• Published 31st Aug 2012
  • 13,628 Views, 1,318 Comments

M0re Than Gam3rs - P3RROHAMBRE

Gamer Luna and Derpy are best friends, with a love of gaming. Will it turn to something more?

  • ...

Level 11 Part 1

M.O.D.... there may be a problem.

What is it L33t?

I’m picking up several frequencies in Cloudsdale and they all have 911 tags on them. Their origins are all coming from the Cloudsdale Post Office.

Which is exactly where Luna’s at...well then that’s certainly not good.

What do you wish to do?

Hmm...can you trace the 911 tags and see how many are converging on that point?

Give me a moment.

Tracing....91118745....991118747....99178945...99183453....multiple signatures....Count....16 pegasus patrols...tracing complete.


She is an alicorn. I’m sure they wish not to take any chances.

I see. Well then it seems I’m going to have to help our dear Luna this time, as much as I don’t want to.

What do you plan to do M.O.D.?

Simple.Re-route every single one of those signals to Canterlot Castle.

Do you wish it to be sent to Princess Celestia’s cellular device?


Then who?

Twilight Sparkle.

Doing it now.

Good. Now put the stream back on...

M0re Than Gam3rs

Level 11

Part 1

To Defend A Princess

Back at Canterlot Castle...

“Now you’re going to get it!”

Princess Celestia looked into her students eyes as she stood over her in her bed. They were fierce and almost fear inducing. Her student had the potential looks for a dominant mare.

“W..what are you going to do to me?” Celestia stuttered.

Twilight Sparkle pressed her muzzle against her teacher’s.

“I’m going to put you in your place! I’m going to be the teacher and you’re going to be the student now you..you..female dog!”

Oh Twilight....

“You mean ‘bitch’ Twilight...” Celestia stated, abandoning her frightened state of roleplay.

“Oh..sorry,” Twilight apologized with a sheepish smile, “Should I try again?”

Celestia shook her head and laughed a bit. It was cute that her student was so naive to the arts of dirty talk and just foreplay all together. It had a certain charm to it compared to the rest of the mares and stallions she had dominated in her long life. Maybe it was such innocence that had this Ruler of the Sun head over hoof for Twilight...just now she was wondering how long this innocence and naiveness would blind the mare from the obvious fact that she wanted her...bad.

“It’s ok Twilight. We can try again later. The tip to talking dirty is you gotta curse sometimes. Makes it a bit more intense.”

Twilight nodded her head, obedient as ever, and hopped off Celestia’s bed. As expected, the studious mare summoned a notepad and quill and quickly jotted down her mentor’s tip.

“Use more curse words...more intense...got it!” she chimed, taking pride in this small note of hers.

Celestia rose up from her bed with grace and all regality.

“Well, I guess we better start your next lesson,” Celestia said with a smile.

“Of course! What’s our next lesson?” Twilight said with eagerness in her eyes.

“You’re going to learn about certain toys and their purposes for female anatomy,” Celestia announced.

“Yay! I can’t wait!” Twilight cheered, giving a little hop in the air as indication of her misplaced enthusiasm.

Celestia chuckled as she thought to herself.

Me either...

If it wasn’t for Twilight’s hunger for knowledge...and knowledge for everything...there was no way Celestia would be able to pull the sexy antics she did with her student. The sexy pictures she would take and even times where she would have the lavender mare rub a popsicle on her flank when she was hot would never have been possible without it. Usually these were just Celestia’s way of trying to tell her student ‘Hey! I like you and we need to buck each other into coma’s’ but Twilight didn’t have the most common sense when it came to that kind of stuff.

It was okay though. Celestia loved it regardless.

The regal went over to her closet full of sinful play things and opened it to reveal her collection. The only ones that she put away from her student’s eyes was ‘Spike’s Pride’ and her personal favorite, ‘The Big Mac.’ She didn’t want Twilight asking any questions of why she gave such names...and why they looked like the real things.

“Princess, what kinds of toys are those? They look just like the reproductive instrument that stallions use for when they engage in sexual intercourse with a mare,” Twilight stated bluntly, making it obvious that she never seen dildo’s before.

Oh boy...she really needs work. Good thing I’m ready to teach her.

Celestia smiled slyly inside of the thought of ravaging her student mercilessly.

“These my dear Twilight, are called dildo’s and this is what mare’s use to help...satisfy certain needs.”
Twilight jotted down a note in her small pad but looked up at her mentor with a bit of confusion.

“Needs? Do you mean basic needs to sustain life such as water and food?”

For Celestia, this was a basic need. She could go without water and food for weeks, even years, as long as she got some daily. Sex to her was something that she absolutely needed to live. She couldn’t even imagine an eternal life without it.

“Not necessarily Twilight but it can become one,” Celestia said with a gentle smile.

“ I don’t think I’m following here,” Twilight said as she plopped her rump on the floor, “What is this need that you’re pertaining to Princess?”

This wasn’t a surprise to the white regal. For as long as she knew Twilight, she had been a mare of utmost standing and proper poise. She was what some would call a ‘goody’ but Celestia had a theory about that. There was no such thing as a perfectly innocent pony. Every pony had a dark side to them, a side that wants to let loose and give in to carnal desires and she was the instrument to bring it out of them...and the fact that she just wanted to buck like crazy but at least she had some type of justification...right?

The only two that she had not seen such a side to yet were her beloved student and her sister, Luna.

Luna...hmmm...I haven’t seen her butt all day...unfortunately...wonder where she’s at.

It was a good question. Where had her sister gone off too? Of course she heard about her cancelling her court earlier today for whatever reason but to where, she didn’t know. She was too busy with some of Luna’s guards and measuring if her guard’s rods were bigger than Luna’s guards that it had not even crossed her mind till now.

Oh well. Probably playing some game or something.

“Twilight, you know what sex is right?”

Twilight nodded her head, unphased by this type of conversation. It was a learning opportunity for her. What reason is there to be embarrassed when trying to learn new information?

“Well what do you think mare’s do when they have no stallion to screw?”

Twilight tapped her chin with her hoof and lit up immediately with the answer.

“They read about it!” The lavender mare said proudly, confident that she had gotten the answer.

Celestia face-hoofed herself inside. Twilight was much more naive than she thought.

“No Twilight. They clop. That’s how mares please themselves when they're by themsleves and have no other to please them,” celestia informed with no shame.

She pulled out one of her sacred toys and showed it to Twilight. It was clear with a red tinge and had ridges around it.

“So that’s a dildo? What’s it purpose?” Twilight asked as she readied her notepad.

Celestia chuckled. Now was the time to make her move and finally show her student how much she wanted her...how much she need that equine body of hers.

“Maybe if it’s better if I show you,” Celestia said with a sly grin.

“Field research? Yes!” Twilight cheered,” Just tell me what to do Princess.”

Yes! By my own mane, finally I’m going to have her!

That’s all she needed. If she could just show Twilight the joys of releasing one’s dirty side, no doubt the mare will see how much she wants her.

But before she could instruct her student, they both heard a phone.


Twilight looked over to her bag that sat in the corner of Celestia’s chambers and looked back at Celestia with a sheepish grin.

“Sorry...guess I left my phone on. Would it be okay-?”

“Of course Twilight,” Celestia answered. She could a wait a few more moments. There was nothing in this world now that could stop Celestia now from finally having this mare.

Twilight got up and went over to her bag while Celestia watched her..or more like her bottom. She couldn’t believe how amazing her student’s plot was. Subconsciously she began to lick her lips as ravenous lust began to fill her watching Twilight’s hips swish back and forth as she walked the short distance.

Alas, she had to be patient. Just a few more moments and soon she would be using one of her toys on Twilight and be able to finally tell her how she longed for her.

Twilight opened her bag, unaware that her trusted mentor was staring right at her bottom and imagining the things she would do to it. She pulled out her phone and clicked it on to see why it had went off.

TEXT: 00000

“What the?” Twilight said to herself as she opened the text message.


Incident reported at Cloudsdale Post Office. Send patrols. Apprehend Princess Luna.

