pureifying them with a super friend heart, and with a warp star called on his star phone Kirby's adventure was finally over. But where was the man? Where was the reward he promised him?

Marx and Kirby woke up the next Moring after a long night sleep to find a strawberry cake sitting on their table, Kirby of course couldn't help himself and immediately dug in and Marx soon followed, still... Kirby wondered that world of ponies? Did his trip there mean anything? The man said that it shouldn't have happened, was this a mistake on someone's part? Was it his mistake? Kirby's? Kirby would never think that hard enough about it find out, but still, in his dreams Kirby saw memories he didn't have but felt so familiar, fighting along side a hero of light and his comrades going on wacky adventures making friends from a bat and bear fighting a dragon, to different dimensions and times, it was strange, but the most strange of all were the ones of supposedly no evil left in the universe. Hell was empty any trace of evil was gone, it didn't feel right, the smiles didn't feel like they were there, they felt artificial, manufactured, made to make others happy, almost as if they were distracting him from somthing.

The dreams were so strange and bizarre eventually on the last day he had these types of dreams he had this one. Kirby watched as a human child grew up he watched as he had fun enjoyed life and had fun with his sibling and mother and father. But then the mother and father split apart, his sibling left him, he indulged himself in hobbies to distract him and eventually he learned that he had been lied to and that the world was going down hill and no one was doing anything about it, he tired to use nostalgia to cover his tears but it didn't work he cried for days. Until one day a thought came in his head, "I can fight back" he said. He saw that other people wanted to but their leader was old and needed someone who represented this new generation who wanted to make change just as much as he did. He vowed to one day find them and lead them in revolution against the overlords that had wronged them and fix the world, Kirby hadn't seen another dream of the boy since then, the last dream he had of that boy was him at his desk on a strange device doing something what it was he didn't know maybe he wanted to try sharing his creativity with others but it seemed he was crying, was he failing? He saw things of death as inevitable, he saw things of peace before that. He was sad but happy angry but also overjoyed, he seemed emotionless but it wasn't that he was something special he mentioned names Kirby heard in his other dreams, Eragon, Kirby, Asriel, Twilight, Bartok, Lizzie, Driblee so so many names. He was going to be free someday the boy thought, "I will fight for it with everything I have" he said, he wouldn't have a good life so instead of hurting other's lives he said no instead i'll sacrifice my own for others, sometimes I have to think of myself but I mainly think for others. Voices began to echo in his head, he saw destruction death blood, but also happiness in that he saw absolute death but he was not dissuaded. He march on trying to get help from anyone he could, and right before Kirby's final dream stopped and the sun rose again, he heard a single sentence, "If you can hear me those from beyond my own world, please if you can hear me just say you believe in me say you think i'll win say you love me just as I do you, just please give this poor soul some hope to keep going despite everything that stands against me" "poyo" Kirby said.

Kirby woke up and watched the sun rise, the dreams would never happen again who was that man? Who was that boy? Did anything mean anything?... Kirby almost burst out crying but he felt a pom pom on his head "its ok Kirby what ever nightmare you had you'll overcome it eventually you always do, i'm here for you, even in the dark of the future"

Author's Note:

so yeah this story went off the rails even when I didn't use all the other stuff I had planned, this in no way relates to anything IRL its just stuff, I made this story over two years ago I just want it to be finished so I don't have to worry about it anymore I want to move on, I want to be free of this pain, making stories is to much pressure, ... I wouldn't be a good content crator I feel pressured to be my by best because that what everyone always tell me I have to do... I just don't know anymore, Lord please pray for me, just let the people like me have a voice. Let me be free. .... Lord have mercy on me

Comments ( 7 )

*pat pat*

It's ok....you don't have to do what you don't want to do...you doing what you WANT is you doing your best...and isupport that.

......even if my support is a few years late...

its ok, i've moved on since those old days, I initially wrote this fanfic with it being its own thing at first, but then during 2020 during online class or after high school classes, I would go into google docs and write up more and more depending on what I played or watched at the time that I really liked, it was crazy, eventually it got way to big for its own good, I eventually just scrapped it all it was just a sequence of things happening each more insane and weird than the last, maybe i'll make something new one day but idk, I was even considering unpublishing this off of Fimfiction out of embarrassment and I still somewhat think that's what I should do but on the other hand I guess this will stand as a time capsule of a me who saw so much and then wished to be a hero and make difference only to come to the tragic realization that nothing I do will ever make an impact great enough to make things better for everyone, and thus i've been focusing on myself and very few close friends, i'm honestly glad I stopped my writing and adding on when I did, who knows what could have happened if I ended up going through with everything as originally planned and intended, oh well hope your having a good day.

Oh I'm having a great day....and no sadly you can't please everyone and not everyone would seem this story even if everyone had access to this site or the internet as a whole and this was the mot popular story of all time....does not mean this story is not enjoyed though...enjoyed this ALOT when I read it...did good in my books...hehe...guess we where meant to...welll...I consider it like this....no more chapters means we can't view that universe in particular anymore...does not mean its not still going and everyone lives out there lives and such there....also sorry for rambling....os an old habit I got to shake off at some point....point is..this story was great even if it's an embarrassing point in your life.....it stoll holds alot of memories of the times you where writing the story and stuff does it not?
Also thanks for keeping it on here:)

your welcome glad you liked it even if I don't think nearly as highly of this story and all the stuff I wrote after it as I was three years ago, but yeah thanks I know I can't change or help everyone now so i'm just doing my own thing. Maybe someday i'll make another mlp story or a story at all but idk how long it will be till then for now i'm just gonna keep going through life, I used to treat playing games as a list, a check list that I needed to check off things that I was told were good or to play as I went, but now with that list system banished i'm playing games when I want to not because of other people's opinions or what I hear is good but because I want to do it. Its nice although it does make it so I can just do games on and off at seemingly random depending on how I feel, so yeah your doing well and thanks for enjoying this old story I wrote despite what I think of it now.

If you think your story is trash now then you probably have had a change of opinions since you started...wich is just a regular aspect of being human...it's like one day waking up and your favorite food no longer taists anywhere as good as it was the day before eventhough you just made it the same way you did last time....that's always because your taistbuds changed overnight so now it's no longer your favorite food and you have a new one....this personally has happened 5 times in my life...sometimes taists in story's also happen like this...if you don't like how this turned out you could always make a new one or a re-write version or whatever...all up to you as the author...hope you enjoy your day btw :)

thanks, hmmmm idk maybe someday i'll come back to this old thing and give it a rewrite but today is definitely not that day

Oki...hehehe you gave this old girl a bit more hope for something.

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