• Published 10th Oct 2020
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Equestria Girls: Sonic the Hedgehog - sonicfan05

After the two groups meet up due to circumstances, Sonic and the Equestria Girls must team up to defeat an evil genius, who wants to use his power for world domination, while on the run from the government lead by a special agent.

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Volume III - Chapter 10: The Final Boss Battle

"Okay, can someone tell me what's going on here!?" Princess Twilight shouted after Tempest placed her down on the ground. She then surveyed the group in front of her, realizing who was missing from the group. "And where is Rainbow Dash?"

Sunset cleared her throat. "Oh, well…"

Before Sunset could answer, they all heard a loud "whoosh" behind them. The gang turned around just in time to see a giant ring opening up in front of the school’s entrance. Everyone stood in shocked silence as they watched whatever it was coming out of the portal.

Suddenly, something shot out of the portal and then roughly landed near the front entrance of the school. To their shock, the one who was shot out of the portal was Rainbow Dash and Sonic. Rainbow Dash rolled onto her back, gritting her teeth in pain as she lost her wings and pony ears in the process, while Sonic landed on his stomach a few feet away from Rainbow Dash.

"Rainbow Dash!" Sunset cried as she and the others ran over toward Rainbow Dash to help their friend. "Are you okay!?"

"I'm fine!" Rainbow Dash assured, ignoring her pain as she turned to where the hedgehog landed in concern. "But Sonic’s been hit!"

The girls faced where Sonic landed and their eyes widened in horror when they spotted his body just lying on the ground unmoving with a huge wound on his back.

“Sonic!” Sunset screamed as she was about to run over to him.

“Don’t move!”

Everyone looked up in shock to see Grubber with his robot palm aimed toward them with a smug look. Not only he has survived, but his robot is now almost good as new as if the damage caused by Tempest never happened.

“What! How!?” Tempest demanded with wide eyes. “We just destroyed your machine!”

Grubber chuckled menacingly. “I seemed to have neglected to mention another one of the gems’ abilities. Specifically the yellow one!”

As he said it, his robot chest, which had a huge scratch, glowed up in yellow. And in a few seconds, the scratch disappeared, shocking everyone who witnessed it. Grubber smirked at their shocked expressions.

“Not only I can detect all life force, but it can also self-repair too!”

“Oh, you have got to be kidding me!” Scootaloo remarked.

“Face it, Tempest, I’m invincible! You girls can’t beat me!” Grubber gloated before he let out an evil laugh.

Everyone stood there with worried expressions, feeling frustrated and useless with the situation.

“This is bad!” said Twilight. “No matter what we throw at him, he’ll just come right back!”

“So what are we going to do, Twilight!” Rainbow Dash inquired desperately.

Twilight looked down with a hopeless expression. “...I don’t know.”

“What about you, Tempest!” asked Sunset. “Do you have any more tricks up your sleeves?”

Tempest shook her head with a somber expression. “I’m afraid I don’t. I used what’s left of my gadgets and my arm is severely damaged after fighting that thing the first time!”

Rainbow frowned in frustration. “So there’s nothing we can do?”

Everyone had looks of uncertainty while Scootaloo let out a loud huff. “Man, can this get any worse?”

Suddenly they heard something from behind them, which caused Fluttershy to turn around and gasped.

"Um… girls?" She whimpered nervously, pointing in the direction in front of her.

Everyone followed their friend’s pointed finger and their expressions changed to a look of horror.

Slowly emerging from the portal was the front of a familiar flying hovercraft. Little by little the ship came out of the portal until it fully appeared right in front of them. Once again, the cockpit opened, revealing a certain doctor with a huge mustache and an evil smirk on his face.

“Robotnik!?” Everyone screamed.

Apple Bloom gave her friend a side glare. “Oh, you just had to ask that, Scoots?”

Scootaloo had a nervous, sheepish expression in response.

"Did you miss me?" Robotnik announced.

He blinked as soon as he saw a pair of Twilights among the group. He even removed his flight goggles to see if his eyes were playing tricks on him.

"Do my eyes deceive me, or are there two of my cousins?" He asked himself loudly.

The human Twilight winced at that while the pony Twilight turned to her doppelganger in confusion.


"Don't pay him any mind, Princess Twilight!" Sunset interjected, not leaving her eyes off Robotnik.

Human Twilight nodded with a glare. "Yeah, I refuse to accept him as my cousin!"

"Aw… you wound me so, Twily!" Robotnik mocked, grasping his heart playfully. He then frowned as he addressed Grubber. “I see that you're having trouble with these girls despite the update, eh, Grubber?”

Grubber winced at his boss's cold tone. “B-boss, I… I was just going to finish them off, but–”

“Save it!” Robotnik spat. "We'll discuss later! Just take care of those brats, while I’ll deal with the hedgehog!”

Grubber gulped. "Y-yes boss!"

He was about to approach the girls, but Tempest stood in front of him.

"Over my dead body, Grubber!" Tempest challenged, pointing her laser pistol at him.

Grubber scoffed. "Big talk coming from an agent with a weak weapon and no gadgets!"

Undeterred, Tempest cocked her weapon. "You and I both know… that I've been through worse situations!"

As the two of them were having a standoff, Robotnik hovered his hovercraft over to Sonic's lying form.

"I gotta say… you're an astonishing little creature. It'll be fun to take you back to the lab for a litany of invasive exploratory procedures." He peered over at the fallen hedgehog with maniac glee. "Any last words?"

"Guac… I like that word…" Sonic groaned weakly before passing out.

Sunset and the others watched helplessly as Robotnik chuckled over Sonic’s weak response. Sunset wanted to go over to save Sonic, but with Grubber watching them and Robotnik just seconds away to finish him off, she doesn't know how. She desperately looked around her, her mind racing for ideas to stop the evil doctor. Sunset then spotted Sonic’s bag of rings, which was on the ground at her feet. With a sudden idea, she took a glance at Grubber and Tempest. After knowing for sure that Grubber was distracted, Sunset quickly made her move.

Meanwhile, Robotnik was staring at his screen, targeting Sonic. He waited until the target mark was locked completely on the hedgehog, ready to fire.

"I don't have to tell you how many scientific breakthroughs have been made possible by animal testing," Robotnik said matter-of-factly, reaching over the fire button with his thumb. "You're being very selfish."

Unbeknownst to Robotnik, the portal opened behind him, revealing Sunset with a determined frown. Before anyone noticed her, Sunset quickly leaped into the portal and landed on the back of Robotnik’s ship. As the portal closed behind her, Sunset quickly and quietly climbed to the side of Robotnik’s cockpit. When she saw Robotnik's thumb hovering over the button, Sunset began to attack.

"Heads up, Egghead!" Sunset yelled.

Robotnik quickly spun around. "What the–"

Whatever Robotnik was about to say, Sunset slugged him right across the face, knocking him away from the controls and his goggles flew off of his head.

The gang gasped loudly in concern for their friend, while Rainbow Dash and Pinkie Pie cheered for Sunset’s daring move.

"Ha Ha! Give him what for, Sunset!"

"Yeah, kick his butt, Sunny!"

“What is that kid, doing!?” Tempest exclaimed in frustration and worry. "She’s going to get herself killed!"

For Grubber, he was furious that one of the girls slipped past him and was now fighting the doctor. As much as he wanted to blast her with his weapon, he didn’t want to risk hurting his boss. He did nothing but watched the battle, dreading what the doctor will do to him after dealing with the girl.

As Robotnik fumbled in his ship, Sunset quickly entered the cockpit and then followed up with an uppercut punch, right under Robotnik’s chin. While Sunset isn’t as strong as Applejack or as fast as Rainbow Dash, she certainly knows how to fight. Before Robotnik could recover, Sunset punched him in the face again with her left fist, and then the right.

Before she could strike him again, Robotnik caught Sunset’s hand, and then he struck her in her stomach. As Sunset hunched over in pain, Robotknik quickly grabbed Sunset from under her arms, trapping her in place. He then sneered right in front of her face.

“You’ve been a thorn in my side for the last time, Shimmer!” He spat with wild eyes. “Once I’ll deal with the hedgehog, I’ll find your little horsey-land, burn it to the ground, and make it into my secondary laboratory! Maybe turn it into my very own amusement park just for fun! And I’ll even destroy your friends while I force you to watch before turning you into my lab rat! How’s that sound?”

Sunset was angry enough with this man already after everything he’d done, but hearing what he was going to do with her home world and her friends made her furious. In her blind rage, Sunset tried to struggle out of his grasp, but Robotnik held her tightly. With no other options, Sunset took a deep breath, and then she quickly lifted her knee and struck Robotnik as hard as she could.

Right where the sun doesn’t shine.

Ow-iiiiiiieeeeeee!” Robotnik exclaimed loudly, instantly letting Sunset go and then clenching where Sunset had struck him. “That was a low blow!

Seeing Robotnik stunned by her kick, Sunset took the opportunity to punch him square in the face again, causing one side of his face to bruise. In frustration and anger, Robotnik quickly grabbed Sunset by her jacket and brought her to his face.

