• Published 10th Oct 2020
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Equestria Girls: Sonic the Hedgehog - sonicfan05

After the two groups meet up due to circumstances, Sonic and the Equestria Girls must team up to defeat an evil genius, who wants to use his power for world domination, while on the run from the government lead by a special agent.

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Volume III - Chapter 3: Sunset’s Confession

From within Robotnik’s portable lab, both Twilight and Stone took a long delicate sip from their cups. Once they consumed their beverages, they both smack their lips and let out a satisfied sigh.

"I must say, Agent Stone, this latte with steamed Kirin’s goat milk is delicious!" Twilight complimented, slightly surprised with herself for liking Stone’s drink.

"Thank you very much!" said Stone with an appreciative smile. "And please, call me Stone."

Twilight glanced down at her cup in wonder. "Where’d you get this latte from, Stone? Starbuck?"

Stone coughed lightly as he sheepishly rubbed his neck. "Actually… I made them."

Twilight looked up with a surprised expression. "You made these lattes?"

Stone nodded. "Oh yeah! Before I became the Doctor's assistant, I've always experimented with different kinds of lattes as a hobby of mine... mostly involved with goat milk. Of course, the Doctor doesn't seem to care much, but I always enjoy making it for everyone."

"Well, from one person who experiments with things to another, I can respect that," Twilight grinned. "Have you ever thought of running your own café?"

Stone blinked. "My… own café?"

Twilight nodded. "Yeah! That way, you can make different lattes and more for everyone all the time. I bet you'll be good at it."

Stone stared at Twilight for a moment, deep in thought. No one has ever encouraged him to pursue the things he likes, not even the doctor. He always loved to make his lattes for other people, but to run his very own cafe? He will admit... that did sound nice.

"Well… I doubt I'll be able to run a café business as a government agent, but…” Stone smiled. “I'll consider it."

Twilight was about to respond when all of the sudden, all the alarms were blaring and the whole lab lit up in red, startling the two of them.

"Intruder!" Stone exclaimed, surveying around the lab before addressing Twilight.

"Don't go anywhere!" he ordered before he moved away from Twilight.

Twilight let out a huff, wiggling her tied hands. "Oh sure, no problem! It's not like I'll go anywhere any time soon!"

Ignoring Twilight’s remark, Stone dug into the inside pocket of his jacket and took out his stun gun.

"C'mon out!” Stone demanded, pointing his gun in multiple directions. “I know you're there!"

At that moment, a small grenade was launched on the floor toward him from out of nowhere before it exploded, engulfing most of the room into a smokescreen.

"W-what the–" Stone coughed, covering his face with his arm.

Before he had time to react, he felt someone knock him from the side of his head before he fell to the floor and lost consciousness. Twilight meanwhile, watched the whole scene in front of her, curious and scared after seeing Stone was taken out by an invisible assailant.

"W-who's there!?" Twilight shouted while doing her best to cover her mouth from the smoke despite being tied up.

Then she heard heavy footsteps of someone slowly walking towards her, making Twilight more afraid. Slowly, she could make out a shadow of her “mysterious savor” as they stepped closer. Part of Twilight hoped that it was one of her friends, but judging by the height and size it was sadly not the case. The mysterious stranger kept getting closer and closer, slowly revealing themselves. Once the stranger fully emerged from the smoke, Twilight’s eyes widened in shock and fear.


Some time has passed since they revived Sonic, the CMCs, Diamond Tiara, Spike, and Sonic were in Diamond’s room to catch up, while everyone else, including Rarity, gathered around in the living room and sat in their seats, leaving Sunset to explain to Cadance without leaving any details. She told her about the incident at the school’s baseball field, the meeting with Principal Celestia and Vice Principal Luna, then meeting Sonic and their promise to help him, Robotnik attacking them at Twilight’s home, and being hunted down by the government as they traveled half of the country. She then finally told Cadance about the recent attack by two robots on the highway before breaking the news about Twilight being kidnapped.

Needless to say, the former Dean was not happy with the news.

By the time Sunset finished her story, Cadence had just silently stared at her for what felt like a long time, still processing everything she just heard.

“So let me get this straight,” Cadance finally spoke slowly. “This blue… hedgehog… was the one who knocked out half of this country’s power?”

Sunset nodded.

“But he was trying to get to his new home to this… mushroom planet?”

Sunset nodded again.

“And the reason why you're helping him… was because you and Twilight accidentally shot him with a tranq gun… which caused him to accidentally drop his bag of rings through a portal of that same ring… to the top of that Crystaller building?”

“Yeah… that’s pretty much it,” Sunset confirmed.

Cadence blinked. “This… is a lot to take in."

“Oh, c’mon Principle Cadance!”

Everyone turned towards Spoiled Rich, who has still tied up on a single chair away from them with a look of utter disbelief.

“You can’t seriously believe any of this now do you?” She scoffed. “I mean, aliens? It’s bad enough that those kids are delinquents, but it's clear to me that they have lost their minds!”

"Hey, no comments from the peanut gallery!" Rainbow Dash retorted. “And besides, you knew about Sunset’s world and this is what is considered unbelievable to you!”

Spoiled humphed. “I still think you’re all crazy and that you are all going to jail when I get out of this!”

“Oh, I would love to see you try, grandma!” Rainbow countered.

Grandma!?" Spoiled screeched, her face all red in anger. "How dare you, you prismatic-haired brat!?"

Before Rainbow Dash could insult her again, Rarity interfered.

“Rainbow Dash, don’t provoke her!” she scolded.

“What? She started it!” Rainbow defended, pointed at Spoiled in question.

“Rarity has a point,” Applejack added. “We’re dealing with a big issue right now, so it’s best to ignore her.”

Spoiled humphed again, glaring at the girls with offense while Rainbow Dash subtly stuck her tongue at her in response.

Sunset cleared her throat "Anyway… Twilight suggested that we come here so that you'll help us out. She… never told us why though."

"...I see," Cadence nodded with a solemn expression. "Before you all arrived, I received a message from Shining Armor that you girls are in trouble. But I never imagined that it'll be as bad as this!"

Sunset blinked in surprise. "Shining Armor messaged you?"

"Yes... though he didn't give me all the details, but he told me what's going on before he got captured." Cadence tightened her fist. "He only did this to protect you girls and Twilight. But he had no idea that Twilight…"

The girls bared sad expressions, thinking of their missing friend as Cadance was trying to keep herself from crying. Sunset watched Cadance with guilt weighing on her heart.

"Cadance, I… I'm so sorry," she said quietly. "If only I was fast enough I could've–"

"No!" Cadance cried with a fierce look. "Don't you ever blame yourself Sunset! It's not your fault!" Her expression then became soft. "From what you told me, Twilight sacrificed herself to save you. I'm sure if the roles are reversed, you wouldn't want her to blame herself either."

Sunset sighed. "Be that as it may, Twilight is gone because of me and I swear I will bring Twilight back even if it means putting myself in her place!"

"Let's hope we don't come to that, Sunset," Rarity stated before facing Cadance. "What else did officer Shining Armor tell you, Cadance?"

Cadance's eyes narrowed. "Apparently, G.U.N. took over CHS and had all the students and staff, including Shining Armor captured and treated them like prisoners. They even tortured some of the kids like Lyra to get more information about you girls."

The Equestria Girls were shocked by this revelation and couldn't believe what they were hearing about their school since they left.

"Yer kidding!" Applejack exclaimed before her eyes widened in realization. "Does that mean Granny and Big Mac got captured too?"

"And my sisters Limestone, Marble, and Maud?" Pinkie Pie added with fear in her voice.

Rainbow Dash grunted, feeling more disgust with G.U.N. now more than ever. "Man… these guys are bad enough, but what they're doing to everyone at school, especially Lyra, was too far!"

Fluttershy whimpered. "Oh, I hope everyone over at our school is okay!"

Sunset frowned. "What about Principal Celestia and Vice Principal Luna?"

"Luna is captured along with the students," Cadance answered. "But Principal Celestia… is missing."

"Missing?" Sunset echoed in concern. "What happened to her? Did G.U.N. get to her?"

Cadance shook her head. "No. She disappeared before G.U.N. completely took over the school."

Sunset cocked an eyebrow, confused by this statement. "But we spoke to her in school when they first arrived! Why did she disappear and leave everyone behind?"

Before Cadance could answer, there were some loud beeps, coming from Cadance's pocket, assumed to be Cadance's phone.

"Oh, excuse me, girls. I have to take this!" Cadance slowly stood up. "I'll be right back!"

The girls watched as Cadance semi-hurried out of the room to take that “phone call”.

"Huh, I wonder what's that about?" Rainbow commented.

