• Published 20th Dec 2019
  • 2,982 Views, 108 Comments

Of Copy Abilities and Friendship - MeeM

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Chapter 5:A Tundra of Crystals

Author's Note:

ok so remember that I said I have had the first half the story pre written on my own free time and that editing takes me a while, welp this one took less time than I expected, strange.........
also just to confirm anyone's supisions of the comment I made last chapter i'll just do it for you just know that they are currently wandering a strangely dark and mirror like cave, alright and the confirmation is......



Chapter 5: A Tundra of Crystals

Dark Meta Knight snapped open his eyes as he felt intense cold hit his scared mask, he looked up and saw his partner in crime Daroach, his gang of thieves the squeak squad, and Flamberge lying face down or on their sides in the snow. He picked up mirror galaxia and walked over to them and tried to wake them up, they came to and Flamberge lit her hair on fire so serve as a way to keep from freezing.

“Who wants to go find out where we are?” Dark Meta Knight asked

Daroach and the squeaks raised their paws and claws,

“all right I see some kind of castle in the distance go check the place out and report back” Dark Meta Knight said

“you got it!”

Daroach agreed as he and the squeaks ran throw the snowy tundra towards the castle, Dark Meta Knight thought it shimmered like crystal, or a mirror… Oh how he missed the mirror world, the darkness the despair that he had made possible to avenge his master, even after the death of his master he still corrupted another, a strange purple spider like creature who liked to gaze into the dimension mirror, she wished for eternal beauty and he granted her wish using his hatred to slowly decrease her sanity to near zero. Years later he would fight alongside her who now was returned to her normal form, and had a small duel with her and her best friend before Kirby stepped in and called truce. As he reminisces about his past he felt a strange familiarity not to far from him and Flamberge, he ran off towards the familiar sense with a confused Flamberge giving chase.

“What are you doing do you want to turn into an ice block!”

Flamberge demanded as she floated after him, he found were the sense was coming from a hole in the ground with bright sun like bars on top, it looked like a prison of some kind. He gazed in and was met with a dark voice,

“what are you, and why have come to my pit of despair?” the voice said

“your presence felt very similar to an old friend of mine” Dark Meta Knight said

“what might you be?”
the voice answered and a pair of blood red, strangely purple smoking eyes peered out at him.

“what are you then!”

Dark Meta Knight answered back rudely,
“a living shadow, an over sized bug, an amalgamation of different species fuzzed together, or merely shards of a mirror?”

“I am the manifestation of hate, pain, and suffering and my name is Sombra, once King Sombra until I was bucked off my throne!”

"not many have the courage to be so defiant about things like that I once worked fore one who's species was exactly that" Dark Meta Knight responded "and it turned out horrible, so how could you be any different?"

*Meanwhile in an alley in the Crystal empire*

Daroach and the Squeaks watched the strange equine creatures move about, some were standing at the doorway to the castle with armour, most were chatting, and some were heading over to a marketplace of some kind. They shrouded themselves in shadow and blinked past the walkway in front of them, following the strange creature to what he and the Squeaks assumed were a market place. A sneer grin came over Daroach’s face

"alright, you know the drill when something looks good we take regardless if its ours and we only don't if its our friends" he told the Squeaks the memo, it was time to do what they do best thievery. After about Twenty whole minutes of snatching items out from under the creature’s noses they decided to bail for now before the creatures get suspicious, on the way Daroach noticed a light he looked under the castle and saw it, a bright blue shimmering heart made of pure crystal. He immediately took interest in it and told the squeaks to leave saying that he’ll meet up with them on the city's outskirts, Daroach then made himself completely invisible and tiptoed up to the spire in was placed upon, there we so many guards around the spire taking the heart without being noticed would be impossible. He took some time to think and soon came up with a sneaky plan one he liked using, misdirection he ran over to a dark alleyway and lit one of his famous fire bombs to draw the guards away, he tiptoed back to the spire and waited. Not long after, the bomb exploded sending a pillar of fire into the air, the guards immediately rushed over to check it out as Daroach undid his invisibility so that he could see what he was doing as to not make a mistake. He came up to the glorious crystal heart and tucked it into a portable chest he brought along, the chest also contained a refrigerated piece of strawberry shortcake they’d stolen from Kirby years ago ”I probably should eat it should've had Storow eat it a long time ago" Daroch thought”, a held down jack in the box of the entity that had possessed him a few days after he stolen Kirby ́s cake years earlier as well, and lots of jewels and treasure, none of the guards ever saw him. At least that's what he expected, but once Daroch closed the chest one of the guards snapped his attention to the spire and saw him. His cover was blown! He quickly picked up the chest and pulled out his famous septor, the almighty Triple Star, and tossed a few small stars at the guard before he en clocked himself and disappeared in a flash of red and claw marks, ”We need to warn the princess” the guard alerted to his fellow comrades”.