• Published 10th Oct 2020
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Equestria Girls: Sonic the Hedgehog - sonicfan05

After the two groups meet up due to circumstances, Sonic and the Equestria Girls must team up to defeat an evil genius, who wants to use his power for world domination, while on the run from the government lead by a special agent.

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Volume III - Chapter 8: Equestria Girls vs. Grubber

Sweet Apple Acres is a usually busy, yet quiet place in the countryside of Canterlot City. Today, no living soul was around the farm except for some cows, pigs, horses, and a few other farm animals. One particular cow was busy chewing on some hay from the inside of one of the farm's barns.

The cow's peaceful meal was interrupted when it heard a loud sound of something opening up next to it, revealing a portal. Before the cow could process this, a bunch of screaming teens, preteens, two adults, and a talking dog flew through the opening portal and landed roughly in a huge pile of hay. The cow mooed in fright and ran to the opposite side of the barn.

The gang groaned after landing in a huge stack of hay, slowly recovering after nearly having a death experience of falling from a thousand-foot-tall building.

"Did someone get a number on that bus?" Spike slurred, feeling woozy.

“Are we dead?” Fluttershy groaned, feeling dizzy due to her landing.

“No,” Applejack answered, who was first to recover and then looked around in mild shock. “We’re… back at mah farm!?”

Rarity, as well as the others, slowly got up and climbed out of the hay. “How’d we get here?”

“Sonic’s ring!” Sunset exclaimed with realization. “He must’ve sent us here with one of his rings before we hit the ground!”

"Thank goodness he saved us!" Pinkie frowned. "Just a few more seconds and we would have become human pancakes!"

The girls nodded in agreement.


Applejack, as well as Rarity, turned and was relieved to see their sisters, as well as Scootaloo, climbing out of the hay.

"Apple Bloom!"

"Sweetie Belle!"

The two older sisters ran up to their respective younger sisters and brought them into bear hugs.

"Are ya alright?" Applejack asked in worry.

"Are any of you hurt?" Rarity frantically checked over her sister with tears in her eyes.

"Naw, we're fine!" Apple Bloom assured with a smile, feeling safe in her sister's arms.

"You kidding me, Apple Bloom? It was scary!" Sweetie Belle exclaimed, hugging her sister tighter. "I thought we were goners!"

"Don't worry Sweetie Belle, you're safe," Rarity cooed, hugging her sister back and refusing to let go.

“Speak for yourself!” Diamond retorted as she climbed out of the hay in disgust. “Now my clothes are covered in hay and smell like cow!

“Well, at least you’re still alive!” Apple Bloom said with a sheepish grin, which caused Diamond Tiara to glare at her.

"Thank goodness that everyone is alright!" said Cadance as she was climbing out of a haystack.

Just as Cadance climbed out of the haystack, Twilight rushed over to her and hug her tightly.

"Cadance!" Twilight cried, sobbing into her sister-in-law's shoulder. "I-I'm so sorry! If anything happens to you, I–"

Cadance shushed her gently, bringing her into a comforting hug. "No, none of that! Don't ever blame yourself. What Robotnik had done wasn't your fault, ladybug."

While that was happening, Scootaloo surveyed her surroundings as if she was looking for something. Or rather, someone.

“Hey!" Scootaloo exclaimed suddenly. "...where's Rainbow Dash?"

The Equestria Girls paused and then looked around the barn. It had never occurred to them until now that one of their friends is missing.

"I… I don’t know," Fluttershy stammered in worry. "I thought she was here with us!"

“And Sonic isn’t here either!” Spike added after noticing another friend missing from the group.

The girls all looked at each other, each having the same thought of worry and dread.

“Girls…" Rarity swallowed. "You don’t think…”

“No! They can’t be gone!” Sunset yelled. “They’re alive! I just know it!”

"Now calm down Sunset," Applejack said gently. "Ah'm sure Sonic and Rainbow Dash is alright!"

"Then where are they?" Sunset asked in a desperate tone.

"...Ah don’t know," Applejack answered quietly, worrying for their friends' safety.

“He betrayed me!”

Everyone turned as Tempest climbed out of the haystack with a mixed expression of hurt and anger.

“My own partner betrayed me!” she growled, tightening her fist. “I don’t understand why would he do this to me!?”

Getting the agent’s attention, Rarity awkwardly cleared her throat. “I don’t mean to pry but… didn’t your friend say that you been treating him harshly?”

Tempest glared at the young fashionista. “Harshly? He’s an agent! He should know what he’s getting into when working for the government, especially me! And he isn’t my friend, he’s my associate!”

Twilight narrowed her eyes, not liking Tempest's attitude at all. “Well… it’s no wonder that Grubber turned on you!”

Excuse me!?” Tempest frowned, offended by Twilight’s words but the teen genius continued.

“You reminded me so much of my former classmates back at Crystal Prep who used to treat me so horribly and looked down on me because I was ‘beneath’ them. Even after everything I’ve done, they never thanked me. They even made me into a she-demon after pushing me to unleash the magic… just to win a game!” She sighed sadly. “Even after they apologized, it still hurts just remembering how they treated me like I never belonged there. So… I decided to switch over to CHS and became a lot happier since.”

The Equestria Girls nodded at Twilight with small smiles, letting her know that they were there to support her.

Tempest frowned. “What’s your point?”

“While I don’t know how being an agent works, I do know about treating others with respect," Twilight elaborated. “And you… despite knowing you for a day, have no respect towards others or cared for anyone whatsoever!”

Tempest frowned, feeling a bit awkward and a little ashamed. “It’s not that I don't care about him, I’m just… not so great with social interactions. And my life during, as well as after my time as the Storm King’s soldier was unpleasant because people tend to judge me too quickly before knowing me. So… I kept my distance.” She looked Twilight in the eyes. “While it’s not an excuse… but I hope you understand where I come from.”

As the girls processed this, Cadence cleared her throat.

“I remember that was your struggle when you first joined us,” said Cadence with some sympathy. “While I understand what you're going through, always pushing people away while using them isn’t the best way of working with someone, even if he is your work associate.”