"Whatever it is, it must be important," said Applejack

Fluttershy frowned. "Do you think that maybe Cadance has some sort of secret that she's not telling us?"

“Maybe she’s some kind of a super-secret spy agent the entire time!” Pinkie theorized while hanging upside down from the ceiling… somehow.

Rarity shook her head. "I doubt that. Whatever it was, it's probably nothing.” Rarity frowned. “Speaking of secrets…"

Knowing who Rarity was referring to, most of the Equestria Girls turned to face the one girl in question who still owe them an explanation.

"W-what?" Sunset questioned, a bit perturbed by the way her friends were staring at her.

“Don’t you ‘what’ me, Sunset!” Rainbow retorted as she stood up with a glare. “You’re hiding something from us, so make like a glass of OJ and spill!

Before she could yell further, Applejack immediately grasped Rainbow’s shoulder to calm her down while Rarity spoke up in a calmer tone.

“What Rainbow Dash was trying to say was while your attitude at the bus from earlier hurt us, we are also very concerned and we are hoping you will tell us why.”

Sunset said nothing for a moment, turning away from the group and grasping her arm.

“It’s… it’s complicated,” Sunset responded quietly.

“Complicated!?” Rainbow scowled, shrugging Applejack’s grip as she stepped forward. “What's so complicated about leaving us behind and not coming back?"

"We're going our separate ways anyway," Sunset responded emotionlessly, still not looking at them. "I don't see how this is any different!"

"I told you!" Rainbow huffed. "Just because we're going our separate ways, doesn't mean we're going away forever!"

"And how do you know that?" Sunset pressed. "What makes you so sure that while we're having our own lives after high school we'll one day see each other again? You'll probably be too busy touring around the world for your career or settling down and having a family!"

Rainbow paused for a moment. "I'll admit, I don't know for sure. Maybe my life will be busy. Maybe my time will be less as the years go by.” Her expression became determined. “But I won't let that stop me! We will find a way to see each other again. Even if it's only once a year or two, I will gladly use that time to be with you girls once more… including you, Sunset! You girls are more than friends, you're family to me!"

"...am I really your friend?” Sunset questioned with a bit of anger in her voice. “Am I ever your family at all?"

Rainbow, as well as the others, we’re taken aback by Sunset’s question. "What kind of question is that? Of course, you're my friend! Of course, you're my family! You're just as important to me as well as the others."

Sunset tightens her fist. "How will I know for sure that you won't forget and abandon me? That you don't remember anything about me except when I bully you?"

"That's ridiculous Sunset!” Rainbow argued. “None of us will forget you or abandon you!"

Couldn’t contain her anger anymore, Sunset finally turned to face Rainbow.

"But you already did that more than once!"

Realizing what she just said, Sunset wordlessly gasped and covered her mouth. But it was too late as Sunset saw Rainbow as well as the rest of her friends, staring at her in shock as well as concern.

“We… abandoned you?” Rainbow echoed. “W-what do you mean?”

Sunset turned away again, refusing to answer, nor look any of her friends in the eye.

The girls stared at Sunset in silence, confused and concerned for their friends. Neither of them knew what Sunset was referring to until Rarity finally put the pieces together.

“Was this about what happened with the memory stone incident?” Rarity spoke softly, causing everyone's eyes to widen in realization.

Sunset still has her back towards them.

“It… was more than that,” Sunset admitted quietly with a sigh before facing her friends. "We all know that we didn't start off as friends and I was horrible to everyone, including you girls. Even though you all forgive me, a part of me believed you all still have some… resentment towards me.”

“That’s not true Sunset!” Rainbow Dash cried. “None of us resent you!”

Sunset frowned. “That’s not what you said to Sonic last night.”

Rainbow Dash's eyes widened in alarm while the others stared at her in shock. “You… you overheard–”

“Not on purpose,” Sunset explained, looking uncomfortable. “I went out looking for Sonic after I noticed him missing from his bed. It didn't take long for me to find him with you but…"

Rainbow had a look of dread. "How long?"

"Long enough," Sunset answered guilty, making Rainbow feel more nervous. "Don't worry, I'll keep the conversation between you two,” she assured. “But I will say that I couldn't help but feel responsible for what happened to you… so I can understand why you felt some resentment towards me."

"I used to!" Rainbow Dash corrected. "Not anymore."

