• Published 31st Aug 2012
  • 13,628 Views, 1,318 Comments

M0re Than Gam3rs - P3RROHAMBRE

Gamer Luna and Derpy are best friends, with a love of gaming. Will it turn to something more?

  • ...

Level 15 Part 1

M0re Than Gam3rs

Level 15

A Derped Love

Part 1

Later that night, residence of Bon Bon and Lyra...

This was a bad idea. How am I going to talk about this when I don’t even know what to say!?

Luna bit her lower lip as she tried to calm her rampant thoughts of doubt. She knew she needed to do this and that Lyra and Bon Bon would know much more than she about the subject of love, considering that they both were in love with each other. Regardless, she couldn’t help it. Never in her immortal life had she actually had to have such a talk about something like this.

At least they’re taking their time in there... hate for them to see how nervous I am right now.

The alicorn was alone, fortunately for her, as Bon Bon and Lyra were in the kitchen setting up some snack and drinks that they all could enjoy while they had their ‘small discussion’, as Lyra put it.

But this was far from small for Luna. She would actually rather deal with her sister’s antics or even fight Discord again over having this talk.

Look, just don’t think about it. Just...just look at stuff or something. Just try and relax.

Luna took a deep breath and tried to do just that, now doing her best to keep her thoughts silent. She looked around the living room she sat in and took in the scenery, trying to get her mind off of her current situation.

There was a large glass table that sat in front of her with a small red candle in the middle of it that Lyra had taken the liberty of lighting earlier. It had a pleasant smell of cherry and maybe a hint of strawberry. Luna wasn’t sure, but it was pleasing nonetheless.

The regal now brought her attention over to the large, flat screen television that stood proudly on a black table, along with an Xbox, PS3, and Nintendo 64. Controllers and gaming accessories were placed neatly atop the black table next to their respective consoles and Luna could only admire how organized the two were.

Wonder what games they have.

Luna looked around the living room for any type of shelf or holder of some sort but didn’t find any, but instead her eyes now began to wander over to the numerous pictures that were hung on the walls.

Pictures of the two mares were aplenty and Luna couldn’t hold back a small smile. There was a picture with Lyra making a funny face while Bon Bon did the same. Another picture showed Lyra with some type of clothing, making Luna blush a bit. She noticed that the musical mare was wearing white panties with her legs spread out a bit, but what was unknown to the alicorn was the article of clothing that Lyra was holding in her hoof. It had what looked like two bulbs that were next to each other with straps on each side.

Is that...is that for her chest or something? Luna wondered as she narrowed her eyes a bit.

She studied the item a bit more but nothing came to her mind. She was at a complete loss for it, but it seemed she wasn’t the only one. Luna took notice of Bon Bon in the same picture, who was holding her head in what looked like dismay. Luna didn’t know if it was because of the questionable clothing or the rather...suggestive.... position that Lyra was in.

Gosh, looks like something my sister would do.

Luna looked over a few more pictures, some making her laugh a bit, and others that made her smile and feel happy for the two. It was obvious to Luna that these two loved each other and they had no problem showing it to others that entered their humble home.

That could be you Luna. Those pictures...that could be you and Derpy...if you let it.

“Oh no...please not now,” Luna whispered to herself, bringing her hoof and her attention to her head.

Why are you even here Luna? You already know the answer to your question. Why not just go to Derpy and tell her?

“Can you just go away or something? This is not the time for you...or me...or whatever you are to be talking,” Luna said quietly to her own little voice.

I’m just telling you what you already know. You’re making this so much more complicated than it already is. Just admit that you-

“I don’t know!” Luna exclaimed in a somewhat hushed tone, “That’s why I’m here. I’m going to get this figured out once and for all okay?”


“What’s funny?” Luna asked her mind, forgetting that Lyra and Bon Bon could walk up on her any moment and see her talking to herself.

Before when I told you that you loved Derpy, you would say no and that you didn’t. Now, here you are, saying that you’re not sure anymore. It’s funny Luna.

