• Published 10th Oct 2020
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Equestria Girls: Sonic the Hedgehog - sonicfan05

After the two groups meet up due to circumstances, Sonic and the Equestria Girls must team up to defeat an evil genius, who wants to use his power for world domination, while on the run from the government lead by a special agent.

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Volume I - Chapter 9: Robotnik's House Visit (Pt. 2)

Sonic and Spike continued to have a very tense staring contest between the two of them. Spike never left his sight off of the blue creature, which made the latter very uncomfortable. Sonic let out an annoyed sigh.

“Hey, listen pooch,” Sonic began.

“Don’t ever call me pooch!” Spike growled. “I hate it when people called me that, especially those mean kids Twilight used to hang out at Crystal Prep!”

Sonic awkwardly cleared his throat. “I’m sorry…”

“Spike!” The purple pup grunted.

Spike… but you’re looking a little too serious,” said Sonic. “Just chillax, smile a little. I’m not going to do anything to you and your friends.”

Spike flared his nostrils. “Yeah right! That’s what those cats next door say before they turned around and take all the chew toys for themselves!

“...dude, I’m not interested in your chew toy,” Sonic deadpanned.

Spike blinked. “You're not?”

Sonic shook his head. “No. Stealing your chew toy never once crossed my mind. Hedgehog’s honor!”

Spike frowned. “Then… why are you really here? And how do you know so much about Twilight and her friends?”

Sonic rubbed his cheek. “Well…”

Suddenly, a small egg-shaped drone entered the attic through the window, alerting Sonic and Spike. Before it managed to spot them, Sonic quickly used a bit of his speed to grab Spike and hid behind some stacked boxes. Once they were safely hidden, Spike immediately broke away from Sonic’s grasp.

“Wha- How’d you do that?” Spike demanded as he glared at him. “And what is that thing? Is it a friend of yours?”

Sonic shushed the dog before he answered quietly. “One, it’s because I’m fast! I’m always fast! And I would’ve gone faster if it weren’t for the effects from that dart your master generously shot me! And two, I don’t know what they are! They’ve been chasing me since this morning!”

They turned towards the drone when it suddenly made a beep sound and began to scan the room with its red lasers. Nervously, both Sonic and Spike took a step back behind the boxes near the shadow, watching helplessly as the drone does it work.

“This can’t be good,” Spike whispered. “And I just got my shots from the vet last week!

Once Dr. Robotnik was sure that his drones are at work, he started talking to the young scientist again. “I’m sorry, Miss…”

“Sparkle. But My friends called me “Twilight or ‘Twi’ for short,” said Twilight, not leaving her eyes on him.

Dr. Robotnik hummed as he eyed the rest of the girls.

“And the rest of you…”

“Sunset Shimmer,” Sunset greeted curtly before glancing at her friends. “And I see that you’ve met Applejack, Rarity, Fluttershy, Rainbow Dash and–” Sunset blinked when she realized one of their friends was missing from the group. “Hey, where’s Pinkie Pie?”

Everyone, sans Twilight, Sunset, and Dr. Robotnik looked around. It had just occurred to them that they haven’t seen their party-loving friend since they’ve departed from their bus.

“Right here!” a cheerful voice sang.

Sunset and Twilight yelped, while the rest stood in surprise that Pinkie Pie had suddenly appeared behind the duo from the inside of the house.

“Pinkie! How’d you get over there!?” Twilight exclaimed.

“I came in through your back door silly!” Pinkie chirped as she stepped outside. “I just have to put down that cake I baked for you in your dining room! Hope you don’t mind!”

Pinkie’s eyes than perked up when she spotted Dr. Robotnik. “Oh! Who is this? Is this your friend?” Before anyone could comment, Pinkie quickly moved and stood right in front of the doctor almost too close to his face. “Hey, new friend! Nice to meet you! Are you around here? Are you visiting here? Are you planning on living here? Are you a friend of Twilight’s? Or Sunset? Nice jacket! Where did you get it? Is that mustache real? Can I touch it? Was this part of your Halloween costume as our past president from a Civil W-”

Before Pinkie had a chance to feel his facial hair, Dr. Robotnik suddenly grabbed her wrist and glared daggers at the cotton candy-haired girl.

“Don’t. Touch. My. Mustache!” he growled.

Pinkie quickly retracted her hand with a giggle, not a least bothered by his anger. “Sorry! I’m just so excited when it comes to meeting new people! Do you like sweets? I’ll bake you a cupcake! Unless cupcake isn’t really your thing! I could make you anything you like!” She then frowned. “Except black licorice fruit cake, because that cake is nasty... and ugly too!”