"Were you really?" Sunset pressed. "How do I know that there was still a small part that you do? When Wallflower took all the good memories of me, you all thought the worst of me and never gave me a chance."

The Equestria Girls, except Sunset, looked at one another before craning their necks in shame.

"We're still sorry for what happened that day, Sunset,” Applejack spoke for the group. “While it's true that we remembered the bad things you've done, but as we got to know ya and became friends with ya, we now knew that yer no longer the same girl from when you first got here. Without those good memories of ya, it made our minds think yer a bad person." Her eyes shifted away in guilt. "Not dat it's any excuse fer not hearin’ ya out and ditchin’ ya."

"I know that,” Sunset sighed. “And it was because Wallflower manipulated your memories to get you all to turn on me. I did forgive her, but when that happened, I can't help but think back to when we first started becoming friends after… that day."

Fluttershy gave Sunset her sad and understanding expression. “You mean the Fall Formal?”

“...yeah,” Sunset nodded. "How our first few days were awkward, how I noticed some subtle bitter looks as we talked, how often you all 'forgot' to invite me, and many off-handed comments about me, followed by 'no offense' line."

The girls winced at that, which Sunset took notice of.

"I know you all didn't mean it and that you were trying, but you're all still getting used to me at the time, and I understand that now. But at the time, I did not believe this would ever work out for us becoming friends and I will be forever alone because of my actions." Sunset closed her eyes. "That is… until I met my best friend."

The Equestria girls looked at each other in confusion before addressing Sunset.

"Who?" Rarity asked.


Seeing her friends’ surprised and confused expressions, Sunset elaborated. “I’ve mentioned to you all before that I worked hard to become a better person and redeem myself because of him. But what I didn’t tell you was that I considered him… my true best friend.”

The girls gasped.

"Your true best friend?" Pinkie exclaimed.

"...Yes," Sunset confirmed with a sigh. “Let me explain. While we never met in person– at the time, his letters were the only good things I looked forward to, even on my worst days. Aside from talking about our days, I always talk to him about everything in my life, even all the bad things I’ve done… as well as my insecurities. I don’t know if it was because it was much easier to talk to someone I don’t know who isn’t from our school, or was it because there was someone who actually bothered to talk to me… let alone actually wanted to be my friend.

“In that short time, he became my only true friend in the world and likes me for being me… and didn’t judge me based on my past. Sure, I still felt lonely sometimes when he couldn’t meet with me and I now see why… I thought just communicating with him with letters was more than enough while the others don’t matter to me.

“But then… the Battle of the Bands happened. You girls truly let me in for the first time… and actually bonded with me. The more time we spent together, the less loneliness I felt. And over time… we became so close, that I considered you all my best friends… and I could never imagine my life without you girls. However… Sonic is still my main best friend and holds a special place in my heart, even if we never met… until yesterday.

"When I saw that my best friend was a literal talking blue hedgehog… I don’t know what to think! The fact that he kept that from me and watched us for so long… I was ashamed to admit that I began to question him if our friendship after all this time was ever real. I mean, I decided to become a better person because of him. How am I supposed to feel if our friendship was a lie? I'd be devastated!"

Pinkie frowned sadly for her friend. "Sunny…"

"But after seeing his memories by accident,” Sunset continued. “I realized that our friendship is real! But I never wanted to invade his memories like that– accident or not, but then again, I was scared to ask him that directly without hurting him."

"Well, you pretty much missed the boat on that, Sunset!" Rainbow Dash remarked, only getting elbowed hard in the ribs by Applejack.

"Even so…" said Sunset, ignoring Rainbow’s remark. "Despite his friendship being real…. I still felt unsure. There were still some things I don't know about him and I want to help him not just because I pitied him, but how will I know that we're still friends after this?" She placed her forehead on her hand. "I… I know this all sounds stupid, but… I don't want to lose his friendship… like how I nearly lost you girls!"

"You didn't lose us Sunset!" Applejack said gently. "We will never leave ya based on yer past actions or yer mistakes.”

Pinkie nodded in agreement. “Yeah, Dashie makes mistakes all the time and we're still friends with her."

"Hey!" Rainbow exclaimed, offended by Pinkie’s remark. "While I'll admit that I'm not perfect, I'm not that bad!"

