• Published 20th Dec 2019
  • 2,982 Views, 108 Comments

Of Copy Abilities and Friendship - MeeM

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Chapter 4:The Awakening of two Cute puffballs

Chapter4:The Awakening of two Cute puffballs

Kirby awoke tired and hungry as usual, but remembering what had happened he looked around to find himself in a bed in a strange room made of crystal, and Meta Knight was was awaiting him on the side of his bed.

"Up and at’em Kirby, good to see your finally awake” Meta Knight said in his usual mysterious tone,


Kirby said rubbing his eyes with his nubiles,

“were currently far away from popstar in on a planet known as equis, the locals call it Equestria from what i’ve heard” Meta Knight said.

”Poy Poyo?” Kirby said curiously

“yes the locals are quite nice it seems, we’ve currently been offered hospitality by the ruler of this village Twilight Sparkle, her pupil, and assistant”.


“yes Kirby i’m sure they have food somewhere here” Meta Knight sighed his student sometimes can never fit his standereds and mostly only craves for food and fun

“Poyo” Kirby said with concern looking at Zan Partizane on the bed beside him.

“Yes Zan will wake up sometime soon, the portal gave her several injures and she has yet to wake up unlike you.”

A strange lavender equine figure walked into the room,

“greetings Kirby it seems your awake Meta Knight has told me much of your adventures on this Popstar as you call it.
Twilight said with attempted hospitality as she trotted into the room


Kirby said as he examined the strange equine creature in front of him. She had a purple coat, a swirling horn, two wings on her back, and a symbol of a purple star surrounded by six smaller white stars.

“Kirby, Twilight is a alicorn, basically a unicorn and a pegies combined and power multiplied by ten.”

Meta Knight exclaimed to Kirby,

“so Kirby i’m mainly gonna take a look inside you to find out how you can eat so much and yet not grow any bigger, and yes Meta Knight told of the Gourmet race you had with king Dedede”

“Poyo?” Kirby asked, Meta Knight

“yes Kirby you’ll get food after this as a reward, how about I try to find that strawberry shortcake you always enjoy?”


Kirby said happily as he hopped out of bed with excitement, strawberry shortcake was Kirby’s favorite food and he always wanted to get as much as he could even chasing one stolen by the Squeak squad to the edge of gamble galexy just for it.

“noted, you love cake”

Twilight said with her hairs going out of place she clearly didn’t understand the things Meta Knight had told her they made absolutely no sense, they can’t be true right? Twilight said in her head as Starlight came in and tied a rope around Twilight’s back two hooves, “all right say ah” Kirby opened his mouth and wanting to get this over with quickly began to inhale. Twilight was sucked in by the force ending up in Kirby’s mouth, she saw he had no teeth so he could definitely not chew anything thats for sure. Kirby swallows and Twilight ended up at Kirby’s stomach, and what she saw baffled her mind. A swirling vortex in the center of Kirby’s stomach, she tested it by lighting her horn and touching it, Kirby then was given a great sense of magic and pain! He brought her back up to his mouth and Twilight was surrounded by a yellow resien in the shape of a star, and Kirby shot her out and Starlight went twirling round in midair with the screaming in panic then they both hit the wall. And They watched on as a purple light surrounded Kirby he put his nubile up in the air and announced as the light receded, Kirby was now wearing a yellow and red jester hat with star and triangles on each side and Kirby now possessed a wand in one of his nublies

“Beam!” Kirby announced as he stood up triumphantly The group looked on in astonishment, besides Meta Knight who wrapped himself in his cloak to protect his eyes from the intense light.

“What just happened?” Spike asked, with his mouth stretching to the floor.

Meanwhile in the New badlands hive….

Marx slowly opened his eyes, he felt wet and… sticky? His eyes were filled with green light he didn’t know how he was breathing in a fluid like this, but somehow he was. He looked to his right and saw Dribble in a green thing similar to his, she was missing her crown of water, he looked down and found a strange black and green throne like thing carved out of stone. A strange black creature eyed him and was now flying up to him, it had two sharp fangs far bigger than the small fangs he had, and holes in its various equine body parts including its wings and hair, and a crooked horn on its head, it looked like some kind of bug.

“Now what might you be little pink thing?”