Dr. Robotnik lingered his glare at her a moment longer before he faced the girls. “Keep this girl away from me and put her on a leash… and maybe a muzzle as well.” He then turned back at Pinkie. “I don’t know what it is about you, but you’re way too… illogical for me to handle.”

Pinkie perked up. “Ooh! Illogical in a good way?

Dr. Robotnik just stared blankly at Pinkie while Applejack gently led her away from the doctor. He let out a sigh before facing Twilight.

“Well anyway, Miss Sparkle,” he began before glancing at the rest of the group. “And friends... you may have noticed that this entire town has been experiencing a power outage.”

“Yeah… we kinda already picked up on that pal!” Rainbow Dash remarked.

Dr. Robotnik quickly glanced up to see the last of his drones successfully entered the window of the teen’s house before explaining further.

“Twenty minutes ago, I tracked an energy pulse with a similar signature to the one that caused this disruption. And it all leads me to this very house you are standing in right now.”

Sunset managed to keep himself from being shocked by the doctor’s revelation. She quickly realized that this guy must be another one of the G.U.N. agents. Unlike her run-in with Agent Shadow, this person appeared to be very strange but also intimidating in his own right. And he is also appeared to be very intelligent as well; a very dangerous combination when it comes to keeping Equestria a secret.

On top of that, he claimed that he was chasing an unknown entity that caused this mess to begin with. Could he be talking about that blue creature that she and Twilight have met earlier? Sunset still has some questions that she needed answers from the creature herself and Equestria is still at risk, whether this creature is related or not. Whatever the case may be, they needed to get rid of this guy as soon as possible before he suspects anything.

“Look, uh, Mr…”

"Doctor. Dr. Robotnik. But my associates called me Rob," he introduced with a sarcastic smile.

“Oh, you’re a doctor? Good!” Pinkie perked up. “See, I felt a really bad ache in my lower tummy the other day while I was baking a cake for my friends. I think it was because I ate a bad cupcake, but my sister Lime thinks I was having a PM–”

I’m not that kind of doctor you Twit!” Robotnik roared. “I am a doctor of science! Most specifically with machines and robotics, the kinds of likes I’m sure you all have never been seen before!”

Twilight let out a loud gasp. "Hold on… you’re the Dr. Robotnik!?"

Everyone turned to her friend with surprised expressions. "You know him Twilight?" Fluttershy asked.

Twilight nodded. "How could I not!? He is one of the greatest scientific geniuses of mankind! He has an IQ of over three hundred, he built so many machines that are out of this world, and one time, he single-handedly stopped an enemy threat from another country with his machines and intelligence alone!" Twilight chuckled. “I’ll admit, he was my idol at one point.”

"...so in other words, he's a bigger egghead than you," Rainbow Dash summarized in amusement.

Dr. Robotnik huffed. "Oh sure, make fun of others with superior brainpower, but at least my mind isn’t as small and insufficient as some average ape like you."

Rainbow Dash blinked. “Huh?”

“He’s saying that you are stupid compared to him,” Twilight deadpanned.




"Anyway Miss Sparkle," Dr. Robotnik continued, ignoring Rainbow’s infuriated glare. "I'm actually impressed that you did your homework about me, which is... admirable. However, you made a slight error.” He then leaned a little too close to Twilight. “I'm not one of the greatest scientific geniuses… I'm the greatest scientific genius! The rest of them were all a bunch of dummies compared to me!"

Rainbow Dash growled. "What's this guy problem? He gots some serious ego issue!"

"Look who's talking," Applejack muttered.

“What was that?”


Sunset cleared her throat. “Look, uh, Dr. Robot... skeez? Um… I'm sure what you're here for is very serious, but it's got nothing to do with my friend or us. You can ask anyone at our school or heck, anyone in town. Everyone knows us.”

“Yeah!” Pinkie Pie spoke up enthusiastically. “We’re a pretty famous band around these parts called The Rainbooms! I bet you’ve heard of us!”

“Oh, I bet you girls do,” The doctor remarked. “I'm sure you're all hella popular with birthday parties for little girls and at some beat-up coffee shops in this backwater of a town.”

Pinkie, as well as the rest of the girls, frowned at that, but Dr. Robotnik kept going.

“And I bet you girls go all the way back to the days of many sleepovers, braiding each other’s hairs, and gossiping about boys you had a crush on, only they don’t even care about your existence!” He then faced Twilight and Sunset again. “And maybe someday, you will all achieve your goals of getting driver licenses or adopting a Labradoodle. But the reality is... I surpassed... everything each and every one of you has ever going to do!”

He then leaned a little too close to Sunset’s face. “Before I was a toddler, I was spitting out formulas while you were still spitting up formula.”

“...I was breastfed, actually,” Sunset responded.