Pinkie tapped her chin in thought. "Well, there was the time when you kept referring to your band instead of our band during the Battle of the Bands, going on a wild goose chase for wild magic during our Spring Break trip, overpowering our magic for using too much of your speed magic including during your race with Sonic–"

"Okay okay! Point taken! Yeesh!" Rainbow huffed before turning to Sunset. “Anyway, AJ’s right… as much as I hate to admit it. We’re not perfect, you’re not perfect, and you considered Sonic as your main best friend! Big whoop! It doesn’t matter about our past, what really matters is right now! And right now, as far as I know, you are still our best friend no matter what you think!” She grinned. “And if you’re worried about offending us about who’s your main best friend, don’t! We each have one of our own!”

While Sunset felt some assurance from Rainbow’s words, Sunset still couldn’t shake her guilt from her chest and refused to look at her friends.

Noticing her friend’s distress, Fluttershy frowned. “There is still more to this… wasn’t there?”

Sunset sighed, still looking at the wall ahead of her. “I also felt… guilty… for everything that happened.”

Rarity tilted her head. “Do you mean guilty for right now or your past?”

“…everything,” Sunset answered quietly. “Ever since I first came to this world for my own selfish goal, and even after I changed my ways, I've never thought about the consequences for just coming here. Not just for being a bully, but for coming to this world in the first place.

Sunset felt her tears foaming from the corners of her eyes. “It was bad enough for what I have done as a meanie and then a She-Demon, everything after the Fall Formal was worse after another because of Equestrian magic! And now… we're all on the run from the government… and your lives are ruined, including Sonic… all because I came here!”

"If I stayed any longer, who knows what else could happen," Her voice cracked. "You all mean so much to me and if anything happens to you girls… I couldn’t live with myself! And since I have no place in this world and that we all be separated and forget me anyway, which is why… I'm returning and staying in Equestria for good… and not ruining anything anymore than I did already. And this way…”

Sunset closed her eyes, letting a lone tear down her cheek. “...you all will be safe.”

There was silence within the room as Sunset refuses to face her friends, ashamed and fearful of their reactions. Are they upset? Disappointed? Angry? Disgusted? Maybe all the above? She wanted to know how they feel towards her because the silence was killing her, but she couldn’t bring herself to speak anymore.

After what felt like an eternity, it was Rainbow Dash who finally spoke.

"Sunset… you're an idiot!"

Sunset immediately turned around with a surprised expression, not expecting that kind of response. The rest of the girls, however, gave Rainbow Dash a look of disapproval.

"Rainbow Dash!” Rarity exclaimed, appalled by Rainbow’s choice of words. “She just poured her heart out! How can you be so–"

Rainbow immediately raised her palm out, interrupting Rarity’s rant before she continued to speak to Sunset.

"Do you think you're the only one who made mistakes?” Rainbow retorted with an angry expression. “Do you think you're the only one who is responsible for your actions with our magic? Do you think you feel that only you can carry all the burdens by yourself? Well, you're wrong, Sunset…"

Her expression became soft. "We all make mistakes too. Faust knows how many mistakes I've made in the last couple of days!"

"Oh, I know! It's five!" Pinkie chirped. "You've made five mistakes since the start of this trip!"

"...thank you, Pinkie," Rainbow Dash grumbled sarcastically before addressing Sunset again. "And you shouldn't blame yourself for bringing magic either. You didn't know this would happen."

“She’s right dear!” Rarity added with a look of sympathy. "Princess Twilight mentioned that this happened even before you showed up when Starswirl sent those three sirens to this world.”

“But even so, we’re just as responsible as you are,” Applejack pointed out. “So don’t try to bear all of this burden on yer own… especially when you have us to carry it with you! We won’t leave a friend hanging!”

“And you didn’t ruin our lives or Sonic’s either Sunset!” Fluttershy spoke softly with a kind smile. “We all chose to face together whatever danger comes our way… just as we all chose to have you as our dear friend.”

“Yeah!” Pinkie cheered. “And besides, we wouldn’t have you as our friend if you haven’t come to this world. And we wouldn’t trade you for anything!

Sunset began to tear up again. “You girls…”

"So you've already become one of us a long time ago Sunset!” Rainbow smirked. “And we're in this together whether you want to or not!"

The rest of the girls nodded in unison, smiles on their faces.

Sunset looked uncertain as she rubbed her tear away. "But… we're going to be separated anyway after our graduation."

Rainbow Dash scoffed. "How many times do I have to tell you? Just because we'll be going our separate ways in life, doesn't mean we'll be separated forever! Why? Because you, along with the others, are my best friend! We will find the time to see each other again!"

