• Published 31st Aug 2012
  • 13,628 Views, 1,318 Comments

M0re Than Gam3rs - P3RROHAMBRE

Gamer Luna and Derpy are best friends, with a love of gaming. Will it turn to something more?

  • ...

Level 13

So it seems our dear Luna has something for the half-wit pony.

It would seem that way M.0.D.

This may pose a problem. The two supposed best gamers in Equestria being a possible couple....I don’t like that idea L33t.

Do you wish to prevent it? All you have to do is put the operation on green. You can end it here and now.

No...this could turn out to be interesting. I wonder if Luna could go for it or buck it up somehow. Either way, even if they do have something for each other and actually...ugh...get together, I’ll just kill two birds with one stone. Makes it easier for me.

As if Celestia whipping her own sister wasn’t ‘interesting? Or watching Princess Luna play with herself?

L33t...shut up and get the stream back on. I want to see Derpy right now.

Of course M.0.D. Commencing stream in Ponyville, residence of Derpy Hooves....

M0re Than Gam3rs

Level 13

How We Met

Friday: One day before match against Celestia....

“So she actually spanked you?”

“Yes! I’m sitting on a pack of ice right now because of it!”

Derpy was a bit confused as she held her phone to her ear. She had called Luna a bit earlier to see how she was doing since yesterday and secretly she wanted to make sure that small kiss that she had given her didn’t somehow make the princess feel awkward.

“Ummm...well...did you enjoy it?” Derpy asked with a small laugh.

“Wha-huh? Enjoy it?! No! I would never enjoy something like that! My sister is just damn weird sometimes.”

“Okay, okay,” Derpy laughed, “I was just kidding Luna. I just know there are some mare’s that are into that kind of stuff and I wouldn’t think of you any different if you were into that you know?”

“Derpy....I’m not like that.,” Luna stated flatly over the phone.

“I know Luna. Calm down okay?” Derpy said, trying to quell her small laughter.

This ‘discipline’ that Celestia had put upon her best friend really had her riled up and even a bit more agitated than normal.

“Sorry...I just can’t believe...” Luna trailed off and there was a silence over the phone for a few moments.

“Hello? Can’t believe what?” Derpy asked.

“I...errr...I don’t know. Just I wasn’t happy about it was all. So anyways,” Luna began as she changed the subject on the grey mare, “After yesterday’s events and all, I still haven’t told you about the match that Celestia challenged us to.”

“Really?!” Derpy blurted, “Celestia plays video games? That’s awesome!”

Luna laughed over the phone.

“Tia?! Play games?! No my dear friend, she actually doesn't play games and yet she thinks that she could actually beat us.”

“Oh...so it’s both of us against her?”

“Well she will have Twilight with her but she doesn't play games either. It’s already a lost cause for my sister.”

Derpy wouldn’t know if Twilight actually played video games or not. Even with all the times she had delivered packages of books and chemistry supplies to the librarian, never once had she seen her order any type of gaming equipment or accessories. Wasn’t to say that Twilight didn’t play games but again, the mailmare really had no clue.

“Well I can’t really say anything about that. I guess we will see how it goes tomorrow night right?” Derpy said with reservation.

The grey mare knew that Luna and her were probably one of the best...THE best....gamers in Equestria. But unlike a certain magician that she had a certain distaste for, she wasn’t one to boast about it and was careful not to get overly confident.

“Derpy, you and I both know there will be nothing to see. Just you and I kicking flank.”

“Well you never know Luna. They may actually be pretty good.”

“Pfffft. If that happens, then I’ll give up gaming forever.”

“I doubt that. I can’t see you giving up gaming for anything,” Derpy laughed.

“Yeah probably. Well I better get going. Have to attend my court today. I’m going to look ridiculous with these ice packs strapped to my flanks.”

Derpy bit her lower lip and tried to keep herself from laughing as the image of giant, bulking ice packs attached to Luna’s flanks appeared in her mind.

“I’m sure you’ll look just fine like always Luna. Have fun,” Derpy teased.

“Yeah, sooo much fun,” Luna also teased before sending her farewell, “I’ll talk to you later Derpy. Bye.”