“You insignificant brat!” He roared. “Just who the heck you think you are!?

Sunset quickly shoved his arms away and punched his face again, causing him to lean back in pain. She then quickly grabbed him and threw him over to the other side of the cockpit, holding him in place.

With a snarl, Sunset leaned closer to Robotnik’s ear. “I’m the Equestrian Girl you son of a–"

She didn’t even get a chance to finish as Robotnik elbowed her in the face, knocking her back. Robotnik then quickly grabbed his control stick and pulled it, causing the hovercraft to tip over. Sunset wasn’t quick enough to hold on to something as she fumbled out of the cockpit and then fell on the hard ground, landing roughly on her right side.

“Sunset!” The girls screamed as they ran over to her.

Robotnik quickly placed his flight goggles back on his head and adjusted himself back to his seat. "Autopilot, adjust!"

Sunset was groaning in pain from her right side as her friends, the CMCs, and Tempest ran to her side.

“Are you alright, Sunset?" Twilight asked in concern as she gently helped Sunset up.

“Yeah… yeah, I'm okay!” Sunset assured, gritting her teeth from the pain. “I’ve had worse injuries.”

"What you did was reckless, Sunset Shimmer!" Tempest scolded with a frown. "You can't just jump in and attack him without help!"

"Well, I'm not just going to stand by and let that guy hurt Sonic!" Sunset argued.

She tried to go over to Robotnik, but the intense pain from her side prevented her from moving.

Seeing her friend in pain, Rainbow Dash chimed in. "Don't worry, Sunset. I'll get him!"

Before Rainbow Dash could do anything, however, they heard Grubber's voice again.

"I don't think so!" Grubber snarled, getting their attention. "Don't even try to play hero, girls! Or else your princess friend here gets it!"

To demonstrate his point, Grubber held up his robot arm, revealing that he held a trapped Princess Twilight around his robot fist.

"Princess Twilight!" The girls shouted in concern and fear.

"That rat!" Tempest growled. "He must’ve grabbed her while we ran after Sunset just now!"

"Girls! I'll be fine!" Princess Twilight assured as she struggled from Grubber's grasp. "Don't worry about me! Just stop these guys!"

"Quiet, Princess!" Grubber yelled, squeezing the princess tightly which caused her to scream in pain.

"No! Stop!" Sunset begged. "Don't hurt her!"

Grubber stopped squeezing the princess but still glared down at Sunset. "I'm not messing around! Try anything to the doctor again, or else I'll pop her like a balloon!"

"You cowering scoundrel!" Rarity spat. "Using our friend as a bargaining shield!"

"Well toots, as they say: desperate times call for desperate measures! Gotta keep you, kids, from doing anything rash, especially for the safety of your friend!" Grubber's eyes narrowed. "And don’t even think about using those portals again! If you do…" His robot hand gripped Princess Twilight tightly. "I'll know!"

"How about you drop her and face us, you coward!" Rainbow Dash retorted.

"Take it easy, Rainbow!" Applejack spoke up. "We can't provoke him!"

Pinkie nodded with a fearful expression. "Yeah! If we do that, he'll pop her like a balloon! And that's the one balloon we don’t want to pop!"

"What do we do?" Fluttershy whimpered.

Sunset scowled, unsure what to do to save both Princess Twilight and Sonic.

“I don’t get you, Miss Shimmer!”

Everyone turned towards Robotnik who had a look of confusion and disbelief on his face.

"Why? Why would you throw your life away for this… thing? That's why I don't have friends. Next thing you know, you're somebody's best man, they want to have the wedding out of town... like nobody has anything better to do!”

“As anyone would ever invite you to a wedding, let alone as their best man!” Rainbow remarked, but Robotnik ignored her.

“Anyway, where were we?” Robotnik pondered loudly before glaring threateningly at the group. “Oh, yes… you were all about to die!"

Everyone tensed in fright as Robotnik was about to hover over them…

…only to stop in his place when a bullet suddenly hits on the side of his cockpit.

Everyone looked over to where the bullet was coming from and was surprised to see Shining Armor standing from the sidelines with his gun pointing at Robotnik and pure rage in his eyes.

“Leave. My sister. ALONE!” Shining growled.

“Shiny!” Twilight exclaimed with relief.

“And her friends too!” Cadence joined in as soon as she appeared and stood by Shining Armor’s side.

“Cadance!” Rarity cried.

“And you will pay for capturing and threatening our students!” Luna added as soon as she joined Cadance and Shining and pointed her weapon at Robotnik.

“Luna!” Tempest called.

"You mess with our fellow Wondercolts and friends, you mess with all of us!"

They all turned towards the school, and to everyone’s surprise, all the students and faculty who were trapped in the school were now standing outside from the sidelines along with Flash Sentry in the lead of the group.

"Flash! And everyone!" Sunset exclaimed.

“And don’t forget about our blue devil!” Lyra ran out from the sidelines and held a chainsaw that she stole from the school’s shed. “Who as everyone can clearly see, that this creature is indeed real and it was not at all made up by me!"

As everyone stared at Lyra awkwardly, Bon Bon casually walked over to her friend and gently pushed Lyra’s arms down.

"Lyra… put that thing away."

"But I was going to use it against that mustached jerk!" Lyra whined indignantly.

Bon Bon glared at her. "No Lyra! You'll only end up hurting yourself!"

Lyra grumbled in annoyance as she dropped her weapon and crossed her arms into a pout.

Rainbow Dash looked back at Robotnik with a triumphant smirk. "Ha! Face it, Ro-butt-nik! You're outnumbered!"


The gang turned to the sound of Fluttershy’s heartbroken tone. Before they could ask what was wrong, she pointed to Sonic’s lying form. As they stared at the blue hedgehog, they realized in horror that he stopped breathing and was as still as a doorknob.

"Sonic?" Sunset called, hoping that her eyes were playing tricks on her. Unfortunately, Sonic didn't respond, causing Sunset to feel a pit of despair in her stomach.

"No…" Sunset whispered, her eyes welling up in unshed tears.

"It can't be…" Twilight added, tearing up as well.

One by one, the girls have tears in their eyes and looks of pure sadness. The CMCs and Diamond Tiara began to cry over their fallen friend, Pinkie Pie’s curly hair became flat and Spike whimpered sadly in Twilight’s arm. Even Rainbow Dash couldn’t keep her tears at bay as she felt her heart was torn into two. It was as if she has just lost her uncle all over again. She refused to believe that Sonic is gone.

They promised they’ll have a rematch.

"I don't mean to be indelicate here,” Robotnik interrupted in his nonchalant tone. “But someone should get some ice, keep the body fresh."

His words seemed to snap one of the Equestria Girls as she turned with a look of pure rage in her eyes.

"You… you monster!" Fluttershy screamed, tears pouring out of her eyes. “How dare you attacked him and then think of him like he is some piece of meat! He didn't do anything wrong!"

Many, including Robotnik, were taken aback by Fluttershy’s anger, surprised that a supposed shy person was bold enough to tell the doctor off. Before Robotnik could respond, Pinkie joined in.

"Flutter’s right!” said Pinkie, rubbing her tears away before glaring at him. “He was only trying to live! Trying to be happy! He doesn't deserve to get chased down and then taken out for no reason, you big meanie!" She shook her head. “No… meanie is too good of a word! You’re just evil!

Robotnik rolled his eyes at Pinkie’s words. "Well, technically, I'm not to blame. The government was the one who sent me to take care of that little blue pest! Not my fault that I was assigned for the job!"

"Even so, you’ve done a lot of heinous acts just to get to him as yer so-called job!” Applejack berated loudly. “You even went too far when you captured our friends and our sisters ya no-good varmint!"

“I concur!” Rarity agreed with an angry expression. "Especially to our dear Cadance and her unborn child, you evil brute!"

Robotnik shrugged. "Not my concern if they were in the way. Whatever happens to them is nothing more than collateral damage."

"Collateral damage!?" Rainbow Dash roared in rage, waving her fist at him. "How about I'll do some collateral damage to your face!"

"Rainbow Dash!" Applejack warned.

"I don't give a darn, AJ!” Rainbow Dash screamed. “This man took my uncle away from me, and now he has taken away the most awesome guy I’ve ever met! Heck, his personality almost reminded me of my uncle… that it hurts whenever he called me by that nickname.”

Rainbow clenched her eyes tightly, but her tears still leaked out down her cheeks. “My only regret… is that I wished I’d gotten along with him sooner!”

The Equestria Girls watched their loyal friend in sorrow and sympathy. Most of the girls had no idea about Rainbow’s uncle and that Sonic reminded her of him. While Fluttershy knew some things about Rainbow’s uncle, she never knew that her missing uncle would affect her that much, especially involving Sonic. Her heart was hurting for her best friend.


"He's just a silly little alien!” Robotnik sneered as if the girls' words were ridiculous. “He didn't belong here!"

"You're wrong!" Twilight shouted in an angry voice. "He does belong here! And him being an alien didn’t change our opinions about him!”

Ignoring her pain, Sunset slowly stood back up while glaring at Robotnik. "And that little 'alien'... knew more about being human, than you ever will!"