The creature asked as she hovered right next to… whatever the thing he was trapped in was,

“That’s none of your business!” Marx said defiantly

the black creature narrowed her eyes at him. Marx noticed Driblee was asleep in the same strange substance he was trapped in a pink mist was flowing away from her! He tried to open his sharp wings to slice his way out but the thick green stuff prevented him from spreading them far enough,

“you and her really have a bit of love for each other on the inside don’t you?” The creature said with a sneer grin,

“thankfully that fits my taste just fine”

the creature then opened her mouth and purple energy began to be sucked away from him, only now he realized it was him and Driblee’s love for each other! Marx panicked and puffed up his cheeks and fired his massive mouth lazer! Bursting the strange thing open and pushing him back against the wall from the sheer push force that the lazer carried.

“You’ll pay for that!” Marx yelled as he freed himself and put himself right side up. The creature was knocked back into the strange throne, the creature looked up at him astonished at his now fully spread psychedelic rainbow wings. Which was natural, he’d always surprise everyone he’d met since he’d gained them, Marx puffed up his cheeks and spit an ice bomb at the creature freezing her in ice, Marx then removed the ice from her ears so she could hear him.

“Ok whatever you are, questions, one, what are you?, two, where am I? three, what was that stuff that I was surrounded by, four, what is your name?, and five, where is my Jester ball and Driblee’s crown!” Marx demanded with a raised voice as he spit a small fireball that began melting the ice.

“Fine then you little freak"the creature said to him,

“for one i’m a changeling, two you are now in the land of equestria in my hive, three that was a cocoon it's what we use to capture enemies without them escaping and is also how we sleep, four my name is Chrysalis, Queen Chrysalis to you! And five that ball and crown are behind my throne"

Chrysalis brought out his ball and Driblee’s crown. Marx immediately jumped his ball, “there we go good to have this back” Marx said in relief as he hopped up and down on his ball as he normally would, he looked up and spread his wings, he flew up to Driblee and released his four crescent cutters, cutting down the cocoon that held Driblee, she slowly opened her eyes and yawned,

“Uhhh, Marx is that you?” Driblee said as she looked up at the armless puffball,

“ohh Driblee, so good to have you awake!”

Marx said happily has he hugged her with his hat, he’d usually use his hat’s pom poms in place of hands and arms,

“where are we?” Dribble asked while whipping the slime off her necklace

“and where my crown?”

“don’t worry, it’s right here” Marx said as he brought it over and placed it back on Driblee’s head

“I shall explain where we are since I only just found out to!” Marx said concernedly.

“What is that?” Driblee said with curiosity pointing with her fin toward Chrysalis and the remaining melting ice shards.

“That's Chrysalis, I only just met her when i hit her with my lazer when I tried to get out of that” Marx said as taped his feet off and on his jester ball as usual,

“for now I'm gonna try to locate where are friends are so we can get home”

Marx said as he channeled his power to his mind, he was then given a blury and dreamy vision of Dedede in a strangely luxurious room with Susie fixing her robobot in the corner bandanna dee helping his king understand some the words "was he taught how to read?" Marx thought. He also saw Adeline and ribbon paining pictures on a canvas in another corner of the room,

"I don't know about you Andrew but this Canterlot place is giving me nostalgia and sadness for some reason"

Dedede said while his head hang low tword the book, he may even have shed a tear but the vision was to blury for Marx to confirm it.

"Apparently their in a place called Canterlot"

Marx said as he exited his trance,

"if you want us gone then just get us to them and we'll be out of your hair" he asked Chrysalis, a wicked grin came over her face

"give me a day or two and i'll work something out" she said

"for now you two can sleep in the lowest balcony room don't touch anything!" Chrysalis said commandingly

a few Changeling guards began to lead them to their tempory room.

The hive was depressing as they made their way down the walls seemed to made from the changeling's own chitin, green globs of slime littered the place strangely acting as a lit source of all things they soon came to the center of the hive a large vertical pit shaft that ran up and down the hive Driblee hopped on Marx and they and their two escorts soon reached the bottom floor before they headed up to their room a floor above a few minutes later. The reason they take a bit of time at the bottom was because they found a field of graves all the words were in a strange language that he and Driblee could not read, they soon found them selves in their new room. The changelings left them alone as they settled in, it was he walked out to the balcony leaving his ball in the room and checked the now blue sky, it was burning out he had to not be out that long to avoid a sun burn around room Marx guessed from where the sun was in the sky

"is the sun and moon sentient like Popstar's sun and moon or are they just.... there" Marx thought to himself.

Author's Note:

alright we have our first copy ability BEAM! :pinkiehappy: And don't worry we got many more on the way, alright next time were taking our trip up north to the Tundera of Crystals! I think you can probuley guess where that is:pinkiecrazy: