• Published 31st Aug 2012
  • 13,628 Views, 1,318 Comments

M0re Than Gam3rs - P3RROHAMBRE

Gamer Luna and Derpy are best friends, with a love of gaming. Will it turn to something more?

  • ...

Level 17 Part 3

M0re Than Gam3rs

Level 17

Part 3

The Great and Powerful

“So she went after her sister? Why? Isn’t she the one always saying tactics and communication and all that good stuff win the game?”

The sound of bullets whizzed past Derpy, ricocheting off rock and kicking up dirt near her hooves.

“I don’t know Lyra,” Derpy said, ducking her head real quick as another bullet grazed the top of the rock she took cover behind, “But she’s definitely not herself right now. I told her to wait up for us, but I don’t think that’s gonna happen.She seems real set on taking Princess Celestia down.”

“You're damn right that’s not going to happen!” Vinyl yelled, firing her DMR in retaliation while crouching near a low rock in close proximity to Derpy, “We’re never going to be able to help her if we’re pinned here.”

Derpy Hooves had made it back to their base in search of her friends and to somehow make up a new plan of attack, but she was met with more than just friends. Three ponies from Celestia’s team had made it to their side of the map and was taking the liberty of cleaning them all out from it.

The pegasus grabbed her sniper rifle and poked her head out from the side. She could see one pony, covered in Gungnir armor, firing off his Carbine to where Lyra and Bon Bon was holding up. Her crossed eyes began to examine and analyze what would be the most efficient thing to do.

That guy is out in the open, keeping Lyra and Bon Bon busy. Vinyl is trying to kill the guy keeping them busy, but another is keeping her from doing that. The third pony is trying to shoot me, but where is he?

Her head was making a visual layout of their positions, but it was crucial that she knew where the third was. One was out in the open near the side of their base, another behind using their Ghosts for protection, and the third was unknown due to her vision being blocked by the rock she used for cover.

More bullets whizzed by her, making her jerk her head back behind the safety of her rock.

I’m not going to be able to get a good look at where this guy is. C’mon Derpy think. None of these guys has taken us down yet, so either they are just wasting bullets or they suck horn aiming.

Her mind began thinking about the weapons their enemy was using. One was using a Carbine obviously, but she started to pay attention to the sound. There was one gun that sounded like complete death and looking at where Vinyl was, she could see that this weapon was firing bullets at crazy speeds.

SAW. One is using the SAW.

That eliminated the possibility of close up combat. She didn’t think that any of them had any intention of being ripped into digital shreds by that thing. Regardless, she now knew there was one Carbine and a SAW.

She closed her eyes, trying to now just focus on the sound of the third weapon. The weapon went off quickly, but had a very different sound to it. It was definitely not a UNSC weapon. Her mind began going through a mental checklist of all Covenant and Promethean weapons. Her eyes scanned the ground near her where shots have met and didn’t notice any burns.

She crossed off Covenant weapons. So that now left Promethean, which wasn’t Derpy’s forte. The mare had only played this game last night and she couldn’t say that she knew all the Promethean weapons, considering that her favorite were UNSC. It seemed her favoritism was beginning to screw her.

“Damnit, this guy doesn't let up! How many bullets does this asshole have?!” Vinyl said in frustration, seeing that she could barely show her herself without a barrage of bullets trying to rip into her.

“Derpy, you have any ideas because one would be great right now!” Bon Bon said over the comms, also frustrated that they were all at a standstill.

Gosh, I told Luna I’m not the one to make plans. Now were going to get our flanks handed to us before we can even make up one. What do I do?

She needed another set of eyes, ones that weren’t occupied by these three ponies.

“Lyra,” Derpy said, “Is Berry awake yet? Have you snapped her out of it?”

“No she’s not even with us. She respawned in the base with Trixie. I’ve tried getting a hold of her and the answer I got was her snoring,” the unicorn said in a deadpanned tone of voice.

Derpy rolled her eyes.

She didn’t get how Berry could’ve passed out from being drunk inside a world that didn’t exist, let alone the fact that she had no cider to bring along with her. Maybe she was eternally drunk. It was a question that may never have an answer.

But that brought another idea in Derpy’s head.

It was a terrible one, but really it was better than nothing.

“Trixie? Trixie can you hear me?”

There was silence for a moment, but the magician spoke up.

“Who calls upon the Great and Powerful Trixie?” she said in her usual high and mighty tone.