Twilight’s eyes went wide and noticed the last part of this small message.

Help Princess Luna Twilight. She’s going to need you and your mentor. Hurry.

The mare wondered for a moment who had sent this text but the other part of her mind made her disregard that detail and quickly bring it to her mentor’s attention.

“Princess!” she exclaimed as she quickly turned holding her phone to show her

Celestia quickly snapped out of her lustful stupor and regained her bearing and senses again.

“What is it Twilight?” Celestia answered, hoping it wasn’t anything that could prevent her from her inevitable moment.

Twilight held her phone with her magic and showed Celestia.

“Who sent this?” Celestia asked.

“I don’t know but it sounds urgent. Whoever it was, they must know that Luna’s in trouble in Cloudsdale.”

Celestia sighed under her breath.

Damnit Luna...just when I might get the chance to rut Twilight, you have to go off and get in trouble somewhere...ugh.

As much as she didn’t want to, she had to go see what Luna had done. It was her duty as a ruler and more importantly, as her sister. As much as Luna may not believe it, Celestia loved her little sister dearly. Was a sisterly love or a lustful one? That was still a mystery but love was somewhere involved.. It seemed her sexy plan for her student would have to wait...for now.

The alicorn lifted her face and gave a gentle smile to her student.

“Well I guess we better head on over there and see what my little sister gotten into this time.”

Twilight nodded.

“Okay. Should I get my friends to come with-”

“That won’t be needed this time Twilight. I think we can handle this,” Celestia assured.


Celestia’s horn began to light up as she readied her magic to teleport them to the Cloudsdale Post Office. Twilight readied herself, noticing that her mentor was preparing a teleportation spell for both of them.

“So what did you think she did?” Twilight asked before they disappeared.

“I don’t know but we’re going to find out...”

With that, her horn flashed a bright yellow and they both disappeared with one last thought on Celestia’s mind.

And I’m going to have to smoke some serious hay to make up for her screwing my chance...


Back in Cloudsdale...

Derpy Hooves stood outside the post office, wondering what Luna was going to do to her former boss. She knew one thing though: it wasn’t going to be good and she was now very worried that she may have just caused her princess to lose it.

I don’t want her to get in trouble...

She had already brought this up to Luna before they went in the office but the fact was that Derpy cared. Luna was a princess, an authority figure that represented Equestria in its entirety and if she did something bad, which she still had no idea what that ‘bad’ would be, it would surely come back to bite her in the ass and force her sister’s hoof to do something about it...


Derpy’s heart dropped all the way to her stomach as that one terrible thought permeated her mind. Celestia would have to banish Luna again if ponies demanded it and what would she do?

She would lose her best friend forever and it would be because of her.

The grey’s mare eyes looked down to the cloud ground as she tried to think what she should do.

She is a princess..what could happen to her? Celestia already banished her once but that was because she was Nightmare Moon.

It was a good point within her psyche. Celestia only banished Luna because she was not Luna anymore but Nightmare Moon and she couldn’t see Celestia banishing her for a second time. The white regal was her sister and Derpy could only imagine how hard it would be to do that a second time.

But the way she looked at me and her voice....

She recalled Luna’s voice and how it had slowly began to change to her dark, deep one and how it sent a cold chill through her body. In those few seconds that Luna had told her to leave, Derpy knew that the dark alicorn was going to do something terrible to Speedy.

Maybe I should stop her...forget all this and just go back home.

The pegasus looked back at the office, wondering what Luna could possibly have in mind. She promised her that she would get her job back but now Derpy didn’t care about that. In fact, she was now regretting ever telling Luna.

But she told me to stay out here. Oh hay! What do I do?!

She bit her bottom lip. Her mind was going everywhere, trying to weigh out every single possible outcome and solution. Should she act and stop Luna or stay here and let her friend do what she wants?

Her crossed eyes became even more skewed than before as she scrunched her face and tried desperately to figure out the answer but her thinking came to a halt as she suddenly saw two doors flung open from the post office.

“Run! Run for your lives! She’s returned!” a light yellow pegasus yelled as she tripped over her own hooves from her frantic running but she was soon followed by many more, customers and employees alike.