“Bye Luna,” Derpy replied in a cheery tone.

The mailmare waited until she heard the sound of a click and then a small beep, signaling the call had ended. She set her phone down at the table she was sitting at and simply stared at the muffin that she had made for breakfast earlier; her cheery demeanor instantly leaving her.

Well, she didn’t seem to come off as weirded out or anything so that’s good.

It certainly was for the mare. Ever since she had taken the daring leap to kiss Luna on her cheek, she had been worried that she somehow made the princess feel awkward once she left. By the way they left each other and spoke to each other right after such an action, it certainly seemed like it.

She still doesn't get it though.

Though this was good in it’s own way, it also proved disheartening for Derpy. She had hoped that somehow that kiss, that gesture, would somehow finally make Luna realize something so simple, so obvious, about her.

The simple fact that Derpy Hooves actually loved the Princess of the Night, her best friend, and her fellow gamer. It was a love that she herself realized and accepted a long time ago and had been quiet about.

Could you blame her?

Her, a pony that was seen as some type of accident or mess-up because of her skewed eyes, to actually fancy a goddess? Princess Luna to her was the epitome of perfection, the model of all that was beautiful and pleasant to the eye; a mare that could never have any type of interest in one such is she.

Yes, they were friends and they spent a ton of time together but that was it. They were just friends. Nothing more, nothing less.

Why can’t I just tell her? Tell her that I love her?

But she knew why. It was fear; the fear of what her beloved princess would say.

She’ll probably just want to stay friends.

It’s not as if it hadn’t happened before. Now of course not with Luna, but there were a few other ponies that she had taken interest into before meeting the princess and beginning her friendship with her. As it would go, she would finally muster up the courage to tell her said interest about how she felt and what would be the response she would get?

‘I think it’s better we just stay friends.’

Derpy knew she wasn’t the smartest in the shed but she wasn’t stupid either. She knew that response was simply meaning that the certain interest didn’t want to be seen with some pony that looked weird...but it’s not like she didn’t expect it either. Thus, she never really tried to pursue a romantic relationship, seeing that maybe she simply wasn’t meant for one.

That was until she met Princess Luna.

Ever since the moment they met and began spending time together, the more the grey mare began to develop feelings for the alicorn. It wasn’t something she wanted, especially towards a goddess, but how could one choose to not have feelings for another pony? It wasn’t some type of process that could have a cognitive decision at the end of it to determine if one loved another.

It was just there. Smitten love had afflicted her and bloomed into genuine love.

But alas, it would be a love that she felt would never be realized by her princess. Luna only wanted her as a friend, a buddy to play videogames with.

At least this is what she believed.

“Are you going to eat that muffin big sis?” a small, gentle voice said.

Derpy ripped herself from her inner thoughts and looked over to her small sister, Dinky.

“No, you go ahead and have it Dinky”, she answered with a smile and ruffled the filly’s mane a bit.

She grabbed the fresh muffin and gave it to her little sister and without delay the small mare munched on the bake good happily.

“So what are you doing?” Dinky asked as little flakes of muffin covered her mouth as she ate.

“Oh nothing. I was just sitting here and thinking about stuff was all.”

Dinky continued feasting on her small treat as she spoke.

“What stuff?”

Derpy rolled her eyes playfully. As always, her sister was being the nosy filly she was.

“Stuff that you don’t need to know about,” Derpy said playfully as she booped the small unicorn’s nose.

“But why not?” Dinky said.

“Well,” Derpy began as she tapped her hoof on her chin, trying to think of some reason that would hopefully satisfy the persistent Dinky. She obviously wasn’t going to tell Dinky, a small filly that really had no idea about love and relationships, about what she was really thinking.

“Because it’s big pony stuff Dinky,”Derpy said with a smile.

“It’s about Woona, isn’t it?”

Derpy’s grey cheeks immediately flushed.

Am I that obvious? Even Dinky knows I’m head over hoof for her?

“Now what would make you think that Dinky?” Derpy asked coyly, rubbing the back of her head in nervousness.

“Well you and Woona spend a lot of time together so you have to like each other right?”