Derpy sighed, knowing that the idea she had was probably going to fail due to the magician’s ego, but she had to try. Luna was alone and she wanted to help her as quickly as possible.

“Trixie, we need your help.”

“No we don’t.”

“Stop it Vinyl,” Derpy quickly said and continued on, “We need your help Trixie. We have three guys outside the base and we need to get in there. I need you to spot out somepony for me and tell me a few things.”

Derpy looked over to Vinyl, still crouching behind cover, and was simply shaking her head. Derpy turned to see Lyra and Bon, a little distance away from her position. They were both looking at each other, probably wondering why Derpy was calling upon the assistance of the egotistical mare.

“Oh, now you want the Great and Powerful Trixie’s help? You all should’ve thought about that earlier before making fun of Trixie and having her just sit.”

“C’mon Trixie,” Derpy replied, trying to hold back her own frustration of how the unicorn was acting, “Just do it please. Luna is going to need help, but we need to get in there to get a plan going and re up on ammo. If not, we might lose this.”

But Trixie was not accepting her plea.

“You would be winning if you would’ve let Trixie do what she does best, so Trixie thinks that she won’t help. Trixie thinks-”

“Buck what you think!” Vinyl interrupted, now letting her own agitation run over, “Get over yourself and help damnit! The reason we had you sit out is because you’re a bucking scrub! I don’t get how you don’t see that! And the one thing that Derpy asks you to do, you won’t do it cause you want to be a baby back bitch?!!”

“Vinyl! Stop! That’s not helping!”

“No! Screw this! I’m tired of her always acting like she is so awesome! She always acts like this when we play! Screw this, we don’t need her help! I’ll take these asshats down!”

“No Vinyl! Wait!”

But it was useless. The DJ got up and leaped over and charged.

“Oh hay! C’mon Bon Bon!” Lyra said, seeing what Vinyl was doing. The lovers broke away from their positions and rushed to help Vinyl.

Derpy quickly locked and loaded her rifle, cursing under her breath. Her friends were losing themselves to their own frustrations and she was now regretting letting Luna go alone. If she would’ve been here, they would be under control.

If they were together, they would be doing fine.

Regardless, Luna wanted to do things alone and Derpy didn’t understand how her beloved princess couldn’t see that despite how good she was, when they worked together as a team, they were unstoppable.

But they were not a team right now. Things were falling apart, and falling quickly.

Luna, I hope things are going better on your end.

And with that thought, Derpy broke from her cover and charged.


Hmm. Only two in there? Then this will be cake.

Luna turned off her Promethean Vision, as she had all the info she needed. The alicorn was crouched, hiding on a small cleft far from the side of her sister’s base. The regal had managed to make her way through Ragnarok.

Of course, this wasn’t to say that she didn’t get here with no problems at all. One pony had tried run her over with a Ghost and another tried to impale her with an energy sword.

Unfortunately, the one that drove the Ghost didn’t expect a pony to actually slide underneath the hovercraft while trying to splatter her and stick a plasma on the underside of it, and the other learned quickly not to bring a knife to a gunfight.

It wasn’t all bad though. Despite them wasting her time, she did get a nice new energy sword out of it and knew exactly who she was going to use it on.

She locked and loaded her BR, deciding it was time to go face her sister. With only two of Celestia’s teammates in the structure, Luna was more than confident that she would have little to no trouble making her way inside.

Alright Tia, get ready. I’m coming for you

Luna got up and slid down the slope of the cleft, quickly taking cover behind another boulder before continuing on. The virtual grass swayed softly as her metal covered hooves passed through it.

She kept her eyes and head on a swivel, making sure that there wasn’t any surprises as she cautiously made her way to her sister’s base. It would be unfortunate if she had come all this way to just be face rolled due to carelessness.

Despite this caution though, her mind was stuck on nothing but her sister and not what the rest of the team was doing, and consequently, how quickly the score was changing.

The alicorn came upon the base and quickly went up against the outer wall and slowly skirted about it’s surface. Her weapon was pressed tight upon her chest, and though she could use her Promethean Vision to see if the two ponies she had spotted earlier have moved or possibly somehow knew she was coming, she didn’t want to risk it.

Setting off her armor ability in close proximity to them would definitely let them know that she was here, and there was no point in doing so when there was a still a good chance she had the element of surprise right?

Just take these two out quickly and then show my sister who’s boss here.