“Yeah, well… that doesn’t matter now," Tempest sighed. “Now that Robotnik is on to us and that Grubber has the girls' geodes, it is only a matter of time for them to hunt us down and take over this country. Maybe even the world.

Sunset’s eyes immediately widened in alarm. "Oh my gosh!"

She then immediately flung her backpack around and dug into it, causing everyone to look at her in curiosity and concern.

"Sunset, what are ya doing?" Applejack asked.

“I'm going to warn the Princess!” Sunset answered quickly as she pulled out her journal. "I'm telling her to seal the portal on her side immediately in case Robotnik showed up at CHS!"

She was just about to write her message to Princess Twilight when suddenly, her journal was snatched away by some grappling hook.

"Hey! Sunset cried.

Everyone turned towards the direction where Sunset’s journal was snatched. To their shock and horror, the journal is now in the possession of someone else in the barn that they did not notice until now.

"I'll be taking that!" The person stated.

“Grubber!” Tempest shouted angrily.

“I don’t know how we got here, but the fact that we're back in Canterlot City couldn't be any more perfect!" Grubber grinned. "I can now begin my second mission… finding your portal!

“What!?” Sunset and the others gasped.

Grubber chuckled. “Oh yes, the doctor knows that you girls are hiding the portal to your school thanks to one of your students during the interrogation. Of course, they don't know where it is, but I can comb the place much quicker with this thing!"

Sunset’s eyes narrowed. "Well, jokes on you! You don't even know how it works!"

"Yeah!" Pinkie added with a frown. "Princess Twily will only respond to things that were written by her friends in that journal!"

"Pinkie!" Everyone shouted.

Realizing what she just said, Pinkie immediately covered her mouth. "Oopsies!"

"So the princess in your world responded by writing this journal, eh?" Grubber grinned wickedly. "Oh, this is way too easy! I know exactly how to draw her out!"

Taking out his pen, Grubber opened up Sunset’s journal and began to write.

"Dear Princess Twilight," Grubber stated loudly as he wrote. "We're having an emergency! Dr. Robotnik is taking over Canterlot City using our magic and now he is threatening to take over Equestria! We need your help to stop him! Please come to our world immediately!"

He looked down at Sunset as he finished up his writing with a smirk. "Your friend… Sunset Shimmer."

Sunset and the others stared up at Grubber in horror, knowing exactly what he was planning. Grubber cackled at their display.

"If you’re really close friends to your princess from another world, then it's only a matter of time for her to respond to "your" message… and then she'll expose the portal location as soon as she arrives!"

"No!" Sunset shouted, causing Grubber to laugh.

“Now if you excuse me, I’ll be heading to the school within seconds thanks to your geodes!” He goaded as he pressed some buttons on his console to activate Rainbow’s geode for super speed. “So long, girls!”

He laughed again as the blue geode glowed, getting ready to zoom across the town to the school.

Only for the geode to dim out, and nothing happened to his robot.

“Huh? What the–” Grubber remarked.

Grubber pushed the button to activate his super speed ability again.

And again.

And again.

And again.

But the result remained the same, much to Grubber's annoyance and frustration.

The girls all watched and looked at each other in confusion, wondering why Rainbow’s geode was the only one that wasn't working for Grubber's robot. Their thoughts were interrupted when Grubber let out a frustrated growl.

“C’mon, activate!” He shouted, pressing the button again.

“Activate!” He screamed. "Activate!"

No matter how many times he pressed the button, nothing happens, causing him to slam his console with his fist in anger.

“Is this thing broken!? Stupid piece of junk!” He grunted as he reached for a different button. “No matter… I’ll just go for plan B!

Without a word, Grubber activated the hover jets from the back of his robot, and zoomed towards the barn’s ceiling, breaking through it, much to the Applejack’s anger. Everyone immediately ran out of the barn just in time to see Grubber flying away towards the direction of the school, getting further and further away by the second.

“Um… what just happened?” Fluttershy asked, feeling confused about the situation.

“Yeah, I thought he has Dashie’s speed ability!” Pinkie added.

“I don’t know, but we don’t have time for answers!” Sunset replied immediately. “We gotta get to the school quickly!

“But how?” Twilight exclaimed. “Without a car, there’s no way we can catch up and stop Grubber!”

“If only Randolph weren’t on vacation, otherwise I’ll have him here in a jiffy!” Diamond thought out loud.

“Even if he wasn’t, I doubt he’ll have time to show up before that bad guy reaches our school!” Scootaloo argued.

Diamond frowned, annoyed at her friend. “Well, do you have any ideas?”

Before Sunset could say a word to break up a potential fight, they suddenly heard voices that were several feet from the farm.

“Apple Cider! Get your Apple Cider here!”

“You won’t find a better-tasting Apple Cider anywhere else in Canterlot City!”

Everyone turned towards the direction of the voices, only to see two older men with one having a red mustache, hanging around in their makeshift stand near the farm. The two Apple siblings groaned in annoyance after recognizing the two men in question.

Ugh! The Flim Flam Brothers!” Applejack remarked bitterly.

“Even during a world’s crisis, they’ll do anythang to get a profit… off of our farm!” Apple Bloom complained.

As the girls and spike glared at the brothers in disapproval, Tempest glanced over near their stand to see a red pickup truck with a crude artwork of their faces on the side with the words “Flim Flam Fields”. She also noticed from the distance that the car keys were still in the ignition just waiting to be used. A sudden idea came to her mind as she glanced back at the girls with a mischievous look.

“Girls? You said we need a car, right?”

“That’s right! Get your tasty Apple Cider right here!" Flim announced loudly to upcoming cars.

Freshly squeezed from our Flim Flam’s Fields!” Flam added in a jovial tone.

“One taste will knock your socks off!”

“As well as your taste buds!”

As they continued on with their advertisement on the road, Applejack approached them with a deadpan expression. The two brothers noticed her and gave Applejack their most amused expressions.

“Well well well! If it isn’t Applejack from the Apple Family!” said Flim with a smirk.

“Here to tell us to leave again?” Flam purred.

“Well, the joke’s on you! We’re not breaking the law!” Flim toothy grinned.

“So deal with it!” Flam finished.