“That’s because we’re friends Dinky,” Derpy replied, now a bit relieved that she simply misunderstood her sister. It was silly to think that this filly could tell that Derpy was in love with the alicorn.

“Oh! So that’s what friends do.”

“Yeah, just like you and your friends. You guys spend time together.”

“But I thought big ponies were friends with their special somepony?” Dinky asked.

Derpy was now getting a bit confused. It seemed her dear sister was mixing the concept of friends and lovers.

“Well yes and no. Big ponies have friends too that are just friends and also can have that one special somepony along with those friends. It’s just that special somepony is more than a friend, get it?” Derpy said, trying to teach her innocent unicorn.

“Ohhhhh okay, I get it now,” Dinky said with now a better understanding,”So why don’t you and Woona become each other’s special somepony?

Derpy felt a lump form in her throat. Dinky was simply asking innocent questions, just as any young filly does due to their curious little minds but this was becoming harder and harder for the mailmare.

Why don’t we? Derpy now asked herself.

They both liked games and knew each other inside out. They had shared secrets with each other;secrets that they would’ve never divulged to any other pony. Hell, there had been times that they even went out to dinner together...of course as friends.

But Derpy always wanted more...she wanted more than Luna the friend and gamer. She wanted Luna, her marefriend, lover, and fellow gamer but this was a faulty reality...and she believed it. It was a dream that would be always out of her reach, no matter what she did or said to her beloved ruler;Luna just couldn’t see it.

But why would she?

She was just Derpy. The pegasus with skewed eyes and worked as some small mailmare.

“Well...cause we're not. We just met as friends and that’s all we are,” she told Dinky with a fake smile, while inside it killed her to say such words.

Dinky simply nodded and finished the muffin that she had gladly been indulging in. The unicorn lifted herself onto one of the chairs of the table and looked towards her big sister.

“Oh okay then. So how did you and Woona meet?” Dinky asked, now changing the subject off of Derpy’s fantasy love life.

“Huh? I never told you Dinky?” Derpy asked, a bit surprised about this. She began to wonder where all these questions were coming from.

Dinky shook her head.

“Nope, I think all you told me that you met Woona on Nightmare Night a while ago. I want to know like how and what made you two friends...if that’s okay?” Dinky said, now being mindful of what she was asking.

Derpy couldn’t help but chuckle a bit. It was kind of amusing seeing her little sister being considerate but she couldn't deny her. Derpy figured it might help get her mind away from focusing on her failed desires anyways.

“Of course Dinky. I’ll tell you what Luna and I did that night but before I do...”

“Yes?” Dinky asked with wide, happy eyes. She loved it when Derpy told stories to her but this one would be different. This one would be about her favorite sister and princess.

“Let me get more muffins for us from the kitchen.”


2 years ago: Nightmare Night in Ponyville....

“Thanks Derpy. It was mighty nice of ya to go to the orchard and fetch some more apples for me,” Applejack said as she patted the mare on her back.

Derpy gave a welcoming smile in return in her simple but entertaining costume. She wore a paper bag on her head and even smaller little bags on her front hooves. She enjoyed wearing costumes but she wanted something she could make this year. So, thus was born the ‘paper bag mare’ as she dubbed it...and the fact that she was not very graceful with glue might have played a part in choosing such attire.

Regardless, it was Nightmare Night, her favorite time of the year with Hearth’s Warming Eve being next to it and this was the time to dress anyway you wanted.

“No problem Applejack. I figured it was the least I could do after...well...draining all the water from earlier,” Derpy said as she shuffled her hooves on the dirt floor, recalling her little accident while bobbing for apples.

“Don’t worry your little head off about that sugarcube,” Applejack encouraged in her signature southern twang and smile, “Ah need to get rid of that darn thing anyways. It’s pretty bad when Ah have to use a plug to just fill some confoundin’ hole from letting the water out.”

“Yeah, heh, well still. Sorry about that.”

Applejack simply waved her hoof.

“Nough of yer apolgizin’ Derpy. Ah already told ya it’s okay. Now let’s get these apples in this here bucket and get the bobbin’ going again.”