“What the-?!” Derpy exclaimed as she watched several ponies fly away while others ran past her screaming their little heads off.

“She’s gone nuts!”

“I knew I should have stayed home!”

“Sompony call the police!”

“What’s going on?!” Derpy cried as ponies flew past her but none stopped to fill the in the confused mare. They were all too worried for their own safety to even take a few seconds to let her know what was transpiring.

“I have to get out of here!” a faintly familiar voice yelled.

Derpy turned her head and saw a white mare stumbling out and noticed that it was the clerk that was giving Luna a hard time before about letting her see Speedy.

“Hey! You!” Derpy called out to her and began running to the mare so she wouldn’t fly off too without finding out what exactly was going on.

The clerk took notice of Derpy as the grey mare ran up to her and was standing over her in a matter of a few moments.

“Y..You! You’re her friend!”

Derpy disregarded the obvious observation.

“What’s going on in there?!” Derpy asked.

“It’s Princess Luna! She’s gone bucking insane!” the clerk blurted, waving her hooves frantically in the air, “She just ran in and went after Speedy!”

Oh no! Luna! Did she...

She didn’t want to say the word in her mind but her worried brain said it anyway.

...kill him??

It was a very dark thought and Derpy couldn’t fathom her best friend going that far. Don’t get her wrong, whatever happened to Speedy didn’t matter to the mare but no pony deserved death...not even that bastard. Had Luna’s anger taken hold of her to the point of taking his life? Was this far-fetched of Derpy to think of such a possibility?

Derpy pressed her muzzle against the clerks, now desperate to get more details.

“What did she do?!” Derpy demanded. She needed to know what Luna had done and she only hoped that it wasn’t what she was thinking.

“I don’t know! She did some magic and no pony could see her or Mr. Delivery but then we heard her yelling and him begging her to stop and he was screaming for help!”

None of this made any sense to Derpy.

“What are you talking about lady?! What magic?!”

The clerk replied hastily, wanting to just get away from her workplace and into her safe cloud home somewhere but Derpy was too much in her face for her to just take off and Derpy had no intention of letting her fly off without knowing what had happened.

“She made a black cloud around the both of them and we couldn’t see them except that!” the clerk replied as more ponies ran out past them, “Then we heard Speedy scream Nightmare Moon and that’s when everypony started running! We even heard Nightmare Moon! I ran away and called the pegasus patrols and their on their way now to stop her!”

Derpy backed away. Her eyes went straight and her body turned to ice.

Nightmare Moon?!

Was it true? Had Princess Luna reverted back to Nightmare Moon? And if it was, then it was already too late. No doubt the police would come and try and stop her and it would most definitely get back to Canterlot and Celestia.

“Can I leave now?” the clerk asked but Derpy paid no mind. She was now lost in her own though.

Ohcrapohcrapohcrap! If the police get here, they will tell Celestia and she will...

Derpy swallowed hard and felt hot tears filling her eyes

...banish her.

She couldn’t let that happen.

No matter what, she couldn’t let Luna be banished again, especially because of her but for another reason that she dared not ever reveal. Derpy sucked up her tears that threatened to spill from her eyes and put her determined face on that consisted of crossed eyes and a scrunched muzzle.

I’m not letting anypony take her from me...not even Celestia.

Now did she really have a chance against such a powerful being? More than likely no, but Derpy would not lose her best friend....even if it meant that she would be banished alongside with her.

With resolve and an undeterred determination, Derpy darted in the post office to find her friend and save her from the inevitable consequences that was sure to follow, leaving the clerk.

These thoughts of banishment might have been calmed though if she would have just stayed put a few seconds longer. She might’ve seen the bright yellow flash that appeared behind her.


Immediately after the ending of Level 10....

Speedy opened his eyes, hanging upside down.

He heard the snip of the scissors and was sure that his sack was as good as gone but yet he didn’t feel anything. He was expecting excruciating pain beyond imagination. He looked up to his private parts and to his surprise, his junk was still attached and whole.

“I..I..I still have them,” he stuttered.