The two laughed while Applejack stared at them with an annoyed expression. Keeping her anger in check, Applejack crossed her arms.

“Ah don’t have time fer dis!” Applejack glared. “While Ah’m more than happy to give ya reasons why you should get off of our property, we’re having an emergency and we could use yer truck!”

The con brothers stared at Applejack with surprised expressions, not expecting her of all people to be asking them to borrow their "iconic" truck. They looked at each other for a moment, having a silent conversation before addressing the young apple farmer.

“Well," Flim cleared his throat. "While it is kind of you to ask and your request was reasonable–”

“But we don’t care! So we’re not handing it over!” Flam finished before giving Applejack his smug grin. "Unless you're willing to contribute a 'minor' fee."

Applejack narrowed her eyes. “Ah ain’t asking!

Before they could ask what she meant, they suddenly heard a loud "Vroom" coming from their truck. They both turned towards their truck and they were shocked to see Applejack’s friends and some strange woman in their car and just turned it on with the key they left inside.

“Wha– Hey!” Flim shouted.

“What are ya doing!?” Flam exclaimed.

Stealing your truck!” Tempest answered from the driver's seat as if it was obvious.

“Don’t worry, we’ll give it back to you later!” Sunset added hastily from the passenger's side.

After Applejack quickly jumped into the back of the pickup truck, they immediately took off which caused the brothers to chase them on foot.

Stop!” Flim screamed.

“Get back here!” Flam yelled.

“Thanks for understanding!” Pinkie chirped from the back of the truck as they continued speeding down the road, leaving the two brothers in the dust.

“...I told you we shouldn't have left our keys in our car!”

“Shut up, Flam!”

Security at the Canterlot High’s gymnasium was as tight as ever. Ever since Shining Armor and his crew attempted to send a message to Cadance, G.U.N. tightened their security by increasing more agents to stand around and guard the room for less chance of chaos and breakouts like last time. The students and staff were now on the floors and seats with handcuffs around their wrists to give them less chance to fight back. Even Shining Armor, despite recovering from his unconsciousness, was all cuffed and two guards hovering over him with guns pointing at him so that he doesn't do anything.

A moment later, a lone agent entered the room, approached the two guards, and saluted them.

"Any word from Dr. Robotnik?" One of the guards asked.

An agent shook his head. "Negative sir! No word back from him yet!"

"I see,” One guard hummed. “Then we'll keep our ears open for him while we continue to watch our 'guests'?"

This caused Shining Armor to scuff while glaring up at the guard. "You won't get away with this! I can't believe you all were working for that piece of scum despite everything he did!"

The guard smirked. "Well, Officer Armor, when money talks, you always take the opportunity to switch teams."


The two guards and agent turned to look at Vice Principal Luna, who was sitting a few feet from Shining Armor with a look of disappointment and anger.

"It's bad enough that you're all a bunch of greedy, corrupt traitors, but to go as far as to capture everyone at school and even hurt them, that's just beyond unforgivable!"

"What are ya gonna do? Send us to detention?" The guard laughed along with two of his associates. "Though I must say, Luna, of all my years working for the government, I never thought I would see the day that a once top agent like yourself ends up in chains."

"Don't you ever underestimate me!” Luna warned with a hiss. “Despite being absent from G.U.N. for so long, my skills are as sharp as ever!" She then narrowed her eyes. "And if it weren’t for kids and faculty that you held hostage… I would have kicked your butt a long time ago!"

"Oh? You kick my butt?" He chortled as if what he was hearing was a joke before pointing his gun at her. "How exactly would you have accomplished that while handcuffed? Let alone at gunpoint?"

"Simple," Luna answered. "First, as soon as I freed myself, I'll punch you square in the face… hard. Then I'll go after the one guy with the gun on your left, using him as a human shield, while using his gun to knock out the second guy without a gun before I knock the first guy out too. Then, I'll come back over to you, and punch you again so hard that your tooth will come out right before you lose consciousness and have the chance to pull the trigger. After that, it is without a doubt that the rest of you boys in this room will come after me like mosquitoes. But since I'm an advanced trained martial artist, I can take every one of you amateurs out within seconds!"

The guard chuckled condescendingly. "That's some good, fantasy story you came up with Agent Luna." He then frowned before he turned away. "But as I said, it's only a fantasy! There are only dozens of us against you! There's no way you can take us out so easily! And besides, you're still tied up! So you won't be able to do anything anyway!"

As he said that, Luna suddenly heard a small beep, coming from her watch. She carefully glanced at her watch to see a small text message which said: “The Sun is delivering her cake”. Right then and there, Luna knew exactly who sent that message and understood the meaning behind the message.

It is time to execute the next part of their plan.

"Yeah, about that…" Luna trailed off.

The guard looked back at her. “What?”

Luna slowly revealed her wrists with a slight smirk. "...I just picked my handcuffs."

While the surprised guard stared at her with wide eyes, Luna immediately rushed off the floor and punched him square in the face, causing him to fall to the ground. The second guard with the gun was about to use his weapon, but Luna quickly elbowed him in the face and then quickly got behind him locking his arms in place. The agent was about to intervene to get her off of the guard, but Luna managed to pivot the struggling guard’s gun to hit the agent’s face with the butt of the gun and knocked him out. Shortly after taking the agent out, Luna quickly held the guard’s arm and then karate-chopped him on the back of his head, knocking him out too. At that point, the first guard stood back up and was ready to shoot Luna. But Luna anticipated this as she quickly pulled the gun away from the guard and punched him again in the face, causing him to lose his tooth in the process and then knocked out as he landed on the floor.

Seeing the commotion, all the agents in the room immediately rushed over to Luna to try to detain her. With a small smirk, Luna got into her fighting stance and silently beckoned the agents to "bring it on".

One agent tried to grab her, but Luna easily dodged and kicked him on his back. She then quickly elbowed another agent to the chest behind her and then tossed the agent toward another one before he had the chance to punch her. Another agent tried to sneak attack her, only for Luna to duck and then swept his leg with hers before karate chopped his chest.