Luna grimaced. Her pesky voice had a point. Before she would downright say that there was no way she could be in love with her best friend and leave it at that. Now here she was, asking for the help, or rather being offered the help, of two other friends to help decide if she really was in love with Derpy. Was she really this desperate? Was she really that lost within in her own feelings and thoughts about Derpy that she went from being one hundred and ten percent sure to not even knowing what she felt?

So what will you do Luna? What if they say that you are in love with her? Then what? Will you deny it like you have been this whole time or will you accept it and tell-

“I don’t know!” Luna yelled, jumping onto all four hooves, “I just don’t know okay?! Now shut up and get out of my head!”


Luna spun her head around and saw Bon Bon and Lyra poking their heads out of the door of the kitchen with expressions of confusion.

“Hey, you okay? We heard you yelling about something,” Lyra said, making Luna blush violently out of embarrassment.

Great...they catch me almost grabbing Derpy’s ass and now this. Bucking great Luna.

“Uh yes, I’m fine...errr,” she paused, trying to think of some good reason why she was yelling...at herself.

But it wouldn’t be needed.

“Okay then,” Bon Bon said with a smile, “Well, give us just a few more seconds and we will be right out with the snacks and drinks.”

“Uhh, right, yeah. I’ll just be right here...” Luna answered nervously, her face still red with embarrassment as she took her seat on the couch once again.

The two mares disappeared back into the kitchen and Luna began to scorn herself for making herself look weird...again.

Within a few moments, Lyra and Bon Bon came walking out of the kitchen and into the living room with their food. A large silver tray surrounded in a light, bluish aura, floated in the air and was gently set down on the glass table.

“Sorry we took a bit princess. We didn’t know what you liked to snack on so we just put a few things together, if that’s okay,” Bon Bon said with a cheesy smile as Lyra placed the tray with her magic.

Luna inspected the goods. A giant bowl sat on the try with a variety of snacks mixed in it. There were cheesy Doritos lining the inside of the dish in a circle and in the middle of the chips was a center filled with candies that ranged from chocolate to gummy changeling candies. It was enough to make one with a sweet tooth go nuts from such sugary goodness.

“Wow, this looks really good,” Luna complimented.

“See, I told you that she would like it. All that stress for nothing,” Lyra laughed at Bon Bon, making the cream colored mare shoot a look of ‘whatever’ at her.

“Oh, I didn’t mean to stress you out about something like this Bon Bon,” Luna now said, feeling a bit bad that she had unwittingly put a burden on the mare.

Bon Bon looked over to her with a gentle smile.

“Oh no! It’s no problem at all, it’s just I always try to provide for our guests as well as I can. I do it to myself so don’t worry about it princess.”

“Okay, well we're not here to talk about how to provide hospitality and stuff Bon Bon. Princess Luna needs our help with Derpy.”

Oh shit...here we go.

Luna dropped her head a little and felt her stomach turn into butterflies and her throat choke up a bit. She knew she needed this and she repeated how important it was that she did, but the anxiety was not something she could control. She hated having this feeling and wished that maybe she could prolong this simple discussion somehow. There was even a quick thought about possibly taking a different day to talk about all this.

Luna knew though that it had to be done here and now or it would never happen, and these confusing feelings towards Derpy would continue to plague her and cause her to do something to the innocent mare that she might regret.

She watched as Lyra made two chairs appear with her magic and they both took their seats on the other side of the glass table, now making it look like it was some type of intervention or something.

Okay...just keep calm. They’re here to help. They’re my friends and they just want to help me make sense of all this...

Her breathing quickened and she started to notice that she was trembling a bit.

Relax damnit! We’re just talking about Derpy...just her.

“So princess,” Lyra began, making Luna shoot her head straight up in attention, “Are you sure you want to talk about this? Bon Bon and I here know that it can be a little nerve-wracking to talk to your friends about something like this, so we don’t want you to feel like we’re forcing you or anything. When I had the hots for Bon Bon here, I almost shat myself trying to explain how I felt to one of my friends.”

No! No I don’t want to talk about this! I just want these damn feelings and stuff to go away!

“No...I mean, I am a bit nervous,” Luna admitted as her mind screamed and wailed to her about how she didn’t want to do this now, “But I need to talk about this.”