So with apologies said and a desire to bob for more apples, Derpy Hooves helped the farm pony and began filling up the large bucket with water and apples. they did this for only a few minutes, seeing that it didn’t take much to set up a place to bob apples.

“Well tickle me pink Derpy. Ah didn’t know that you were such a strong pony to be loadin apples without breaking a sweat. Ah’m guessing deliverin’ packages has its benefits huh?” Applejack laughed as she nudged the grey mare, making Derpy chuckle a bit in response.

“Yeah, I guess so,” Derpy replied with humility.

“Well if ya wanna bob for more apples, go for it sugarcube. We got some ponies coming over here and Ah’ll be busy countin’ bits. Just be careful of the plug okay?”

Derpy blushed out of acute embarrassment.

“Yeah. I’ll watch for it.”

“Alrighty then,” Applejack said as she tipped her straw hat of her costume and walked away to do her business.

I really need to start paying attention more to what I do.

She kept that little mental note in her head and went over to the giant bucket full of water and delicious red fruit that floated in it. She couldn’t put into words how much she loved to bob for apples. What pony couldn’t love diving their face into water to get some apples? The cool water against one’s face and to have it followed with a juicy treat?

Derpy positioned her head above the bucket and apples and prepared to go bad on them when something began to ring.

[Tone ]

Oh c’mon!

Derpy looked over to her goody bag that was filled with muffins and candy and saw her phone that she had laid upon the stash ringing. Now she wasn’t a mare to ignore a call when she had the ability to answer it, even if it meant waiting a bit longer before she could bob for apples again. She hopped off the little ladder and went over to it and flipped open her phone.

Incoming Call: Lyra

Derpy accepted the call and put it to her ear.

“Hey Lyra.”

“Hey Derpy. Sorry I’m calling right now, did I interrupt anything?”

Derpy looked over to the small pool of apples.

“Well,nothing important, no. What’s going on?”

“Okay. Bon Bon and I are at PonyStop and I want to get Asura’s Wrath but she keeps telling me it’s a bad game. I know you played it before so I wanted to see what you would say since you actually played it.”

Derpy simply rolled her eyes with a little smile. It was no surprise that once again her musical and human obsessed friend was asking for some game critique. Lyra was not one to spend bits on a game without knowing what she was getting and everypony that cared for good games knew that their local mailmare was the one to go to to find out if they were.

After all, she was a gamer, unbeknownst to quite a few ponies who didn’t take the time to get to know her.

“Well do you like gameplay or story more?” Derpy asked.

“I’m more of a story mare.”

“Then Asura’s Wrath would be a good game for you. There’s gameplay involved in it but it’s mostly of whole lot of quick time events and stuff, but the story and over the top action is great. I literally ate a whole tray of muffins while playing that game like it was some type of movie.”

“See Bon Bon! I told you that she would say it would be good!” Derpy heard Lyra yell from a distance from her phone.

“Okay, okay, I’m getting it,” she heard Bon Bon say in the background.

“Okay she’s getting it. Thanks Derpy.”

“No problem. I’ll talk to you later.”

“Okay Derpy. Happy Nightmare Night.”

“You too,” Derpy said and hung up the phone.

She might’ve not been the most graceful mare or the smartest but she knew one thing;it felt good to know that she was smart about her games.

She set her phone back onto her sweet stash and turned around to get to her favorite activity but instead of being met with a pool of apples waiting for her, there was a pony. A pony that stood taller than her and as the mail mare looked up, she immediately realized who this pony was in her presence.

Her dark sapphire coat was illuminated in the moon’s glow, her dark regalia with the crescent moon made itself apparent, and her mane sparkled behind her with her teal eyes looking down at the pegasus.

“P..Princess Luna!” Derpy said in astonishment and immediately bowed down before the regal.

Oh crap! Was I in the way? Did she want to bob for apples and I got in her way??

Derpy had already seen this regal’s anger earlier this night after being fed up with the citizens of Ponyville and she had no intention to piss this princess off. But why was Princess Luna here? Bob for apples? Passing by? Maybe she wanted to talk to her?

“Are you the one they call Derpy Hooves?” Princess Luna asked in her regal poise and standing.