He looked over to what he expected to be Nightmare Moon but instead noticed that Princess Luna was back to her normal form.

“You’re damn right you have them you bastard,” Luna sneered and threw him to the floor. He landed on the dark floor with a hard thud but the stallion quickly got up.

Good job Luna...things would have gotten bad if you-

Shut up.

Luna was disgusted with herself. What had happened to her rage and unbridled fury and hate she had for this stallion that beat on her mare? Her inner voice tried to speak reason to her during her rampage and she didn’t listen to it, so what happened to all of sudden stop her from slicing Speedy’s nuts off?

Just before Luna took the scissors to sever Speedy’s prized jewels, there was a voice that spoke in her head. Not the same, annoying voice that sounded like her in her head, but a voice that immediately made her stop and had somehow wiped away her dark visage and power.

Luna! Stop! it said....Derpy said. If it wasn’t for hearing her friend’s imaginary voice in her head, she would have surely cut Speedy’s nuts right off and more...and much worse. It stayed her hoof and she was hating it.

“W..why?” Speedy simply asked as his legs trembled.

“Why what?!” Luna retorted, making the stallion jump a bit.

She knew what he meant but the anger at herself for not going through with her plan was overwhelming her. He deserved to be hurt, to be put through pain that only she could bring upon him, he deserved to suffer for hitting Derpy..her friend...her BEST friend.

But was this what Derpy would want? She came here to get her job, not go completely crazy and almost cut some pony’s balls off.

“You d..didn’t....you k..know...”

Luna looked over to him and narrowed her eyes at him.

“Don’t think for a minute I didn't do it because I chickened out or I’m afraid of you. If anything, I didn’t do it because you were crying like a pathetic bitch!”

Speedy cringed and Luna smiled inside seeing him in such a frightened state. He wasn't the stallion that was spewing at the mouth, calling some pony whatever he wanted anymore. He looked weak, small, feeble and at least Luna could take comfort that she had scared the living shit out of him to the point of reducing him to such a position, but she still needed to do something; she still needed to punish him. If she didn't, what would guarantee that this pony would never lay his hooves on Derpy or any other mare?

“Now Speedy, be thankful that I decided at the last minute to spare your poor excuse for balls,” she lied, “but don’t think that means I’m just letting you walk free...not by any means.”

She started walking towards him and Speedy simply stood still with trembling legs. He knew now the terrible power that she held and he didn’t want to risk inducing her rage again..he might not be so lucky if she lost it again.

“P..please P..Princess Luna...I know what...what I did to Derpy w..was wrong...I..I p..promise I’ll never-”

“Save it Speedy. We been through that once and you almost lost your nuts because of it.”

She now stood before him and he cowered.

“I’ll do anything you want me to L..Luna-”

“Princess,” Luna demanded.

“Princess Luna,” he said hastily, correcting himself.

Luna lowered her muzzle to his and smiled.

“I know you will. First off, you’re going to give Derpy her job back but I don’t want you to give her what she had before. I don’t like the fact that she has to go out in snow and rain to deliver packages to ponies that probably don’t appreciate her sacrifice...I know you don’t.”

Speedy swallowed hard and Luna could see beads of sweat coming down his forehead.

“T...then what would y..you have me do princess?” he stuttered, being very careful that he was the most polite stallion in Equestria right now.

Luna lowered her eyelids and smiled a bit wider.

“You’re going to give her your job my dear Speedy.”

Speedy’s face went completely pale and his pupils dilated, almost as if losing his own balls was a much more lenient punishment than this.

“But what will I do for a living?! This is horseshi-” but he couldn't finish his sentence as he felt a tug of magic pull at his tongue.

“Shut your bucking mouth!” Luna yelled and let his tongue go.

“Yes Princess!” Speedy cried and cowered more beneath her.

“Next time you decide to talk back to me, you’re nuts and dick are gone...I promise you. Now, for my second demand...”

I shouldn’t be even giving him demands. I should have his damn nuts in a jar and throwing his ass around into a bloody pulp.