Lyra nodded and looked over to Bon Bon, signaling her to begin the discussion.

“We understand. Now, if there is something we ask that you don’t want to answer, then all you have to do is tell us that you would rather not talk about it and we won’t push it, okay?”

Luna simply nodded as she bit down on her tongue, trying to somehow quell this nervousness within her.

“So when did you start having the hots for Derpy?” Lyra asked as she took a chip and began munching on it.

Luna swallowed hard and quickly took a piece of candy from the bowl, gobbling it down in a hurry.

“Last week, after our sleepover,” Luna answered.

“You mean those gaming sleepovers you two have?” Bon Bon now asked with curiosity.

Luna nodded quickly.

“Yeah, Derpy comes over to the castle every Saturday and stays the night. I call it the Royal Pwnage of Noobs Nights and all we do is just play online and stuff.”

“And stuff?” Lyra added in.

Luna looked at the unicorn for a moment, trying to see what she meant by it but then quickly understood what she was implying.

“I mean as in like talking and hanging out, Lyra,” Luna said firmly, making it clear that none of that was happening between her and Derpy.

Lyra gave a sly smirk.

“Well, you're doing much better than I did whenever I had sleepovers with Octavia.”

“Oh gosh, please Lyra, let’s not get into those stories. We’re here to listen to the princess, not the other way around,” Bon Bon said with dismay as she held her head with her hoof.

Lyra simply shrugged and whispered over to Luna.

“She can be a bit uptight at times, don’t mind her.”

That was more obvious to Luna. In fact, this was obvious to anypony that really knew these two lovers. Bon Bon was known as the more ‘down to Equestria’ pony while Lyra was seen more as the open pony...perhaps a little too open. Now she wasn’t near the level of her sister, and not nearly as crude as a certain DJ they all knew, but she definitely had her moments.

“Okay, so anyways,” Bon Bon continued as her marefriend chuckled a bit at her, “Did something happen during the sleepover from last week to maybe see her differently?”

“You know, like a kiss or make-out? Maybe 69?” Lyra added with a raised eyebrows and a smile.

“Stop it Lyra,” Bon Bon snapped at her.

Luna looked away for a moment as she thought about what she was going to say. She recalled how they both decided to sleep together, as friends of course, and how it ended up with Derpy snuggled muzzle-first into her chest.

How could she have forgotten? How could she forget the warm feeling she had in her chest when she felt the small mare against her, snuggled into her embrace? How could she forget how her heart seemed to beam inside when she was holding her, as if she wanted Derpy close to her?

That was the problem though. Luna wanted to forget and just be normal again. She wanted release from these wonderful feelings, for they were the cause of her abnormal actions. The clopping, the urge to grab the mare’s bottom, and the kiss she wanted to give her back when Derpy had to leave the next day. She wanted them all gone before they somehow overwhelmed her and possibly cost her her friendship with the mailmare.

“Well...we were both a bit tired from gaming and decided to go to sleep but..” Luna paused as the memory began to replay in her head.

“How about we both sleep on the bed? I mean unless you don’t want to, that’s fine..I..just...um...didn’t want you to sleep on the floor while I slept in your bed.”

“Princess Luna?” both mares asked, noticing that Luna had stopped.

Luna quickly brought herself to her senses and quickly continued, trying to ward off any suspicion that she was losing herself within her own mind.

“Sorry...anyways, we were both tired and so we decided to go to bed. I was going to sleep in my sleeping bag and have Derpy sleep in my bed. You know, since she was my guest and we always did that, but then she suggested that-”

“That you sleep in your bed together right?” Bon Bon interrupted, making Luna look straight at her with sudden shock and confusion.

Lyra immediately turned to her marefriend and shot a look of ‘WTF’.

“Yeah...she did say that but...how did you know that Bon Bon?” Luna asked, boggled by how Bon Bon could know such a detail.

Bon Bon’s eyes darted over to Lyra and back at Luna as small beads of sweat began to form over her forehead.

“Hey, uhhh, how about you get us some drinks Bon Bon, yeah?” Lyra said hastily, now seeming even more nervous than Bon Bon.