Robotnik scoffed at Sunset’s words, but Sunset kept going.

"His name was Sonic! This was his home... and he was our friend!"

Sunset paused.

"And also… my best friend!"

All of a sudden, as if Sonic heard those words, his eyes flew open and the iris within his eyes glowed blue. Next, his entire body was engulfed in blue lightning and bright light, nearly blinding everyone. Even the ground that was sounding his body was engulfed in blue electricity. They all stood silently, trying to make out what was happening with Sonic with all that electricity. Eventually, the light died down, and to the girls' shock and happiness, they saw Sonic now standing up, all of his wounds had disappeared and blue sparks flew off of his body, and his eyes glowing blue.

“Oh my Faust!” Tempest stammered, couldn't believe what she was seeing.

"He's alive!" Scootaloo cheered. "Sonic is alive!"

The gang was instantly relieved by this, even Pinkie’s hair became curly again.

"Oh, thank goodness!" Sunset smiled, wiping away her tears.

Applejack turned to Rainbow Dash, who still had tears in her eyes.

"Ah didn't think you cared about dat guy, Rainbow Dash."

Rainbow Dash sniffed, rubbing her eyes hastily before glaring at her friend. "Yeah… I do! Got a problem with that?"

Applejack's expression softened. "Not at all, sugarcube."

"That's… that's impossible!"

Everyone turned towards Robotnik who had a look of utter disbelief.

"How!? How can you possibly survive!?"

"How?" Sonic looked up at Robotnik with a smirk. "Because it was the power of friendship!"

"...I think I just puked in my mouth!" Robotnik gagged.

"Unbelievable!" Grubber remarked with a frown. "This hedgehog is more stubborn than a cockroach!"

Princess Twilight, who was watching from within Grubber's grasp, was fascinated with Sonic's display of power despite her current predicament. "Remarkable…"

"Hey, shorty!"

Grubber looked down at Sonic who now bore a serious expression.

"Let the princess go!"

"I don't think so, hedgehog!" said Grubber. He raised Princess Twilight again, lightly squeezing her. "One move, or it's 'crushing time' for the little princess!"

Unperturbed by Grubber's threat, Sonic smirked confidently. "Yeah… if you could do that before I grab her!"

Grubber looked nervous for a brief moment before giving Sonic his challenging look. "Well, why don't you give it a try, rodent!"

"Gladly!" Sonic proclaimed.

"Sonic, wait!" Sunset exclaimed, but it was too late as Sonic zoomed towards Grubber with his super speed. As she processed this, Sunset felt another rush of “wind” rush past her.

"Ha! Too slow, hedgehog!" Grubber declared.

He was about to squeeze the life out of Princess Twilight when suddenly, something appeared right in front of his face.


"What the!?" Grubber startled.

In front of Grubber was none other than Rainbow Dash, who was looking directly at his face with a cheeky grin.

"He's not the only one who is fast!" Rainbow remarked with a toothy grin.

Grubber swore internally. He was so focused on Sonic, he had completely forgotten about the rainbow-haired girl who somehow still has her super-speed. This would explain why his robot wasn't accessing her ability earlier.

Before he could do anything, Rainbow Dash thwacked his forehead with her finger, and then she taunted him by stretching her face and sticking her tongue at him.

This causes Grubber to get angry and tries to lunge at her, but Rainbow Dash quickly disappeared.

Only to appear in front of his face again and wiggled her tongue around tauntingly.

With an infuriated growl, Grubber tried to grab her multiple times, but Rainbow Dash keeps on disappearing and reappearing with each failed attempt.

"Stop that!” Grubber shouted as he struggled to catch Rainbow Dash. “Cut that out!"

“Hey! Pay attention to the hedgehog, you nincompoop!” Robotnik yelled.

Grubber’s eyes widened in realization. This was all just a ruse to get him distracted from the hedgehog. By the time he spotted him, he was already too late as Sonic curled up into a ball and then broke into the side of the robot’s chest.

Only to come out from the other side a second later with all the stolen geodes he had taken from the girls.

"I'll be taking these!" Sonic announced loudly.

"No! My geodes!" Grubber cried.

As Grubber was too busy despairing over the loss of the geodes, Rainbow Dash quickly rushed over to one of the robot’s fists and used all of her strength to get the hand open, freeing Princess Twilight.

"And I'll be taking my friend!" Rainbow Dash remarked after freeing Princess Twilight.

In the process, Twilight fell from the robot’s hand, straight toward the ground. Luckily, Rainbow tapped into her powers, causing her wings and ponytail to appear, and dove down after the Princess. As soon as she caught the Princess, Rainbow Dash used her wings to slowly descended, landing safely on the ground.

"Whew! Thanks, Rainbow Dash!" Princess Twilight said gratefully.

"Don’t thank me! Sonic did most of the work!" Rainbow Dash winked before she used her super-speed to get back to the group away from Grubber.

Robotnik, who was watching the whole thing, facepalmed with a long sigh. "You just can't get good help anymore!"

Rainbow Dash appeared before her friends, gently placing Princess Twilight down in front of them. Sonic then appeared before the group, holding all the geodes he took back from Grubber.

“I believe these belonged to you ladies!” Sonic smiled before handing them over to the Equestria Girls.

"Sonic! You got our geodes back!" Twilight exclaimed with a smile.

“I only helped,” Sonic insisted before looking at Rainbow Dash. “She’s the real hero!”

Rainbow Dash blushed from the compliment and looked away. “It… it was nothing!”

"Now we can strike back!" Rarity declared.

"Alright, girls! Let's pony up!" Sunset announced.

Rainbow Dash groaned loudly. "Agh! I thought we agreed that we call them, rainbow las–"

"Now's not the time, Rainbow Dash!" Sunset stated sternly, leaving no room for argument.

Pinkie Pie shrugged. "Face it Dashie, 'Pony Up' sounds a lot more catchy!"

Rainbow Dash opened her mouth to argue. "But–"

"Light em' up, ladies!" Pinkie Pie shouted before she and her friends started glowing.

As soon as Pinkie Pie announced those words, the girls grasped each other’s hands, causing their geodes to glow. Then, a cutie mark appeared on each of the girls’ right side of their cheeks, representing their personalities and abilities. Their entire bodies then glowed into a bright light and then reappeared into their transferred states.

Aside from now having longer hair, pony ears, and wings, each of the girls was wearing new outfits for battle. For Applejack, she still has her cowboy hat and boots but was now wearing a blue denim shirt and red skirt. Fluttershy wore a flowery purple and green dress with pink slippers, and a blue butterfly hairpin, and her hair was made into a braid. Pinkie Pie was now wearing a puffy blue and pink mini dress with blue ribbons and blue high heels. Rarity was dressed in a sparkling blue and purple dress, long blue gloves, golden shoes, and a golden crown. Rainbow Dash was wearing a long blue and red dress with long dark blue pants and a long rainbowed sports wristband and shoes with wings. Aside from her glasses, Twilight wore a sparkling blue and purple dress with purple pants, long blue shoes, a purple wristband, and a purple crown. And lastly, Sunset wore a flaming red dress with light red pants, yellow and black flaming boots, a black sleeve band, and a black headband with spikes.

“Ooooh, nice threads!” Sonic complimented.

Pinkie grinned. “Thanks! This happens a lot!”

“How should we y’all handle this?” Applejack asked, pointing at Robotnik. “We also need to take care of him!

Robotnik scowled at them from his hovercraft.

Sonic’s expression became serious and determined. “Would anyone minded that I’ll take care of Eggman?”

"He's all yours!" said Sunset. “We’ll take care of Grubber!”

Sonic nodded and made his way over to Robotnik.

Twilight then handed Spike over to her counterpart. "Please look after him."

Princess Twilight beamed, hugging Spike affectionately. "Don't worry, I'll protect him with my life!"

"Please be careful!" Spike pleaded with a worried expression.

Sensing a fight was about to happen, Tempest spoke up to the crowd. "Get back, everyone!" She turned to CMCs, Diamond Tiara, and Princess Twilight. “You girls, come with me!”

Reluctantly, they quickly followed Tempest, getting Grubber's attention.

“Hey, you’re not going anywhere!"

He was about to use his robot gun at the fleeing group, but his gun was blasted away from Pinkie’s magical exploding candies.

“Sorry! You’ll have to go through us first!" Sunset retorted.

The Equestria Girls floated over to Grubber, glaring daggers at him. This caused Grubber to laugh nervously, sweat dripping from the sides of his head.

"Uh, hehehehe… let's not get hasty girls!"

"Grubber," Twilight boomed, pointing at Grubber. "You were misusing and abusing our magic you didn't understand, including threatening and harming others!"

"And now, you shall pay for your evil deeds!” Sunset added with a frown. “And may our power of friendship have mercy on your soul!”

Grubber gulped.

Meanwhile, Sonic stood in front of Robotnik, glaring up at him as blue electricity sparks danced around his body.

"Eggman!" Sonic declared, eyes glowing blue again. "I think you have something that belongs to me!"