One agent managed to grab Luna from behind by holding her in place from under her armpits, giving another agent an opportunity to attack her by the front. But Luna quickly stumped the agent’s foot who grabbed her, and then flipped herself over the agent and landed behind him, grabbing him from the back instead. This led the agent in the front accidentally punch the captivated agent in the face, knocking him out. Before the agent could process this, he was then punched in the face by Luna and lost consciousness.

There were only five agents left surrounding her and they each carried batons with the electricity turned on. This doesn’t faze Luna at all as she quietly gestured for the agents to try to come closer. No one moved a muscle for what felt like an eternity until one agent shouted and prepared to strike Luna. Seeing his attack coming, Luna quickly dodge the agent and karate chopped his neck, knocking him out. The second agent attacked next as he tried to strike her back, but Luna skillfully maneuvered around his attack and kicked him on his back which caused him to crash into a nearby wall. Two more agents attempted to attack her at once but Luna managed to quickly seize one of the agent’s wrists with one hand, causing him to let go of his baton and Luna grabbed it with her other hand. With a baton in her possession, she swung it at the second agent’s chest and electrocuted him before passing out. The third agent tried to help another agent out, but Luna, after turning the electricity off, swung her baton again and stuck him in the face, knocking him out cold. She then kneed her captivated agent by the gut, stunning him, before delivering the final blow to the back of the agent’s head with a baton and sending him to the ground.

As Luna was checking out her defeated opponent, the final agent let out a loud scream as he ran behind Luna in an attempt to take her out, only for Luna to casually punch him in the face and knock him out behind her without turning around.

After the final agent had fallen to the ground, the expressions from many students, staff, and even Shining Armor were a mixture of shock and awe after witnessing the Vice Principal of the school, take down practically an army of G.U.N. agents within seconds.

Exactly what Vice Principal Luna had said earlier.

"Holy guacamole!" Flash Sentry exclaimed with wide eyes.

Luna simply tossed the baton over her as she made her way over to Shining Armor. One agent groaned as he struggled to get himself back up, only to get knocked out by Luna’s foot as she walked past him. She eventually reached behind Shining Armor and began picking the lock of his handcuffs.

“H…how the heck did you learn to fight like that?” Shining Armor asked, still marveling at the way Luna took out the guards.

“Like I said, I know advanced martial arts,” Luna simply answered as she completely unlocked the handcuffs off of Shining’s wrists before moving on to the next person. "Celestia is on her way with some backup as we speak. So help me out freeing the others!"

“R-right,” Shining stammered before getting up and helping to free the other prisoners.

From the sidelines, Flash, Micro Chips, Sandalwood, and Trixie stared at their Vice Principal with awestruck expressions.

"Remind Trixie to never get on Vice Principal Luna's bad side!" Trixie remarked quietly while the others nodded mutely.

Grubber continued to fly his way over the neighborhood towards CHS after he left Sweet Apple Acres. He frowned in confusion and annoyance, still wondering why the super speeding ability of his robot didn’t work despite that the geode was just fine after installing it. He wondered if there was some kind of glitch affecting the machine. He then shrugged as he realized that it doesn’t matter anyway since he became very powerful after stealing their gems. And while Grubber wasn’t looking forward to facing his boss’ wrath, he will have to let the doctor check on the robot later.

"It won't be long before I reach CHS,” Grubber muttered before smirking. “And then the pony world will be as good as the doctor’s!"

His thoughts were interrupted when he heard a loud “beep” coming from his radar.

"Hm?" Grubber hummed curiously as he glanced at the radar.

The radar showed him that at least a bunch of life forces were not only behind him, they are gaining on him fast. He quickly turned around and he was surprised to see the Equestria Girls and his former partner riding on some red pickup truck while chasing after him.

"Tsk! These kids just won't quit!" He growled as he was pressing some buttons. "Looks like I better take them out!"

Meanwhile, the girls and Spike were hanging on to their seats as Tempest sped after Grubber from behind the wheel.

"Please hurry, Tempest!" Twilight said urgently.

"Yeah, step on it!" Sunset added. "Equestria and everypony else are in grave danger!"

"I'm pressing hard the paddle!" Tempest retorted. "But this is as fast as it goes!"

"Jeeze, Flim and Flam’s truck is a piece of junk!" Apple Bloom remarked. “Even our old hay tractor is faster than dis!”

“Doubt it,” Diamond muttered, holding on tightly to the side of the truck.

"Don't worry, I'm taking the shortest routes possible!" Tempest assured. "We should be there in no–"

"Heads up! It's Grubber!" Sweetie Belle shrieked.

Everyone looked up to see Grubber just in time for his robot to be switched into fighting mode while still flying towards his destination.

"Time for you girls to be blown into bits!" Grubber shouted as he pressed a few buttons, ready to attack.

The girls watched nervously as Grubber’s robot began to charge up his attack.

"Oh dear!" Fluttershy shouted.

"Hang on everyone!" Tempest warned as she shifted the gear of their vehicle. "This is going to be a bumpy ride!"

As soon as Tempest said it, Grubber released his attack, shooting a laser beam toward them.

Predicted the attack, Tempest quickly turned the wheel and managed to dodge the laser before they were hit. The girls nearly screamed as the truck abruptly turned, followed by feeling the waves from the blast behind them.

“I knew I should’ve gone with my daddy to my great-grandmama’s cabin in the White Tail Woods instead!” Diamond screamed, holding on tightly to Apple Bloom as the car was swerving.

The robot continued to shoot its laser at the car, but Tempest kept on dodging them before it has the chance to hit them. Grubber became annoyed at this, so he decided to change his strategy. He pressed another button, activating one of the geodes and gaining access to its magic. The girls noticed the magical aura surrounding the robot and began to glow purple.

"Watch out! He's using Twilight’s magic again!" Rarity alerted.

With his arms outstretching towards each side of the road, the robot marked the trees with its telekinesis ability and lifted them off the ground with ease. The robot raised the trees in the air for a moment, focusing on its aim before throwing its arms towards the girls, tossing one tree at a time. Anticipating this, Tempest dodged around each tree that was thrown at them before they each hit the ground and break into several pieces.

"Whew! Dat was close!" Applejack exclaimed.

“Keep your guard up!” Cadance loudly advised. “We're not yet out of the woods!”