And as much as she thoughts ran through her mind, Derpy’s voice still echoed , telling her to stop. It was something about her voice that kept her in check from doing such terrible things to this stallion, though he deserved every bit of what she wanted to do to him.

“You will give your job to Derpy and then you will leave Equestria...tonight.”

More sweat came down Speedy’s brow and he spoke again.

“But I have a wife?! Where am I supposed to go?? This is basically banishment!”

Luna chuckled darkly and looked deep into his brown, disgusting, eyes.

“Not my problem. It wasn't your problem when you decided to lay your hooves on Derpy and fire her. Why should I worry about you? You will leave Equestria tonight and don’t worry...I will know. The night is my domain after all.”

Luna could see that she was breaking this stallion’s soul. If she couldn’t bring herself to break this stallion physically, she was going to destroy him mentally and emotionally.

“And if I don’t?” he said weakly, trying to hold his tears and save whatever little dignity he had left...if there was even any left at this point.

Luna brought her mouth close to his twitching ear and whispered into it.

“Then I will make sure that your life is a living hell and do things to you that you didn’t think were possible. Your dreams will be nightmare’s and every waking moment you will fear for your very safety. I’ve played a lot of gory video games Mr. Speedy and it would be interesting to apply some of their concepts to a real pony...”

“I..I..I understand,” he said as he finally let his tears fall to the dark ground.

“Good,” Luna replied with satisfaction and brought her face away from his, “And know this Speedy. If you ever come back or if I even hear that you beat on another mare, no matter who it is, I will find you and I can guarantee you that no pony will ever find you again...that’s my promise to you.”

And she meant it. Never in her long, immortal life had she meant anything more than what she was saying right now. Her hate for this stallion was unfathomable and he was just so damn lucky that Derpy's voice in her noggin could somehow break her out of burning rage.

Speedy simply nodded but Luna could see that inside he was torn. She had broke this stallion’s very spirit. Everything he had, everything that made him think he was above others, specifically mares it seems, was now taken from him.

There you go Derpy...you won’t have to deal with this asshole ever again.

“Now,” Luna began, “I’m going to lift my magic and as soon as I do, I suggest you leave immediately and quickly and not buck around. Pack your shit and get the hell out of Equestria by midnight tonight or I’ll make good on my promise.”

“Yes P..Princess L..Luna,” Speedy blubbered through his tears.

Luna smirked at him.

“I can’t tell you how good it will feel once you bucking leave my country...I don’t rule over shitty ponies like you, especially one’s who want to hurt my friend. By the end of this day, I will no longer be your princess and I will be pretty damn happy about it. I know Derpy will do a much better job than you ever did and treat her employees with much more respect...bastard.”

Speedy couldn’t even look into her eyes anymore as he turned away and cried silently. She had broken him to the lowest denominator and she loved it.

Without anymore hesitation, Luna’s horn lit up and her eyes flashed a bright white. The black smoke that she had created in her fury began to swirl around and it looked like her horn was sucking up the black smoke like some type of vacuum. Within a few moments the black smoke was completely gone and both her and Speedy were now visible to the outside world.

Princess Luna turned around and studied her environment that she had left in a wreck. She saw a pile of dust that she had zapped earlier and disintegrated and saw the door that she had charged through lodged into the cloud wall.

Wow...I did this?

She was just now really seeing what she had done in her rage? Was she really this dangerous when she lost it? Was she really that...powerful..and why was it triggered when she saw Derpy’s bruises. It would be questions she would have to answer though as she now took notice of the small crowd that had formed.

Pegasi stood at the broken door way with huge eyes and stared at Luna and Speedy who quickly got up from his previous cowering and darted past Luna and into the small crowd that could only imagine what she had done to him while under her veil of black smoke.

“Move! I need to get out of here! Move damnit!” she heard Speedy yell as he pushed through the crowd and ponies watched him.

Bucking bastard....

“Luna! Luna!”

“Derpy?!” Luna said, hearing her friend’s small voice.

“Excuse me! Move please! Sorry!”

Luna saw the grey mare pushing past ponies, trying to make her way to her princess. A cold chill suddenly ran up Luna’s spine and began to worry.