Her radar was clear and it seemed all was in her favor as she made her first step into the base. Swiftly she pressed up against one of the inner walls and slowly scooted to the edge trying to keep as quiet as possible.

“Personally I don’t think they are true. Some of the stories I heard are just silly to me.”

“Yeah, but I mean she’s a goddess too. I wouldn’t just throw out the possibility ya know?”

Luna carefully looked over the corner of the wall to see the backs of the two ponies that seemed too engrossed in their conversation to have noticed her. Quietly, she put her weapon on her back and drew her knife attached to her chest. She wanted to make this quick and clean and not alert her sister to her presence once she had dealt with these two.

She wanted to see the look of shock on her sister's face once she got the jump on her and impaled with the energy sword she had acquired from one of her fallen teammates. It was like a dream that was close to finally being realized; a dream of Luna finally getting over her sister and her shenanigans.

“Hiding under beds? Cake fetish? Makes her own frosting with her own bodily fluids? Please, I don’t buy that for one minute. Even if it was true, the question would be why am I not part of this cake eating, bed hiding, hoof licking frosting fantasy here?” a pony in silver Air Assault armor said, with piston in hoof.

The other stallion wore dark forest green C.I.O armor, with a rocket launcher shouldered and pitch black visor.

“Even if that was all true Sketch,” Luna heard the pony in green armor say, “You’re talking as if she would want you part of that fantasy.”

“Yeah? And?”

“You wouldn’t even know how to handle a mare like her.”

Sketch simply scoffed at his teammates jest.

“You wouldn’t know what I would do to her, and even if I didn’t have a clue, I know I would do terrible and disgusting things to that piece of perfection she calls an ass.”

Luna almost felt herself vomit in her mouth hearing these two discuss her sister in such a way. Sketch didn’t know what he was wishing for, and quite frankly, she was ready to end this conversation between the two before it went any further. She didn’t want to take the chance of having to clean her own vomit from her helmet.

But she had to be quick. Once she took action and made herself known, she was sure that her sister would take notice.

Luna slowly broke from the metallic wall she had her back pressed against and began to creep behind them like some hungry timberwolf preparing to pounce upon its prey.

Rocket launcher guy first.

She crept closer, the two ponies still seemingly unaware of their impending demise.

“Like she would even let you Sketch.”

“You lack faith Theo. One day I will find her under my bed and you’re going to be nothing but peanut butter and jealous.”

“Really? You really just said that?” Theo said sarcastically, but then his head immediately turned to something along with Sketch’s which made them stand stiff.

Just a bit closer and-.

But her mind halted as she took notice of their immediate change in posture.

Oh shit!

And as soon as her mind screamed it, there she was.

A pony covered in snow white and metallic golden Fotus armor with a gigantic hammer on her back stood before the two stallions with the notorious sun mark that Luna knew all too well printed on her chest piece.Her visor gleamed of gold, but even such a beautiful visor couldn’t hide Celestia’s pale, magenta eyes from meeting Luna’s.

“Oh!” Celestia quipped, “It looks like my sister came to play.”

“What??!” the two stallions exclaimed and turned around to see their intruder.

It was in this moment that Luna had to act.

She swung her free hoof across the face of Sketch making him stagger and immediately turned her attention to Theo as he pulled out a shotgun, being mindful of what a rocket blast can do to all of them in such closed quarters.

“I got you Sketch!” he yelled as he fired the gun off, but the alicorn quickly sidestepped from the blast and stepped toward the pony, plunging the knife she held in her other hoof into his head, making him dissolve into digital pieces.

Luna turned to Theo as he recovered and came at her with his knife drawn. His hoof swung down, trying to impale her chest, but the princess stopped his attempt with her hoof and used her free one to draw the energy sword she had obtained earlier and impaled him, lifting the stallion from the floor before he followed suit of his teammate.

“Wow,” Celestia said, just standing in the same spot, seemingly amused by the spectacle Luna had just given, “ That was actually pretty cool little sister.”

Luna looked over and smirked behind her visor, keeping distance and her blade at the ready.

“If you thought that was cool, wait until I’m done with you Tia.”

Celestia laughed and drew the Gravity Hammer from her back.

“You won’t be gentle right? You know I like it rough, don’t you Luna?” the Sun Goddess said in a mocking tone.

Luna ignored her dirty comment and pointed the energy blade towards her, confident that this was it. She was going to show Celestia that this deal was hers to win as soon as it was made.