Sunset stared at Rainbow with a surprised expression. "I'm… still your best friend? Even if I'm best friends with Sonic?”

"Of course, Sunset!” Rarity nodded. “We’re not upset at all dear. There's no shame for being best friends with Sonic for the longest.” She then gave Sunset her sly smile. “Besides, who said you only need one best friend?"

"Yeah! Our group is full of best friends!” Pinkie added cheerfully. “There's always room for more!"

"And you changed our lives Sunset… and I mean for the better!” Fluttershy said with a smile. “You are one of the few important people in my life Sunset! There's no way that I or any of us will ever forget you.”

"And yer not just our best friend, yer also our family,” said Applejack with a caring look. “As Granny Smith says to me many times– quite literally: families always find each other again."

Rainbow Dash gave Sunset an assuring smirk. “Like it or not Sunset, you’re stuck with us!”

Sunset began to tear up again, but with a smile on her face. “Thank you, girls,” she sniffed. “While Twilight was very understanding, I was afraid of how you girls will react.”

“You told Twilight and not us!?” Rainbow remarked, only to get elbowed hard in the ribs by Applejack again.

Sunset cleared her throat, feeling awkward. “I told her beforehand because I’m… closest to her among our group… no offense.”

“None taken, Sunset!” Applejack replied before Rainbow could speak. “You two are close friends since the Friendship games, so we understand.” She then frowned. “By the way, what exactly do ya mean that you have ‘no place in the world’, Sunset?

Sunset winced, couldn’t believe that she let that slip. As much as she wanted to leave that part to herself, she realized that her friends deserved to know. She pretty much confessed a lot to them already, so she might as well tell them the rest, even if she felt silly from this uncertain fear.

“Well, truthfully… I don’t know what I’m going to do in my life after we graduate,” Sunset confessed with a sad sigh. “I thought it didn’t matter to me as long as I have you girls by my side. But when we graduate… I felt like I lost some kind of purpose in my life.” Sunset let out a bitter chuckle. “How ironic… I originally came to this world thinking I knew exactly what I wanted to be… only it wasn’t… and now I don’t know what to do with myself.”

Applejack smiled. “Sunset, it’s okay. Not everyone knows wat to do yet even after we graduate. And it’s not like you need those answers right now. Heck, Ah’m still figuring out wat to do with mah life too.”

Rarity nodded in agreement. “Yeah, part of life is to keep figuring things out and you’ll eventually find your answers. Or maybe a different answer even if you think you get one.” She beamed. “But I have full confidence in you that you’ll do amazing whatever you want to pursue in your life Sunset, because let’s face it… you are very talented in your own right.”

“I… appreciate your kind words,” Sunset responded, still feeling uncertain. “But even so… I’m technically an illegal alien from a different world. I can’t have the same opportunities in this world as you girls and I don’t want to resort to illegal means like how I got into CHS. So I have no reason to be here. It was part of the reason why I took Princess Twilight’s offer in the first place.”

“Maybe so Sunset, but you have us!” Fluttershy beamed. “We’ll find a way to help out! And even if it didn’t work out, you can still come visit us!”

“But what happens after we graduate?” Sunset asked with uncertainty. “How are we going to stay in touch?”

Rainbow walked closer to Sunset and gently placed her hands and Sunset’s shoulders. “We can discuss this further after we rescue Twilight!” Rainbow Dash assured before giving Sunset a confident smile. “But don’t worry, we’ll make it work! No matter how far apart we are, and no matter how tough our lives may be, our friendship will never break. You can count on it!"

Despite the tears running down her cheeks, Sunset smiled at her friend before hugging her, which Rainbow hugged back. Seeing this, the girls quickly joined in and pulled Sunset into a group hug. Sunset sighed happily, feeling the love and warmth from her friends.

You girls… are the best friends that anyone could've asked for! Sunset thought with a smile.

Spoiled, who was watching them from the background rolled her eyes with a scoff. “Ugh! This is even more overly dramatic than that soap opera show I watched the other day!”

No one seemed to pay any attention to that snobby woman as the girls continued to hug each other out.

Unbeknownst to the group, Sonic hid himself from around the corner, overhearing their conversation. He left Diamond's room some time ago when the CMCs and Diamond started talking about their crushes at school, so he decided to check in on the Equestrian Girls. He was about to join in on their conversation until Sunset started confessing about everything that bothered her since the start of the adventure, including him.