Derpy looked up to the princess and into her glowing teal eyes. It seemed like the night was somehow illuminating every feature of this alicorn.

“Y..yes, that would be me,” Derpy said shakily.

Luna’s face was unchanging as she now continued her questions.

“Derpy Hooves, the sister of Dinky Hooves and local mailmare of Ponyville?”

Her voice had authority and power in it. Her very words and tone commanded respect.

“Umm, yes.”

Why is she asking who I am? Did I do something wrong???

Anxiety began to take the mare. Her mind raced with what she could’ve done to have actually gained the attention of Princess Luna. It couldn’t have been good if this regal was making sure who she was.

A few moments of silence passed by until Derpy saw a silver hoof held out to her along with a smile.

“It’s nice to meet you Derpy Hooves,” Luna greeted with a small but nervous smile, her voice now abandoning it’s regality.


This was not what she expected. All Derpy could do was stare dumbly at the princess and cock her head.

Luna now smiled even more sheepishly.

“Um, this is how to greet ponies yes? Or are we-I mean- Or am I doing it wrong?”

“Uhhh no,” Derpy said, finally lifting herself up from her bowing position and holding out her own hoof cautiously, “You’re doing it right Princess Luna.”

“Oh good!” Luna exclaimed in relieved happiness, “I thought for a moment I was doing it wrong again.”

She’s different....she’s not yelling and she looks...nice.

This wasn’t the Princess Luna that had entered Ponyville and was using some type of loud voice to talk and she didn’t actually seem all that intimidating now. She looked approachable, even friendly now.

Twilight Sparkle? She did go with her around Ponyville in stuff. Maybe she did something to change her mood.

“Is this the part where we shake hooves or is it something else?” Luna asked, still holding that nervous smile.

“Oh!” Derpy exclaimed, almost losing herself in thought, “Uh yeah, sorry.” She smiled with a small squee sound.

Princess Luna made contact with her hoof and began to shake it gently.

“It is nice to meet you Derpy Hooves.”

“Heheh, you too Princess Luna?” Derpy replied awkwardly.

The poor grey mare had no idea what was going on. Here was Princess Luna, her of all ponies, shaking her hoof and greeting her. Derpy wasn’t now intimidated but now simply a bit confused. What would compel this goddess to come to some pony like her?

They shook their hooves for a few moments before Luna broke the gesture and now simply stared at Derpy with her now more than nervous smile.

“Ummm,” Derpy hummed, seeing that this alicorn was now simply staring at her, “Is there anything I can help you with Princess Luna?” she asked with all politeness.

She’s nervous...why is she nervous?

This was interesting. Princess Luna wasn’t the dark intimidating figure that she had seen and cowered at when she arrived in Ponyville. She looked fragile, nervous, even vulnerable. She carried the figure of a regal but in Derpy’s crossed eyes, she just seemed like a mare who was now simply nervous of meeting someone.

Was this it?

Was Luna nervous because of her?

She watched the alicorn’s eyes shift left to right, still smiling, and beads of sweat even coming down her forehead.

“Ummm, Princess Luna? Are you alright?” Derpy asked, now a bit concerned.

“Oh yes!” Luna exclaimed, “I came here to you Derpy Hooves because we-I mean-I happened to have eavesdropped by accident on your little conversation that you were having on your cellular device.”

Derpy shifted her crossed eyes and was about to answer until Luna interupted.

“Your eyes!” Luna exclaimed making the mare jump a bit.

“Huh?!” but Derpy didn’t even get time to even comprehend for a moment what Luna was even saying as the alicorn lifted the pegasus with her magic and brought her muzzle close to hers and stared right into them.

“Your eyes Derpy Hooves! They’re...skewed! How did this happen?? Did somepony curse you??”

“Nononono!” Derpy said frantically as she flailed her legs in mid-air, “I was born this way Princess Luna! I’m not cursed!”

Luna cocked her head a bit and gently set the mare down back on the ground.

“You were...born...that way?” Luna asked with curiosity.

Derpy grimaced inside.

Great...here we go about my eyes. Now she’s probably going to say how weird I look-”

“I have never seen a pony with such a unique quality.”