Grubber scowled in frustration as he witnessed his latest attack didn’t work.

"Persistent pests!" he growled before pressing another button, activating another geode. "Looks like it's time to bring in the big guns!"

The girls tensed as the robot began to glow again in a different color, this time it was Pink. The robot slowly lifted its arms and faced both palms towards them. Light began to glow into a big pink ball of light on each palm.

"Look out!" Scootaloo shouted.

The robot began to shoot multiple glowing pink bombs at the car at a rapid pace.

Tempest once again, did a few sharp turns as she evaded the bombs before they were hit. Each time a bomb landed on a road, it caused several shock waves near the car and left some damage on the road behind them. The robot eventually stopped firing its bombs, giving the girls a chance to catch their breaths.

"That was… Pinkie’s attack!" Twilight exclaimed, widening her eyes in terror.

"Ooooh, why do every sweet goodie I've thrown always blow up!?" Pinkie bemoaned. "It was how I lost my oven!"

Everyone gave Pinkie an odd look.

Grubber grunted, both impressed and aggravated that his pursuers managed to avoid his attacks.

"Okay…” He hissed with a dark look before pressing a few buttons. “Let's see if you can dodge this!"

By now, both groups made it to the suburb part of Canterlot City, getting closer to the school. The robot glowed once again, but the color of its aura was purple. It lifted its arm toward some nearby empty cars parked alongside the road and lifted them with telekinesis again. The girls tensed as the robot was floating the cars in their direction.

“Get ready to dodge, Tempest!” Twilight urged.

“Rodger!” Tempest responded.

The robot then flung its arms, and the cars rained down toward the group. Tempest, as usual, aggressively turned the steering wheel as it dodged one car after another before crashing on the road. As they were dodging the cars, Grubber pulled a sneaky move as the robot glowed Pink. It raised its palm and fired the energy bomb at their truck.

At that moment, Tempest managed to dodge the final car before it even landed on them. But as she went around the fallen car, she didn’t even have time to react as the energy bomb appeared right in front of them. By the time she registered it, she was too late as the bomb hits the hood of the car and exploded, causing the pickup car to spin out of control.

"We've been hit!" Sunset screamed.

"Hang on!" Tempest shouted while trying to turn her wheel.

The girls screamed as they continued to spin around out with Tempest losing control on the road. They eventually found themselves spinning off the road and on a grassy field, which was the front of CHS. They continued to spin on the grass leaving tire marks as they go until they hit an empty pedestal and the truck stopped in place.

The robot floated over to where their truck has fallen as the smoke comes out of the hood. Seconds later, the head part of the robot slowly opened and revealed Grubber’s face with a huge smirk.

"End of the line, ladies!" He gloated as he floated over with its palm sticking out, ready to finish the job.

But to his shock and confusion, the girls, Cadance, Tempest, and even their little dog were nowhere to be seen.

"Wha– where'd you all go!?" He demanded, looking around the area frantically.

Unbeknownst to Grubber, everyone had already jumped into a nearby bush for safety before they crashed. Other than a few scratches and light bruises, they were all still in one piece. The girls peeked at Grubber quietly as they tried to keep themselves hidden as long as they can.

"Well, at least we made it to the school!" Pinkie said quietly.

"Yeah, but that creep is also here!" Sunset whispered as she watched him in worry. "We’re too close as it is! We can't let him see where the portal is located!"

Twilight frowned. "But how, Sunset!? He has all of our magic and we're powerless to stop him!"

“Not to mention, with my geode at his side, it is only a matter of time before he finds us!” Fluttershy whimpered.

"Found you!"

The girls froze as Grubber shouted, looking directly at where they were hiding.

“Case and point!” Fluttershy screeched fearfully.

Tempest narrowed her eyes and frowned in determination. “Girls, try to distract him any way you can and get away from the portal!”

Sunset blinked and turned to Tempest. "Wait, what do you–"

"Just do it!" Tempest ordered.

Despite not getting what Tempest was planning, the Equestria Girls complied as they hopped out of the bushes before Grubber gets any closer.

"Hey Grubber, catch us if you can!" Sunset shouted.

“Na Na!” Pinkie taunted, sticking her tongue at him while pulling one of her eyelids down.

Before Grubber could react, the girls managed to run far away from where Grubber was standing.

"Hey, get back here!" Grubber growled. "Running and hiding from me is useless!"

He hovered by using the jet pack again from the back of his robot and then flew after the girls. As he chased after the girls, the CMCs, Diamond Tiara, and Spike slowly peeked out from the bushes.

Apple Bloom was about to give chase. "We're coming Appleja–"

She barely took a step when Tempest place a hand around her mouth and pulled her back into the bushes. And before the other two CMCs thought of sneaking out, Cadance wrapped her arm around the two of them and pull them back too. Once they were behind the bushes again, the CMCs looked at Tempest and Cadance in annoyance while Spike and Diamond had curious expressions.

"What the hay was that fer!?" Apple Bloom shouted.

"Yeah, we want to help!" Scootaloo added.

Tempest shushed them with her index finger, keeping the kids quiet. "No girls, this is way too dangerous for you kids!"

"Seriously!? You're just going to tell us to not help!?" Sweetie exclaimed, only to be shushed by Tempest again.

"I didn't say that!" Tempest clarified quietly. "Grubber will be too focused on me and your sisters as his main targets while everyone else around him will be an afterthought!" She then pointed at them. "And that's where you four come into play!"

“A-hem!” Spike cleared his throat loudly.

“Sorry… you five come into play,” Tempest corrected.

Spike nodded in satisfaction.

“Tempest… you sure about this?” Cadence asked.

“Don’t worry, I know what I’m doing!” Tempest assured. “You know what do, right?”

Cadence nodded. “I do, but be careful Tempest!”

“You too, Cadence!” Tempest responded.

With a determined look, Cadence turned and quietly disappeared through the bush, leaving Tempest, Spike, and the kids alone.

“So what exactly do you have us in mind?” Diamond asked.

"Does any of you know the portal's location?" Tempest asked.

The CMCs and Spike nodded.