“Nice. Rub that in my orphan face,” Dr. Robotnik seethed before stepping back. “Miss Shimmer, are you familiar with our country’s Code 9-0-4, Title 10, Article 1-0-4?”

Twilight spoke up. “Oh, I know what it is! It’s–”

Anyone,” Dr. Robotnik interrupted, cutting Twilight off. “Who attempts to aid an enemy of our country shall suffer death!” He then lifted his finger while glaring Sunset in the eye. “And if I'm the one that catches you... it'll be even worse.

All the girls, especially Sunset and Twilight all stood in fear. While this guy was both insufferable and extremely weird, but the fact that this guy has threatened them with such severe consequences shows that he wasn’t messing around. Despite the severity of the situation, Rainbow Dash was the only one who was confused with the situation.

“Uh… worse than death?” Rainbow Dash inquired, only received a glare from Dr. Robotnik.

In less than a couple of minutes, the drone already scanned one side of the attic and slowly made it’s way to the other side. During all of this, Sonic and Spike hid within piles of old toys and sports balls in one corner of the rooms. With Spike, he kept himself still with his eyes open, acting like he was a plush toy, while Sonic curled himself into a ball to blend in with the other balls, but his eyes were still showing somewhat. However, while Spike remained calm despite his chest felt like a beating drum, Sonic was shaking and nervously muttered to himself a bit too loudly.

“Okay, I'm a ball. Just a normal ball. I'm blending in like a ball. Shh, stop talking. No, you stop talking. Be quiet, Sonic. No, you be quiet, Sonic!”

“Hey, shut up ya blue rodent!” Spike hissed through his teeth. “I don’t know why you’re talking to yourself, but they’ll hear you if you keep talking!”

“Oh, sorry about that,” Sonic said quietly. “I’m so used to being alone that I tend to talk to myself a lot so that I don’t go completely insane.”

“...I think you are already,” Spike muttered.



They watched as the drone was creeping closer and closer to them, making Sonic more nervous.

“Oooh, I hope they aren't scanning me with X-rays,” Sonic moaned. “I had kind of an embarrassing lunch.”

“Just try to stay still and act like a ball so we could fool these things!” Spike advised quietly. “And don’t freak out!”

“Don’t freak out, got it!” Sonic responded as he finally managed to keep himself still.

Suddenly, another drone entered the attic from a different window and began to scan from the other side of the room. They both eyed the new drone nervously since it’s practically a few feet away from them. What makes matters worse was that the first drone almost reaches their area as well. Little by little, the two drones slowly boxed the two in, making the blue hedgehog more nervous by the second.

“Don't freak out,” he chanted quietly. “Don't freak out, don't freak out, don't freak out, don't freak out, don't freak out...”

The drones were now inches away from them, and their red lasers just barely touch their bodies.

“I'm freaking out!” Sonic shouted as he quickly rolled away before the lasers could reach him.

“No, don’t!” Spike shouted as he ran after him before either of the two drones touched him.

Sonic kept on rolling until he reached the trap door of the attic, which caused it to tip downwards due to his weight and rolled him down the stairs to the second floor below. However, due to the momentum, Sonic kept on rolling down the stairs to the first floor.

“Why didn't they have their staircase carpeted?!” Sonic complained as he was rolling.

"Wait! Stop rolling!" Spike yelled as he chased after him.

"I can't!" Sonic shouted.

He continued to roll across the main hallway and into the dining room. Upon entering the dining room, however, Sonic crashed against the side of the dining room table, causing a loud bang throughout the house. Spike winced at the sound and glanced back nervously, knowing that it was too loud for anyone to hear it, including their unwanted visitor. It would only be a matter of time before they will come in to investigate.

They both need to think fast to get out of this mess and quickly.

“Look, I don’t know how well educated you are," Robotnik stated in a condescending tone. "But what the government usually does to criminals are nothing compared to what I–”

Suddenly, they all heard a loud crash, coming from the inside of the house. Applejack, Fluttershy, Pinkie Pie, Rarity, and Rainbow Dash were taken back from the noise in shock and confusion, Dr. Robotnik looked at the house in interest before he brought his eyes back at the pair for an explanation. Both Sunset and Twilight were immediately nervous from that loud sound, silently hoping that it wasn’t caused by their 'guest' and that this man wasn't on to them. While Sunset managed to keep herself collected, Twilight’s facade somewhat cracked due to panic.

“Uh… old pipes?” Twilight lied sheepishly, nearly made Sunset want to facepalmed herself.

Dr. Robotnik just stared at a bespectacled teen for a moment, studying her expression before he shrugged casually.