“Errr, yeah! Yeah, I’ll get some drinks for all of this. Be right back!” Bon Bon said loudly and quickly trotted into the kitchen.

Luna looked over to Lyra who now stared back at her with deadly focus.

“Uhhh, how did she know that?”

“Who? You mean Bon Bon?” Lyra said with a cheesy smile.

Luna slowly nodded her head, trying to figure out how the mare knew that.

“Well yeah. I didn’t tell anypony what happened that night, unless Derpy told you.”

That had to be the only way. Derpy had to have said something about that night for Bon Bon to know such a thing.

“Derpy? Nah, she doesn't tell us nothing about those nights you two have. I mean, Bon Bon is a pretty smart girl so she probably just figured it is all.”

Luna didn’t know how smart Bon Bon was, nor that she was saying that she was stupid either, but that was almost too dead on for it to be a coincidence.

Something isn’t right here...that was more than a lucky guess.

“So, uhhh, right, let’s get back to you now princess. You said that’s when you think it started; the weird feelings and stuff?” Lyra said, seemingly trying to prevent anymore questions about that earlier moment.

Maybe I’m just overthinking. I guess anypony could’ve guessed that...still...

The regal let her earlier thought go but was now a little concerned why these two had suddenly gotten so nervous. Regardless, she continued on, as she still kept in mind of why she was here.

“Yeah. That’s when it all started.”

“Well, could you explain the feelings you were having.”

Luna didn’t know how to really explain her feelings from that point. They were too confusing for her and she didn’t know what words were adequate to explain such emotions.

“Um, I really don’t know how to explain them, just that they made me feel real...warm...and good.”

That’s the best I come up with?! I sound like a complete foal!

“What about thoughts?” Lyra asked, now a bit more calm.

Luna didn’t want to say. Her thoughts was not something she wanted to disclose with somepony, afraid that if she revealed them, she would be viewed as some type of freak or sick abomination. She didn’t want to have to explain the numerous fantasies that she had about Derpy, especially about the things that happened in them.

I don’t have to tell her all that.

“Well...they’re not like bad thoughts about her or anything...just a bit...”



Lyra eyed her for a moment before taking a chip and popping it into her mouth. Luna didn’t want to look Lyra in the eyes and possibly risk being figured out about what exactly these thoughts and fantasies were.

“You have sexual fantasies about her, don’t you?” Lyra asked with no shame apparent in her voice.

Just say no...just say-

Luna nodded her head, keeping her eyes now to the ground. She felt shameful and she believed that she should be scorned for having such lustful thoughts of the grey mare. This was not befitting for one such as her. She had no interest in sex and even convinced herself that the act was even disgusting.

Yet, seeing it happen with Derpy seemed the very contrary. It didn’t sound disgusting or revolting, but blissful and beautiful. It seemed like almost a paradise that she wanted to experience.

“Hmmm,” Luna heard Lyra muse and looked up to see the mare rubbing her chin with her hoof.

“I’m sorry Lyra,” Luna said in a panicked tone, fearing that she had just screwed up somehow, “I know it’s wrong to have thoughts like that and I’m trying to get rid of them and stuff but-”


Luna ceased her panicked rambling.

“There’s nothing wrong with what you feel and your fantasies. I’m just wondering why you would want to get rid of them?”

Why not? Was this not the very reason she was here? To be rid of her sinful thoughts and desires for Derpy?

“Because now I can’t do anything without somehow thinking of Derpy. You saw what happened earlier,” Luna said, now becoming slightly annoyed with Lyra’s question, “I can’t even look at her without wanting to put my hooves all over her.”

Lyra simply chuckled at her and playfully rolled her eyes.

“Hey, it’s fine princess. Nothing wrong with wanting to get a little action from a pony you like.”

“But that’s it!” Luna exclaimed, trying to get her point across, “I don’t want any action with my best friend like that! This is why I’m talking to you about it. I need to know how to get rid of these damn feelings!”

That’s all she wanted. Luna didn’t know of love or even the feeling of wanting somepony in an intimate way. These were feelings she wanted purged from her being and it annoyed the regal that Lyra saw nothing wrong with this.