“You didn’t really think that you were going to win this bet right?”

Luna’s confidence was showing. Seeing Celestia before her and the tip of her weapon pointing at her, it gave her a sense of control and power. It felt as if she had everything under control, and no matter how many tricks Celestia had in store, she was going to come out on top.

For what reason?

For the simple fact that she knew Celestia was no seasoned gamer like her.

Celestia simply laughed at her.

“Oh little sister, I won the moment you even agreed to this.”

Luna raised her brow under her helmet.

“Oh yeah? How do you figure that? If you don’t remember, you’re a scrub compared to me.”

The Sun Goddess shouldered her hammer, standing confidently before her and began walking towards Luna.

Luna smirked.

“I hope you know just because you want to act all tough and walk towards me, it’s not going to stop me from wrecking you right?”

Overwhelming confidence and blatant cockiness consumed Luna. She readied her energy sword, ready to go for the easy kill.

Celestia continued walking towards her, her metal covered hooves clapping against the metal floor beneath the two. She seemed to not be deterred from Luna’s threat, nor cared.

It was something that Luna was going to make sure she cared about.

“Have it your way then! Get ready to get owned!” Luna cried out and lunged at her sister.

With all the power she had, she jabbed her blade forward, aiming to run it through the alicorn. She went into tunnel vision, focusing only what she was about to do and the satisfaction that would come after.

As if time itself slowed down for her in this moment, she got closer and closer to her target, Celestia seemingly too slow to react. A wide smile spread across Luna’s face, her heart pounding as hard as a drum in her chest.

But this small moment was quickly shattered.

Her body jerked and her jabbing forearm was quickly put to a halt.

“Huh?!” she blurted, her impending moment of victory quickly coming to a standstill.

She looked over to her foreleg and saw Celestia’s metal hoof gripped onto hers, holding her leg in place while she gripped her energy sword.

Celestia lowered her helmed face down to Luna’s, looking straight into Luna’s teal eyes behind her visor.

“Would you like to know why I say you lost the moment you agreed to this?”

Luna’s eyes were wide. She couldn’t comprehend how Celestia was able to stop her that quickly, and more importantly, how she was strong enough to keep her within her grasp. Her mouth simply hung open, unable to utter a single word in response.

The white alicorn chuckled, amused by her younger sister’s reaction.

“Let me tell you then.”

Her face came closer, so close that Luna could clearly see the smirk across her sister’s face.

“I own you.”

Immediately, Celestia headbutted her, cracking her visor instantly and sent her reeling back. She tried to quickly regain her footing, but she had no time to react to her sister. Celestia’s gravity hammer smashed against the ground next to her, the force of it making her body fly up, hitting the small glass pane above her.

But still, Celestia was not finished. A sound of a jetpack was heard and as Luna came down from her impact, she was lifted in midair and smashed against the glass pane with force.

It was enough force to send the alicorn through the glass and into the air. What seemed like forever, Luna landed with a sick thud onto the dirt ground next to the opposing base. Her armor cracked and her hud began flashing red, warning her of impending doom.

She looked to her side to see her energy blade a few inches from her, but then there was a click of a gun. Her eyes turned above her to see her sister with a pistol pointed at her.

“I don’t think you will be doing that Luna,” Celestia chimed, “Besides, even if you were to take me down, you’re still going to lose. It seems your infatuation with me is going to cost your team the match.

Luna’s eyes looked over to the score near the corner of her HUD.

Lunar Team: 150

Solar Team: 240

She couldn’t believe it, but the score was there. How could she have seen this coming? Of all ponies, she was going to be beat by the very one that was the worst in video games.

Or at least she thought the very worst.

Her eyes looked back up to the pistol and then up at a pony covered in white armor, bearing the cutie mark of the sun on her chest.

“Luna! We’re coming Luna!”

She heard Lyra’s voice and then she heard the others, all discussing how they could somehow stop her sister from taking the winning kill.

It was too late though and they would have to pull a miracle out of their asses to come back and win from such a deficit.

“So little sister,” she heard her beloved nemesis say as she took off her helmet and held a satisfied smile, “What was that about karma being a bitch earlier?”

Luna grit her teeth, seeing that Celestia was enjoying this and relishing that she had beaten her.

How did this bucking happen?? How did they beat us? How did she beat me?!

The gun clicked.

“And you know what this means right?”

Luna knew full well what it meant and her face turned a violent red as the image took shape in her mind, because soon it would be a reality.