“Yeah… probably just the house settling,” he agreed as he turned around, appearing to be leaving. “Nothing to see here!”

Sunset and Twilight silently relieved with the outcome for a moment, until Dr. Robotnik pulled a fast one by quickly turned around and barreled through them before either of them could stop him.

"Hey!" Twilight cried, but Robotnik ignored her.

"You can't go in there!" Sunset shouted as she and Twilight ran after him.

Sensing that their friends are in trouble, the rest of the girls also ran into the house to help them.

While the girls chased into the house to stop their intruder, Dr. Robotnik was determined to get to the bottom of it and see what those two girls are hiding. They all eventually reached the dining room where the source of the noise came from, but none of them were prepared to see what was in front of them.

In the middle on the dining table, right next to the dog cage, stood a small purple pup, who was busy stuffing his face into a cake that Pinkie baked.

“Spike!?” Twilight exclaimed.

Spike immediately looked up from the sound of his master's voice, only to freeze at the sight of several visitors in front of him, including at a stranger that he never sees before. From the back of Robotnik’s head, Twilight slightly signaled Spike to act like a real dog. Thankfully, Spike got the message, as he slowly swallowed his food. Despite that his face was covered in crumbs and frosting, he puts on his cute face and barked playfully.

“Goodness! You shouldn’t eat that little one!” Fluttershy fussed as she quickly made her way over to Spike to clean up his face. “This stuff isn’t good for dogs!”

“Oh don’t worry!" Pinkie reassured with a giggle, not bothered that her cake was ruined. "This is a special kind of cake that is made specifically for dogs!”

Applejack gave Pinkie her bewildered look. “Huh? But how– ...you know wat, Ah’m not even gonna ask!”

Sunset and Twilight nearly let out their breaths in relief. While they don't know where that blue creature was or why Spike was down here instead of in the attic, they were glad that they didn't get caught by this doctor guy. As for the doctor himself, he just stared at the dog both in confusion and annoyance, thinking that he was onto something.

"Here's the thing," he spoke suddenly as he raised his index finger. "I’m never wrong!"

Rainbow Dash patted his back. "Well, there's the first time for everything!" she remarked with a mocking grin.

Applejack, Rarity, and Pinkie snickered while Dr. Robotnik just glared at the rainbow-haired girl.

Sunset faced the doctor with narrowed eyes. "Well, I don’t appreciate that you just barge right into my friend’s house like that, especially without a warrant! But as you can clearly see..” Sunset then gestured around the room with her arm. “There’s nothing here! Now, I calmly suggest you leave this house immediately!"

“But you are more than welcome to take home a piece of our cake!" Pinkie added, only to smile sheepishly when she examined the state of her cake. "Or at least... what’s left of it!”

Everyone, sans Pinkie, was glaring at Dr. Robotnik, warning him to leave and never come back.

The Doctor glared back at them. He knew something was fishy going on with this house the moment he found those same strange footprints outside. His suspensions only grew when he ran into these girls, including the two who were in this house. He suspected, no, he knew that they're hiding something, but without a lack of proof and evidence, he can't do anything. Even his machines failed to find anything suggesting that there is a creature hiding around. With nothing to find and these girls in his way, there was nothing else he could do.

With a frustrated grunt, Dr. Robotnik turned to make his way out of the room.

Suddenly, he stopped in place, much to the girls' annoyance and confusion. They watched silently as he slightly leaned towards the table as if something caught his eye. His hand slowly reached towards something to pick it up. Almost immediately afterward, he slowly faced the girls and presented an item to them with a nasty grin.

While most of the girls looked at the item in question in confusion, Sunset, Twilight, and Spike had a look of horror on their semi-pale faces.

Oh no, the quill! Sunset exclaimed inwardly. We forgot about the quill!

"Well look at that? I was right!" The Doctor gloated. He then floated his hand over his face. "Note the lack of surprise." His smirk was then replaced with a cold frown. "Shall we try this again?"

As soon as Dr. Robotnik whistled a familiar tune, a few of his drones entered the dining room from multiple directions, blocking anyone who would dare to escape. And if that wasn't enough, each drone then revealed their two twin machine gun mounts and pointed to the girls' direction. Everyone, including Pinkie Pie, became extremely nervous and afraid of this sudden threat.

They were drawn to the doctor again as he began to speak in a much more threatening tone.

"Now, ladies," he began, as he stroked the quill with his fingers. "I'm going to give you all five seconds… to tell me where it is!"

"Wait, what are you talking about!?" Rarity asked nervously before turning to the duo. "Twi? Sunset? What is he talking about?

"Five!" Dr. Robotnik stated as he stepped closer to Sunset and Twilight.