Why is she back in here?? I told her to go outside...oh crap! Did she see me? Was she in the crowd this whole time and saw me going nuts?

The small pony pushed her way through more until she finally broke free from the gathering.

“Oh my gosh! Luna! You're still...still you!” Derpy exclaimed as ran up and hugged the regal tight, making Luna even stagger a bit back.

The princess hugged her back but wondered what her friend was talking about.

“Uh yes...I am. What would make you think otherwise?” Luna asked coyly, hoping that Derpy wasn’t aware of her transformation into Nightmare Moon.

Derpy broke her embrace and looked up at Luna. The princess couldn’t now help but smile as she looked down into those crossed golden eyes of Derpy’s. They were a welcomed sight.

“I waited outside like you told me to but I was worried about you. You seemed so mad and I thought you were going to do something really bad to Speedy and get in real big trouble, but then I saw ponies running out of the office screaming and yelling and stuff! And you know that clerk from earlier?” Derpy asked

Luna nodded her head, a bit lost as to where this was going concerning the clerk.

“She said that her and other ponies heard Nightmare Moon...I thought you turned back into Nightmare Moon so i ran back here to stop you but you’re not Nightmare Moon!I was so scared that I was going to lose you” Derpy said with a relieved smile.

She was worried about me...

Luna grimaced inside. She had came here to get Derpy’s job back and though she did, she didn’t want to have the grey mare worry about her in the process.

But Luna also felt a warm feeling in her chest. As bad as it sounded in her head that she made Derpy fear for her, it also felt...good. The fact that her friend cared so much...it made her heart beam.

“I’m sorry Derpy,” Luna apologized, “I didn’t mean to worry you...I just got a bit angry that somepony was...you know.”

Understatement of the century...

Derpy looked around and looked back at Luna.

“Where’s Speedy? What did you do to him?”

Princess Luna got ready to answer her question but suddenly realized that there was still a crowd that was listening to the both of them, wondering just as much as Derpy what she had done to make the stallion scream and beg that had sent ponies running.

“Maybe we should leave first my friend,” she said with a small smile, glad that she had at least some good news for her friend...just she didn’t want to reveal it here in front of this crowd.

Derpy looked to the crowd behind her and chuckled.

“Heh, yeah. Good idea. Let’s get back to my place and you can tell me there.”

Luna nodded. Even though she felt like she had let Speedy off easy, she was starting to see that maybe it was probably for the best. Yes, cutting off his balls and beating him into a bloody mess still felt appropriate to her but would the consequences have been worth it? Maybe, maybe not, but she wouldn't find out.

Right now, she just wanted to get back to Ponyville and tell her friend how she will never have to deal with Speedy ever again.

The two began walking toward the crowd to go through the entrance but then a commanding voice was heard.

“Princess Luna!”

The entire crowd immediately turned and saw several pegasi in blue uniforms and had patches on their sleeves of a shield with the picture of Cloudsdale imprinted on them that had the initials CPGP. The crowd knew immediately who these ponies were and made a path for the several pegasi.

Who the hay are these guys?

“The pegasus patrol,” Derpy whispered.

Luna heard the fright in her friend’s voice and turned to her.

“What’s wrong?”

Derpy looked over to Luna with fear in her eyes.

“You know how I told you about the clerk? Well, she said she also called the pegasus patrol.”

Luna looked over to the pegasi that were now forming a line in front of her. She went through each one and counted about sixteen of them.

“And that means what?” Luna whispered back.

“Their like police Luna...”Derpy said nervously.

“Princess Luna,” the same voice said.

Luna looked towards the stallion that took a step forward from the line that the uniformed ponies had made. He had a dark blue coat and a blue and white spiky mane.

“Yes?” she answered, still confused as to what was going on. If these were like the police of Cloudsdale, then why were they here?

“I am Captain Swiftwind of the Cloudsdale Pegasus Patrol,” he announced.

Luna raised her brow.

“Okay?” she answered not knowing what to really say.

Swiftwind continued, unphased by her confusion.