“I know Tia. A deal’s a deal, so how about you stop rubbing it in and just end this so we could get on with the day.”

Celestia shrugged playfully.

“If you say so Luna...”

The alicorn closed her eyes. She couldn’t believe that she had lost. All that shit talk and confidence was dismantled by her sister and now she was going to pay for it in the form of striped socks and ass-tight panites.

“...but I can’t wait to see how sexy you’re going to look.”

There was a bang.


Derpy dove into the entrance of her team's base, bullets barely missing her and ending her virtual life. She quickly got up and turned a corner, pressing her back against the metal wall, watching to see if the trio of stallions was going to come after and end it.

But to her relief, it seemed they were content with just firing shots, letting it be known that they were outside and ready for her anytime she decided to go out.

She slumped to the floor, letting go of her sniper rifle and throwing her helmet off.

With the charge that Vinyl had led, it only helped Celestia’s team. Vinyl was wrecked over and over again along with the duo, Bon Bon and Lyra. In their frustration and anger, it seemed they thought that the best course of action was to recklessly do the same thing over and over, hoping to somehow get close to the ponies. It was just now that they realized what they had done, and they were only one death away from losing.

Thus, the team was scrambled and broken up, taking up hiding spots and discussing what to do over the comms.

But the mailmare had enough of the raging they were doing, to the point she didn’t even want to listen what Vinyl and the others had to say.

If anything, she was ready for this game to be over. This was not like them, nor like Luna, to play like this.

To put it bluntly, they played like assclowns.

“Getting owned out there huh? Trixie didn’t expect less.”

Derpy looked over to her side to see Trixie, in her blue Master Chief armor sitting against one of the walls, seemingly playing with her pistol.

“No thanks to you,” Derpy retorted, not wanting to hear Trixie’s insults, “You won’t even help when you’re needed.”

Trixie simply waved her hoof at the mare.

“Last time Trixie checked, her help wasn’t needed.”

Derpy face hoofed herself, trying to keep calm and restrain herself from wrangling the unicorn. Nothing was working out for them, and she didn’t see any solution on how she was going to make this comeback happen without Luna’s help.

But frustration took hold and instead of letting Trixie’s jab go, Derpy continued.

“What’s wrong with you Trixie??” she asked firmly.

Trixie looked over to her, meeting her golden eyes.

“There’s nothing wrong with Trixie, Trixie is absolutely-”she said in her usual high and mighty tone, but Derpy quickly shut that shit down.

“Shut up!” Derpy yelled, now standing up, “Every game we play, you always gotta act like you’re the best, or at least claim to be, and give the rest of us a hard time! I’m sick of it! And now when we actually need you to help, to help us possibly win, you want to be stuck up! I don’t bucking get it!”

Trixie’s eyes were wide in surprise, seeing a side of Derpy that she had never seen before.

“Always complaining and whining, putting all of us down, it needs to stop! This is why no pony wants to play with you! This is why we don’t trust you anything!”

Anger billowed over the usual, sweet mailmare, making her say the first things that came to mind, and Trixie could only watch in shocked silence.

“Everything always has to be about you! The Great and Powerful Trixie! The Great and Powerful my rump! You’re a scrub! You’ve always been one! And what’s with this obsession with Twilight huh?! Trying to prove you’re better than her?! Guess what, she is ten times better than you in everything! Everpony is better than yo-”

But Derpy immediately stopped, taking notice of the mare before her.

Tears were flowing down the unicorn’s cheeks, her lower lip trembling hearing Derpy’s words. They were like the sharpest of swords that pierced into Trixie and it wasn’t long before the magician began crying out loud.

Oh no…

Derpy’s heart fell into her stomach, realizing that she had hurt Trixie, to the point of tears. Guilt quickly replaced frustration and anger, and she knew she had done wrong, but there was no taking back of words.

“I’m sorry!” she wailed, wiping her tears as more came down, “Trixie knows she’s been a bad friend!”

Derpy didn’t move, not knowing what to do or fix what she had done and simply stood in silence.

“Trixie knows she’s bad at games! She’s not good like everypony else!” she cried, “I just want everyone to like me! Trixie sees all of you being awesome and Trixie wants to be awesome too!”

Derpy’s heart fell even lower hearing Trixie’s tearful confession.

“T..Trixie,” Derpy uttered, but the magician continued.