"Whoa there, partner! Can we all talk about this!?" Applejack spoke up, trying to defuse the situation, but Dr. Robotnik ignored her.


"M-my big brother is the head police officer!" Twilight threatened with an ounce of courage. "I will call him and have you arrested!"

Dr. Robotnik wasn't impressed in the least with Twilight's threat. "Oh really? Well, how can your brother arrest somebody who never existed? ...Three!"

“Seriously, what's going on you two!?" Rainbow Dash demanded towards Sunset. "Was there something you’re not telling us!?"

"Yeah c'mon, wreck your brain!" Dr. Robotnik bellowed, practically close to Sunset’s face. "You might be able to come up with some lame excuse to go on living! In two…”

Sunset quickly glanced around the room to see her friends. Pinkie hugged now a whimpering Fluttershy, Twilight desperately trying to analyzed the situation and a way out, Rarity keeping herself from having a breakdown, and Rainbow Dash and Applejack looking like they are ready for a fight.

Sunset silently cursed herself for bringing her friends into danger again. Even if they could use their Equestrian magic to defend themselves, they’ll end up risking their secret in front of a government agent. Either way, Sunset was in a lose-lose situation and she doesn’t have any time left to make a decision. On top of that, the creature that they were trying to protect was nowhere in sight. She wondered if protecting this creature was worth putting herself and her friends in harm's way and about to become swiss cheese by this madman.



Everyone immediately turned towards the sound of a new voice. To everyone except for Sunset and Twilight's surprise, a blue creature stood in front of them with a pleading expression.

"Don't hurt them!" he said directly at the Doctor.

There was a loud, terrified girly scream, but it wasn't from any of the girls.

It was from the Doctor himself.

Taking this as her chance, Sunset quickly decked Robotnik right across his face, knocking him out to the ground in the process. Unfortunately, his drones noticed her actions against their creator and pointed their guns at her and her friends as their threat. Applejack noticed the drones state to fire.

"Hit the deck!" she screamed as she uses her strength to flipped the dining table over and yanked Rarity down with her.

Sunset quickly grabbed Twilight and they both dived behind the table for cover and Rainbow Dash managed to pull Fluttershy, Spike, and Pinkie Pie behind the table with her. Rarity activated her diamond shield over their heads just as the drones began to open fire. Bullets rained down upon them, ricocheted off of Rarity’s shield and the Sparkle’s dining oak table, causing most of the girls to be terrified for their lives. They were so engrossed with the situation, they barely noticed Sonic hiding alongside them.

“This feels excessive!” Sonic exclaimed loudly over the gunfire.

"I agree!" Pinkie hollered. "I'm sure Hasbro is not going to be happy when they heard there’s gun action in this story!"

Sonic stared at Pinkie oddly in confusion.

Rainbow Dash, who happened to be close to Pinkie gasped loudly at the sight of Sonic. "Sunset, what the heck is that thing!?"

"I'll explain later!" Sunset shouted, nearly jumped at the vibrations from the bullets bouncing near her. "We gotta focus on dealing with those things and get out of here!"

The gunfires from the drones eventually ceased, preparing to reload and search for their targets. The girls peaked over the table, staring cautiously at dozens of drones.

“Now what?” Fluttershy whimpered.

“Should we make a run for it?” Rarity suggested.

Twilight shook her head. “There’s too many of them. We’ll get shot the moment they see us! I doubt we’ll outrun them.”

“Well, what other options do you got!?” Rainbow Dash hissed quietly.

“I’m working on it!” Twilight responded hastily.

When Sunset turned to check on her friends, she immediately noticed someone, or rather, something was missing in the group. “Wait… where did he go?”

“Where did who go?” Applejack asked.

Before Sunset could respond, she went pale when she spotted the blue hedgehog in question at the corner of her eye. He was standing on top of a shelf right behind one of the drones. Her eyes widened further when Sonic was focusing on the drone with a determined look, planning to jump on it. Sunset quickly shook her head and mouthed “no” to him, praying that he got the message. Unfortunately for Sunset, Sonic misinterpret this as her encouraging him and he gives her a thumbs up. The drone in question spotted the side of Sunset’s head and was getting ready to fire again. Sonic took this opportunity to jump on the drone’s back and managed to turn its direction away from Sunset just as it began to fire.

“Yee-haw!” Sonic cheered as it rode on the drone. “Don't worry ladies! I've got it right where I want it!”

The drones spun wildly, trying to shake the hedgehog off as it continued to fire its bullets. In doing so, it also shot down some other drones, as well as family picture frames, some knick-knacks, the window, and pretty much all over the walls.

“Can you believe A-mane-zon is gonna deliver packages with these things?” Sonic asked excitedly as he continued to ride the drone.