"Perfect!" said Tempest. She then silently gestured for them to come closer to her. "Now listen carefully everyone, here's the plan…"

"Hold still!" Grubber grunted as he swung his robot arm to crush one of the girls.

Fortunately, Applejack saw his punch from a mile away and was able to dodge his attack. She then quickly counterattack by punching one of the robot's legs to damage it.

Unfortunately for her, this turned out to be a mistake.

"Yeowch!" Applejack screamed, holding on to her right hand in agony.

This allowed Grubber to crush a distracted teen with his robotic fists again. Before he could flatten her, Sunset quickly shoved Applejack out of the way, and the two of them dodged safety before they were smashed by Grubber's fist. As Grubber growled in frustration, Sunset quickly helped Applejack up.

"Watch yourself AJ!" Sunset advised. "Without your geode, your super strength won't work!"

"Oh, now ya tell me!" Applejack remarked, only to wince again due to the pain from her right hand.

They looked up when they noticed Grubber, looming over them with a scowl on his face. He raised his robotic hand to punch them again, only to be interrupted when a rock hit him on the side of his head. Followed by another.

He turned around to see Rarity and Twilight glaring intensely at him while Fluttershy stood nervously in the background.

"Back off from my friends you brute!" Rarity hollered, before throwing another rock at him.

"Yeah, leave them alone!" Twilight added, throwing her rock at him too.

Unperturbed by this, Grubber simply caught two rocks with each hand while glaring at the young fashionista and genius.

Rarity gave Grubber her sheepish smile while Twilight laughed nervously. "Uh… nice catch?"

Without a word, Grubber drew both his arms back and was about to throw a rock at the girls, until he was hit by another object to the face.

This time, it was a cupcake.

"What the…"

Grubber wiped the frosting off of his face and turned toward the perpetrator. To his annoyance, it was Pinkie Pie as she was holding a few cupcakes that she had taken from her hair.

How she managed to store all those cupcakes, Grubber doesn't have a clue.

"That was a marzipan cupcake!" said Pinkie. "You like?"

"...I hate marzipan," Grubber seethed.

"Good!" Pinkie chirped before scowling. "Here comes some more!"

Within seconds, Pinkie started throwing an endless amount of cupcakes from her hair at Grubber at a rapid pace. Grubber grunted as more cupcakes hit him on the face and body. He quickly pressed some buttons, glowing himself white, and then activated his diamond shield, blocking any more incoming cupcakes towards his way.

Pinkie stopped throwing her cupcakes and gave Grubber her annoyed and pouting expression. "Hey, no fair! You're blocking all of my cupcakes!"

"That's the idea!" Grubber spat as he raised his other robotic hand. "Now it's my turn!"

Grubber's robot glowed pink before he fired a magic bomb at Pinkie. While the bomb wasn't anywhere near Pinkie, the small explosion was still enough to send Pinkie flying and then crashed into Applejack and Sunset and then Rarity and Twilight. The girls then crash-landed on the ground, causing Fluttershy to run towards them in worry.

Fluttershy immediately checked on her friends for a moment, checking to see if they were hurt. She was relieved that neither of them was hurt, but she soon became angry at what Grubber almost had done. She immediately looked up at Grubber in anger.

"How dare you!" Fluttershy shouted, startling Grubber as well as her friends. "Listen here, mister! Just because you're big, doesn't mean you get to be a bully! You may be hiding in that robot of yours that get you to shoot bombs, levitate, and energy shield with our geodes… but you do not– I repeat, do not hurt! My! Friends!"

She narrowed her eyes. "Now stop what you're doing right now or else!"

Grubber blinked for a moment before he let out a huge laugh. "Aw, how cute! Was that supposed to be a threat? I'm invincible! There's no way a weakling like you could hurt me!"

Fluttershy smirked. "I wasn't talking about me!"

Grubber had a confused look for a moment before he suddenly felt a violent shake from his robot, almost as if something struck him. He turned around to see Tempest who just punched the robot's leg with her metal arm before punching it again. This caused the robot to tip over and fall to the ground.

As soon as Grubber was down, Tempest quickly ran up to Fluttershy and Rarity.

"You girls okay?"

Sunset nodded, despite feeling aches on her body. "We're fine, thanks for saving us."

They suddenly turned back to the robot as Grubber let out an angry growl.

"That's a lucky shot!" He spat, getting his robot back up from the ground. "But that's the only free shot you get!"

Tempest frowned, cracking her knuckles. "I'm just getting started!" She muttered before she rushed herself over towards him to strike.

While the “battle” was still going on between Grubber and the gang, mysterious ripples appeared on the side of a tall pedestal where the horse statue used to be. Then with a sudden flash, a girl with long blue hair with pink and purple stripes appeared out of the pedestal with an urgent expression. The girl in question looked exactly like Twilight Sparkle, except she wasn’t wearing glasses and wore a different outfit.

This was actually the pony Twilight, aka Princess Twilight Sparkle from Equestria. After she received a message from her "friend", she dropped everything she was doing and came post-haste through the portal, looking for her friend.

"Sunset!" She spoke frantically. "I came here as soon as I–"

She was suddenly silenced when a mysterious hand covered her mouth and a few more sets of hands held her in place. This caused the girl to panic and began to struggle to free herself from whoever was trying to capture her.

"Shhh, quiet! He'll hear you!"

Twilight stopped struggling the moment she heard a familiar voice from her number one assistant and friend. Or rather, the counterpart version of her assistant. As soon as she was let go, she was baffled when she realized that not only this world’s Spike was here, but so were a few others that she wasn't expected to see near the portal.

"Wha– Apple Bloom? Sweetie Belle? Scootaloo? Spike? And Diamond Tiara!?” She exclaimed to her surprise and confusion. “Why are you–"

She was suddenly shushed by the CMCs and Diamond Tiara.

"No time!" Apple Bloom answered.

"We'll explain later!” Sweetie promised.

“Just follow us and be quiet!" Diamond added.

“And hurry!” Scootaloo said urgently as she took hold of Princess Twilight’s hand and pulled her away opposite to where the fighting took place, much to the princess’ bafflement.

"Hey, wait– hold on a second!"