I’m so sorry Derpy! I know I’m not great! I never will be! I just want you guys to like me! I’m a fraud, a loser, a piece of shit!”

The blonde mare couldn’t bear seeing that she had broken down the magician so low and went over to her, kneeling down and gently brought her in for a hug.

“I’m sorry Trixie,” Derpy said sincerely and with remorse, “I didn’t mean any of that, I was just...upset...with how this game is going.”

Trixie gripped onto Derpy, crying into her metal chest.

“I’m sorry, I’m sorry, I’m sorry, I don’t want you guys to hate me! You’re the only ones who even talk to me!” Trixie cried.

Derpy had not realized or really given thought to why Trixie acted the way she did, until now. She remembered how Trixie was humiliated by Twilight in Ponyville, and she could only imagine what else happened to her after word got out that she was a phony.

She was probably made fun of, laughed at…

And the mailmare knew that feeling all too well.

“Trixie,” Derpy said.

The magician looked up, her eyes soaked from crying.

“None of us hate you. I don’t hate you. I’m sorry for saying all that, really. And you are a good friend, just it’s hard to deal with you when you are trying to act like you’re better than everypony else. It gets...frustrating.”

Trixie simply looked down.

“I know.”

Derpy took her hoof and lifted Trixe’s face by her chin to look up at her again and smiled.

“But believe me Trixie, you are great and powerful, you just need to be a bit more,” Derpy said, taking a moment to think of the right words to say, “Humble. But no matter how this goes after, I’ll always be your friend, okay?”

Trixie weakly smiled hearing her promise.

“Tr...Trixie would like that,” she said, wiping her tears away and taking comfort in her friends embrace.

“Luna’s down! Celestia has her pinned down! We’re screwed!”

Both mare’s attention quickly diverted to Derpy’s helmet, hearing Vinyl over the comms. Derpy got up and listened closely as Lyra began speaking.

“We can’t get to her! Two of them have mechs and she’s over at their base! If we go out to get her we are done for!”

“We’re done for anyways if we don’t!” Derpy heard Bon Bon say.

Dangit. We are finished.

Derpy sat down and conformed to defeat, looking over to Trixie.

“Well I think that’s it, “Derpy said with a laugh, “This game is over.”

She sighed and closed her eyes, knowing that this wasn’t the best they had, but she was now glad at least that this would be over, and perhaps could try to forget such a crushing defeat.

“It’s not over yet.”

Derpy eyes opened to see Trixie getting up and picking up her assault rifle.

“The game’s not over yet,” the unicorn said, now picking up Derpy’s sniper rifle and handing it to her, “We can still win.”

Derpy’s crossed eyes went straight for a moment, not knowing how Trixie was thinking they could win.

“Um, Trixie, they are one score away from winning and I don’t know if you heard-”

“Trixie heard, and Trixie doesn’t care. The game is not over.”

Derpy slowly grabbed her sniper, but still didn’t see any possible way of winning, despite what Trixie was saying.

“Trixie, we got three guys out there ready to shred us, even if we tried, we wouldn’t get a hoof out the door. That and two of them have mechs, so trying to cross the map would be kind of not a good idea either.”

Trixie looked out to the open entrance. She could hear the enemy players laughing and talking outside as they took random shots at the entrance.

“Could you protect Trixie?” the mare asked.

Derpy was confused on where she was going with this, but decided to at least humor the situation.

She looked at her rifle and looked at the unicorn.

“I have one bullet . I don’t think that will be enough to do anything. Where are you going with this?”

Trixie smiled at her, and went over to grab her helmet and readied her assault rifle.

“Trixie has a plan to save Princess Luna and keep this game going.”

Derpy didn’t believe what she was hearing, and not the fact that it was Trixie saying she had a plan, but that she didn’t see any plan that could work.

The mailmare stood up, confused on what Trixe had planned.

“Okay, even though I was a bit mean earlier, and no offense, but the part about you kinda not being good in games was kinda true.”

Trixie looked over to her, her helmet in hoof and smiled.

“Trixie knows, but Trixie does not plan to fight. I know I’m not good at these type of games Derpy,” she admitted, putting her helmet on her head, “But there is one game I know I’m good at.”

Derpy raised her brow.

“What’s that?”

Trixie smiled behind her dark blue visor.

“Mario Kart.”


Comments ( 48 )

*spits out drink*
An update!?

*disengage waiting mode* *engage watching KOTH mode*

replace the m with www

Yay! Update!