“I don’t know what that is, but this guy has the right idea!” said Rainbow Dash as she used her super-speed to rush over in-between the two drones, much to her friends’ protests.

“Hey! Over here!” she shouted, getting one of the drone’s attention.

Both drones aimed at Rainbow Dash and fired their weapon, but Rainbow dodged at the last second, causing them to shoot each other and then exploded.

“Ha! Eat that!” Rainbow taunted, not noticing another drone sneak up behind her, ready to fire.

Applejack noticed it and quickly ran over towards the drone and used her super-strength to smash it into pieces with one punch.

Rainbow Dash finally noticed Applejack and frowned. “Hey, I could’ve taken care of it!”

“Bullroar!” Applejack shouted. “You almost got yerself killed Rainbow Dash!”

Suddenly, another drone appeared right in front of them and fired its weapon, barely giving the two teens a chance to react. Luckily, Rarity quickly stood in front of them and blocked the gunfire with her diamond shield. Rarity glanced back at her friends while trying to hold off the drone’s attack.

“You both almost got killed!” she scolded. “Now get back!”

The drone continued firing its bullets towards the trio while the teens slowly backed up until they hit a wall. Rainbow Dash and Applejack desperately tried to find an opening to escape, but the drone’s content firing made it impossible for them. Rarity was feeling worn out for using her magic for so long but tried to continue to endure the attack for the sake of her friends.

Just when the drone had the upper hand, it was suddenly drenched in water and sprinkles, causing it to short circuit and exploded. Rarity, Rainbow Dash and Applejack turned were awe when they saw Fluttershy holding an empty water vase with Spike by her side, while Pinkie Pie was cheering in the background.

“Woo! Teamwork baby!” Pinkie shouted with a grin before giving Fluttershy a high five.

Unbeknown to them, Dr. Robotnik came to a few moments ago. He was still too weak to get up and had a terrible headache from the punch earlier, but he just witnessed these girls were using magical powers right in front of him. He wasn’t sure if he was hallucinating due to his head injury, or if what he was seeing was real. Before he could think further, his headache returned at full force, causing him to blackout again.

Meanwhile, Sunset and Twilight watched as the drone Sonic was riding on spun faster and faster, causing Sonic to lose a bit of his grip on it.

“This was a horrible plan! What was I thinking?!” Sonic exclaimed while barely holding on to the drone. His face grimaced when he suddenly felt queasy coming from his stomach due to all the spinning. “Aw geez...I’m gonna puke!”

Both Sunset and Twilight knew that Sonic won’t be able to hang on to that robot much longer. Sunset then noticed a small, metal centerpiece bowl, which was originally from the table on the floor near her. An idea came to her suddenly and she quickly brought Twilight close to her and whispered her plan to her.

Feeling too dizzy to hold on anymore, Sonic loses his grip on the drone and slid to the floor with a groan. The drone finally set its sight on the blue pest and drew out its weapon. Before the drone was ready to fire, it was suddenly frozen and then shook jerkily with lavender light surrounding it. The drone then heard a battle cry coming from its left. The drone turned its red eye and saw Sunset. Before it could react, Sunset smashed its head with a centerpiece bowl, causing it to fall to the ground and shut down for good.

Once Sunset was sure that the drone won’t get back up again, she quickly checked on all her friends to see if they needed additional help. To her relief, her friends are okay and that the robots are already dealt with. Her relief then turned to dread and realization. She just punched one of the government agents. And she just put her friends in danger again, because of her actions. She knew that they’re in deep trouble as soon as the doctor woke up again, or worse when more agents rushed into the house to back-up their boss. She and her friends need to leave the house quickly. She then set her sight on a dazed hedgehog on the floor near her. As much as she was still suspicious and uncertain about this creature, he still has a lot of answers she needed from him.

“C’mon! We gotta get out of here!” Sunset shouted urgently as she bent down to pick up Sonic.

“Wait? We’re taking that thing!?” Rainbow exclaimed.

“Yes! We’re taking him!” Sunset answered forcefully, leaving no room for argument.

“Aw, don't tell me that's all you got? I'm just getting started! Let me know if you wanna go round two with the blue!” Sonic slurred, still feeling weak after getting dizzy from riding on the robot before he passed out.

Sunset shook her head as she quickly ran out of the room and towards the front door in the living room with her friends in tow.

“Quick, this way!” said Sunset before opening the door.

She immediately froze in shock and fear when she saw Agent Tempest Shadow just outside the door who looked like she was about to knock.

“Sunset Shimmer?” Tempest said with a surprised expression. “Where is–”

Sunset immediately slammed the door on her.

“Not that way!” She exclaimed before turning around and ran towards the opposite side of the house.