While her uncertainty about their friendship stung him, he understood where she came from. His friendship with Sunset is real, he wasn't entirely honest with her either, especially since he isn't human. Even though he can only communicate by letters, she is his first real friend to him. A selfish part of him didn't want to lose her if she learns the truth, but deep down, he knew that it isn't fair to her to keep that hidden from her even if it was due to circumstances.

And he also understood where she came from and why she wanted to leave this world behind. It was only because she wanted to protect her friends, all due to her guilt from her past actions. It was why he was drawn to her in the first place; despite her past, she became a person who really cares about her friends and will do anything to protect them. He felt guilty for accusing her of being a jerk. And he felt really guilty for being partly responsible for their current situation as he did with Longclaw so many years ago. He decided right there and then as soon as they retrieved his rings, the sooner he would leave for the mushroom planet and not put others in danger ever again.

As the girls formed into a group hug, Sonic quietly returned to Diamond’s room, leaving the tender moment private to themselves.

Suddenly, Sunset began to glow and her pony ears popped out. A second later, her friends also started glowing and their pony appendages appeared on their bodies as well. The girls noticed the sudden magic appearance and they broke out their hug shock, causing their magic to die out and their pony parts to disappear.

"Girls!" Pinkie exclaimed. "Our magic! It's…"

"They're back!" Rarity cried. "But how!? I thought our magic won't return for another day!"

Sunset furrowed her brows, her mind racing as she recalled everything they went through up to this point. Then her eyes widened in realization.

"I think I realized something!" She exclaimed, getting her friends' attention. "I remembered from my past conversations with Princess Twilight that sometimes our magic vanishes when there is a discord within our connection and can only be restored as soon as our discord is resolved."

Fluttershy frowned. "If there was a discord, then what could that be?"

"The only thing Ah can think of was when Dash misused our magic during a race against Sonic," Applejack remarked.

Rainbow Dash huffed with an annoyed expression. "Do you guys have to keep bringing that up? I said I was 'sorry'!"

Sunset glanced sideways, feeling guilty. "Actually… it's not just Rainbow Dash."

The girls, even Rainbow Dash turned to Sunset with confused, yet curious looks.

"Then who else?" Rarity asked.

"...me," Sunset sighed.

Seeing her friends' stunning expressions, she elaborated.

"I was so emotionally distressed about my friendship with Sonic, friendship with you girls, and our future, the magic within us became weaker. And what happened after a race between Rainbow Dash and Sonic was the final straw for me." She then smiled. "But after we all made up, I immediately felt our magic again, and now they're stronger than ever."

Applejack smiled. "Ah'm just glad that we all resolved our issues, Sunset."

"Not everyone," Sunset sighed, glancing where Sonic and the younger girls were hanging out. "I also need to talk and apologize to Sonic," Sunset assured.

"So are you going to do it now or wait until the next robot attack?" Rainbow Dash teased.

"Now," Sunset answered, rolling her eyes before giving her friend an assuring expression. "No more delays, I promise. And after that, we'll come up with a plan to save Twilight."

"That's what I like to hear!" Rainbow declared with a toothy grin. "We'll get Twilight back, send Sonic to that mushroom planet, and kick Ro-butt-nik's butt!"

The girls let out a loud cheer in response.

All of the sudden, they all heard several loud knocks, taking everyone by surprise. They all turned towards the source of the noises, which were coming from the front door. The girls slowly turned to one another with apprehension.

"Um… is Cadance expecting any visitors?" Rarity asked quietly.

"...I don’t think so," Sunset answered uneasily.

They jumped when they heard more knocks coming from the front door, but much more swiftly.

“Oh no… what if it was G.U.N.?” Fluttershy squeaked in fear. “They found us!”

“Now calm down, Shy,” Applejack soothed. “Ah don’t think it was them.”

“What makes you sure?” Rainbow Dash questioned skeptically.

“If it was them, they could’ve broken through the doors and windows already!” Applejack reasoned.

Rainbow frowned. “Even if you’re right, this person isn’t leaving!

They heard more knocks coming from the door, proving Rainbow’s point. With a determined expression, Sunset walked towards the door.

“Sunset, what are you doing!” Pinkie yelled in a whispered tone.