With a clench of his fist, lightning struck him, and then electricity shot across his body and attached his quill to Robotnik’s machine. An alarm blared loudly as the energy began to drain from Robotnik’s machine at a rapid pace. Robotnik desperately tried to salvage the situation, but all the power that was in the quill was instantly gone and was transferred over to Sonic.

With the rest of his power now in his possession, Sonic glared at Robotnik again with glowing blue eyes. Long ago, he ran away from people like Eggman because of Longclaw’s order and to protect himself while not getting anyone involved hurt. But after spending time with those girls and remembering Rainbow Dash’s advice the other night, he has made a decision on what to do with his “curse”.

"This is my power!” Sonic declared. “And I'm not using it to run away anymore. I'm using it to protect… my… friends!"

“Yeah! You tell him, Sonic!” Rainbow cheered.

Gritting his teeth, Robotnik slowly lowered his glasses, and slightly urged the blue hedgehog to “bring it on”.

With a push of a button, Robotnik activated multiple rockets out of his hovercraft, aiming at Sonic. Multiple red scanning lasers then turned on and they all landed on Sonic’s body, targeting and locking on to him. Unfazed by all of Robotnik’s lasers, Sonic calmly brought himself into a starting position, leaning his body forwards and placing his two outstretched fists in front of him while squaring his shoulders. He then kneeled one of his knees back a bit on the ground while keeping his other knee up forward.

Everyone watched intensely from the sidelines with silent anticipation, with the Equestria Girls facing off with Grubber and Sonic facing off with Robotnik. Two groups stared down intensely, waiting for the other to make their first move. Grubber put on a poker face, but he was sweating profusely as his thumb hovered over a fire button from his controls. Meanwhile, Robotnik was gritting his teeth, but he felt confident in taking out the hedgehog. His screen showed that he was locked on to his target, and his finger was floating over the fire button, waiting for the right move.

After a minute of staring down between the two groups for what felt like hours, both Robotnik and Grubber made their first move.

They both pushed the fire button on their machine with Robotnik launching multiple rockets at Sonic and Grubber shooting scattered lasers at the girls. But both Sonic and the girls dodged easily before any of their weapons could hit them.

Sonic ran forward towards Robotnik at high speed, dodging all the rockets with ease. When he was close enough, Sonic jumped towards a school sign, landing and sliding on it briefly with his feet, and launched himself towards Robotnik. This resulted in him curling up into a ball and hitting the side of the cockpit of Robotnik’s hovercraft. Sonic headed towards one of the trees, and then he bounced himself back towards the hovercraft and hit it again. He flew towards a nearby car, and then he ricocheted back to Robotnik and hit him again.

Sonic repeated this pattern again and again. His speed increased at each strike toward Robotnik’s ship, not giving the doctor a chance to fight back. He hit Robotnik’s ship so many times so fast to the point that it almost looked like a light show due to the electricity off of Sonic’s body. Robotnik tried to keep himself together from the hedgehog's attack, but Sonic was too much for him to handle.

Meanwhile, the Equestria Girls counterattack against Grubber after dodging his lasers. Rainbow Dash rushed towards the Grubber’s robot and ran around over and over until a rainbow tornado appeared, trapping him. Before Grubber could do anything, Twilight lifted him up using her telekinesis and lifted him in the air. When Grubber was high enough, Applejack swooped down from above him and slammed him toward the ground.

Grubber landed roughly on the ground, but he quickly got himself back up and shoot those three girls with his laser gun again. Before any of the lasers hit Twilight, Rainbow Dash, and Applejack, Rarity quickly stood in front of them and used her diamond shield to protect themselves. She then used another diamond shield for Pinkie to ride herself toward Grubber like a hovercraft. As soon as Pinkie was close to Grubber, she threw dozens of candies from out of nowhere and hit Grubber’s robot, which immediately exploded afterward.

With an angry growl, Grubber aimed his weapon at Pinkie Pie, only for Fluttershy to float right in front of him with her signature "stare". Grubber observed Fluttershy for a moment before he let out a chuckle.

"What girlie? You think you could stop me with that little stare of yours?" He mocked.

"No, but this will!" Fluttershy retorted before she let out a loud whistle with her fingers.

Within seconds, many various animals appeared behind Fluttershy, glaring and growling at Grubber menacingly. From what Grubber and everyone could see, these animals, big and small, came from either the woods or from the town's zoo that Fluttershy befriended.

Including a lion, a tiger, and a bear.

"...oh my!" Grubber uttered.

Fluttershy's eyes narrowed. "Animals, unite!"

The animals immediately pounced at the evil man.

The big and medium-sized animals tackled and attacked the body and legs of the robot, while the smaller and winged ones simply climbed and flew their way up to the cockpit and attacked him to the face. Grubber struggled and waved his hands wildly, trying to protect himself from any animals attacking him.

"Stop, stop!" Grubber screamed. "Get off of me!"

While he was distracted, Sunset jumped towards Grubber and then she performed a sidekick right on the side of Grubber's head. As Grubber was dazed by Sunset’s attack, Rainbow Dash appeared and kicked him on the other side of the head. On top of that, Twilight threw a car from behind Grubber and hit the robot's back, followed by an uppercut from Applejack. For good measure, Pinkie and Rarity shot him in the chest with diamond spears and exploding candies respectively.

After getting hit so many times, Grubber has reached his limit.

"Enough!" He roared.

He activated an energy shield from his robot, pushing everyone, including the animals away from him. The girls groaned from the ground as Grubber sneered down at them.

“You pony-powered girls have tested my patience long enough! Time to end this!”

Grubber pressed a huge red button on his controls, which caused a huge cannon gun to pop out from the robot’s chest.

"Your fancy weapon won't hit us!" Sunset yelled. "We can easily avoid that!"

Her friends nodded in unison.

As his weapon was charging, Grubber chuckled darkly. "Oh, I'm not going to use it on you… I'm going to use it on them!"

Grubber quickly turned around, facing the school where the students and faculty were standing.

Sunset’s eyes widened. "No!"

Sunset and the girls rushed over toward Grubber to stop him, but it was too late as Grubber’s weapon was now fully charged.

"Bye-bye!" Grubber laughed evilly as he pressed the fire button.

At first, the cannon was about to fire as the cannon itself glowed brightly. But within seconds later, the cannon just stopped working and the light died down rendering the weapon useless.

This caused everyone to stare at the weapon in confusion. But in Grubber's case, in total disbelief.

"W-what the heck!" Grubber shouted, banging on his controls. "What happened, why did the cannon stop working?"

"I wonder!"

Grubber and everyone else looked at Tempest as she began to speak.

"As I held on to you for my dear life during our struggle, I accidentally took something from the controls as I placed my bomb from earlier," Tempest spoke casually as she took out something from her pocket.

The item she had looked like it was some sort of a fuse bulb, assuming it was a part of the robot.

Tempest smirked. "I didn't think much of it, so I put it in my pocket for safekeeping. I hope it's not too important!"

Grubber's eyes widened in shock and then gritted his teeth in anger. "You… witch! You'll pay for–"

Suddenly, shadows cast over him, stopping his monologue. With a gulp, Grubber nervously turned his head around to see the Equestria Girls crossing their arms with unamused faces.

"Ehehe… it was a joke!" He squeaked. "A harmless joke! I‐I would never actually hurt your fellow students and teachers!"

The Equestria Girls narrowed their eyes, clearly not buying his words.

Grubber gulped. "Um… mercy?"

The Equestria Girls looked at each other.

"Rainbow lasers?" Sunset suggested.

Rainbow Dash grinned. "Rainbow lasers!"

The girls nodded and Grubber was shaking in fear.

One by one, the girls summoned their magic and transferred them over to Sunset in a form of a laser beam.

Fluttershy shot her yellow beam from her right arm. Rainbow Dash shot her blue beam with her right leg. Applejack shot her orange beam with her left arm. Rarity shot her cyan beam by blowing a kiss off of her right hand. Twilight and Pinkie Pie shot their purple and pink beams with both of their hands.

Sunset absorbed her friends’ beams to the point that her eyes glowed pure white. With a smirk, Sunset opened both her palms toward Grubber and launched a powerful white beam at him.

“No, No!” Grubber shouted, trying to shield himself.

Unfortunately for him, it was all for naught as Sunset’s white beam easily overpowered and engulfed him in the light.


His scream echoed as the beam consumed him and his giant robot completely evaporated into the light. The bright beam of light caused everyone to go blind for a moment until the light died down. All that was left where Grubber was standing was a huge pile of metal debris belonging to that once giant robot that Grubber was on.

Rainbow Dash let out a huge toothy grin. "We did it! We won!"

The Equestria Girls let out a loud cheer but were interrupted by Sunset.

“Don’t celebrate yet, girls! We still have one rotten egg to take care of!”

“I don’t think it was necessary, Sunset!” said Twilight, pointing towards the direction behind Sunset.

Sunset turned around and was surprised that not only Sonic was holding on his own against Robotnik, but he was also super fast at a literal speed of light. And each of Sonic’s strikes on Robotnik’s flying craft is becoming more like scrap metal by the second.