“Sunset?” Applejack spoke up. “Who was–”

“She one of those agents from school!” Sunset replied quickly, who was still running. “She’s onto us!”

Before Applejack could question further, they all heard loud violent bangs from the front door behind them, looking like it was about to break at any second.

“Well I’m convinced, let’s get outta here!” Fluttershy shrieked with Spike in her arms.

The girls all ran after Sunset, just as the door finally broke off its henches by Tempest. She managed to spot one of the girls back rounding up the corner before chasing after them.

“Hey, come back here!” Tempest shouted before rounding up the corner into the dining room.

Unbeknownst to her, legs from both sides of the door stuck out, tripping Tempest over and landed face-first onto the tile floor. Both Rainbow Dash and Applejack gave each other high fives before running after their friends, leaving a groaning Tempest and a barely conscious Robotnik behind. As Tempest struggled to get back up again, Dr. Robotnik was awake again and saw Tempest in front of him.

“Agent... Shadow? What are you doing here? And how do you find me?” he demanded weakly.

“That’s none of your business!” Tempest spat as she slowly getting up. “And I have no time for small talk!”

“I told you to stay out of my way!” Dr. Robotnik spat. “Only I was supposed to be chasing after that creature!” He paused. “Unless… you’re here for these girls?

Tempest froze, barely showing any reaction. She then glared at him. “...what are you talking about?”

Dr. Robotnik chuckled sinisterly, despite somewhat feeling a headache again. “Oh you know, these same girls who were just here… protecting that blue creature and destroyed a dozen of my highly advanced robots with their magical abilities?” His expression darkens. “Perhaps the government will be interested that not only they became the enemies of our country… but also how their power works once I bring them in?”

Faster than he could blink, Tempest punched the Doctor right across his face, knocking him out again.

“Not unless I get them first!” she snarled before standing up and ran out the back door.

Meanwhile, the girls were outside and ran around the yard until they approached their tour bus. Applejack quickly pulled the doors open, letting her friends run into the bus. As the others quickly settled into their seats, Rainbow Dash quickly swiped the keys from Applejack and took the driver’s seat.

“Hey, wat gives Rainbow Dash!” Applejack complained. “Let me drive!”

“AJ, this is no time to argue!” Rainbow shouted before buckling up. “Those agents are going to tail us, but I know routes we can take to lose them.”

“But Rainbow Dash… you don’t have a driver’s license yet!” Fluttershy cried worriedly.

“How can getting a ticket by an officer is worse than being chased by the government?” Rainbow argued. “Besides, despite failing many of my driving tests, I’m sure I got the gest of it!”

“And how many times did you fail your driving test?” Twilight pressed with dread.

Rainbow Dash shrugged. “Meh. At least a dozen.”

“Stop right there!”

The girls’ faces morphed in fear when they spotted Tempest running towards them from their windows. Wasting no other time, Rainbow Dash placed the key into the slot and turned. However, the engine sputtered, much to Rainbow’s annoyance and panic.

"Aw fudge! Not now!" Rainbow shouted.

She tried turning the key again.

And again.

And again. But the engine made the same sputtering sound, refusing to work.

Girls watched in fear as they turned back and forth between Rainbow Dash and Tempest, who was halfway towards their bus.

"Rainbow Dash, hurry up!" Sunset yelled urgency.

"I'm trying!" Rainbow bellowed back.

“Don't force it!” Applejack exclaimed. “Just gently turn the key slightly!

Rainbow was about to argue but noticed that Tempest was about a few feet closer from the corner of her eye. Decided to take the fate of her friend’s words, Rainbow Dash gently turned the key slightly. To Rainbow’s relief and delight, the engine roared into life. With no hesitation, Rainbow immediately shifted in gear and put full-throttle on the gas pedal, causing the bus to pull out quickly.

To Tempest’s frustration, she saw the bus begin to move before she could reach it. At the last second, she leaped onto the bus and grabbed on to the side before it speeds down the road. It was at that moment, several black vans pulled up near the Sparkle’s household with Agent Stone in it. By the time he stepped out, he watched as the bus full of teens and one hanging agent sped away. He was about to follow them, but then he looked towards the house, worrying about his boss. After contemplating for a brief moment, he turned and ran into the house to check up on the doctor.

Dr. Robotnik groaned loudly as he was slowly waking up after getting knocked out the second time today. As his headache came back with a vengeance, Robotnik silently cursed Tempest as he remembered what she did to him. He vowed to make that so-called agent regret her actions, but he had much bigger eggs to fry.

Especially with that creature… and that certain girl who gave him the first punch.

It was at that moment, Agent Stone ran into a door-less front entrance and stopped the moment he spotted the doctor’s fallen form.