Win Molly, win! We WANT to see Luna and Derpy all dolled up!

Ah. Its been so long. But the game is back on and kicking royal flank continues

...Mario Kart?

...oh my god, there's a vehicle back there, isn't there? Talk about from behind victory. You wouldn't build that up this much if it wasn't going to be a win for Trixie.

Great chapter, but I have completely forgotten what was going on up to this point. Like, I didn't remember Celestia was into princest for this fic, haha. I'll need to go back a few chapters for some proper context.

Finally , the wait is over :twilightsmile:

6116754 My thoughts exactly \o/

Man, I can't wait to see the end of this battle next year!

Please don't actually do that though.

Well, good to see an update! Hope things are well!

Mother of God, I thought this was dead. I had no idea how much I missed this story until just now.

I forgot how much of a bitch Celestia was in this story. Hope she gets her comeuppance.

no your not giving celetia a win cause celestia, she doesn't have the skill to win this and there is no way she is walking away from this with a win.

You missed an opportunity by not calling it Mare-io Cart.


More so I saw the oppurtunity, looked at it, and waved goodbye at it. Using things like that or "some pony" makes me cringe to a high level

YEEES!!!! :D UPPPDDDAAAATTEE!!!!:raritystarry::twilightsmile::pinkiehappy:

I definitely didnt expect to see this in my inbox today.


Seems to be the reaction to this for most

This was certainly a pleasant surprise to find on my day off from work.

*Somewhere in the realms outside of FiMfic, a unicorn had spent his time in the past year trying to earn a degree, help run an RP site, and generally spend his days playing LoL and some emulators for fun. And then, one day, he looked at his inbox...*

Holy balls!! It's moving on again!? Talk about a pleasant surprise! You can bet I'm still giving this story my attention. :pinkiehappy:

the line: Mario Kart.
my reaction: :rainbowderp:,:pinkiegasp:,it's not over:pinkiehappy:

Celestia in this story can be summed up in this video.

Also I want a Bag o' muffins. :derpytongue2:

But tell me, does Trixie press LT when driving? That's the true question.

Im really sorry, but you made me hate Celestia sonmich that it made it imposible to read. Goodbye.



The one think that I care about the most in this entire universe is this fic. Everything you've done with it has blown m mind.

I took a break from reading all Fanfiction so I would have plenty fanfictions to read when I returned. However, when I re-entered this wondrous world, I found that all I actually cared about was this. one. Fanfiction.
Also I read this on my Birthday.
For some reason this fic pops up around my birthday a lot.
So... Yeah. Probably actually legit the best birthday present I've ever gotten. I hope this never ends.

6298730 What part of you thinks anyone here is in "their right mind"?
I do wish there was more though...

Honestly given that Luna's team went from controllers to full VR with literally no warning, I'm surprised they're doing as well as they are.

4838774 when will you update this story

6628113 thought the same thing but you get into the story after you read like the first 4 chapters

Some day. Some day this story will be updated and finished. And I shall wait for that day no matter how long it takes. Also, hard to believe it has almost been 4 years since I first read this story. It was a random find but I read the first chapter and was hooked immediately because of the humor, what the story was about, and the characters that were chosen. Perro i hope you are able to someday finish this story. Until I and hundreds of others shall wait! :pinkiehappy:

But there is one game I know I’m good at. Mario Kart.

Somehow I get the feeling that Trixie is about to go Carmageddon on the other team... :pinkiecrazy:

When, when will it update? That's it, Cortana, yeah Imma Master Chief this and freeze myself, wake me up when this updates.

He was never seen from again.......

After 3 long years, where I completely forgot about this website, this story received 2 more chapters.
I'm surprised.

You know. I don’t really know if you’ll ever finish this story. Or if you even know how you’re going to end it. All I know is that, this has been a crazy ass ride. And I am glad to have read this wonderfully hilarious story that you crafted. I hope that you finish this and hope that you are doing well man.

You know cadence is the alicorn of love, right? So then why Tia? They’re sisters yes, but Tia is the alicorn of the sun and day, not love.

....... Seriously!!! I read through this entire story for the first time and that's where it ends?!? This story has to continue, I have to know what happened. How does Mario kart play in the Halo?!? :flutterrage:

Comment posted by Jog deleted Jul 20th, 2020
Comment posted by Jog deleted Feb 12th, 2023
Comment posted by Jog deleted Feb 12th, 2023
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