“Whoa! Sonic is kicking butt!” Rainbow Dash shouted excitedly.

"Go Sonic!" Pinkie Pie cheered.

Sonic continued to bounce on Robotnik’s ship like a game of pinball, damaging more of Robotnik’s ship. Robotnik helplessly flung around within his own ship at every strike, unable to defend his ship. Sonic eventually stopped hitting him and landed on the ground several feet from Robotnik’s ship. Recovered from all the hits, Robotnik glared at the blue hedgehog, gritting his teeth in anger.

"Agh! Now, you've done it!" Robotnik growled.

"Guess what, Eggman?" Sonic declared, eyes glowing blue, and electricity sparked from his body. "I'm not leaving Earth... you are!" Sonic then glanced at Sunset. "Equestrian Girl?"

Sunset nodded, getting the message. She closed her eyes, picturing all the details about the mushroom planet Sonic talked about earlier at the motel. Once she has a clear picture, Sunset took out one of the rings from Sonic’s bag, pulled her arm back, and then threw the ring behind Robotnik. The ring then grew bigger into a portal, revealing an image of a mushroom planet in the center of the ring.

Without any hesitation, Sonic jumped toward Robotnik, curled himself into a ball, and gave one last hit right in front of Robotnik’s ship, critically damaging it,

As Robotnik felt being thrown backward by Sonic’s attack, he quickly glanced behind him, realizing where he was heading.

“No!” He cried.

Robotnik slammed the emergency button with his fist, activating the booster thrusters behind his ship to keep him away from the portal.

“I… refuse… to yield!” he roared, his face twisted into fury.

“Guess again, Robotnik” Sunset retorted. “Everyone, with me!”

With many nods from others, the Equestria Girls zoomed in on Robotnik and gave him an all-out attack. Applejack rapped punches with her bare hands and Rarity shot her diamond fragments at the front of Robotnik’s ship. Pinkie Pie threw an endless supply of exploding candies and Fluttershy silently commanded the birds to attack both sides of the ship. Both Sunset and Twilight shot their magic beams at Robotnik to damage the ship further and push him back toward the portal.

Robotnik struggled to push back against the attack as many alarms blared that his flying craft was in critical damage. Despite those setbacks against him, Robotnik refused to let these girls beat him, determined to overpower and then destroy them. Robotnik was so focused on the girls' attack, he failed to notice one more girl who wasn’t among the group.

“Hey, Ro-butt-nik!”

Robotnik looked up from the voice calling him just in time to see Rainbow Dash flying right toward him with her right arm far back.

“This… is for my uncle!

With a loud battle cry, Rainbow Dash delivered the final blow by punching Robotnik square in the face, damaging his flying goggles, and letting go of his controls in the process. With his last loud scream, Robotnik was seen hurdled into the world of mushrooms before the portal closed in on itself, sealing him away for good.

“See ya never!" Rainbow Dash remarked playfully with a salute.

“We did it!” Sunset cheered.

This caused her friends and everyone who was watching the battle to cheer loudly, happy to see their heroes prevail and get rid of the evil man for good.

"Yeah, that's our girls! Woo hoo!" Spike cheered, causing Shining Armor who was standing near him and Princess Twilight, to jump in surprise.

"Spike!? Did you just talk?" Shining exclaimed, before blinking. "That was weird!"

Spike gave him a deadpan look. "Seriously!? The talking dog is the weird thing about all of this!?"

"...good point," Shining conceded as he and Princess Twilight walked over to Sonic and the girls with the CMCs, Diamond Tiara, Cadence, and Tempest in tow.

The Equestria Girls landed in the center of the school grounds with Sonic joining them. Seconds later, their Equestrian magic wears off, reverting them back to normal and wearing their normal outfits again.

"You were awesome, Sonic!" Sunset praised.

Sonic grinned. "We are awesome!"

In response, Sunset raised her hand for a high-five with a smile with her friends joining in. With an excited gasp, Sonic laughed happily as he runs around in a circle at a high speed before he jumped up and gave each of the girls high-fives. After giving Sunset a high-five for last, he landed on the ground, looking at his hand fondly before he looked back up at Sunset with a huge smile with Sunset smiling in turn.

The moment between the two was interrupted when Rainbow Dash interjected.

"I gotta say, you're not too bad… Sonic," Rainbow Dash commented with a grin.

Sonic grinned back. "Thanks! You're not bad yourself… Skittles."

With fond smiles, the two of them gave each other fist bumps, sealing their friendship and respect for one another.

"Aw, you two got along!” Fluttershy cooed. “So cute!"

This caused the two of them to splutter from Fluttershy’s comment.

"W-what? No! We're not cute!" Rainbow Dash denied with a blush on her cheeks.

Sonic nodded frantically, his fur almost red in embarrassment. "Yeah! We are a couple of loose cannons just living by our own rules."

"Sure you were!" Pinkie said with a toothy sly grin.

"Look, we have our own thing, okay?" Rainbow Dash squeaked, desperately trying to end the conversation.

"And our rules include expressing our heartfelt emotion," Sonic added, wanting to end the conversation as well.

Applejack crossed her arms with a teasing look. "Uh huh… whatever ya say!"

Shaking her head amusingly, Sunset tossed the ring bag over to Sonic. "I believe these belonged to you!"

Sonic caught the bag with a grateful look. "Thanks, Equestrian Girl!"

Sunset nodded before giving Sonic a stern look. "But next time, don't push people off of buildings!"

"I concur!" Rarity added, frowning from the memory of falling to their near doom. "Give a lady a warning before you do something so drastic!"

Sonic shrugged. "Hey, you know I can't promise that."

Sunset sighed, rubbing the bridge of her nose. "You're impossible!"

"Wait, what’s this about being pushed off a building?" Shining Armor asked as soon as he and the others joined the group.

"Actually, Sonic knocked us off the roof after Robotnik dropped Cadance, CMCs, and Diamond Tiara a thousand feet from the ground," Pinkie said with a chirp, not helping the situation.

"What!?" Shining shouted with wide eyes.

"It's okay, Shining! We're okay!" Cadence assured soothingly. "Sonic managed to save us before we were flattened."

"Oh!" Shining uttered, before looking awkwardly at Sonic for the first time. "Um, thanks… for saving them, Sonic."

"It was nothing!” Sonic replied.

Shining’s eyes narrowed. “But don’t push them off the building again!”

Sonic gave him a thumbs up. “Understood, Donut Cop!"

Shining blinked. "Donut Cop?"

"Let me guess! It was because you saw him eating donuts?" Scootaloo guessed.

"Well, it makes sense since cops love to eat donuts!" Sweetie Belle added.

“Kinda standard if ya ask me!” said Apple Bloom.

"Actually, it was because I saw him by himself talking to donuts and then he eats them when they're out of line," Sonic explained, causing everyone to stare at Shining who was petrified by the statement.

"What!? Why were you talking to donuts?" Rainbow asked, trying not to laugh.

“Yeah, I would like to know too!” Cadence added with a smirk on her face.

Shining stood silently for a moment before he let out a long sigh with a resigned expression. "...I was bored one day, so I 'talk' to it to entertain myself."

This caused everyone to snicker while Rainbow Dash, Pinkie, the CMCs, and Diamond Tiara laughed hysterically at him. Even Tempest, who was trying to be stoic, couldn’t keep the smirk off of her face in amusement. Shining’s face turned red in embarrassment, mentally cursing himself and that creature for seeing him alone in the parking lot that one time.

"A-anyway!" He spoke suddenly, desperately trying to move things along. "How were you end up captured by Robotnik in the first place?"

Cadence frowned at the memory. "We ended up in Dr. Robotnik's clutches after Spoiled Rich made a foolish decision to–" Her eyes suddenly became as wide as dinner plates in realization and she let out a gasp. "Oh my gosh! Spoiled Rich! She's still back at the house!"

Spoiled Rich was not happy, to say the least.

After she opened the door in hopes to see the cops, some robot electrocuted her until she was unconscious. By the time she woke up, she was once again tied and bound to her chair and everyone was already long gone, leaving her alone in the dark of an empty cold house with no front door to her now-ruined summer home. Her body was burned, her face was covered in black soot, and her hair was all frazzled due to being electrocuted by a robot from earlier. She only stared silently at nothing with a sullen expression, listening to the clock ticking in the background.

"Note to self: make the Rainbooms and those little brats pay for all this… in detention!" Spoiled muttered in bitter anger. She then glanced at her tied hands with a long depressing sigh. "But first… I need some serious perm and a manicure!"

Diamond Tiara groaned in distress and buried her face in her hands. "Oh boy… my mom will be so mad for being left behind!" She paused. "Oh, and I hope she's alright too, I guess?"

"Knowing her, yer mom will blame us despite her being the one who led Robotnik to us!" Apple Bloom remarked, rolling her eyes.

"Don't worry,” said Tempest. “We'll have someone to go retrieve her and won't let her bring you any trouble."

Scootaloo had a huge grin on her face. "Oh sweet! No detention for us!"