“Answering the door and put an end to this!” Sunset replied. “Whether it’s the government or not, I will not run away.”

Ignoring her friends’ protests, Sunset approached the door. As her friends followed after her, most likely to stop her, Sunset took a deep breath before she threw open the door. When she saw who was behind the door, her throat hitched in emotion.

The person behind the door blinked before she give Sunset and her friends an awkward wave. "Um… hey girls!"


Before Twilight could utter a word, Sunset immediately dove toward her and brought Twilight into a bear hug. Following Sunset’s example, the girls barreled them into a group hug. Even Spike ran up to Twilight as soon as he sees her and pressed himself on her legs, refusing to separate from her. Twilight smiled warmly with tears in her eyes as she melted into her friends' embrace.

"Twilight, you're okay!" Sunset croaked as tears were flowing from her eyes and held Twilight tightly, refusing to let go. "Thank Celestia that you're safe!"

"Are ya hurt, Twi?" Applejack asked in concern before frowning. "If that Robotnik creep did anythin' to ya, so help me–

"He didn't do anything to me," Twilight assured quickly as she broke away from their hug. "Other than practicality scarring me after watching his… dance routine…" Twilight shuddered. "He didn't harm me."

The girls were confused about what Twilight meant about Robotnik’s dance routine, but they decided to shelf that for now and focus on the main issue.

"How did you escape?" Rainbow Dash inquired before smirking. "Did you pull off an escape trick and beat up some baddies like Daring Do?"

Twilight cleared her throat as she rubbed her neck with a hesitant expression. "Well, actually… I was rescued."

Sunset blinked. "Rescued? By who?"

"By me!"

The girls turned towards the front door and their eyes widened in shock when they saw their new visitor. Standing by the door was none other than Tempest Shadow, staring at the girls with a cool expression. Ignoring the other girls, Tempest turned her gaze at Sunset, who had a horrified expression on her face.

"Hello again… Sunset Shimmer!"

Author's Note:

Good news: Twilight is saved! :yay:

Bad news: Tempest found our heroes! Oh, dear! :twilightoops:

Not gonna lie, this was the hardest chapter I wrote to date for this story! It gave me a major case of writer's block for quite some time (and some real-life stuff too) only because I was trying to figure out the proper flow of dialogue between Sunset and the girls during their emotional moment. It's not perfect, but I hope it was good enough.

Anyway, here's this chapter's list of references:

Once again, I made goat milk come from Kirins instead of Austrian in the Equestrian Girls universe.

Admittedly, I made Stone want to run his own café due to his love of goat milk lattes as his eventual reason for having a café in the sequel before I have the chance to read the Sonic the Hedgehog 2: The Official Movie Pre-Quill comic. According to the comic, the reason he ends up running a café was actually due to part of Robotnik's backup plan in case he went AWOL. It was one of the few reasons why I waited to watch the sequel just for that clarification. However, despite that fact, I still kept that in for not only did it establishes his love of making goat milk lattes, but also a foreshadowing of his role in the sequel.

Of course, this does not mean that I'm planning a sequel... yet. :raritywink:

Dash's remark "so make like a glass of OJ and spill", was a callback line from MLP: FiM - Season 9, Episode 4 - Sparkle's Seven when Dash said that same line towards the barkeeper throughout Rarity's heist idea.

The incident with the memory stone in question was a callback to the Equestria Girls special: Forgotten Friendship.

Pinkie's listing of all of Rainbow Dash's mistakes was a callback to the events from Rainbow Rocks, Spring Breakdown, and Overpowered respectfully.

Rarity pointing out about Starswirl sending the sirens to this world was not only a callback to Rainbow Rocks when Princess Twilight told them their backstory, but also a callback to MLP:FiM - Season 7, Episode 26 - Shadow Play Part 2 when the Dazzlings made a brief cameo during the Pillars' backstory about Stygian.

Admittedly, Applejack's line, "families always find each other again", was a reference to Amphibia when Hop Pop said those same lines to Anne which I thought it was fitting for AJ to say to Sunset.

Off-topic, Amphibia is a great show! I highly recommend checking it out if you haven't seen it yet! :twilightsmile:

Rainbow Dash calling Robotnik "Ro-butt-nik", was a reference to Sonic's old insult to Dr. Robotnik from his cartoon shows AoStH and Sonic SatAM and also from old issues of Archie's Sonic comics.

So what will happen next? Find out... next time! :trollestia:

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