Did she just hear right? Did Princess Luna say that her eyes were actually...unique? Never before had the pegasus heard somepony call her eyes that. She usually only heard weird, abnormal, goofy looking, and the rare occasion, retarded.

“Unique?” Derpy repeated, making sure she had heard correctly.

“Yes. Never before had I seen a pony with what you have. It compliments your appearance well Derpy Hooves,” Luna said with another wide smile.

Derpy didn’t know if Luna was simply being nice for the sake of it or if she actually meant it but one thing was certain: Princess Luna was actually complimenting her eyes.

“Oh wow..umm thank you Princess Luna,” Derpy said, a bit baffled at something that nice.

“Now, um, I came to you Derpy Hooves because I couldn’t help but overhear you on your cellular device and hearing something about...Asura’s Wrath?”

“Oh yeah. That was one of my friends. She wanted to know about it and stuff. Asura’s Wrath is a-” but as Derpy was about to begin to explain what it even was, seeing that she thought Princess Luna would have no clue about what it was, she was interrupted by Luna once again and what she heard utterly shocked her.

“A video game developed by CyberConnect2 and published by one of my personal favorites, Capcom. It’s an action video game with interactive story and it runs on Unreal Engine 3...which I believe was a good choice on their part. I just wanted to come over and see what you thought about the game. I found it quite good for not much gameplay.”

Holy hay....

Utter and complete shock was written over Derpy’s face. Her eyes had instantly went straight and her jaw hung completely open.

Sh had to ask the question.

“Do you play video games Princess Luna?”

Luna happily nodded.

“Yes! I love video games! Do you?!” Princess Luna asked excitedly.

Derpy couldn’t believe this. Princess Luna was a gamer just like her?

“Yeah. I play video games all the time. I was actually planning to go back home after tonight to play some Super Smash Ponies Brawl-”

Princess Luna gasped and put her muzzle right against Derpy’s.

“You have Super Smash Ponies Brawl?! I love that game!”

Derpy couldn’t help but let a small laugh escape her. Seeing this princess, one that she had thought was dark and intimidating was actually a bit funny and nothing what she had originally believed.

Maybe I should invite her over...she did say she was looking for friends...and she’s a gamer...maybe me and her could be friends.

It was a leap but seeing Princess Luna’s enthusiasm for games, she couldn’t really let an opportunity like that slip by. Besides, she didn’t want to be a pony that judged by appearances. Yes, Luna had came off as scary in the beginning but now seeing this, maybe it was only because she was nervous. Being locked away for a thousand years and then to come to a world that was completely different from what she knew had to be actually intimidating for her.

“Well if you want to Princess Luna, we could go over to my place and play a few games if you have the time?” Derpy offered.

Luna’s eyes went even wider and she backed her head away with a more than happy smile.

“I would love to Derpy Hooves. It would be a pleasure to game with another enthusiast of the same interest. Just lead the way and I will follow.”

Derpy looked over to the floating apples that she had desired to bob for earlier but now they didn’t seem all that appealing. Instead, she was more interested about Princess Luna and this love of games that they shared.

The mailmare smiled and answered.

“Okay. Follow me Princess Luna.”

With that, Derpy grabbed her bag of sweets and muffins and led the princess to her home.


Late that night in Derpy’s room...

“It seems we are now 13 for 13 Derpy Hooves,” Princess Luna said as she sat next to Derpy with her Gamecube controller beside her.

There were no words to describe what Derpy had just experienced. Never before had somepony kept her on her hooves and made her play so hard to just even keep up. Games were her domain, her passion, and she never had any trouble winning by landslides.

But Luna was something else. This alicorn was more than a pro at games. She was a gaming goddess. She knew all the moves for each character she chose. She wasn’t one of those that was only good with one fighting character and failed with the rest and the way she was able to chain her attacks in perfect rhythm...it blew Derpy’s mind.

“Princess Luna...if I may say with all respect...I kind of never expected for you to be this good,” Derpy admitted.

She saw Luna blush a bit from the complement.

“I’m actually a bit rusty Derpy Hooves. It’s been quite awhile since I played games last,” Luna said sheepishly.

Rusty?? This is her being rusty??? She’s flipping awesome at this!