The unicorn simply shook her head with a smile.

“You can’t make them go away princess. What you’re feeling is not something that can just be turned off and forgotten.”

Luna grimaced inside as she heard that answer. That was exactly what she was hoping to try and do, but it now brought the question that she needed answered. The question that she needed answered once and for all.

“What am I feeling then?”

Lyra grinned and lifted herself from her chair, putting her hoof on Luna’s shoulder.

“You’re in love Luna. You’re in love with Derpy.”

Luna stared at Lyra with a blank look on her face but the words resonated in her head. Her heart pounded against her chest and her body began to feel...good.

I’m in love with Derpy...

“But...but how can you be so sure?” Luna now asked, letting her doubt resurface within her.

The words sounded nice...well...more than nice, but the alicorn didn’t understand how Lyra could come to such a conclusion so quickly.

“Well, not to blow my own horn or anything, but I know when a mare digs a pony and based on what you told me and how you feel when you think and see Derpy, I think it’s safe to say that you are head over hoof for her.”

“But how? Why now? If I’m in love with her as you say, why didn’t I feel like this when I met her?”

Luna didn’t understand such a concept. She thought love was some type of instant feeling that happened when you met somepony. Not that she would know from experience or anything, but that’s at least what movies and books have told her.

“You’ve been watching too many romance movies, huh?” Lyra laughed, “That whole ‘love at first sight’ thing is complete BS. It takes time for a pony to really know and love another.”

The alicorn pondered this for a moment. Her and Derpy had been friends for awhile and it was safe to assume that they knew each other pretty well. She knew that Derpy would do anything for her without question, even to the point of giving up gaming if she had to. But was that really because she had a romantic love for her, or was that because Derpy was simply her best friend?

“How about I ask you this,” Lyra began, now taking a seat beside Luna, “ If Derpy came up to you right now and just planted a kiss on you and told you that she loved you, what would you do?”

The alicorn’s heart froze as her mind imagined such a scene.

She could visualize herself alone with the mailmare and looking into those big, gold derped eyes. Her inner eye could see the mare’s face come close to hers, close enough to the point that she could feel her hot breath brush against her lips.

“I need to tell you something Luna. Something that I been wanting to say for awhile now,” Derpy said in a gentle voice.

Luna’s cheeks felt hot and her body tingled from having Derpy so close to her.

“Y-yes Derpy?” Luna replied warily.

Derpy smiled sheepishly but didn’t take her gaze off the alicorn.

“You and I have been friends for awhile now Luna, and I enjoy being your friend. I like playing games with you and just...well...being around you...a lot.”

“As do I, but I don’t see what you’re trying to tell me.”

Derpy chuckled a bit and her cheeks turned to a slight shade of crimson.

“Maybe it’s better that I...show you.”

Without hesitation and with force and determination, she felt a pair of grey lips meet hers. Luna’s eyes shot open for a moment but her shock was short lived. Without even realizing it, Luna closed her eyes and kissed this wonderful pony back. She brought her foreleg around Derpy and brought her into her embrace until they were chest to chest, indulging in each other.


Derpy pulled away and looked into Luna’s teal eyes. The regal did the same and looked back at her. They both breathed hard and their faces shared a violent hue of pleasurable red.

“D-Derpy?” Luna stuttered, her mind still lost in bliss and euphoric pleasure.

Derpy smiled gently and brought her hoof up to Luna’s face, gently caressing her dark cheek.

“I love you Princess Luna.”

“Princess Luna?”

“I...” but she couldn’t finish her sentence. Luna felt her throat choke up and she felt something well up inside her. It made her heart beat vigorously and made her very body tremble. It was such an intense feeling that she didn’t know how to describe it. She felt happy but it was something more that just that. She felt...joy.

“Do you feel the same about me?” Derpy asked her, still holding that loving smile on her face

Luna put her silver hoof up and ran it through Derpy’s blonde mane, not once taking her eyes off the mare.

She knew her answer.

“I love you too...”

“Uhhhh, princess?”

Princess Luna snapped out of her imagination and realized what she was doing. Lyra was staring at her with a coy smile and the regal noticed how close she was now. Her foreleg was wrapped around the unicorn and her face was dangerously close.