“We received several calls that you have been causing some trouble here at the post office and by the looks of it...,” the captain looked around, taking in the damage she had created, “It seems that the reports were right. May I ask why your highness?”

Luna didn’t like where this was going but before she could answer, Derpy stood in front of her and spoke for her.

“She didn’t do anything wrong. She had an issue with Speedy Delivery because I told her that he was hitting me.”

The captain stared at the grey mare for a moment and then back to Luna, still with his very calm demeanor.

“Where is Mr. Delivery now? I don’t see him here.”

Derpy couldn’t answer that and turned to Luna.

“I banished him for beating on her and If you're wondering if I hurt him or not, he is perfectly fine,” Luna said coldly.

Derpy’s mouth dropped to the cloud floor and her eyes went straight once again and Captain Swiftwind raised his brow.

“To my understanding, ponies were reporting that they were hearing him scream for help and even heard Nightmare Moon speak. Care to explain that Princess Luna?”

Damn it...

This was not something she wanted to go into detail about. Not in front of a crowd and in front of her friend. She just wanted to leave and be with Derpy and just leave this day behind and the memory of the rage that had consumed her earlier.

“I have no need to explain that to you Mr. Swiftwind,” Princess Luna replied, losing her patience, “Now move and let me and my friend pass and go on with our day please.”

“I’m afraid I can’t do that right now your highness. You see, based on what I was told and from what I’m seeing, I see you as a threat to the safety others. I can’t tell you how many calls I gotten about hearing Nightmare Moon and you basically holding Speedy hostage. With that being said princess, I must ask you that you come with us to holding until we get this all sorted out.”

“What?!” Derpy blurted, “You’re taking her to jail?!!”

“To put it simply, yes. For now at least.”

“And what gives you that authority?!” Luna demanded, baffled that they were actually planning to arrest her.

“With all due respect princess, just because you hold a royal title does not mean your above law. You have came and destroyed property, disturbed the peace, held a pony hostage, and the very talk about Nightmare Moon returning does not bode well for safety at all. By my duty, I am placing you under arrest Princess Luna.”

The crowd behind them gasped and even Luna herself was shocked. She was going to jail? The alicorn had seen documentaries and movies about prison but never been to one herself. How long would she be there? What would happen in there? Would some ponies try to gang up on her and rape her with a broomstick??

“Please come with us Princess Luna,” the captain insisted.

“No! No! She’s not going!” Derpy exclaimed and put herself completely in front of Luna, sending the alicorn into more shock.

“Derpy! What are you doing?!” the alicorn said.

“I’m not letting them take you to jail! You didn’t do anything wrong! If anything, they should be getting that bastard Speedy and locking him up!”

“Miss, I advise you to step aside so that we may apprehend Princess Luna or you will be arrested along with-”

“I don’t care!”Derpy yelled back and lowered herself in some type of fighting position, “You’re going to have to arrest me too but I’m not going without a fight! She defended me and you’re going to punish her for that?! No way!”


“Derpy, don’t do this. Just let them arrest me...don’t go down with me,” Luna pleaded behind her.

Derpy turned to her and Luna saw tears forming in her eyes.

“I’m not letting them take you Luna. You defended me and got rid of Speedy. I’m going to defend you now.”

Luna didn’t know what to say. She saw that these words held truth to them and Derpy had no intention of leaving her. She was willing to go down with her, even when she had nothing to do with all this.

“Derpy...” but Luna couldn’t finish her sentence. All she could do was say her name...that wonderful name.

The grey mare smiled a bit and then turned to Swiftwind.

“You’re going to have to get through me if you want her,” Derpy declared.

Captain Swiftwind sniffed, his blank face unchanging.

“Very well then. You are also under arrest for impeding an arrest attempt.”

The pegasus looked over to the stallions that stood in a line behind him.

“Arrest them,” he ordered.

“Yes sir!” they all said in unison and began to break their line and move in on the duo.

Derpy gritted her teeth and stood her ground while Luna couldn’t believe what was happening. This was not what she wanted.

But should she have expected any different?

(A/N: Happy Late Turkey Day! Hooray for leftovers!)