Tempest dodged one bomb after another as she continued to get closer to Grubber. Once she was close enough and avoiding the fifth bomb, Tempest leaped herself into the air towards the head section of the robot to hit her former partner. But before she could land a single punch, Grubber quickly blocked her with his diamond shield. As Tempest recoiled due to the shield, Grubber quickly followed up by punching her with his other robotic hand, sending her straight down near the Equestria Girls.

As Tempest roughly landed on the ground, leaving a huge dent in the process, Fluttershy gasped.


Fluttershy was then frozen in fear when Grubber immediately loomed over her and her fallen friends with an evil laugh.

"Give it up girls!" He gloated. "With your geodes on my side, fighting me is futile, especially you, Tempest!"

Tempest growled as she tried to get herself back up, but couldn't due to her pain. "You'll never win, Grubber!"

"Quite frankly my dear, I already have!" Grubber chuckled evilly as he slowly hovered his robot hand over them with the glowing energy bomb ready to fire. "Now say goodbye!"

Just as Grubber was about to push the button, he suddenly heard loud beeping coming from his radar. With a bit of annoyance for getting interrupted, Grubber checked at the radar and his eyes widened at the site of five different life energies from behind him.

But only one of them had a very high magic level which was barely off the charts.

"Wait, what!? Where did that life with so much magic come from!?" Grubber exclaimed before his eyes widened in realization. "Wait, hold on a second…"

He quickly turned around and spotted the four kids, a teen, and a dog running away from him. That was when he put the two and two together.

"The Princess is here already!?" Grubber shouted in shock.

"Oh crud, he knows!" Applejack exclaimed.

Determined to help her friend, Sunset quickly got up, ignoring the pain, and ran past Grubber, who he took notice of.

"Oh no, you–"

Before he could pursue her, Tempest suddenly used a grappling hook and launched herself over to Grubber. She then tried to wrestle Grubber off of the controls in an attempt to stop him or at least buy Sunset some time.

"Hey! Get off of me!" Grubber shouted in anger.

“Not on your life!” Tempest shouted back.

Meanwhile, Sunset ran as fast as her life depend on it, determined to reach her friend before Grubber catches up. Seconds later, she finally caught up with Princess Twilight, the CMCs, Diamond Tiara, and Spike much to her relief.

"Twilight!" Sunset yelled.

Princess Twilight stopped briefly and turned around with a look of surprise.

"Sunset? What–"

"Keep running!" Sunset cried before grabbing Princess Twilight’s hand and taking off with her.

The group ran faster than they could have been before, determined to outrun the enemy behind them. Sunset felt her legs were aching so much from all the running and her body was still in pain, but she kept pushing on to save her friend. She silently wished that her friend Rainbow Dash was here with her super speed or Sonic was here to get Princess Twilight to safety as quickly as possible.

Unfortunately, it was at that moment when Grubber had the upper hand and managed to throw Tempest off of his robot.

"Buzz off, partner!" He remarked.

Tempest fell to the ground with a painful thud, grunting as she was laying facedown.

With his former partner out of his way, Grubber then zoomed after the fleeing teens. He eventually reached them and then grabbed the Princess into his robot hand.

"Got ya!"

"No, Twilight!" Sunset screamed.

Princess Twilight tried to struggle her way out of the robot’s grasp, but it was no use. With an evil chuckle, Grubber lifted the Princess towards him so they can eye level with each other.

“Fancy meeting you, Princess!” He said with fake pleasantry before frowning. "Now let’s cut to the chase: tell me where the portal is!"

With a grunt, Princess Twilight glared at Grubber. "I'll never tell you! I don’t know who you are, but I’ll never jeopardize Equestria for the likes of you!”

"Really?” Grubber mused. “Then how about we try this!"

With his other robot hand, his palm faced Sunset and the CMCs before glowing purple. Before they could react, their bodies glowed purple and they were lifted off of the ground, causing Sunset and the kids to scream.

"Sunset! Girls!" Rarity exclaimed as she and the others were getting up and running up to them, but they were still several distances away.

With Sunset and the others in his grasp, Grubber looked back at the Princess.

"Now will you tell me where it is?" He frowned. “Refuse to tell me, I’ll squeeze them like grapes!

"Don't tell him, Twilight!" Sunset shouted. “Don’t tell them the locat–”

She then screamed in agony as Grubber used his magic to squeeze Sunset a little more tightly.

"Tick tock, Princess…" Grubber glared, almost running out of patience.

Princess Twilight watched in horror as Sunset was slowly getting crushed by his magic. Despite not knowing what was going on, she knew that she can’t reveal the portal’s location to that man without putting Equestria at risk. But if she doesn’t tell him, Sunset, along with the CMCs and Diamond Tiara will get hurt or worse… and she wouldn’t live with herself when that happens. And her human friends are still too far away to reach them. And by the time they did, it will be too late. Judging by his expression, the man appeared to be almost running out of patience if she waited for too long.

With a defeated sigh, Twilight sadly looked down. "...I'm sorry, Sunset."

“Twilight, no!

Grubber smirked. "Well? Where is it?”

Twilight swallowed, still looking down. "The… the portal location is…"

However, while Grubber kept his focus on the princess and his hostage, he had completely missed and forgotten about Spike. During the exchange, Spike stealthfully climbed up the robot, hopping on any piece of metal that was climbable for him to reach. He eventually made his way to the top of the robot behind Grubber, just when Princess Twilight was ready to reveal the portal’s location.

Spike narrowed his eyes at the mean man before turning his gaze onto his right arm. Just as Princess Twilight was about to spill the beans, Spike leaped down from where he was standing and gave Grubber a huge bite on his arm.

“Aaaaaaaaaaaaaaaahhhhhhhhhhhh!” Grubber screamed in pain.

He then tried to shake Spike off of his arm, but Spike held on to his arm tightly with an iron grip.

“Let go!” Grubber shouted, shaking his arm. “Let go of me you stupid dog!

By that point, the other Twilight and the rest of the gang eventually caught up to them and Twilight let out a loud gasp.


Having finally reached his boiling point, Grubber waved his arm so hard, he threw Spike off of him and he landed on the console. Before Spike could recover, Grubber held Spike in place, glaring at him with rage.