"Not so fast, sugarcube!" Applejack stated sternly. "You three are still in trouble for sneaking into our bus without our knowledge."

Scootaloo crossed her arms with a pouty expression, while her friends sheepishly patted her back in comfort.

Princess Twilight approached the group with a warm smile. "Thank you all so much for saving me! I'm forever in all your debt!"

"There’s no need, Twi!" Sunset smiled. "You are our friend. Of course, we will save you!"

The Equestria Girls nodded in unison, agreeing with Sunset.

Princess Twilight then turned her attention to Sonic. "And you must be this 'Sonic' creature I heard so much from Sunset!"

Sonic blinked with a surprised expression. "Sunset told you about me?"

Princess Twilight nodded. "Yes. She said that you are a blue hedgehog who is really fast like Rainbow Dash and has a heart of gold." She then added with a warm smile. "And a good friend."

Embarrassed, yet humbled, Sonic rubbed his nose with a smile.

Princess Twilight then frowned. "Sunset also mentioned that you just wanted to find a good home since you were born and didn't want to get chased around by everyone who wanted your power."

When Sonic turned towards her for an explanation, Sunset sighed as she knelt in front of him so they were at eye level.

"I… accidentally overheard your conversation with Rainbow Dash about everything you've gone through," she confessed. "So on that night, I messaged Princess Twilight with a proposal that in case your plan to live in a mushroom world didn't work out… you can live in Equestria where everyone accepts you without worrying about people coming after you." Her eyes were then downcast. "Please don't be mad."

"No, I'm not mad at all," Sonic assured. "It was very thoughtful of you, but why didn't you tell me?"

Sunset looked away, rubbing her arm. "I… thought I lost that right to ask after… our argument."

"I told you, I forgive you!" Sonic smiled before frowning in guilt. "I haven't been very honest with you either.” He then stuck his hand up. “So, maybe we can… start over?"

Sunset smiled as she gently pushed Sonic’s hand away and brought him into a hug. "I would like that."

Sonic smiled as he leaned into her hug.

They suddenly heard a sniff. The two turned to see Princess Twilight with a few tears in her eyes. "Oh, sorry! Don't mind me! The exchange between you two is so heartwarming!"

Sunset smiled as she stood up. "Well, what can we say?" She glanced at the blue hedgehog. "He's my best friend!"

Sonic beamed at her with unshed tears.

"How sweet!" Princess Twilight said warmly before addressing Sonic again. "Anyway, how about it, Sonic? Will you accept my proposal?”

Sonic paused for a moment. The Princess’s offer sounds rather tempting. He could finally be living in a world in peace and potentially make friends who are also creatures. And best of all, he won’t have to worry about those who come after him for his power.

But then he glanced at Sunset, the girl he admired the most and she cared and accepted him for who he is. He then glanced behind towards the gang who he just spent time with and also accepted him with open arms. Longclaw once told him how risky it is to interact with others and that it was for the best to stay hidden. But now?

Sonic turned to Princess Twilight and shook his head. "Thanks, Princess. It was a generous offer… but I'm afraid I'm going to have to pass."

Princess Twilight blinked. "Oh? May I ask why?"

Sonic smiled. "While it was a tempting offer to live somewhere peaceful without any worries, but Canterlot City always felt like home to me. And besides…"

He then turned towards the gang. "I made too many friends to leave behind."

Everyone smiled at him in response. Some even shed a few tears at his words.

Princess Twilight beamed. "I see. Then I have no problem with your decision. But just know that you are always welcome to come to visit Equestria to see me and my friends at any time, especially Sunset Shimmer now that she wants to join me after her graduation!"

Sunset glanced away awkwardly as she rubbed the back of her neck. "Actually… I changed my mind."

Princess Twilight, as well as her friends, turned to Sunset in shock.

"What?" Princess Twilight uttered.

Sunset sighed through her nose before looking directly into the Princess' eyes.

“I’m sorry Princess Twilight, I took your offer because I was so uncertain of my future in this world… and I was also feeling guilty for bringing magic here at the time. Since we may go our separate ways after graduating… I thought it was for the best if I stay in Equestria forever. But now, I realized… it was because I’m scared to be alone again. I was only trying to run away from my problems like last time... but I don’t want to do that anymore.”

Her expression became resolved. "I'm still a little scared and uncertain about what the future will bring. But what I do know is that I can't see myself in the future at any place other than Canterlot City.” She then smiled. “Especially with my friends."

Princess Twilight only stared silently at the moment, making Sunset nervous. Sunset thought she had made her friend angry until the Princess gave her the warmest of smiles.

"Sunset… I'm so proud of you!" she said.

Sunset blinked, not expecting this reaction. “Y-you are?”

Princess Twilight nodded. "When we first met, you were a very different person. Not caring about friendship and wanting to be on the top due to your ambition. But now I see a girl– no… a young woman who cares for everyone and will fight for her friends. I couldn't ask for a wonderful friend like you!"

Sunset teared up before bringing the Princess into a hug. "Thank you Twilight… that means a lot to me!"

Princess Twilight hugged back. “Of course Sunset!”

"Don't forget us, Sunny!" Pinkie chirped, joining in the hug.

"You are our friend too, Sunset!" said Twilight.

One by one, all of her friends joined in the group hug, including the CMCs and Diamond Tiara too. Sonic meanwhile just stood on the side, thinking that this was between Sunset and her friends and that he shouldn’t intervene.

"Hey! Get in here, Sonic!" Rainbow Dash hollered.

Sonic blinked. “Wha–”

“Yeah! You're part of this too, silly!" Pinkie chirped before pulling him into the group hug.

As he was pressed into a hug by everyone, for the first time since Longclaw, he knew what it was like to be loved by everyone, enjoying the warmth from their bodies. He let out a hidden smile.

Heh. I'm not going to admit this, but… I could get used to this!

Suddenly, several black vans were pulling into the school from out of nowhere, startling the group out of their hugs. Seconds later, all the doors from each van slides open, with multiple G.U.N. agents running out with their weapons and gears.

"Alright! Let's move!" One shouted.

As the agents were coming their way, the group tensed.

"Oh, crud! More of them!" Rainbow Dash exclaimed.

"Stand your ground girls!" Sunset declared as she and everyone else stood ready to fight them off.

But to everyone’s surprise, the agents ran past them, as well as the students and faculty, and continued running towards the school.

Rainbow Dash blinked. “Wait… am I missing something?”

"They're not after us this time!" said Twilight with a surprised expression.

“Then who?” Fluttershy asked.

Meanwhile, from the rubble where the robot once stood, the pile began to shift. A few moments later, Grubber’s head popped out, gasping for air. As he was recovering, he heard a commotion from behind him. He turned his head around to look, only to freeze in place when he spotted many G.U.N. agents crawling all over CHS looking for him.

"Oh… boy,” Grubber gulped. “I gotta get outta here!"

Trying to be as stealthy as possible, Grubber silently climbed down the rubble and then crawled his way out of the school grounds towards one of the bushes to hide. He was just a few feet away from the bush when a pair of feet suddenly blocked his way. He looked up and his hopes to escape were dashed the moment he saw a recognizable face who was wearing a G.U.N. uniform.

"It's over, Grubber!" she said. "Your days are over!"

With a groan, Grubber slumped in defeat.

The gang looked over just in time to see Grubber taken away by G.U.N. agents. But they were very surprised to see a familiar person who was currently leading the group.

"Principal Celestia!" Sunset exclaimed in shock.

"Whoa! Nice suit!" Rainbow Dash complimented.

"I concur!" said Rarity, admiring Principal Celestia’s uniform. "The suit just screamed 'authority' and it matches your eyes!"

"Um… thanks," Principal Celestia said awkwardly.

Tempest cleared her throat. "It's about time you showed up, Celly!"

Principal Celestia grinned. "Nice to see you too, Fizzy!"

Tempest winced from that name in embarrassment and anger. "I told you to not call me that!"

"Even after you change your name, you will always be 'Fizzy' to me!" Principal Celestia smirked.

Tempest simply glared at Principal Celestia in annoyance. "...you are such a troll!"


They all turned towards the new voice just in time to see Vice Principal Luna joining the group.

“Ah, Luna!” Principal Celestia greeted. "Are there any more of those rogue G.U.N. agents who have you and the others hostage?"

“They’re still inside the school, lying on the gym’s floor… after I took care of them,” Vice Principal Luna replied casually, surprising the Equestria Girls and the middle scholars.

Principal Celestia let out a sigh. “Honestly, Lulu! Did you have to rough them all up?”

“Hey, when these guys wanted to throw their fists at me, I can’t hold back!” Vice Principal Luna shrugged. “Besides, they deserved it after threatening and hurting our students!”

Principal Celestia cocked an eyebrow. “Now I never said they didn’t deserve it.”

Rainbow Dash blinked in shock. “Wait… Vice Principal Luna took out those agents!?”

“I have a hard time believing that!” said Fluttershy with wide eyes.

“Oh, you have no idea!” Shining Armor muttered.