“Then I’m afraid of what you could do once you get back up to full potential Princess Luna,” Derpy laughed, still pleasantly shocked by this awesome gamer and princess.

Princess Luna laughed along with her.

“Well you were certainly a challenge Derpy Hooves. I can’t honestly say that I have met a fellow gamer as good as you.”

Now she herself began to blush from such a compliment. This feeling of joy and happiness that had taken refuge within the grey mare during her time playing with Princess Luna was nothing she had felt before and she was actually liking it. She really couldn’t recall the last time she had this much fun playing a video game with somepony, let alone a princess.

“Thanks Princess Luna.”

Luna looked into Derpy’s eyes and the pegasus could see that Luna was sharing the same joy and happiness that she was feeling. Princess Luna was also having a good time.

And then as if from fate itself, Derpy said something that would begin it all.

“You know Princess Luna, I’m having a lot of fun playing with you and stuff. I would’ve never guessed that you were into games like me earlier but I think that we should do this more often.”

Luna looked at her in awe, as if no pony has actually ever said something like that to her before.

“You really think so? You would enjoy our...my...company with you?”

Derpy nodded her head.

“Yeah, I think I would Princess Luna.”

The alicorn sat in a moment of silence and it looked like she was trying to think of something to say or maybe just thinking to herself.

“So you don’t fear me like other ponies do?”

Well, she did in the beginning but seeing how cool and nice Luna really was, she knew that she was wrong to be afraid of her.

“Well I did at first when you came here earlier,” Derpy admitted, “But now that I got to talk and play with you, you’re actually pretty cool and nice.”

This must’ve made the alicorn’s night. Luna smiled wide; wide enough to show off her teeth.

“I am glad to hear that Derpy Hooves. It is nice to know that one pony can see me for that but what you said about us playing together more; could I ask you a question about it?”

“Of course princess,” Derpy replied as she got up and went over to the Gamecube to turn it off.

“Would you like to come to Canterlot near the end of this week to play games with me?”


This was almost too good to be true. Princess Luna was inviting her to come to Canterlot Castle simply so they could play games together?

“That sounds like a great idea princess but won’t you be busy doing...princess stuff?” Derpy said, being considerate of her rulers responsibilities. She didn’t want to somehow get in the way of Luna’s royal duties.

Princess Luna waved her hoof nonchalantly.

“I won’t be taking on any responsibilities as a ruler yet. My sister wants me to get settled in for a bit before that. She says she wants to show me a few things before I do so.”

“Oh well okay then. Well if you’re sure, then yeah! I would love to come and play games. It would be cool to see where you live and what games you play Princess Luna.”

“Oh good! I’m happy to hear that.”

Luna looked out the window of Derpy’s room and turned back at to the mare as she rose up from her sitting position.

“Well, my night is getting late and I must get back to Twilight Sparkle and thank her for helping me get accustomed to some of Ponyville’s social norms and traditions. I had much of the fun with you Derpy Hooves. I can’t wait until we do it again.”

Derpy felt a bit a disappointment well in her. She actually didn’t want Luna to go just yet. She wanted to have some more fun and she hadn’t even got to bake any muffins for her to try. Nevertheless, Derpy couldn’t say it wasn’t a good night...it was a great night, much better than she had anticipated.

“Oh okay then Princess-”

“You do not have to call me that Derpy Hooves.”


The alicorn walked over to the mare and put her silver hoof on Derpy’s shoulder.

“I like you Derpy Hooves. You have shown me kindness and have shown your princess a good time. I have to admit, I never thought I would find one as enjoyable as you but it seems I was wrong. You can just call me Luna from now on.”

Derpy couldn’t help but nod and smile.

“Okay Luna, and you can just call me Derpy,” she laughed.

“Very well then Derpy,” Luna said with a gentle laugh of her own.

This is so cool! I just played video games with Princess Luna and she thinks I’m cool!

Derpy’s little heart beamed. She couldn’t describe or explain why she felt this good but she wasn’t going to ask why. Not many ponies were willing to play games with her because they either saw her as weird or just saw games as something only ‘nerdy ponies’ did but now knowing that Princess Luna played games just like her and was absolutely a badass gamer, it made her feel validated in some way.