“You’ll pay for this, pooch!” He spat with his face so close to Spike.

Spike whimpered and shut his eyes, expecting Grubber to do his worst to him.

"Hey Grubber!"

Grubber turned away from the dog towards someone calling his name. Tempest, despite being held by Applejack and Twilight, glared at Grubber as she slowly lifted a rectangular device that was in her hand.

"...you're fired!"

She pressed the button.

Grubber cocked an eyebrow in confusion, wondering what was she referring to, until she heard some “beeps”. As he investigated the noise, he had forgotten all about Spike, giving him an opportunity to escape. Grubber eventually located the noise and his eyes widened in shock as he spotted a tiny detonator sitting directly on the component of his console. It was then that Grubber realized that Tempest was not only buying time for these twerps, but she had also placed these bombs during their struggle, which was all part of her plan this entire time.

As the detonator was now blinking and beeping rapidly, ready to explode at any second, Grubber's face fell.

"...aw nuts."

Spike managed to jump out of the robot just as the head portion of it let out a huge explosion, which caused to push Spike further away. At the same time, the magic aura around Sunset and the pre-teens stop working, letting them go and causing them to fall. Even the robot’s hand released Princess Twilight from his grasp, causing her to fall to the ground below. The giant robot slowly tipped backward and then crashed to the ground, not moving. The robot was at least of the girls’ concerns as they each called out to their falling friends in alarm and dread.



"Princess Twilight!"


The gang quickly ran up towards the robot to catch their fallen friends. Applejack and Rarity managed to catch their sisters respectively into their arms, while Fluttershy was able to catch Scootaloo. Twilight easily caught Spike before he hits the ground, while Pinkie somehow easily caught Sunset in her arms with ease. Both Diamond and Princess Twilight screamed as they were about to hit the ground, only to be caught at the last minute by Tempest with Princess Twilight in one arm and Diamond Tiara in her metal arm.

Agh… couldn’t you catch me with your non-metal arm?” Diamond groaned, feeling like she was about to puke.

“...you’re welcome!” Tempest stated sarcastically.

Princess Twilight stared awkwardly at Tempest before waving at her sheepishly.

“Um… thanks for saving me!”

Tempest simply nodded, not saying a word.

“Spike? Spike! Speak to me!” Twilight begged, checking over him with tears in her eyes.

Spike groaned before looking up at her with a sly grin. “So… does this mean you’ll get me a premium classic unwashed white ankle sock as a reward for saving the day?”

Despite her tears flowing down, Twilight chuckled before hugging him, relieved that he was okay. “Oh, Spike!

"Are y'all okay?" Applejack asked, as she, Rarity, and Fluttershy gently placed the CMCs back on the ground.

"Yeah… yeah we're okay," said Apple Bloom.

"Just shocked is all," Scootaloo assured. “Totally wasn’t scared at all!”

"Sis!" Sweetie Belle hugged her sister as soon as she was let down.

"Oh, Sweetie Belle! I'm so glad you're safe!" Rarity hugged with tears in her eyes before looking at her sternly. "For now on, you girls are staying home!"

Sweetie Belle nodded in agreement. "Yeah… I think we had enough adventures for one day!"

“Technically, it was two days!” Scootaloo corrected.

“Two days too many!” Apple Bloom joked, causing others to laugh.

"Okay, can someone tell me what's going on here!?" Princess Twilight shouted after Tempest placed her down on the ground. She then surveyed the group in front of her, realizing who was missing from the group. "And where is Rainbow Dash?"

Sunset cleared her throat. "Oh, well…"

Before Sunset could answer, they all heard a loud "whoosh" behind them. The gang turned around just in time to see a giant ring opening up in front of the school’s entrance. Everyone stood in shocked silence as they watched whatever it was coming out of the portal…

Author's Note:

Whew, what a chapter! Bet you all didn't expect Princess Twilight to show up in this story, didn't ya? :raritywink:

Is Grubber defeated? Where was Cadance going? What about Vice Principal Luna and the others? And what happens next? :twilightoops:

Well... that's for me to know and for you all to find out... soon enough! :trollestia:

Anyway, some notes and references:

While they're not bad characters by any means, Flim and Flam eventually got on my nerves after appearing in the show/specials way too many times instead of letting another one-off (or two) antagonists a chance in my opinion. My annoyance towards them reached a boiling point when they kept sabotaging the Apple family's "Harvest and Cider Making Party" and nearly succeeded in EqG: Holiday's Unwrapped special. While I'm glad that Twilight outsmarted them in the end, I was still unsatisfied that those brothers didn't get some type of comeuppance from their actions.

Which is why I have Tempest, as well as the gang, stealing their car! :trixieshiftright:

In case if anyone was wondering, their pickup truck that the gang stole looked like this:

Speaking of which, the name "Flim Flams Fields" was a reference to MLP:FiM Season 2, Episode 15 - The Super Speedy Cider Squeezy 6000 when their pony counterparts taunted the Apple family that they are changing the name of their farm to Flim Flams Fields after "winning" the apple cider duel.

Diamond Tiara mentioning her father at her great-grandmother's cabin in White Tail Woods was a callback to a three-part MLP mini-series comic, Spirit of the Forest when the CMCs pony counterparts were solving a mystery from within the woods with the same name.

The way Pinkie taunted Grubber with her tongue sticking out and pulling down her eyelid was exactly how Sonic taunted Missle Wrist from an episode of Sonic X:

Fluttershy telling Grubber off was a reference to MLP:FiM Season 1, Episode Seven - Dragonshy when Fluttershy told the dragon off almost the exact words after seeing her friends knocked down by him.

A classic unwashed white ankle sock that Spike was referring to was a callback to an EqG short: Reboxing with Spike when he ordered it for his web series unboxing videos (yes really) before he was forced to send it back by Twilight.

The following music used for this chapter:

"Death Egg's Hangar (Hurry Up)" from Sonic the Fighters.

"Vs. Nega-Wisp Armor (Phase 1)" from Sonic Colors.

"Militant Missionary Boss (Egg Walker & Egg Viper)" from Sonic Adventure.

Next time, we'll be checking back with our blue hero... and our unsuspecting friend. :raritywink:

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