Noticing the students and their faculty still watching them, as well as some other random strangers in the neighborhood, Vice Principal Luna loudly clapped her hands. "Okay, everyone! Nothing to see here!" she announced. "Everybody go home! This is just another typical day here in Canterlot City!"

As everyone obeyed, Lyra had a look in disbelief. "Typical day!? You call getting kidnapped and then watching a fight between magical girls, an intergalactic space rodent, a robot with a doctorate, and another robot with some midget a Typical Day? This day is more bonkers than even our usual standard weirdness if ya ask me!"

"Don't get smart with me, young lady!” Vice Principal Luna chided. “Just head right home!"

With a grumble, Lyra began to walk towards home with her friend Bon Bon in tow. As they were walking away, Vice Principal Luna noticed something at the last minute and gave chase of the two girls.

"Hey, Lyra, give me that chainsaw! That's school property!"

Meanwhile, Grubber was led away by a couple of G.U.N. agents in handcuffs. He had a miserable look the entire way, thinking how much of a failure he is and that nothing good would ever come his way. As he was about to be loaded into one of the vans, they were stopped by Tempest.

“Hold on second boys!”

As the two agents stood by as requested, Grubber rolled his eyes with a sigh. “What do you want, Tempest? Come here to gloat?”

Tempest shook her head. “No. I just wish to talk to you.”

Grubber scuffed and looked away. “Well, forget it! I don’t want to talk to you!”

“Then you can just listen then!” Tempest stated before letting out a long sigh.

“Listen… I know my words may mean nothing to you, but I’m very sorry for how I treated you. I was never any good at socializing with others and people have used me in the past. So I thought I should just keep my distance.” Tempest's expression became downcast, feeling ashamed for her own actions. “But that’s still no excuse for treating you like a servant, rather than being equal. For all that’s worth… you’ve been an excellent partner.”

Grubber was silent for a moment in deep thought, conflicted by Tempest's words. After what felt like a minute, Grubber opened his mouth to speak.

“I… appreciate your words and your apology," he said before sighing. “But I’m afraid you’re too late. I’m far beyond a point of no return.”

“Not necessarily,” Tempest disagreed. “While you almost killed us, no one got seriously hurt. Which is why I will personally be in charge of your rehabilitation.”

Grubber blinked in surprise, couldn't believe that despite everything he’d done, Tempest was willing to help him. His surprise wears off immensely as he begins to chuckle at the absurdity.

“You think you could reform me!?” He laughed, before glaring at her with skepticism. “You think it’s so easy to forget everything that happened between us?”

“I know that we can’t forget this and that it won't be easy, but we can both learn from it and be better together!" Tempest gave Grubber her hopeful expression. "Will you accept it… and maybe be my friend for real?”

Grubber frowned, feeling conflicted by Tempest's offer. “I… don’t know. I’m still hurt by how you treated me all this time as partners.”

“I’ll bring you a sponge cake with every visit!” Tempest smirked playfully.

“...only if it's from Sweet Shoppe and I'll consider it.”

With that, Grubber stepped into the van without another word. As soon as one of the agents shut the van's door, the van took off down the road, taking Grubber back to the G.U.N.'s headquarters.

"I will make this right, Grubber," Tempest called out. "I promise."

From the other side of the school’s yard, Shining Armor was talking to one of the agents, filling in what happened during his capture. He was suddenly interrupted when his younger sister approached him with an apprehensive expression.

“Um, Shining Armor?”

Shining frowned. Just by observing the way Twilight spoke and her body expression, he knew what it was all about. While he was anticipating this since the phone call with Robotnik, he was also worried about how she will react and take this knowing that she was actually his step-sister. Knowing that he has nothing to hide anymore, he decides that Twilight deserves the truth, despite his parents’ wishes.

With a redundant sigh, Shining Armor excused himself from the agent before facing Twilight.

“So…” He began awkwardly. “What do you need, Twilight?”

Feeling anxious, Twilight breathed through her nose to calm herself before speaking. “It’s… it’s about what happened over the phone.”

Shining nodded, anticipating this.

Twilight swallowed, almost afraid to ask the most obvious question. “And about what Robotnik said…” Her eyes teared up. “Is what Robotnik said true? Am I really adopted?”

With a heavy heart, Shining closed his eyes with a heavy sigh. “Yes, Twilly… I’m afraid it’s true.”

“...how long?” Twilight sniffed, letting a few tears leak from her eyes. “How long have you known? Why didn’t you tell me? Are you ever going to tell me or are you just going to continue to lie to me for the rest of our lives!?” she half yelling and half sobbing. “Answer me!?”

Shining Armor was silent for a long time, upsetting Twilight a lot further. Before she could start yelling again, she paused when she suddenly saw tears coming out of Shining’s closed eyes.

“Twilly, I… I’m so sorry,” he choked before opening his eyes which were full of tears and remorse. “I’m sorry that you have to find out that way. I wanted to tell you so badly over the years, but mom and dad made me swear to never mention it to you, even after they’re… gone.”

With a sad sigh, Shining wiped his face with a sleeve to get rid of the tears. “But even so… that’s no excuse. I felt so awful hiding this for so long, and even more so since that phone call. I hope you can find it in my heart to forgive me.”

While Twilight was still upset with him, she felt empathy towards Shining, realizing how much it tore him apart for keeping this hidden for so long. He always took care of her, sacrificed a lot for her, and even loves her like a sister or even a daughter to him. She could never hate him for that.

While she had forgiven Shining and wanted nothing more than to hug him, there was still something she really needed to know from him.

“Did… mom and dad ever mention where I came from," Twilight asked quietly. "And… who are my real parents?”

“They never said,” Shining answered with a sigh, looking away. “All I got from them was that they wanted to get you away from some ‘awful place’ and then raise you as their own as a way to 'payback for their sins'... or so they say.”

Twilight furrowed her brows, feeling worried and confused by this revelation. “W-what were those ‘sins’?”

“...I’ve never asked,” he responded with a look of regret. “At the time… I’m ashamed to say that I was too scared to know… nor do I even want to know what they meant.”

He then gently placed both hands on each of Twilight’s shoulders, looking directly at her eyes. “But what I do know is that they didn’t raise you because they were obliged to… they raised you because they love you… and I do too.” He gave her his most tender smile. “No matter what, even if we aren’t related by blood… you will always be my baby sister… my LSBFF!”

Twilight’s eyes were filled with tears, but this time out of happiness instead of sadness. “Oh Shining… I love you too!” She then hugged him tightly. “...My BBBFF!”

With tears of his own, Shining hugged her back, refusing to let her go.

“And Shining?”


“...I forgive you.”

Shining smiled, hugging his sister tightly.

From the sidelines, the Equestria Girls watched the scene with smiles on their faces, happy to see their friend reconciled with her big brother.

Applejack let out a sigh. “Whelp, Ah’m certainly glad dat’s over!”

“Me too! I’m pooped!” said Sunset, before frowning. “It’s a shame that we never get our mini vacation as we wanted.”

“Don’t remind me, darling!” Rarity pouted. “I’m still upset that we weren’t able to go to any of those fancy stores in Manehatten for my possible dress ideas!”

“Don’t worry, Rarity," Fluttershy assured softly. "I’m sure that we can do that another time. We just need some rest.”

“Hey, I have an idea!” said Pinkie, appearing upside-down in front of Fluttershy. “How about we have a sleepover and watch some Hayflix at my house.”

"Oh, I'm down for it!" Sonic grinned, before giving Pinkie his meek expression. "Um, that is if you don't mind me joining in."

"Of course, you can join silly!" Pinkie chirped. "Only this time, you can hang out in the living room, instead of outside in front of my window every other night."

Sonic blinked in surprise. "Huh!? How did you know I was in front of the window? I was well hidden."

"Just a hunch," Pinkie responded slyly with a wink before addressing the CMCs. "And you girls can come too!"

"Oh, sweet!" Apple Bloom cheered excitedly before giving her sister her pleading expression. "Can we go too, Big Sis?"

Applejack shrugged with a grin. “Sure, why not? We could all use some relaxation after saving the world from an evil doctor.”

Fluttershy had a worried frown. “Do you think that he may come back?”

“I’m sure he won’t, Animal Girl,” Sonic reassured with a smirk. “We pretty much sent him a one-way ticket to another planet which is far from here!”

“He has a point Fluttershy,” Twilight joined in after her conversation with her brother. “Since the mushroom planet is pretty much a million lightyears away from home, chances of him coming back from that are… pretty much zero!

Fluttershy tilted her head. “So the bad doctor is trapped for good?”

“Fine by me! Then I say good riddance!” Rainbow Dash interjected, happy enough that she won't see that mega jerk ever again. She then addressed Sonic. "Hey, Sonic? You're still up for our race? We still have a score to settle after all!"

Sonic gave Rainbow Dash a challenging, but friendly smirk. "I thought you'd never ask, Skittles!"

"While Ah'm happy you two got along now, but try not to abuse our magic again, Dash!" Applejack said sternly.

"Yeah, yeah, I won't! I promise!" Rainbow Dash assured with an eye roll before smirking at her rival. "Last one back at Pinkie’s is a rotten egg! Go!"