“Well, I really must be off. Could you show me the way to the exit of your home Derpy?”

The muffin loving mare gladly obliged.

“Follow me Luna.”

Derpy opened the door and the two left her room and made their way to the outside. A cool but pleasant breeze blew through the dark and now quiet night. Most ponies have already returned to their homes to end their night of mischief and sweets, sleeping until the morning rose and signaled a new day.

“Oh...I didn’t realize how late it was,” Luna said as she looked up toward her moon.

“Yeah, me either.”

How time flew when one was having fun.It was obvious that time had completely left these two gamers in the wake of such enjoyment.

“I really must get going,” Luna said as she turned and lowered herself a bit to be face to face with Derpy, “I thank you again Derpy for tonight. I can’t wait till we meet again and play together. I would have to say this was probably the best Nightmare Night we-I-have had in a long time.”

“Me too Luna. It was pretty awesome.”

Luna smiled gently and lifted herself again and stood in all her regality and power.

“I’m happy to hear that.”

Luna unfurled her wings and began to lift herself off the ground as Derpy simply watched in awe and happiness.

“Until next time my friend.”

With that farewell, Princess Luna flew off into the night and Derpy could only stand there with a grin as she realized what had just happened. This night, the night that she would've never guessed to be the beginning of a bond with one she never fathomed of ever even speaking to, had begun.

What was this realization? Simple.

I have a new friend...


Back to the present...

Her heart beamed.

Telling the story of how her and Luna met only made Derpy’s heart pound hard against her chest. It was a memory that she considered the best for it was the beginning of her friendship with the princess and also the herald for the love that Derpy developed after it.

“So Woona and you played games that night?” Dinky asked, her entire face covered in muffin crumbs and a small milk mustache accompanying it.

“Yep,” Derpy answered.

“Aw man...now I wish I was home to see Woona and you play,” Dinky whined.

“I think you still would've had more fun spending the night with Pip and your other friends than watching us two play”, Derpy laughed, seeing that Dinky was now actually getting a bit jealous.

“I don’t know...maybe,” Dinky said, tapping her chin with her hoof with a little smile of her own.

Little joker.

“Well how about we get you cleaned up?” Derpy suggested. She got up from the table and began picking up plates and glasses so they could be cleaned for later.

“Awww, but I want to hear another one about you and Woona.”

Derpy chuckled, seeing Dinky and her love of stories but now the memory of her and Luna meeting each other kept replaying in her head.

Until next time my friend.

Those words to her now meant so much more than what they were intended. She loved Princess Luna as a friend...and she loved her even more than a friend. This was not a fact that she couldn’t deny but this memory and telling it to her sister was bringing something that she needed.

Hope. Encouragement.

She felt earlier that no matter how many hints she had tried to give Luna, that kiss from yesterday being an obvious one, that the princess would never realize that she had feelings for her ruler and only see her as just a friend.

But now she felt something different.

She felt that maybe Luna would see it. Maybe Luna might’ve already figured it out and actually might feel the same. It was a longshot for Derpy but it was nice to hold onto. She resolved that she would continue giving her little hints to Luna and keep that hope that everything may work out in her favor...or at least until she gained the courage to profess her love to her.

“Please big sis! Just one more!” Dinky begged, “Then I promise I’ll take a bath and get cleaned up.”

Derpy set the dishes down onto the counter and looked back at the filly.

Luna will figure it out...just takes a bit of time is all.

“Okay fine Dinky. One more but then it’s the bubbles for you okay?”

Dinky nodded and situated herself for the next story.

Derpy sat back down at the table next to her sister and recalled the many memories she shared with Luna but only one thing repeated in her mind that only fueled her hopes even more.

I love Princess Luna.

And that was the truth.

“Okay Dinky, I got a good one for you. Remember that one time Luna and I went on vacation during your spring break?”

“Yeah! I was at mom’s place in Manehatten.”

Derpy recalled her memory and smiled. It seemed any memory with Luna was going to do that to this mare.

“Well this is the story of when Luna and I went in search for the Crystal Skull....”