“Doctor!” Agent Stone exclaimed. He rushed over to his boss and helped him get off the floor. “Doctor, are you okay? I saw those girls race outta here and I thought–”

“That you should stop them?” Dr. Robotnik guessed coolly with a glare.

Agent Stone's only response was his blank and meekly stare, much to the Doctor’s annoyance.

“Open your mouth… and say you thought that you should stop them,” Dr. Robotnik ordered with a growl.

Agent Stone gulped. “No... I thought that maybe I check to see if you were oka–”

Robotnik then stuck his hand into Agent’s Stone month and grabbed him by his tongue and jaw. He then roughly pulled Agent Stone forward and forced him to look up into his eyes.

“You know what's hard about being the smartest person in the world?” Dr. Robotnik asked in his menacing tone.

Despite that he couldn’t move his mouth and could barely speak, Agent Stone tried to answer. “E-everyone else being stup–”

“Stupid!” Dr. Robotnik finished for him. “Yes, way to go! You got that one!

Dr. Robotnik lets go of Agent Stone's mouth, much to Stone’s relief, and then he wipes his hands clean off his associate's jacket.

“Whatever this creature is, it's our job to secure it… neutralize it... uncover the source of its power. And if it resists… we take it apart... piece by piece. And then we’ll do the same thing with those girls too!”

Agent Stone gave his boss a puzzled look. “Um, excuse me… girls?”

Dr. Robotnik huffed and glared at him. “Yes, those girls! Do you not understand what I’m saying, or am I speaking in another language to you?”

Agent Stone awkwardly cleared his throat. “I uh… understand what you're saying, but… why are we after them exactly? Wasn’t our main focus with this mysterious creature?”

“That creature is still our main target!" Robotnik stated angrily. "But the reason why we’re also chasing after them was that number one: they were hiding that thing and got away with it! Number two: there was something… special about these girls! I had dozens of the most top-of-the-line machines with advanced weaponry by my side that even the most dangerous criminal wouldn’t dare to oppose them. And yet…" He then gestured all his fallen robots on the floor. "These girls… managed to turn every single one of them into scrap within minutes! And they were able to do so… with their own... strange powers!”

Agent Stone blinked. “Um… powers sir?”

"What, is there an echo here? YES! Powers!” Robotnik bellowed loudly. “While I may be on the floor with a major migraine and losing a fraction of my brain cells in the process, I saw them using their powers with my own eyes! One can run fast, one can use a shield, one was able to destroy my precious baby with a single punch!” He then raised his digit finger and spoke in a low dangerous tone. “They’re no ordinary girls... and Agent Shadow knows something… and I’m going to find out!”

Robotnik then let out a long huff, trying to keep his anger in check despite the major drawback. “Look up and search those girls’ histories as we pursuit!” he commanded calmly as he bent down to pick up his sunglasses. “They're now our top priority, along with that creature!”

“Yes, doctor,” Agent Stone said obediently. “If anyone can figure out about them, it’s you, sir!”

“Well, it’s a burden to be a genius, my friend!” Robotnik said casually as he slowly puts on his glasses. “We do what we have to do… in order to find out what makes them tick…”

He paused. It was then that the doctor noticed that the frame of his sunglasses was now ruined after that red and yellow-haired teen punched him.



“Call Equine Visions. Tell 'em I need new frames,” he ordered as he tossed his sunglasses behind him. “They know what kind I like.”

The doctor began to walk away towards the front door, but then he stopped.

“Oh, and bring that quill!” he added while pointing at the item in question that was on the floor before walking out of the house for good.

Agent Stone sighed. “Y-yes, Doctor.”

He slowly picked up the quill from the floor, put it in his jacket pocket before following the doctor.

Author's Note:

Whew, there was so much action in this chapter! The girls may be out of danger, but they're not yet out of the woods! :twilightoops:

Not a lot of note/references this time, but I still got a few:

Pinkie commenting about black licorice fruit cake being nasty and ugly was a reference to MLP: Season 9 premiere when Mr. and Mrs. Cake baked a black licorice fruit cake while being hypnotized by Sombra.

The tune Dr. Robotnik was whistling to summon his drones in the movie was Ride Of The Valkyries in case you were all wondering.

"Hasbro" that Pinkie Pie was referring to was the company who distributed MLP. Duh!

"Equine Visions" Robotnik mentioned was not only this world's equivalent to Optical Illusions, but it was also a play on words to an actual term for horses, which is among the largest vision of any land mammal. According to Wikipedia, the horses' range of vision was about 350°, with approximately 65° of this being binocular vision and the remaining 285° monocular vision.

Stay tuned for the next chapter next week! :twilightsmile:

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