Within seconds, Rainbow Dash used her super-speed and ran down the neighborhood.

"Hey! No fair!" Sonic cried before he used his own super-speed and chased after Rainbow Dash.

Applejack let out an exasperated sigh and shook her head. "Those two! Ah swear…"

Pinkie giggled before turning to Princess Twilight’s hand. "C'mon Princess Twilly! You're invited too!"

Princess Twilight blinked. "Wait, you're inviting me too?"

Pinkie nodded with a toothy smile. "Yeah, you're our beastie too! So will you come?"

Princess Twilight pondered for a bit and then she smiled. "Sure, why not? It's been a while!"

"Weeee!" Pinkie cheered as she took hold of Princess Twilight’s hand before she and the others walked off toward Pinkie’s house.

Before Sunset followed her friends, she noticed from the corner of her eye that Principal Celestia was privately talking to Vice Principal Luna. Remembering what she learned from Tempest, Sunset realized that she still needed answers from their whole "trip". With a determined expression, Sunset made her way over to the older woman.

Just as she saw Principal Celestia finish her conversation with her sister, Sunset quickly called out to her before she could walk off.

"Principal Celestia!"

Principal Celestia stopped in her tracks and turned towards Sunset.

“Oh, Sunset Shimmer!” Principal Celestia greeted with an apologetic expression. “I’m sorry, my hands are full at the moment. Can we talk another time?”

Sunset shook her head. “I’m afraid this can’t wait, Principal Celestia. Or should I say… Commander Celestia?”

Principal Celestia blinked in surprise. “Well, technically… it is not my official title.”

“Don’t dodge the subject!” Sunset said impatiently, narrowing her eyes. "Why? Why didn't you tell me that you were an ex-agent in G.U.N.? Let alone a former commander?" Sunset’s voice was starting to rise in anger as she continued to speak. "And couldn't you give me a heads up that Tempest is not our enemy!? You could have trusted us!"

Principal Celestia frowned in guilt. "I'm sorry, Sunset… I didn't want you girls involved. I thought it was best that the less you know the better. And you girls are burdened enough as it is with wild Equestrian Magic and a baseball field mystery." She let out a long sigh. "But I suppose that I could have informed you all better so that one’s on me."

"But that doesn't explain why you never mention that you were a former G.U.N. agent and why did you leave G.U.N. until now?" Sunset yelled. "Just what other secrets were you hiding? I'm sick of being kept in the dark by you!?"

Sunset glared furiously at Principal Celestia, breathing heavily. For a brief moment, she saw a double image between Principal Celestia and her former mentor, Princess Celestia with stunned expressions. Her anger quickly diminished when she realized what she had done, feeling incredibly guilty for letting her anger get the best of her.

"I'm… I'm so sorry!" Sunset Shimmer uttered in remorse. "I… I didn’t mean–"

"No no… that's alright, Sunset," Celestia interrupted softly, not offended by Sunset’s anger. "I understand your frustrations after everything you all went through. And me not answering your questions after finding out everything certainly didn’t help… I take that this is what your Celestia did to you before you came into this world, right?"

Sunset said nothing, but she nodded.

"...I thought so," Principal Celestia sighed before giving Sunset a soft look. "Look… I'm very sorry that I'm not giving you straight answers right now, but… I can’t answer at this time. But when the time comes… I promise that I will explain everything! You just have to trust me and be a little more patient. Can you please do that?"

Sunset was quiet for a moment, staring at Principal Celestia. Once again, she felt like she was talking to her former mentor days about being patient before she traveled through the mirror to the human world. It was a very strong sense of Déjà vu for her, only she was talking to her mentor’s human counterpart.

If she was the same Sunset Shimmer in the past, she would have easily dismissed her warnings, believing that Celestia was only making excuses to avoid the topic or wrongfully not getting what she deserved. But now, while she still thinks Principal Celestia was hiding something, Sunset realized that Principal Celesia had a very good reason for not revealing everything to her yet and giving her a chance to wait longer. As much as she despite this, Sunset didn’t want to make the same mistake she made with her former mentor, so she decided to hold off on her question and put her trust in Principal Celestia for the time being.

"Very well. I will let this one slide… for now!" Sunset sighed before she narrowed her eyes. "But you better hold on to that promise!"

“...thank you, Sunset,” Principal Celestia smiled as she turned away. “And don’t worry, I always keep my promises… even for you.”

With that Principal Celestia walked away, heading to her car.

Sunset stood silently with a frown, watching Principal Celestia leave the area. I know she said that she’ll eventually tell me everything... but just what are you hiding, Principal Celestia?

Just as she was pondering her question, someone was calling out to her.

"Hey, Sunny! We're going to my place for our slumber party!” Pinkie hollered. “You coming?"

Sunset sighed and lightly shook her head. Principal Celestia can wait for another time. For now, it was definitely time for a much-needed R&R… with my friends!

Sunset turned towards Pinkie with a smile. "Yeah, Pinkie! Be right there!"

Sunset immediately ran off to catch up with her friends, failing to notice Agent Stone, who was hiding from within the shadows watching them.

“Don’t worry doctor,” He whispered with a determined expression. “I shall follow your preparations until your return… and keep a special eye on these girls!”

Author's Note:

Whew! That was an intense and epic final battle with Sonic and the girls! I hope you all enjoyed that! :twilightsmile:

There were still lingering questions: Who were Twilight’s parents and why did they adopt her? What secrets was Principal Celestia hiding? And what was Agent Stone up to?

Perhaps we may never know... for now! :trollestia:

Alright, lots of notes/references for this chapter:

Robotnik's line, "Owie" after Sunset kicking him was actually two references to that same line from Jim Carry's two films. The first one was him after hitting his head too many times in the bathroom from the funny scene in Liar Liar.

And the second was Jim as the Grinch after he crashed with his jackhammer in Dr. Seuss' How the Grinch Stole Christmas (2000).

I just thought that line was hilarious! :rainbowlaugh:

Sonic challenging Grubber if he could crush Princess Twilight before he could get to her was a reference to the first episode of Sonic X when he challenged Eggman if he could push the detonator button before he could grab it.

Rainbow Dash taunting Grubber was a callback to MLP:FiM Season 1, Episode 22 - A Bird In The Hoof when Rainbow Dash taunted the guards around the beginning of the episode.

Sonic stealing the girls' geodes back through the robot’s chest was another reference to Sonic X when Sonic re-retrieved the emeralds back from one of Eggman's robot’s, E-18 Guerra-Hard.

Rainbow insisting on calling their transformation, "Rainbow Lasers" instead of "Pony-Up" was a callback to one of their specials, Spring Breakdown when Rainbow Dash attempted to change the name throughout the special.

I'm not sure if this was Hasbro's self-aware humor of everyone's criticism of the phrase "Pony-Up", but personally, I'm not bothered by it, even if it does sound silly.

Does any of you readers prefer "Pony-Up" or "Rainbow Lasers"? Let me know in the comments!

The Final Boss Music was actually fanmade by PeaMix, which was used for Sonic The Hedgehog: The Movie: The Game: The Animation - Final Boss Battle. If the music sounded familiar to all of you, that's because it was actually Coolio's Gangsta's Paradise, but was remade with Sega's soundfonts in a final boss tone and it was actually pretty epic. I strongly recommend checking both of these out! :coolphoto:

Fluttershy uniting the animals together was a callback to this scene was a reference to EqG shorts, Stressed in Show, which funnily enough, was a reference to a certain Marvel movie! :trixieshiftright:

Sunset's final magic beam attack against Grubber with the girls was from an epic scene from the EqG Music Video, Cheer You On.

The music that was used during Robotnik’s desperate attempt to keep himself from flung into the portal was Boss: Dr. Eggman (Episode II) from Sonic the Hedgehog 4.

"See ya never!" was actually a line used by Trixie during EqG: Rainbow Rocks before she sealed the Rainbooms away with the stage's trap door. Despite not liking that scene, I will admit that was a fun line.

Spike complaining to Shining Armor about how a talking dog was the weirdest thing throughout the climax was a callback to the scene of him complaining the same thing in the first Equestria Girls movie after the girls defeat Sunset Shimmer.

In this version, I've decided to have Sonic called Shining Armor the "Donut Cop". Not only as a callback/parody to Tom Wachowski's (James Marsden) "Donut Lord" from the original movie but also for humor.

Tempest calling Principal Celestia a "troll" was a reference to Celestia’s nickname "Trollestia" from the fandom due to her mischievous behavior and pranks in some episodes. Many believe it was from the tea scene in MLP:FiM Season 1, Episode 22 - A Bird In The Hoof when Celestia pranked the Cake couple by pretending to sip her tea, causing the couple to overflow her teacup, further solidifying her nickname. :trollestia:

A "Hayflix" parody of Netflix was actually inspired by a fan video of Big Mac Horseman (which is a parody of BoJack Horseman) by Minty Root as part of the collaboration of the Anthology 7.

Anyway, we've reached the home stretch folks! Look forward to next week for our final chapter and some other surprises! :raritywink:

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