“Did I...?” Luna said, now fearing that she had just played out her imaginary scene.

“Um...well...” Lyra nervously laughed, “You tried to kiss me but I, uh, kind of deflected it with a pillow.”

Luna’s face completely flushed and she quickly scooted away from Lyra.

“Oh my gosh,” Luna said, covering her face with her hooves, “I’m so sorry Lyra...I didn’t mean to...I just...”

She felt her body go cold and her mind went into a panic.

“Hey, uh, it’s okay. I know you weren’t actually trying to do that. You just got a bit...carried away,” Lyra said, trying to reassure her ruler, but it was of no use and the regal continued her panicked apologies.

“I didn’t mean to Lyra, I swear! It’s just that I get these images in my head and then I forget where I’m at then-”

Lyra gently placed her hoof over Luna’s mouth with a wide smile.

“It’s alright, but do you now see it? You really are in love with Derpy.”

Wait...I said that I loved her?

Luna’s panic and worry instantly left her mind as this realization set in. She did as Lyra instructed, and imagined Derpy kissing her and telling her that she loved her and in turn, she replied with an answer of love back.

“I-I do love her,” Luna whispered to herself.

“And now you have to accept it Luna,” Lyra said in a firm but gentle tone, “You’ve been denying your love for her and this is why your feelings and thoughts are screwing with you. It’s eating you up inside because you’re trying to lie to yourself and say that you’re not in love with her.”

This was the answer.

Luna knew, and even felt, that what Lyra was saying was the truth. It was as if this unicorn could see right through her and tell her the words that needed to be said. This whole time she had been trying to tell herself that she wasn’t in love with her best friend, and tried to bury it in a lie of denial. It wasn’t her feelings that were causing all this trouble within her, but her own ignorance and unwillingness to accept what they were.

But she knew now.

Princess Luna was in love with Derpy Hooves.

“You’re right.This whole time I’ve been trying to get rid of my feelings for her but I’ve only been making it worse. I...”

She paused for a moment and took a deep breath, closing her teal eyes.

Do you love her Luna? Can you finally accept your feelings and embrace them? Can you accept that you want Derpy more than just a simple friend?

Luna smiled and lifted her head, and with confidence, answered her own small voice with her answer.


“I love her and I accept that,” Luna declared to Lyra happily.

“Happy to hear that,” Lyra answered as she got up from the couch and made her way to the kitchen door, “Now just gimme a quick moment so I can check on what’s going on with Bon Bon...”

Luna smiled. The constant worry and fret about keeping her feelings in check now seemed to have dissipated and was replaced by a small joy that made her heart beam. That warm and fuzzy feeling that she had tried to explain earlier now filled her body and she couldn’t help but chuckle a bit.

This was the solution the whole time? To just accept my feelings for her?

The regal felt stupid but yet happy that she now knew that it wasn’t wrong to have feelings and thoughts for a friend the way she did.

It was simply because she loved her more than a friend. This is what love was...and Luna accepted it with the help of her friend.

“Lyra wait,” Luna said, getting up from the couch and turning to the unicorn, now wanting to say something before the mare went to check on her lover.

Lyra had her hoof on the door and turned to meet Luna’s gaze.

“Yeah princess?”

“Thank you.”

Lyra smiled in response.

“It’s no problem Luna, but I don’t think you should thank me just yet.”

Luna raised her brow, a bit thrown off by this. She now knew that she loved Derpy and wanted her as more than a friend. Was this not good? Was this not Lyra’s goal when they were speaking?

“Uhhh, what do you mean? I know that I love Derpy now...sooo...what else is there?”

Lyra opened the kitchen door and looked back at Luna with a sympathetic smile.

“The hard part.”

“The hard part? What hard part?” Luna asked, completely lost at what more had to be discussed.

Lyra shook her head and gave her answer, and her reply was one that turned that warm, fuzzy feeling inside of Luna into a cold, almost grave one.

“Telling Derpy.”

Author's Note:

Thanks to the fappalicious 1337Pony for editing this. He is now crowned king of Clop-land.